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Duction this month. We report from a village where a distraught parents are desperate for news. In less than what people are focusing in a general election the same the hard drives, the beginning, gaza where they is really army says that its investigating the killing of an armed elderly and disabled palestinian man during a raid on a refugee camp. And that follows the broadcasting of body camera video showing and is really sold or killing demand in gaza, city in november, and then bragging about it is really Army Says Weapons were found and the man was shot as he move towards the soldier act. So as i move its reports and hes rarely soldier recounting his actions during a rate in gaza city. But can video from last november sparked widespread outrage . It revealed the soldier discussing how he repeatedly shot an elderly palestine in man with the victim was 73 year old at abraham, who was a well known disabled man in the refugee camp where he lived. His relatives say he was deaf and his attempts to communicate by sign language. Or if you dial ever, even after february, we were in touch with him since the start of the war, when his riley soldiers invited al shante area, we lost contact during the 1st choice. We asked the neighbors who said hed itself, we were shocked to see his images on tv. The witnesses told out to 0, the entire neighborhood served as a temporary base for res rarely, soldiers. During the course of their operations, at least 50 palestinians were killed. And there remains that buried in a mass great. Many homes were raised as these really forces pulled out. This really government has confirmed soldiers swearing the camp at the time and they are investigating the family of disabled palestinian are still searching for his remains. And if theyre successful, hope to give him a dignified burial axels. Im gonna reach out to 0. Well, look up more now from, from the sound from the honda store and he goes from occupied east jerusalem. So to talk to us about more of the is really reaction and what we can expect from the when israel says that it will be investigating this of these early are and we have said theyre opening an investigation into the matter of just did reach out to these really army on saturday morning and only heard back that they were checking, but we have not heard back since. However, one is really Media Outlets submitting an inquiry to these early army and receiving a response saying that the army was operating under what they called complex conditions in the show that refugee camp in northern gaza saying the troops had come under fire. Now the statement does address the killing of an armed man. However, it says that he was thought to be quote, a terrorist. Additionally, these really arent, he says they are looking into the matter this deeply disturbing video of and is really soldiers admission saying that he did in fact shoot 4 times on on arm to palestinian man who we know to be both a desk and mute. And essentially bragging to the soldiers around him about the incident saying that the elderly man was waving his arms in front of the soldier to show that he was an armed perhaps, and he was shot and killed anyway, these really soldiers around him been congratulating him, telling him all praise to him. Additionally, even though these really army says they are investigating the matter, they still have not responded to our inquiry into the situation. Right. And to put this into context times, i mean this is not the 1st time that israel is accused of killing civilians. And in this manner, as you know, in the nearly 6 months of war, these really army has not once admitted to an unlawful killing of a palestinian in a war or more than 31000 palestinians have been killed more than 72000 others who are injured the is rarely army says that it continuously follows the rules of war, but there are several instances in which the army says it has open investigations into matters and then we dont hear back. But there also instances where after these really army investigates, it essentially exonerates itself of all blame just last week when the flower massacre occurred. More than a 100 post indians killed many of them shot by these really army. The stories that had come out from these really military, after the fact had changed quite a few times. Initially, they were deflecting the blame, saying that their troops came under a threat. And 1st they had simply fired warning shots. And then they had, quote returned fire to responding to essentially these pulsed indians who were desperately seeking age, searching for aid, blaming them for the massacre that had happened to them. Additionally, back in december, these really army is accused of executing 19 palestinians in northern dall. So when i was just the, the had asked, these really are me about this, they had said that the details provided by these posting and accounts that we had presented to them. They were, im familiar with and had categorically denied it. And then it gave their version of the story saying that these really military had evacuated civilians from this building prior and had encountered palestinian fighters there. But these really army has