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Yes, this is something thats, that were very focused on. We have been from day one, we want to make sure that no other entry or entity by to take advantage of the situation present has been very, very clear about that. And he said very starkly that any state or non state after considering that to not dont do it. And hes back that up in the number of ways, including as ive mentioned the other day. And this is known, the following are largest aircraft, Carrier Battle Group to the symmetric gradient of. So thats really designed to help ensure that anyone contemplating getting engaged doesnt do it. But beyond that, big part of my own conversations here throughout this trip, including today, following up in the next couple of days, is working with other countries to make sure that theyre using their own context, their own influence, their own relationship. To make that case, that no one else should be taking this moment, choose to create more trouble in some other place. I should mention as well that, that earlier today i had a very good conversation with the president of boss and the cost of me in 40. And among other things, the cost of the authority is acting as actively to try to ensure that there is a security and stability in the west bank of something that is very much appreciated. And they are working as theyve done in the past with israel to that effect. So in, in each of these areas, yes, this is a, this is a focus and its very important that this not expand the other place regarding good, good a question about the focus on, on the host is that its very, at least the judge with the intensity of the, of the world right now. Ill also literally our best bet we have the order was both. But in order to get to those supports, because back i think that the, the progress would be if that means in the next 2 days, both the ends. We would see that it would be a positive positive, bought it best, but we are doing a lot of best buy boston or Something Like that of us in order to get them. It is the safety on our view is on a theres a response to as indigo as though we see we have seen the amount of diverse vision. Thats the, the goes though, which one must now have been selected. Then the number of people will be instead of the glossed, if this operation is significant, then we believe that human beings are a human being everywhere, whether they are and is that 8 or a seniors, but they have the same value and this is the payoff, but for all of us, and we would like to see that the International Law applied did on the also the same standards thats be applied to anyone being applied and that we are buying a lot of best keeping the communication up in order to ensure that the payment is very a separate and it doesnt continue and moving ahead with the humanitarian messages a for, for the has to be provided to them. We cannot deprive if it and goes out for me to assist you with that. And at madison and i for the means of life, we believe that the situation is very danger on the future aspect of this, the entire situation is very wanting for the entire region. And we believe in the absence of funding for that to get ahold always. And then for part of that, but its been, is we with this issue with the ongoing unfortunate the so thats why we need to focus on how is the day of that, or would it be dealt with and how we can experience that. But its a good hold always and on top of that, but as being be how they set. And then what time a 5 year leo took on manually as much as it was along with it of how to deal with that. That was a saturday and im ready to start difficult, but im going to come up with a lawyer as well. That was uh and to me blinking the us secretary of state and mohammed spin of the raman been chosen el sony. The could top Prime Minister speaking there we go to bring you some breaking news now. And l just 0 team has been hits in and is riley strike in Southern Living on to and lisco common about kinda an eli over a kia insurance and have been taken to hospital. They were traveling in a car when day with it. A journalist from voices and i s p were also hit in our shop. Navy is riley pulled up. One of the journalists was killed. Some of the outside world as okay, were going to bring in a summer been just side now to talk a little bit about this. We were talking to ali hush him who is in Southern Living on in the last half hour or so. Who was talking about the threat to all of this violence escalating. There is a way to distract from what is happening in gaza. Can you, um, can you just explain the situation is as you know, its from, you know, from what were hearing at this point in time. But it does seem that this was a deliberate attack on this moving vehicle as, as they scanned the details. If youve received so far, and this area, especially in southern parts of lebanon near these really border, has been phoned to violence of be seen in the last few days as a, theyve been multiple attempts to go into 3. The government by has belonging to the parties to and for trade, i ended up being multiple strikes. So it says this goes to show how dangerous and by the time of the situation in as, as our colleagues are reporting not just from gaza, but the outskirts of this conflict is when you heard the secretary of state and custody. 5 minutes to talk about how they do not want this to escalate into something else. They do not want a vision, the powers more funds to get enrolled. But while they were saying this, we receiving pictures of june and this being targeted by is really strikes. This is being the case in gaza for months and years. If i can say that the journalists have been targeted dis indiscriminately of stopped from doing their jobs. And not calling trying to block the rooms them fresh on, on other their as mine and how she was targeted by and its very stipend. And so the, this just goes to show that how difficult the job is for journalist to bring you the real picture of what is happening on the ground. And the changes that they face while the International Community continues to say that it is paramount, the journal is be secure. Incidents like this can continue to happen at thanks so much. As im aware, weve actually got an early hushing for us on the ground. And then