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Dozens of people are killed in the job of the account. United nation has been forced to close school exclude distribution centers, affecting how familiar is rail. The death toll from my masters military operation has now reach 900, including at least 11 americans. The escalation on israel, snowden bowed up with 11 on one of his males deputy, come on, his is killed during a gun battle with fighters. The when its just gone over 400. 00 g m t hours got 7 am in gaza. These are live pictures here. People in the besiege enclave waking up to a 3rd day of bombardment from his ready jets. But you and says more than a 130000 people are taking refuge in its schools. Hundreds of families are in mourning, grieving the loss of their loved ones and the destruction of the house, the the well, those are just a few of the more than 1200. It strikes israel says, is carried out on garza 687. 00 palestinians, including a 140. 00 children, have been killed, as well as cost of food, water, few electricity supplies to the People Living there and has announced the total siege of the own place a spokesman for how much as many chewing as one that they will begin executing is rarely captives. If israel bombards residential areas in garza without prior warning, within guns as hospitals, theres a severe shortage of medicines, few and food. At least 3700 palestinians have been injured within 200 of those children, as well as the bump often fall, an unprecedented attack by him ass of a 900. His res, including dozens of soldiers, were killed by him. A slight, as in an operation in southern israel launched on saturday. Well, garza is only 41 kilometers long and home to more than 2000000 people is really a tax of leveled civil residential towers and garza city and destroyed a most and homes in hon. Eunice, that strikes for widespread destruction in the job layer, refugee campus. Weve been saying the largest industry and home to move that 116000 refugees. Ill just say it was. Rachel said, ill take the customer look at have mondays, events unfolded and 1st month amazon. No electricity, no food, no water, no feels for it. As a says, is there any defense minister Draft Guidelines are getting bit to the community to and house medium people because of the street has been on the m a land and see little kid imposed by israel seized 2007. But now it has even cut off the basics of the these red army is bombarded in the besieged enclave of the how much this unprecedented attack on israel israel shit. More than 1000. 00 targets in guys, including if strikes that level as much of the town of the tunnel, it actually is Northeast Corner is ref for me to declare war on guys on sunday. And its promising more to destruction. No, its really a strikes also target to jump out of. Yeah. The largest of the guns. Its a 3 digit camps. The camp is 21. 00 square to the to the size, but it is home to nearly 100. 00 of 20000. 00. In the we here in the heart of jamalia, as you can see, the destruction in the camp. We here and the trends round about as you can see, dozens have been murder. This is whats happening because destruction is everywhere and gaza once bustling with worshippers. These mosque is now badly recognizable from air. The civilians are mainly the ones 14 the price, humble as they have already been killed and thousands injured. Those are survived now have nowhere to go. So i live in the house away from my family. I run away from home with 1 oclock in the morning along with my child and my wife. We just keep from being targeted and came to another target took place. We were surprised by everything as fire and flames were thrown into. There is no safe place in the gulf. This trip, guys, at one of the most densely Populated Areas in the world, has one of the policy structures due to these valuable kate. Whats left for residential areas, poverty hospitals, and to hold it. The structure is being destroyed. Now, does it have seen several of wars but palestinian sees ready a tax on the city are now turning into a collective punishment. This was added as well as saudi conference. Mom have been sell. Mine has spoken on the phone with the palestinian president , my boss during the cold been solomon said the kingdom is making every possible effort to engage with O International and regional parties to whole the ongoing escalation. The stress of the kingdom continues to stand by the Palestinian People in the pursuit of damage it to me. It writes, striving for a dignified life, realizing that hopes and aspirations, and achieving adjust last in face where we live with a bill of mocks in west jerusalem and mohammed jumped human are still ducks in southern israel, but 1st to tired. Assume whos live for us inside gaza . Im tired, early in the night there was an issue with your Safety Awareness tried to place really close to you. Tell us what happened, topic swell. During your cover the coverage earlier today, the we were kind of covering in the same place as we are standing right now. We were surprised by the evacuation of dozens of families inside this compound. They told us that to the is the occupation authorities had worn to, uh, the one building to evacuate. Its, it will is to be targeted now uh, this building is so close to us by the way, you uh, on the left of us right now. Uh this uh, building has been hit to by 2 is really ms. Tiles off to be in goons. Uh by the, by the. Is there any occupation authorities in this attack to palestinian during the list . Uh, well killed by these valuable abutment sides of the wheel and how much so. But while the covering, the evacuation of the, of the, of the families which was, which was written to be to be a to people by that as well. Uh now with the situation right now is a relatively calm. Uh, this very Occupation Forces has targeted uh the eastern areas of bates handling. Bait la here and i sure, yeah, yeah. Neighborhoods uh during the last couple of hours, also dozens of agriculture lands heavily bombarded by the is really it forces. Its important also to mention that the humanitarian condition of the gaza strip has witness no change since the erection of the currents conflict between the palestinian militants. And the use ready occupation now with gods ends with no electricity, no clean water sources with access with