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For a man made sign is taking hold. On malcolm lab on south sea dawn, florida with see don. Wedding un says super close the Worlds Largest displacement crisis and the nation and crisis arm gains room, the streets of haitis, capital vine for control in a governments power back to the we begin in central gaza and thats where it is really attack on a family home near a refugee camp has killed at least 36 people. Most of the victims were women and children, that an injured had been taken to an upstart hospital. Is really forces have killed nearly 31500 palestinians and a 161 days before destroying much of the gaza strip as in gaza city and is really air strive destroyed as 7 Story Building and the upscale under the mountain neighborhood. Thousands of people are believed to be trapped under the rubble. Survivors say at least 7 displaced. Families were sheltering in the building at the time. Rescue workers in northern gaza. How little to no equipment to full people from the ruins and hospitals past few supplies to treat the injured because of israels was frictions on aid. While the latest attacks come as the u. N. And several countries of voice concern about the is really government approval of plans for a Ground Invasion of what i saw in southern gas um, around one and a half 1000000 displays. Palestinians are seeking shelter there. Meanwhile, and is really delegation. Will visit the categories to continue negotiations for the release of captives held in gaza. But the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dismissed the latest ceasefire due proposed by him us. So as youre hearing the United Nations has warned against any is really military offensive ins alpha stuff on it deserves stuff. The spokesman for the un secretary general says that hes hopeful that the ongoing negotiations will lead to a last thing ceasefire. I think the consequences of a ground operation in rough in the current circumstances will be catastrophic of for the people of gaza. For the palestinians. It will be catastrophic for the humanitarian situation. It would be catastrophic all around. We very much hope that all of this can be avoided. We understand theres negotiations are still going on. And we continue to hope that we will find that the parties will find a way to a cease fire into ensure the greatest humanitarian access to ensure the release of all the hostages held by hamas and others in gaza. And frankly, to open up a way forward for the people of palestine, the people of israel, full time minnesota to yahoo has described the latest time us proposal to end the war as ridiculous. And the groupons of 3 states cease fire each stage would last 42. 00 days. And the 1st is really truth would withdraw beyond so long dean road. Thats the main road linking the north and south of the stripped the group says that would allow displace palestinians to return home amounts. Once a permanent cease fires to be announced before it releases any capture and soldiers. After that, the group says it will release female is really reserve as to how top different gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners, 50 inmates for each captive. And then in the final stage from us, because as the end of israel siege and the beginning of reconstruction efforts in gaza, lets bring envelope marks is joining us now from occupied east jerusalem. So william, israel, we understand, is sending a delegation to katara to continue with the cease fire talks. Does that suggest that talks are ongoing despite the slightest crist criticism of from us as proposal would during that we make a comparison to the last round of tools in cairo where israel very publicly said they would not be sending a delegation. Then this clearly seems to be an improvement on the willingness to engage in a conversation despite the claims. As he mentioned that at the time us proposals all by ridiculous that all the way they use was delusional. What we dont yet know though is, who will be attending those tools on behalf of these ready delegation, the seniority, as well as quite crucially the extent of the mandate. How much flexibility with these ready government give them to negotiate the find a points of any agreement . And at the same time, the work cabinet has approve plans for growing the salt and draft off where of course, more than a one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. How likely is that to happen or, or is that announcement sort of for more domestic reasons . So you have to think about the audience, the nothing else who it is to email speaking to here is not just the world who are watching this situation. Thats also his essential votes as well. Thats be another election here in israel, as well as is covered as important as weve heard more than once over the last couple of months about this plan. Ground the soul on rough up. Weve heard it being approved, mold and ones, and yet we havent seen that happen has been a huge amount of International Pressure pushing back against that possibility because of all the civilians you mentioned. So what this may be is it might some of us position a threat, essentially, as you would expect, or any kind of public negotiations like this. But they all for pets. Take that set is ready, minute treat. And yet we have heard again and again and again from whom asked but any deal needs to include what they called a permanency spot and clearly Ministry Operations ongoing. And rafa would not constitute that to him. Okay, thank you. Hello, marks are forwarding for us from occupied east jerusalem. While the United Nation says that the humanitarian situation and gaza is beyond catastrophic, the palestine representative for the human Population Fund has ended a week long visit to the strip and he highlighted impass of the conflict on pregnant women and babies. Gabriel is also reports now from the un headquarters in new york. The u. N. Team that recently visited guys was focused on the effects of israels bombardment of gaza on hospitals. But for dominic alan from the human Population Fund, he was particularly focused on maternity wards. And he told us what he saw at the m a rock. The hospital was deeply disturbing. The doctors reporting that they no longer see normal size baby noble this theyve not seen a normal size video. Stephen. What they do see though, the subject li, small still bought this most still born babies in mon neo natal. Thats. Alan said, there is clear evidence of babies being born, malnourished, emergency cases, that theyre dealing with. Overburdened the, there are 5 delivery rooms in the amount, the hospital and the mid, one of the midwife that we might use to grab 2 minutes of a time because the staff is still overwhelmed with these many 70 bucks a 70 something regular. This and 10 to 12 c sections, they are so overburdened by the, the delivery rooms and the rotations that they have with the, with the womens who are in the women who are in the last stages of a book. And then when midwife, we probably wont be giving birth on the floor gabriels onto. Ill just see it at United Nations in new york of israels relentless bombardment. As far as the gauze, as Healthcare System to the brink of collapse, more than 77800 people have been injured. Since the onset of the military campaign in october, only 6 of the strips, 36. 