All in a span of ours. Johnson is the vice chair of the House Republican conference. Hes also a strong ally of former president donald trump. Having loved the effort to try to Block Congress from the store to find job items when after the 2020 election. Now its been confusing. This whiplash road of republican candidates who have all tried and failed thus far to secure the House Speaker position no this all 4 has made it to this point have fallen under 2 categories. Those who are Establishment Republicans who do not align with trump and those who are more far, right. Republicans, who do they represent the 2 wings of the party who are now at open war with one another over Government Spending the deficit. And now the speakership and a fractured Republican Party despite holding a slim majority in the house, has not had the numbers to overcome the United Democratic caucus, who all would rather have a democrat when the speakership. Instead, the newest republican nominate johnson will likely face those same hurdles unless he went over the votes of moderate republicans without a speaker the us congress has been frozen for 3 weeks now. Unable to take action on any legislation, including aid to israel and to ukraine. I did, jo, castro alger 0, washington. Well thats it for me and installs it. And as always, our Website Builder 0 dot com has all the latest on our top stories and the war on garza democracy may be, is up. Next. Ill be back with a news out for you after that to stay with the with the escalation of the war on garza alger 0 goes to the largest hospice and in the strip to witness how deteriorates and conditions and desperate shortages are impacting the lives of so many with most famous clinic, the doctor, surely spilling should shift in this with the washer on the medical stuff. And those in need of treatment reflect on the hardship of this conflict. Electricity runs out. So just become the mass graves causes and shift a hospital on the brink on out to 0. The the are such as my jo, notice to me uh, 44 years ago in 1985, i was appointed the most School Bureau chief of ongoing television. Those were the board bunch of years. Nobody at that time wanted to go to the soviet union. And when i came back home, the communism was over in hungary, it was a completely new when strange was the troops must be a Withdrawal Form for themselves, or is everybody and hungry had Great Expectations about the democracy and about changing to capitalism. And at that time hungry was in the forefront of the changes society created legislation, multipart this system, a new parliament, i like stated by the people and old all the institutions of democracy were built. When the old bond government came to powell, in my view, it marked a sharp change. The, i would say it is much closer to dictatorship, where the exclusive only ideology is to retain power at to whatever cost the fuel. And if the, the, any kind of you, thats 1. 00 to 2. 00 and so its like 20 on the sun pulling up find, or to a new load always fast. So up to but i do a buffet as a special guys asha pause and am i made the on after we did the 3 of us seal select wency on got as if they get kind of i dont thing that we can total or bond could be voted out of power. Low price is this high enough . Just he wants to be empowered that this is the only goal in life. This is why i think hes so dangerous for him getting them. Of course, the Prime Minister old man came to power for the 1st time, very young student who so peas. In 1998 when he lost the elections, i think he made a while to himself that he will never let me go with the power empty project was simple to me was i mean the invest the center or by the the lecture was defeated in 2002 that the reason why he could lose the election because he didnt talk to find the media from 2010 when he just came to power with the 2 thirds majority. It meant that for me, think we can do anything he wants because he has a full even the constitution of strong position and found them in the ac. Wanted secretary inside use a kingdom in hunger because with the constitutional new jersey can override the constitution. You can change the card, you know, as you can do whatever you want. They changed it within 24 hours. So when he came to file or in 2010, i think he had so fiji glen off not letting go for this power anymore. Theres no free here less free 1st before he or q 5, the institutional system prosecutors office. Therefore that can be no high level investigation started in government really these core options and of course he needed to comb car the media because he understood that the media is the 4th key element of any democracy or power. The media was through the central bank and many other fathers, so the soap with independent institutions have practically lost their independence. It hasnt really became a picture of popular fully edition. I think the only thing that mentors is himself retaining malware and making himself very image. Abraham lincoln one said, if you want to test the mans character, give him power the most important to recognize that democracy without constraint can be extremely dangerous. In some places, what weve seen is a decay in those liberal rights without actually seeing an illumination of free and Fair Elections though they feed me the planet, but i dont see them in the dark. But