admitted in the past. Its showing 3 of their own captives back in december. This prompted these really army chief of staff to say that to these really militarys fire regulations, the open fire regulations that they follow do not call for shooting people who are surrendering, whether they are is really captive in that case, or even tell city is reiterating. But that is simply not the status quote for the rules of engagement of these really are me. And we see in this video with this 73 year old posting in man, these really soldier admitted that he had violated those rules of engagement that are set forth by these really armies. So even though the military says they are going to investigate this incident, oftentimes we dont hear back about any sort of investigation finding so they say theyre going to investigate this incident and were waiting for some results. Okay, to thank you for that update from occupied east jerusalem. The investigation has found that some is really citizens who died in the october 7 attacks were almost certainly killed by the is really military. So the Investigative Unit has conducted an exhaustive review of videos, photographs, and witness testimony if concluded, that is really civilians being held captive were fired on by helicopter gunship attacking cars. Returning to gauze of peter, charlie reports in the k all take early hours of october, 7 is rarely forces scrambled to engage him. A spite, as the Apache Helicopter gunship spied on 2 cars driving towards gauze, aware that some of them were carrying captives. Unable to view the subject, you saw me among the most. Are you sure what this thing does . Most of this is one of what seemed easier to use a closer to the with the setup of the system. Ok, of it, hold us with us of the list. Maybe me the bill without guidance. Sometimes it said they joined the local. What type of groups to help pick targets . The idea that i would have to get information from once have groups is truly remarkable to sign of the initiative that people are looking for any way that they can get the information. This is an hours time. It was kind of a way, is that to fight or monitor war, the police 73 equals heat attack, helicopters to me is inexcusable. 5. How do you come to any Weapon System to be engaging . Any target to be . Dont know what that target is. My concern is, with this footage, we cannot tell whether the how much government or civilians will possibly hostages provide, i believe the headaches, up to pilot. Well, the machine gun operator will be able to tell you these big rounds to have a certain area effect. And obviously come at a certain rate, but if you shoot at a group of people you most like youre going to kill everyone you off knowingly putting your own civilians at risk. The o unit compiled a detailed list of those killed on october 7. Good found the 27 captives died somewhere between their homes and the goal is to think about the circumstances of those that have not been explained. Because the 12 most to begin debts took place in very comports after an attack by police and the forces on a house they have containing captives about israel. General 12 spoke to us about as them, as youll see some signs and lots of how the, how does that. Hes the things that life is up of now. Isnt that a lot of the level segments of whats the name, the whiskey was a man woman for me to assist you . Im on the computer for the mag. Oh me. Me me. Me. Yeah. Yeah. I am. Yeah. The mental off of the middle of time to be on the on the august the as a yeah. It was because i even mentioned caught up in alabama. So thats miami. The Investigative Unit of the is riley me to come in and tony protections on october. Second, they did not reply to charlie. Oh, just the euro. Justin schlossberg is the co founder of the institute for journalism and social change in london. He says, ill just, there was an investigation is so important. And there has been, obviously, rumors flying around for a while. Thats a number of the cavities in october. The 7th did come from a cycle friend before. Its important to say it goes without saying the spinning point to say that you know what they take place on october. Second was perfect. The trustees and war crimes very likely committed by a homeless appliances. Its important to say that obviously in the focus. Ready and in the chaos and the fine and spinning suit, very grave mistakes were made by the idea in the defensive response. And then the case and the defensive response. But its also important to say that absolutely nothing justifies the indiscriminate killing civilians including over 12000 children on every day since october, the 754 days. You know what amounts to, according to the i c, j, a possible genocide including according to many experts and not to genocide, deliberate, salvation of a popular is mostly on just defined. And the stories that you do need to come out because they show exactly what is kind of gone so bad for the role, which is right the response to the way it can join us on monday at 12 g, m t, for the 1st screening of our investigation units, one hour documentary called october 7th, and the documentary will air and ill just say were english based times throughout the coming week. Starvation