00 hospitals are functioning un only partially. The Health Ministry has recorded a 1000000 cases of infectious diseases. Im more than a quarter of dies as 2300000 residents are on the brink, a famine. Unicef estimates that a northern gaza one in 3 children younger than 2, is malnourished. We have with us jane smith, who is a british doctor who travel to garza with method medical aid for palestinians between december 2023 and january 2024. Joining us from london. Welcome to als. Is there a we appreciate your time . If we start with the latest developments, look, there was a recent attack. And central guys just a few hours ago. Were hearing that 36 people were killed because of bombardments on a family home. And these people with that and the injured or have been taken to and up to the hospital and that is where you work. So i understand during the months that you were in does up from what youve seen is a hospital able to cope with bringing in more injured people. How is the hospital dealing . I mean, i think what we need to remember is, is that the, the Health System collapsed in gaza back in late october of 2023. And it hasnt recovered since then. And thats because the supplies the resources and the specialist staffing. And so one required of either no incident to garza or west, the west coast of commodities and resources to be made available. And its impossible for people to work in a context of such extreme violence and in security. Im the hospital is barely able to coat i heard from a call yesterday, who roads a very short message to me. And he simply says, the situation is catastrophic. They have very, very limits it means to provide care to patients and patients are presenting with some of the most horrific trauma related injuries and also non trauma related Health Care Problems that i have ever seen. Like like what i wonder if you can just elaborate on what you saw. So we would see the children and adults on a, on a daily basis, often multiple times a day with severe moments. The trauma related injuries often children with traumatic computations of, of more than one lame children and adults with terrific soul sickness brands. All of these trauma related injuries require for long specialist k, which simply isnt available at the current time. At the same time, we were seeing hundreds of children presenting to the Pediatric Department every day. This was back in early january children with diarrhea, illnesses complex for spare, treat problems and all sorts of conditions that again require immediate medical intervention. And while still were there, what sort of aids did you see come into an october hospital and perhaps other areas of the gaza strip. And you mentioned a moment ago that you, that you were in touch with a colleague just yesterday from or from guys, or are they telling you about what sort of aid is now coming into the gaza strip . And so i havent heard this from, from colleagues directly, but, but certainly during my brief assignment, does that i was, was minimal as fast as, as few as will know. That hasnt been a day since october 7th, but weve come anywhere near the breakfast at 500. 00 trucks, a few minutes every in a meeting it has increased so exponentially in that time that were talking about thousands and thousands of trucks that are required on a, on us and on a single day and to bring in clean water, nutritious foods, essential medical supplies, shelter and so on. We saw a trucks popped up in rockford off of the better part of it, sort of off kilometer. Its when columbus says, im unable to, to cross or waiting to cross. And on occasion we would see very, very small convoys of, of, of trucks moving from the south towards the north of guys. So it wasnt clear where they were going, but it was clear that the volume of, of, of humanitarian assistance they with what were carrying was negligible, a, a best. And in terms of, i mean, you know, we speak so people over and over again from the gaza. Strip and doctors like yourself who just say that hospitals need absolutely everything at this point but, but from what you saw, whats most desperately needed for the hospitals to be able to to function is whats most desperately needed. First and foremost is, and it is an end to the violence and health care and humanitarian workers have been consistent about this from the outset. That is a saying that that was particularly prominent during the rwandan genocide, which goes the doctors cannot saw a genocide. Um, so you can resource a Health System um to, to, to the state of elizabeth fashion. But you terminals pretty respond to the needs of the people under these current conditions. We have Health Care Workers, policy and Health Care Workers that are being left and under these conditions, but more than 5 months now they have completely exhausted. Many of them are profoundly traumatized. Theyre also trying to look after that, families at the same time, and we need additional medical supports with needs and staff to, to work alongside them and to be directed by them. We essential commodities that fines, but talking about the absolute basics and surgical. Ready of us to clean and unpack wounds and simple, i know g z a to treat pain and wait, as youve mentioned, were talking about actually the 1st thing that is needed at the moment in order to maintain the most basic level loads of functionality. And let me just ask you one final question. While i have you with us, james