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Been ordered to evacuate. The Oldest Church in the gaza strip is hate by is really miss signs. At least 16 people taking shelter. They are now dead and rising and go across the middle east and the wild. Thousands of protesters demand an end to israel is assault on the right. Well begin with breaking news and take you to the state department in washington, where the secretary of state anthony blinking is speech an after im off earlier today, released to american. Capt assessed isnt it . But there are still 10 additional americans who remain on accounted for in this conflict. We know that some of them are being held hostage by. Im us, along with an estimated 200 other hostages, held in gaza. Bang for men, women, young boys, young girls, elderly people from many nations for every single one of them should be released. Since the early, our earliest hours is crisis, the present is made clear that he will do Everything Possible to secure the release of every hostage during my own recent travel of the region. I have, besides the urgency and importance of this to the United States and pressed our partners to do everything they can to help us secure the release. Since that time we continue to work relentlessly with partners to do just that. I cant speak publicly about the details of these efforts, and i know you understand that. But the urgent work to free every single american to free all other hostages continues as our work to secure the safe passage out of gaza for the americans who were trapped there. In this particular instance, i want to thank the government have cut her for their very important assistance when i was israel last week, i met with the families of us citizens that hamas has taken hostage, president biden, to have the opportunity here directly from the families. Its impossible to adequately put into words the agony, their feeling of not knowing the fate of their loved ones wearing relentlessly about them for their safety, for their security, for their well being. No family anywhere should have to experience this torture. What i had shared with the families as the present did as well is that the entire United States government will work every minute of every day to secure their release to bring their loved ones home. They have my solemn pledge, those who continue to have loved ones held hostage by a mouse that will continue to do that are working as though these family members were without having 65 hours. But for, for the government success, lets just say im just a, you said you wouldnt talk about specific details, but im wondering you did think the government of color and im, im wondering since you were there and they have for the office, the house, the Homeless Office if you could elaborate a little bit on what their role was and if you continue to think that that channel there, them having an office there is worth while. And then secondly, a lot has been made by you, by the president , by other officials about how it is important to real once if and when it begins a ground incursion into gaza for it to respect the rules of War International law. And i, im curious if you think that to date, even before that ground incursion, this started. If israel is respecting those uh, rules and laws. Thank you, matt. Thanks for the questions. Um youll understand that because this is an ongoing effort, an ongoing effort to get past the americans who are hosted in this moment in gaza out to secure their release to get them back with their families. I really cant go into any details about what were doing, how were doing it. And all i can say with regard to cutter is in this instance, we very much appreciate their assistance. Beyond that, i really cant. I really cant say because again, we want to focus on making sure that were getting those who remain hostage back home and with their loved ones. Thats the, the single most important thing with regard to or how is real is conducting his operations. I think you for the present speak to this very clearly. Youve heard me speak to this very clearly and weve said we believe strongly that israel has not only the right, but the obligation to defend itself against what it, what its very hard to put into words the, the nature of the barbarity of the tax. And they really do have the obligation to just defend themselves against it, to do whatever they can to try and make sure that this doesnt happen again. But weve been very clear as well that the way is real does this matters. And in particular, its important that operations be conducted in accordance with international law, him out of train law, the law of war as applicable. And that everything be done to minimize the loss of civilian life. And we continue to, to focus on that just as were also focusing on getting assistance into people in guys who, who need it. So there will be plenty of time to make assessments about how these operations were, were conducted. But i can just say for the part of the United States that this continues to be important to us. And again, that is what distinguishes us, distinguishes israel from various groups like them, us, which not only have absolutely no concern for friends and human life. They intentionally use innocent human lives to hide behind, to uses a, quite literally as human shields, knowing that civilians invariably are going to suffer in conflict. And just following up on that of him off has issued a statement to our by to and i know with the huge gavia that its a chair group and one does not attach credibility to that. But they have said, instead of the hostages, the civilian houses, which includes the americans, could be with the east that this could be the start of something bigger. If there are no air strikes, would this be a moment . Where is it under israels discretion . Obviously, it would be wise to pause to give it more time to see if this is a moment since the Ground Invasion is not started. Should even the air strikes the stop to see if you could get more people out. And it was notable without going into details in the present statement. He said, he expressed his thanks to israel. I just had a rather in partnership with israel, a notable connection there of the obvious entrances, but they were working together. This is this give you hope that despite everything thats happened, that there would still be a broader relationship and avoid a wider war. Uh, thanks andrea so. So 2 things there. First, its very simple. Hostage, it should be released immediately and unconditionally. Thats been our position from day one. It remains our position. And to your point, i would uh, not