Hello again. Im james by the you and size of vital role for the 2300000 People Living in gaza. The majority of them depend directly on the 8 it provides about the total of suffering. And death is listening daily. Israel is bombing of the besieged enclave is killed more than 4000. 00 palestinians. Many of them children. The us in western leaders, a re, a from that support israel with washington punching more funding for palms and other weapons. The deepening catastrophes for you and set for general antonio terrace, of the region on his own diplomatic mission. His 1st priority to try and get some relief for the people of casa. Yesterday, i went to the rock bottom in the crossing there, and i saw a paradox, a meditative capacitor feed plays out in real time. On the one hand, i saw hundreds of trucks to meet with sold in the very central supplies. On the other hand, we know that just across the board of the 2000000 people, we dont want them. Foods for electricity and maybe see children, mothers, the elderly, the sick say bucks on one side, empty stomachs on the other. Those stocks 50, move as quickly as possible in the massive sustained and safe way from egypt into gaza. At 20 thought go boy, of egypt and rep classes is moving to day and they want to express might be connected to do it for the central role. Egypt is playing in these regards, but the people have got so many of the commitments are much, much more. It continues the liberty of a 2 guys, if the scale that is needed and we are working non stop. Weve all part of these the relevant to make it happen. Few down the personal commitment of antonio, good terrace transmission. But what obstacles does he face . And how important does the un for the people have gone . So were discussing all these questions and more with a panel of experts soon. But 1st lets hear from someone who knows the secretary general. Im the delicate political situation. Well, frances, public representative, the United Nations, a bus that nicholas the review, a bunch of the thank you very much for joining us all now to 0. Lets talk about that. A thats been allowed in so far, just 20 trucks for 2300000 people. How concerned this fronts remain about the humanitarian situation in gaza . Thank you for having me, james. I think are really made uh, very conscious of course we the humanities, the situation and get this situation and get sizes these us the uh, i want to uh, explain the, this whole situation. Is that because of the terrorist attack by have us on october 7 against east right on the 8th, or stop in there. Uh and uh, do 2 of those that we are just, you know, we do, we huge crises in uh, in guys. Uh. And we need to address that. It might take your situation is uh dire, of course, the ongoing new falls by the un security origin on, by the united states, by my administrator as well. And she has been uh, in the region a week ago. Shes back in the region, shes knowing cable, were just asking for your money to him because 20 trucks have been able to cross the rough uh, uh, points which is doing bits of use the saw so many not. So we need to much more off the question is both to know which is why the 2 addresses security threats because they have us and these should not be negotiable. But on the other hand, it off or not, you might be different. But before or the civilian corporation, i guess uh, trust the city as respects the geneva conventions and uh, put in place. Uh would you go to your manager in paws, which is up. So do you need us to do this . How about that . You say that uh israels response should not be negotiable and youve strongly supported like other western nations, israels right to defend itself. But is what were seeing really legitimate defense or is this brutal collective punishment and revenge. Were seeing now legitimate defense a lot on uh, i still have the stories that curious where it is the, the, the entitled to go after how nice 0 is the best. The civil young must be projects to and this is an essential we need to have a for the implementation of virginia met conditions. This will go to the International Unions in law and we need the human age, an access to be around the, the and as a we need to protect the city. Hands on the menu. Stupid young in these enclave though. Guys. Uh so uh, this is up. So that you can, you know, probably be uh, extremely vigilant on this uh, requests about so that we sold the site country general amount and you know, very well go a place that 2nd generals that normally go to the edge of an active was own, um, uh, 2 rafa on the boat was gone, so that was a pretty bold piece of public diplomacy. Was it not . I think uh, we should also pull this off. The new a good. The rest uh is uh is on. The drama is in care. Oh uh, is trying very hard to drive to manage an excess to guys. Uh, thats his job. Uh, installed on it. I think we should really uh get it back to the super easy going soon to make sure that this uh body makes a decision uh, on the show both on uh, this, the legitimate defense issue containing a uh county, do you have tech by on us because this is the reason why we all that today. And also uh, but the thing civilians grunting amended. You had access to the risk between the junior conventions. And uh uh, so uh, referring to the 2 state solution because at the end of the day it would not be resolved by your manage it access and the refund issues. We need the policies to see the pay, but we need to re loss or treating the mutual these, these process, the bidding was since 2014 not well that spring. You know, a panel of guess to discuss this for the month. So schumann is the human rights advocate and resident garza, he joins us from con eunice. Francesca albanese is the u. N. Special replica on the occupied palestinian territory. She joining us for washington dc. And dont to tell it. Rosetta is the senior Crisis Response advisor, amnesty international. She joins us by skype from london. One, welcome to all of you. If i can start with you months. So on the ground, in con eunice, in gaza, 20 trucks came in today, just 20 trucks, with 2300000 people. Tell us what is the feeling, what are things like right now and gaza . Thank you for having me. When the people here heard of that for me, 20 products payment. Honestly, there was a few legal for span, a shock. Why did the same time feeling that we are all alone here . Is this the International Community . The, the, the power. So be it or not caring for disobedience here to guns. We are in the 15th day of this progression. All the civilian population over 4000 killed, 15000 injured electricity has been shut off. Walter tops have been shut off and now we are getting only 20 trucks supply and 0. 