smith, i mean we see now the, the us and other countries sending a by c building up here, off the coast of garza. Weve seen these air drops that have taken place. She thinks that they replace the need for access to gaza by road. And whats your reaction to these moves . You know, they absolutely dont replace the need. So successful i wrote this is because this distraction and i didnt know humanitarian organization should place into this. When talking about it to be a humanitarian alibi. When by ongoing political, a neglect, ongoing military violence is disguised with, uh, the, the, the sort of the band, the name of the, of, of humanitarian support. And its, its, its not even worth discussing this and, and really we need to be pushing one of the front end to the violence into the most significant search of actually monitoring support at, by aligned into a rough us. And so i have other means as soon as, as, as its possible. Okay, james smith, we thank you so much for joining us from london and giving us your perspective. Thank you. Now despite israels attacks palestinian families observing it almost on manage to find rare moments of peace and hope, proving a much needed sense of community and meant the devastations michael level as a story. Its difficult to find anything growing here. And basically here, the neighborhood in northern garza has been slapped by months of his riley bowman. Its mosque has gone to as, but they all green shoots. Something for people here to look for and feel positive about. These vegetables grow on the doorstep of the smart family home, where they are determined to observe the rituals of ramadan, like most limbs around the world. Must mode stone, manages a smile as a jug spell soon, grow enough vegetables to be self sufficient and to look for sure. For the following the destruction of the mosque, we find solace in distributing food and dates just before breaking our fast. However, the absence of the usual ramadan celebrations and spiritual gatherings leaves us feeling empty. The call to prayer by the mom, which ones echoed beautifully now seems distant drowned out by the noise around us and everything jack had given the little off mode has to use whats at his disposal. The prices of goods across the strip have skyrocketed while the challenge lies in the scarcity of ingredients to prepare a meal crate, tiffany is essential, as we attempt to make the most of what we have often resorting to using the basic ingredients like salter and flour for baking further to the south in rough members of the us food family, or decorating the 10 together. Theres no electricity for the lights, but there is a way to hang the lanterns that are a symbol of ramadan. Couldnt understand what the normal done was once a time of celebration. Joy and unity mentions and decorations used to bring rooms cha, homes, creating a face to breakfast via we used to wait for the arrival or from a don each year. But the story of absorbing drama dining tents under charging conditions is heartbreaking. Or the tops young adult time has one request this ramadan. Let if you send the band hall, we will, its easy ability to observe ramadan, like everyone else. We will to cease fire to bring it in to the and going war back and basically. Yeah, yeah. Months have food hot out of the oven as they prepare the star meal. That breaks they fall as to the day. The war has stolen much from the people of gaza. But during the special time, spiritual growth and renewal remains something that cant be taken. Michael level elders era. The pool every day about 1500 people slave. The violence ensued on across the border into south dawn in search of safety and shelter, but un estimates 560000. 00 refugees have arrived since the conflict began between the army and the parent military Rapids Support forces began in april last year, and many come to the border town of rank, thats where the u. N. Run transit camps are struggling to accommodate new arrivals. About 13000 people have been killed, an 8300000 displaced by the power struggle. Welcome lab is joining us from rank. Thats themselves to don. So malcolm, tell us how challenging conditions there are for those refugees. And what you see right now is very close to south sea dogs border with sea dawn, which is just up there. And theres been a constant flow of people arriving here for the last 11 months. And this morning weve seen arrivals since weve been here. People are arriving in the night. We just spoke to one family a short while ago, who spent days traveling from the outskirts of costume, where they lived when mother told us that her son had been kidnapped. And held hostage by the Power Military Rapids Support forces. She pleaded with them eventually he was released and she said that was the final straw for her family. So theyve come here to ring county in south. See don, their family that originates from south pseudo unlike many of the people who are fleeing to here, who fled south. So dons conflicts and yet paused to go to the one small stable and well see a neighbor. So the know, seeking work and opportunities, but those opportunities have dried out so many people that because of conflicts, many people running for their lives. And also many people have reporting that conditions in c, dawn has become a livable community, has been cut off from a central supplies. Schools have been close to an area. Yeah. Its difficult to get food medical treatment. So people are taking that john, susan, heading south. So what is a virus . Itd be remote part of one of the poorest countries in the world here. Thatd be trying to try and, and build, rebuild a new life. Yeah, i mean welcome put this into context for us in terms of whats happening, answers on our people. Hopeful that they will one day return the many people uh, hoping for that. And thats why the, the Transit Center here, and just down the road to haven, the town of rank is just parked for the people. They dont want to go further into south sea down into the long time refugee assessments where they say theres no opportunity and theyll say, a little chance of returning home if things do stabilize the boat. But the story of this place can be told quite visibly, quite kaylee. By the time i rode here, which runs to the buddha. And it was built by the cities government and it runs pretty much all the way to consume. But if youre traveling south, you cross the border