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Is unacceptable and unsustainable. No less often as well as from bob minutes of gaza receives 5 talks in. Kyra, conclude without the consensus, the gangs in haiti thats laid out with Security Forces control of the main airport. Whereabouts of Prime Minister ariel laundry is still on pauls open in the us kicking off the single most imposing by the same day. The president ial primaries as much as go to the polls on super tuesday. We look at the Foreign Policy and human rights positions of the 2 principal content is the we begin this news out in washington dc. The us secretary of state has all the time us to accept an immediate cease fire with this route and in the war on garza anthony blinking made the comments off the holding towards the country, Prime Minister and foreign ministers. You havent been on the rock mine been just some im finding, then can also cold for a dramatic increase of humanitarian aid into garza. Im the release of captives. The situation for children, for women, for men, for economy plus fire for mazda is making inside of gaza, is unacceptable and unsustainable. Israel has to maximize every possible means. Every possible method of getting assistance to people who need United States will continue to strongly support those efforts along with many other countries around the world. But it requires more crossings. It requires more, a getting in. And once that aid is it, it requires making sure it can get it to the people who need it. So we will continue to press that every single day because of the situation as it stands. We simply unsuccessful. And the us secretary of state is set to meet is riley, wont cabinet member any guns. Guns has already met with us, Vice President campbell of harris during his trip. She told in the us, suppose the seas file we have correspondence covering both sides of the story who comes in the moment to she have redundancy, or rather well come in a moment to have this on hers in the occupied east jerusalem. But 1st, lets get the latest from washington dc. Chaper tennessee is that so 1st of all, she had to take us through the optics ahead of this gantt meeting with blink and understand hes with lloyd austin right now. Right . Right. So i think i think objects is a very good word for this given bit benjamin as an yahoo, the Prime Minister of israel has let it be known. Hes very unhappy with this visit. He doesnt give guns. Permission for this visit. Hes off. These are the embassy, not the call for aids with guns, and yet this is, these are just the latest. The latest meetings balances having with the highest levels of the administration, not the president , not very abiding, but as he said, with the call that harris on monday, but also more significantly perhaps from a Decision Making point of view with jake sullivan, the National Security advisor on monday, also reportedly brenton a got the National Security council. Im at least coordinator. These are to the to real movers and shakers and Decision Making on them at least now lloyd austin, the defense secretary, wellness of that meeting is just begun. Were expecting to read out soon. And then as we bring him in about an hours time at the state department, hes also meeting with congressional leaders off to that. So if theres a sense of that is that kind of symbolic slap in the face for that on yahoo is in some, in some ways, even though some stand to me. Nothing is changing as old as they have. Dancers is the voice of motor ration or anybodys part of the free member fremont and wood cabinet. He has full responsibility for the atrocities that, that weve been reporting about on the, on the, on a daily basis. But it would seem like at the very least, theres some kind of signals and then, you know, who developed her be happy, which would be in line with what weve heard from the administration. Never saw for months of buying the scenes. Biden is very angry with them on the other, even as he continues to give them your everything he wants a diplomatically, militarily and financially. And guns. 12 costs will be meeting with spring can just off the blinking met with causes foreign minister and we had some pretty strong statements from the us. A lot is any kind of politics in motion right now on diplomacy . I should say in the 6th, the 6th annual us cause a dialogue. So this is, this is a, an event. The edge of is a relatively, its a regular event. So not connected with any way with the state. For example, you know, high level meetings with gallons and so on. And so that the 2 leaders were talking about the range of issues that were talking about. But they said, because it wouldnt be at the top of the agenda, the need for humanitarian assistance and, and some sort of ceasefire and interesting labor. I mean that once again, the blinking is saying pretty much what kyras and binding everyone else as they ones and immediate c 546 weeks. And then that talk about humanitarian assistance. But i dont putting any conditionality on israel that about all saying that its up to hum us to, to, to, to agree to the terms interesting of agriculture. The categories gave us the listing precedence about what was on better agenda. The scourge of these are the occupation flagrant, defines what is national and the visual measures taken by the federal court of justice and the need to resume funding for on the United Nations relief and works agency. I thank so much and have a tendency. Lets go live now to come to some post. She joins us from ok, 5 east jerusalem. So im the festival that were gonna say is right on the line on how theyre seeing these talks, which were going on in cairo before we get into the again situation. Well these really are saying there are waiting a response from us by saying there a waiting, a response from these rarely use. This is the 2nd day of talks in cairo that have concluded with out and is really delegation present for them. And remember, these rallies had asked for a list of names of captives who are still alive in gaza. Requests that how mouse had refused. They said that they cannot give up that kind of information until there was a final deal on the table. So these talks are now according to the is rarely side, they are stalled and theres not a lot of Movement Just yet. And as mediators are trying to bridge these jobs, it seems that we are still at a standstill month. And yall, who himself has said that even though there are talks, there are negotiations. And there are discussions around