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Have increased since the water and guns have begun. On families of side of asian fighters in the front lines and rushes bought a new training. So they want to maine back the were going to be getting those and gaza were several and friends of died at the come all odd one hospital because they didnt have enough food or liquids. Is there any manager is accused of making it more difficult to deliver a dozens of children admitted to hospitals on getting proper treatment on a socially as this report . The definitely we are inside. Then you need to intensive care units of to come a large one hospital where we have a number off youve own babies who are suffering from severe manju attrition. And finally, its very difficult to obtain the required medication and treatment is really occupation continues to prevent relief and human syrian aids and medication from entering the gaza strip and reaching these new wont babies, as well as the patients and the wounded in northern gas on the equipment or something we used to admit 500 to 600 babies a day into the hospital and now we had met between 1001200 babies today. Yes, we noticed that old patients are showing signs of pay on this and a weakness. A 2nd, a picture is worth a 1000 words. Thats even newborns or may see i did little unit. So solve it can pull clips in. In the past, every newborn baby would have their own box of milk animals and today we can barely find a single box for the entire department. The majority of new bones we are treating today have to come out had one hospital without parents. They were referred to us by shelters of the hospitals, and they are without their mothers. Therefore, its incumbent upon us to offer them food and medical care. The situation is absolutely catastrophic. We usually see newborn babies every 2 to 3 hours. However, due to the limited supply, but with forced to feed them every 4 or 5 hours instead. And this to fix that weight and height even though i didnt pull the massage was but, but whatever milk we have is split equally amongst everyone. And this will definitely affects the babys weight and the done progress. Additionally, given the pool of health care and when theyre admitted, they need a sufficient quantity of nuke to support their immune system. And the current shortage prevents the babies from recovering properly, which means they have to one to go to treatment for a longer period of time of. And usually once newborn babies have recovered, we give them small doses of know to try and gauged the health and find out if they are recovering well. However, given the limited supply, were using a 10 percent glucose based solution to try and get them to stop crying. Well, ill get to mostly, im a esna. Hi fi and i, they, im scheduled for my child. She has substitutes on the severe chest infection. Shes only 23. 00 days old. She says she and this is on a multiple who not have a jimmy on at the desk continues to haunt everybody here in northern gonzales. Babies and adults continue to stop you to the occupation preventing the entry off or leave. You really tell you that because a including baby formula into a district and a city of just the all. So now thats not the hospital, the largest facility and the size of the strip is suspended Operations Officer of a fire broadcast. The play started doing a bottle and surveys really strikes the facility. In con eunice, its been all just seems for weeks. Is there any forces a set of rejected requests for safe passage, for those sheltering inside it at the nations previously called the complex of place of death, honey bye. Who is joining me now on the phone from the law firm in southern guns, a 100 understand the Health Industry has been saying that is really forces had prevented medical and office stuff from going into the buildings. Tell us more about the fire. Im bring this up to date with the latest is really strikes overnight and whats been happening. Yes, good morning. Lost lots of house because i left him to go to somebody in the city upon unit. Not only provide medical services for the people upon unit, but it, it out, extend the laptop they did it onto the profile city as well as the functional area with both of these are and how small or mid sized house facility will not the hospital. But present the control emitted calls to kill that be similar to what i should find is for presenting in ga, the northern partner. Now with an after almost a close to 25. 00 days of the military season. And theyve been in military storm. The hosp, the called a court, almost attended, destroying the vast majority of the property and damaging medical equipment, incense conducting laughter, rather than killing people inside the hospital in gray, 0 damage, and vandalism that took place inside the hospital. The point would be really military, described as the limited and approved sized operations turned out to be an operational, big screen, vandalism, and damage to the facility, no be hospitalized. And if the property to the point right now is pointing to a statement by the hope ministry, the hospital is unable to all 3. Hey, i again, i need to completely pushed out of service. Just the risk ainsley, the lies to go with me inside the house, including patients with their good health complications. Aquatic is tougher and tougher sustained an injury that as well as they need to be in and, and in the intensive care units or those inside the incubators. The hospice are right now turned