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Debating the us use of its veto. To stop us seems firing garza plus the turnout senior rounds parliamentary elections. The lowest any is results yet to be announced. The we begin in solving garza where is riley strikes on 2 homes and rough. I have killed 17 palestinians. Central garza is also being targeted with these, right. The attacks getting the team people in the silence refugee camp on the t and a half 1000 palestinians and now being killed since as well. The guy, its war ongoing, so were not co, im a honda begins our coverage of the with the bands rescue is going to verify scramble to find somebody thats pulling another. Its really strange. I got stuck on homes in the field, but this neighborhood left several people dent in the east of the city. Another its really striking. Several other palestinians is right. Designated rough uh, safe zone, but telephony and cell phone, anything but safety there. I do hope you want to have a good demo. Shame on them to stop this blog stuff. Well, i just blog why, why the exterminating us . If you want to annoy like to ask, why didnt they just do it once and for all, there is no safe place on who told you roughly safe every day. Foaming, foaming, combing. There is no safe place on and with how much the house is full of children, women, and then i found myself under the rug who im injured. Its likely i wont be our will to stop this. Will we need to cease 5 . Because were facing genocide, despite is the rise bombardment of desperate palestinians continued to head to the city from other parts of gods that if you want to eat, you have to die in the pursuit of getting fluids. We said no to this and decided to hit to the south effects to in central gulf cse us. This is the of the month of yet another strike on the same rock. Come, lets talk when that i mean the, i know we were sleeping in our house when suddenly we had the sound of the miss unexploded. And we came here to see the house completely destroyed. This house was rented by civilians who had nothing to do with the resistance or any minute reaction. They had displaced people that came from the gulf. A see spot talks, drug on the people on clubs. The continued to body dead didnt have them. How much does the out zeros public, how about zoom is on the phone from southern gaza, so it was night falls. What is the off them off from the day of devastation look like . Yes, i mean in fact we have been seeking more tax that cuz significant some degree, a great deal of destruction in different areas. And to go onto the truck, and in the past few hours, theyve been hearing more loud explosions in the city of con, you and it says a can see right now from my location above limitation to fl as being fired. And this call upon you to city to be a lot of the region, the parts of the ongoing military invasion of bodies where the Ministry Forces under the same time weve been hearing more loud explosions. Where these very minutes we had leveled to the ground. The number of residential neighborhoods in the western side of hon. You to see people also today. The Civil Defense teams in cooperation with the Ministry Hill managed to recover 11 post teams who have been found dead in calling you this in the past. A few hours. All right, lets take now nice nations where the representative of molto is addressing the General Assembly. That was a carefully crafted text addressing the situation on the ground in a comprehensive manner. And all the Eastern Countries voted in favor. Among other things, the draw that was a buzz caused for an immediate humanitarian seas via the full rapids safe and on hand, the to monitor and access into and throughout the gaza strip. The images and unconditional release of all hostages and full compliance with international fed them all in the field, all acts of terrorism and all attacks against civilian civilians and civilian infrastructure. Its rejected the forces placement of the palestinian civilian population including women and children. With the 4 d p, regrets that the text was vetoed. As elected members, we firmly believe that the council has the duty and responsibility to act decisively when faced with such a situation. President , the 10 remains gravely concerned about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in god. So where the entire population is facing food and security, 600000 people that are on the brink of famine. Hon has a central road in ensuring a fixed, if you monetary and response. And it stuff has continued to play that road, even on the life threatening conditions. The civilian population is facing extreme unbearable hardships, which we will own, which would only continue to grow because of ongoing hostilities. Women and children are suffering and disproportionate span. Social services have collapse. I said them, we are alarmed at israel is intention to launch a ground defensive into rough, uh, which was the compound this on 10 of the prices. The consequences for civilians would be devastating ensuring the for an edge and implementation of Security Council resolutions 27122720 is now more pressing than ever. Additionally, the older im provisioning measures issued by the i c. J on 26. Jen marie must be fully respected and compliant with we emphasize the fact that the protection of civilians is of paramount importance. All parties must comply with their obligations on the international, including International Humanitarian law and International Human rights law. Or allegations of violations must be effectively investigated with independence and then plus reality. In closing president , the Eastern Countries reiterate there on waiver and commitment to the vision of the 2 state solution with 2 democratic states. Israel and palestine live side by side in peace, which secure unrecognizable with as consistent with the international and relevant un resolutions and immediate humanitarians use. Fire must be the 1st step in this direction. Thank you. I will now make a statement to my emotional capacity, the exigencies, most