the possibilities of a deal. It doesnt mean that we are anywhere closer to getting one. And one is the, is really long coming out about what perhaps team can say that was going to get out of this business. So youve got some 60 with the sit down with lincoln today. Well then against his office did release a statement about some of those meetings with american officials that have taken place. It seems that they are trying to defend israels public image in the world given the war. They have waged on the policy mean people of god more than 31 around 31000 post indians have been killed so far and gas is office is saying that he is trying to reiterate the need for israels war, saying that its just this generally Something Else they discussed was the distribution of aid. Perhaps there could be an International System or mechanism inside of gaza for a distribution. But its quite interesting because these really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself has said that he is providing the minimal amount of a necessary in order to prevent a humanitarian disaster. And to keep israels public image afloat. But again, we know that what is going into gaza is simply not enough to sustain the population there. Additionally, gaps discussed the idea of israels invasion in to dropbox. Something that has received wide condemnation and criticism, even from the United States use to set they wouldnt support it, given how many palestinians are seeking refuge in gaza, southern most a city. So a lot still for many gaps to discuss with american officials as the day continues or thank so much from the fatherhood that im joined now by my social my on. So you are, of course, a canadian pianist and you spoke to a several occasions when you were in gaza. Youve lived through a lot of this. Will the likely that you can join us here in the studio. Since youre just return from garza and master of days ago, tell us 1st of all what it was like that. So thank you for having me. I used to live in gaza city. I was there for the 1st week. I was there when half of the city was bumped to the ground and i was there at the ship hospital and the situation were getting was terrible. And we were told at that time that 70 percent of the district infrastructure was bumped to the ground. So moving forward, 5 months later, while i was in the south, as you can imagine, and as you can see in the news, the situation is even more problematic on many, many various areas. This did you want to stay away you . I mean, do you feel some obligation to stay that to try and, and help people . Yes, thats correct. So the end towards the end of october we got a confirmation from the canadian government. Thats a lots of canadian families with dual citizenship can leave, including mine and myself. My family did leave, i decided to stay. Why did you want to stay despite the obvious risks . Yeah. So we, we, i started to stay for a, for, for a few months because i felt there was a lack of people who can communicate in english to the outside world, about the reality of whats happening there. And especially from a civilian point of view. In addition to that, a lot of child or tool. Fortunately these came by from people want to 12 from all over the world. So we try to help on the ground in the north, in the middle area, in the south area as many display civilians as we can to tell us about the lack of sense of security. Was that any way you could go way you could say i feel safe today. There is no play safe and it has a strip since the start of the war from the beginning. As you also in the news, churches were boned. Hospitals were bombed, hospitals, churches, mosques, residential area, the case of every moment youve felt like this could be your last moment to live almost yes, yes, everyone there feels like if the desk can come at any time. What does that do till psyche to your ability to, to lift a plan to . So i think thats where people in reverse to what that ideology is in life for the day. But even so, most of goals are most and so we really have the slightest infiniti, the slides as a test. And we need to think of how to best prepare for the hit off to whether its a certain in front of us where to turn that have. So a lot of people refer to religion. And i think thats where they gain their strength from how, how people coping now with the hungry, you must have seen a rack, the deterioration compared to at the beginning of this to just a few days ago when you are in garza right. Thats correct. Especially in the north, the people that are deprived of every think. They are officially in very, very serious stages of phone. Good. Most of the health that were trying to help, were trying to get through is the People Living in the north. You know, a voice on behalf of people north. The people in north need help as soon as possible with all kinds of aids. And the p us fun of just dropping a few boxes of age on the south on the mid in areas does not help. There are thousands of trucks waiting on the border. All of these, if they get through, they can help feed 1. 2. 4000000 people, including 700000 stuck in the city on the north as soon as possible, the kids are increasingly dying these days we, we have reports of every day. If not every few days of kids going to hospital and dying of malnutrition. How, how do you deal with that . I cant put myself in the shoes of a father or mother or grandfather. Her grandmother was to see the loss of the child, their grandson, their grand daughter, through that. And no one wants to betty the children. I really cant imagine how they feel. Like i said, at the end, they go back to their religion. This is what gives them strength and they believe that the student people are striving to adjust cause. However, they are a little bit surprised by the lack of empathy from the governing bodies around the world towards whats happening to the civilian population. To why that must seem rather surreal of being not only posted in but your canadian as well and be able to see how life moves on in the rest of the world and see a situation in which people the world seems to have accepted for so long that a people can live under occupation on the siege or and then to live in a situation where the children can die slowly in front of the eyes. Its Something Like a script from a hunger games movie. Right. How. How do you rationalize that one of the fears that i have is that now the situation there is being normalized, so its normal to hear and listen to that. Children are dying civilians