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Outside the gaza strip. In the occupied westbank, at least 2 College Students have been killed and these really raid on novice a small number of trucks carrying vital humanitarian aid and to gaza, to the rasa crossing. And these are at evacuated towns and cities around guys. Us troops moving ahead of us threatens round s the thank you very much for joining us. Fast moving developments and these are as well on guys at this hour. Lets bring you up to date. And its really ami spokesman has confirmed that one soldier was killed during a raid into guys that earlier sunday, 3 of the soldiers are reported to be injured. They say the raid was aimed at locating captives and also to court for to terrace infrastructures. Mazda is military wing, the custom brigade say they repel these really ground attack, the con eunice in gaza. And a message on the telegram channel they say, is really forces fell into an ambush and fled back into israel. And this comes as huge as twice continued to pound gaza. This is the 16th consecutive day of his right to environment of the strip. These are in the military says its mistakenly hate any discussion board posts me a guy, one person suffered minor injuries. Israel says the incident is being investigated while we are currently we have correspondents in the regions covering all these latest developments for us in a moment. Well hear from ty cobb was them in gaza. But 1st lets go to mamma. Jump. Joining occupied is through span. So mohammed reaction from israel and confirmation that one of the soldiers was killed in this incursion into gaza early on sunday. Thats right, a very Significant Development for the now that were hearing from these really army, that one is really soldier, was killed in the others were injured. Lets take you 1st through what we heard just a short while ago from these really army. When they stated the Palestinian Terrorist opened fire at troops operating on the western side of the gods, a border fence near case of him. These really armies says that one of its tanks shell the cell thats before we learned that. And its really sold or had been killed. So the question now is, how does this impact thing is Going Forward, especially in the coming hours now, how much had earlier claimed to have clashed with this really forces in the area . How much it claimed that they had pushed is really forces out of god the onto the other side of the fence. Certainly something is really armies. Would it be taking very seriously. And were expecting to hear even more about this incident in the hours to come. When we get more details, well bring them to you fully and did. And there was another incident mohammad at this time involving an addiction position near the guise of border which these relays say was a mistake and have expressed a thats i apologize for i should say. Can you tell us more about a yeah, another concerning incident fall the lets tell you what weve heard from the israeli military. Just a very short statement a couple of hours ago. They said that one of their change accidentally hit and egyptian post near the cause of border, and they express sorrow over the incident. Now whats interesting about this incident is that you have to remember that in the days after the october 7th attack, by how much you had. Israel is army showing that on the Border Crossing twice on 2 different occasions. Then finally, after days of negotiations and a lot of pressure applied by western governments on these really governments. Finally, yesterday you have that on file Border Crossing open. So that a little bit of a to start trickling in a little bit of humanitarian aid could start getting into with the golf is trip. The question now is with this incident of having happened earlier this evening, what, how is that going to impact a delivery Going Forward . More trucks came in earlier today or in the United Nations and the other western powers, trying to get more aide in, in the day to comedy. Is this something thats going to stop the already very small amount of me a 8 that is getting in all the mama. Thank you very much for that. And how many jump to life for say in occupied these jewels . Lets find out more about whats happening inside guys and i was tied up was who, whos in con, youd as a topic, i want to ask you about of the 8. Of course thats coming to guys of this sunday. More truck says, mom, it said, but for is what is the uh, cassandra gates version of what happened earlier in con units involving those these really troops . Well, the is really trips today, try to into the goal is to start from the southern areas of specifically in the front of keep a case of team keyboards and a in front of you in a city as well. In order to fix the fence, a food that we can gauze on israel, it seems that these troops went upset on what it said by the palestinian scientist, is specifically focused on for gays. Insights from the causing sides are the this, this to have had the folding and the military accomplish. That had been prepared by the military ringo from us. Uh, due to this uh, military attack. Thats how it was carried out by palestinian scientists when its ready to, to deal with concern debts and others on 3 others were the ones that in this miniature attack, the, these kinds of a is ready to attempt to, into the goals districts was confronted by the palestinian fighters who are trying to get rates, you know, in order to confront any possible, potentially grounded thinking insides to be c church right now. The situation of the grandest domestic and the security conditions inside the goal is to strip on project. Indeed, and as mom has said, this is concerning, of course. That incident, but also the incident at the border with the egypt concerning for the aid it supposed to be coming into guys or another convoy made it through the roof, a crossing area. Do we know what that convoy was carrying and where this aid is going to be delivered in the territory of . Well, uh, generally uh, these uh, humanitarian aid that into the gaza strip could clearly be directed by the United Nation supervision inside of a c shirt tree. The you, my extensions out is the only responsible entity to distribute these to you. Minutes are unique to gardens around 1700. 