um, ill shop ali, can you just explain what has happened . And if you were involved at all in this is strike a were a group of gentleman this sunday where i was separated from the still in the group of the genetics from just did all the police check. Im not sure about him anymore. And colleagues from reuters for me yesterday. And then they went somewhere i mean and to the position where they were able to see the whole, the whole scene of the end. And then a change of subtract shows at them directly on the it was horrible country the of the situation. How about that was that i cant explain, i cant, i cant describe reading. I was calling, so i need to talk to you. Im talking about the insurance also, so the police are injured, but that is one of our colleagues that on the i mean can actually use agency you on our skin from the septic. Yeah, yeah, the jelly fine show and the team was clear because everyone was reading have a much and a safety jackets which press on the top screen. Im just, im actually, this whole team was moving together from one place to another. So we went to the meeting, we came back to the title, then we said that i took my team myself on the board. We went to with another colleague to my shop, to inside the vintage and the team dot com. And then the on the claim as well. When went to this position, thats what theyve been making the whole place. Yeah. They would head to the, with the direct tech to then with the kids. And it was, it was on kind of options. It was like can for the called at this moment. Yeah. When did you any time kept this team on jordan ali, can you just explain the lay of the land there . What was it out in the open with a he said that uh, easily identifiable with press on their helmets and on the, on the on the jackets and on the gear. So can you just explain say might have been coming around the same corner or was it at the conference space . They have an open space, you talk to him that was opened driver, want to see. So whoever is monitoring or observing. And she know that these, these are journalists and, you know, given the fact that this journalist from the National News agency function jersey at or does amc, they would all be reading that. And then then there was no possibility that anyone can miss that much german. But they would hit by that key with the tag. Yeah. And yeah, besides this, the police know out in the hospital. Hopefully thatll be better and wonderful. And for me, the friend lost his life. And this and this i talk and this is the situation. This is what we can explain is just like less than less than half since i want to continue your shooting of all can watkins and, and, and polish style. And she was also letting her a kept, clearly identifying your sense of the journal. It seems that especially this is, this is the how the journal get the message and all the time. Yes. Okay. Ill a husband, we really do appreciate you bringing this up to date with the breaking news just to re re as a right. And this riley as try, has killed one generalist and injured the 3 others, including to l, just their journalists. And i, if p and voice as team have also been had one of the journalists has been killed in this attack, that is in Southern Living on, in the town of oma, our shop. A. We have to rekey a bu assume who is live for us inside cause and l just here, a diplomatic it is a james buys, isnt the hot for us. First were going to go to you, james, youve just been listening in to the press conference between the us secretary of state and cuts has a Prime Minister. Now these 2 countries have would closely on many, many uh, issues and a lot of them they, they, they, theyve really got together on, on many things, but they are divided when it comes to uh, the israel palestine conflict. Dante so yeah, think the 1st thing to tell you is there was no reaction, no questions about the while the shocking developments that youve just heard from ali that is taking place in southern and ive been in with general this again being targeted by these ready forces yes, youre right. In terms of what, what took place at this news conference. You have 2 countries that all working together on some aspects office. And we heard from both psychiatry Prime Minister and from the us secretary of state that they are working on, trying to see about a possible safe passage, trying to see about humanitarian access and other accounts out. Well try and use it as contacts with homeowners, to try and see if they can make some progress on the captives that are being held inside of garza. But on the big issue of what israel is doing to gaza right now, completely different narratives. The countryside saying that they want an immediate cease for they want to stop of this bombardment of civilians and they want, you know, a safe spot to take place and be respected by everyone. Very different position coming from the us secretary of state anthony, blinking. He said that israel has the right, im the obligation to defend itself. He said that yes, they have to avoid civilian casualties. But then he repeatedly made the point that the problem here was a problem thats from us was using the civilians as human shields. He didnt time wasnt pushing on the fact, but even if that was to be the case, it would still be a breach of International Humanitarian law. If you knew siblings with that to target civilians and even whats happening now with this giving giving the civilians. Yeah, not just a matter of that. I was to move from the north and from kansas city to the south east of many x, but say legal experts say a case of force to transfer. Okay, thank you so much for that update. That is, james buys for us in the ha, a lot to nearly a week of strikes as well as bombardment of gallons that has killed 1800 people. Now it has issued whats being described as an impossible ultimatum. The evacuation of 1100000 people from north garza to the south. This is what kansas city looks like now. As buildings are flattened, its streets have blocked with rubble gauze. It has been on the end is riley sage for 16 years. And now fuel and Water Supplies are entirely cut off traveling even a short distance is extremely difficult. Were going to go live to talk about as boone, who is inside gaza. Can you just give us an idea of what it is like