into that from a place of healing into, into a combat, gone into that place of death. Unfortunately, as we heard it from people who, who were able to reach to the hospital as the military pulled out a from its a definitive, the general feeling that the entire figure of hon. Its has no operational also. So the right now would not have to be pushed out, getting clean, cold, a small house with the cost of the city, including i know its all as well as the the another try this in the, on the clinic in eastern part of the city that continues to happen across the got the trip, its a pattern and it appears that from the way its being conducted to be done to the point where the healthcare facility that was taken across the got to to be entirely critical analysis doesnt find any. Thank you very much. Indeed, thats highly recommend bringing this up to date from the rough. I in southern guys several things have deliver desperately need today to know some guys. Its the 1st time in air drop has happened in the north of the stripe. But other than, say, box has landed around the indonesian hospitalized body. On tuesday trains dropped supplies into his office. Ive hung eunice with an agent about costa egypt, jordan friends on the night without the benefit. Amount of hearing more to say its becoming more and more than that difficult to deliver age to the millions of how the experience and need to get a lot of time to say is the head of the humanitarian policy and advocacy that ive saved the children she says unless those deceased 5 things will only get worse. So were, what were seeing now is the worst Case Scenario and folding right before our eyes. Our organizations were been working on the ground in gaza for the last months, had been warning that children were going to start dying of severe mound nutrition and disease. And thats exactly whats happening. And in the last few months, what weve seen is that reports are indicating that food and security and malnutrition, and gaza has only intensified by the day. And we also know that this is because of the real what the list is really been. Barnett the ongoing is restrictions that i presented, the Safe Delivery of humanitarian assistance and the complete estimation of the civilian infrastructure and services that was leading to the situation right now. What i can say is that when children suffer from severe amount of attrition, they are high, a higher likelihood of dying from common diseases like diarrhea or pneumonia or common cold because their bodies just cant withstand it. And we know that in gaza right now, 90 percent of children under 5 suffer from some sort of Infectious Disease and more than 70 percent have suffered from diarrhea in the last 2 weeks. So the situation is dire and it is getting worse and it wont get better unless there is a ceasefire. And were able to scale up humanitarian assistance, follow settings, and gaza, or waiting for any news about a possible cx. 5 deal many or hoping an agreement can be reached before the muslim holy month of ramadan. And concert has been speaking to people in general, bhalla and central joshua. The needs of the gaza strip are desperate to hear anything about an immediate cease fire, especially before remo. Done today were good by downtime, and were going to talk to people about what they think about these, these all your agreements. What was the last, the produce product, young i hope, and i wish for a ceasefire. Weve heard things during previous talks and negotiations that one might come, but weve been disappointed every time the people will always be the victims. The people are really suffering. The people have no more energy, ramadan is approaching, we ask god to make our life easier and better enough is enough. Well, the smart enough, i hope youve done every time to talk about sci fi. It never happened. At this time i have a feeling there will be a ceasefire on my son, my son in law, and my brother a little. I present as in israel details. And i hope there was really steve. The last we all got to have the ccr and back to our home, to our kids, to our neighborhoods. We left our lives and guys decision and came here to pray for a cruise. So we can go back to our normal life prices here. A scary. We cant afford to buy food for our kids. I havent seen my daughter for a 100 days, theories and sounds there. We pray for a see far so we go back to our homes. Some kind of the news are optimistic and others are present mistake. All they want and all the wish for is an immediate cease fire, especially before rama done. This isnt going to pull that. Ill just need a that is enough. That are reports of israels war cabinet. It is ignoring calls by National Security minister as marvin vick bank via to restrict the number of worshipers at all like so most during the holy month of ramadan, that seems to be another sign of a whitening left. And the is really government for the marks is joining us from occupied East Jerusalem. Just give us some of the background to this of the most significant as this a rob, this is always an issue that proves contents has access to the most tech key during times like ramadan and his start key. What these ready state has done is restricted young men from attending, pres, that, well, its a me up and give a has public code for this month is that it would be even more restrictive than usual. It would only be men over the age of say, 60 who would be able to enter the most to crate. What has happened in response to that is that the