drive for about one hour, you reach the town of rank, thats where the topic and rank was better connected to see the and then it was to anyway routes and now sued on itself, is engulfed in conflict. And supplies and food fuel and everything become very restricted. Thats devastating to the economy here. And so for a lot of the displaced people that just staying and rank hoping for a chance to go back or at least to trade a little bit here near the border. Rather than traveling further deeper into remote pause the south. See don and trying to start afresh in remote refugee camps. Okay, thank you. Nothing was a report from south sit on as there has been more sporadic street fighting and portal, for instance, hades outgoing Prime Minister oil on res office, extended an overnight for a few to sunday negotiations for a transitional governing body a show going on, which would allow for the deployment of Canyon Police officers and hate see the many have expressed frustration about the slow pace of negotiations with ariel henry resigned. We are still facing political distress. I want to tell the political play of the given what is happening in the country where this country is of. No one will decide to us. We must take our destiny into our own hands. I want the political players to rise to the tasks and commit themselves to organizing the country. One person whos not been allowed to take part in those talks is jimmy cheneys here. Hes one of hate is most powerful gang leaders. Hes told alda 0. Hes ready to escalate this fight against the countries institutions. It follows weeks of violence which have triggered a humanitarian crisis. So on home and reports from Santo Domingo in the neighboring dominican republic. And hate see of the day use of relative calm looting. This is the guatemalan and salvadoran conflicts being run sacked. Hospitals have been to it most of the cap to its not the police in control, but hates his own troop violent games. This is the most visible leader, jimmy chevy ca, nickname barbecue, a former Police Officer whose coalition bruce boss, why you support the prince. Its a tech police stations and government buildings to successfully our Prime Minister audio only. Now the United States and countries in the caribbean, kelly comb, trading book, a pushing for a transitional council, made up of the countrys political policies to appoint a new intern, Prime Minister and the roadmap for elections. The easy a token, 12 to 0, rejected that count. So well clear it up because of were not going to recognize the decisions that carol contacts going to cite to the traditional politicians that is sitting down with carol. Com. Since they went with the families abroad. We who stayed and hate to have to take the decisions. Its not just people with guns who have damage to the country. The politicians too. Well, some political groups are putting names fluids to the account. So seeing is a way out of hates these Current Power q should easy. I says he wants revolution. Love you, bye. So now find full into another face to over throw the whole system, the system that is fine at the scene of people who control 95 percent of the countrys wealth is and thats no idle threat. Gains control more than 80 percent pull to print right now. Once a Transitional Government is in place that could paved the way for Multinational Police force on the ground, and haiti funded by the us in canada, can use president william brutal. I said that hes country will lead to easy a unsurprisingly project start to it gives us the can the one i see the presence of kenyans. And heidi will be an irony because of the same people who gave weapons to people and pulled neighborhoods to rise up against the form of government. They lost control of those groups and, and now appealing to a Foreign Force to save things. It does a mission thats filed in advance. Its a shame that william brutal has to go in that direction with the gains and never the less scared of it. The 2 main rival gang bolts in how you see the g 9 and the g pet of actually comes together in an alliance. Cool b the on some like to try and prevent this for him. Police force coming into the country. They know it would challenge the patients of suffolk immensely at the games. Hines for the power that theyve accrued mean that they have to be taken into account. And what is a largely low to stay on the home. And i would just say to the dominican republic, still a heads only, ill just it renews our be signing a lease Opposition Leader or some on sancho raleigh supporters after this release from jail. Portraying a more we looked at how ukranian photographers are helping to documents work times and recruit sol. Terms the fall i we got a good mobile flow and i whether across your pet maze moderate coming in from the atlantic. It does mean must be showers at times. When to web it as well. So you this uh, web a system here just pushing off of a switch to the use of that. Somewhat cooler for a time code or for some snow the in scandinavia, but them all the way. So you have the nice of us line up from a west the or even a south west, the direction pushing that to unsettled weather rain but also the mild weather as well. So weather coming into much of west to europe as we go on through saturday. We all kind of see temperatures into double figures for the most part, line of shelves, long spells a frank just around the both x right down into the bulk is and thats all making its way for the east for so come sunday, richard double figures the to the low teams that for edinburgh could top 22. 