limited access of the internet. And the is really a Occupation Forces. Do you know also the entry of fluids and make the co uh, service as medical supplies the situ . You see the got the dozens of suffering and experiencing hearts circumstances as well. Yes. That time because youre saying israels imposed this total siege of gaza where they have cut off power was the fuel and Food Supplies. I mean how i people coping under these extremely difficult conditions . Well, they are forced to uh to adults with these difficult conditions. They are trying to remain alive despite that the is very close on the on because i straightened now they prevents the injury of Food Supplies the depend on the pounds, then your local production and even the, the, the level of food that had been saved during the last couple of months inside the gaza strip, the is a occupation has attracted a pose errors and curve shalom booth is in front. Busy the movements of goods and even people inside the gaza strip. So they are trying to adapt with the Current Situation unless there will be forced to, uh, to be, uh, uh, to be killed uh or even to a pass away due to the hot circumstances that they were missing. Uh now the majority of uh, displaced by this thing, and they went to on to actually that schools in order to receive the minimum rate of medical and even human at your unites transfer vice. All right, to a ton of assume that live for us inside does a perfect thank you for that as well. Now, in israel, weve been reporting of a 900 People Killed by how much fighters during the ground errancy ministry operation. More than a 100 bodies were found in berry opera. Stand off with you now most fighters and is rainy soldiers. Hundreds of his ready motors of attend to the funeral for a soldier killed in a battle near garza, in southern israel is ready ami has announced the names of a 114, so just killed in the south is where the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the strikes, i dont, he just started because if they say like of him, im come send me that we have started attacking, come us, like what youre seeing is just the beginning. We have killed many of those fighting. Also, itll be places where, how much is active and working will be completely destroyed, and we will continue to intensify operations. I dont know, its, lets bring it in for the mazda, joins us live now from west through some for them, some Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The talking about stepping up israel is response and sofa is really seem to be united behind them despite the political differences. And so many people across the country seemingly talking from the same him sheet as it was in terms of the political unity thats going to be far more challenging from us than us and yahoo. He, in his speech slate monday, calls for political units. He asking all the opposition to the politicians here in his role to try and join him in a emergency government. We have toltz take place yesterday between some of his representatives and those of the former defense minister benny gans. Also, another senior opens is in need of saying he would only be prepared to join in imagine the government was such and preconditions met. Mister netanyahu not necessarily comfortable with those kinds of preconditions. He is part of a very narrow company majority here in the commencement department, relying on support from right waiting parties. Some of these very senior opponents of his former allies, i should add like missed a guns like yellow p, like having no lieberman perhaps on wanting to join an emergency government without seeing the a members of those right wing parties being removed from the cabinet released removed from decision making, when it comes to minutes, reparations in the days and weeks ahead, down the meanwhile, on the ground weve seen several escalations on the northern border with 11 on how big or whatever is back now is really ministry planners as well. The ministry here in israel saying theyve pulled up 300000 was a this isnt a massive, active recruitment full full them to draw from. Many of those will be down in the south in the area around gaza. But over the last 24 hours, we have seen some minute 3, back and forth between has well beyond group in southern lebanon, as well as these ready minute 3 or 10 a re file into has bullet positions according to the group has killed 3 of that members, weve had to infiltrate, is entering is ready territory where theyve been killed by is really full asses. And 6 is ready. Soldiers injured according to the minute 3. 1 step to come on the v is ready all me off in the north of the country, also kills during some of those encounters in terms of that minute 3 planning the for 2 fronts potentially opening up for the full says they have at the disposal that will of course make it far more complicated when it comes to both logistics and strategy at a time when, as ive said, theres a huge amount of potential political peril for mister netanyahu. All right, type in a box life for us, the in west jerusalem for them. Thank you for that. Well, meanwhile, israel has moved tens of thousands of soldiers to the boat with gauze and is deploying an unprecedented number of reserve. It sounds you say it was not a jump june, joins us now from our still got some southern israel mohammed. So israel mobilizing this huge number of reserve is tell us what youre seeing and hearing the around dash, dont there. And it was just a few hours ago that we were doing a live shot when Security Forces pulled up next to us and said that we would need to go in doors because of an unspecified Security Threat that they had detected. We remained in doors for the better part of an hour than we were able to emerge. We continued to ask the members of the police and the army that had showed up at our location here and asked all of a sudden what exactly was going on. They would not give us concrete details since that time the tensions here have less than substantially, but there still is an increased security presence in the area where we are that had not been there prior to that. Now here and asked on, people have been concerned. Yesterday you had an incident where in a rocket launched from gaza hit the center of town. Several cars were set on fire people concerned we have not heard sirens, air raid