leader of hamas is political, be, or, is not, hadnt yet, has published the yesterday cold from march on alex, up by palestinians both here and occupy the story. So the amount in the west bank at the starts of amazon, and what seems to be happening instead of eve is that those right to the hearts of these rarely government in the war cabinet, including defense minister, youll have kalonde. Ive said they do not want any further information of an already airy, very tense situation here, and they dont want to see more violence inside on flight East Jerusalem. Perhaps involving product simmons on the west bank and that full threatening the viability of these Ready Ministry forces that already spread so thin. And that seems to be why, according to some of these reading Media Outlets that they all sidelining ben give a from that Decision Making process around access to the most for them. Thank you very much indeed for the marks talking to us from occupied East Jerusalem palestinians living and came south of habit on say, attacks by Israeli Settlers have been increasing since the war on gossip began. Rates and facts of property in live stock are set to happen nearly every day. Seamless ivy has more from us or yet in the occupied westbank or since israels war on god. So begin host indians living and remote communities in the occupied westbank se simpler attacks have doubled bullying, fear campaigns, intimidation while the worlds attention is elsewhere. Oh, activists. And myself are, you know, to say settlers are doing whatever they want the shuttle out of who has been attacking us before. No, we have a military uniform, have a gun. Hes on, which is like, really dangerous. Was like making a, as an issue as you know, attacking the people to rising them, which is like effect on other people. People who is lived here for generations still use the natural terrain to for shelter. Just as their ancestors did, families and livestock together in a cave, a way of life in palestinian communities where the ancient and modern meet with a coordinated campaign, buyers rarely settlers and soldiers, one of home demolitions forced evictions and settlement expansions is forcing people back into the caves of that could give them a self help, but i will tell you about the dream of any young man in this place. Not just me. Every young person dreams of a safe hive, sort of a car marriage. But most dont people to day dream is sleeping with that stress for a full night and left to the city up. But when we now more know mcquease, subterranean life is changing, living in a cave is not the same as it used to be. Theres electricity, indoor plumbing, modern appliances, wall to wall tiles, palestinians living in this community may be forced to live under ground, but they say they cant be forced to live uncomfortably. But the threat of fift displacement violence is never far away. Anywhere else in the world, a place like this might be a heritage site, something to protect and preserve in palestine. It is another front line, another struggle of Indigenous People fighting to stay on their own land. The same bus route, the old a 0. Most of the other in the occupied westbank still ahead and ill just say to islam a 4 were on the rise in the u. K. With more cases, since the start of the water and gaza and get back to work or be arrested or find such to be a striking junior dr. Space, an end of month sent by the hello. We have seen some rather live the weather making its way across pa, so the middle east, the 2nd cloud that just spinning across the ron, pushing over towards afghanistan, snow over the mountains, a significant rainfall into southern past. Over on some localized flooding here, i suspect as we go through the next couple of days. And that will gradually make his way into puck. Is donald west disturbance basically pushing across moving parts of india behind that . It as long as you try and create with some pleasant sunshine, its sunshine extends up into northern parts of the region into that is the side of the mediterranean, generally quiet and fine with a good deal of sunshine here. Thats just a little bit of whether its a central pos, with the mit. Its right. You just heading towards here in western parts of the sinks and what the weather was. He makes a way into the latter part of the week. This same system bring some very heavy right child systems slattich the light to hit a flooding into the northeast of algeria 3 1st day. Going on into friday, wet weather, just coming into some busy as i stage. Meanwhile, scattering the showers across the gulf of guinea, joining up with the heavy showers that we have across central parts of africa. And both big down pulls that i just around the lobby, pushing across the times. And then northern positive. Nice and big is thing very just the medic ask the hey, listings in the gaza strip as is there is lots continues. Theres a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustained coverage, that actively humanize as his readings and actively humanizes palestinians. This is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that News Coverage can have on democracies everywhere. Here at the listing, the best, the, [000 00 00;00] the georgia guard just need a reminder of a child. So is this, or at least 7 children have died at the come all odd one hospital in northern garza, most of them have suffered from the lack of food and liquids, doctors there, said theres no milk for newborn baby is describing the situation as