00 maturing trucks until they receive church rates in order to be distributed for displaced. Citizens rarely displaced from their original houses from another and have central air as if it goes to the truck. It seems that these 2 minutes or an 8 will only be allowed to be distributed into southern areas while main, while. Meanwhile, the us into another in areas will be defined from having any kind of access to such humanitarian a if you see between trucks were carrying different kinds of the problem is the medical supplies and even to supplies to the, to the pc territories directory. But youre thinking about move in the 15 days of fine to read that kind of thing. Appliances, i think its been a few patients will says that the Current Situation is, are really deteriorated with a great shortage of different types of different essential items. And the procedure to main line are you still balance from havent getting access to the church rewards the crisis has been excessive paycheck due to the lack of a fuel to generate a water bombs in order to provide a woodside to thousands of top studies, families, the determined today is to set it as it really typically advocates in comparison with previous job stuck into the gauze district in normal day in normal days the, the, the local authorities and the gaza strip reviews, and even a few of the International Communities to open human attorney and pull the doors in order to be provided with sufficient to humanitarian aid to the procedure, treat in order to help Goss Institute with the Current Situation. Okay, terry, thank you very much for that update. Terry capitalism lives there with the latest from concept. Meanwhile, in the occupied westbank, at least 2 palestinians have been killed during a raid in a town in knob as governor. Right. 3 of those were critically wounded. Israel has killed 93. 00 palestinians across the occupied westbank since october, the 7th. And the funerals have been held for 2 People Killed in jeanine by a rat is really yes, right . They died in the a talk on a mosque in the occupied westbank. These really ami says it a task for the cold and on the ground, terry spilled. Lets get the latest with nita you. Brain was live for us or my line the occupied westbank. So more palestinians killed in the occupied westbank need to bring us up to speed. With this latest incident, the confrontations between palestinians ends at west village, west of nablus, and these rated forces are still continuing as we speak. And weve heard from local sources, they are that they expect the numbers to increase because they are already 3 critically wounded people. And 2 will have been killed by these really soldiers. Its not clear whether these really raid target the, the to palestinians who had killed a 17 year old and a 29 year old. Its not killed. Whats happened, but theyve seen these really soldiers show towards these 2 men and killing them. Though in general, when we talk about these where the reads, for example, were talking about since the beginning of today until now. 26 is way the weights the different past and in towns and villages. And with, with those 2 who have been killed, we have 8 palestinians will have lost their lives today. And most of which is where the waves. In addition to the 2 people chilled by an aerial strike, by these rated forces on the mosque in jeanine, this is seen by palestinians as a dangerous escalation, using area forces without any Ground Troops without any is really sold or is that use to rate them . Janine refugee camp and in the past used to confront admitted charity with some of the army groups inside the com. So as you can imagine, theres a lot of fear here amongst palestinians. They were already saying that it was that the us here in 20 years before october 7th, and what its been more theres a bit more than 2 weeks. 15 days since october, the 7th. And already weve seen 93 people lose their lives by is really forces and by is where the sufferers as well. Thank you. Need to for that need that you brain life for us that in ramallah in the occupied westbank. Or lets discuss these latest developments for the now with i shy boss for you who was a researcher at the absent for research and policy studies. Thank you very much for joining us once again. I shot, lets start with whats happening in the occupied westbank right now. Because of course, a lot of the focus has been on garza and the suffering of policy and say rightly so, but we must not forget about whats happening in the occupied westbank. As nita said, there is a lot of fear because in is around as intensified as crackdown. Were seeing more set to a more set of the attacks against palestinians in the occupied west back. How worrying is this for the palestinians in the occupied westberg . Its not just guys, as we see and not just the war against im off as these really say, but it seems like a war against palestinians. Well, this is exactly. I mean, you just framed it the whats the media has been talking about, tomas, is there a war . And this is a shift from what, what is known as he used to be called the arab, hes really, or any move to further scene in. Is there any word i know the word is talking about how mazda is, are you werent. Thats what im right. So of course is just, thats what brings us to the main issue, which is a conversation easily and has been called the nice thing of the, the, the model for this view. Since 1948. Since 1967, it has been, it has occupied certain lives including the susan, im on with mike and on another parts. So what we have seen since october, the 7 you said has been cracking down on the, the students in west bank, but also the settlers were talking right now about 100, almost 100 civilians have been killed today. Weve seen the explanation move to a strife pending to people in, in, in westbank. Of course, these are x rays. You additional kennings that of course, but he said what international. But this is something hasnt been of a coming in is really practices. The issue that we have today is palestinian under is really occupations. How much is part of this . How much can not be taken out of the context which weve seen him in the west bank is just the, the, the perfect example of the, the, the issue that hes at the core here, which is the easily occupation, the settler colonialism. A system that has turned into an apartheid. Now its moving to genocide to campaign. And what makes it worse is the, the actions by the settlers, the legal settlers. Um right now, probably this is something that the very few media options i was talking about. This is a program, theres a program that has the stage. I got some people who are who remember earlier this city said yes a this year that has been um, i think a more than 30 houses were banned to the ground. A dozens of, of course were, were set to place on the whole a bit dont area with subject to what you know, jewish