sorry graphs to succumb. Some says that the mon, the convening of this debates, most of voted in favor of the syrian drugs, the Security Council resolution calling for an immediate humanitarians to use fire. We sang cottage here, yes. Was there a pro chess pens . Im for the fs to generates agreement on such on a much need a text more to has repeatedly and unequivocally condemned to the hum us terror attacks of 7 october and subsequent shall could find is read. We reiterate that the me just on, on conditional release of hostages must be a top priority. And may i remind that the un Security Council has already passed to resolutions calling for the release of hostages. Therefore, claims that the Security Council is not texting on their behalf are inaccurate. However, the scale of the human suffering not to continue swan folding. Garza leads to only one conclusion. The Security Council must call for an end to this conflict regressive li sofa. It has not been able to do so. As a consequence, we have which most increasingly harvest sixteens of human tragedy, such as recently and south west of gods us city, where more than a 100 p foot have been reported the kids and in judge was seeking life, saving a life saving age. We on a critically reiterate our costs for a permanent ceasefire. This is essential to alleviate the suffering of civilians and gaza. Deescalate brought the reach and those tensions and provide the framework for the necessary humanitarian aid was kindly provided to civilians and gaza. Or as we hold this debates, the humanitarian catastrophe in garza continues to one phone to 2005 as to indians have been kids too many all suffering from catastrophic hunger on the outbreak of disease International Humanitarian law. And the laws of will must be respected by all parties. Military action during hostilities must always be in 9 with the principles of distinction, proportionality and necessity. Parties are also obliged to ensure that civilians and civilian infrastructure all protected on him, the 2 monitoring aid and the safety of un un humanitarian work, as must be guaranteed the full implementation of Security Council resolutions 271227. 20 remains ever more pressing. President s also time when is read, must facilitate the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance and food aid into gaza. We remain deeply concerned about the prospect that the israel admitted to him extend his campaign into rough uh, the consequences of such a decision would be catastrophic. The area designated as a safe zone is sheltering hosp. The population of this trip, including over 600000. 00 children and their families. We also caused for the major, the implementation of the, your job, official, the provision and mattress issued by the i, c. J on 26th, january, or in conclusion. Multimedia 2 rates, just comments went to the realization of a 2 state solution along the pre, 1967 boards as addressing the legitimate aspirations of both sides would use them as a future capital of 2 states. Living side by side and piece of security in line with the relevant Security Council resolutions. Thank you. I think the distinguished itd be sent to people from malta. I know, give the floor to the queens deeply regret the text was vetoed, the words that of the United Nations representative of the state of malta. Addressing the General Assembly, referring to the us veto wielded in the Security Council in an attempt when members attempted of the screws against tempted to get a resolution through just for the see sign. Now, she was speaking to capacity as a leader of the e. 10 group, all the like to 10 members of the Security Council, malta being one of them. She also expressed consent at the prospect of and is ready the ground operation in rough. And she said, all allegations of violations of International Law must be investigated. She went on speak, in the capacity as representative of multis hang the scale of humanitarian suffering can only one conclusion that there must be an immediate cease fine. And once again, reiterate the support for a 2 state solution. All right, lets go to questions. So moving now, she joins us from the United Nations and krista, i think with kind of seeing a theme here of many of the speakers touching upon how disappointed they were with the last use of the veto. In particular, why is that res . So much displeasure that were hearing tonight as well. Listen, there, United States has vetoed 3 resolutions in the Security Council in the last 5 months dealing with the situation and gaza resolutions. Calling for immediate ceasefire the United States instead working to support their own resolution, which calls for a cease fire instead of a cease fire calls for temporary pauses, link to the release of captives being held by her mouse. But what were seeing here is growing isolation of the United States at the United Nations on the international stage. Early on when these resolutions were proposed, calling for immediate cease fire. Many members of the, a many of the elected members of the council actually abstained from the above vote. Giving some deference to the United States position that more time should be given to let negotiations in the region play out. And not wanting to get in the way of that, but as time has gone on and no a ceasefire has been announced and that he met a terry and situation has gone from bad to worse. Were seeing increasing concern by member states, including the elected members of the council, who took this unprecedented step. We havent seen this before, where they speak out as a group in the General Assembly against the use of the veto in the Security Council. And the theme that you alluded to, and that weve been hearing over and over again from speakers here is the fact that this is a discredit to the United Nations. It could undermine respect for international lot. Its a double standard if certain laws, namely the protection of civilians in a war and the access for humanitarians arent upheld here. It undermines the lawn all its context and the story of the united nation. So