catastrophic. The largest hospital in southern garza has suspended all operations, a file of non self hospital in con eunice started joining advantage of is really selling complex has been on the seas for weeks several times have delivered desperately need today to northern jobs. Its the 1st time in aarons office, up into the north, strep presidency boxes landed around the indonesian hospital in japan and the number of his lima for big hate crimes in the u. K. Is not sweet times higher than it was at the start of israels war. On gaza, the country is edging towards a general election later this year and senior british politicians have been accused of sewing division of fueling racial tensions. A bunker has more from london. The goal is that conflicts inflamed a culture war, the hearts of prison. Trusting, pulsating and restaurant to help him corolla into the firing line of his summit for the big hate and the 1st of many Death Threats aimed at him and his stuff. Yes. Okay, so ill come over and take away your life. Ill come over and take away your life, says the voice left on his own to phone. When somebody calls you, im gonna cut your head or im gonna come and close you down. Im gonna send you back to guys. Today you are a life to model, you are not, you have to take it serious. The problem is of jewish and kind of seeing the problem we have extreme is government and is right and everybody is out of hostage. Extreme is government that is right. Multiple monitoring groups say the nc most than hate crimes of woman tripled in the past few months. It takes various different forms, physical, verbal abuse, vandalism, Death Threats. Much of it directed against muslim women in head scarves was cost a shadow over pressure society, and many muslims fee that elected members of parliament with a duty to protect all communities in the cast. And making things much, much worse. Senior conservative m p leanne to send refuse to apologize for comments he made accusing londons mostly mass study. Com. But being controlled by what anderson cold is limits for allowing antique guns a wall mount is to go ahead. Theyve got control the con. Unable control alone does this this week, i dont believe the problem is to reach you see next in suspended him as a conservative and p for full and shows of cooling his comments slumber photo big. Meanwhile, the former home secretary. So while abraham and a possible future leader of the conservatives is claimed that is luminous extreme as an anti semites. And now in charge of prison, that cannot be a hierarchy of racism. Youve got to be universal and equal and youll come them. Nation of food forms of hatred, prejudice, and discrimination. Whether its anti semitism, or indeed is found a phobia. Its sends a message to those in the u. K. That its totally acceptable to use dangerous language. Rhetoric against british muslims is a critical here in the u. K. A genuine election looms with the causal wolfing u. K. Politics provoking angry parliamentary war accounts. But instead of coming tensions and condemning racism in all its forms, some and power are accused of turning up the heat. The fall couch is 0. London. The hundreds of people have gathered in new york to pressure the cities, kinds of the call for an immediate cease fire in gaza. Our corresponded christmas, sending these sentences report demonstrators are gathered outside of New York City Hall for a 24 hour visual. They are targeted in new york city officials, specifically the 51 members of the city council who represent the 51 districts of new york, demanding that they call for a ceasefire in gaza to make their point. They are reading the names of the 29000. 00 plus people who has been killed in gaza since the conflict has started. I did get to speak to one city councilwoman, who believes very strongly that the council should take a stand on this issue. People are dying under a, hes a fascist government. We know whether it is here in new york city. I know, or my constituents know whether its here in york city or anywhere across the world that we do not achieve safety for folks through control and punishment. And violence, but its through care and compassion, dignity equal rights, a strength and democracy. And so thats what were fighting for. Now at this stage, they dont have the votes for a ceasefire resolution to pass in the city council, but the people i spoke to here believe that there is growing public sentiment for such a call for a ceasefire. And they are committed to staying out here through the night to make their voices heard. Present salumi al jazeera, new york. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear Donald Trumps claim of immunity from prosecution for his role in efforts to overturn the 2020 election result. The judges are expected to hear legal arguments in late april terms. Lawyers, so going to trial would radically disrupt the former president s re election. Campaign drums also facing 3 other criminal cases and a judge is removed from, from the Illinois State for public and primary butlers on march, the 19th. The decision was on hold until friday, giving from lawyers time to appeal which they have said that they will. The same ruling was made by quotes and both colorado and maine. The colorado case has been appealed to the Supreme Court. The number of asian men are fighting in the wall between ukraine and russia, according to relatives. Theyve often been promised money if they join up with either side, but instead, some of the man i