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A Un Resolution condemning him mass with no mention the so now it is 1400. 00, gmc that is 5 pm in gauze. It is the 16th day since israel launched his full on gauze following him. Bass is a tax in southern israel. A 2nd humanitarian comb boy has no into the enclave. 17 trucks went through the rafa crossing with egypt. And this comes off to the city of reference in southern cause. It was hit defined as rarely a striking of the night that destroyed many peoples homes and it came off to israel. Had a game or the posting is to move to the south. Thats where tom unit is located, where at least 12 people were killed in australia kind of popular cafe. The ive been central. Gaza is randy. Air attack on the shopping. Plaza is killed. 9 people funerals have been held in jeanine, locked in. His ran the strike hit, the refugee camp, coming to people that is rarely all me said that a tax, what it called an underground terrorist read. Says the stones of the war on october, the 7th, at least 4651. 00 palestinians. He had been killed in garza and the occupied westbank is ready for us as of killed 91 in the past 2 weeks. And in israel, 1400 people died in their masters miniature operation. Tom whites is that right, 7 y f. As in cause of that, so United Nations Relief Works Agency and he says that the fuel tux fuel trucks that have gone in is critical fee homebound tearing operations. We need a sustained lodge skylight on a daily basis. Yesterday we got 20 trucks in today. Were hoping for 15 trucks. So the 1st thing id say its not enough. And secondly, the key commodity for us right now is fuel. The commodities that are coming, you know, reporting food medicines, but it does not include fuel. We currently have 3 dies supply of fuel. This fuel is running, they sell a nation plants to provide Drinking Water. It is enabling us to provide food. So we buy crease, and its also providing fuel to hospitals so they can keep running. And also i most importantly for our big logistical operation here, its fueling out cause its fueling out generators. The k messages we need fuel to come in the gaza. Otherwise the idol operation, plane Drinking Water hospitals operating will come to a close. On 1st the on wednesday know what the reality is. We are demonstrating on a daily basis that wonder what is managing a fuel supply to insure those facilities that need fuel to mind side essential. And i made absolutely essential humanitarian services i receiving that fuels. So i can assure you fuel it is going to take selling ice and plants, its going to hospitals. It is making sure the absolute basics of life and gaza continue. It would be an absolute catastrophe here if we run out of fuel. Wonder why is moving fuel fuel a right and with the fuel starts to withdrawing is moving it around. The guys are right now to get it to those places in the now funerals are being held for 2 people killed, engineering bi renters radio. Strike the item, the attack on the most can be occupied. Westbank is really all and he says it targeted what it called an underground terrace route or the of the highway. It is more for us from ramallah, the rate happened and is your name reference the camp and the focus of the raid was most of the where israel say that they were some a gun man from the print palestinian faction to preparing. And i quote, an imminent attack, or we dont know exactly what the, whats the nature of this attack. Now its out. Its happened through an air raid a rate of quite rare in the occupied was back even though in geneva, in that same refugee camp. There was some airways at in july, presumably by jose or helicopter gunship. Now some reports and these really media are saying that this time it was, they were actually jet fighters in the sky over that gap. And then maybe that was, thats how the strike was carried. We havent got the confirmation from the military, but search and it gives you an indication that israel is going deep into the west bank with all its liens. And it says that its actually going after how mazda members and supporters, even though theres also some people who just got detained for voicing support for guys a and lets close now to the occupied East Jerusalem. A rank has done his life from the at and run it, so its really military and not certainly the more communities along the northern part of lebanon will be evacuated. What more do we know about . Well, were nearly then thousands of people on the move. Uh, theyve been on the move for a couple of days now. Theyve added 14 new communities bringing the total up to 43. 