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General says there has been 3 breaches of humanitarian lower garza and these riley forces conducting raids in the occupied west bank face resistance from how the skinny inside the are welcome to the program. Theres still no relief inside for the people of guys which remain under heavy is riley bombardment. Hundreds more palestinians had been killed in the past day. Health Officials Say some hospitals can no longer treat the wounded because they run out of medicine and feel more humanitarian. A trucks have been able to enter the strip, but supplies of running dangerously long. The health with history says close to 5800 pounds the names had been killed since the strikes began on october 7th, following and attacked by him. Us on the southern is ro that killed 1400 is rileys, a sub bag has the licensed either by the moment and his rate. He strikes in the hospital and goes to city stuff for us to help the injured kind. Give him instructions to the old reggie over crag the hospital. Theres been no linked up in the salesman, budman. Know and screens and cries that follow. Some people calling for help. I the others are grieving the realization that in an instant loved ones have been killed. Then does the frantic attempt to leave before another stripe is nowhere to go. First, we took shelter in the most. We received a warning from the israelis that it will be show that we can to do more of our extended families home. We received another warning with instructions to head south as we headed to the south to bump up and continued. So we decided to go back. And if we die, we thought her hospitals were running out of medication and fuel to operate to generate just putting babies in incubators. And i see patients at risk and they are full capacity to, to a bed, patients and car those. Some even features on the floor. Palestinians are desperate for 8. Nowhere near enough has been allowed in. The destruction is immense. And posting in families scrubbing, displaced time and time again. Now find themselves once to move with that homes. I started big i to 0. Lets get the latest on the ground now with terika bill. Is there a room whos in that can use inside gaza . Hello the tarik. Another strike is happen near a hospital this evening. What impact has that had, i guess. And the lady is really ongoing strikes really literally in the guards. District continues different areas where heavily bombarded by these very Occupation Forces during the last hour. Several areas in the another in gauze, this trip was massively destroyed to residential buildings in a self taught we neighborhood was leveled to the grounds and on both casualties of the has been reported. 2 in addition to the ongoing, the strikes and they know theyre in areas also southern areas of tips. East europe tree has been under the use verify us a during the last hour roof. Our district has, which is more than 15, is very strikes when different residential buildings. Those is that palestinians were killed and others a ones as a tool. This current moment that there are still reporting about people who are still under the ruffles cooling for fed. The urgent intervention in order to evacuate them from the under the rock poles over. So if you had a city just before a couple of minutes, we go live, there is a heap of bottom. It had been all the heat and the surrounding areas of the hospital until this current moment waiting for further information about the quality and the quantity of destruction that took place in the site. This area during the last i was also the eastern areas of the gods district with this method alternative or shooting, which really could be used as a kind of for you. But youve mentioned order to above that we for any kind of possible or potential to Ground Invasion to the territory. So im going is really strikes from the goal is to strip at brit catastrophe consequences in different on different life aspects as the ongoing flow to avoid this intensifying this crisis and tired. What have you seen in times is that a trickling in from the rasa. Crossing and certainly theres still no sign of any fuel these day, i guess emulate, since the early adoption of this route defined thing between palestinian pointers and the use with the Occupation Forces. The humanitarian conditions inside the surgery has witnessed mass deterioration in different on different life aspects, including water, sewage, and even if you will, way off to a 2 weeks of the ongoing compartment and both sides of the gaza strip has witnessed a kind of limited access to humanitarian aids that have been delivered by the United Nations on different creeds. Normally the 8th of us were out of 5 crossing to this uh, current. Uh till now around uh, 3 uh kinds of humanitarian uh, aids that had been delivered to the guards district including for substitute and medical supplies today or you said a minute terry and trucks into the bassy shirt tree full of these trucks for carrying on 2 of them at carried flipped supplies on one only a sold truck. Uh, carriers out uh, carriers, uh, medical supplies to the suit surgery. Meanwhile, the Current Situation in hospitals, the site to be surgery, is really witness thing method to ration the United Nations, subject to print if there is no end, if you will, entry to the be strict treat, get till it during the next 24 hours. The situation and the goal is a strict will be catastrophe. The United Nations here is site. The goal is a strict will be forced to to hold any operations that to be made by stuff inside the 3rd treat. It seems that more than 600000. 