are dying, women, men, etc. So we, im, im feeding the worst when it comes to that, and im feeling that because that wont be the news anymore. What, why that should be. And i mean its, its a big shock to, like i said, i was in the for 2 years as a guest and there were a lot of human Rights Groups talking to us about, you know, womens rights, childrens like democracy use, etc. And when push came to shoves and the war came by, you know, they send chose that and then step up to what they were teaching the rest of the population. So unfortunately, it speaks to the, you know, the norms that we have been taught by the west and we hope that the governments of the world will listen to the people who are demonstrating by the hordes everywhere. Trying to put a stop to genocide that is happening and because of a big fellow from the point of seeing people to the free people up to 12, what theyve been standing up to really we appreciate that offer to ask them to continue and all their efforts of all different kinds of civilized and peaceful ways in order to put the stopped whats happening and was a to tell us a little bit about whats left of institutions, if there is anything like that in casa, who provides or the if a trucks officer come in who can coordinate logistics, run the hospitals, make sure doctors and nurses go and come on time and things like that. Thats a great question. Um i used to be in also hospital and i, ive, ive, ive very miraculously escaped just before the idea came in. And when we left, when we came back to and also also with an off that it was evacuated, 2 weeks ago, 2 weeks later it was chaos. And it was what people do is that they try to organize themselves, right . People try to, to that, to them, to, to, to, to the, to the, to that habits that they have, that theyve been brought up to, you know, the good of the kind of stomach habits where they need to take care of each other and make sure that there is or didnt face because there is no place and because the for the strong to be take advantage of the week, you know, we always have to take care of each other. So slowly the doctors try to organize themselves together with the nurses. Same thing with the with, for example, the reaching the north ive seen by myself how civilians trying to protect the trucks, going from the south to the north, especially from those for tried to take them away from them. But im, im creating that its coming to a point where the hunger and the sick would be so much. And the resources so little that it would be tulsa chaos, and it was just a price now. And like i said before, there is no play safe and was that right now . All right, thank you so much for coming and sharing your thoughts and your experiences with us for some months. So thank you guys in haiti, baffling police and all me full control of the main apples in the capital countries in the state of emergency of the gang leaders announced that going to over throw the government, the whereabouts of Prime Minister ariel andres. Unknown. He went to nairobi last week to finalize the deal on sending Kenyan Police the hazy to help, but its not written. Kenyas, ministry of Foreign Affairs says he flew to new york on saturday is definitely back of reports. The International Airport has stopped operating. No flights in or out, paralyzed by gang violence, like much of the country. A gang leader and former Police Officer jimmy sherrys, a nick named barbecue is claimed responsibility for the attacks seeing the aims to force the Prime Minister of u. L. O v. To stand down in an unusual move, the guns are uniting to bring down the government. And analysts say this could be a turning point in the eightys already to much was history. The government gave us the weapons to fight with our brothers and sisters, now retained the guns and gave them to fight them because they dont do anything for us. The games of over on 2 of the main prisons in the capital releasing several 1000 prisoners, including gang leaders, gun partials are taking place in the streets. Maybe the prisoners of escaped from civil jails. Its miserable. The crisis is guessing list everywhere is unsafe. A con, find clients to my taxi to make money, to feed my children. Im an old man. Nothing seems to be functioning here anymore. Thousands of people are fleeing their homes. Many are having to queue up to get clean water. Some tell all g 0. They havent been able to find Drinking Water since sunday. We feel discouraged, we flew in our children cant go to school. We cant buy food. How can we live in such a situation with 5 to not fellow haitians while with the same haitian people . The Us Administration has urged americans to leave the country as soon as possible. Canada has closed, its embassy, and some aid organizations suspended their operations due to the dangerous situation. Thank you very much. The Prime Minister flute to, can you last week to finalize a deal to set up a Un Task Force led by can you to help restore order that triggered this latest crisis. But theres still no un troops on the ground to help authorities restore order. And the Prime Minister has yet to return stephanie decker, which is 0. When im in mind, you are the do you own the executive director of the haitian, the think tank policy takes, joins us live from boston. Good to have you with us. So 1st of all, what do you make of whats happening with gangs making a push for the apple . Is this an attempt to take over the country . A thank you. Thank you for having me. Hey, is going to be facing a video we are on the situation. We not know exactly what is the multitude behind small this, the reset of tie. So the game will actually know for sure that the, uh, show anything that you needed on that stop be the efforts to control the World College should be going to most of the country must sometimes people know by taking control of you know, for and by looking into the test, please, and center in the country. Do you just reinforce the capacity these lots are know the have 1000, the former inmates joining them. And we dont know what they tend to do with the diesel in the total capacity. We dont know what they are going to do with all the people, but its of use that no beyond even more powerful and its very dangerous for the simple population. And by controlling the airport, the only thing im used to show that you dont want to find many, so to be, to present the heavy no of the show from the rest of the condition. We dont the way on the out. We dont know. What did we do with