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A stand off. Im going to have a lot the border between hate and the Dominican Republic of scales was on the streets of hazy people here at the border tells us that they are desperate for any assistance that was paid by their country. Plus times is one high in india to administer the custody of 5 minutes on 9th and remote is on his 1st visit since 2019 the. This is, warren gauze has entered its 6 months and efforts to negotiate a cease fire has stalled, almost blames israel for forcing it tends to reach an agreement, but it says talks will continue on the grinding guys are the bombardment continues as well, but there is hope for 2 children off to rescue is pull them out a live from under ruins in downtown bought off. Michael apple begins our coverage at the end of the ninetys riley strike on an apartment. Blocking dead old paula in central garza leaving some residents. Dave always stays too much debris for rescue is to move by hand. So a bulldozer is put to what scraping open an entrance with the search for survivors can begin the. Busy to some time, they think they found a young boy alive. But its to the been the young girl image in the me, whats your name . Be on the hook for then the in the and then a 2nd the just in the right to you the young the for the painstaking work and covers several more bodies among the ruins, entire families killed as they slipped the mike level which is 0. Is it was returned to bodies of 47. 00 palestinians killed during the war. The remains have been taken by his very forces, from naso hospital, they were transported to the strips to cut them, abo select crossing for a burial and a mass grave. Some palestinian found is gathered up the site and drop off, hoping to find the bodies of their loved ones, but a Government Official and says that the decomposed remains have not been identified. A us President Joe Biden is expected to announce a plan to establish a template. A report on guys post to bring in more aid is suppose to get more details during your state of the Union Address later on friday. And good correspondence coming this and both sides of the atlantic. At the moment were going to speak to honda, so hooked and occupied East Jerusalem. First were going to go to the island fisher, whos at the white house. What else can we expect from joe biden to night out . Well, thats the whole idea of a temporary adult can guys . I certainly, that interests you. An idea theres been kicking around since late or cold. Bradley november. Certainly the us just frustrated that the mind debate thats getting into guys im, weve had from numerous organizations recently, but thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people are on the badge of starvation. But this program will still take anything between one to 2 months to put in place. The intention is they will build a port or some sort of cause way that will allow chips to dont mean guys of all fluids, that aide know. The us says that theyll be new us troops on the ground, but it will still involve somewhere in the region of 2000 engineers and various other personnel to help build this operation out. And of course, if it is to one to 2 months, that means a isnt getting there immediately. But the us said that they didnt have to consult with the release to do this, the essentially pushing ahead. But all the aid will come in through monica and the have been discussions with these really about cutting a security checks in the cypriot port. Its not quite clear if the israelis will be involved in any way in the operation on the ground. But its certainly signifies that the us are getting increasingly frustrated with the fact that they want to get a into gaza. And yet theyre finding their way blocked by certain members of the as really cabinet leading to questions on capitol hill saying its against the wall. The story is the usaid getting into got is that therefore perhaps it should be time to stop military aid at to the israelis at this point. That hasnt got a great deal of traction, but joe biden is obviously hoping this a nice, but well get him some level of success when he makes it in the next couple of hours in the state of the union. All. And thanks very much indeed. Obviously when that announcement comes in, were going to be talking to you again, but for now on the for sure, thank you very much. Lets go to the home ducks all who, whos joining us from occupied East Jerusalem. Im was saying they have the us is getting more frustrated upon thing about israels approach to getting a into a guys what as the as really has been saying about this because it is saying that it wants to be involved in this project. Well, no is rarely reaction just yet, but these really Prime Ministers position for the entirety of this war has been that he is allowing the minimal amount of aid into gauze and necessary in order to one preserve israels public image. And to in order to prevent a humanitarian disaster in gaza. But those words come after that humanitarian catastrophe unfolded months and months ago. And remember, benny gans, a member of the countrys war cabinet, was just in the United States meeting with american officials. And this issue was brought up, but not enough aid is going into gaza and that the americans and the rest of the world are quite frustrated with these rallies and their inability to find a solution to this. But