this evening as well since todays early morning, the, the a great way of, of displacements had been taking place inside the gaza strip off so that you get ready, Occupation Forces have just to have destroyed distributed doses and hungry of note is full palestinian citizens inside the Northern Areas and central areas of the goddess drug to evacuate. The houses they recommended from the citizens to leave the houses and to move forward to the Southern Area of the gaza strip. Today, me personally, i have been evacuated. I took my children to very safe place also. And i tried as much as possible to afford them the basic necessities. Why would just what, what just of driving the call in front of the street suite found dozens and hundreds of people are working a what a walking that beth folks in order to reach the um, the destination. And at the same time its, its also important to mention that they have left the houses without bringing essential documents or even the basic needs. They just stuck some piece of clothes in order to be able to make a living inside. The goal is a strict. Meanwhile, we can clearly say that there is no any safe place in sight. The goal is a step. Now as we stand right now, here we have transferred our coverage or from the central areas of the gaza strip to the Southern Areas in order to find a protection from these very ongoing compartments and sides of the besieged enclave. As you can see, as you can see, right, right now the big round a hundreds of people are recently doing insights. Um no sir medical complex. The where displaced with the houses the underbrush filters were full capacity. Um the tend to have kind of show to inside the School Feeling that a slight hospital feeling that they are going to be protected from the is very ongoing compartment. What is the goal is a strict is missing is unbelievable. Its just an introduction for something. What that might really took place if theres any humanitarian intervention wont take place. Its eric, obviously you and many others have moved uh from the north of guys, a bit mini. Obviously, well not be able to do so. What is going to happen to them if they stay past this evacuation . What are the 24 hours that was given with time is, is running out rapidly. Well during the a for the duration for evacuation garza and really invest every single minutes in order to get to you guys ever so every, every single things that they really need. Some families did not really not take everything that we have taken all those the money to take some kind of, quote, some kinds of offers whole documents. All those the right now the off. But even on the streets, they are just laying on the streets that are waiting for a humanitarian interventions. Take place inside goals, a strict people are just expecting to us. The situation has been turned from terrible to catastrophe, to are talking about more than 1000000. 00 palestinians have been displaced from the houses from the northern and central areas of the gaza strip to the south area of the gaza strip. Even the Southern Areas of the gaza strip in terms of the space, its absolutely limited. It seems that theres going to be more densely population in this, in this small area, some spots in the world. And its important to mention that its already had been a very densely populated area. It seems that if there is a future abutment for the Southern Areas, it seems that the number of casualties and victims will increase. Okay, thank you so much for that. That is terica of o. As in for us in garza, we combined a populations of north gauze, and garza said he had been told the only safety is south of the why the casa. But those regions, as we hear that just as heavily populated and also subject to as well as bombing campaign. And rocco, the southern border to egypt as close to, to those attacks. Even if it was open, it would remain close to palestinians from kanza or of men. So schumann is a gals residents and joins us from then. Now, can you just tell us where you are and what the situation is right now for you . Good evening. Good. Thank she was told to 0 english of the, the International Viewers im calling to residing in the northeastern, in the north storm, the gaza strip area, find by evacuated my home. And ive talked to you at the friends house together with my families and the helps and why have you decided to stay there . So here we were in was very heavily bombarded. We tried to evacuate to the south, directed by the is really patient. However, when theyre, were trying to do that weve seen, but without one eyes, separate of the must occurs. Thats happened on the main role is connecting the north and south area for 40 people werent martin and over a 150 was one of the big one of the stuff. One of the ones that were monitors were, it was this palm size the instant, but that you can see the big. So right now theres really government has committed deception. Right now people cannot even eventually its on the north to dissolve. And people are trapped in the us with no food, no water, big crease, i run out of flour and country. We just felt that information that theres really the communication with the trauma code. I has decided to buy internet in 2 in 4 and a half hours. So if for hours you might not see me again the video. Cool. Um, so yes, it is a catastrophic situation and you probably just now sticking to wherever the cam right now. What are you most fearful of happening next . Its um, im say very few to hold off the mass mass inspections. The spitting people can be together on a ship area. A ship i area would. Its a very large, very complex quotes it up to be a see. Yeah. For may be, but the 10s of thousands of civilians live there. Right now. The zip sleeping without mattresses with no food, no proper. Uh weight uh glass themselves. That might be very uh, you might get them all inspections in that area. Uh the but also worried about the environment that is continuously happening. Like i said, i have exact weight of my own home, lots of people multi likely to own homes. So the goal depositions, and not knowing whats gonna happen next. You say that to your worried that youre in today is going to be shut off. We know of food and fuel and who was a rule running short, what happens when they run out entirely . Catastrophe. Catastrophe