groups were calling you as a program, right . You talked about, i aisha how this conflict in the past was framed as the arab is really conflict and not how mosse versus rad always rail versus the palestinians. But as the arab israeli conflict, were seeing today tensions on israels border with 11 on were hearing has a lot, you know, a warning israel against further steps in gaza and so on egypt. This tension at the border rock of Border Crossing there. Is there a risk today that this could become an arab, these really conflict . Is there a real risk of contagion to other countries in the region . Well, it cannot be resolved, it cannot be excluded the, the ongoing offensive against the palestinians. The us touch several countries. Were talking primarily about 11 on has the lays already engaging is really the army and on the borders. It on has already started. This is so would it cause the axis of resistance in india, men and rock and syria on the other countries can, can be drugs in they dont want to. I mean, if you look at the become 6 right now, of people on his folder on the us, including us, is really so does not want to open more than one friend is around has a friend, is, is, will directive is going off to him, off the road to casing him us a but it also said that we are ready to fight has been law in the north. And of course, you know, all the players. I dont see these any clear right now that hes ready for another war. Youre able to do the, the, the reason the has been golfing many conflicts ever since. Israel has been precinct in 1948. So the, the visa has already many layers of conflict. But uh, and this is, this is the war if you have and no one has to be dragged into another conference as you say, but definitely racing lead pulling other countries possible in the us and to possibly i sure, thank you very much for talking to us i shot at boss 3 from the center of a research and policy studies. Well, theres been many protests in the region is support of palestinians in gaza. Lets go live to us. Im a been job. It. Whos that a riley in air be just didnt know then jordan, osama jordan has seen some of the biggest approaches in support of palestinians. Tell us about whats happening at this particular protest where you are and how big the cloud. So what thousands of people have gathered here in a bit of closer to this is very border as opposed to where we were in a mind a few hours ago. And theyve been chanting slogans that like they have been in the last few days. Theres a special prayer, unlikely prayer that goes out for the people of god. What is unique here is that weve seen an outpouring of support for how much this is a profession that was called by the islamic parties. And there would be a number of speeches that have been done in the favor of how much, how much Political Leadership had address here. And they thank the Georgia Union, dublin dick and austin forwarded the Georgia Union, people for their continued support. And again rejected any mos displacement of people out from us cause its off the palestinians from the territories weve been hearing from them. And children, men of all being gathering here and this thoughtful anger across the country. This is not just the only process here in jordan today. In the last few hours theyve been focus called for by the churches. Theyve been protest outside the european mission. Theyve been focused outside these really embassy as well as children coming out to protest to show their support for the people of adults. And as i understand theyve been more meetings on a full guys that what are the jordanian saying about all would there be more flights uh, going from jordan towards rough or uh as theres mean uh no, uh, an entry of a going from the Georgia Union board adwords, these, bailey border for the palestinians. The julian king has met the wonderful program. Theyll be multiple meetings with other un agencies as well and underlining the need that there needs to be more it that needs to be sent to gaza. There are multiple collection points and being a set up by georgie. New charities here who are collecting in hopes that there is going to be some aid which will go for the people who does it as the urgent need care. According to all of the parties involved is for food fuel medicine and a, an immediate lifting of the book as its been called by the jordanian king. And again, reiterating that unless the vitamin stops there is a really risk that this could have long lost the consequences, not just for the kids really and the palestinians, but for all of this page. Awesome, i thank you very much for the update of time. Ive been job it reporting their life from air beds in northern jordan, not far from israel, supported with jordan. Now the United States has introduced a draft resolution to the Un Security Council on the war and guys, i but it doesnt call for a ceasefire. Instead, the draft resolution costs for full respects of International Humanitarian law, including the protection of civilian populations, trying to get to safety. It also strongly urgency, continue a sufficient then on hand to provision all the central goods and services to civilians and gaza, including water, fuel food and medical supplies. This is the 3rd draft resolution issue since the conflicts began. Most recently, previous ones by russia and birthday of where the toad is good, i have to gave it to its own to add the United Nations in new york for so this new draft resolution gave when is it going to be discussed . When is it going to be voted on theres no vote scheduled at the earliest. It would probably be on monday, but well have to wait and see if for 0, who is the rotate olds, the rotating presidency of the Security Council will call it for a vote on monday or not, but nothing is scheduled yet. A Security Council members have until about 21 g m t sunday, about 3 hours from now to submit any comments to this draft by the United States. But i can already tell you, it is not being viewed very favorably by Security Council members already. We have heard from the United Arab Emirates who put out a statement saying that they thought that this draft was severely and balanced in favor of israel at the expense of palestinian civilians. Weve also heard from some diplomats behind the scenes who have not come out publicly yet, but if sort of been what were hearing behind the scenes is that theyre saying that the summer saying that its distract mrs. The mark and that its divorced from any reality on the ground on pal attendance didnt in suffering of the people of guys. This is the key