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Well as the types of mosque in the janine refugee camp is raids, arrests, and intimidation, intensifying the families of those health cop to buy from us in gaza. Quote, for a seas far and the prison. The deal, the its 22, g and t. Thats one i am in gaza where these riley minute tree is carrying out thousands of strikes, homes lying and ruins. Hospitals overwhelmed by the dead and wounded on medical supplies of all. But run out now the last few hours to buy the refugee camp in the notes of the enclave was hit by an es strike. So far we know so that the palestinians have been killed. Thousands of people of wounded as the director of the indonesian hospital inside your body as says most of the injured all children. Doctors have been unable to use on this by taking some cases. And its right, the Army Spokesman is confirmed. One soldier was killed during a raid into gaza earlier today. 3 of the soldiers are reported to be injured. They say the raid was aimed at locating captives also, to quote for terrorist infrastructures. A thought a cup out assume is live for us and sonya is the 1st of all, take us through the off some off of those lights and strikes in japan. You uh yes, i mean the is really of the patient forces intensifying its scale of attacks and even the rhythm of its strikes in different areas in the gaza strip. Literally during the last hour, the different areas it strikes to place in different areas across the gaza. Strip starting from devalue refugee camp was considered to be one of the most densely populated areas. This a small area contains more than 120000 palestinians residing in only one spot. Columbus is a seems doctor to use. Ready for apartments, leave the length of more than 15 palestinians in this area where a dozens of casualties also have the ripple said that i would like to describe the area theyre assigned to the. The area is, is a, is a major complex of adjacent houses. Every single houses adjacent to another, it seems that every, any single component of this area would cause Collateral Damage to the surrounding areas of the bottom of the house. Also the different strikes are placed in a lot. Yeah. A break and in different areas inside the procedure treat to this current moment. This might consider it to be one of the most accuracy of nights in the goals district, which claimed the lives of those and still this current moment and thought, what can you tell us about that . Flash the 1st flash on the ground since this conflict began between us and is really forces 12 of these really uh, forces that try to into the gaza strip. And this activity would like to make a kind of maintainance work for the separation fence between those lines. Israel loose forms as well upset by the palestinian fighters were preparing a military ambush. Food then, according to the uh to the palestinian fighters inside the guns district. Decent, thats a 2 minute, triple twos as well. Tax one, military tanks was bombarded by the uh, by the house to me and fi as well. So uh, troops and just to evacuate. And to run away from the incident location from vacation of the incidents and the Current Situation considered to be critical from the perspective of vegas, video, Occupation Forces because multiple attempts a like a what happened today might be repeated if there is going to be any push to the ground, it brings you to the guns or strip might be carried out and thought a more aids is got through today. But is it being distributed and is it enough . Were hearing about a 130 from a to a babys at risk because hospitals still arent getting fuel well, in terms of the human to terminate, they have into the guns trip around 15, a 14 human touring drops into the disease church until this current moment it has not been distributed and the only entity will it would be responsible for the process of distribution would be the 9th to make sense. To this current moment, if you will, has more into the gauze district due to the fact that the goal is this trip is witnessing master will take all the fuels of lilies in order to help hospitality rates and to keep providing medical services to thousands of palestinians a site c shirt tree issued babies and hospitals offered to install it due to the lack of which you will simply because the entire hospitals are working a working on fuel. And these kinds of hospitals might really become active services if you did not into the goals this trip to the next one is the dispute, according to the general direct to open new operations inside because this trip right, well leave with the photo as soon. Thank you. So much how does it was mohammed jump june has been following devices, developments from occupied east jerusalem. The one is really soldier killed and 3 injured during an operation in search of missing people on the border with gaza. Those are some of the details that were given by is really military folks. Mcdaniels regard during a press conference on sunday. Now in an early your statement by the israeli army about that incident, these really armies said that quote Palestinian Terrorist had opened fire a troops operating on the western side of the gauze at 4 defense. That is clearly a significant incident. One that concerns is really military officials in that press conference that was given by a guard on sunday. He said that the israeli army was expanding the scope acceleration and scale of the attacks in the gaza strip in the next stage of the war. Now in another incident that cause concern on sunday, they really military said that one of its tanks had accidentally hit an egyptian post near the gauze of border and expressed sorrow over the incident. Now, one of the reasons that is so worrisome is because in the days after the october 7th attacks, the Israeli Military had twice shelves, the Border Crossing thats before the Border Crossing was finally opened for the delivery of a small amount of age that just started on saturday, theres been a lot of diplomatic pressure applied by especially western countries for that of our Border Crossing to be open so that a could start getting delivered. Now it was reported on saturday that at least 28 vehicles had gotten in and out on sunday. Um several, a vehicles that was reported had gotten into the gall, this trip with a concern right now is if there are more incidents of this kind, could this staunch the flow of much needed a getting in to the gaza strip Going Forward . How much im doing. I just need an occupied east jerusalem. At least 2 palestinians have been killed during a raid in a town in nablus governor as in the occupied westbank. 