on behalf of the people of god. So the message to the free world is please make your voices sound loud. Im trying to hope the innocent civilians here who are suffering the civilians, your cell phone, and its going to increase as days go by. Given what has happened over the past week since saturday morning and everything that youve had to live through. During that time, do you are pushing any blame to her mouth for what has happened and 90 percent 99 percent of the people in them does not have nothing to do with how mazda is particularly and military. We are just people who want to have a free life, people who want to enjoy life and that we cannot be held responsible for the actions of a group one another. So this is again whats happening, but i know its just not. Yeah, that is really occupation is, is not, is, is, is kidding. So really im just killing innocent women, children and the elderly. And now the starvation happened. And you spoke earlier of the phone bod meant it was around this time yesterday evening in gaza, where there was a huge escalation and bombs in air rides being being dropped on gaza. We know that more than 6000 bones over the last 6 or so days have been dropped. The another 750. 00 targets were hit uh, according to his rightly military overnight. Can you just explain to us what it is like to live through this . So what happened for me personally is my we, we, we, we, we woke up around 2 am on the sound of farms all around us and we evacuated our homes. The like you said in your like just barefoot with just based on the, the bags on the box and we went to where we thought it was, the said it was just to ship up. And there we were so surprised to see tens of thousands of people similar to us, the feeling of opinion will disappear. The feelings of feeling all that is no that no one cares about. That is that whats happening to the people who doesnt . Um the order um we asked god to the boss the doing these days an International Community as well that and the free world to please look at the innocent and the civilians and what is happening and gather strength. And are you going to try and head south again . No, no, no. I just got news from a friend who tried that same old ones when hit on a lot of the streets. Im washington street, and many people have been evacuated to say that again. No. If were going to die here, were going to die in our homes. Were going to die in the north, towards the south. You know, so be its, were going to die with our heads. Apply standing in orlando, starting with our rights and Strong Holding strong to our face with thank you so much for sharing your story we. We really do appreciate it and everyone else is here. Uh, wishes you a safety that has been sold sherman and gaza for us. Thank you. What were going to return to some breaking news and l just here a team has been hits in and is riley, striking self and living on a june list coming back in the end. Eli raquira was injured and had been taken to hospital. They were travelling in a car when they were hit. Now jim lists from voices and i a p. What also hits an ill shop near the is riley border. One of the journalists was killed the alley hush and joins us live from on my, our shop and live in golden ali. What more can you tell us about what is being unfolding the rise of the last hour . I know they come playoff german. Theres 3 or were all together. So 1st of all, we want to level haine and we are competing from the then when we started here in shutting, we separate agent the team that included the government about i want to a call from them saying, i dont think im just not i make uh i would agree when i come in a moment here and colleagues from trends, french agency, a s p, im from by chance. They all, they run separately to an open abbey actually bought to chose a bit to how i said, looking the whole scene one my phone from my colleague, the comment im on, we went to the village inside the vintage and we live on tv all the time. Then that was this dialect show that you had the team and one of the colleagues foster care and colleagues. Com and im a new venture. Although also all the colleagues from other agencies were injured. It was clear but you know, they, they identified been shows clearly and whoever is, is, is driving more monitoring the board. And of course, the minute is really all me monitoring the border. They are much before before launching this shadow on the on the us team on may have changed close to clearly wedding the flak jackets that hadnt met to. 3 shifting on the on them or its all, its all its, i mean they what they are them to find themselves. They want clear me what clearly driving them is what hits i. Is there any show where we were watching as youre speaking with, with seeing footage from the saying it, it isnt live, it has been prerecorded in the last half hour or so. But can you tell us what is happening then now you still there . Now we are now on our way to the hospital and the city on fire to of course we will. Daughter kalese bought said, i mean the situation was damaged the whole day and weve been covering this. Yes. And i was just trying to understand that im trying to beat you guys with all the time just to, you know, i can use to, to be safe to get it does. Yeah. And every time we are in some in some way, and we check on each other. So actually even, even then the comment on which ken initial thought we had the combination before just about anything. And he said he was gonna assess minutes. And thats why he went to the place and the other and spoiled me. Let me try. He wasnt doing it. He wasnt, i mean, on the board is directory. He was, he was far from the board. He was on a, on a small hand looking the old place. They were treated with the cards with the camera. And they were, of course flooded and im blogging cruise. They werent put into much of an agency for that. Some of the means on some of them on, on for him. Yeah. So this is, this is miss situation and yeah, this is what you, i was like i say, yeah, like you say they, they were clearly marked as, as being from the media when day. Was there any warning at all leading up to this a while i was planning to choose, you know, there was a weird one and the one that i told you i should, but i did from them. But it was cleared