this is the theme that were hearing. But again, 1st time that the elected members of the Council Speak as a group and directly calling out the United States, frankly, in this case. All right, thanks so much to kristin so that we lets keep this going though here in the studio because weve got time of cottonwood, hes assistant professor of Public Policy at the Delta Institute of graduate studies. The us growing in isolation, is that what were seeing in the General Assembly . Yes, of course its, its very obvious and its very evident. And also also whats, whats, whats the, what is equally important that i feel like there is this a weakening among many other young members like, you know, countries, this realization that you know what history will judge us. And this world has went to fort its its, its not just the fight up on the ice as you know is investigating and acquisition or if theres a couple of things in the site in the gaza strip. I think the most of the National Community is really exhausted by this and they want to take us then because this through adjusted to them at least by saying that i things and, and, and, and, and demanding for them to meet the end of this uh for these i processed these and i think we see this, this is, this is, this is happening now because its hard as one to sort of in its context. And obviously what, what we think of us that in, in the gaza strip, its automatic and im tired of what is watching. And nothing justifies this even the, not the 7th of october attacks which, which, which the levels to happen in a vacuum. Last thing, just if i what isnt, isnt it goes to nothing. So i dont, i think these countries countries, this awakening more or less also from a conscious perspective. It tells us that they want to, they dont want to be associated with this. The silence with them to get them at some point how they, how do we square this with what weve heard from, Kimberly Harris now, whos cooling for a ceasefire, and its almost as if the United States was not the policies a just veto. This is fine. The Security Council and is prompting all of this, this pleasure that were seeing from other members of the world. Yeah. The body and exactly, i mean, i mean isnt this cynical, i mean she, she and i mean shes asking for the ceasefire and we do decide what are the voting behavior of the us is a message. It is very clear theyre using the need to so its a, something is fundamental. They wont give you a spot to fix it. Theres a lot. So this really can be to the point, the most prominent. Shes just preaching to head audience for the elections. The not serious about taking the actions to stop isnt it in the u. N. At least by abstaining, not even using the v to so they could do this. Thats the only way to do it. Not to use the veto up saying things move on, but theyre not doing this at all. We. Busy so seeing that the israeli position, a narrative that the world must stand against you and bodies, that sort of argument. And that if you cool for us, hes fine or use a full underwater. You are basically supposing terrorism, that narrative is, is not working. Its, its literally thats, i mean, i mean, the, the, i mean we, we listen to the multi is and by so the, the, you and best a good all of the, the edit emphasizing on the 2 states, the oceans. On saving on the, on the crucial or the place and be representative even reference 50000000 euros. They said this week, the product and all the tools to which is quite a significant exactly the size and also the process. That solution is the only option for this complex. In this i mean something which is right and it is of a post. Exactly. So this really, it ends it for the clothes that holds on these. And what i need to move is, you know, using history or the beginning of the members because, but a soon as ive nothing to do with whats happening. So theres always people to which was the process, the big crime, the articles, but the seniors have nothing to do with this. We know they study how significant was it. And we heard from these, right . A representative his condemnation of unrest because the, when, when he said that the Refugee Status cannot be passed down to unreal was basically elongating the Refugee Status of these people now coming from a representative of state that recognizes or extends what it calls a right to return to jews from from other parts of the world, even if they were not born, all they fall, those all the grandfathers were born in this land. They automatically given a rights of return. And yet, palestinians who were born all their fathers were born and mothers were born in palestine. From his perspective, they not allowed to have that right and unruly seen in his view as an organization to be condemned as far as spouses that sort of equal rights protect something i mean, but this is a very typical position from a colonial states. I mean that there is a position at what is on the, i mean its, its, its not a secret that is what it has been trying for a long time to, to destroy all the war. And its monday, the minutes should, because the money is that it is who believe that the creation of project, the, some of the stablish with the project of is an own, occupied by the sun was never complete. Was it some for its the same you on with what, you know, the amount of visitors to stop and also and, and then when we start to, thatd be the 9067. 