3 of us were critically wounded as well as killed 93. 00 palestinians across the occupied westbank since october, the 7th. And then this variety find the jazz the tank some all skinny occupied westbank of the on sunday killing to palestinians as well says the science in the janine refuge account was being used. The plaza tax strike is rising concern of a dangerous escalation. That abraham revolts from the law or the rear is really ears struck in the occupied westbank target to palestinians in the most indigent refuge account. Good. That is in bucklin. I was in the this window and did the last explosion just after 2 am with the theres no place for us to go. So we stayed home with the hatch. We really troops usually with the account. The north of the west bank often exchanging fire with palestinian fighters. This time is really soldiers were nowhere to be found. A dangerous escalation post and youll see these really are me says the 2 people targeted were responsible for previous attacks and were planning new, totaling the strike some time in the seas. Really forces called the threatening to kill other one for the policy. Does it say thats what it has, what subsidies with these assassinations . Its clear that these reinforces the sausage call. People doing in the besieged, gaza strip in the occupied westbank to hold up the whole fucking the. This is all fair that these assassinations will come from the this is a big problem because when you hit an area, you damage the surroundings and thats really forces. Ive been bumping up their reeds and increasing their use of aerial attacks. And the westbank, particularly in areas where our groups are active when its thursday, a joint strike killed at least 5 palestinians then with ships i few decals. The store cutting with more than a 1000 is raise the rates on average per day. And a growing number of casualties many, youd fear that the names of israels war on gaza are catching up in the west bank. Does that, but he does just need to let us go live now to sort of highlight she joins us from ramallah in the occupied westbank can 1st of all bring us up to speed with the latest reports of attacks in nablus. Yeah. Well to people, as youve mentioned earlier, what killed one of them was a teenager. Its not clear how it started, whether it was during a raid or no. But what we do know is that what i witnessed in say that they was shots by is ready for us is of course, the number of desk now full in the last 24 hours or so is 8. So that just kind of shows you that its just a one day and this has been happening every day, especially since october the 7th. So just to visual over 2 weeks, youve got 93 palestinians killed just in occupied west bank. And of course, thats besides all the multiple raids that been happening is real hard w as well. The janine attack came, is a big surprise to lots of those in jeanine refuge account, simply because it was an ass, striked. Very ras, with these rileys to do this. And occupied westbank because they usually go in with soldiers when they carry out those raids. So clearly it was um, uh, the army these ready all me sending a strong message. They said that they all determined to quash how mazda is made. It treat as, of course, a wing in gaza, but also by extension. Thats including how mess, members, hey, or anyone, the affiliates themselves to them all is law makes to have an, as you know, saw me in the judge didnt refuge account. They have an of a group note as janine brigade, which was set up in 2021 and they have affiliates it themselves. Um for the same cause they sped to fight against the occupation. They say this is there any way they can resist that occupation. And one last thing on that you see is that how mosse, when they carried out their attack on israel, they had also said it was because of the continued occupation in columbus sex conversation rather of lines on settler attacks happening here and occupied westbank. And that was one of the reasons why they said they carried out box attack. Well, we definitely seeing a continuation of is rouse occupation heck, uncertainly. And in a much harsh. 8 way including these raids harsh away also how should techniques were seeing as science, which is not very common. Were seeing attacks on mosques take us through that. Yeah, exactly. Um, obviously this one that half of the engineering refuge account was a mosque, a is riley military, just the soon off to that. So it strikes that that they had some ha tunnels underneath and you know, they have arms, palestinians have use places like most full planning if you like, any of those attacks. And you know, some of these places are very densely populated, or still refugee camps. And they all still. 8 is that, you know, a finding that they are the ones that all of the most by these is really rates from demolitions to restriction of movements. And as you said, were seeing a different way of them dealing with these res, its a lot more intense. They also, for example, a few days ago, some of the soldiers were flying these really flags during right. Weve not really seen this before, but the type of people that going officer and not just surprised at how much members, but theyre also active. Its john list of being targeted hair as well, including a restriction on palestinian movement, not just palestinians, but so those are costs that wants to report on the situation. Hey, were not able to move. And in. 6 simple terms want said to us by one of the check points, this is a will or will leave with the sort of hired on in washington is expanding its minutes. The presence in the middle east, in support of Israel Defense secretary lloyd austin, said the us would send moment assets to the region. This includes patriot ad Defense Systems and more troops. Washington says its in response to quote recent escalations by iran and its