up because that as a shot by, by the judge showing the moment of the shuttle attack, the moment the shawn was launched and it just kept, there was nothing before. No one was there was no kind of a warning strategy for example, that had around them close to them in a way that there will be one. There will be a lot. And then there was talking huge. There was nothing like that to please. This is what we saw on the be, you know, were going to have she all committed cuz youre going to talk to them. Hopefully that would be in a better situation. And of course, we will explain more details on, on what happened, but this crossed together all day. And its very is when seeing the school all day because we were on the, on the road all the time, back and forth. Sure. It was in the this team just came, you know, i mean, were identified me as i told you, we separated them most t multi directly. I know what all items decide. They all have them check jackets on them. And of course i want the team also. I mean the s n g is the equipment. I mean, my nose a, b, shes all false. You know, public affairs. We know that these are the others because they were to manage and there was nothing thats good, really vague about the identity. So it was a, it was an intention of a targeting just like what happened with on the chevy last name and polish trying to get, i mean, you dont have to go. Yeah, i just want to clarify one thing really quickly. Do you think that this was an a strike . Well you said it was a shelling, a tank shelling most all the time, shutting because it was im shown buckhead when i, when we, ive dad on the place, there was a call but bombings. And we said we saw on zillow says that the body off on me was killed. One probably shouldnt the just, just try. So im him now to the, to the hospital. Him moved. So investing fees. And he, i mean, he was, i dont want to with the name right now or no, we understand that. Yeah. Or yeah, maybe his family needs to know. First of all, i dont know if its how many was i was informed by the professional and then having to. Yeah. And we thought wed call her to get someone on warranty before. It was not the 1st floor. Okay, thank you so much. Uh so that le, lets uh, the husband for us. And um, ill shop if youre just joining us is breaking use this now. And is riley strike is killed one to enlist and injured the 3 others in Southern Living on the l. Just areas living on bureau chief mazda and abraham, was there just off to, it happens. I dont know how, so who knows, and he done as a model. So how do you mean this is what happened . All the journalists were hit together. Its a type of safety measure. This has to make sure that both the resistance and these right, well no the, we have journalists and in one location. I can clearly say that we the gentlest but targeted on purpose. We will fall from the confrontations. The confrontations up this hill over the horizon of fi is all. This spot is whether janice was one of the gentlest. What were in the safety kit. They will have the press, logan on that chest and cause this car behind me. The one that is totally damaged is the ill just either call the ill just there a crew was inside this car. My colleagues were transferred to hospital report to come and do conduct and camera man. L. E brack. You one other camera mom was killed. Janice were killed and injured. While doing that work. A palestinian or authorities in gaza say 70 civilians were killed as they were fleeing. Israel has ordered 1100000 palestinians in northern garza to evac twice to the south. Within 24 hours. Were going to go bringing some of the binge of a tool through all of this developing use over the last little while. First of all, can we just talk about what it is like as a journalist, upright in such a dangerous areas like gallons a like what were seeing in Southern Living on . Well, it is a totally heartbreaking to see when your colleagues go down this path that youve credits many times as and as ali was describing the never you were in the conference when you try and packed together so that youre visible from a distance. So the people who are involved in conflict, no, we are, and this is exactly how this team was traveling from. Obviously there is a lot of danger that as the journalist you have to take on board when youre going through this area reporting on the conflict, not just because of what you see there, but to bring to the, the human stories. The people who live in these, but it is under the constant barrage of the tank shells. Weve been seeing numbers now in garza, youve got close to 2000 People Killed and as a, as generous our job is to actually go there. When the show drops, we dont run away from the explosions, we dont towards it. And that is why it is crucial for journalists to know that then they go there, at least they will not be shot. But in this conflict, and fortunately, weve seen that in the last few years, it has escalated, doing this, especially in this region, have been particularly targeted in history. And according to the pedestal and jealous syndicate, do their 55. 00 during the so being killed so far. 2 of them died in 2022. 2 of them died 4 days ago as journalists were taking their vests and helmets. Do you do is really selling. So, as a name is describing this, these are generally who were clearly marked. They were in cause in impact, reading their safety best reading that helpless which clearly states press on it. And it does look like that. It was something deliberate and as the seed be, dont know what, who shares the responsibility for this . Thats what be saw in treating a blacklist case is it is real immediately back, peddled and blamed. Hum us or telling, shooting a blackly. Then there was another statement 24 hours later, and it was not until a few days or weeks later when there was over whelming evidence. Seeing that in his right, the sniper killed strain of black, black as well accepted that it could have been one of that. But its so it is extremely dangerous. It is extremely important. And that is why it is so tragic to see people who are bringing the story to the world being targeted as simply trying to do their jobs. Most people will know this situation and guys are in, in palestine as weve been describing that for the last 7 days. But might not