take anything that of my says at face value. Im not sure anyone in this room would take it face value or report something that isis and said same applies to to him, us. Our position is clear, every hostage needs to be released and needs to be released. Now there is no doubt from my own. My own travels in the region that one of the important things throughout this it is very difficult period. And since the attack, the uncomfortable attack by the loss is to continue to find ways for countries to cooperate, coordinate, when its in their interest to do something. And well continue to look to that any cooperation that um, that we can elicit that facilitates the release of hostages. Any cooperation that we can elicit that secures the progression of humanitarian assistance to the men, women and children and gaza, who would so desperately need it. So were, we, we work on that every day and i think we can say that weve, weve seen some of that cooperation. The broader question, though, i think is usually important because whats abundantly clear is the vast majority. Ready of countries, the vast majority of people want the same thing. They want the region where countries are, are working together, where relations are, are normalized when theres direct, greater integration, where people are working together and studying together traveling, doing business and overall majority people like that. And we want to see as well the rights and aspirations of the Palestinian People for the field in the context of that kind of region. And thats one vision and it remains very much alive and every conversation that i had. The alternative is equally clear. And its very stark, its, im us, it has blog, its a rod, its destruction, its death. Its terrorism. Its dark this. So the more we are able to make real that 1st vision, the more im convinced that thats the vision that everyone, virtually everyone will subscribe to. So even as we are working through this challenge, this crisis, its important to keep that vision alive because its important that people know that there is an alternative and that everything that they hold for and that they aspire to is going to be best addressed through what ive just described that 1st thing. Well continue to do that. Very um, what can you tell us about the condition of these 2 americans who have been released . What is their, their health status, and do you have any details on the condition of the americans were being held hostage . Have you seen any proof of life on them . And then on the roof of crossing, what is the hold up in operationalizing this deal . And we see it open this weekend. Um i can speak to uh, the condition of the uh, 2 hostages or just released uh 1st out of respect for the privacy. Uh 2nd because we havent had a chance yet. Maybe its happening as we speak to your own team in there, to, to see them, to, to evaluate them. And most importantly, to reenact them with their loved ones. So im sure that will, thatll, thatll come out in the, in the hours. Certainly the days ahead, but i dont have anything for you on that now, nor do i have anything for you on the, the status of or condition of americans who continue to be held by, by him us with regard to the, to the roof of crossing. As, as you know, when some of us were traveling together in the region of the past week, im getting assistance moving was among my top priorities. And we worked very hard with the government of israel, the government of egypt to do just that. And we secured an understanding that we would develop a plan to move assistance that understanding was submitted by present, but when he was in israel and also speaking to president , ill cc of egypt in the time since weve been working relentlessly with investor David Satterfield on the ground working with the United Nations with egypt with his real, to put that into motion. And my expectation is that youll see that moving so thank you. Thanks one the, the entire u. S. Government will work every minute of every day to secure the release of americans held captive by how mazda was of the us secretary of state antony bill blinking has just held a News Conference there at the state department in washington, after 2 american captives, the mother and daughter were released by hamas earlier on friday, blinking said that 10 additional americans were unaccounted for. He said we will do Everything Possible to release every captive any fang to the government of kata, for its very important assistance in releasing these 2 captives to form a captive now, a mother and daughter who are released by him off earlier on friday. And what, how my says were on humanitarian grounds specifying in laws name, jordan correspondent was live at the state department was we heard the from antony blinking, but he didnt give too much detail about the efforts that wanting to securing the release of his mother and daughter in the us secretary of state tony blank and did not go into great detail because there are at least 10 other us citizens who may also be a dual is really citizens thought to be among the 200 or so people who were abducted just about 2 weeks ago by members of her mouth and who were presumably taken to garza. And so the effort is on trying to was real, get the release of those who are still being held inside the gaza, preferably alive. And that they are trying to do this through a number of diplomatic methods. As the secretary did complement the efforts of the governments of culture in itself, its to get these 1st 2 people, 2 people from the chicago suburbs released on friday. There is still very much this concern of upsetting, of whatever delicate balance has been struck in order to get their release a balance that might yet help get the release of these other uh, people who have been abducted by a mall. So its understandable for security reasons. Why the secretary of state would not go into the amount of detail that reporters would want on how it came to be to get these 2 people out of their captivity. Right. And before uh, blinking spoke just now there was a statement from present vitamin cell phones. What did he say as well, the president told us that he had an opportunity to speak with the israeli Prime Minister benjamin the new office that they talked about, the efforts to get people out of captivity inside garza. The president also reiterated his support for israels are right to seek justice for the attacks in southern israel 2 weeks ago. But he also said that it was important to deal with the fact that whatever was done needed to follow the law of war. He also did indicate that it is very important also to get in that humanitarian