0 to a percent of the needs. After 15 days, normally, the crossing border gets at least a 150. 00 trucks every day. Multiply that by the 15 days with both supplies out to that hundreds of 1000 displaced and consuming the supply of nations and other peoples and other peoples area. We are looking here a disaster. Yeah, im looking here at the human genocide of the 21st century. And speak are there they are both mads set up and the of the unmanned. So just to be clear, even though that was this opening of raffle, very briefly for 20 trucks, the bombardment continued even then and its still continuing. I believe. Yes. That just before we start to get a quote, because that jason to end screen besides what im saying right now, got hit by to a suicide to at the bottom. But this is in bowie. It does not stop. And also the people here when big, when they understood what were in those 20 trucks, they were like, they wouldnt show up, i mean, throw the gloves masks, coughing, drops. So, i mean, this is really the most important thing to provide to the people of guns at the stage. Okay, let me bring in Francesca Albanese now i need to make clear, i think, as were discussing the un, an aide and its role. You are a special raffle to but weve been speaking about the sex general view and you dont actually work for him. We need to be clear, your completely independent and your role in your appointed by that by the human rights council. Your reaction to 20 trucks of a simple mass one truck for a 100000 people. Good morning and thank you for having me. I dont think that my reaction can be any different from that towards months or saying its, its insufficient and it seems sufficient and to now that wait, although its necessary. So let me be clear, your money dire need is needed and it has been needed for a long time, even before the 7th of october, because it goes as being under has a 16 year of brocade, which has already pushed 2200000 people in a very critical situation, but the fault is the most important thing is that the a ceasefire is declared. There is the need to stop the killing of civilians. Death has already made 4000 victims. The mine do this is almost the same amount of people who have been killed in guys out in 53 the prior. Um the conflicts and um, and did it further loss of life must be stairs. At the same time, you want to turn in a is necessary, it needs to enter from on the cross sticks. No, just guys, including the crossings. Nice ro, erin and added to it didnt shut on. There is no reason why these should not happen. And the what i also think that what is needed from the International Community and the un Security Council, which is ultimately responsible for the maintenance of peace and security globally. Hes a real boss. The principle that human handed stands on this issue because its reading know totally medians of people in jobs, off into the base by the strengthening piece of security for an old policy and send these rileys. And unfortunately beyond donor teller, you represent them as the international you, our war crimes investigator, what do you make of the fact that even well they let the 8 in, they can 10 you the bombardment of gauze, and its continuing as mine. So said in the last few moments. Well, 1st of all, um on, on the 8th, because this is really important, the 20 trucks of age went into guys that did not contain fuel. In so far as we know, and fuel is essential to produce electricity, which is essential to purify water and deliver worship to people. There is a Public Health crisis studies unfolding in garza with washington board diseases because people have no clean water to drink. So its a, you know, its the 20 trucks, hes not just a, at least youll call, little went in, but also of what was missing, which is so desperately need to bombard men some been going on daily. Ive also heard from our field worker in guys a short while ago about a new air strikes that have been covered out. Thousands of civilians have been killed and injured. The tragedy is that the guys on civilians do not know where can they go . What can they do to protect themselves and their childrens because really know where is off limits myself and my colleagues have been investigating cases where entire families were white. Tote, people who had left their homes because they felt that their homes, where in areas that were more exposed, closer to the perimeter with this well. And they went to stay with friends and relatives in the area for the region which they thought were less exposed. And best places wipe on by did, and they end up being killed. As bombardments are in discriminant indiscriminate attacks. Are war crimes. And these were crimes are being committed on a daily basis. And the reaction of the International Community is changed full. Because while its absolutely true that israel has every right to take proportion of measures to protect its own population and to respond to attack, it does not have the right to indiscriminately attack civilians who are packed into one of the most densely Populated Areas of the world. And who have no possibility to leave that area or to do anything whatsoever to protect themselves because the bombardments have targeted every area of the gaza strip. Every type of struck to a small house is big buildings, schools and hospitals for that matter. So people really dont know what to do and, and the bombardments are continuing to absolutely agree that the, you know, most urgent, urgent measures is for these indiscriminate attacks to end immediately. And, and the efforts of the International Community should 1st and foremost be concentrated on exerting the necessary pressure to ensure that all parties play with International Humanitarian law. The