be as familiar with the issues in Southern Living on can you just run through what might have led up to this escalation . There, but it is, as you heard, the 2 most important people here and cut, theyre talking about in a d. S. Collection of sorts where they said there should be no new front. There should be no new act is coming in. And that is why this conflict, so a nuanced and complicated because it is not just because it is not just the westbank, it is multiple front, it is the sudden lebanon border it is, it is really border towards sinai on towards the jordan as well. So, in southern lebanon, as weve seen, the wind awards in the past, there would be multiple groups that have, you know, freighting including has the law of which israel has held responsible for involvement and what happened in gaza. And it obviously blaming iran for that has been to that spot. And youve seen some es escalation of violence in southern lebanon along this border area. A, you obviously have the issue of go on hikes. The dispute to turkey, there is man. And that is why journalists have to be there physically present, to be able to tell you the story because its got the layers upon layers of complications, of, of people who, whose lives are actually being affected. So, it is an important job. It is for us to be there and it is extremely tragic. As, as ali was just describing, journalist being clearly marked journalists who are there to do their job, being targeted once again. Okay, thank you so much for that. There is a sound of been job aid for us here in the studio, but i will just hear it has gained access to satellite images showing the extent of the damage. And one of the neighborhood of gauze of this is a bite and in northern gone. So before israel was, will began, and this is what it looks like now. Amount of revel lodge blast crisis, every with the roads a so badly damaged because simply con, get through the only hospital bed has also been damaged or cold. And the bombardment is the mother in law of scotlands, 1st minister homes, the use of elizabeth el not club was visiting her husbands family when the boy rented, she recorded this message from the southern kansas trip. This for a few minutes to do activity. So im gonna say is moving towards where we are 1000000 people who want to instill the phone, leaving them nice. Every we have to go to pick them. But my to is all these people in the hospital cannot be if i wish the world to live this office the face, the people a li, ill just hear a spoke to jen england. Hayes, the head of the norwegian refugee council. He described a desperate situation and gossip and pleaded for what he called a minimum of sanity to bring an end to the spiral of violence. Yes, friend has a great responsibility and im saying that in all western media now is read has to respect International Humanitarian law to for simply relocate entire populations is a violation of the law to have a siege and stop out 1200000. 00 is a violation of the law, we have to condemn that it. But listen, the role of the violation. So this one does not justify the killing of civilians or the whole thing of grandmothers and children as hostages. So i think we have to have some minimum of time to, to here. And it could start now with the code for an enter the environment and enter the seats and into the hostage tasting and into the midst of going to that is what it has to end before. Too many children, that this is riley forces, have 510 gas, a dozens of palestinians trying to enter the old city in jerusalem. They were attempting to reach alex, im off for friday. Prayers. A mouse is named its military operation against israel. L. Uh the floods as a response to is there any attacks on where ship is at the most of the logs the most compound is one of the holy assigns for muslims, jews, and christians. It also symbolizes the daily injustices faced by the palestinians and occupied East Jerusalem. And its legal status has been a constant flash point. The l oaks a is as long as good holy aside, jews refer to it as temple mount and believe that to biblical temples, one stood there is also home to the time of the rock where muslims believe the prophet mohammed ascended to heaven. Now its sometimes confused with the laws, but the most good self lies here at the southern end of the compounds. Now only muslims are allowed to pray in its compounds. Then there is the western void, choose from around the world, come to pride. They believe it is the remains of an ancient temple us out of high that isnt occupied, the East Jerusalem we attentions had been rising. And police have 5 tear gas a. We had a huge selection behind us as a stand off. And this marina can show you the is really the soldiers the ready, if they need to be with hold, it was run the bullets file. We heard a series of things coming from that direction down this lane down here. Now course were right in the old city, so theres plenty of lane, little houses above us, a palestinian. And were not quite sure whats going on. But theres definitely a bit of tension. As you can see, the Security Forces are trying to find those palestinians that either fired fireworks or sound of rubber bullets. Were still not sure for a this just highlights to the tensions that are happening. And of course its friday pres today, a day where fridays, symbolic, full palestinians to come out and protest against these, ready for susan, any occupation and occupied territories, including parties through so and occupied westbank. So you have the media head were being pushed back quite a bit. Um and this has been happening since we go ahead. This is as close as we can get to whatever the situation is going down that road. Now nick, um, you know, you and i were here last year and um, at the time when uh john list screen was killed. Of course, tensions were extremely high at the time, but this at the moment is on another level everyone ive been speaking to here in jerusalem and especially unoccupied west. It is sorry, occupied East Jerusalem palestinians have been hunkering in the home. Shops had been close to the last few days. Of course, apart from us, press Security Forces in the past and walking down these lanes down this area which is considered a to have some of the heard is sites for jews as christians, as well