issue. There is no mention of a cease fire in the us draft. But beyond that, because the us is pretty much indicated they would never go for anything that involves a ceasefire. But beyond that, what Security Council members are unified on is they want some sort of humanitarian pause. And there is no mention of a humanitarian pause in the us draft. And just last week, brazil put up a draft resolution that was a be towed by the United States that did have a humanitarian pause in it and it was supported by 12, a Security Council member. So the fact that the us now is putting up this draft with no mention of humanitarian pause, no mention of a cease by no mention of his association and hostilities. Uh, sort of as being indicated by here the un by some behind the scenes on the Security Council as perhaps just simply us pastoring. It seems like this, this draft as its written now, if it was to be voted on highly unlikely, it would get too many votes or even pass time, but well see its potentially goes to vote as early as monday. Okay, thank you for the update. Gabrielle is on the line fair at the United Nations. And a group of us senators has been voicing support for israel on a visit to tel aviv as the guys of war continues, the republican senator lindsey graham, had this message for iraq. Were here today to tell or ron were watching you if this war grows is come into your backyard, they wont be too for us, thatd be 3. If there is an effort to unless has blah on the jewish state to destroy it, my attention wont be to, to run these innocent hostages get slaughtered. I hold you around accountable, of course you could stop it if you chose to find out more about this with my kind of in washington dc. So mike lindsey graham, we heard that, but this was a Bipartisan Group of senators in israel. How significant a visit was this as well, not particularly significant. It is the 2nd bipartisan delegation that has visited israel since the beginning of the conflict is bi partisan as i must stress it, but they are very different opinions on some of these as sent it to the 8th, and that is who taking pots and this trip we heard that from Lindsay Graham before traveling to israel, he made several comments about flattening, gaza. There was no mention of the humanitarian situation in gaza as a consequence of is really action. However, one of the delegation, another member, is the democratic senator dorothy booker. Now he, for his part, as aust abided administration to donate some 300000000. 00 to the United Nations emergency relief fund. So obviously they are different to prove opinions among these senators. I must as well, but as i sent it to the john to from the south dakota who refused to vote on bidens nomination for and best of the to israel. And the reason for this is because he and some of the republicans, ideologically opposed to approving any nomination by the, by the administration. Well, you know, its not voting on a, and thats the at a time when there is no invested in egypt, could hardly be seen as helpful to us as well. Relations. Right, and Mike Washington is deploying more military assets to the region. What more can you tell us about this, the additional hardware thats being deployed and, and for what purpose is it being sent of this, we understand that the secretary of defense brief president , by the end of the course of the morning about stepping up a military presence in the region, among the items that he discussed with him is a High Altitude Missile Defense system. The fads. Bold patriot massages to be put into the region along with a 2nd is across carry a fleet, which will be going to join one that is already in station in the eastern mediterranean. But one must press as well as that this is not necessarily a to back israel or to demonstrate to show support for israel was it is more a pointed towards, is it True Protection in fair to, to protect those troops who already in theater. Those us troops, its also perhaps a very strong signal to the wrong. Now the bite and administration has expressed deep concern about ron, attempting to exploit the situation in gaza and open up another upfront of conflict. Moving these military resources into this particular region is clearly a good signal to iran that it better stay out of the uh, what is happening there. Otherwise it could be consequences. Mike, thank you for that. Mike kind of live there in washington. Well, lets discuss all this uh, the us position uh, the us, the cooling, more military office of the region now with holland omen whos a former navy captain and Senior Adviser of the Atlantic Council, as well as chairman of the kennel in group. Hes joining us from washington, d. C. Thank you very much. Me solomon for being with us on al jazeera. So as you heard, they were seeing a, for the build up of us offsets in the region, the biggest deployment of military office of the region. A big military flex, really for the us, is it just for the storage size . The americans, they always say a real risk today that the us could be dragged into this conflict the but fortunately, the use of the word deterrence is miscast. Because to the terrors youve got to prevent somebody from doing something. And im not sure what were really preventing. We are raising uncertainty and therefore, imposing some degree of ambiguity about what and why we are there, which i think is positive. But make no mistake. The Aircraft Carrier Group Forward were just selling in the eastern mediterranean, is not selling and a huge body of water. Thats a very restrictive waterway. And if one merely looks at what ukraine has done without the navy to the russian navy, that Carrier Battle Group is certainly in harms way, given the use of drones and missiles. So there could be some kind of an accident. Now, if the war expands, that i dont think it will simply because its not any on its interest, youll see how this plays out. Interestingly, in my judgement, a mazda has the upper hand in terms of public relations. Because 1st of all, one of like relations war on who struck the hospital, whether or not the is or at least it is, i dont think they did. Most of the world believes it was israel and ethic leap released to american hostages. In terms of a p. R campaign is really quite grand. So well see what happens as you know, president biden, i think is more than caution. Prime minister netanyahu about a full fledge offensive into gaza. That would be a walk from hell, and it would be a disaster, but what would come next to them . So an occupation is really the nightmare from l and that will be catastrophic. So