anything more systematic during most of modern history up through the mid to late 20th century, the main way in which democracies died was through some kind of violent break. With the pat, you know, the military out on the streets with the tanks and the guns over throwing democratically elected governments. These days democracy doesnt die. Suddenly it dies by a 1000 cups step by step. And it died silently and incrementally as elected leaders like victor or bonding hungry rather than autocrats violently over throwing democratic regimes. They come to power through the ballot box. And rather than ending free and Fair Elections, they gradually undermine the norms and institutions of democracy from with. And so what am i supposed to, to as an investor problem with this is that sometimes citizens dont know exactly whats going on until you wake up one day and your repressed is gone. You wake up one day, the system looks the same, but deep down. The system has been turned inside out and transformed from an electoral democracy st into a competitive authoritarian with shame. I think they also read their own playbook. The 1st thing, what you have to do if there are still elections, is to change the information environment the or 10 years ago when the beat or button came to the polar c, v allies that he has to control the media. And they started to buy Media Outlets one by one. They have different tactics. If they can buy one, maybe they are buying. If they intimidate the other one, they are intimidating. At least a close one, maybe they will close it. So there is a pressure on us. What do we have to be very careful of course, and we have to be brave enough to support the pressure the i was looking for the largest daily newspaper at the time called hun gideon nation. Are the items that and 2 days after the collection stay announced that the lot just new space, but at that time we will be closed. So me. Besides that for a little estimation of weekly magazine called hanging young voice. They had no money. So starting from scratch. Ready unfortunately in hungry its nobody brave enough to print the newspaper. So i had to find. Ready another option since the beginnings we are printing or newspapers in slovakia some of the retailer chains are not brave enough to sell us. Even though he does not know the baby enough to be subscribers, even demarcus companies, the mountain nation, us ones doesnt want to to keep advertising to us because they are afraid to be punished. Everybody has says data to be the government and they doesnt want to take a risk thats our last chance to the main job, at least. If the hun gave young boys to be close, we have to leave the journalism and we have to find a new way of sort of arriving. So we could be stopped at any time. The by 2018 and they created a huge government controlled media conglomerate off no less than 470 different Media Outlets. This foundation control is about 90 percent of the media, 90 percent of the audience. This is a huge media machinery that allows the government to push its messages in a highly concentrated form, more changing. They have to choose through this information in that right. Theyve and i think change the media landscape and change the electoral system so that makes it easier for you to be hungry. The official politics of the government. And i think this quest versus yours. And its, its really remarkable that leading government officials, including the Prime Minister himself, are spreading the decreased once press a series. And if you are opening your mouth and criticizing the government, then you can easily find yourself in a very brutal and this honest uh, this information company. They try to silence glue. Glad you became good or bad. You would you say to introduce the profile, the balloon. Imagine that you spend a lot of time and money to build up a huge outer balloon of propaganda. And there is a little hole in it. You have to close it. You have to close glue. Glad you. Because glue, brad, you is the little hole about drews comes out. If you close your eyes and, and put aside your moral obligations or professional principles, you can continue working for, for the government media. But you will know that you are lying every day. Is supposed to return populism, it can be better describe this tribal politics because its something ation in hungary war bond is rex is the lead that office tribes. There is nothing in between either your v the us or against us. Busy i think this is how the more aggressive start to die, that venue just going there to open your mouth. Important for us to demonstrate that the governments actions start actions seeming to be among so many people the of what is i think remarkably unique in hungary rank is, is a door bound could do it beads almost no application of wire looks like this was just one of the towns where protest is reported to the shelf or the Security Services in mind. And they sometimes democracy fails. And i think this is an example. Now thats just happened environment because you have some powerful act or external to the political system that doesnt want to allow democracy, that feels threatened by democracy. And i think thats whats happened recently with the military coup and me and mar, young gun shows Police Standing as if you have a narrow cabal of rulers. And they control