00 a madrid bit of rain that just around the low countries, western positive jeremy logic, troy, and 5 across the mediterranean, into northern parts of africa. But to close west africa, we have see some really heavy down pulls race and they say the gnostic clutches students who have been affecting the region here with them. 2 of them let me place a frame with a month with a frame, and only 18 hours showers to return the cost a good part of west africa as the guys precise day. Meanwhile, is dry, but dusty of the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. We have not suffered states. Pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. Thought provoking on to who that you say know, double standard to all of us. Any anyone in particular . I said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. Its because its troubling for you. Its very, very painful to hear the story on talk to how does era this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, Sustainable Tourism program. Partnership with the global, Sustainable Tourism comes this country home. Small beauty is that just use looks like beaches, historical and cultural view, rivelo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties. The the the truth, a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 this hour is really army has carried out attacks across gaza, at least 36 people have been killed after a family home near on the site at refugee camp was targeted and gaza city and is really strikes destroyed a 7 Story Building. Thousands of people are believed to be trapped under the rubble. The United Nations, as the humanitarian situation in gaza, is feelings catastrophic. It highlights the impacts of the conflicts on pregnant women and babies. And unicef says one in 3 children younger than 2, as well nourished in northern doza, is really the Prime Minister. Benjamin netanyahu has dismissed the latest as far proposal by home us, but his office as of delegation will visit char to continue negotiations for the release of is really captives. Thats in yahoo, as also approve the armies pond for and ground defensive and dropped off in Southern Gaza while the us sector stay down to me blinking says israel needs to present a clear and implementable plan before invading get off. Present in 5 minutes. Been very clear that given the large number of civilians in, in rafa about 1400000, many of whom is the farm is reset, have been displaced from other parts of gaza. We have to see as a clear and implementable plan not only to get the siblings out of harms way, but also to make sure that once out of his way, they are appropriately cared for with shelter, with food, with medicine, with clothing. And weve not yet seen such a plan for the semester of this lady whos in our studio right here. Hes at the restaurant goals study center at the cats are university. Welcome back to alexs interest. So when it comes to this assault, i mean, what do you make of the timing of the work cabinets approving this assaults when you have these talks that are ongoing in cats . Are it, is this in your own, the work cabinet. Going to go ahead with it or are they just saying this for internal domestic policy . You know, at the end of the day, theyre in the who is waging a war is in many fronts. One within his government, within is 80 politics. The other one on the opinion and because thats out of the one under was rejecting all the proposals to cease fire. So basically hes doing, hes trying to do everything. Im trying to say i am the right person. And that i, my view is that i to one, so whats happening now the timing of announcing this a good on the patient is off, is coming with the from us propose that he was trying to say, look, im not ready for this is sort of different it might take the push out or how much to give more concession. Thats the 1st reading. The 2nd reading goes back to the fact that he still believe personally, that he should go to it off with his army and trying to convince himself that that is the way to defeat from us. That is the negative. That is the story he built for himself and is that obviously the voice is within his government. I do believe personally that he will go ahead on this and list that as a decisive and the strong decision from the United States and the pianos dont do it. You know, the restroom is interesting because the, the head of the, you have the former head of the ocean bay. Its a, thats what it is really interpreting services of warning. But the guys, a war is unwinnable. So you have people with been israel saying this do is saying this studying as you know from i think month 2nd month of the war. But these luck listening, right . This is, this is the waterfront, the whole person, and this is the water. He decided to wage and he decided to, to do, just touching bases and survive it as a politically the everyones say is this, im coming with a new think everyone now knows that this is the water method. Yahoo and this is that we, how can you, how can any sort of, by the more he did a, the seized by of the more he would try to create more of meta to, to continue with the war. Its obvious that this is, this is fair to propose a propose, a by her mass last night. That is basically confirm 2 things. One, that is a winning this from everyone in the world to stop the war. But somebody else in the 8 on in their truck with that many cars with New York Times that, that a v last night. They said, 1st of all, go to this is by, i dont because that then we talk about what he is and, and that seems to everyone in the world one sees by it. But lets then yeah, so, but when he says the time of latest proposal is unrealistic, and why is he sending of allegations accounts . Ive been to the cd to pressure from the medicines. Now the must, this product is within access to is becoming more effective and im quite shutting him. Also, the voice is within his governments becoming louder and louder that the cumulative of pressure that administration started with guns citizens to the United States. And then the report of the Intelligence Community and then the a statement by the director of c i a and all of this together is putting motor push out on him and he cannot, you know, push this photo for, for ever. So he has to give some concessions, even for short term. And but the issue is that he and how much he would give mandate to those sort of come to the that is this the secret point . How much that they would be flexible to discuss matters right . Because in a previous round of, of, of negotiation they were just listening. Im going back to him. If this is the case hes left with, you know, theres not even a progress that issue is whether sauces this evening. If you will give more mandate to this team to discuss the details, that could be any of change. Yeah, i mean thats an important point. So well definitely keep an eye out on that aspect. Look, you were talking about the pressure from the United States. I mean, much as being made about these comments that were made by the Senate Majority leader, chuck schumer, he was criticizing nothing. Yeah. Who calling for early elections in israel . Is this really a Significant Development especially because because its been a talking