proxy forces. A group of us sentences of invoicing support for israel on a visit to tel aviv as the war on gauze that continues. The republican senator Lindsey Graham, had this message for a ron. Were here today to tell or ron were watching you if this war grows is coming to your back yard, they wont be 2 fronts, thatd be 3. Theres an effort to unless has blah on the jewish day to destroy it, my attention will be to, to run these innocent hostages get slaughtered, hold you around accountable cause you could stop and if you chose to while were doing now. But i should have her time say in washington, dc, and 1st of all should have take us to some of the latest readouts coming out about diplomatic activity on sunday, a positive. I didnt talk to benjamin as an yahoo weve been told we didnt get a read that its a the 2 significant parts to the read out there. What on the to monitor terran aid to gaza. It says that the leaders of funds that they will know be continued flow of this critical assistance into goals. Or theres some sort of rhetorical commitment from benjamin as in yahoo. It would seem for continued flooding. If the, if the offices clearly its a, its a trickle, whether this is about Public Relations or helping people and goals, are you guys open to question as we will have been, have been discussing, but there is some rhetorical commitment, the, but also that the President Biden and yahoo spoke about ongoing efforts to secure the release of quite all the remaining hostages, taken by home off. So i guess thats in, thats significant in relation to the various lines weve been chasing over the last few days as to whether the us is asking israel for a delay and on the ground defensive in order to get more time for negotiations as we bring them with us about that the secretary of state office on the news shows and he simply just said um, thats israels decision to make, but we can give the best advice, advice that we have the on that button we are told has spoken to pregnant as a true to account of the present mac cronum of friends, charles the shouts of germany Prime Minister maloney of italy Prime Minister soon act. If the u. K. As well as pipe francis a 20 minute conversation with him as far as the, the conversations with all those leaders in canada and your we dont have any readouts as yet. And then finally, we just got a rather interesting note from the state department. But this is for the me, a median, this seems to be part of the, the information board. Weve been getting rumblings of the, theyre all concerns in the, by the administration about the information wars. Its cooled and its actually your age. Its a re statement of what the charge the fab in cairo said to be a kyra summit on saturday. We already had all the comments on saturday. But this is interesting because it just simply its, it has full bullet points as to what you said when of them is how most of least unadulterated, even israel, but the other 3 bullet points or about about how much biking cares about the palestinians. Palestinian civilians not to blame, present bodies and caution is remote to become blinded by rage. Habits. It is not from us and bite them blinking, believing in a 2 state solution. And that comes into that context. I think where youre seeing as rumbles from the administration that theyre getting words about the backlash from people in the, in the base of the democratic party. We had to get into an election next year younger versus the arab American Voters and swing states like michigan. Yeah. These are all key for the, the time out there in 2001 that im not losing the war with a lot of these constituencies according to the polls. So i dont know whether this is just a, a reminder that the buttons of those can, even as they give is read all the means to carry out its, its bump up into gaza. Full. So i had some statements from Lindsey Graham, what do they indicate about the design, perhaps of some in congress, and then i the logical background just kind of trying take the driving seat on us policy towards the region. I think Lindsey Graham is an interesting example for several reasons. I mean to be honest, so it will be surprising on any given day. Ready whether there was a conflict warrant in terms of conflict in goldsboro, not in the gramm. Having said something about your, on all of them any given day, hes saying something about the case about bullying around. But clearly he and the other members on this bipartisan trip to israel are all positive, you know, the friends of israel, some of whom get a great deal of money from the israeli lobby. And yet they have to representative that means that unconditional support for his role no matter what it does and, and rhetoric against iran disagree. It was interesting example that and really does represent the particular traits of members of us congress, the political, but political makeup of this country on the, on the religious make up because hes part of that is that design that evangelical christians design extradition, which feels the conflict of them, at least as a good thing in some ways because its, it is suggesting that the 2nd coming of jesus christ might be upon us and that for when he comes them he will send all the jews to hell unless they, unless they come back its a curious alliance, but one thats very, very potent when you talk about the reasons for unconditional support for his role in congress and amongst that evangelical Christian Community in the United States. I could stuff that from chapters time c, thanks so much. Now to hear all this, again, warning the bombardment of gauze, or could have far reaching consequences for the region to. So youve already explained some to her on in this situation in the region is like a powder. Take those words from their owns for administer. Hes saying im here at the law him earlier on sunday. He also went on to say that the Current Events could spiral out of control very quickly. And once that happens, the results could be severe, bitter, and how far reaching repercussions both regionally. And for those advocating for war, uh, this is not the 1st time weve heard that these uh, sentiments from the reigning officials, the ron in president ever whom bracy has also expressed the