these tools . But no one has these equal. The physical Collections Department is out of the country. The minister of justice is no, we have to be found. The population is left alone and the games are showing that the control. Yeah. Its a very, i dont mean situation. We dont know how, so ill do the, im going to go. What do we do that is the gym for both reasons and part the an opportunity to address the situation as soon as possible. Do we have any indication of whats happened to the Prime Minister all around, henry, you know, the less you was you can. Yeah. The last time we thought about him, he wasnt getting that legal shooting for you. Went to the Police Officer to come to he then we have been performing, he was unable to come back because again, software joining the board. The why we heard last night was that he was trying to come equal in the kids. And besides, for now, we know that hes not in the country, and no official from the government has been eval on from that. The actually e e d b on working to solve to completion. Nothings all way. Also witnessing a complete breakdown of the constitutional order. I mean, this has been a process ongoing for awhile, but as of, i think generally no elected representatives at any level of the haitian government will last yes, and this is another part of the situation that maybe even worse. We all he is currently facing is one c. C requires is needed. Univer a look, this is the street and there is the judge smith covered with no evidence of those shows. We have a government net that is lacking maam, but even this time of increasing ends is quite as easy. All those one person be at the same time the the so just do some of the stuff for me just so we have to pardon me to still be at the same time. I know the meeting still arms. I forgot exactly which one. So be a holding to offices in, in the final we presented 2 classes before the cant find harder people, john, to permit italy legitimate. And this government is not, we believe of, we shall be of not this to try to do them. But as a nation, as far as possible, we try to do more all get into the situations, getting worse, games of getting more powerful feel how people are we send the you when the office of the you, when he is not doing anything to support to help to technically supposed to access this government, but we cannot have like even one single example of one point i shouldnt be able to to, to make things better and the country is less like this. Not be sold. No, no, and its about the shows no. Paul young man, we have a blue book, people use estimate, proven activity or not as the whats the result control will check and balance and they are not doing any fee to make the securities a situation better. They are not doing anything to organize and it says, yes, we have the support of the international community. All right, well leave it the thank you so much for your full time. The analysis on the or the now from coast to coast of other thing has begun in the most imposing day in the us president ial primaries known as super tuesday 15 states and one 3rd treat costing the ballots. Its a day that can often decide the candidates for the republican and democratic policies, but they see it joe biden. And donald trump faced little challenge to the normally nations on 100 reports from riley. And one of the super tuesday states North Carolina in pulling places across the us super tuesday is the great design or the biggest date on the president ial primary calendar. With 15 states awarding a 3rd of all the delegates often clears a path to the white house. The super tuesday has sealed the parties nomination for democrats. Bill clinton, al gore. I will fight for you and john kerry and its made standard bearers of republicans, george w bush, and his son george w bush. Ive had a proud record of working both republicans and democrats, which is what our nation needs. This time the results are expected to help President Joe Biden emerges, the democrats, presumptive nominee and former president , donald trump, to serge, ahead with an unsurmountable lead for the republicans. For the losers, the pulling boobs of super tuesday states are often were hope goes to die like a water level for losing candidates. If you dont do well on super tuesday, in both parties, processes, you have a really steep hill decline. Despite what you said, im not giving up despite went for republican nikki haley. Analysts say a big loss on super tuesday could mark the end of the trail. Some voters say theyre focusing on personalities. Im voting for anyone whose name is donald trump. Why . Cuz i believe in humanism fairness, compassion, none of those traits. I believe he possesses, others on issues. I think theres a lot of our infrastructure that needs to be dealt with. We need to spend money at home as well. But i think if you praying falls, then russia isnt a very good position to come against us. Failing a historic surprise, the odds favor a familiar face off despite the all but inevitable prospect of a do over with the same candidates room 4 years ago. Co show voters have a big problem with that. Large percentage of americans who say that they do not want a trump bite and re match. I mean, its 6065 percent, which is you know, these days you cant get 65 percent of the American Public to agree that the sky is blue. This year the race comes with the wild card, with trump facing 91. 00 charges, and for trials you just possible just possible the trump could finish his campaign is a convicted criminal. After the biggest day of primary voting his cemented his place is the republican partys presumptive nominee. John henry and l. G 0. Raleigh, North Carolina. One of the decisions facing both is this super tuesday is which of the candidates will best advance us interest on the global stage . Donald trumps policies rooted in the slogan, america 1st. Well joe biden adopted the phrase, america is back. The Foreign Policy positions of pay a complete opposites, but in terms of human rights, while the gap between them is narrow. Mike, how that explains why, from washington, the, as donald trump fights for his 2nd term, he doubles down on some of the most controversial aspects of his 1st threatening to abandon nato allies. Should they come under attack . In this imagine re compensation with a nato leda. But one of the hedge in the country stood up and said, does that mean that if we dont pay the bills, then youre not going to protect us. I said, thats exactly what it means. Exactly. Im not going