aid that has been held up at the gate at rafa in southern egypt of trying to bring that aid in to the jobs of strep. And that the efforts to make that a delivery happen are still underway. So this is not of the Us Government trying to was look ahead to the weekend. They are very much seized upon this crisis. Okay, well thank you for the update last name. Jordan live for say at the state department in washington dc. Lets spring in iran con now who is unoccupied. Easter was name from on this him on. What are we hearing from these really side . What, where are these 2 women whove been released by . Im us over not hearing anything official from these right inside the desired police about here the holiday. Uh the weekend for the is rileys box. We do know that the problem is to say, uh offices release, the statement, those 2 hostages, judith and natalie. Uh sorry, the tasha um sorry, Natalie Renee are actually on their way to a military base in central is ro, once i get that they will be examined by both is ready and us medically examined as we all hearing that of the mother particularly may will have some sort of suffering that she had previously that has got was because of her ordeal. None of that will be confirmed officially until much later over the weekend, but we do know they are on their way to is are we also have some more details on catch all cats . How is role with the is raise that was initially reported that this was a deal between cattle and how much is ro would know involved was the main bulk of that was cancelled. And im asked talking to each other. These really is work really involved because they needed to be updated to get to rafa. Im be able to receive those president s from how mass of via the red cross and the red cross. Sorry. So they were updated. We dont know when that happened. It may be happened once they realize the prisoners were on the loop, but they certainly were part of the deal. Castle 1st part is actually signed. The is ready to use uh for that role. So that goes to show you that there is, there was some communication. Yeah. But we also have a statement now from how much as well. We stressed that we will take, say him as with all the mediators to implement the movements decision to close the civilian file. If appropriate, security conditions are available. Let me just decide for that well deciding that is we will release all of the civilian hostages. If this occurs, the Current Conditions are appropriate, i must have long said, that needs to be a stop to the ash strikes if there is that, then theyre likely more likely to be able to release more of these hostages. Both you heard and to be blinking, that he was speaking at the state department. Say we take everything, i must say with a pinch of salt. We are asking him as to release the prisoners unconditionally. So it doesnt look like that idea of an, the strike stopping and therefore the prisoners being released, hes going to happen. But likely sites there is hope that this will lead to more prisoners being released and certainly the categories. And that statement, well hopefully is the right word for well wonder, well actually trying to say this could happen, this bisk could be the stopped. Okay, run, thank you for that. Update him on con, my, for a say in occupied east jerusalem. Lets not check in on terry. God was of losing a guys or for us inside guys or your in con units, just bring us up to speed with whats been happening in the last hours. So theres been more bombing by these really well throughout the box. Our, these really Occupation Forces have targeted several areas inside the goal. Is this trip less assaulting from the another in areas of the gaza strip, where 2 areas are heavily bombarded by the usability at a cross. Generally, one of these areas is called our residential compound. This, it has to come down consist of dozens of residential towers, which really contains hundreds of palestinians. Some of these that for originally were displaced from the houses since the early beginning of the out of brick of this found a fighting. So these area, this area has been largely bombarded by these very Occupation Forces. Also the value of refuge account was hit in the loop to a neighbor who this neighborhood was severely targeted. Also another bull button that took place central. The goal is to strip in a great refuge account residential building was leveled to the ground. An air strike close to the time is um, there is a number of casualties. Have the boasted, wait except that confirmation from the palestinian minister tells inside the deceased or a treat. Uh these, these very ongoing compartment read, it continues really loosely cleanings, alonso palestinians. So it goes to be damaged to public and private, precarious ease. Inside the inside, the goal is was checked. As long as the is really, im going to pump and continue. Palestinians really have no clue, hope of surviving normal with the is very a tax tool. This current moment also the administration of, of course, hospital refused to evacuate and refused to follow the oldest of the east. Read off your patient forces to evacuate the hospital to even bother to, to, to be more. But its due to the a great number of residents who were evacuated inside this hospital. Yeah. Sorry, thank you very much for the update. Indeed. The coach, hospital in gaza has been ordered to evacuate by the east release. The warning that came just a few hours ago, but as tyrique was telling us, the hospital officials, i said they will stay put because there is no way to go. And its not safe for their patients to leave the hospital at this time. Because everywhere in guys that is being targeted by these relays list, ill speak to p. J. Crowley, whos joining us from alexandria virginia for more on the american captives who it released today. Pj, it connie is a former us assistant secretary of state and a former spokesman for the state department. Thank you very much for joining us. We didnt hear a lot of detail from antony blinking, the secretary of state on what happened today. You have workshop of state department, you know how things work the what would have gone on to secure the release of these 2 american captives as well. First of all i, i do think that the secretary blinking by revealing very few if any details is, is signaling that this is an ongoing effort that has been reinforced by the other players and in this action today. So that we, we now do know that there is an active process underway involving United States israel culture, perhaps others. And that in a sense, we now have an active negotiation among all these parties over the