fact that the current Ongoing Events in gaza and the constant bombardment by is really forces on the pile of sending people could have far reaching consequences. Now, when it comes to the recent attacks on us interests in the region, the re needs have not officially commented, but we had heard from iran, supreme leader. Its all a harmony last tuesday who did issue a warning of what was to come. He said, the muslim nations are very angry and it will be hard to control peoples emotions. He did say that if the resigned is resumed, continues as crimes, no one can stop the muslim resistance groups, and they shouldnt expect the groups to be for benefit from taking action. Nobody can stop them when they get angry. This was last week why Iran Supreme Leader obviously hinting of what was to come for now. They ran and officials have not commented on the attacks that have been taking place on us interest. But of course, iran holds the United States solely responsible for enabling israel to carry out what it calls war crimes against the policy and even people door such a party out to 0 to hong a more now on the International Reaction to the goal is all, im groups of launched rocket and drone attacks on us bases in a rock this week. They say its in response to washington support for as well. The state department is advising citizens not to travel to iraq. Hold on to the live reports from the bank that as it is rising, that the war on the plaza might spill over across the middle east and the rock minutes. The bays is hosting us and coalition admitted c. Personnel had been targeted by emissions and zones one back of the groups known as this lennox resistance blamed responsibility for the attacks threatening to increase the attacks and to continue targeting us minutes the facilities and us into any loc. As long as the United States continues supporting and backing israel minutes the campaign on the plaza and iraq, also the ministrations have been in stages across the country. Contending that the ministry campaign bye is right on has the and Many Political and religious leaders in iraq have been calling on the government to blue Cross Country is that supports as well. In fact, they have been calling on the government to close embassies and Diplomatic Missions of the countries that support as well. Civil, political and religious leaders in iraq have been calling on the supporters to mobilize the fact to be transferred to assign to take part in the resistance to take part in the defense of the for the citizens of civilians in iraq has been one of the countries in the world to rise up against the bombardment campaign. By his way, the forces against garza moved up the head a visit all about that. A fighting has escalated between israels army and um, group has the law of the border with lebanon. These right, the Ministry Says it has knobs of ation. Post. Thats off to the Group Launched and to tank miss house and mostly shells. As ballasa is 20, full size is have been killed since the conflict escalated 11 of them in the last 24 hours. On a hash, him reports from the florida in southern lebanon, over the past hour, as well as announced that i was 12, its fighters, has been killed in the last 24 hour. 6 of them were killed on this day. Now this makes the known about as the law fight this case, since the beginning of the confrontations in south lab and on 225. 00 as low as i noticed that its been attacking several is really both on the 120 kilometers board. Now doesnt you element thats entered into the confrontation. Thats the use of a strikes wall thing as likes by is ready for killing the has the law selves. And this might mean that his lives going to also start using maybe a new tactic. Given the fact that this war is witnessing an updated rules of engagement. So the more the one side updates its rules of engagement add elements to the war. Then the site is doing the same. However, its still contained within the as we said, the 120 kilometers a depth of 4 to 5 kilometers. Now on this line, many people now are leading towards safer areas in find the route and not the however, those who are still staying the complaining and half concerns because of the lack of emergency plans. The lack of contingency plans, lack of shows to us. Some of them they dont want to leave at all, but they want to say face will them when it is . Well, its shedding and is with has been showing the whole borderline over the past days on national to 0. Not cool, soft down a. So, the us has introduced a draft resolution to the Un Security Council on the war on casa, but it doesnt call for a seas fine. Instead, the draft resolution calls full full respects of International Humanitarian law, including the protection of civilian populations, trying to get to safety. So also strongly urges the continuous sufficient and on handed provision of essential goods and services to civilians in garza, including water, few food and medical supplies. This is the 3rd draft resolution issues since the conflict began. Previous ones by russia and brazil will vetoed go live now to gabriel. As on though he joins us from the united nation. So quite significant, but it does not include. And then think about a ceasefire. Gabriel. Yeah, thats right. Maybe thats not a surprise because a us has indicated all along. They would not accept anything that was close to cease fire. They blocked that when russia proposed it about a week ago. Perhaps even more surprising though, is that the us did not even include a humanitarian pause in this new draft resolution that they are proposing to the Security Council. And because that is something that the 12 members of the Security Council already voted for in a brazil draft resolution that went up for vote last wednesday and unanimously supported by the Security Council, but was vetoed by the United States. So there was some hope, i think with some Security Council members, that if the us was going to draft something new, that they would kind of re insert the humanitarian pause in there. But they certainly did us seems to be, at least from a diplomatic standpoint here at the us trying to block anything that would restrain israel from continuing its bombardment of guys that already we have heard from the