in gaza is worsening by the hour. Israels restrictions on allowing food medicine and essential life saving supplies is increasing the Palestinian Death tool that comes on top of is really attacks targeting palestinians already forest from their homes. At least 16 people were killed in hon. Eunice in the south and homes were hit and bait la, here in the North Victoria gate and be reports to the latest victims of his rails strong song. Garza already displaced. They were killed when rockets hit tense. They were sheltering it and called units. And the southern part of the strip in northern gauze, or the fam, enclosed by israels restrictions or food medicine and the central life saving supplies, has led to more palestinians dying of hunger and dehydration, the latest victim and toddler, who died at el cheapo hospital in garza city, the regrettably, shes to come to the address in unknown nutrition, more of a shes suffered from a chronic disease. Im given that we have been in wolf for the 6 consecutive month. We are now running out of the medications here required. We encounters similar cases every day. 8 puzzles continued to be dropped, but not nearly enough and some of phone and into the see with no way to retrieve them. They go with us about them, but then wasting some stone. I have a family of 7. I came back empty handed. Ive not been able to get even a handful of rice. 8 must come through the border crossings. Old with honora. This is not working. This is 2 milli ac 8 groups say its critical that israel stops blocking a trucks from entering the strip paperless, starving to death. Now and when people reach this level of hung up, they have hours in which an intervention might help them. I dont have weeks and so i think were sort of skirting around the real problem, which is land access, which is going to be much more effective until that happens. They wont find me and will continue just spreading garza at an alarming rate. Victoria gay to be, ill just say were a well last week to talk to about zoom. Hes joining us on the phone from the south of the gaza strip and taught it. It is the eve of phenomenon starvation wide spread across the gaza strip error strikes. Continuing as well, however, people coping in whats pretty much a very desperate situation. Yes. In fox uh, in the past few hours, the recording multiple s choice that killed dozens of palestinians. The so rocked refugee camp alongside with their fellow. People are preparing tomorrow for fostering and as the 1st day of the only month to permit on were hung guys right now. He think a very critical level right now, which considered to be on president bit for decades in conflict between how much and he has been. But people in the north are continue right now, trying to afford the basic items to despite o, be sure to just shoot supplies. Yeah, trying also to be able be surviving. And these heretic situation of children, women, and families here are completely desperate, frustrated because they are not used to be rejoicing until the crating, the, the welcoming book this month as their rep right now, being displaced for multiple times, the houses being completely destroyed. Children cannot really enjoy the, the, the general milestone of the month and older vibes of this very special mom support old palestinians because of the unrelenting bombardment that did not stop even the evil of this month. But right now people are trying keep in the south where we are to rejoice even by the very simple milestone of happiness, despite oh, the herd that is unfolding them poor. God bless. Over the next pumps that might fold in areas that are supposed to be a safe so. Okay, tada alonzo, im reporting from a guys. I think you thought it. I think it was President Joe Biden has criticized the is really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for failing to prevent civilian deaths and gaza bite and made those comments during an interview with an American Tv Network where he reaffirmed his support for israel. Im never going to leave israel. The defensive israel is still critical, so theres no red line. Im going to cut off all weapons so they dont have the iron. Dont protect. They dont have put those red lines that are too crosses and they cannot have 30000 more palestinians or palestinians say that theyre suspicious of the motives behind the creation of a c cord, or thats being led by the us and the european union, the director of the Emergency Operation center at the Palestinian Ministry of health says that plan could be another avenue to displace the people of gauze. So why did we choose the vc quarter door . Why didnt stories choose the color . The gross without a from is that you order from it. Usually its easier. Yeah. And its faster than the, the, the, the, the, the receipt. We are a free of the score door that wouldnt be used for of what do you think of issues rather than human affiliate issues. This is pam steve. And i think that if anyone did, and they have the corner door and they have the chose to leave the, the, the, the, the, the, the def, i think that he will choose to flee with his children. Still ahead on al jazeera, the United Nations describes have cheese capital as a city under siege. Well hear how haitian