were really on the horns of many dilemmas and one hopes of that conflict can be nice. Lets talk about a, about what comes next. And this plan does really Ground Invasion. Of course, we had an incident earlier today in con eunice in gaza, where how mos bianca subrogation mazda is military wing said they foiled. And these really incursion into guys, its not the big rounding incursion that these are all this planning. But these are these, i say that one of the soldiers was killed in this attack and 3 others injured. What does this suggest to you about what israel is planning for this Ground Invasion . Apparently, this is not the 1st time this been incursions into gaza. Bobbys really military gland defensive in gaza. For israel. How difficult is it going to be because its not favorable terrain for them is the 1st of all the incursion, i am sure our special forces trying to the wrong. I have televisions about where our last man may not be. These are not real tax. There are kind of sense in small numbers. And that makes real sense of the problem with fighting in cities as one would have seen in leningrad during world war 2, or indeed, in foreclosure and not jeep and mosul in the 2nd, iraq war is impossible. Furthermore, they are a series of net funded round networks that probably run for hundreds and hundreds of miles. So what would happen . Think about the siege of leningrad or stalingrad during world war 2 and probably doubled the damage. There is no way of separating a moss from innocent gods and residents, so it would be a blood bath and would probably take months. And then the issue is what next . These earliest would would invade with armor, lots of drones, infantry which would be needed. All sorts of special forces in mind, clarence and mind detection devices. But when youre putting that magnitude, i would have thought it would require some roughly about 82800000 troops. Theres going to be huge, huge amounts of damage done. And then what happens to the population of causes thats going to be without food, water and electricity. So this is i said, a war from hell, but the occupation would be a nightmare. Right. And you talked about mister almon, how mos winning the piano. Bottom right now, think about military. What do we know about how mazda is military capabilities . Right now, these really is a, for, say, that evicted. The severe blow is to have mazda story tunnels, in gauze, and so on. What do we know about what time us is capable of militarily . If this Ground Invasion, which happens soon . Nope, no matter handle anus. The attack was an october 7th. It was a brilliantly, an organized campaign. Theres no doubt about that. So i would assume that a moss and there are some 40 or 50000. Im us soldiers and probably another 10 or 15000 from the palestinian jihad. So youre facing a substantial number of enemies. I think they were extraordinarily well equipped, but remember, cause it has become the Worlds Largest by the improvised explosive device. I would bet there are tens of thousands of mines and booby traps planted. And when youre talking about house to house binding, youre talking about close and weapons. So a mazda does not have to depend upon large scale weapon just to defend itself. And dont also forget that a month probably still has thousands of rockets and missiles that it can launch against israel. So this is a very formidable trend made more difficult, but the fact that this is going to be irving finding hows the house room to room. And thats going to be of love that very interesting to hear your thoughts about this. Thank you so much for your inside harlan omen. A former navy captain and Senior Advisor at the Atlantic Council joining a state from washington. We appreciate your time. I or and punch them all off a coverage on is or as well on guys are coming up, including and updates from the 11 on israel border. Whether its been new, fighting between these really forces and has fall now will be live from there and just a few minutes to stay with us. The color weve got some very wet weather and usually weather, making its way toward southern parts of the radiant financial leathers. This side plants hatch and is making its way towards you havent. It will cost lighting over the next couple of days running its way further northward weather, to coming into southern areas of a monster, a city, something to keep and on in the coming days. Scattering a shout was to, into the pots of saudi arabia could catch a shout to its a positive rock splitting across into iran. Southern north, we see one or 2 showers into east composite ducky i just around the cool could says, but for the episode of the Mediterranean Sea to master repulsing tubs of the weather. It is dry and it will stay sunny. With light winds sunny with light waves to close the northeast of africa, the northwest. Anything but lightweight and save. Very wet weather, very windy weather, putting it across a good part of morocco. And thatll grassy spread his way into the north west of l. G area. As we go through tuesday, so lets continue. Meanwhile, around the southern parts of west africa, the coastal fringes, the seeing more storms rumbling away, stormy weather, extending across into the hearts of africa. It is drawn out for south africa with a few showers moving into central parts of mos on peak. The im, its the world slow down. We stand for as homes with tips of global nichols reserves. Indonesia is foyce to leave the global battery industries. We definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar Energy Harness the offerings, 75 percent of Global Carbon credits essential, committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow, thought provoking on sundays. But the patient doesnt have time to wait phone there. Extremely. Unfortunately, there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. Do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full . I think the democracy in the process facing realities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing that and the brakes on the other . I think there is a huge piece of that to happen via the story on talk to how does era the the youre watching the news out on, on 20. 00, a reminder of the latest developments in israel. So on gossip. And hes really on the spokesman has confirmed that one soldier was killed during a raid into guys, a alia on sunday. 