and bass here from united air, emory, its to the un, to put out a statement saying that you a thought that the u. S. Draft was severely imbalanced in favor of his real without taking into account the civilian casualties by the people in gaza. And weve also heard behind the scenes and advisors private. We saying that the us draft resolution in their words misses the mark so clearly it does not appear that this draft resolution is going to be viewed very welcomed by many of the Security Council members, at least so far. So gabe, given what youve said, does it look like this is anywhere close to the time lucky is not in the current way that its written. Now Security Council members had all day sunday today to come up with the comments about this. They will, private, we send those to the United States and add their comments to it. And then its up to the us to see if they want to make any amendments to their draft. But the way its written. Now, i can see very little hope that this would be agreed upon by the Security Council, because it does not deal with the humanitarian situation in terms of a, in terms of a humanitarian pause. And that is what the Security Council has voted that they want. And thats clearly something that the us is not willing to provide, at least not in their draft, that they have proposal that they have on proposal. Should note that it should could come up to the Security Council for a vote perhaps on monday. Were hearing most likely on tuesday. Thanks so much gabriel. I was on the instead of head on al jazeera, to being counted and not seen as president ial election, which comes and made a severe economic crisis the the, the color, the weather has been a little live if it has maney or recently, se impossible, straight been affected by the swell of cloud and rain, that is quite an intense uh, re apply pressure. We have seen what a warning scene for say if the wind and rain it will slowly slipped through the bass straight run towards the sea and its over the next few days. At the moment, losing fine and dry, but it will go down hill as we go on through the week for much of australia as you can see, it is warm and sunny. Lots of how sunshine around just 1000 to the promotions that i saw your most is. This is affecting the solomon. Oddest. Thats is the 1st name storm of the season list is low and it will bring some via web in across the region early to get named actually. So this is a very early site, so i much has developed that in the South Pacific may want across australia. You can say, allows you try, warm and sunny. Still some fluffy showers, the if it has medium plus 3 showers, now making the way across the ceiling as we make away into the middle part of the week. Why theyre also making its way towards the normal face of china, but nothing too much to speak off on monday as long as you find and try make the most of it. Because the cloud will gather, will run its way down towards your career. One or 2 showers that to into japan, but for much of china is settled, had something or the for my life is this 10 degrees fishermen to elected and key in the Madrid Assembly fighting racism in thing. Giving voice to those he left behind a michael and turned politician reveals how european over fishing in african waters has become a driving force for a regular migration. Take your 3 bus, these be a witness documentary on the ill just say around the assessing the discussions as agents. We used to saying that about 15 percent of what youre smuggling is going to die. Examining the headlines, wheres the central population is responsible for 50 percent emissions, which has created this crisis, exploring abundance of 12 clause programming, designed to inform, move to face. And inside the way my story was, i felt that it was important. I did fax on algebra or the the welcome back to watching. Ill just do a time to recap on headlines. At least 30 people have been killed by this friday as try and come to giovanni, a refugee camp and gaza at least 27. When did most of the Childrens Hospital say that struggling to treat the injury, in some cases, tying out procedures with outside of subjects and his right of the Army Spokesman is confirmed. One soldier was killed during a re events. A garza, 3 of the soldiers are reported to the wounded. They said the right the same, that locating captives and also to quote, quote, terrorist infrastructure assault brigade say they withheld these rates and encourage all, since the 7th of october, 4651. 00 kind of students have been killed in his radio strikes according to the latest update from the Health Ministry in garza 93 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank. Just over 1400. 00 is race of being killed since how much launched its attack . On the 7th of october, more than 1130. 00 pounds of students being arrested in the occupied westbank during the past 2 weeks. 212 people from southern israel have been taken captive by hum us. Of a pole post is an associate professor at the university of chicago and a non resident fellow at the Chicago Council on global affairs. You joins us live from chicago. Now, we can start with the latest, announce, and by the us, the sending more hardware, more troops to them, at least we know what the sending why is it going . Its a great question. I think the main thing that theyre focusing on right now is providing more musicians to be able to enable israels here tense. I think thats probably the key point that theres this line because that is something to us as traditionally supplied. When is evident, is that the us is probably not keen on providing new issues at this point to enable is real and carry on a router. So as weve heard today, theres rumors that the us is actually putting pressure on israel to delay. Its around the saw. So i think what were seeing is on one hand to us is providing israel aid. But on the other hand, you see where it in us, just trying our streaming israel, or in terms of how its using those are. And its in particular for randomization. What this says, tell us about the pulse chair of the us plants to take if this conflict does, why than and thats the big concern. Now my own view is, i dont think this conflict is going to why. And the reason why i think