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For see over the protection of civilians. In golf, 16 palestinians are killed by friday forces in new york implied west fine cuz they gathered to protest in on standing in solidarity thousands down to around the world in force of the policy. The it is now h a. M in garza and his riley as rise continue to pound the enclave as well as on. He says it has carried out small scale raids that have involved inventory and tank units. Its the 1st time theres been a ground a sold since Israel Attacked the besiege enclave 7 days ago. At least 70 palestinians were killed in convoys on what was supposed to be a safe route out of northern garza, heading south for the 1900 palestinians. In 1300 is rileys, have now died since how much launched it surprise attack. A week ago, a convoy of ambulances has also been hits and the goal is to strip finance strike a graphic images. Have the med showing the impact inside one vehicle where a young girl was being treated just a wanting to view as you may find the following video distressing. The Palestinian Health Ministry Says they have been direct and systematic, a tax on ambulances, which is a violation of international move. It says 23 ambulances and 15 medical facilities have been hit 15 health, where kids have also been killed. They have been growing close as well to resend its order. For 1100000 people to evacuate. The combined populations of north gauze and gauze, the city have been told that only safety is south all the while. The guns of those regions are just as heavily populated are also a subject as well as bombing campaign. In rough or the southern border to egypt is closed due to those attacks. Even if it was open, it would remain close to palestinians from casa. It is he now from all corresponding unit as see it who made the journey from gauze the city to con eunice in south garza, she sent us this report for headache. Now the 3 cars the, lets get more now on israel is ministry offensive into gone. So lets be to william knox who is live for some televi, willing lots of speculation. Now that a ground and vision into gauze is imminent. What are you hearing from the is really ministry as well. They have already acknowledged over night that they were the 1st set of raids inside to gauze. As tara treat online involving infantry troops as well as tanks. They said those were designed to try and disrupt locate and disrupt i should say, rocket and project launching sites. Obviously looking to target israel and all is ready forces, as well as to try and gather more information about those that what they say held hostage inside cause of following the attacks by him us on communities place to gaza on stocks today in terms of what the next actions are going to look like the fact that they feel confident enough. Now to move some of the troops inside gauze or pos that barrier offense. But how mass breached on so many locations last weekend . An indication that they at least feel some of the civilian population and old potentially that opposition in the form of have im as fighters, has been moved away from that barrier offends. But in terms of more details than that, we really dont have any from the ministry the moment. And presumably the all me, you mentioned those hostages, they will be under a lot of pressure to find those 150. 00 hostages. That we believe have been seized by home, us government, to find them alive. And this is katie, a massive, massive priority for not just these raise, but also for the inception Community President bite. And speaking about this yesterday talking to some of the families who have members on accounted for. He says he believes that being held hostage inside gaza in terms of how they try and identify that occasions of where those people may be tapped. Very, very challenging process from us themselves and said publicly, they dont know how many there are, they dont know exactly where they are, that are the conditions of where they are. So a real lack of information about this on both sides, making this incredibly challenging for troops, i presume, as they move into those areas concerned about not just killing civilians but also harming some of these people. They believe to be held hostage. The okay for though, because the speak to one in box that for us in tel aviv. Now the United Nations Security Council has been missing beyond close doors to discuss the war between israel and garza. Russian, brazil have faith put forward draft resolutions to deal with the crisis. It comes as the un 60 general says the conflict has reached a dangerous new low shepherd townslee as well. For the 2nd time this week for you and Security Council met behind closed doors on the conflict. The secretary general reef members on israels order for garzas in the north of the territory to evacuate south. Moving more than 1000000 people across a densely populated water zone to a place with no foods. What to what accommodation, when the entire territory is under siege, is extremely dangerous, and in some cases, simply not possible. However, the is radium boxes of the un said he was angered by that position that you and should be praising his read for these precautionary actions. What we all here is not the ones concern for civilians. What we hear is the you ones in the for rents to the murder of 1300. Is rileys outside the Security Council meeting, the palestinian um, boss of the so the arab nations out to us were united in the call for an immediate cease for your military and access to garza. Im the prevention of the Mass Transfer of goals and all that expulsion from the territory for those who think that there is a single single diploma that is not standing with the student at this moment. At this time, look at a lot of unity look at those things and look what we wouldnt be doing. In the days to come. The Russian Ambassador introduced a draft Security Council resolution holding for a cease for an em to all hostile of these and acts of terrorism. He said the current violence must be seen in the context of israels illegal occupation. And the failure of the us led peace process, the root cause of the situation out of critical importance. Wheres cortex to the best to promote the negative that the got an escalation happens out of the blue because a bed of savage status effect is there any civilians. Late friday, brazil introduced a draft resolution of its own the as a specific