again, had said that hes hoping perhaps some sort of International Coalition could come into gaza and assume the responsibility for the distribution of aid. But again, the problem lies with these really is wanting to do security checks on every thing that goes in and out of dogs. So, so well, there are trucks of, of a that are lined up on the border on the roof of flossing. These rarely still need to get those into israel some how to inspect them before they can go back into egyptian territory and cross and set up a heads up as we have seen is simply not equipped to handle that many trucks flowing into its borders. So these really arent, have seemingly been on the page of theyre not really concerned with the amount of humanitarian aid going in. Its not a huge issue to them and been against was surprised to actually add to the us his response to the catastrophe that had happened. When is rarely, soldiers were firing on Palestinian Civilians who were going to get aid from a truck. So there seems to be a disconnect. And actually what the is really, is themselves are thinking when it comes to the age. But this initiative by the americans, theyre going to build a port in b c because they say that because of fishing port is not well equipped for ships to dock. And thats not surprising because most of it was destroyed because of his roles, continued bombardments. So were getting no special reaction from these rallies on all of this, but a suit is by and makes that announcement. We kind of be assured that there will be honda. Thank you very much indeed. Honda. So who told me joseph, occupied East Jerusalem . Well, i mean, while the us jordan egypt, john, do you know its about about events of air dropped more aid and to know of garza, the military of the u. I. E says its delivered to 53 tons of food and medical aid conditions. You may die in the north of the strip b, u, and this has at least a 300 a trucks and needed every day to ease the suffering there. Scott anderson is on was a Senior Deputy director of operations and guys, besides air drops are not effective and addressing the issue monitoring crisis. The so the only agents got through recently you have any, any type of in the air drops and while they are dropped, youre very welcome. Its not gonna allow the scale, but its needed. You know, an air drop can do 3 to 4 metric tons of one truck and bring 18 metric tons. So wed much prefer to bring a lot of trucks and we do appreciate the air drops. It is getting some good news north, but its not, its not at all sufficient. Thank the challenge we pace is that there is an order of desperation of the north. And i was just there last sunday. I talked to people talk to parents have not been able to feed their children children every evening for 2 days. And the challenge that we face is that desperation has led to groups getting closer and closer to one of the to check points and allow us to access the north of wadi, the north of guys up through. Why do you guys are an aide that does get across the check point is being attacked or looted by these people and its not getting to the most Vulnerable People in the north who are the children and the elderly. When its what we desperately need is something to change our entire approach. A new crossing permission, brilinta north of guys, so that would allow us to flood the north width food, and reverse. One is a very significantly bad situation that in the United States manage the central come on, says the middle east is facing its most turbulent security situation. In half a century. Michael keller has been discussing us military spending of the region before the Senate Armed Services committee. One of the committees, Main Responsibilities is controlling military budgets. Were going to talk to heidi joe castro is live for us in washington dc. Talk us through about what weve heard from michael, coming to rob. This is the us as Top Commander in the middle east. So his words are significant and he was facing a major question from senators on this Armed Services committee. That being whether the u. S. Military efforts to contain ended her these continued attacks upon us troops and against merchants in International Waters by a ryan proxy groups, whether those efforts to contain them or working. And his answer was quite frank to this committee. He said that any rock and in syria that yes, there in fact have not been any detected attacks against us forces in those countries in the last 32 days that are significant. And given that before this, it was a near daily attacks facing us troops. One that even lots of the deaths of 3 us soldiers. What nathan, difference the top us commander said that it was the us air strike that killed the Top Commander of the cuts. I Hezbollah Group in syria, in iranian proxy militia. He so since then there have been no detected attacks, but he cautioned that this deterrence was likely temporary. And he also answered that efforts to deter the who seizing him and had been unsuccessful, as we have seen played out daily in these attacks on shipping lanes. What couldnt work are being done. He said that this really amounts to how to stop. And ron, from re supplying weapons in the region. I ran exploded. What they saw as a once and a Generation Opportunity to reshape the middle east to their advantage. Or it has worked for decades strategically and circle the region with its proxies. In the past 6 