that is because i dont think its in the interest of israel or wrong, or other major states and region procedures conflict because the regional wyatt awfully. Thats not the say the equipment to have sliding between. Its really forces and say as a lot in oregon, israel so that could happen, could expanding that way. But i see that theres a lot of actors in that region including a key deliverance, who have an interest in keeping this small life keep going to contain us. Definitely, as in that position, you can also see where the turkey is in that position as well as other countries. So i think the us positions that theyre going to support israel, but they do not want to see is we all take any action that can run the risk of escalating. The complet you mentioned that the us wants to slow down or restrain. Are we talking about the us once is route to simply delay a Ground Invasion, or to not launch a Ground Invasion because it feels it will lead to a set back for is Riley Strategic interest. The question, i think its without the us wants to see a 2 way around the nation. And i think a key reason for that is there still efforts to try to have us hostages. Americans will be held to be able to have them released. And of course the route to release on friday, i think their efforts trash to secure more in the media watching a bit round invasion. But of course complicate those efforts. But my own view of readings did you purchase the us but also preferred . See not a full last round invasion by israel because of the esl which were wrist that that would bring. But again, thats more of an open question because without a doubt the us wants to see and delay. But will they go as far as being able to fully hold back israel, or is we dont actually scale down their expectations around evasion . Thats really the key question right now. As time goes on at this point, all we beginning to see at whole any signs of voices within the us political establishment within the progressives of the democratic policy. But voices that say, we need to focus on solving the root causes of this conflict. A lot ukraine, lets not have occupation for the palestinians just as the crime in should not live under occupation. Lets and the seat, lets and what International Human Rights Groups and even is writing human Rights Groups like they tell them cool is really a pop type policies. Is there any discussion about dealing with the problem or all the symptoms . As we saw with the binding is tracy did put out of state and expressing some core for the civilians who live in gaza. And also reiterated. Even in the us, official policy is to seek out a 2 state solution. Now, of course, thats the us policy. Those are just words we have seen efforts to try and move on to to stay solution. My own view on this is because the us has to be kind of keep conflict in this region on the back burner because the buying administration has been so occupied with the war and crate. And i think that as a result, be focused on the morning crate. The final ministration hasnt been able to put the time diplomatic effort they need to point in to trying to actually find a viable solution such as the 2 state solution. But it was the jumping right, is a bit different way you say lets have a to stay and then compared to the should not be an occupation or even i low you cry and were going to help the occupied to end the occupation. This is absolutely, this is exactly why this is such a tricky situation for buying administration for exactly the reasons that youre saying, no one in the us is supporting the ukraine to be able to stop. Its ok to stop, rush it from hockey on the, on the other hand to us as a long policy of supporting israel flu forces also occupied here. And this is part of the contradictions that we see in the us policy, which also again, we want to say that while the us visual policy is a 2 state solution. Having to see us actually make efforts to try to secure such a solution. My own view is that i think have, were probably not happen. There might have been more efforts by the, by industry sion to move in that direction. But because of that more theyve been hoping to just keep this situation in the middle east on ice. If you will, fortunately, that hasnt happened. All right, thank you so much for your thoughts on the analysis on that one. Pull post. Thank you. Most cities in southern israel, ill be coming this uh to those troops continued to move in. Government says theyve increased air strikes and guns that to make it safer for sol, just to go in today is about as mol. From this dont. This is what most village is in the cities in southern is for. I look like emphasis tweets, empty houses, empty shops, as most of this area has been evacuated. Something similar is happening in the northern part of the countries and cities and villages are also being evacuated because of attacks with rockets and miss size from southern live. And on from has for love is riley military is saying that it has increased, its a tax it s twice on gas. So trying to prepare the ground and to make it safer for it. So here we enter the next page of the war on Ground Invasion, but nobody really knows when it is going to happen and how some say that its going to be with the use of massive force. What other are saying that its going to be rapid rates into gaza in the meantime . Casualties in Gaza Continue to mount these rarely, military saying that palestinian fighters are using civilians as human shields bought from guys. Or what theyre saying is that is rarely is a bone boarding, one of the most densely populated terriers around the world. And thats why people are being killed based, rarely, military says that 1075 and fortys have been identified from the attacks that happened in towns like this one on october 7th. When palestinians fighters cross the fence and enter faces like this one. And that still, they have 200. 