believe, to have ended up dead men. L fernandez has the story initial lion capital colombo. This is full as machine can also the children. When the us for that 5, the mohammed, he traveled to the russian last november for what he thought was a job described as a hippo with the russian army. All of willis, if ive done all my science or the bill of us, they told him just sign on it to help his job. They trust if the agents and signed it off to that they was sent to the front line. These people are completely trained, but they were still taken to the crane board in the middle of a was a federal indian who escape the front lines, holes assembly to say mohammed had been shot and in bad condition. Responding to reports of indian seeking discharge from the russian army, india is ministry of extending affairs, says every case brought to its attention, has been taken up with the russian authorities saying several indians have already been discharged as a result. Height, unemployment is one reason for taking such risks. The 2nd be under, but those who are employed, they are also either very poorly, be on working much below their capacity. And then theres other major reasons that are driving around the shape of gave was among the former sherlock and soldiers who signed up with the International Legion of Ukraine Military unit 2 years ago, seeing he addressing fellow sherlock and fight as he was killed last december. How do i was trying to beat up this more t, that you can do deep any question and destroy the targets at the same time. And they say its unlikely large numbers of city long kinds of fighting in russia and ukraine. Although there are many skewed and buffalo houghton soldiers here, its a different story and they pose hundreds drawn to the front line by financial incentives, prompting a government clamp down. Meeting the families of men fighting on both sides of the conflict. Nipple as foreign minister is appealing to all citizens not to send relatives to was owned by the government has nothing drawn to permission to travel. We are in discussion and dialogue with the russian government, especially to stop. The recruitment of napa leads into the russian army and we are working towards the Immediate Release and return of those that police who have already been recruited. While he cannot make survival has pushed many across south asia to risk their lives in someone elses will that families a desperate for the safe return home . You know fernandez just the colombo, the son of 3 and governments appealed to Junior Doctors to return to work, otherwise they could have their medical license is revolt. Health services opinion interrupted for the past week. About 3 quarters of all junior daughters of wont off the job. Theyre angry about a government plan to boost medical school admissions, which they say could have an impact on their wages. Well known from gloomy autoland today. Today is the last day of waiting for the correct judgment and decision from trying the doctors now desperate patients who are waiting for surgery and medical facilities which training doctors have left and civilian patients who need urgent treatment. Also having a lot of difficulty visiting the hospital and did training doctors who left the medical facilities, police make a wise decision so that people no longer need to worry. Its all as Security Forces and shadow surrounded the headquarters as the main opposition policy in the capital of the armies blocks frozen in german or on wednesday. An internet conductivity remains disruptive. The comp time follows the kenning of several people and then the attack on the National Security agency. The governments blaming the socialist Party Without voters who denies its involvement. About reported to be carrying hundreds of african migrants has sunk off the coast of senegal. More than 20 bodies are getting covered so far. Some survivors have said the vessel has 2 to 300 people on board. Were aiming to reach the canary islands. The spanish territory off the west coast of africa. Active assessment, 9 fighters in migrants died for making the atlantic voyage last year. The International Criminal court has awarded 56000000. 00 to around 50000. 00 victims of a former revenue come under and youve gone to dominics own. One is serving a 25 year Prison Centers for war crimes and crimes against humanity is on the group is blamed for the killings of more than a 100000. 00 to guidance. 20 years ago. United nations peacekeepers are withdrawing from the democratic republic of congo. They handed over their 1st military base to the congress. These forces, as part of a face drawn down. The un mission has been accused of failing to keep peace. The handover comes as fighting intensifies between Government Forces and, and 23 rebels, conference or reports from government. The capital of Eastern Province of northern people. One of the longest serving Un Peacekeeping missions causing this call is leaving democratic republic of congo by the end of the year when new School Personnel has been here for 25 years. With a monday to help the kimberly supplemented a fight on groups and keeps to begin safe, the peacekeepers handed over one of the 14 bases to the National Police in south cable province. I am confident in the ability of the Congolese Defense and Security Forces to face the challenges with determination and professionalism. The Wellness Commission has become unpopular among kimberlys. They see the

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