months, we have seen every proxy in the uranium Threat Network operationalized interact, syria 11 on gaza. The west bank in human and the u. S. General says that efforts to stop the you, the flow of a running weapons is not something that the us can achieve alone, but that it would take in the international communitys pressure and boycotting iranian oil as a us already does in imposing these sanctions. But he said it would be very difficult to make any difference as long as china continues to by 90 percent of Iranian Oil Export exports, which is the current case. How does your castro in washington d. C. How do you . Thank you very much. Yeah, im doing of hamas says hes been given the rights to mediate the release of captives held by humans who the rebels speaking to all just the the i see a call some burg gaines anita has said the hosting has informed them that any decision regarding a shipment its true detained by the rebels is exclusive to the customer gates and that its attacks and the vibe seat are in response to israels starvation policy in gaza. The whole thing is also applies to continue a tax on ships in the red sea until israel pulls out of garza and ceases attacks. Was attacked by the hope these are being continuing despite the presence of a multinational Naval Task Force is one of the worlds busiest words for container ship signed a security priority for countries that rely on that trade. Alex gets off and this is more to securing trade routes as dumping up. Piracy is an age old problem, but management security is now the full of International Concern nation. Still struggling to prevent the missile attack. So much of shipping, passing through the red sea as well as coping of every legal activity. The finally challenges for a lifetime security is mainly based on the money and trafficking, the piracy and the, you know, smuggling. So the countries in their to tell you to see they try to get the teams and you know, test courses to prevent the minutes or thinking anastasia bias there for to the machine. Naples in the prevents the actually, the, the, so the traffic into the cv, any you task force is being reinforced as the, whos the own group attack switching vessels using good phones. Missile is now growing, need for the task force to be posted with the latest types of worship capable of destroying these missiles before they hit merchant ships. This is the bridge, the Operation Center for the latest autonomy and multiple frigates that will be sailing to the red sea in the gulf of agents as part of the Maritime Task force to ensure security for shipping. Passing through the tell you forget for the recall martin, they go will be a cool part of this. So mentioned you merits on mission of the cost of you having a pretty good thoughts. Radars long range precision because its capable of intercepting most types of fruits. The weather is being patrolling from the red sea to the horn of africa, ensuring it detached as most potential attacks. We have been deployed the Football Team that id see proof of ogden and this right of by, by monday in support of the talent that are sort of there then ways which i want to cost. Because we stopped working on the d. U flag as a flagship on location of atlanta. The e u Naval Mission was initially set up in 2006 to stop piracy of the whole of africa. Since then, its admissions being extended, like im thinking, it is real time that we achieve the needs a lot of effort and the continuous presence i india. This presence will be secured by these funds. Naples vessels which are able to perform humidity area, as well as military missions. The task will be to cub piracy and trafficking, and also its a missile attacks that the whos the group shows no sign of stopping products could topless out to 0. So the still ahead and obviously this trying to the passengers empty stations, germanys transport workers go on strike, demanding better pay the the hello, weve got some really live the web pushing into western pos, if you see the big mass of cloud, that line of cloud which stretches all the way down into west spain and portugal, very active area of life pressure. This will cause disruption as we go through the next couple of days. But its bumping into this large area of High Pressure just over scandinavia. When is around the high traveling a clockwise direction, so busy slee, when speeding enough to milk, bringing a bit of mr. Book into the east side of england, pushing across into east in pos wisconsin. Further west, still less that wet weather coming in and its driving rain. 20 snow wave of the parent is pushing across a good pots of spain and portugal coming into southern areas of france. West to pass the prompts to will snow coming in across the Alpine Regions the western side of the med looking pretty unsettled, but some really heavy rain lights are on friday, which will drive its way across spain and portugal. Really horrible. Couple of days coming up here as we go one through us to was the we can focus and must be the right in studies to saw despite having said that still allows you dry up to was the northwest somewhat dry over towards the south east. That is the side of the mediterranean mall at west the weather, just around the spain and portugal, bringing cloud and drain to morocco, the blank white Police Brutality and indigenous mother and box on an incredible jenny for justice time was the seeking reparation for others. Like with no political background, she conspire to become chimneys 1st lying and sent it to within the realm of politics. The road to accountability is never straightforward. A vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0. The, [000 00 00;00] the, the arching. Ill just need a reminder about top stories. This are 2 children have been pulled a live from under the rubble left. Fine is very striking. Central guys are israels bombardments of the strip is and its 6 months and the death tolls is nearing 3015. 