00. Thats about 28000 people that are going any way that they can probably cause private private buses. They just trying to get out desperately. What these way to government, the doing is book booking hotels for people who come stay with friends, etc. So if you try and book out, tell them though, you will get a message in the area saying that these awful is really in need only in the government have blue book those hotels. Now, why are they leaving that . Well, the will within a with, has below, the cautious with has below have actually intensified in the area. But there are a number of his bullet fights. Is that out dead. Israel has struck targets in that and his beloved have retaliated. So thats really why this is happening. However, unlike in this sense, we havent seen these big military build up. Perhaps the evacuation of the residents is leaning towards that weve already heard from Prime Minister benjamin at yahoo is actually said that if his bullet wont a well, theyll get it will and they werent survive it. Now that kind of language is getting uh the residence of the area very wide and thats why theyre happy to evacuate the area. But it is interesting that the old of evacuation is taking place. That big military build up hasnt happened. My goal is to show you that perhaps israel isnt really interested in opening up a 2nd front in this will. But its certainly something its thinking about. Meanwhile, and brand, the 2nd aid chromeboys as begun moving from egypt. And the goal is to come through the roof for crossing at. Obviously desperately need a completely, its absolute desperately. But what were seeing is not even a drop in the ocean. Let me give you some numbers between october 7th when cool began. And what are we now the 22nd. You should have had about 7 to help. 8000. 00 trucks cross the rough a boat across. Its just the rapid Border Crossing in that period. Probably about 450 to about 600 trucks a day depending. Weve got the t 5 trucks over 2 days. Now thats not enough. As you had a temper monroe, just speaking, how do you, lets not even a drop in the ocean, but it is something, but that doesnt cover say for example, i think that it doesnt even cover a few doctors clinics. Never mind the credible to bombs on Something Like it was a ship, a hospital in the gaza strip. Now this is something these read. These are closely monitoring. They are looking at the aid coming in. Theyre afraid that if it falls into a masters hands, then thats going to be something that theyll have to look at and simply what theyll do is theyll completely shut that boy down. Now this is International Pressure. This brought this a balance. If you speak to military families, which i have been doing, ive lost skip since this will began, ive actually often awesome look, well, these roles planned here and they were like, if it was up to them, if they were left to their own devices, they would have completely blockaded goes up until this day. They wouldnt have allowed anything in well, these right is really worried about is jewel use and fuel is considered. Yours is something that im us maybe able to take advantage of to fuel that operations quite literally. But, but its also something that the humanitarian aid groups absolutely need. Now we heard from a griffith or just 24 hours ago speaking on out a 0 thing with very good this easy on the 60 general of the United Nations. It with very good and getting stuff into active conflict. So we know what we do, we just need the political will is 35 trucks. So the 2 days political will. So thats the question thats a is being us right now, of course there and, and what about the way you are . I dont buy these truces. Whats the picture there and whats, whats a sense there about whats happening in all of my years of revolting from here and were talking about maybe 20 is a ripple thing from this region ive never seen occupied East Jerusalem. So quiet, people are afraid to come out on to the streets, the even protests, these really ami a and, and these ready Police Policies are actually out on the streets whether issue of the refugee camp where the army going to where there is the police in occupied East Jerusalem around the street in great number of people, the ones that come out because theyd just afraid that if they get arrested right now, but they dont going to get a fat child. They didnt. You know pip hosting is will tell you they didnt get fed charles anyway, but now theyre even more afraid. The whats happening in gaza could come here. Theyre also incredibly afraid of is ratings is, is right, particularly some of the more right wing is rileys, the surround this area publicly proudly. Right . When is raise, who have a hard and attitude towards policy opinions right now by simply just a minute. So i mean, i can show you behind me, theres hardly any traffic out in the streets and thats whats ok part East Jerusalem is right now. Its simply in a re quiet place, or the mind thinks about the interim con, for pushing it as being an escalation of, honest between these really all being the own group has blah and the border with lebanon. Israels army says it hit and observation post. Its off to the group, most anti tank missiles, multi shelf, as well as, as 20 full members have been killed since that conflict escalated 11 of them in the last 24 hours. I mean how she joins us now from southern level and they tell us more what you know, as well, in fact, the intensity of tax over the past few days and especially yesterday and today is increasing. And we can see that to the number of fighters has relies morning that is a 5024 hours. And thats also due to is real activating, gets drawing. Its drones. And the head thing targeting cause has, will fights, as wed be using window rejoining from the i kind of a position or try maybe to go to whats a talking is really a military positions. Now we can say that we are in phase 2 and we can see that very clearly says what lies using more on time. Besides that, on time to time miss science guided miss isaac cornet, come on, you call as the different ones. But the, using that using them uh very it with very high numbers and we can see that on the is ready positions. What are the same time the number offices with law fights is not that are being killed. This is why we dont know then all of it from the all the side. However, its very probably that has well lives going to retaliate on this means more uh, fox, more retaliation form is really on the situation here on the board. That between 111. 