3 of the soldiers holly wanted to have been injured. These are the ami says the raid was aim, thats locating captives and also to quote for terrorist infrastructure. This is what i was military says, one of his times mistakenly fide on addition on any addiction for the post me a gaza. They say the incident has been investigated. One person suffered minor injuries since the 7th of october, 4651 policies have been killed in these really yes. Twice, according to the latest updates on the health ministry. Casa 93 percent of students have been killed in the occupied west bank and just over 1400 east or anything. So ive been counts in some aust, launch its of time on october. The 7th. More than a 1000. 130 policy ends up being invested in the occupied by spank. In the last 2 weeks, 212 people were taken captive instead of his route during hamas. His military offensive. Now as a number of dead continues to rise in guys policy, in 5 minutes trip, mamma shall tell you. It has called on the International Community to create a quote, united front to stop the war. Mom and found reports. The one of the worst nights seemed gauze since this part of the site as well, and the clean up of who rocky unto his children. Ill be mohammed and his children all dead. The house was full of people, more than 40 of them. This exclusive of does the off with it shows the optim mazda for an eta supply with just one assembly. Who do i hit a few decals, the nose on why the, why do i do one . I see at 1 in the morning, people were asleep. Not a single warning was sent to them. Its a 3 Story Building with 7 children of the 10 board decided that have been messic with tonight. So thats totally fully equipped. The rescue team so spent the night searching for survivors and the remains of the dead sense of goes on. More people were killed, Dozens Injured and announced that usually the outside the Target Shopping Center in the im gonna say a lot to the food. You kept the blast set tonight, but it shops on fine. The quotes you out of this hospital invaded by central garza was thrown with the bodies of civilians, doctors, family members and Civil Defense volunteers. Trying to identify that that is right or the policy is to go to Southern Guns or for safety and they came under attack. Nearly half of those killed ship. The policy need. Ministry of health says police 1873 children have been killed at 4000 interest. If these are the attacks soft until the 7th. On day 16 o hes available or garza and hes already on a vigil, makes the onslaught look like a computer game. But for the policy limits on the ground, its in the book and its from the fine. Did you fighting has escalated between israels army and the group . Has the law at the border with levon on . These are the military says it hayton observation, post soft of a group launch on ty time besides and more to show us as ballasa is 20. 4 fighters have been killed since the latest conflict escalated 11 of them in the last 24 hours. Thats bringing all the hash and was in the core a force in 711. 00 on bring us up to speed with the latest fighting while you on. As well as thoughts from the latest lines um does not right now is showing on the villages off and it was done on jerry and to us the western sector of the border between 11 on is rather the same time. Also, weve had reports of shedding towards mesa is about to be central. So 2nd to this comes after day off several attacks by his will, law or fighters on his Ready Ministry positions from the east to west out as well, also known as the 12. Its a fight, thats what killed over the past 24 hours. A 6 of them were killed only today. So this is mainly the, the situation now all the time. We can hear the sound of drones. Its spot of the sound scape over here. But theres something thats significant for this read using arrow strikes. Now not only drawing strikes and this is the use of a new element in the, in the confrontation with physical law. This might mean that as well as were also going to introduce a new what them may be into coming few hours a few days because we are anticipating also has will retaliation with the big number of fighters. Thats was a known skills in the past hours. Its not a full scale conflicts yet, but already people are evacuating the border area that a job. So the, this conflict is extending over the 120 kilometer border between 11 on an israel and the depth of 4 kilometers on both sides. 5 to let me does more or less, however, people on the board, the line of on the shunning. And thats why most of them decided to leave, to whats safer places and cities like the root can about the tire. And now we are today and on the to and in the area there, we met some people who i bought was data. So try and try to talk to them and understand the situation. There were many complains with respect to the lack of contingency plans. The lack of emergency plans from the government, the, the lack of, of shows does because these people, some of them, they dont want to leave what the key is. They want some place to say for, for them when the, when that is challenging. And this is something that isnt available in the, in the borderline honey i see him in 711 on thank you very much for bringing us the latest from the meanwhile, most cities in southern israel, id be coming deserted as well as troops continued to move in the government says of increases strikes in gaza to make it safer for soldiers to go in theresa bowl re for some state. Ok. So this is what most village is in the cities in southern is for, i look like emphasis tweets, empty houses, empty shops, as most of this area has been evacuated. Something similar is happening in the northern part of the countries and cities and villages are also being evacuated because of a tax with rockets and miss size from Southern Living on from has for love is rarely, military is saying that it has increased, its attractive as twice on gas, so trying to prepare the ground and to make it safer for it. So here we enter the next page of the war, a Ground Invasion, but nobody really knows when it is going to happen and how some say that is going to be with the use of massive force. What other are saying that is going to be rapid rates into gaza in the meantime . Casualties in Gaza Continue to mount these rarely, military saying that palestinian fighters are using civilians as human shields bought from guys. What theyre saying is that its well isnt bombarding. One of the most densely populated terriers around the world, and thats why people are being killed based rarely, military says that 1075 and 4. These have been identified from the attacks that happened in towns like this one on october 7th, when palestinians fighters across the fence and enter faces like this one. And that still, they have 200. 