00 as us President Joe Biden is expected to announce a planned to establish a tempo to report on guys as opposed to allow ships counting humanitarian aid to dont israel says that supports the plan and it will be involved in the development of the haitian government. It has extended its state of emergency as gaines continued to fight Security Forces for control of the country by mister or he is stuck in puerto rico. Unable to return home violence has surged in the past week since he left the country seeking international support. International airport and for the price is still closed on most businesses of shop, done. Neighboring Dominican Republic says its reinforcing its border. Extra troops are being deployed and the government says it wont allow highs in refugee camps on its tyler, j. R. Correspondence of a symbol is in does up on the border between hating and Dominican Republic. So i told that the border is now closed. The Security Forces here are on high alert, mostly tens of thousands of prisoners square feet by guns from jails. And thats why a Security Forces here are separating a men there being a fence towards an other line that they have set up here for security checks. However, as i said before, they not being allowed into the country, we saw some haitian us national do on nationals wherever allowed to go into the Dominican Republic that were worst keeping the situation in the country right now. What we do know is happening is that theres a new thing going on. Sure thing going on investments are close to schools, universities, and most Public Services are not working because of the situation on the grounds. Which gang controlling most of the, most of the areas within the capital with gang say that so they are real and we Prime Minister, i really comes back to goes back to the country. There is going to be a civil war. What we do know, however, is that what a 40 go, he has said that he would try to come back to haiti. The United States is trying to negotiate with him to help and assist someone at transition in the country. Were not sure what is going to happen with that, but we do know that right now theres desperate matchers to set up a move to a National Security force that will help stabilize the country. And when you talk to video of the people that i really hear what theyre telling you is that most of them do not support Prime Minister are real and we, theyre saying that he is a legitimate that he was designated by the president of join. And maurice, who was assassinated back in 2021. They want free elections in the country, but really bad happens. There has to be some type of security in the country. A set of causes delayed president ial elections will take place on march 24th. I dont know was when it came off to a top court ruled better proposal to hold the vote off to the president lucky sales monday expires. In april. The 2nd was unconstitutional. Microsoft reports from set of goals, capital car, finally, a date for senate goals. President ial elections. The crisis is over says this newspaper headline, a month after president make yourself delayed, februarys pulled, citing concerns over corruption over the list of candidates, the synagogue. These people will go to the polls on march 24th. A date made public and a statement after the weekly cabinet meeting. Thoughtful, full time is short for a campaign, but its better than nothing because not holding a vote. What is being a catastrophe. All right, this is notes again. We can split the minority product since the core link over an election dates take our people hostage is that wont, inc. Costs we have a constitution and everybody, including the president , needs to respected the constitutional counsel, reject itself suggested election date of june. Second saying he cannot overs thing is time in power to organize the vote. His term ends on april. Second is decision to delay the poll sports widespread protests and condemnation, including among his closest allies in an attempt to appease the crisis. Members of the parliament adopted in am this de la between 20212023. Sent a goal. Witnessed several episodes of violent political interest. Thousands of protesters were picked up by Security Forces. During that time, including opposition leader, we spend sancho, he could be released from the foot rights groups, criticize this, and this the law. These are the name of the right, the justice truth and transparency. So just to deciding that i missed them though, would it be voted, incent again, after saying for 3 years that the investigations has been go or has been going on, such a elements such as the kennings of more than 60, put this insight into the pension of around 1000 persons who are participating in for this is just a denial of justice. Its just took about from the government, so has dissolved the government to allow the ruling party, candidate Prime Minister. Im