00 palestinians who are living inside under was filters will face a will. So catastrophe conditions of owner operation on a patients and site that goes to step, going to be suspended. Its also worth mentioning that hospitals inside the gaza strip of witnessing c. V shortage of fuel. Uh, doctors, medical workers are trying to use at the minimum rates of capability to hold it to be able to keep providing services and the disagree shortage. They have delivered different appeals to the International Community to afford the urgency humanitarian fuel entry to the goal is to serve in order to be able to continue providing services for thousands of palestinians till this do it until now. The conditions of the site, the goal is to strip our with this thing, a mess of a mess of deterioration and the condition is moving from being triple to be catastrophe. Ok, thank you very much for that update. I took a bu, as in, inside guys and for us. And theyve been tense exchanges at the Un Security Council after the secretary general alleged violations of International Law in gaza, fronting an angry reaction from each room. Antonio gutierrez, also appealed for the immediate implementation of a cease file. It is important to also recognize the effects by miles the lots happen in the vacuum. The policy didnt people have been subjected to 56 years of civil k d occupation. They have seen that land sadly be followed by supplements and blake by violence, that economies defaults that people displaced and that homes demolished. That helps while the political solution to that applied and being vanishing. But they gave us use of the policy, and people cannot justify the appalling effects by a mouse. And those appalling effects cannot justify the collective punishment of the policy and people youve gone. 8 years old or free of 17 years old. There are just a few a few of the many children and babies that have not seen a vote. They have no cause developed by the victims of fever. This gives weakness all which cannot be described. I will miss the secretary general in what . Well do you live . Definitely, this is not all the world i am speaking on the sidelines of the Security Council. Amazing Foreign Ministers from jordan and saudi arabia appealed for come and stressed. The importance of humanitarian se file. So lets just step back, lets not click through age, determine the future of millions of people or what region. Lets just or lets allow common sense. Somebody isnt to come back and lets all together to hold what in this United Nations come and see it this time we sold this challenge, this conflict once and for a while and the only way is peace. Thats wonderful. That id support it and would allow all of us to start working together to create a Better Future for a lot of a ceasefire is a humanitarian imperative. We are facing a desperate situation in because the right now were facing an impending humanitarian catastrophe. Every hour we speak more civilians and because of dying, more people are getting injured. The situation is getting worse. A ceasefire is an absolute, necessary necessity immediately. That will allow us to address all of the operations. For more on the developments out of the United Nations thats bringing down corresponding gabriel, alexander in new york. Hello. They gave as weve been hearing, theres been plenty of reaction to the un shapes. Comments about guys what move was it . Yeah, thats right. I mean, this exchange, especially the reaction from these rarely side was really remarkable. I mean, the secretary generals you just played his is one of his main points there. And he was just taking a pretty non controversial balanced approach. Basically saying the grievances of the Palestinian People cannot justify the appalling attacks by him us. But those appalling attacks can not justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian People. A pretty balanced approach there. But you heard from these really for administer . Who just said, what world do you live in addressing the secretary general directly in a tone you very rarely see in Security Council chambers. He then cancelled a meeting that he had scheduled with the secretary general for later on tuesday. And then the is really ambassador to the un posting a message on social media later saying that the secretary general should resign immediately. And hes not been to lead the United Nations. So hes really get a sense here of how in fury aided the israeli delegation was by the secretary generals comments. And you can get a sense here, but that the real animosity that you hear from you is rarely when they hear sort of is really balanced approach. Not from another investor, but from the worlds tough diplomat, the secretary general of the united nation. So quite remarkable. Seems there remarkable in day gabe. And what more can you tell us about these new draft resolutions coming out of the un and what do they mean in a practical sense . Yeah, we have 2 new resolutions that are on the table. Let me just go back through each of them quickly. We have one from russia that is calling for an immediate cease fire and also cause for israel to resend its entire