point amongst them across the criticize that them. Yeah. So nothing really, really new there. I mean, unless there is a significance moves when it comes to stuffing the aids and stopping the weapons, then i agree with 100 percent. Yeah, im really side to, to say that goes on is becoming the in the middle of any award within domestic medicines. The mr. Product, this ends by any domestic politics. They are fighting each other, and the victims are dozen pieces that the victims out of women and children. Because the oddity is that i can say, can do it in one phone calls. We knew theres sort of them the base comments to make a difference. Im not sure doing any just it just basically the colors method. You know, thats what does me. He becomes more about. They come from from day one, the more to a statement by that many kinds of good size them. It becomes more about the kind of his position, itd become more aggressive against. Defy this thing is not none of those statements actually push him to make any of the change on the ground. Okay, thank you so much, my lady. Thank you. All professors in canada, i have called for an immediate cease fire in garza and they were demonstrating outside a hotel were Prime Minister adjustments. Rudo was attending a fundraising event and they accuse to jo supporting the genocide of palestinians. The. Those are things that is appropriate for her to learn. Justin ongoing genocide, youve got the center calls Opposition Leader respond sancho and his partys president ial candidate bussey. Refine have kicked off their Election Campaign a day after being released from prison. A sancho is borrowed from the ballot it has endorsed his deputy and the vote schedules for later this month. Nicholas hawk reports from the car were thousands of people celebrated their release. After months in jail Opposition Leader, we spend sancho finally free and down the campaign trail. The moment his supporters were waiting for we have lost too much time. We have an election to win after sancho was disqualified from running in the race, his deputy bus, you jeremiah fi was chosen as a stand in candidate. The former tax inspector is relatively unknown to the public. He has been in jail for over a year. I would like to spare thoughts of the brothers that were locked up in jail some for months, others for years and of weathered with dignity. This challenge late into the night, crowds gathered outside, so it goes home, hoping to catch a glimpse of the opposition figure sancho and his deputy were released from jail as part of an amnesty law suggested by president , make yourself the easy political pension and pre m street protest once the stage a violent clash is now the scene of jubilation. Fear over the delayed election is making way to hope. We feel like the election has begun and mont and now that the opposition is out of prison, the campaign will change in dimension. Just the domain, but absent in the race is Opposition Leader kareem wad his supporters fault with Security Forces outside the supreme court. After he alone, other displaced candidates had there appealed to cancel. The election rejected the following week 7 certainty the elections will take place on march 24th after a lack luster star to the president ial campaign. The presence of bessie with jim i 5 and the Opposition Leader we spend sancho has brought new energy to this president ial election. The focus is no longer on the electoral process, but on the candidates manifesto. And what most people here want to know is who will bring jobs to young senegalese, the opposition argues then it goes, booming. Economy has failed to bring employment to many young people. All young people need to stop thinking of crossing the ocean for work and they need to see that there are opportunities here in san a go. We need profound change and theyve got a sovereign just and prosperous. Set a goal more than a campaign slogan, bus you, jim, i fi and so go, well now have to convince that they can deliver where others have failed. Nicholas hawk elgins 0. The car. Okay, lets be to may of course are hes joining us from the car. Hes a policy advisor and co founder of this. Think africa 2050 think tank. Welcome to ill just see where we appreciate your time. So we understand that the elections are going ahead and what does the opposition candidates release mean for the election and doesnt boost their chances as well. Thank you. Uh, thank you. First of all for uh, giving me this platform um yeah. And of the release of, um, of, uh, mr. Mr. Fi and mr. Sancho, who was, uh, i mean i was greeted with, weve seen some friend of mine use industry some of the call and known across the country. Just kind of the demonstrated that these are candidates that well uh, well counting the next elections but the elections are pleased to be one of the most open electricians in living memory. And its going to be an exciting time. I think in terms of the trans chauncey is of course they have and they have translates but what it really means as you, as you said in your reporting, is that people will stop focusing on their referral issues and will focus on programs that monday. First those, and we can bring the jobs to the, to, to, to this and then go to these people who um, as you say that again in your reporting are tight. And so you can say to the, to the see inside falls on a Better Future in the outside of cynical um you have uh all the young people um looking looking, looking for, fortunately to use uh here. Im not finding them or uh, uh, you know, protesting and, and showing this content industry. So right, this would be another option where i can do that as well. The overall is mind if i still theres an ideas and thats a welcome. Uh, welcome change. Okay, so what are the, what do you think the challenges might be then for the opposition during the select oral campaign as well as shortly afterwards as well. I think um, in terms of the images to try the inside of the ones i dont, i think now the quote has moved. I dont think there is anything else to be said. I think the elections will be held on the 24th of march as planned. And i think um, you know, as a buyer, so convincing is the young people the best when uh, when, when the elections. Uh good. No doubt some of that. So um, in terms of the next step, what i mean uh can, is what this has shown festival is that uh, you know, the, the institutions of