a do bought to focus on the Upcoming Campaign that is now shorter than expected at the end of the day. The main question that remains is, why dont we just postpone these elections in the 1st place . Because he 1st mentioned at talked about institutional crisis. So today we have the to the city, got these in the institutional crisis, and a new form of crisis. Security forces that were on the street corners of the capital have been removed. The tension has now dropped for critics of the government. This was seen as a failed constitutional cruise supported by judges who stood up to the head of states to ensure the vote takes place sooner rather than later. For many here, this is seen as a tribute to the strength of sending goals democracy. Nicholas hall, calendar 0, the car in eastern democratic republic of congo, the on group m. 23 has opened a new front line and the tunnel the showed are in north keeping province. As far as is also captured, the town of john sally in north kibo. 2 days of fighting as far as more than a 100000 people to free their homes. And she also has accused neighboring theres a one to of backing and 23. 00, but could got a denies involvement. People and the maybe im who would have their ancestral property seized by german colonial forces. Demonte, adequate compensation. Germany agreed in 2021 to funded projects worth 1200000000. 00 over 30 years. But active of say that offer does not reflect the polling suffering of tens of thousands who died there. Calling for new talks with ballon. Sweden has joined nature nearly 2 years since that launched in sped to become a member of the alliance. And over the documents took place at a set of money in washington dc. So even applied to be part of the lines off to russia, launched as military invasion of ukraine ending decades. So political neutrality, every securities in place in india, in the midst of cost me it is probably most im not in the morning visits. The region is his 1st trip since the government revolted semi autonomous status in 2019. And it comes as weeks before general elections and which movie is going to seek a 3rd time and office jessica washington reports to intervene to go to the main city in indian administered coasts. Mute, thousands of on to release officers patrol the streets, show of extra vigilance, as Prime Minister and not into remote. He makes his 1st visit to the valley. In more than 5 years. The Prime Minister told the crowd, the region had been transformed into a success story. The power of Development Opportunities relates tourism, of the support for farmers and the use of germany. One customer will begin a new era and paved the way for develop the customer. This is a significant visit for the Prime Minister. It is 1st since the government strips the region of semi autonomy and brought it down to the control of the central government. In august 2019 the moody government revoked article 370 of the constitution creating 2 new federally administered territories. While it was a popular decision with many indian voters, many customary politicians and opposition Policies Branch of the move unconstitutional media. Freedom and a journalist came under unprecedented restrictions that continue to this day, and many local people criticize what they said was a crackdown on this civil liberties. Moody told the crowd that included many Government Employees change was necessary dummy one customer is reaching new heights of development because today someone customer was breathing freely. The freedom from these restrictions was possible only after raising article 370 with an eye on general elections just weeks away. He announced developing projects for the agriculture and Tourism Sector worth more than 600000000. 00. With critics say, the Prime Minister is using the muslim majority Kashmir Valley to drum up support among his coal constituency. Elsewhere in the country. Its actually just an advertising done. I would say that he is, but actually nothing has been done on ground for the people of the 1. 00 0 to 0 aust residents. Whats the need of his record so far, and what the hopes are full of the election, or how many expectations we hunt through the Prime Minister will extend the same level of dedication and commitment to kashmir as he has demonstrated across india. Im john, we want alexis to take place and the formation of our own government. Prime minister mode, the only makes from saw but never delivers duty is in the final months of his 2nd term as Prime Minister or role he took on in 2014. If you look at the latest among the pollution parties, there is no need to we who can match the popularity of feminist and that in the movie, theres no doubt that hes the front or left which victory almost such. And even before the election dates have been announced, who these pre election travel is being seen as an early victory left . Jessica washington 0 to 0 german railing. Airport workers, a walking off a job and a new round of strikes that demanding a pay rise to be able to manage the rising cost of living. Hundreds of sizes of passengers and are facing delays and cancellations, a train stations in airports. Dominic came reports from balance. This is bowling central station. Normally dozens of trainers would come through here every hour. But this thursday very few are due to industrial action by the train drive is union

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