come, the nation from us is attack on october, the 7th, and a just as well to resend its evacuation order. She ever times the elders are United Nations. Lets go to gabriel. As long as i, heres life for us in new york, gabe we. So in jobs piece that clip from the united sedation section in general, its significant that uh he actually from the. 8 us time off as well to resend it, sorta to evacuate dawsons to the south. A yeah, thats right. Weve heard from the secretary general Spokes Person in the last 24 hours saying essentially that. But the secretary general himself has been very cautious and the words hes been using and this was the 1st time that he has specifically said in his words, as secretary general, the United Nations, i appeal to israel authorities to reconsider. So really trying to put the pressure on israel to, to reconsider this, the secretary general said this would be, but essentially a humanitarian catastrophe. If this moves forward as it has been, and its starting to see and its, its important the secretary generals words because he is essentially the custodian of International Law and really international diplomacy. So well have to see if israel, hed chose his suggestions and his warnings. If you will, and his a admonition really to, to resend this, but it appears so far. Israel is not going to do that. Okay, thank you for that update. Gabriel ellis on to that for us in new york. Now we can speak to use if i love bob, hes a retard connell, an international security. Im a c, joins us now live from his temple. Thank you so much for your time. And now does seem pretty inevitable that some kind of Ground Invasion into garza is going to take place by these reilly ministry. I guess the question is, what exactly it will look like . What are your thoughts to yeah, you know that it is not that collection to lower it. Theyll be ad. But more phase which brings lots of dentures. Uh, for the side armed forces, you know, that room, lower fi connected, a 6 is completely different from, by a conventional warfare for thats the reason his son can not decide embodied its bonds to decide for the ground corporation or not. Because almost as all the, the, the make, all kinds of readiness for the lord food and the know that the side had lots of troubles during the invasion of level. And then in 2006, that in 2016 at casa product. So isnt the evasion probably will take place just from this saw the part of the gaza she did between the divide the gaza strip in the 2 different bonds. So after that the sides be dried to neutralize, the how must minutes. It was in the both sides, but this is easy to say add to. Busy carry out a such kind of military dance is always blah the especially for the inside armed forces because hamas is connells records. Um yeah, for wise x. Yeah. Uses you. You are a military x, but you, you know, more specifically about the challenges in this kind of been wolf, as you say, especially as how much has this network of tunnels underneath the city. How, how do you prepare for Something Like this . I understand is, is israel has been, is really military has been preparing for Something Like this for some years to yeah. About the making. What kind of preparation speed enough go down to success, do you how, how mosse, as being prep pay with himself for such kind of issue is you should take a look at the story. They have all. Busy been born for a lot more than 50 years. You have very isolated area for this reason. That is an organization like the other organizations which is adaptive for this reason, almost also has been prepared for some new tactics and also for lots of get in the Waterfall View side as he did for that reason. Besides made preparations, but let them do not forget that hallmark is an organization which is link and theyre about they have also made preparations for this visit. It does not be easy and a piece of cake for the east side. Our forces also and of course they are there is 150. 00 hostages is really hostages. We believe that all that there is another issue. Yeah. So, i mean how, how, how does that come into the calculation . Yeah, because the site is also very sensitive for the hostile just that me take a look at the past 4 that these are the you should understand. Thats how most of the nazi and back and also we will gain more hostages. Maybe because during the more fate they can capture the events read, which is walk in columbus deep. Only just book is that they are target uh, not only for naturalizing uh, for home us. But those are the same time for taking new hostages, which we know also from uh in 2006 from the hughes line, east side Armed Forces Class just israel has vowed to dismantle how mass and has single that its political head and gaza. How realistic a mission is this . Yeah, okay. You should understand that the zation process has stopped the a, c is more than 30 years in these labs, and at that drug, the color, the credit is ation process. Also make all the civilians, so radicalized against the side armed forces because of the violence which boss kerry is off by the east side of forces for this reason to this month. The way its almost with civilian. Hes so hot and hes side knows it better about. So were going to be the home us mean the things in this dance means that its sorry to bypass all the civilians to the scene, a pain in somebodys act, the egypt and the beach 15 as well. Or seems on the ground. This is, this is there is no explanation other than that because we do not know that for some us was to medium. Okay, thank you for your time. You said about over todd cordano and its national security. Im a speaking to as the from stumble like i have in his head for a shop right now, but we will of course, bring a lot more coverage of the goals as well. Boys want us on the latest breaking news on the hello. They will get to africa in a moment, the 1st of the middle east and live, and theres lots of settled whether to be found a close southern parts of the region where the heat is dominating mostly temperatures start to pick up in places like a tall, 40 degree celsius, the in doha, on sunday. So above average temperatures here, but well see something of a cool down across the event as the Winter Weather starts to develop on sunday, bringing some showers and breezy conditions to the likes of israel that occupied palestinian territory. So 11 on as well as syria. If we look at the 3 day for bay route, well see, attempt