cynical are stronger than what people get, gives them credit for. Um they may then sometimes, but they very rarely break and uh, you know, send it go. It has a similar process in the past. This has improved how to improve democracy, how to, um, you know, improve over transparency and things like that. And um, i think you have, instead of going to use a exception is a, is a, is a life and well and the sides of the events of the past months have demonstrated that you have um, uh, you know, regional rates and civil society, for example, around you sort of say good is right, well, investing into their own hands. You have the clergy, thats a, that came through in defense of democracy. You have also the dialogue for, im not sure that its trans. Uh, its difficult my takes trying to talk to these internationally by um uh. Ready does that mean by, do you think the pressure in, in, uh, right. You know, the president ial palace is abroad that as well as in the international meet, you know, so thats the, the next section setting of these like section is strong and thank you so much. Thank you so much, really appreciate your time. Thanks for joining us from the car. Thank you. Thanks. Voting and rushes president ial election has entered its 2nd day a 114000000 people are eligible to vote across 11 time zones from friday to sunday. Bloody recruiting is running for a 5th term and is all button guaranteed to when was the 1st president ial election since russia invaded ukraine, and pulling is also taking place in russian occupied areas of the country as well as in crimea, which was annexed in 2014 poor and says that a string of new crania and a tax on friday and to disrupt the voting on one of those attacks was on the russian border. City of belgrade, its killed at least 2 people and injured another 3. The Defense Ministry sat down 11 ukrainian drones overbroad as well as a rocket propelled grenades. Meanwhile, in ukraine, a Russian Missile strife on the port city of desta has killed of these 20 people, and wounded more than 70 emergency workers are reported to be among the dead president followed him as a lensky has promised what he calls a fair response. Moscow has intensified, its a tax on odessa often targeting port facilities in the Southern City since the russian invasion, 2 years ago, ukraine has seen interest to grow and its cultural identity, and many with Creative Media backgrounds have been offering their skills and the war effort. As an acts of cultural resistance, rob mcbride explains from the capital, keep at home in cave pablo, and do read sort through images from us. Second life they have made for themselves on the front lines in the east. Both photographers and still retailers with successful commercial and freshman careers before the full scale invasion. They joined the same brigade to use the skills in will that as well for the, for the now we are feeling the crimes that have been committed in ukraine and to work with father arm of the 1st year and purchase of our beautiful fight. Theres themselves and like many other ukrainian artists, incense that rushes apparent intention to destroy the culture, and the spare time is devoted to projects, the promot cultural identity, of course. And im cool on the d. P, you go into ukrainian culture, the more interesting it becomes and the more you want to delve into it, but it was with, with, if it makes you received everything and realize your value as a nation and our cultural projects have become more, me not hold it helps keep you saying that work is also being used to help recruitment as the ami struggles to find enough soldiers to count a recent russian success is like have div is beyond the town thats now in russian hands. You trenches up being rapidly created to hold back for the responses, depending on the was progress of this couldnt become a new defensive line for ukrainian soldiers. But in spite of such a setback, irina pub law would be at the side documenting that struggles. And knowing that some of the port rates of fellow soldiers could become the images that traditionally adult in the graves of those killed. These, the, theres a testicle color. It is very difficult when someone to rise to you and say theyre that. And therefore, this has been used on their grace, very difficult against the oldest unbearable burden of rule. One, couple seemingly finding strength in the love of a culture and of each other from mcbride. Ill just say a ref. Keith. Still, as on al jazeera, brazils former military chiefs accused the ex president terrible scenario, applauding a crew of resisting israels occupation with the parts. We meet this theatre artist and occupied westbank for inspiring people to raise their voices the hall, choose solutions that gives us no hope. For future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. Dont think that has a number, think about it as a person yourself and that person shoes. So as you can see for this is my us, my life, like at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women in my country and thats suite one. We are not denied all of who we are. Human beings on this earth to be treated equally. We are okay and therefore the steps are officers whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. You just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. The vision is keywords you the, [000 00 00;00] the color again, brazils former president or both scenario has been accused by military chiefs applauding to overturn the 2022 election results. The former heads of the army and air force a ball scenario presented them with a plan to reverse the outcome of the votes, which was won by his rival neil at the sofa. The military leaders say they were fused and warning both so narrow that he would be arrested. The testimony is part of an investigation that both an arrow says is politically motivated. Monica and kemp has more from Rio De Janeiro. This is the 1st time the brazilians are hearing directly from such high ranking military officers. That really there was a discussion about flying to reverse the electro results of 2022. When bull sonata lost in a very, by a very narrow margin to current, present really nice tool about fuels. This is the 1st time that we hear that they say that there was a documents that there were discussions that this was discussed. And what was the way that they were thinking that both sonata was thinking of