00 bodies that need to be identified is riley, is mostly protected with an air Defense System known as the iron dome that protects the population from rockets coming from garza and also from southern live and on. But now the United States has announced that it will deliver more air defense assets. It has already provided with all more vehicles it has provide already provided with munition and no extra air defense. I said, what is evidence all around this area in southern is, well, is that people here are getting ready for the next stage of the war, but its, i will, i was just feed estimate or israel. So ill just say are all somebodys rileys whether they were supposed to present a swap between palestinians held in his right to jails and his right and kept is in gaza. But i saw it as a dilemma for the government is what if you had say, its a very hard and very emotional and our friends are a hostage and weve been such a funeral of our friends and all our soldiers and friends. And my husband is in the army, so its very, very complicated. And theres no of searching on sir a new member to the new logic. So i think this is a little complicated. Its not simple, its not either. This was off. It requires a lot of consideration, each side is suffering. We have to think, well, this is a big dilemma and there isnt one answer. I totally understand the dilemma of the hostages. Im sure i would feel exactly the same way, but to say that this is what from us once is not correct because if thats what they wanted, then the butchery did not have to happen to the extent that it happened for them to capture people in order to bargain for Political Prisoners of the i spoke to, ill just say the senior political analyst model on the shadow. He says how my site is have been preparing for potentially is ready operations into the gaza strip. Well clearly the pictures were testing the ground by this or testing the ground at to see what theyre up to. 2 clear behind us was ready for them and definitely k. Uh, you know that slightly as it were and push them or force them to point out. Or i think that probably once again, why these right is, i think the very so hard to pass to get some why they have been bar the founding cars are the way they have because the ongoing bombing is beneficial way for life. And the most of the are the more painful the more persistent and the more destructive the bombing, the easier it would be for these really a military to take on. How much the problem be or is the human cost is going to be so. And so ive been the one wonder how many more days, how many more we split is the mexican capacities, the ways to him. And were hearing husband rhetoric from israels Prime Minister talking about devastating consequences. And at the same time, with seeing the us sending troops hadaway into the region, all of these ingredients they point to the ever increasing likelihood of this conflict, widening as it does, but it also bring us back to point 0 or square one. How does it work . I think the main focus of the windy is the cost of ship is the issue of how the us is the total control of that place. And theyve decided what to do with it. And Everything Else is secondary. And in order to do that, in order for these have to be able to take on a guys a destroyer, Patrick White house. It does need the United States to shelter from any possible ramifications in the region, including has one of the others joining on a 2nd front. So it was trying to scare the bodies from taking on any such or 2nd thoughts. And certainly the americans are also doing the same study. Everyone dont in order to see that because right there is because of that, a chance, a possibility or danger that this might why did, because of the continuous argument built up by the United States. But once again, i think the main focus is the destruction and the for nothing. Oh gosh. Thousands of people have been protesting across germany to show the support for israel. Some of those who gathered in front of buttons, brandenburg gates, county this right, the flags posters with photos of some of the captives held in garza. The protests has been organized by the country, Central Council of jews, political policies, unions, and civil society. The fronds, thousands gathered up the blasts. The letter for bleak and central paris. They denounced this rounds minutes reaction in johnson. Hundreds protested, coming out of city and flags and banners, giving a message of support for palestine. Major protests are also being held across the middle east in solidarity with the palestinians. And garza, besides been divided reports from a riley in the city of n, a bit. Northern jordan, a thousands of people have gathered here in a bed. The closer to the is really border as opposed to where we were in a mind a few hours ago. And theyve been chomping slogans that like they have been in the last few days is especially for your unlikely prayer that goes out for the people of gaza. What is unique here is that weve seen an outpouring of support for how much this is a profession that was called by the islamic parties. And they will be a number of speeches that have been done in the favor of how much they, how much will it take the leadership had addressed here and they thank the georgia union, dublin that could off to afford the georgia union, people for their continued support and again, rejected any mazda displacement of people out from us, cause it off the palestinians from the territories weve been hearing from them in children, men of all being gathering here and this type of anger across the country. This is not just the only protest here in jordan today. In the last few hours theyve been focus called for by the churches. Theyve been protest outside the european mission. Theyve been focused outside these really embassy, as well as children coming out to protest, to show their support for the people of god. So i will have news from around the world also the short break. So stay with us. The this dilapidated Apartment Building is one of hundreds which i had mistakes in the city. Its an autism campbell and her fabulous. She was born in south africas eastern k products. I moved to jam and spoke with a husband in 1998. She says, for adults at 6 children share one room, they dont pay rent. One reason why this to him several blocks of band by the owners of city authorities of to city officials quoted hijacks building. The building has 14 floors and 420. 