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From terry johnston. This is all just sarah from the also coming hundreds of thousands of palestinians seek shelter in the south. The head of an expect to this very ground infection is almost 5 minutes to visit. Sweeps the frontier with garza as admitted to rebuild upgrades and tens of thousands going protests around the world war. Check us sessions on both sides. The israel is military, such as preparing to carry out a wide range offensive of gauzy by land and sea. Well, 1000000 palestinians have been order to leave the neighborhoods in the south. At least 2200 postings have been killed since saturday, 724. That which children is ready . Minute choose. Continuous strikes of leveled homes and neighborhoods. New ends. A chief says the amount of terran situation is fast becoming untenable. A water has now run out for 2000000 people in gaza. Of the israel imposed its total blockade. Rake assume has more from a hospital in guns that on something inside the nozzler hoffmans the hospital inside the guns, a scrape, as you can now clearly see right now in front of you that to the medical, it stops just facing the time in order to provide medical treatment for hundreds and thousands of palestinians who really what bombarded by these very Occupation Forces since the early outbreak of the current wave of escalation between palestinian fighters and the is ready Occupation Forces. Now these, this particular stops working despite to the intensive read them all responsibilities and even restrictions that had been imposed by the as really Occupation Forces. As you can see, beds are really prepared to receive victims receive the things that people like you are. We are talking about a very minimum capacity of medical equipments that cannot be really enough for revising treatments, pull injured people inside to the besieged ink. The main effect of the restrictions that had been imposed by the israeli Occupation Forces during the last over they did during the early beginning of this conflict related to the panting and the deprive vision to the entry of medical supplies to the medical sect to inside the goal is a strict, were talking about knowing parts of knowing policy and hospitals with them bonded by the is really Occupation Forces also different pharmaceuticals. What houses were destroyed by these radio strikes. We are talking about food, palestinian hospitals. We were threatened with evacuation in the notes of an answer in 2 areas of the gaza strip. Now, it balanced the ministry of hills inside the seats in place had delivered different demands and schools for the international community. And even for International Powers to afford humanitarian corey to full palestinians to provide them with the human sharing age and even to provide the medical sector with different kinds of medical items. And this is re, medical drugs in order to help palestinians tend to provide treatment for, inject peoples, as we will to, has run out to from the gaza strip was as the fuel has been also run out from the only useful sol, uh, solar power uh, the only power plant stays in the site. The goal is to strip these kinds of restrictions. And these kinds of, as that goes, that palestinians are facing will bring further catastrophe consequences for the different life aspects inside the goal is that territory. Its important to mention that the medical, the vic, the medical health system, the site, the gaza strip, is witnessing such a great the to ration and due to the lack of a few of the lack of water sources. Were talking about different stuff. Who just out looking exhausted, due to their own going services, despite the fact that they are working with the limited capabilities and the limited capacity is the, this hospital is trying to invest as much as possible in terms of the fuel consumption. In order to, to be able to provide for the uh, medical services for patients and even with the run out of water, it seems not a new catastrophe, not really new. If this situation continues, are these ready army is messing troops and weapon or yeah, the board, it was gaza. Head of its expected Ground Invasion of the strip. Charles dropped for his monitoring trip move ins for a single, heating and southern israel and sends this report. Israel is preparing to invite garza, we killed the suffering. Its was the attack by promised to be a flight is in living memory. These radio me is massing heavy weaponry, has thousands of troops. Ive gone to florida all to, to re batteries be pounding the density population promised indian territory as strikes of completely destroyed in troy. And neighborhoods in goal is a killing mold in 2000 palestinians from our sponsors continue to fire rockets into israel, most intercepted by israels air defense system, known as the island of the 300000. These radio, let me reserves. Thatd be mobilized ahead of a possible ration. Morales seems hi river in new on the really, really busy is rosalie to says this is just the stalled. I mean, but good. Were striking. Yes. In the me with unprecedented minds. I emphasize this is just the beginning, our enemies have only begun paying the price and i wont detailed what has yet to come. But so i tell you that this is only the beginning. This is just a small proportion of a boss is really military build up most of goals of much of the military equipment that weve seen gathering in this area has now moved on to what we suspect could be a move Forward Operating position in a closed ministry so since how much is surprised Ministry Operation against israel and was told with the 7th, these ready armies of struggle to store more Palestinian Government infiltrating from the cause of strip. These Ready Ministry says soldiers went into gauze on friday nights and retrieve the bodies of several israelis believe to be among the estimate of a 150. 