to get knocked down. Well below the average there on sunday was sunday showers expected on monday. Now it is much cooler across northern parts of africa. Apart from the very northeast and the Canary Islands were attempt just continued to sit while above the seasonal average. We are expecting some west a weather though, to develop a construction pots about jerry. Weve got some warnings out for thunderstorms and thunderstorms, all the story across tropical africa, waves of wet weather, continuing to pull across the democratic republic of congo sack today in to sunday, and some very wet weather thats set to sweep into eastern areas of south africa. Dropping the temperature by 10 degrees celsius in johannesburg on monday. The latest news, as it breaks, while dozens of cases have been reported in conflict zones, the unit says that those do not reflect the real number with detail coverage. You may wonder how all of these people dont get lost in the jungles. And the reason that they dont is that theyre told to follow these markers from around the world. If i go quiet, youd be able to hear nothing. There is absolutely no one whos left to the the the, [000 00 00;00] the welcome back in watching out is there and ill continuing coverage of the israel gone. So well, lets recap some of the latest developments that were guessing. Now. As role has ordered 1100000 palestinians in northern garza to evacuate to the south, least 70 palestinians, mostly women and children have been killed as they were making that jenny. As early as strikes of killed 1900 palestinians in south today, the total number of israelis killed now stands at 1300. That includes 265. 00 soldiers. Meanwhile, russia has drafted a Un Resolution cooling for humanitarian sea spa. Im condemning violence against civilians on all sides. At least 16 palestinians have also been killed on friday by. Is there any forces in the occupied west bank because they were protesting against the bombardment of the besieged goss . This trip in charge of 51. 00 . People have been killed in the occupied westbank since not today. Heavy restrictions on palestinians remain in place. Its abraham has more just a warning. They also strong images and have reports. They promise to your message was for, you need to. This was their response. Is really forces killing several palestinians, as thousands protested across the occupied west bank in support of garza, another palestinian was killed as he reportedly attempted to reach any leak. It is we need supplement friday was one of the deadliest things in the occupied with think this year that a month ago, its called the pet theory, the injured from a village news remo. He says this truss on Health Care Providers is the highest since he started working know years ago. I think it worked is usually a fault to columbia to drive to the hospital is now turning into 120 kilometers because of the current is really close. Just imagine that the unbalanced call like this one has to go on top of the big rocks in the past. Sold is used to allow us to come and use some close check points. Not sending all of the, even before this current hor, what organizations were describing is really soldiers as through care. Happy is where the military is use of excessive force, i guess. Well thats an info. The 3rd is not new. Most of these people here are only on with rocks and say, is there any wants to cross the defiance . And i need a sense of unity between them and their fellow palestinians in the disease causes us to a largely own population is now facing an increasing number of on. So theres a few that seems like this are becoming more frequent and is really circular shooting. And enjoying their palestinian men in happy home. In the south of the west bank on some of us via israel is the one that is causing the escalation and then blamed palestinians for it. They say that palestinians attack them and captured as realized, but they werent giving people their basic rights. Did they expect them to remain silent . As many western countries to support for israel posted in, say the world is ignoring the root cause, which is the occupation using the victims of these really forces and suckers the he just the to the occupies westbank. Iran con is outside a hospital in ramada all throughout the day weve seen the alarm ambulances arrived here from various demonstrations in the occupied westbank. This ambulance is actually arriving with a critically injured purse. And you can see everybody, how old the medics get around. So now what the empties are telling us is the types of injuries that they thing off from life fire. And they say that there is an excessive use of force against palestinians. Normally these ladies would use rubber coated still bullets that would use take us. But now it seems that they all using lifes against the protest as now right now. Uh the hospital says its not overwhelmed, but it is worried that if things escalate, it could simply become overwhelmed and wrong calling out is there. Im a in the us next year say honestly, blinking has been Holding Meetings in the middle east with regional lead as he met the palestinian president. Last night i boss before finishing, finishing the day here in castle, pronounced together said james bass, how small the secretary of state arrived in jordan and also on his normal jet. But the u. S. Military plain, an indication that difficult diplomatic situation he faces is also potentially a threat to his own security. And ive heard plain speaking from jordans king up dealer before heading from meeting with policy and president my mood, a boss, camera crews, and reporters film. The handshake between the 2 before being quickly escorted out as he continued his tor, the region. The us as top diplomat would have been aware the criticism of israels tactics was now coming from many others. In addition to the policy and president , the u. N, the International Committee of the red cross and the world health organization. Were old announcing the order for the people in gauze and city and the north to move south, which in catch all set could you think and met with the media. Come in, ben, how about a funny leader who maintains links with him . Us as well as the west and said because we blinking then publicly laid out the 2 areas where theyre working together. We discussed in detail our efforts to prevent any a state or non state creating a new front in this public. Were also