as muslims. And a time when tourism is at its peak ahead of christmas its, its the ghost town at the moment. So that just gives you an idea of the tensions that have been happening here, full palestinians, and also in west or is that, um you have of course is re, these to all the skids um to interacts with palestinians given the situation given that this country is at will um, just, sol, so it gives you an idea. Ive been, ive been head covering this area for a few months and even a taxi drivers before they come and pick you up. Theyll call you to see whether youre a palestinian or in his riley because tensions are incredibly high. Of course having spoken to the policy and is it just last friday prayers . Of course, many of them are saying that not skids, this isnt the 1st time and they offer pad full whatever comes. So at the moment its not clear whats happening just down this road, but well definitely keep you posted in it. Because of course, as you can see, its an ongoing situation. Lets get you an update from gaza to this developing situation, palestinian, or far as he says 70 civilians were killed as they were fleeing. Israel has ordered 1100000 palestinians in northern garza to evacuate to the south within 24 hours of sultan bought account, joins us here now to our house. Judy, i thank you very much for joining us again. This was the great fair, wasnt that that israel wood demands that everyone leaves northern guys are and when they try and do so that they would be targeted and kills to yes. Uh, overall, i think this uh, concept of evacuation is a floor concept in humanitarianism. And i was very, very disappointed to hear mr blinking defending type as part of the humanitarian arrangement that just giving them a 2nd chance to survive me by pushing 1100000 people to the other half of guys of evacuation works in here. We can context when it is part of an agreement, and that there is an arrangement between all sides, including the palestinian fighters that there would respect the safety zone that is being created. Thats just not the case here. And i put forward the question to bring can and others, what if i mass evacuated is its fighters across as well. What of the fighters pack and move amongst the civilians . What would you do next . And of course, there is no answer to this, and this is what, what is most logical to take place that these fighters, this is the nature of a Community Based free to fight. And these people are all part of this family. Some of the my part time fighters is on. Yeah. So they will inevitably move with the families. And, and thats the, this to the real objective behind this, which i think it is. It is, it is part of this genocide or i figured that we have been discussing for vast fee for a few days. Started with the language of thats on yahoo. The aims to really throw everything on the board up in the sky and hope it lands well. Not on the, on the front with guys of its also in the west bank and north of north as well. If you, if you will notice what the, the scale of violence in the west bank, the fact that over the last few days, theyve all the settlers that were ready. And they already used to have like, um, now they have seen it properly. Um, by the, by the army, by the, the is right. I mean, and theyve been given degree lives to a seat, theyre all securities. These are all initial steps towards the annexation towards the pushing, possibly also a waves of palestinians from the, from west bank as well as from, from gaza. So i, i think its a, its a real responsibility to me. The 9 states now is not just implicated is loaded into the system if what lincoln has said is correct. And then everybody is taking part in this genocide. And they all need to worry in front of the International Law as not just the states, but also the individuals involved in this, including the money and part time fighters thats have come from the United States and elsewhere. The civilian is that either volunteered or the conscripts that be called back to as well. They may not be question then as well, but they wouldnt be question back home, of course. And countries like the united kingdom, many European Countries following the experience with isis few years ago, theyve introduced those that will hold your comfortable for your action outside your country. And i think this is a moment to remind everyone of their responsibility. This is what were watching today is, is im presented and, and it is really, i think, is the worst provision aside into the 21st century is going on for more or more as we, as we speak of the edge. If you ask more than a 1000000 people to move and they dont or they cant, because they dont want to leave their homes or theyre unable to because the roads are blocked or the, or is it that moving into a being phones like what weve seen. All day are in hospital. What happens then . Are we going to see a mess . Okay. Or . Well, were already seeing new mexico in the sense that you, theres people have know where to go. They are all being counted as collateral damage. The problem, i think, in particular with guys is that the vast majority of the people are refugees who have been under the International Community is protection as a refugee. And you could see this and get that in over the years. They are only protected with the blue flag. They have nothing to protect them, they dont have shelters, they dont have mechanisms that those ratings have. They dont have the iron dont to protect it from this guy. The only hope of protection is to associate themselves with the International Community and, and around the refuge account in the around the hospitals in the schools. Now what under what did area today is to take the order seriously and to move, i think to 5 is going to be a question in the future. It has again, allowed the u. N. To accept a crime under its watch. And these people are only projected to association with international nationalities. And its really sad that they have moved that international staff, in particular, they left their local stuff to fend for themselves. And yet we also had a engine we blinking to talk about that, not the, the were so cause i want to say this conflict, us breeding from here. But it seems like this evening with what is happening in Southern Living on the tensions