00 people taken captive. Their relatives demanding me allow me do more to find out where, how much hes holding other men, women and children to prevent them getting cool to close spot. When an expected Ground Invasion stops. Someone stuff without a 0. He southern his ro, massaro fire at the joins us last, nothing multiply these through since are whats the situation where you are now of the well, she was the guys that were real kids that were 5 and large amounts across from gauze by how mass into southern israel and central is right, including sort of even then a few hours off to that. Um, the army said that they killed a number of palestinian in full traits, is trying to get out of a tunnel and they said that they destroyed the tunnel that was coming from garza in to israel. Now this has been happening every single day weve and since now the knowing today since that how much, how much attack on a start today, october the 7th. And that has been sold for several days now of this in the Ground Invasion. We dont know when that will happen, but as Charlie Stratford was indicating that its been a huge mode, lives ation of troops. Now its not official, but with harring from local media, from sources from seeing the Army Officials that seem to indicate that were talking of tens of thousands of soldiers entering garza. But like i said, none of that is just quite confirmed yet in terms of numbers is. So theres still a situation in humanitarian situation, which is still being to go, ca sits and show that a and to, into gaza. And those, especially as far no dual nationality are able to move from gaza suit egypt via the restaurant for the crossing pulse. You can see thousands of people moving from the knowles to the south of gauze as to request from israel. But i had given them at the time 24 hours a week. Paul stopped deadline, but its still not clear and how thats going to be possible for them to go into gaza with so many people trying to fleeting off to the south. Im not still on guy. I saw another phone cold between is very Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the us presence of buying. What can we make of that . So i, this is the best buy. Cool, thats been taking place between uh to 5 and Benjamin Netanyahu, because these conversations are to discuss tactical movements. Moving forward consultations on intelligence mediation. Obviously the us has been mediation. You owe us x, sorry. Yeah, stay on the plane. Couldnt hes been meeting with besides a radio with caps all with the of egypt and jordan is off to he visited to benjamin. Thats me or a couple of days ago to discuss that humanitarian situation. Full gaza. But uh, you know, again, something about buying cost commitments from the us towards israel to supports. Its a and its a tax on how much which has time into it really effectively. And the time on the population of cause or where they have know where to go right now. Um and on top of that you have the army. The still looking to reinforce the number of resolve is as well as the streets, not just in the south, but also the north, even though it has come out saying on stop today. But it doesnt plan to attack 11 non, however, they said that they are keeping an eye on these attacks. The coming from the, on the, on the 11 needs group has been lost, which we have been seeing for the last few days. Now, Benjamin Netanyahu alia on a soft, today, rather in the evening, he went to the south and visited those troops, all lined up the ready for the next step, as he said in need of the next set. Me meaning a grounds. Invasion them are all seems to be hides. He spoke to unit seats while he was doing that in tell of the federal pro, test by family members and thought it was still missing the stills on the account, 6 full with many of them still being held captive in dollars supplies the policy and fights is that something over the border and many of them are cooling gently for offices from the government, from Benjamin Netanyahu, whose government as to what that space is full on. The plan moving forward is full size. Talk to the, you know, around the range of a 150. 00 of them that so there are real concerns that theyll war is that the family members are all in causes, could potentially be killed by the government. During these strikes the strikes, bombardments have been incredibly heavy, and theyve been intensified. Suddenly the last few days in preparation for the ground offensive. The only they come out say on saturday that there are no plans. Negotiations, certainly not to the moment looking forward. We still dont know who bought some that consistent, but the only way forward is to ensure that theyve destroyed at least a minute treat of how much on any Political Leadership with and how much you know, commodities, theresa and for us so far on. Thank you for the warren gosh, theres a very thing across the region with cross border attacks in israel and southern 11 and intensifying is very shunting tube at least 2 people on site today as well. The fighters have the wants to further attacks on these very positions separately as early as strikes. If it is that post effort in syria, or they have some has more from southern lebanon, is the, is really ami, hey, targeted, the left was International Airport and its not a lot of service. This comes as a retaliation to the long shelf couple of rockets from syria towards northern israel. And that comes also in puddle with an implication of drone possible integration of june from 11 onto. It says, well, that was intercepted by this ready air defenses. Now the 120 kilometer border between 11 and that is what has been witnessing mounting tension over the past days. Today, there was an attack by his will law on the ship. Alfonze said little is ready, ministry positions got hit by a guy that missed size and a there is really retaliation let to the death of, to the beneath the civilians. And the town of shut off also has the line now is that one off its flight as was killed in the cross fire. This is the latest from, from 11 on. But it seems that more attention would be coming, especially with the death of civilians. That would mean that maybe tomorrow or the next day that it might be able to retaliation from that of any sites a mass on their own. I have agreed to continue cooperation off the last weeks of tackle news route to ron has been published in groups main support of the decades and has praised it for its attack. Uranium. The foreign minister saying, ive done that had met thomass political, the smile on the in the on site today. Meanwhile, the us a sense of 