00 is right, and its, its, its connecting more or more. I mean, its still contained within the 4 could the read says or 5 couldnt meet those area on both sides. But the, the, the, the amount of attacks, the amount of shunning is really high, exactly as things escalate. What about the residents . What are they doing as well . In fact, we were adding onto it to, uh, from here to watts uh, a town called site. The shop at to the east uh, most of the villages are empty and the people, the few people. Why in the villages . How kind of complaining there are no show to us. There is no contingency plan. No one from the government is contacting them. They dont know where, where to go. Now we know that the entire thing and in other cities there are some sent us to have the refugees there. But there are many families that austin of the for example, in the shop where we are, we were just few minutes ago out of 1000 people into towns that are only 50 left or that he thinks about the house and reporting that from southern 11. The ministry wing it from us, as israel has refused to accept his offer to release 2 more captives, they offer it released to americans. These ready government dismissed those comments as propaganda and tennessee, crowds of israelis reilly to demand molten, be done uh to, to secure the release of those held in garza. Havent jumped to you. Is this report as in tel aviv a cry for help outside Israels Defense Ministry anguished relatives of captives held by how most demanding their release. 7 but god, during the day after from us released to american captives, demonstrators urged leaders to implement a ceasefire and expressed anger with how the government has handled it all hours later, an announcement from the Assembly Gates the military wing of come us saying the army, the group informed the contractor, they plan to release 2 more captives without conditions, but the israel refused. We have offered to hand over those a comparative slot in severe humanitarian condition for their governments. They are not c as some that they want to continue coming over till then. They want to continue bombardments. The houses in response to the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the claims by how mass mendacious propaganda and said we will continue to do everything necessary to bring all the captives and missing back home. Analysts say the message from israel is clear that it wont negotiate with how much is where the bulk negotiated was. The colleagues cool, facilitated the negotiations with a mosque to allow the 2 women and the american citizens to return home. And it is all they believe that is part of the psychological mall. Thats how mas wants to gain time before or to stop as well. Maybe with international, more International Pressure to stop is way from the ground. Evasion into does from the is really government, increasingly bellicose rhetoric and continuing military buildup. Im not much, we will turn this equation to a 180 degrees announced a day of the attack will be remembered as the day that started the final incomplete destruction of the almost terrorist organizational loan to see most of the city. Again, we will deepen a texas, we will minimize the dangerous to our forces in the next stage of the war. And were going to increase the a tech screen of the wall calls for a humanitarian ceasefire. Only grow louder. Bombardment of guns already relentless only intensifies how much im doing with 0 occupied easters. As we look at like pictures of the goals, the sky line, were getting reports of a class along the israel goals of border. The Israeli Army Says for soldiers were injured. One of them critically and on clashes nick would say, because of from place to the border of mass. And there was a claim to have class with his really forces in the area statement from how mass wing is bianca subjugate. So it is as low as to strike with dozens of rockets to the settlement of nature. What in response to it says the design is muster because against of any israel has acknowledged over the last week that it has sense more military teams inside cancer, even as it continues. As massive build up on the board is just outside the strip. I still head here and onto 0. United states increases its ministry presence in the middle east after tax on its basis. The winnings of all medics and ukraine are alarmed by the rise of the number of shrapnel and signed by the to hello. Weve got lots of pleasant folsom sunshine across the good pots of china through the cream financially, not too bad to introduce paddle or the will be somewhat to whether its a slide again as we go through the next couple of dice, high pressure. Thats the reason why this settles or the money mr. Folk to watch out for. Yes. But at least the sun will pass through time because the trying hide around 25 celsius up to about to was pacing around 23 degrees today you