00 rooms each apartment is occupied is no, i didnt want to. I didnt know any just as it is, be like that for us. Some people pay range to criminal guns to run the buildings. Last month, more than 70 people died with this apartment in china is the court find a survivors and relatives want to get the disaster divided side advocates of the levels of poverty and distortion in. And that is one of the most, an equal societies in the world. The, lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news around the world. Now, votes being counted in, auditing tinas president ial election populous kind of the heavier malay is leading the pulse, followed by economy ministers out of jo, massa, and conservative, candid patricia bullock, south america. The 2nd largest country is currently experiencing skyrocketing inflation and storing office. See this service for life in america edison, lets see a new fly for us of the headquarters of the day in bought a size so it definitely looks like less celebrating. So does it look like it will not be going to a 2nd round. It gives me more reasons to sort of, i guess the thing that they are this thing that there will be a 2nd fact the campaign the this time in the today, that would be the filter because makes sense. That is only 3 depending on the results. And to go through why its proving quite controversial. Wow. So you can see here, let me just show you somebody who is right behind me. This is wearing a sample of a chainsaw bloodstain chain. So on this page. And that symbolizes his plan to call her eyes the State Government spending to do away with guaranteed social rights to be born and the free market is again. And he said he wasnt shutting down. That the defense of banking is the parts of the lot of people here, especially if they say that they are disgusted with the class that they are taking. It definitely needs something new. Right. Thanks so much, the se in you, in the in the us, the head of a synagogue in detroit has been stab to death. The downtown synagogue confirmed its president , samantha was killed on site today. Police say a trailer blog lead to how i say the motive is unclear and willing to gain speculation. More than 1200 migrants and refugees landed on Spains Canary islands on site today, including a rec old number on one boat. The red cross says 320 people arrived into that at all in a single wooden boat. The 7 islands of the atlantic archipelago. Busy become the main destination for my roots trying to reach spain. Police, 1000 people have died attempting the crossing from africa. So fall this year. Let us return to our top story in the want war on garza earlier. Ill just do a spoke with the nami palestinian feature who lives in the nevada z refugee camp just south of garza city. Hes lost all calm types with his students since the world began. And we dont want to die when we want to, to survive the fact that we want to help people to the gods that we want to continue and teach. We want to continue to and to explore the in the live and the in the war crimes. But when it comes to the situation of displacement and the 2nd like that we balanced in. And if you the 2nd connect, the i in the center of the things to be a bar or the 2nd next, i mean, at any time i can be found by my whole family over to the guest for more than 20 people now. And who skipped from from god that could be a bump. I can i any time. But as i said, this isnt the worst option we want. Give up our line. We just used to be a box for seconds next up. Id rather die thousands time. At least my buddy wouldnt be better than here in garza, and probably under the been around like integrated beyond. But i believe that would be but it and it and goes up. And then what i that would be the can. Ive meant that it could be, im either my diet and then if we, but as long as its and, and, and, and goes, i refuse to, as i said, to be about to kind of like the, or to do the horrible experience that i would, i would have had been, went through and 1940 and as well, that brings us to the end of this news. Out of the good news is every angle it is back, couple of minutes with another full show for leave you with some light fixtures coming out of gaza. Another day of heavy strikes, the v is waiting for and goes out. Just a was correspondence on the ground. This morning hasnt stopped from boardman, but its not just the air strikes. Its sac shells and gum bolts from the seat. Theres been a lot of destruction here in the villages as beyond belief is comp deal with a number of bodies from the south end of his route. The air just stay with us for the native defendant means on out to 0. Great media, censorship and the rise of all 3rd period wake up one day. This system has been turned from an electoral democracy into a competitive. And i looked at the last the power in hungary for the experiences of those who leave it every day. That is, that shut on us. We have to be very careful, of course, and we have to be brave enough to support that pressure. How democracy dies. Democracy may be on al jazeera rivers normally flow into the ocean. The trout has weakened the Mighty Mississippi so much as salt water from the gulf of mexico has creeped more than 100 kilometers up stream. This barge is essentially a floating level that brings fresh water capture from the river to the side where the river water is already to salting. Pipes, transfer water from the barge to a Water Treatment plant, were able to provide up to 2 and half 1000000 gallons. A day of river water for them to actually treat, to be able to actually send out all the or a residence. You have a nice down river of new orleans, Restaurant Owner byron. The rid of it is in to convince. He said his water has tasted salty for months. Ultimately rate is the only thing that will flush the salt back to see until then people are left to make do, and pray for the drought to the 100 and stayed in ease. Riley attacks on guys are in the past 24 hours reports of many kills and naming women and children after a strike on 2 houses in jamalia, the hello, im emily and gwen. This is out. You see your life from jo house are coming up as well. As military contains, one soldier has been killed in the ground right on gaza. I must find and say they repelled the attack in con unit and you occupied westbank. Israel attack

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