stopping his successor from taking off his 1st by discrediting the electrical system which he did during the campaign. But also by using a constitutional loophole that allows the president to call for military intervention in case a very serious turmoil and event Democratic Institutions cant keep the country in order. So they were discussing using this mechanism and the Army Commander at the time, as well as the air force commander. They said that they would not support such such a strategy or such a plot. Whereas the name the commander, he kept quiet. And Everybody Knows here that he did say that he was in favor of this. Now this investigation should end towards the end of june or july this year. And this puts both sonata in serious risk of being in prison. Monica, not your volunteer sierra Rio De Janeiro is accorded hong kong has sentenced 12 people to prison for their role in the 2019 antique government protests, hundreds of protest or swarmed into the legislative council. Building that year to facing pictures and smashing furniture, the court handed down jail terms ranging from 4 and a half to nearly 7 years. The north Korean Leader control has ernst his troops to make what he called realistic preparations for combat state media. Se came, oversaw air combat drills on friday with his daughter. Kim said he was satisfied with the troops readiness. In slovakia, thousands of people have rallied against the Government Funds to overhaul its. Public broadcaster for faster showed up in to lower in the 2 largest cities, including the capital. It brought his love of opposition parties called for the demonstration, say the changes would lead to a full government control of slovak. Yes. Public television and radio authorities and mexico have very 21 on identified the victims of violence. 67. 00 on identified people were buried in total 21. 00 of the corpses showed signs of violence. Mexico has nearly a 115000 missing people, palestinians living in the jeanie and refugee camp often describe it as little, gaza. For decades. Israel has carried out air strikes, targeted killings and demolitions in the area. And some people fight back. But those at the freedom theatre say, there are other ways to resist and to preserve palestine invoices, the same bus robbie reports from the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. The janine in the occupied westbank home to armed factions, taking up weapons against israel. The scene of uprisings, error strikes, assassinations, and battles that have gone on for days. But there is more to it than the image of war. At the Community Based freedom theatre a cultural center. In the heart of the janine refugee, actor say they are trying to find, you know, challenging stereotypes about this place. And the people who live here has been creating a sanctuary in the midst of his really poems and thoughts to preserve and tell their story. By this time, from the day one was an international not place everybody from everywhere. All that religions exist in general. Is that even palestine today were not saying that we want to live alone as a, but a seniors by the sun is small, but big country enough for everyone. This was to come to the via but with freedom and dignity and that is coming. So not all of that, a message of unity from a refugee camp. Israel is trying to tear apart to this place stands in stark contrast to the reputation that jeanine has. You usually think armed posting in fighters, you think of violent israeli military, or you never think comedy club. Hes really army has rated and detained even killed. Several theater members ransacked the place, meant for expression, creativity, healing, and hope. Those here say the best way to fight back is through their art after one of the largest is really rates in years last july, artist from the theater held a parade to lift the spirits. The minutes we stepped up to the c. A said, as we started, people said coming out of the balconies, and they set the throwing candy. They start to distill rice on us as a celebration of us in the middle of the morning. They were crazy, something to celebrate their big city. After 4 days of compete that are an example, she says of how they can help in times of tragedy. To show a side of palestine, the world rarely sees to remind them of their humanity, actors taking the stage even as rates carry on outside. Because no matter what, here the show must go on the same bus route of the o g 0 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. I swear i will take a short break, bonaza 0 and be back on the other side with much more of todays news. And all the latest headlines, well see you in minutes by the a week. The look at the worlds top business stories. How much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from Global Markets and economies to construction and small businesses. We have just started seeing in stations come down in many costs. Well, to understand how it affects daily lives outlined forth how big a problem is labeled food insecurity. Counting the cost on outages in injustice. For me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what its like to live in places where injustice isnt something you read in. The news is something that happens to every single day. Whether its a war, a natural disaster, whether its political corruption, making sure they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. The cities already 50 percent evacuated. Most of those people actually left in the early days at the will. I couldnt do this job without the best cumberland best produces the best fixes, and those of the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world in the line to palestine. Well then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay, foundation. You donated with kindness. You showed you ok. Now lets also show you. Well deliver it. So done the nights with confidence donates without kat foundation. With every packed of 19, with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. We share the another day of israels turn. Inch in garza, thousands of palestinians are killed when their homes come under a time in the north and central parts of the district. The distance alter 0 life from headquarters in delphi. Im getting in obligate to also ahead leave to come positive. What the un says is now as well largest displacement

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