escalating there. I mean, what specifically do you think the blinking is talking about and how big of a concern is that, that this is going to go from gaza or in the west bank to further afield. It was nearly by bringing the largest current across the carrier into the eastern me to try and he has raised the temperature in the region. Youll have to keep in mind that the russians are already in that usually the training on the serial ports where we dont know if there is arrangement for the of the conflict in between the americans and the russians. Its a very small area. Things can happen accidentally, so theyve already, the americans have raised the temperature in the region. And now im just trying to, to reduce it. I think his concern is, is focus mostly on his beloved and era out of concern. That is where i will not be able to deal with too, from some of the changes the given the force and the ability that has the loans. Okay, thank you so much. We really do appreciate your time and pricing it down for us. That is still some product. Thank you. It is rarely forces have killed at least a live in palestinians in the occupied westbank on the friday. Palestinians have gathered in several places including near the illegal settlements of fate, l to protest in support of cancer. As instead, today at least 27 palestinians have been killed in the occupied with thing on the by is where the forces and safe let attacks and run con is outside the hospital in ramallah and sent us this report all throughout the day weve seen the alarm ambulances arrived here from various demonstrations in the occupied west by this ambulance is actually arriving with a critically injured us. And you can see everybody, how old the medics get around. Now what the empties are telling us is the types of injuries that they thing off from life fire. And they say that there is an excessive use of force against palestinians. Normally these ladies would use rubber coated still bullets that would use take us. But now it seems that they all using lifes against the protests as now right now, the hospital says its not overwhelmed, but it is worried that if things escalate, it could simply become overwhelmed and wrong calling out of their normal with hundreds of demonstrations have gathered at cairos last scope to friday prayers and support of gaza protested at the capitals major as lumnick sighed, raised palestinian flags, enchanted with sullen. Blond reset verifies for l. Oxer in iraq, thousands of people levels. So really in the central baghdad, ill just here as much moved up to why he sent us this update that the menu in my mothers husband stages and domain is where in the rock you tell me something about god. This is the square and hes all supposed to see us later. Look, the saw them. Im good. Although to prove that stood as we dont going to several other political iraqi functions here today to show support until the data with the people on the sign with the people i on the not only that say theyre here today also to so course as you can see almost everyone. We have a white sheet, the wire keys, and this is an indication of the fine or indication of that readiness to sacrifice themselves for a cause. In this case, for the palestinian case, im going to watch it. I know every free person who stands for just is not only in the our, well, its done with palestine. We stand with the people of gaza, the palestinians in the struggle to free that occupied land. They also blame civil debris teams. Total silence for not doing get up to support. It does a lot of times they also play in some at a blue jeans for normalizing relations with as right in your walk has been one of the 1st out of countries. In fact, what are the, what is the countries in the world to support from the science and to stand with the people of guys . No, thats it. I should do that as a video unfortunately. So our states have let the Palestinian People down. Israel receive unconditional support from the United States and europe. The pilots start does not receive similar support from its davis. This is hypocrisy. Theres causative regimes have now been exposed. These 4 tests to do now is the one bob demand. Oh, but the only millions of women and children in heads up by these rate emitted 3 campaigns did. Calling on the iraqi governments of the aides for has done and the coding on the International Community to intervene. To put an end to what they consider a genocide again to the people who are not so many people here condemned to the International Community. But what they consider dublin has done the policy entity got to david was published and in case the hold up, do i have to adjust it off . Well, that is all for me to mccrae so this news out. But i will be back in just a moment up to the break with a much more of the gaza is right on the floor in the human costs. The respect to the street and central concave shows you how to have a state to the effects of russian bombing has to be, i can see where 2 of the bullets hit their about. My head highs, name with the documentary military wanted him dead. The still men or beneath women a property on the road, costing out his ear, english proud recipient of the new york festivals through the cost or of the year award for the 7th year running the system youve been coming to add any International Anti corruption Excellence Award nominates your hero now. Under contract reporting exclusive stories explosive results. Ill just say around investigations. The latest news as it breaks, while dozens of cases have been reported in conflict zones, the unit says that those do not reflect the real number with detail coverage. You may wonder how all of these people dont get lost in the jungles. And the reason that they dont is that theyre told to follow these markers from around the world. If i go quiet, youd be able to hear nothing. There is absolutely no one whos left to the a big group of journalists, including elders here is team. Is head, find this really strong. Can sell them living on of horses cameraman has been killed. The. Im told mccrae, this is l. Just a line from the ha also coming out killed while trying to flee 70 civilians. I hit biased riley, strong. So and what was supposed to be a safe route to sell

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