got you can see a lot of fine and sunny weather. By the time we come to tuesday, the travel sticking around the yellow sea, the northeast of china, some showers, theyre just spilling into north korea at that stage. And the last one is the day we can see some wet weather, just dipping into northern parts of south korea, one or 2 showers, to just hugging the coastal fringes of japan most especially into onto whether to just make his way across high. And then once again, still very unsettled here some what the weather, sliding down across the good part of vietnam. Its kind of body ethanol safety monsoon. Making his presence felt disgust from his house into the philippines. More more shells, welcom showers, that i suspect coming into indonesia as for india and other yeah, whether or not squat. So welcome for the whole system corner of the in the i just pushing in from the pap and go with his tropical disturbance developing this week. As the im, its the world slow down. We stand for as homes with tips of global nickel reserves. Indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industries. We definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy. Harnessing offerings, 75 percent of Global Carbon credits. Essential, committed to being fine, mental protection, enhancing Investment Climate digital licensing, your better tomorrow. The other day youre watching out, is there a reminder of our top stories this week . Any reports of a clash along the israel does have both of these really ami says full. So just what ended one of them critically in on classes, neck of woods from place to the board. A mess earlier it was a claim to have clashed with his really forces in the area statement from amazon wing the some brigades said it as long as the strikes with dozens of rockets to the sacrament of net to vote in response design is mastic is against civilians, israel has acknowledged a over the last week. The defense, small, military change inside guns. And even as it continues to bustle build up on the board is just outside of the strip as the, cuz im or guys release this on telegram, they said quite would you hit the and confirm that the soldiers of design is force. It fell into the con units ambush, left of vehicles and flip east of the ephemeral fence on foot defending france, i guess for the fence. On the a 2nd call by a few minutes her name has been cleared to enter garza through the rapid crossing with egypt. 17 trucks getting enough to 20 and on saturday, affordable hundreds when 3 everyday is ready as drinks have killed, hundreds of people in the last 20 for us. Among the latest targets was a cafe and calling us from the shopping center. Funerals are being held for 2 people, a 2 palestinians in geneva. They were killed by a red is rarely striking the occupied westbank. 3 others have been killed. Dozens, the rest elsewhere during its raining rage. Lets speak now to observe the confident how do you have a shiver . Who joins us from gaza. So honey, 1st of this 2nd cold boy, we had to come boy, yesterday of choice trucks come in this be another one today, 17 trucks or more data about that yes, tom, well a few hours that. Busy is 72 more trucks were approved to enter the gaza strip carrying medical supplies. And as far as we know, theres one for carrying food supplies. And i think the, according to resources that we have asked that we talked to this set up, the vast majority of the cold voice is filled with medical supplies because they are the much needed elements as of, as hospitals are on the brink of the labs. And the lack, the necessary materials and all that meant for inter vince, for medical, immediate medical intervention. We know that for a fact that there is no fuel on this con voice at all, which is, which makes it hard uh for hospitals to keep running. We know a d, a ship, a hospital, and most of the hospital honeymoon is the 2 largest whole Public Health facilities are running on power generators. And these generators are going to be completely shut down due to the a lack of what of, of the fuel. Uh now we, we did ask some people and uh, while ago we interviewed the director of honor what operations in and drop off city who insisted on on the fact that his deal is the lifeline that gauze a needs the most right. Now, without the owner, what has its own supply with fuel that can only last til wednesday, and after that owner what will be forced to completely shut down its operations, including the trucks, carrying him in to turn in a to from roof i crossing and honey as that goes on the bum, baldwins has been continuing and the casualties it continued to mount, even in the south, where people were told by these radius to go yes, well, the, a massive air strikes as being going on for, for the past week or so. But today was, was it quite intense as of the uh, the, the, the last late hours of last night. Then youre in the hours of this morning and several locations across the gaza strip. What i want about this i, the city of high noon, is, is in the southern part of the gaza strip. And people were in the north thing dogs, the city were asked to evacuated the north to only find themselves and their mass bombardment. The incident of last night of the popular cafeteria and coffee shop is a great example of lack of security and safety are all on anything. So thats