to protect from continues to rail against International Agreements from which is administration unilaterally withdrew and upon becoming president co bite and attempted to repair global relations. America is back. Diplomacy is back from supplier in fascination with dictators is bad on immigration from predominantly muslim countries is insistence on separating Migrant Children from the parents or reflected the world view in which human rights had no place. And now the position that by didnt pledge to reset, we must start with diplomacy routed in americas most cherished democratic values, defending freedom, champagne, an opportunity appalled in universal rights, respecting the rule of law and treaty. Every person with dignity in this potential re match the philosophy of global liberalism is up against that of nativist isolation. The administration knowledge, the west wing portrays itself as morally and ethically superior to the last. This reduces the Foreign Policy and human rights positions of the 2 contenders to black and white. Its not that simple. Finding all the withdrawal from us, were gonna use done a budgeting, those who fought against a ton of bond in the name of the us, along with millions of women who segments the patient has been so brief. Hes on questioning, support of israel has not waited despite genocide and gaza and trumps decision to break with decades of policy and recognize jerusalem as israels capital has not been robust whether he did or whether he didnt. He denies it vehemently. Well, trump openly stated that the relationship with saudi arabia was more important than the mood of journalist jamal could shoji by didnt condemn the killing, but continues to embrace relationship. And if a leader is to be judged by the company he keeps, the jury is still out of the room. Mike kinda, ill just Sarah Washington last spring and now ill just hear a senior political analyst small along the shot. I joins us now from the model on festival. Looking at this from the perspective of the global audience wants at stake for the world between bite and then trump in these primaries. What it does on which part of the world youre talking about. For example, the 2 burning conflicts, im going to say that is there a lot of sign and in a russian queen, you can say that a change from binding to charles was not made to have a lot of difference, a bunch in your brain. It wouldnt make much difference, really trump for president , and perhaps that extra spent has committed to basically freeze any 80 the time to resolve the question of the russian invasion. I mean, charlie, if you, when it was butcher, so he doesnt really want to invest a lot of money on farms of social 4. Certainly not political capital, be great. But i think he supports the 4 days, right . Its just as conditioned by as, as spartans. Okay, thats visit the jobs and ukraine. What about in the approach towards china . Have we seen the track record of the to differ that much so far and what that tells us about the future approach and all that merging will power but actually both were very similar if you remember both last tried to start framing the relationship with uh try it on the executive services, but as see a competitor on the world stage. And both of them slapped china with sections why didnt sort of try to say that he was going to walk back a lot of trumps policies. He did a few, but generally speaking, he said more or less a piece of the month, lee is behind what took a problem that i think moving forward you calling to see what was finding from it. Besides that relationship with dialogue line emphasize the science, tennessee, security imperative for the United States. What you would see probably be a bit more diverse sources, endeavor relationship to you. From the 1st moment that by the 2nd to the white house, a current rushing down lies the american back in defense of reinforcing and re permitting. Today to enter the defense as you a tom. Not so much even on the very recently. And one of his campaign uh, presentations, speeches. He said that im not going to, i still not going to support europeans until they started off with their fee on demand defense policies and do a whole number of things. So generally speaking, you can say, as mike reported to want to talk to you, wed be more vigorous and by then wed be more liberal than tac international. But having said that, i just want to highlight one particular thing. Somebody tried over the past before he used to play. It was like in the sense that why he said americans back america is not going to use any fact. You like a russia im trying not defended in various parts of the world. He did it. His doctrine emphasized that his policy would be from policy start the middle class. Thats why it was at the time. Sugar has crush their head, say what the hell is affordable. Its the middle class. Inside this im proud to be more light trucks america 1st. But while he was also emphasizing america is back in the world, was ready to submit much. You must also say we only do word when our interest or b, sir. So i did try to place both ways. Not too many people are so convinced that to succeed in, judging by this hes you meeting a withdrawal from us guys to check in from his uh, uh, basically the policy in the days im not finding what access for the continuous russian participation in ukraine. All right, well leave you there. Thanks so much model on the show. And you can watch. Ill just hear a special coverage of super tuesday starting at 1800 g m p. Its still heading out to 0. Well, its heavy about the plans of china as late as for economic revival was and i knew amazing was the National Peoples congress, the generation who meets premier League Legend Vincent Company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. Most of it starts and appear and it is the representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add to you to discover how fluid will pay the key role in shaping the country from its struggle for liberation to the 20000000 to protest the political reform generation, simple episode to phone out just the around the government colleges. Here with the the welcome back here watching out the 0 time to recap all headlines the whereabouts of haitian Prime Minister area laundry. All im know of the went to kenya seeking support for security. Shes in a state of emergency with games battling fruits and its all of the apple from the capital pool to friends. The other thing is beyond and most important day in the us president ial primary. Pilots of being cost in 15. 