east valley is not a bump bundle and it should not be allowed to behave as though it is, which unfortunately is the case. Because 15 days into these indiscriminate, bombardments that have kids been injured. So many civilians, the International Community could not bring himself to a to, to the mom, the indiscriminate attack stop. Thatd be pretty. Yeah. Let me bring it down. So now im one of the points that you made on that which was the importance of fuel. Clearly there are only, im not all the hospitals, many of us, but its not operating. Those that are operating rely on electricity from generators that need fuel. And its going to tell us said, in order to operate, dissemination, ponds, pumping stations, you need fuel for vital voice to give us some more detail on fuel and also on, on, on volta, i mean, i hear a month, so people are even drinking, see what will to or on safe water from agricultural wells. Thats a great point. Actually, yesterday i was when i was living on the phone with the cdc, and she asked me, what is the main item . If you had the choice that must be available in these trucks that come in to the us or the cable to my mind immediately was fuel. Um and i was shop again. Maybe i maybe uh, maybe i should get. It seems like its going to be one going thought was here, knowing there was no fuel coming in. Thats it. Thats something. See it because right now theres no extra constraints. You havent got the people who dont live on Electrical Generators thats running on the fuse, edit the cell, jump the next week. I can relate those as an example to the hospital, but im beside that. I know the so like you said, you said a nation thats uh with regards to the water uh, from personal experience from my familys experience. So the people, i dont like know everyone who is suffering from some kind of guy. Just the boat, a track to the disorder because of the im fluid was the old thing take. Well, i mean its a, its a lot like like like i totally get the she just said, the why fi are my biggest to be like, no. Is the always if i get time demik with a very crow bits closed space c a m oak street, thoughtfully 1000000 suggested an open stories on the streets in crowded homes with no medication, no clean water. And the fluids that is being whats going on up as well. Yeah. And we are in a crisis. And really, thats what you should, francesca, you, as well as being the special wrapped proper to you are a lawyer by profession weld House Organization is documented 62. 00, a tax on health care. A area is 29 Health Care Facilities in particular, and 23 ambulances of these will crimes. I dont think so. Yes, because our hospitals should be, should be protected at all times. And look, i think that here we need to, i fully agree with that. Do not tell us analysis, and we need to maintain that and the capacity to analyze each in each incidents. But also consider the, lets say, the brother, the brother picture just so whats going on in gaza because again, we have an International Community and particularly western countries with riley to gays, to and thats why you were running around each row and defending and repeating like im im sure the east rose, right to self defense, bought it. We shouldnt forget that the population of guys up is a quasi just protective persons under international law. Each one is occupying garza israel. Hes keeping got to under siege and has the responsibility to where the policy is and also what do we have seen that you said to bone being all there being bone beings on hospital. And by the way, there is one which is which is likely to happen as we speak because the other codes hospitals in gaza. We just go ahead and finish entering 400. 00 people, including 12000. 00 displeased as being ordered a to, to about to 8, which is impossible, that the hospitals are full of people in the in that will kind of be moved. And, and so these are clearly war crimes and which is enough to stop what is or has started on the 7th of october because the under, youll pay can i so of wanting to where rodney paid a mouse or east room is, is a, is pursuing an entire campaign which seems to be intended to the population gossip because its bomb being note from north to south bank. So, so or during the evaluation, all 1. 00, median palestinians from, from the north and part of the street which, which is the largest and leading to. And i must mentor people in the, in the south these maya mount with new cleansing. And there is any intent that has been declared because there are vice officials who have gone on record saying that the guidance should go to the sinai, that there are Housing Units and there they will receive all the assistance they need. But there is also the president of under the fog of war. Each one has already committed that the cleansing of the bodies being ends in 47194719497 under 50000 and body. Seen in, you know, mostly more the from modern ne, each row where the displays begin, refugees and where i never allowed to return. And the same thing in 96271250000 probably seen ends up being the ive been displaced and never allowed to return to the guys a street, the west bank. And these terms are that this is a pretty now was well on. We, we were all the same thing, somebody, some of the things were discussing today, our aid and also the role of the United Nations. And as you be aware, the u. N. Is operating on the ground with the red crescent, one of the few organizations operating on the ground. This was noting thats 17 unreal stuff. Thats the agency of the you and that deals with the palestinians have lost their lives already. So we know theres very good humanitarian what going on from the United Nations, but also weve seen up to get this very limited 20 trucks in personal diplomacy from us. That country general, pretty bold in the sense that he went to the edge of an active was on this just listen to what he said. Behind these walls. We have 2000000 people that is suffering in our mosley that says, no wall to us. No foods, no magazine, no flow that you use and the fires that needs every scene to survive. So this blocks are not just deluxe, they are a lifeline. Well, thats the site because you generally speaking before those trucks were