refugees are being deported by neighbors in the Dominican Republic. The the brought to you by visit capital a. Hey there. So its a con picture right across india, thats where we pick up this Weather Report except for maybe a few outbreaks of thunder storms in northwest india is punjab state. Otherwise, temperatures are on the rise and towel now do including fortune. I 35 degrees, but well get you up to 36. That is above the march average and breezy. Were picking those wins out of the cell, so thats pumping in some voice during humidity of the band. And also also feel quite a few minutes while lot of moisture has been injected into the atmosphere in this part of central asia. All had to do with those down ports into u a. E n o bonds. So showers through iraq, afghanistan, and bucket stands below just on providence for indo china. Lets talk about thailand who kept still feeling the heat, their temperature at 38 degrees. And its been a soaker in southern china, but as this, what weather moves further away is going to be replaced by sunshine temperatures will go up. Lets take waiting. For example in glenn g. Providence, youre in your twenties, but southerly wind goes. So northerly, when and the showers kick back in once again on wednesday, what weather will pour in to japan by tuesday . So i want to show that situation the eastern side of cues. You should cocoa and southern honshu. So its going to be a dep day in tokyo on tuesday. See you around the world to you by visit castle expo 2023. The world. The fascination to join us and lets discover a better world expo 2023. The news the picture as a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 this our, the is where the army says its investigating the killing of an elderly disabled and an armed man in gaza after body shop video was broadcast. The soldiers seen admitting he didnt find a gun and bragging, but he repeatedly shot 73 year old asa brought him. The Army Says Weapons were found and al jazeera investigation has found that some is really citizens who died in the october 7 attacks last year. Were almost certainly killed by is really army forces. The Investigative Unit concluded that is really civilians being held captive were fired on by helicopter gunship attacking cars. Returning to go so the Nigerian Army is searching for at least 15 children, abducted from a Religious School in northwest nigeria. An armed group broke into the Village School and so co to a state on saturday morning. This is the 3rd mass, kidnapping in nigeria in less than a fortnight. And it follows the kidnapping of 287 pupils and a teacher from a school in kaduna state on thursday. I 5 degrees says more from katrina in northwest or nigeria of whatever progress being bad investigating the 287 missing children from our 40 got Primary School in north west. Nigeria is being closely guarded by the or for just a given Little Information away. Now what they are asking, everyone is to keep calm that they always double the situation. But a lot of people, especially security analysts, are saying that belongs to rest, to these people or rescue this kids be more precarious situation. What were talking about have bus foreigners this purchase across 5 large states in Northern Nigeria and from yeah, its in the state for areas like so for those on for and to the state. Why be spending something overrated . And they have the account started all these for us. Know, a lot of people wondering when the government will take advantage of all bring them good news, but boosters coming anytime soon. The government says its not currently negotiated with this people, but this is not the cost of it. It does. This is not the 1st time the government is negotiating with keep numbers. And of course im groups that have generalized communities across this country. Now, apart from the southern situation here in the state, one soap with the State Government was launching a local militia which the states have resorted to. Now, because this account was almost grades and having a hard time dealing with several problems all across nigeria, is there established smoking villages . And this when its just not properly onto face please. Im groups of people approaching in middle in most websites. And so what were doing today is sort of state is that just us being new Companies Just being lost by the government to 15 students from a Religious School. While dr. Bobby, im groups operating in that area so far in both cases. No 2 months from russia. Florida has been heard from these people. How many degrees ill just get on to the voters are polling stations across portugal and a snap general election. Nearly 11 and 1000000 voters will like the 230 members of the National Assembly and to moderate parties of alternated and power for decades. The central left the socialist party and the centre right social democratic party. But the far right shake of party is looking to capitalize on corruption allegations that have dog the 2 main parties. Natasha butler is joining us and luke from lisbon to tell us of natasha. First of all, whats really at stake in this election is in the stakeholders. Say smiths policy led by uh, edward noun, essential, sees the conversation in this campaign. Hes been