Evacuation Order for the north of guys. It has other things as well, but those are the key points there. That is a Security Council resolution. Its already been finalized by russia. It could go to a vote as early as this week. And then jordan and the error of who you can put out a resolution as well that will go in front of the entire General Assembly. It also calls for an immediate cease fire and also cause for israel to resend it to Evacuation Order for the north of guys it. So these 2 resolutions very strong, much and stronger, i should point out that 3rd resolution uh by the united states, which only calls for a humanitarian pause, which is much different than a total cease fire. So a lot of diplomacy going on behind the scenes here. All of these resolutions we expect will be voted upon either by the General Assembly or by the Security Council at some point this week. All right, thanks so much for bring this up to speed gay, but alexander in new york, lets stay in the us now and for more developments out of washington dc. Lets bring in heidi to your tester. Hello. There heidi, the national Security Council spokesman john covey has spoken today, tuesday about the us developing contingency plans to evacuate americans from the middle east. What does that mean to . Thats right now he said this is just uh, just in case plan due to the fear of this conflict escalating and whitening regionally. This would be beyond what the us is already doing, which is chartering plain rights for americans who already want to leave israel. But kirby also said during the same press conference at the white house, notably from what gave was reporting that the u. S. Does not support a ceasefire in gaza. The words of kirby saying that would quote only benefit him. Us and heidi, there were series of drawing attacks to american bases in iraq and syria last week in the middle east region. What have you learned about the impact on american troops . Thats right. Well, so we heard that these drone attacks occurred, but only now are we learning that they injured some uh, about 2 dozen american troops. They were minor injuries on bases in iraq and in syria. And all of those truths were returned to duty. But also what was notable is just the wide scale of these attacks and at least 13 over the last week. These were drone attacks. According to pat ryder, the pentagon is pro secretary and missile attacks. One attack in iraq notably did result in an air airplane hangar being damaged and there was a us contractor who died not during the attack, but during a shelter in place order that apparently occurred on the same day, but rider again, dependent on press secretary, not directly linking this to the conflict in gauze and israel, but same of course, having this in the context of that and also attributing these attacks to groups supported by e. Ron. He also warned that there could be further escalation from iran in back to malicious against us troops. In the region. Okay, thanks for bringing this up to speed, highly direct, castro in washington dc. These riley, im in the mall, says its naval forces, have killed, a group of dive is from us who tried to infill trade is riley territory and a c born attack. The army is still searching areas in the south for any fighters who managed to reach is rome from the us . The assistant secretary of defense, lawrence cold says its an insight into the results that is available to him us. I think it shows that loss has a lot more capabilities and then we thought also, i think its another way for them to accomplish their objectives because a lot of their ground forces, if you will, have been decimated by the is really as strikes that have been getting more and more intense every day since october 7th, where theres no evidence that a rand told him to attack when they did. But a rand has been getting them for a, you know, for a long period of time to get ready to do this. And this was one of the thing that nobody ever really thought much about was you know, swimming, uh, you know, uh, all due to a parent to penetrate. So yeah, i just think it, it does show how clever they are. I think it might show that they made some arrangements to get some of these divers to get involved or you know, to, to, to hook up if you will, with some small bones or something that they could then use to cause problems. You know, from the say, i think basically their capabilities are beginning to get reduced because you know, were talking about beginning on the 7th of october. I dont know. They planned on this going so long or they thought the israel eastwood response. But it seems to me that was only so much that they could stockpile that will enable them to keep fighting at the pace is real is because is real not. Busy only hasnt for, you know, top class military, but theyre getting a lot of military aid from the united states. The french president to manual on the cone has visited, is round to show support for its war on gaza. And amazing with these rarely Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. He went as far as suggesting joint International Action against him, us as him run con, before it was in just a show of support as well as 5 minutes. The it was in effect, a quote of french president emanuel and the crow suggested taking joint International Action against him. As phil simple, quite a policy puts, this is why france is ready for the International Coalition against eyesore within the framework of which we are engaged. 