2nd Aircraft Carrier to the eastern, mediterranean, the show forces men to the to regional axes, namely, are on an evidence, has the law from whitening the wall. Last week the us deploy the separate carrier to International Waters of israel coast us. Back in washington, d. C. Us present, jo buys and was heckled by protesting and protest while discussing the situation in gaza. Hello the, i cant hear what you say. Oh, thank you. Whatever youre saying, i understand. Sorry, i cant hear you. Lets go live not ill just here is white house correspondent, kimberly how could kimberly, as we saw that joe biden was heckled by pro kinda student protest. Easy lock you to face more pressure, particularly from his younger support base over americas thoughts with you as well. So yeah, theres no question that when it comes to democrats in the United States, particularly the Younger Voters that he needs to win reelection. Uh they are very much pro palestinian and not okay with the treatments that they are receiving and gaza. And it is all so we should point out with in the president s own party. And capitol hill becoming a growing problem for the president. In fact, 55 House Democrats thats in the house of representatives have sent a letter in the last 24 hours, not just to the us president , but also to the secretary of state, demanding that the United States use its influence with israel to restore immediately food water, electricity, and in the humanitarian crisis, their letter says that they have concerns regarding the unfolding humanitarian situation in gaza. Something they call a complete siege, and theyre demanding that is real, comply with International Law. So what we see here is a very public descent of democrats. This is the president s own Political Party coming out and challenging the president and urging him to use his influence with israel. So this is. 2 to be an increasing problem is the president continues to face pressure just as weve seen here on public display. And just the last couple of hours is he was speaking in public and we should point out as his members of his own party are urging israel to comply with International Law. Israel did just the opposite. Uh, we had a very brief window of about 5 hours were palestinian americans were to be evacuated out of ga. So this was negotiated with the roof of Border Crossing with the, the israel with egypt and cut her also arrange for this. But given the fact that egypt had humanitarian a, that was to come in at the same time, israel did not allow about 600 cal, assuming americans to evacuate. And now report. So the seconds that us across carry a folder regions a clear attempt to some kind of detach. Thats right, and i have from one of my sources have this information as early as monday earlier in the week that this was to be the case. And i asked the National Security advisor spokesperson john kirby about this. He confirmed on tuesday that in fact, there was going to be a deployment of the seconds of carriers, bright crew to the eastern mediterranean. But they insisted, the pentagon insisted that this would be, uh, was a pre schedule deployed at 10. This was just a passing through on the way to the middle east, but uh, or rather than that, this was just a transiting through. Uh now though, the Defense Department of defense secretary lloyd austin is confirming that the final destination for this Freight Group is going to be alongside the usf ford. So in other words, the us, us eisenhower, which is the carriers crate groups now going to be alongside the us us board, which is already in the eastern mediterranean. And the purpose of this 2nd Carrier Strike group is deterrence. Its deterrence to make sure that there is no non state or state actor that is looking to broaden this conflict, can be how could, thanks so much indeed, it will stay with us here on al jazeera as we continue our special coverage, including conflict, has a good thousands of people to take to the streets in many parts of the world. Well have those details coming up next, the colors, whether its looking pretty quad, because a good positive charter, lots of items on the shopping, around the grassy se ultimate on the show and making his way into what japan High Pressure and child shaping see the civil area the cloud, just to the south of japan, thats what im organized there. We have light pressure actually was hoping some ra, the weather in for time on sunday. Picking those type of just back to around 19 south israel capital in the here as we go on through sunday night west. The weather must me spell the northwards and east west show is still in place as we go through monday into hook our west and possible by cautious showers. Coming back into that western side of the house. She but for many it will drop. Itll bryce, and i think it might be too bad a tool not too bad across the crate, but its uh, 19 sales just for sold assembly attempted to the enterprising mount to try to set fire over the net to dial. So child, so one or 2 showers, dis glancing the fall south of the country. Having said that, but the, what the weather will be driving its way into vietnam will pick down pulls, coming for your head, for the flood risk. Im afraid with a thunder, even heavy showers, a rumbling away here. Scott took a shell. Its close to the philippines, no deposit malaysia to scattering a shower. Some of them still heavy into southern areas of india will heavy ride that full record pots us for like a, a notice it does sound like west of the north west of, in the south times demand. Tough question. What exactly are you asking for you . What the troops on the ground, the rigorous debate we challenge conventional with the racism is something we interest in the country that inside notified with america itself. When you challenge racism, it looks as if youre challenging mirror and demand the truth. Theres no serious discussion about this because it goes to the very root of who we are with me, mark lamont hill. What else is there the talking about . Cuz we continue our special coverage now. Hundreds of palestinians and garza had been killed on the 8th day of his very strikes. At least 2200 had been killed since its not today. Well that spring in professor norman