allowed in. But it is worth noting dont attend that, isnt it, that it took him a week even to cool for a see saw. Are you happy with the way the secretary generals been performing . Well, i mean, ultimately the United Nation is a collection of states and the secretary general is a proceeding all the what is, i mean, you know, inter governmental body that with many different opinion. And i think that works very important to bring to the attention of your viewers with regard to somebodys already an age. Hes the reason why does this trick depends so much and you, many, terry and age old times already before the 7th of october is not because the got some people dont want to work. Its because in order to have any sort of the economy existing, it does require that there be Free Movement of people and goods with the gases trip being under a full blockade for the past 16 years, which is vital, controlling everything that goes in and out. It is impossible for the guys that to develop any meaningful sort of economic and therefore the regime of, you know, before these, these ostrich situation thats on thats being unfolding since the 7th of october. Its the premise, the 2300000 people should be kept in a, in a situation where they are prevented from developing an economy to sustain themselves. And they should be for ever depends antonio many terry, an aid that can be switched on and off the wind, which is what has happened now. And which has happened many times before. Can i bring in front jessica on the you and this response . And what did you make of what we saw in the Security Council . The us vill wielding its vito to stop a resolution allowing humanitarian pauses for a to be distributed. And the us and pastor, as i understand it, said they, theyd be towed because the resolution would get in the way of diplomacy. Does that make sense to, you know, it doesnt, this is not the 1st time that to the what comes out from the that say the behind the, the behind the scene works of the, of the un and the security guards standing, particularly, it doesnt make sense to me or to any reasonable pass, and just for the benefit of the viewers we, we have to say that again, there is a, a, the u. N. R, a providing critical assistance as they can on the ground. And there are barriers actors, w, w, h, sho, unlocks wsp, trying to mobilize, there is an entire you enjoy your community trying to push for us. And why is the solution which kind of happened without disease fire, but there is the Political Action of and particularly the just security gone. So which has been finalized once again by the us because the us is the only state which would be good. There is or shouldnt even russia and then you k, upstage. Its and, and again that there is this misunderstanding, this clear misperception of whats going on in the ground because there is the argument including here in the us is that this is a ceasefire. Is a, is a political the know that was the because it means its constraining these rows up into 2 protective citizens. Now how long theyre the, what is what hes doing in killing thousands of speed is destroying entire farming. East 47th pharmacies has been cancelled from the civil registries, 5 generations of people out destroying and guarded neighborhoods. Hospital side schools is going to bring this security and protection to these writers. Let me, let me bring in a month. So at the end of our discussion, then when you hear whats going on, yes, the you and is doing good humanitarian work. When you say the sort of discussions going on at the Security Council, you hear what the us is doing. Tell us what people in goss make a 5 the people in gaza. The believe that the us will supports israel in what the, what, whatever they do that there is no belief in the system by the people because that theres nobody in the building. Oh the Security Council. This is what i mean. The people of guys that are saying one sentence is that we are line only on god and god will hopefully take us to a better place in the near future. The people here are not putting any vote on to you on the us or the us or the w actual. It seems that its, uh, its a strong each week world and is thats why the u. N. Was created to do such things. I mean, its more people like i would to guests that im, that you when ended up with you actual and the Security Council with manual cloud, russia now its pretty human beings out there. I think that wouldnt be what it is, right, the man. So thank you very much and please site, stay safe. Thank you to all i guess im so schuman Francesca Albanese and dont to tell roberta if you missed the start of the program, you could always watch the whole thing again and out. Is there a dot com if you have to use on this discussion or by any other aspect to the goals it will post your comments on our facebook page. Thats facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. Or you can use the site fully known as twisted now. Cool. Thats why we are at a inside story from the james space and the whole team and doha, stay safe. Ill see you soon. I the north korea Supreme Leader kim jong sista isnt merging as a likely successful the 101 east investigate north koreas most powerful woman on l. G 0. They have Church Solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. I dont think that has a number. Think about it as a person yourself and that person shoes. So as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. We want we want to break because the women in my country, democracy to come up to on we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. We are walking in the front steps, our officers whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. You just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. The vision is keywords you to the and hes riley is drawing his target to the janine refugee camp in the occupied west bank. At least one person has. Thank you. The hello. Im emily anglin. This is l g 0 ally from townhouse a coming up. Israel says it will step up is bombing campaign. As the gaza strip 11 people were killed. And the latest attack on a cafe and ton unit desperately needed food and medicine fund

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