a, thats our correspond speaking just the from does that honey . Im sure, but thank you very much. I the, lets take all of his own calling clock is direct service to the to find group, which is the Global Intelligence and Security Consultancy joins is live here in the hot and called and thanks for coming in 1st i just want to return to that breaking news is ready all me saying that for soldiers are indeed one of them critically in on classes. Nick puts case if in place of the border out of my said earlier, it was a kind of clash with his ready forces in the area. What do you make of this escalation . Look not a total surprise. Mazda is going to want to keep the conflict that theyre gonna want to keep the audience guessing theyre not going to want to keep the conflict contained to gaza. They want the is released to think that they can strike anywhere at any time. Thats why they relied on combined arms and bushes. And now as were seeing, incursions into israel proper. So despite the bone bump and they clearly still have capability. Absolutely, theyve built up a redundancy, theyve likely got layers and layers of this. And so as theyre continuing to shoot rockets and israel, theyre also attempting to still infiltrate into is really territory. Its been reinforced and re fortified, but theyre still clear. It clearly areas that are poor us, right, so that thats happening within and then on the fringes of draws of further field, were seeing a further build up of us assets in the region. Tell us about that and what you make of it. Yeah. So the us is moving, in addition to multiple carrier straight groups Patriot Missile batteries fed missile defense. So used for deterrence, but also use for force protection. This is really uh, you know, a big military flex by the united states. A clear warning sign both around but also testable to stay on the sidelines with this conflict. Thats right. I mean its, its a great deal of k is not, i mean, its some of the turns it, but will it be it, it to listen to. Well see, i think, you know, the next 24 to 48 hours are going to be really telling. This is the, the biggest deployment of access to the region in quite some time. And again, kind of a clear message to tyrone that if the ronnie and seek to escalate this conflict, the us will be prepared. And if the escalation does happen, what about the contagion of what the spread . I think thats what everybodys worried about at this moment. Even for a military like israels, its going to be complicated to fight a multi war or a multi front war has been endorsed. Also having to worry about a rock issue, a militia whos using. Yeah. And then, you know, kind of the rounds, unity of front strategy coming to life. Right. For us. Yeah. For right calling. Believe definitely appreciate that. Thanks very much. The coming class. Thank you. Well, the us has introduced a draft resolution to the end Security Council on the board and also, but it doesnt cool for a cease fire. Instead, the draw resolution closer, full respect to International Humanitarian law, including the protection of civilian populations, trying to get to safety. It also strongly urges the continuous sufficient and on him to provision of a central goods and services to civilians in gulzar treating both a few food and medical supplies. This is the 1st draft resolution issued since the conflict began previous ones by russia and brazil. While they were featured the part, lets take a look at some of the news making stories around the world now. And at least 6 people have been killed after Russian Missile attack on the crazy region, if cock and other 14 were injured. When the missile struck a personal distribution center, the reasons government says pull those killed was civilians working at the side. Talk to is treating injured soldiers and ukraine say most of the wounds. Now the results of shrapnel shell fragments and last month, no Bullet Wounds out 0 spoke to a field magic about the challenges of rescue work in a war of mulch as an aerial attacks and face to face bottles. Same as robbie has moved from ukraines southern frontline on a Computer Program or before the war. Now a combat medic, nick named doc based on your rebutting on Ukraine Southern front. Drones showing snipers come with a job, he says, and getting to someone who needs help can take all day. What issues . Sometimes the evacuation vehicle comes on to file. We lost several cause burned and left on the front line. Yeah, it happens. But the biggest threat a kamikaze drones because they can travel far distances and a dangerous on open terrain often completely exposed when rescue cars get hit. No one escapes injury doc says hes seen it firsthand. But the more nipple is it. More . Yeah, truck describes the sound of rockets flying overhead and he was at a forward position directly across from russian lines. His leg was mangled by shrapnel. Ukrainians use the term meat grinder to describe the conditions at high numbers of dead and wounded on the front line. But something new because my guys came out on the fire, they didnt leave me behind. I was losing consciousness. So they told me to see him. Hes grateful. He says 2 people in the trench with him were killed. Moving positions were told to spread out walk single file avoid on march areas

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