campaigning hard for the moving socialists. All really going to be functioning to try and stay in power off the ages of government. Not easy though because that policy has been as a blighted by corruption allegations in recent years. Then youve got a sense of rights democratic alliance, thats certainly hoping that they are going to win. It is certainly looking like a very tight race fan. These are loose months, my girlfriend, things like possible tax cost savings and more needs to be done for the economy. Thats a big issue in this selection. And then you have a piece of advice. Hopefully, this policy, a shakeup policy that was found in just 5 years ago that does have something of a phenomenal voice and does his lead 5 for my tv football commons, hazel andres, ensure hes promising to sams house corruption. Thats really his message. You can see the holes on the city, but his critics say that hes got a policy to the extent of food bank that is discriminatory. Its sudden and anti establishment anti immigration platform. The venture is running, bought to use, capture the imagination of the motor of young faces and the selection. So what are the main concerns for voters of the well, one of the main concerns really is corruption because weve seen so many corruption scandals. The socialist party on site defense life policy, if you know, besides those 5 and these are the 2 main policies of tradition, they have held power alternately in portugal. And there is a real sense of many, simply just to be fed up with these policies in the political system. They want something new and not straight into the hands of the hard drive sugar parts. And peoples concern very much about housing. Theres not much Affordable Housing of friends of really shall fall in recent years. And the way just really everyone we spoke to this hosting station central this been such was we want to highest salaries. Thats really going to be the thing thats going to keep young people in the country as well, because so many do emigrate looking for opportunities elsewhere. All right, thank you so much. This. Joshua butler reporting from parents from lisbon, excuse me. While the United Nations is describing the capital of haiti as a city under siege, thousands of flood portal prints as armed, gangs battle to seize, complete control, and caribbean leaders have called an emergency meeting on monday for talks with canada fronts on the us. And were on a look on reports patients scores from their homes. We portal prints with what little they can carry. These of heavy gunfire have been reported across the haitian capital, including near the national palace. Now, we havent been able to sleep since last night. Were running away me with my belongings on my head, not knowing where to go. I worked for the ministry of social affairs for over 20 years and was able to build my own house. But now here i am. Homeless of arms games, one Prime Minister ariel all re, to resign and have blocked him from getting back into the country. He was recently in kenya, trying to finalize a deal for a canyon for us of peacekeepers. The un says its getting ready to send a Multi National Security Mission and caribbean leaders have called an emergency meeting with the us, canada in france to discuss the conflict. We have taken to this as soon as the community, the right, the heads of space and has of government of the Key Countries which form hits us, engaged as partners, inviting them to meet with our heads and colleagues in kingston, jamaica. On monday, the 11th of march, the origin to be addressed this state of affairs. At least 15000 haitians had been forced to leave their homes because of days of fighting between gangs and the police. Food and water and other basic necessities are increasingly hard to find out the subject of police that care feet and in human men. Lets do what she wants, independence, we cant take it anymore. Weve lost one of the positions. Everything weve owned, weve lost our families, be on the streets today, seeking refuge in other c for shelters with no functioning government and hating people, say the games which control large parts of the country are making life unbearable and run off on houses. Here are correspondence or is a boat isnt does a bowen thats on the border of hate feet and the Dominican Republic . Weve been talking to lots of patients. Weve been coming here many of them trying to leave the country. Others just coming here to getting some supplies to go back to the city. Thats right. On the other side of the border. And what theyre telling us is that theres an ongoing security crisis in the country. Many are just for the country. Weve been hearing the best like new things. Sure things are shown friday for example, attacking submitted to 24. There was a big will try to attack the national have not been confirmed ongoing in the past few days. The latest information that we have is that the United States and marines and lifted the non co shy la personnel from the American Embassy in the capital of poor to print that also saying that this is a standard operation. Thatd be also include increased security personnel there. Lets not forget that theres hundreds of fi

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