working intensively together to secure the release of positive learning, american citizen being held by a mouse and gather or im grateful for the urgency the cutter is bringing this up. But theres a key difference in the approach of the 2 countries. Castle as Prime Minister made it clear his nation once in a me gets the spot in gossip, we cannot deprive it if it and goes out for me to assist you with that. And at madison and die for the means of life. We believe that the situation is very danger. This is the longest toward the middle east. The secretary of state is made in total use, visiting 7 countries in each one of his dressing israels right to self defense. But there are many in the arab world. But believe this indiscriminate and devastating bombardment is not defense, but in fact, revenge collective punishment. James bays ouch is 0. But the mary did one in dough. Huh . Well, heres President Joe Biden has a dress the golf israel bowl during his speech in philadelphia. He said his administration is working to find a way to stop the violence, food diplomacy. Its also friday for me to urgently address the amount of turn crisis in, gosh, and my direction. Our teams are working in the region, including communicating directly with the governments of israel, egypt, jordan, and other, our nations, and the United Nations to search support and humanitarian consequences for how much attack to help israel. You know, we have to, we cant lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of palestinians had nothing to do with the loss. And im also as appalling attacks and theyre suffering as result as well. Pots equal haine has moved from washington dc is perhaps most notable. This is one of the 1st times weve heard the us President Joe Biden, even speak about the palestinians in any way, other than to call them human shields. Thats been the line out of his administration anyway. Now hes talking about the need to bring in humanitarian aid and that hes talking to people in the region. I think its important to point out he is not saying that it is time for israel to stop their complete siege of gaza. What they have laid out is sort of the floor for the behavior. The expect the is really government to take is to follow the rules of the laws of war International Law. Well, it is very clear under International Law that the complete siege, the blockade of food, electricity and water to a civilian population is in fact a war cry. So notables of the president say, were working on humanitarian aid, but also not calling on these really is to do anything about that, at least not publicly. Weve also seen a change from the us secretary state entity blinking. He had been saying he was working towards establishing a safe corridor. Were got civilians and guys a could get out of gaza. State department is now switch tax. They said theyre looking to find safe places with in gaza for civilians to go. They have not explained at all why that sudden change, particularly elda 0 washington. The group of journalists, including an out, is there a team, have been hit, fun is ready, strongly can, self 11 on royce has come, and has been killed. John, this from a a p. What was the engine in, on the outside near the is ready for the they were in a call when they was struck. Ill just say where it says it holds israel legally and morally responsible for the attacks to summit reports and what their shop and thats your, how about this is whats left of the vehicle used by a group of journalists. They was struck well covering the escalating tensions near the southern lebanese border with israel. The voices cameraman, is some of della, was killed while l just need of a june list is common joe cotton and aly bratia were injured and taken to the hospital. Well, i dont know how so who knows . I need done. This is what happened. All journalist were here together. Its a type of safety measure. This is to make sure that both the resistance and is real, know that we are a journalist and in one location. I can clearly say that we journalist were targeted on purpose. We were far from the confrontation. The confrontations are up this hill over the horizon where the fires are. The spot is where the journalist was. All of the journalists were wearing their safety kid and then they all had press slogan on their chest and cars and bought time. There was no one else around them. And there was no fighting, there was nobody. There were no military points. The journalists were hit. And we, we have so far with the information that we have the old point to, and intentionality that is difficult to refute. And in that case, we are talking about what crime seems that this is not the 1st time israel has talked to june of this last year. Ill just say it was sharina. Buckley was shot data by and is really smart. But in the occupied westbank, she was clearly marked as a journalist. No one was ever held accountable. 2 journalist handled to being killed in garza, in the latest escalation. Unions had cooled for old policies to abide by International Law and protect a june list. Peter statement, which is era of thousands have taken to the streets in new york where people showed the support for the people of gauze. A christmas telling me was that ours and support palestinians are calling for a free side. They are calling for the us military support for israel, and they came out here in fours and security city and state officials said that lease and security for the city. Theyve got extra police testing, mosse synagogue in the city. Even though they say theres no credible, theres still over here on the street from the people that ive been just want to sort of the, their support is that theyre not for guides. Are fighting for their freedom presents that lead me out 0 new york body on friday demonstrations were held across the middle east to show solidarity with palestinians. Some of and divide reports tens of thousands of people gathered outside most. And most of the majority countries, this proud valley didnt backed up in support of palestinians on through nicole for the 1000000 man march button. So eventually, throughout the politically the southern america, cuz i said, i want know to america know, to israel palestine has done homes but destroyed over the heads of the children. Where are the arabs, those who are jealous and care about humanity. These ratings are killing the

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