finkelstein, whos a specialist. All these really a protest in conflict. Hes also the author of the gaza, an inquest into it, small to them. He joins us from new york. Welcome to, ill just say, let me ask you 1st that in your view, can israel from bob and to of guys to be seen as anything other than collective punishment on a foster scale as well or think of this rather more and then cover punishment. There are different presentations and International Law. One gradation wouldnt be collective punishment. A 2nd level would be a war crime, a certain level would be a crime against humanity. And the 4th level would be the crime of genocide. I would say this particular operation is somewhere between a crime against somewhere between the time against humanity and genocide. Under International Law, there are fine points, but roughly i with located between those 2 categories, gave me what you say. I mean cutting of electricity, food and water. How can not be squid with the rules of war as an International Conventions . Well that obviously cant be squared. Well with the lawyers on whats called on the international humanitarian. More for the laws of more, the cutting off of the water coming off of the electricity, fuel and fluid to a civilian population. If you bear in mind pro Prime Minister, netanyahu has claim that this situation will go on for a protracted period of time. Did you conduct those 2 facts, protracted period of time . No, so no water, no electricity. And its hard for anyone to conceive that being anything but the crime under International Laws. But the crime of genocide in a historical sense should have masses, miniature alteration be, see not justin. I solution within the context of the root cause of the conflict. The big, the more important question is not to mazda is military operation, but israel has military operation on myself. These past few days have been re reading my own book. To refresh my memory about damarius is rarely operations most in some this of which were operation cast lead in 2008 to 9, an operation protective adage in july, august 2014. If you look closely on one on fold, ensuring those 2 so called operations really massacres and the approximate roughly what israel is doing now. But in c o s now conducting itself on the more intense scale, and probably its fair to say on a qualitatively more intense scale or the actual tactics. If you go back to those 2 other so called operations, the tactics dont differ with ive seen does differ this time is the objective and Operation Castle is an operation protective age. The goal was to cover rise, the palestinian population does so as well as regional actors into submission and the feeling of futility. In this particular operation, the goal has escalated and it seems to be an effort to cleanse the north and sector of garza and then declare it is yours and use security zone. So given that new objectives of the intensity of the tactics that are common to the israel was major operations on people forget normal mood. I myself, forgot until i sat down and started to read, read on the history of those operations. Tactics dont really differ. The talk are getting up civilians, the telling of civilians to flee when there is no place to sleep. The slackening of infrastructure, civilian hospitals, ambulances that so to speak. And i hate to use the expression. But in the case of israels operations, its all have. Thats how theyve always conducted the operations. And the fact of the matter is, in my opinion, and i can say i can prove it. Its simply based on my knowledge of the subject matter. But if its not, its in 2009 or 2010. Israel had been even remotely held accountable for its criminal actions against the people of god. So have there been any accountability is forgotten them even in the gold stone report by richard gold stone and the gold stone reports he described to the blockade of god. So as a possible crime against humanity. Oh, as i pointed out a few moments ago on the scale of crimes under International Law or crime of humor and the full just below with the crime of genocide, its a very serious crime. Okay, let me just jump through this on the its on may. Yeah, you mentioned regional acts. Is there any rule has unforeseen consequences . How much dangerous is that this could become a why to regional conflicts in your 18 . Dangers, in my opinion, the dangers quite as high are thats been a lot of talk as im sure you know this past week about israel using this attack as a pretext or using the events of october, 2nd, as a pretext for attacking the room. If its below and to say in a major way, then the architect is going to be made that has was simply an armed unit to our subdivision of a room. And therefore it would just define the attack in the room. And i do not believe that i have to enter the cavity and i am not a military expert, but i do not believe its low. Its capable of fighting the war on 2 fronts. This is not in 1967. Its a very different alignment lineup of regional actors. I do not believe its really capable of fighting a war on 2 fronts. It has the enters the war. This is where youll use this as a pre tax to launch what its wanted to launch for a very long time. No, a preemptive strike, and it ran, i cant imagine that can do it any other way except to use a Tactical Nuclear weapon. And at that point, all that source, we leave it at normal finkelstein be very much appreciate your insights. Heron out here, thank you for joining us. Youre not protest backing both is rarely and protest in cause ive been taking place in different parts of the world. And the richardson has more no food is, can contain your motions. Off the school, in germany, pro palestinian protest is much through the city of testing to tell me that you called and well get in here. I hope that the world opens its eyes and hearts for the problems in the middle leaves. This machine is not a problem that is just arisen as a problem for the last 70 years samples watching on a Smaller Group down to to show its support for israel. While in the central gym and city of frank foot, jewish associations came together to cool the sooner the better and see with his royal

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