00 bodies that need to be identified is wireless, mostly protected, with an air Defense System known as the iron dome that protects the population from rockets coming from garza and also from southern live and on. But now the United States has announced that it will deliver more air defense assets. It has already provided with all more vehicles. It has provide already provided with munition and no extra air defense acid. What is evidence all around this area in southern is well, is that people here are getting ready for the next stage of the war. But its, i will, i just see that they dont israel and one on each National Reaction to the guys a war on groups of launch rock and drone attacks on us spaces, any rock this week. They say its in response to washington support for israel. The Us State Department is now advisory citizens not to travel to iraq. Im a job. Do i head right for somebody that is as viewed as rising, that the war on the plaza might spill over across the middle east, any rock minutes . The bays is hosting us and Coalition Ministry personnel had been targeted by emissions and zones one back ottoman groups known as this lemma. Lamed responsibility for the attacks threatening to increase the attacks and to continue targeting us minutes. The facilities and us interests. Any rock, as long as the United States continues supporting and backing is res minutes. The campaign on the plaza in iraq also demonstrations have been in stages across the country. Contending the, the ministry campaign by his right on has the, and Many Political and religious leaders in iraq had been calling on the government to blue Cross Country is that supports as well. In fact, they have been calling on the governments to close embassies and Diplomatic Missions of the countries that support as well. Civil, political and religious leaders in iraq have been calling under supporters to mobilize the effects to be transferred to full assign to take part in the resistance to take part in the defense of the for the citizens of civilians in iraq has been one of the put us countries in the world to rise up against the bombardment campaign by its way. The forces against garza. Im with the head, a dizzy at all, but still ahead on algae 0. Well be looking at some of these avenues, including rooms of war in ukraine, medics on the front line say theyre alarmed by a rise in shop sale and land line injuries. The business is slow in concrete markets from the smallest tray to upwards, only 60 percent of giddeons live on less than 4. 00 a day. You can stay here from morning until evening and not send anything even the folder so we have to buy them. And if we dont beat back, then theyll take you to the police license very Different World Bank state just told system wall income from mining a boost economic growth. The ministrys failure to hand over to a democratically elected government, to me, is to get it to her and getting the best. But you know, its not stable because that means im not stable regarding the discovery today in kentucky interrupted to motivate me i what, what that does. India should really bog countries in this part of africa run by military, jumped it up for a series of crews in the last 3 years, and its not in stability. Quotesoft, investors the, the, [000 00 00;00] the parking back. Lets now take a look at some of the stories making use around the world. At least 6 people have been killed after a russian miss on a time on the ukranian region of khaki and not a 17 were injured when the miss house struck a postal distribution center, the regions government says all those killed with civilians working at the site. And doctors treating injured soldiers in ukraines they, most of the war warns now are the result of shrapnel shell fragments and land mines not bullet wounds. Ill just hear a spoke to a fields medic about the challenges of rescue work in a war of more to scenario attacks and fewer face to face bottles. Same as robbie reports from ukraine, Southern Front line, a Computer Programmer before the war. Now, a compact medic, nick named doc based on your rebutting on ukraine Southern Front. Drones showing snipers come with a job, he says, and getting to someone who needs help can take all day. What issues . Sometimes the evacuation vehicle comes on to file. We lost several cause burned and left on the front line. Yeah, it happens. But the biggest threat a kamikaze drones because they can travel far distances and a dangerous on open terrain. Often completely exposed when rescue cars get hit. No one escapes injury doc says hes seen it 1st hand. Steve. The more nipples explore yet shrug describes the sound of rockets flying overhead and he was at a forward position directly across from russian lines. His leg was mangled by shrapnel. Ukrainians use the term meat grinder to describe the conditions at high numbers of dead and wounded on the front line, pennsylvania because my guys came out on the fire, they didnt leave me behind by us losing consciousness. So they told me to see him. Hes grateful, he says to people in the trench with him were killed. Moving positions were told to spread out, walk single file, avoid on march areas. Because since the war began, ukraine has become the most densely mind country in the world. Mind fields spread out over thousands of kilometers. The biggest threat, the troops on the Southern Front clearing them, could take years. Dangerous, but vital work that cannot begin until the war is over. The same bus robbie, olga 0, your robot name and ukraine separators are reaching out to the knowledge. And tina have been heading to the poles in one of the nations most critical elections. South america is 2nd largest countries, expecting worsening inflation and soaring poverty. A lot in america, edison lucy and Human Resource from buenos aires where a political public, a tour as he manage as the unlikely funk on it. It looks like a wild dragons fire show a campaign for nearly a character with cuz he had to be late president ial frontrunner who wants to demolish argentinas Political Class just to get rid of them. Oh, you dont want any less conservative economist wheels a chain. So to cut Government Spending and 100. 