armed force. They have a monopoly of force. Now they can suppress popular uprisings for change. The was planning the midnight one electric who was at the stage the commenter and shuffles the summit, all which is the military force all scandal. I was shocked for a whole day even we predicted that all take over the control sooner or later. As i am an executive member of evolutionary Democratic Front me and my call makes that conversation about how can we response to the action. So i will move that does not support it. Rely on any political parties, organizations. We will come any parties who agreeing with our principles, such as a volition, the military region, abolishing 2008 constitution, which is the main pillar of the teaching and achieving full democracy and free all political present. This i dont want to lift and say our technicians live under the dictatorship, the on the, the i was born and grew up in the electrical box best. My father was a soldier. My father retired from military since 1999, one henri Attendance Commission policy over race and religion. An analogy and implemented within the middle, according to the policy of the military officers will not be promoted if he or she is not balmys and that call i dont agree us k virus. C virus means if you are being kitchen, krench and other ethics and christians, most of them all other religions, do a virus infect that person and will stay long in big society. The way to test of democracy is whether the government treats is minorities. Be close to the majority. People might have a question. Also city and our fellows protecting the piece of damage or even as the international state. And why the military wants to cool. It is clear some of the expect that to advise the rose elect to rio process, but us to be filled in both 20152020 election. And of course, they are not happy with it. There are places in the world where the military is so powerful, it just doesnt seem to be willing to allow a Democratic Political system the i fact democracy stems from the innate desire of human beings for dignity, for respect, that comes with freedom. And you cant have freedom without democracy in the absence of that, what is to protect you from a knock on the door in the middle of the night, from the secret police or just the police saying youve violated this law or that. And youre being taken away and then who will defend you and who will protect you when everybody is living under the same fear, the government, the because the military regents my house at the 50 off that protects the that the military guys, it region my house or the due date is my wife and my mother. Since then relocating places in different places the of the tragic day information or both at cooper that g d. U. So difficult because i knew that you know, they would look for me but i keep moving in different activities like i say that i do this clear title for with my motorcycle. We dont know what to do and we dont know if we do the the, [000 00 00;00] the independent minded people are dangerous for any dictates or this is why they try to advocate them both in stylings, russia, or soviet union in hitlers nazi germany. The same was on the cut, duffy in libya, the same happened in romania under nichol. I tell fiscal ment its happening now with me on my the i havent seen anything better than democracy. If you turn the question around, you see what the lack of democracy causes in human history, mass killings, oppression, poverty. So where are we heading . What we are leaving behind for children. This is our duty to bring it about the day to come on guys. We are heading into the wrong direction. A freight company, big passports, international banks, and the proceeds of organized crime in purple. Shes begging p l, a bunch on the vehicle. But ive seen the picture in a remarkable 3 pos people, the power investigation into a complex, secretive world, to a journalist, go in search of the tale, and my fears, 13 months, the longer part to on a jersey to asking questions. How is the community of house to the side, but hearing the facts, this is the legacy of colonialism. Understanding the reality that were closing from the section. Its a race against trying to find people to withstand this gen and as in an in depth coverage to 0 is teams on the ground. Bring you closer to the cost of the story with more than 1400000 people in the us. Now that was most populous country, millions of young people across the country are unemployed and unable to imagine a meaningful future. The students will take any job they can find. The getting a job seems like a distance. Education alone isnt enough to solve the hardest other demographic challenges. Authorities are struggling to persuade couples to use contraceptives. Many women only all for satellite sation of to having large families. Angela begum and her husband trying to have 10 daughters and one son. None of the children have been educated beyond 5th grade. The research on a demographic dis austin, how the country fast will determine the lives of future generations. The, the, [000 00 00;00] the color that i missed of these, hey, this is in use out live from the coming up in the next 16 minutes through an agency for palestinian refugees. Ones that will be forced to hold full opperation and

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