4 hour operation in iraq in syria, i can see in real my luck he reiterated his goal to treat him us like iso. But in all his statement was most sympathy. Even action with no plans for a cease fire or humanitarian cordele to immediate loans of the palestinians. I want to express my condolences to all the victims of the spiral of the vine was leased by him us to the families of the wounded and those who lost their loved ones and goods. Our hearts are with them. During the meeting purchased, it took to the streets, angry that the best would even meet with the french liter. Im on your car is just the latest that a long line of west the need is to visit as well. But hes only the 2nd leader to come and visit president monkwood abbas here in the middle of now front says publicly backed israel. Most observers have say, theres not a huge amount he can do for the palestinians. Of israel meanwhile, continues as a nightly rates and the occupied westbank. 55. 00 people arrested in the last 24 hours, bringing the title since october, 7th, to more than 1300. 00. Also in the last 24 hours to palestinian prisoners have died in custody in his right, he chose, the Palestinian Prisoner Society says the death a part of an organized Assassination Campaign against the prisoners. Israel has only given brief details of the desk, but as nightfall is, palestinians expect mores will arrest and move in wrong cause out is there a moment . Were getting reports of more armed clashes between these riley forces, conducting rooms in the occupied westbank and palestinian. Find his lets go straight to child stratford, who joins us from ramallah. Hello, that child. One of the areas this is happening is jeanine, where l, so the rides happening and how they playing out on the ground. So yeah, lets just give you a few more details about those raising jeanines you needs important because that town in the notes of the occupied westbank must be subjected to countless raids of a recent months. And of course, those rates have increased dramatically since october the 7th since the initial how much attacks in israel, according to a local journalist inside jeanine, they saying that they are ongoing heavy clashes there between Palestinian Government and the is riley military. Weve seen the video footage of these right in the metric going into jeanine. Were also hearing reports of these, these riley, military grade bulldozers, in areas of janine suggesting, possibly potential demolition plans by these riley miller tre. Weve seen countless occasions in the last couple of weeks these, these, these bull nose is being used to destroy homes, destroy property. Of course, israel has this policy of either punitive cumulative, or as a, as a warning to, to suspect gunmen, they destroy their homes. This is a longstanding policy, so yeah, hey, because shes on guarding engineering. We understand we were getting audio reports of an hes Ready Ministry incursion into the village of but a king which is west of jew name. We understand that according to local Media Associates in that area, these very ministry of subsequently withdrawal and but they made 2 arrests in that village. Were also getting reports of these Ready Ministry entering errors of hebron as well in the occupied westbank and novelist. And as you heard him rise piece more than 1300. 00 arrests having being made already since those have us attacks on october the 7th, and at least 95. 00 People Killed in these rage as well, including children. So you can imagine a very worrying situation for thousands of People Living engineering and various other locations to nights across the occupied with spring. All right, appreciate the update. Thanks so much. Charles strep said that for us in ramallah, if you just joining us, lets remind you of our top story is this our hundreds more palestinians have been killed in the past day under israels relentless bombardment of guys. The Health Industry says close to 5800 pellets jeanines have been killed since the strikes began on october 7th, following an attack by from us on southern east around the killed 1400 is rileys, is around. The government says more than 1400. 00 is rallies, were killed in that attack. Theres been times exchanges at the Un Security Council after the security general alleged violations of International Law and god. So his statement prompted an angry reaction from israel, which is calling for his resignation. Meanwhile, with been getting reports of cautious as we heard from child stratford between is rarely ami. Right, so during his riley army rides rather than while in the occupied westbank, video circulating online shows these riley Occupation Forces stowing the city of jeanine. Doctor house on koloff is a medical director of the al wafaa hospital and gaza. He says there operational with the band minimum i helped super hospital on the growth of 51. 