00 states and one territory, they can offer you the site, the candidates for the republican and democratic policies. The secretary of state as off come us to except for an immediate seaside with this rel, im and the war and gaza made the comments off the holding towards the country. Prime minister thinks and also called for a dramatic increase of 3 monetary and 8 into the gallons a strip and the release of captives. An escalation of the is riley minute tre, offensive on garza has killed at least 97. 00 palestinians and wounded a 123. 00 others and just 24 hours. People waiting for aid in garza city were again targeted ourselves aim of which reports smoke and explosions on the horizon in north casa, after israel bombarded the area. Its still unclear if there are any casualties. The attack follows a night to a relentless, an environment on the residential areas in job, malia and beta law. Here several tell us students were killed in the offensive search operation is underway for survive. The in gaza city people were seen q and get to q. Wait around about seeking humanitarian aid. Only to be met with gunfire. Witnesses say hes rarely vehicles nearby opened fire on 3 trucks carrying flour, water, and other supplies. I that if you will, we will speak about the a to every day that deceiving us 3 or 4 trucks of 8 to thousands of people. My son told me that hes hungry and couldnt wait anymore. My children catch up hungry every morning and i have nothing to offer them. This isnt life. A tear in a crisis in gauze. These worsening as malnourished people, including children, are struggling to survive. Dr. Say these children are dying from a variety of diseases because of the food short. The trickle or humanitarian aid being dropped by various air forces is not enough to feed almost 2 and a half 1000000 people. Human rights advocates, a israels, for starvation of palestinians. As a war crime people are and gaza facing incessant bombardment. There being stars, they like access to basic resources. They have been displaced multiple times over most of their most for most of them, their homes, their hospitals, their Community Institutions or schools have been damaged or destroyed. And theyre left every day just trying to survive. And the idea that people are being killed as they sky image for me, garage sions, of food is just appalling. There are 1000000 cases of Infectious Diseases reported by the garza health ministry. Which few facilities left to treat the sick. The systematic shelling of gauze as hospitals by israel has crippled the health system. The un is renewing calls for a ceasefire to save the money in cost of the danger axles i much will just 0. Ill just say the thought a couple assume is on the phone from solving garza product. Lets start with the tackle of shooting at a another incident of shooting at an aide convoy. What can you tell us about the details on that . A yes, i may have tried to send you a time. Can you just drifting and disturbing . So you imagine from don regarding that tech where its been, has open defiance, humanitarian aid, chromeboys on multiple occasions, both over the past few days and also an on humanitarian. A as on the side with people who are waiting for the monetary supplies. Despite the fact that they can voice, should it go, did i coordinate with israel as weve been seeing the number of palestinians in the late so tech has been the enjoy that being transported to a number of hospitals for medical treatment. This is absolutely a new account that raises more concerns regarding the consequences or the resulting from would be to the task. So if you want to fix that, said that israel has been intentionally solving the Palestinian People in golf since october. Now its targeting civilian, seeking, humanitarian based on humanitarian called voice, now or so. These kinds of, for peter is ready at text on humanitarian trucks, coast proof from chronic computer among 8 work has been solved on the truck supply this or continue she unsecured. Because i think its very palming nurses in clinics and hospitals talking about more more massa to the mel. Notice children now flooding clinics like allow the in drop off to tell us what youre seeing. Yes. In fact, uh, i mean boxes and also patients in the 5 these hospitals are completely shocking about the scenes and images and did imagine from come on at one hospital shrew, how children laying on hospital beds with something cheeks and burned in shape. These 2 are fine images have been resulted from acute levels of bone nutrition and dehydration from somebody practically started to flee from another. And joshua escaping from hunger and now christian and all that you supposed to and said the children has been talking to a number of doctors and come out to describing the situation. Being took a still sick, as the number of children is expected to ride on the more growing fields among medical teams that they wont be able to rescue them and like of the lack of cases produced as specifically but deliveries of food. I to the hold of calls are folding, fall short of the data, and the problem is getting worse in the north because the only course things where is it allows folks to pass in the, in the south. And at the same time, st pete told to have been used by district crowds of people before the reach to the north wind, hospitals did not receive a percent need the black saving medical aid to help to risk you visit the children . I thought a couple, i assume that i appreciate your reporting, its the power over to china and is lead is gathering in badging for the opening of the National Peoples congress. The week long meeting sets the policy agenda for the coming year. Premier li chung announced the goal of a 5 percent rise in Economic Growth in 2024. The same is last year. But its katrina, you reports though we much harder to achieve this time. The opening of china is National Peoples congress and aging was full of pageantry and low and surprises. Giving his 1st government work report is premier lee chung announced a gdp target of around 5 percent for 2024 and inflation. Target of 3 percent. And the creation of 12000000 new jobs and cities. For while these figures mirror last year as targets the admission, they would be more difficult to achieve feasible size. Its, you least expect their tardies, i propose taking into accounts both domestic and international situations. So just keeping this partridge this year is not an easy task. In 2023. China had