conditions under which more hostages will be released. Yeah, we heard from him that 10 americans are still on accounted for, and he said that the us would do Everything Possible to release every captive from us in a statement that we had a short while ago said he will release all of the captives if there is security if the strikes stop, all the americans right now putting pressure on israel as you think to, to stop these strikes and even for this Ground Invasion to be delayed in order to allow for this to happen. Well, i think there are multiple things going on at the same time. You know, clearly israel is is undertaking military action by air not by ground. At the same time. Um, you know, the president and the secretary and others have said, its the highest priority of United States and im sure of other countries. So to have their citizens who are held hostage, they are released. So both of these things are going on simultaneously. And clearly theres interaction between the 2. And what about the rules of war . There was a question asked by one of the reporters to blinking about whether the us was putting perhaps a bit more pressure on israel to respect the rules of war. We seen hospitals being bombed, another hospital has been threatened in gaza today by these re lease. Why is it not more effort from the americans to, to pressure is route to respect the rules of war to respect International Humanitarian law. I dont think pressure is the right word um, you know, israel house or professional military of and, and professional militarys or highly cognizant of the International Rules of law. So i do think that professional military that hasnt been respecting these rules of rule of war with a number of civilians have been killed in these last 14 days. No doubt, many civilians have been killed that happens in every one. But i, i would say that that the United States as a friend of israel, is really is reminding the Israeli Military that how you conduct this military Campaign Matters because your war is a means to a broader political end. We have to be very conscious of whats happening now, but we have to be conscious of, of where we get to a place in the future where you can begin to resolve the underlying circumstances that brought on this conflict to begin with. So theres, theres an immediate military operation, but theres a larger geo strategic objective that is really United States and other stuff to keep in mind. Okay, mr. County, thank you for your time. Thank you for sharing of use with the speed you currently live there in washington. Dc, a noun is really yes, strike in gaza has partially destroyed one of the Oldest Churches in the world. At least 16 people were killed in the attack on the same for various church. At the time, hundreds of palestinians were taking shelter in the church. That dates back to the 5th century as located just me just away from the i. The Baptist Hospital with 500 people were killed and it needs really strength on tuesday to meet you measured and go has the details. A sanctuary turned into a great several missiles hit guns as oldest youre killing muslims. And christians hiding from is really them, but we were just attacked yesterday without any warning. Id like to say that nobody is safe and goes regardless of religion regardless of your involvement in anything. Nobody has to st. Paul serious is one of the Oldest Churches in the world with parts of it. Now just rubbing some israels war on guns that may also signal the stones of its end as a christian place of worship and sanctuary for others. Remember, this is one of the orders, the Christian Communities of the whole lot. We have only 1000. 00 christians, less than 1000. 00 christians destined garza. And now we see here this will be the 9th of june navigation, the last age for this church. And this is very, very sad. The Orthodox Church in jerusalem called the attack, a war crime cannot be ignored. The church is named off to saint paul, serious, a Christian Bishop who came to gaza to fight paganism and shepherd christians. 1600 years ago. The 1st church was built on this site where he is believed to be buried around 425. 00. A. D. In the 12th century crusade has built a logic church here and named it off to the saint. It was renovated in the middle of the 19th century, adding most elements that were visible before says days attack. This one, the red mark is also speak english, and history is very known to be to be it plays what people worship and go even for that isnt what to say. You dont watch it as architecture and that is composition. The church has opened its doors to refugees from gods have a full in 2014, around 2000. Sheltered that 4 days to escape is rarely bombardment. And like then today the church is promising to keep its doors open to any one in need by a lesson of good health to continue our lives in guys as a Christian Community to be team, it wouldnt go out to 0. Lets not discuss all these greatest developments with ive done how many to see on was the professor of middle Eastern Studies at Rutgers University and a former spokesman for the un. Thank you. Once again for being with us the. The big story this evening, of course, has been the release of these american captors and we heard the secretary of state on to me blinking fink caught ha for fords, role in this. How crucial and how big a role is khattab paying right now in these negotiations that seem to be happening between im off israel. I think a couple of has been playing a major role from the very beginning to be contacting, or part is theyve tried to call for a ceasefire and they trying to help the palestinians also come out of this mirage of a bought a month. But a different they develop so much skills about can you go she 18. 2 part is especially when that are hostages for me, for just a few months ago that every fights americans from here on also there being a skin for also im getting out this so Many Americans from uptown to span, so they have this a decent policy of keeping good relations with old part this. So they use, they use that soft power they have in these kinds of circumstances. I dont think that would continue because they dont know how far though. Do you think theyre likely to get involved in all this right now . Theyve called for humanitarian aid to go in. Theyve assisted with the release of these captives. What more could they be doing in the, in, you know, in the background that we dont know about a ceasefire . Perhaps . I think they are in front of an aspect of this conflict. Basically how to save the civilians and garza and that kind of

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