00. Get from chicago hospitality, just to give them you know, space for some and the new and just people. This is the situation. My hoss because of my patients are elderly with the hers diseases with medical detroit would want to push it out of service. And you know it stokes down there, youre just going defeated and i still dont know that the and both of them except the patients that had both of them actually have a hospital will have, you know, injured whatever this is the, the minimum, the minimum um the only available, even though the code has been cut food, you know, the, the, the default. Well we, we would depend on uh, being jones and jones and cheese on saturday so that i could get as much get the book beating as what you know, does it show to invitations. But the degree permanent, as even if its just, you know, life and you know, the, you know, the other machines, a lot of equipment that we need to depends completely on didnt disagree as well as left until other, other parts of the hospital. So our preaching degree degree difficult is we have it now, its most of the solar system using for lighting down there we something that we could do at the bottom of the box a few days. What kinda generally is that for 2 or 3, i want to just do the math to do the minimum work. My goal is to find, you know, my life is in a minimal city city. And we can let you know, be sure to that. How many days the guy that the investor will come and let you know, all the people here will die. It is been more than 2 weeks since israel began to pulling forces to the border with guys many senior commodities. And politicians have promised the outright destruction of home us. But as victoria guides and be reports the divisions within, as well as Political Leadership by creating challenges of their own, i need to talk to about a show of unity from is really Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. And his senior military lead is on the whole point lead me on how we are working together as one 5th, for one goal to eliminate from us. We back up each other and we back up the idea. Ill fight is and come onto the and fighting and the whole time cabinet has dominated his writing media. I made the lengthening, wait for the planned invasion, have gone to in the meantime, a show force from the navy on board is, is randy defense minister us go on to school. So patients function keep preparing for operation. It will happen soon. We are preparing some really for the next that a Multi Lateral operation. But the ground and see do you will get ready. We will need 2 rows of tanks aligned up at the border with gauze. The most is standing idle for the moment as israel plans and for passport could be a fall winder will move teams of troops the already overreaching inside, cause the model also lie low. During the night there were raids by tank and infantry forces. These rates kill squads of terrorists who are preparing for the next stages of the war. These are raids that take place deep past the contact line. But the relationship between israels minute tree and its civilian government has gran complicated opinion poll showed the Prime Minister is far from popular and many is right. And hes wanting to publicly take responsibility for the security 5 years on october. The 7th. This is where the soldier ended by the failure to prevent the how much the tax was released as an army base mission yall who was visiting us because i dont mean shalanda or israels military is making it clear that its ready to fight conducting life fire drills as it waits for the countries freshest, Political Leadership to give the go ahead for the next stage and its offensive. Victoria gave some b, l g 0 the. Lets take a look at some other world news now, and russia has intensified its offensive in east and ukraine. President vladimir persian is ordering thousands more troops to the front line, but ukrainian Officials Say most go appears to be suffering severe losses. Rob mcbride has the story from the capital case. A big increase in fighting has been reported along much of the front in the east that a number of different points are the russians continue in good times to try to surround the city of, of div cut, just outside russian controlled, done yet. But were also getting reports of more fighting places like back boots in to parents. Web back thoughts has rates now for many months, according to the ukrainians. The russians once again, seeming to have adopted a dis, a tactic of sending in waves of infantry accepting. It seems very high casualties in return for very little being gain in terms of territory. As these push continues. President volume is a landscape of ukraine has met with his military commanders to discuss the situation across the country. Also with getting reports with the increased fighting in the south around the sun. I know that has now being given for the evacuation of 800 children from, from the line settlements that rubber cried. Ill just say our teeth to china now where defense minister lation through has been asked it from his position without explanation. It comes just months after badging suddenly dismissed. Its full of farm and instruction gun. Katrina, you reports from badging the junk food was appointed. China is defense minister in march and had been the face of its rapidly expanding military diplomacy. But on tuesday, state media announced his remove by president ial decree with no reason given. The order was approved by the National Peoples Congress Standing committee, a top poem entry party. So far, no replacement has been named li hasnt been seen in public since attending a china africa security for them engaging in august. Hes the 2nd ty, ranking official to be ousted in recent months in july from the foreign minister team

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