just reopen the following depend demik lockdown. An optimism around so cool to prevent spending was that high. But that post pandemic rebound proved disappointing. Instead, chinese leaders have been grappling with low consumer and Business Confidence exit as a for an Investment Property debt crisis. Speaking to china is almost 3000 strong, call them at least said badging would continue to pursue reasonable growth while working to contain the financial risk. During his speech, premier leach on acknowledge there were many deep seated problems affecting chinese economy and he said the government was committed to transforming its course model into one that relies less on high levels of debt and over capacity. The chinese leadership clearly has this trade off between short term growth and long term agenda. And they have been prioritizing a long term agenda of going up in the supply chain on prioritizing technology, and also directing more capital into the higher tax exit high tech sectors, including electric, cars and planes, as well as artificial intelligence. Another priority reinforcing china is military extensions. Rise with the tie one. The defense spending budget will be increased by 7. 2 percent in line with presidency didnt goal of turning the Peoples Liberation army into a world cloth fighting force. Close the term leaders about more support for families and a growing number of elderly hoping to address a record full and the birth rate and the rapidly aging population. Katrina you all to 0 . 18. Well that is katrina, you was reporting the china is defense spending is expected to rise to 231000000000 dollars this year. Thats a 7. 2 percent increase or last year and the biggest rise in 5 years. Its a huge increase since shooting thing came president 11 years ago when the budget was a 114300000000. 00. But i can pass the us Defense Budget of 842000000000. 00, slight increase from 2023. A much mold and the 620000000000. 00 allocated in 2013. Meanwhile, rushes Ministry Spending is increasing by 7 percent to a 140000000000 dollars this year. The kremlin 3 year budget until 2026 sees a 29 percent on. Yeah, year one year of rise, and thats out from 88400000000. 00 in 2013 or the or pain unit is launching a multi 1000000000. 00 plan. Aimed at improving preparations for step vassar falls from poland. The upgrade comes is 90000, so ill just join nato as largest exercises since the cold war nature operating its military might edits. Eastern flags troops from france, germany 30th the u. K. Crossing the fistula river and poland practicing to move reinforcements to the east. The enemy is imaginary, but its no secret when they to believe this threat is coming from. We are in a big, pretty big security crisis, cynthia, based on of ukraine. So they dont need to understand what we need to do to defend the lines. So may, to lead us have one rush. I could attack one of its members within 5 to 10 years. The russians will continue with this war because put and will not give in, thats one seconds. If they would win the war and you find its not the end of instability and its a crisis. It is to continue its, its the start of even more because we also know that hes emissions are larger than you current. So the threat is real. Thats why Donald Trumps waste wentworth raising doubts about the us. Commitment to nato have shocked many in europe. Since the end of the cold war, the continent has drastically cost its defense spending. And countries like germany, im fond of struggling to produce enough weapons and ammunition to send to ukraine, that alone used for its own defense. Despite their show of force, many here realize you are if its not ready to defend itself without help from the United States. The logic german on supply or recently predicted, it will take a decade until your upcoming im a nation, become independent military leaders are urging europeans to wake up and stop taking peace for granted. Are we going to produce electrical box or were going to produce things for the military . People have to understand that these changes in the groups have an impact on our lives. On tuesday, the you will present its defense plan to bring europes defense capabilities up to speed. Preparing the minutes we for possible attack is one thing, but convincing people who have not personally experienced for, for more than a generation, another step fosten elgins era. Crossing the apple, poland. Now you cry and says its destroyed. Another russian war ship and the black sea is Ministry Spokesman said the boats have been previously talkative. It was blowing off over night by maritime drones and the coach straightened. The crimea from mcbride has this update from kids. It does seem to be a, another significant claim success by ukraine, against russias navy and against the black sea fleet. In particular, theres patrol ship the sort of a co, tough with apparently in the cook straight. Thats just off the eastern coast of the crime in peninsula when it was attacked in the early hours field during darkness. According to a footage that weve seen on the Russian Media or you can see and hear what appears to be machine gun fire seemingly coming from the vessel. It is trying to fend off the attack by dro, no drones. This then a logic explosion. Then we have had 14 released from ukraines intelligence. Busy and what appears to be the same attack, but from the view points of a camera on board. One of the drones itself, again, showing a large explosion that ukraine has be making big advances in its a c Drone Technology. And the power of these uh small vessels, the speed and also that range reaching hundreds of kilometers across the black sea. Its meant that the rushes black sea fleet has had to restrict the air or is it can operate to move back more towards the east and southern parts of the black sea, but seemingly still within range of these drones. What so, so what reading from a russian perspective is that, that low, this is a small vessel, its a cool that size uh, with just the 80 crew members. It was one of russias newest vessels. It only came into service a couple of years ago and seemingly of russias ships and the black sea they knew old still cant seem to find an answer to these ukrainian matrons. Germanys defense minister says steps will be taken to improve the security of its military communications. Thats off the Russian Media release to know the a recording of a call between german officials discussing whether to provide you a crime of long range missiles bar. As the story