00 bills symbolizing, hell dollar rise in economy drowning in nearly 140 Percent Inflation relays for us at the origin time currency. The official is, was quote, this for the excrement in the country that is most stranger to eccentrics in politics really is extraordinary. Rise in popularity can only be explained by the disenchantment. The margin times have been accumulating over the last decade with traditional apologies. So the 45 percent of arjun times are living below the poverty line was once one of the world, which is countries central left economy ministers since you must die from the governing power and this party is pulling in 2nd place and conservative. But the simple rich insert, they enjoyed support from young voters, even though his schoolmates used to call him local the crazy one. They love us when i gave me late is convinced the talk. Steve did talk me through a medium like in the movie the 0. 06. The big question is whether any of the candidates will be able to rescue argentina to michigan nomic and social 34. See, and human al jazeera window site is in the u. S. C. Head of a synagogue in detroit has been stopped to death for downtown synagogue, confirm that its president s, samantha will was scaled on saturday. Police say a train of black lead to our home. They say the motive is unclear and warrant again. Speculation and more now on the war on gaza and excuse me, a 2nd to monetary need convoys. 17 trucks has entered the gaza strip after passing to the roof of crossing with egypt. The same day, the city of off i in 7 guys, i was had bonnies really strike. It happened after israel, how to get ahold of palestinians to move to the south. Natalie and my colleague nick cox spoke to tom white, the director of the United Nations relief and works agencies affairs in gaza. He began by asking him about the situation on the ground. We need a sustained lodge skylight on a daily basis. Yesterday we got 20 trucks in today. Were hoping for 15 trucks. So the 1st thing id say its not enough. And secondly, the key commodity for us right now is fuel. The commodities that are coming in are important food medicines, but it does not include fuel. We currently have 3 dies supply of fuel. This fuel is running, they sell a nation plants to provide Drinking Water. It is enabling us to provide food. So we buy crease and its also providing fuel to hospitals so they can keep running. And also i most importantly for how big logistics operation here its fueling out cause its fueling out, generate is the k messages we need fuel to come in the gaza. Otherwise, the idol operation, plane Drinking Water hospitals operating will come to a close on 1st the on wednesday. Know what the, what you will say is that new fuel has come in on. The 2nd owner was moving some fuel internally within java, uh, from a depot place. To the border parkway, no fuel has actually cross the border. Uh so what we need is uh fuel to start coming into uh, gaza because well be running out of fuel uh by wednesday evening. And if that happens, that has implications for the hospitals for both the supply and everything. Were providing fuel now to run the selling ice and plants for Drinking Water. Its taping. I see you units operating in hospitals. Its enabling us to distribute aid. The reality is, even if a convoy comes into gaza, if we dont have fuel for our trucks, we want to be able to pick it up. So fuel is really critical. Now. We need fuel supplies coming into gaza. Uh so we can take this idle peroration going, but we know that is real. Do not want the fuel to come in because they say itll just be used against them via her mouth for the masses purposes. Said the child so that there isnt gonna be any if you look, the reality is we are demonstrating on a daily basis that wonder what is managing a fuel supply to insure those facilities that need fuel to my inside essential. I mean absolutely essential. Humanitarian services. I receiving that fuel so i can assure you fuel is going to take selling ice and plants. Its going to hospitals. It is making sure the absolute basics of life and Gaza Continue. It would be an absolute catastrophe here if we run out of fuel. Wonder why is moving fuel fuel around with the fuel stocks and weve got is moving it around guys are right now to get it to those places in the the thousands of people have been protesting across germany to show their support for israel. Some of those will gather in front of berlins brandenburg gave carry these ready fonts and posters with photos of some of the captive sounds. In garza, the protest been organized by the country Central Council of jews, political parties, unions, and civil society. While in france, thousands gathered at the cost of that type of leak in central powers denounced israels military actions in gaza. Hundreds of protest has carried palestinian finds advantage. Giving a message of support for palestine and several 1000 people gathered in bosnia as capital, sorry, able to show their support for palestinians demonstrated save the situation in guys that reminds them of the caesar, sorry ever during the boston war in the 1990s, thats when people in the city, enjoyed months of without gas electricity and water. Well, last night for me, for the back to bill, but to stay with us on the coverage of his route school on guys continues. As the bombing enters almost now its 17 day. My colleagues, i me say don will be with you just in a few minutes with the latest developments, and well have life copies from casa and israel as well. Stay with us on the last year part of sun experience, one of the worst floods in the countrys history. Many Rural Communities are still waiting for help. Hundreds of people on the outskirts of the city of may have had been living under open skies for a year in last years floods. This road behind me, those fields, the entire area that stretches in this direction was completely submerged. Many of the homes and buildings that were destroyed are still rubble. And parts of this district have started to flood once again the we time, the untold story we speak with others to be comfortable side. No matter where it takes a police, we have cnn and power and passion. We tell your story. We are your voice news. Your net out is here for my life was this 10 degrees fishermen to elected m. P in the Madrid Assembly fighting racism insane. Giving voice to those he left behind. A michael and turned politician reveals how european over fishing an applicant forces has become a driving force for a regular migration. Take your 3 buses, be a witness documentary on an ologist era. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter why you call out to 0 will bring you the news and Current Affairs or the, [000 00 00;00] the hello, im sammys. I them, this is the news out, live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. Israel is metric confirms one soldier has been killed in a raid on gaza. Spices say they repelled the attack in san eunice

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