00 boulders and the split and then the occupied territories. So at that point, the interNational Community, the active now many of the circular colonial politicians like itll say, this is unfinished and this is what this was one of the biggest mistake. And the commission of is the way that this product has to be completed by expending most, but a scene is out of the occupied land and also ending this. We could use that to us because that if youd use that to zip but a scene is, enjoy or have no inside book, you buy a lot and live. I dont, i dont see it here. And many parts of the world, thats the only cause they have, thats the legal cod in front of the interNational Community, being refugees that are just of their own. Well, thats the advice of pretty soon once there is a, find the stuff in, but thats the only company hold on is that he wants to take this got away from the scene as so then thought goes and disappears. That is most of the such thing as by this time or other students. Its only is what i appeal to states for this item is for, and thats it. And that makes me feel state. Thank you very much tom. Ive caught a movie last spring and kristen solutions joining us now from the United Nations and chris. And just to put another aspect in to context, we talked to about how this, what meeting was cold in the General Assembly to address concern over the use of us, vito, what does it mean for the future of unreal . Will it have any impact on that given what weve heard from the you and given, correct me if im wrong, were expecting for leave left, sitting, the downright chief to address this body to write something hanging in the balance fundable it tonight. As we do expect to leave laza rainy to brief, the un General Assembly on the situation on road is facing right now. Of course, a lot of their funding has been suspended in the wake of allegations that members of honora helped tomas during the october 7th attacks. We dont expect any outcome from that meeting per se, but its interesting to know that the European Union announced during its remarks earlier in the General Assembly in response to the veto. That they are, that they were pledging more money to on run moving forward. Clearly the concern on right now theres terribly sorry, im going to jump in and take us back to the General Assembly with the representative of the United Kingdom speaking call. So i cannot continue. Hunger has reached devastating levels. Diseases on the rise. People are crammed into ever smaller slippers of land with nowhere left to go. Last week the u. K and george an ad dropped for tons of life saving age to the town hall well, hospital in north and garza. We also announced an additional 5400000 dollars in age. To ensure you n f p a can continue to provide life saving support to more than a 100000 following rouble. Women ad goes in garza, as my Prime Minister has told Prime Minister netanyahu and regional leaders. We are deeply concerned about the prospect of a military offensive in rafa of a hall says goal is, is population sheltering in the area. And the rest of crossing is vital to ensure age can reach to people who so desperately need it. The death of people in garza waiting for a con for last week. Well, her risk sick must be an urgent investigation. An accountability. This must not happen again. And we cannot separate what happened from the an adequate age supplies. In february, early fall, the number of trucks crossed into garza. The crust in january. This is simply unconscionable, precedent. Israel has an obligation to ensure that significantly more humanitarian age reaches the people of casa. We have identified a series of bottlenecks that need addressing israel and this urgency, open more crossings into goals that eliminate bureaucratic obstacles. Enable age operations in garza and ensure there is a robust de confliction mechanism in place to protect ordinary palestinians, n g os, magical stuff, and others providing age. This latest tragedy serves only to underscore the importance of securing an immediate and in fighting, leading to a permanent sustainable ceasefire. A negotiations ledge by egypt, gas, tall and to us of the only way to get life saving age in at the scale needed to free the hostages. Currently held by him us such a deal would offer the basis from which to achieve a sustainable cease fire. And loss being peace. The elements essential to achieving base all 1st, the release of old hostages. Second, the formation of a new Palestinian Government full, the west bank and gaza. Accompanied by an International Support package for removing a mass capability to launch attacks against israel. For him, us no longer being in charge of goals. The 5th and finally a political arise in which provides a credible and it was a civil policy way towards a 2 state solution with a clear commitment to ground palestine recognition, including at the United Nations. I thank you i. The people are crammed into an ever shrinking sliver of land. That was that of the representative of the United Kingdom. She went home to express concern of the prospect of in this way, the ground operation into rough spring in time of trying to move very quickly. Hes from the domains that you for graduate study. So tell me, what do you make of that particular that line about securing and immediate end of the company . Is this a ceasefire call or coal for negotiations . Languages vague so but to be honest, so im, im not sort of, she means apparently that ceasefire or an immediate cease fire at this stage of the world. We would, we all know that that is not all going to be. She ation. So at least days that i only kept him select into a 40 of them for the 60 days through. So were not sure whether it is list this what she asked, what she referred to as linked to that. So this phase of the negotiations or parent medically just to ensure that theres a ceasefire and then stop the political process to launch a piece process. The, whats also interesting i, theres a change of tone because these values, they would always the keen to at about the gold or try to it advocate thomas. Right. Which is not a she of, of cries because how much is that . Youre right. Who removed from a sub other thing. Thats exactly not so now shes right. This is so im so sorry. Tell me about for yeah, her out of time will be back. Well try and catch up with you as well as with all of the stories have been following here. Inside stories coming off is going to look into views of the us veto at the United Nations security accounts. Something thats been a dont story tonight will be back at the top of the hour. So to stay with us, the business latest is sponsored by interlock tuck. Hes real estate. Can sultan the

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