is described, the incident as a serious mistake. Dominant came as well from building the repercussions of this scandal continues to make themselves felt. Certainly here at the German Defense ministry, and berlin may have felt for some people inside that same clouds of gathering. So suddenly the defense minister, midst of his story is, has addressed the issue again, this time on tuesday, saying that schumann era is to blame for what actually happened there, glued us, thats the telephone i in high. And that looks perfectly reason this cool between the echo surfaces could be intercepted, its down to an individuals era. No tools are participants full a to secure thought in procedure as required, based on what we know now. So its a day to leak from the participants in single pool on the dot info, unauthorized. In other words, an open connection. The reality for the German Government right now is about reassurance. Reassurance to the ministry that they all listened to reassurance to european and they so allies, but German Military communications on not compromised and that they all the right people at the right time. Remember, certainly in the United Kingdom there would be loud voices questioning whether mister shots is the right man for the job. But there is one clear sense coming here. They are not going to be allowing that tourist ms. Sol system to go to ukraine any time soon. Dominic cane al jazeera bowling, the latest alms expos taking place in the concert. Theres been highlighting an increase in demand for all types of drugs. Once the preserve of major powers, such as the United States, countries like china and took, you know, also winning more export holders. Ill just serious defense editor alex could topless reports from the the fence of weapon systems is increasingly on manned. And a wide variety of drones of growing sophistication are on display the dim dicks defense exposed to built for land sea or, and the able to watch for wide areas. Video crowds attacked targets, very supplies, and sink ships. The United States with the innovation for decades is doing some them used in a variety of missions. Theres many applications of these platforms, from military, to civilian search and rescue humanitarian assistance that they provide that information. They provide the overlarge to better inform and make better decisions based on the actions that are necessary. Whether it be 1st responder described, everyone can afford the high end to the expensive drones. Merging alms exporters, such as china took care of developed a range of efficient buckets has to drones that are Cost Effective and easy to operate. As we have seen in ukraine in azerbaijan, in syria and media on lets take the youth especially because because the way these are much more attractive and much more effective when you compared with the old kind of world systems. This is this effectiveness that is driven Drone Technology and its used from the repo all the way down to voice. We munitions to the modem, battlefields. And this is just the beginning. The systems are increasingly so sufficient to, to all sufficient intelligence able to communicate with each other and carry out orders the false becoming the battlefield weapons of tomorrow. Alex gets helpless to 0 dos a. M b a has declined a National Emergency as a severe drought kills of crops. A lack of rain has devastated farming, affecting more than 1000000 families. Almost also reports corrupts us, struggling to survive in zambia. Every day to show my partner goes to check on his maze and every time he comes out, yes, he was the 1st what to do, what he meant. All crops have been destroyed. Theres nothing good to look at in the field of my hunger. We okay. Last that we will do that, we do that. I was president how guy in the age lemme see is the drought brought on by el nino and also blame the Climate Change will affect more than a 1000000 households. Zambia has gone without rain in the past months for weeks at a time. It wasnt planned that we didnt get a warning if there would be a manual. So we still went ahead and took it down to the 35. 00 acres of makes up. That definitely has a good potential in terms of income is and be as have expand stouts before farming is, is in the blood. So we have, we understand the cycles. So theres some money in some years where we make it less some years. So the only alternative source of income, unfortunately, is through life, except according to the world food program. Zimbabwe. Whats 17. 00 malawi, eastern angola, and parts of mozambique are also in trouble. Thatd be, as government saves you many, terry, an aide will be made available. So people dont go hungry until then many can only wait. Hardwood tasa out of their as well. That brings us the end of this news. Im back in a couple of minutes. Stay with the salvation thats being used as a what the the only way to stop the homecoming station is to allow you. 10 people are surrounding it. Sparks go with the flour just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. We have no blanket, no food, and no rule to. I prefer the desk to this humiliation. Moore is not killed us yet. It seems that we will die of hunger and cant find food. People say that theyre stuck between death, star bases and displacement the this is the 1st one they saw that we see 3 of the victims themselves. Theres a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what were seeing on mainstream. It is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. The western media does have a western bias. Understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. Generation premier League Legend Vinson Company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. Most of it starts in appearance, is the representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add syria to discover how fluid will pay the key role in shaping the country from its struggles to liberation, to the 2019, to test the political reform generation civil episode to phone, which is the around the government challenges here, where the israel has to maximize every possible means. Every possible method of getting assistance to people who need in the us. Secretary of state says be who might have to have in situation. And garzo is unacceptable and on sustainable the mindset me say that this is how does a live from the hall. So coming up, no lights up and as well as bombardment of gods receives 5 talks in cairo. Conclude without consensus on gangs in

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