sirens in the last several hours. None the less, it just goes to show anything going to happen. The Security Forces show up. And as far as the mobilization, youre talking about very clear to see here on my way here to ash started yesterday, we saw so many troops being transported military equipment being transported. And since ive arrived, we have seen more soldiers, more reserve is being transported to the south. Aaron. Yeah, other way from the mobilization, a mom it, israels been evacuating several areas in the south where you are. Is that still continuing . As we understand it, it is continuing and let me just try to break down what weve heard as far as whats been going on in other areas of the south close to gaza in the overnight hours. There had been clashes between how much fighters and is really soldiers in an area known as junction that is on the outskirts just leading into the city upset on city of settle. It is still considered to be a flash point right now because as of just a few hours ago, these really army had said that there were still how much fighters inside of that city. Now these really army has said that they have cleared most of the towns and villages of how much fighters those towns and villages in southern israel on the border with gaza. But they have not yet completely re taking control. And one of the areas theyre still trying to take control of is that city i mention that a lot of these really army says that they are continuing to evacuate. But the get. But there is so much concern. You know, in the hours that weve been out here, we have continued to here is really jets fly overhead. We have heard a lot of out going a lot of outgoing fire or heading into guys it as that bombardment continues and people very much on edge and, and many people that weve spoken with. Do believe that a Ground Invasion will happen at pretty much any time there and all right, to Monmouth Junction and life as the in southern is ran and i started a lot of fun to well, the leaders of the us, germany, britain, france. Im the somebody of issued a joint statement, contending the attacks on israel by on last, by said over the coming days, we will remain united uncoordinated together as allies and as coming friends of israel, they pledge to ensure israel is able to defend itself and to ultimately set the conditions to what they describe as a peaceful and integrated middle east, while the western leaders said they recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian People that spring. And john hadnt been his life for us in washington dc. John, so the us and thats all lies the putting out that statement saying they support israels right to defend itself. How is all of this playing out politically in the us . Strong to thats right there. And as much as you hear about the protest industry, the pro palestinian protests in major cities across the u. S. There is unity among politicians and perhaps a disjunction between some of those people during the protests and some of those who has been in politics among the political leaders in the us. There is universal condemnation of the attack by him. Us and universal support for israel and President Joe Biden says he will be speaking to the American Public and a matter of ours about the u. S. Priorities, but they have been very clear and you can see that are the fact that there is an American Carrier group in the Eastern Mediterranean at which is presenting a very physical manifestation of us support for israel. And. And that has been roughly echoed by western leaders across the world that after the attack by him us, and, and the hostage take on that, i should say the, the cap to taking buying a mice. There is not a lot of sympathy for the way they went about this and theres not a lot of talk going on right now. Although there, there was long term talk about a kind of 2 state solution here. Right now the focus is on backing israel, and there probably wont be a lot of deeper talk about Long Term Solutions to middle eastern problems until this war is resolved. But the us effort is on 2 things right now. The escalation of the military conflict, and of course theres very limited control. They have over that. All they can do is really talk to their allies in the middle east and elsewhere. But otherwise it is, there is just unified support for israel and john, just quickly thats been mounting speculation about their writing and involvement in the how my separation, what more are us official saying about iran at this stage . Its right, officially the us, it says that it doesnt have any direct evidence of a ronnie and involvement. But there is a suspicion that ron may have been involved the secretary of state. And that a blinking has talked about this thing that they have an interest here in support historically for him, us and his belong. And so the us be definitely looking into the prospect of a rainy and involvement. And when he was talking about deterrence about setting those a, that Carrier Group in the Eastern Mediterranean bringing in new jet fighters, etc. The deterrence is aimed at iran and others in the region to deter them from doing anything. If the u. S. Has decided that iran that has been involved through its intelligence, serves as something that says it doesnt have the evidence to do right now. Then its response could be considerably different. All right. Dont engine live for us the in washington dc. John, thank you. A lot of all sorts of im here and ill just say are right, were bring you more coverage of the gaza as well. One nice thing, the october on to kia, celebrates National Date as of march. 100, you said foundation rigorous debates, unflinching questions upfront cost through the headline to challenge conventional wisdom. Poland is right wing Prime Minister schedule is a controversial referendum alongside parliamentary elections. And if it to retain power lines, investigate how the stand your Ground Defense is being used to construct justice for the families of homicide victim, voters in argentina. Go to the folds, amid economic crisis, with many hoping for radical change. October on a tuesday era from intimate moments to major social changes from mans impact on the planet to the impact of mine on himself that he has with depression. And its really asked to give yourself a lot of the witness Award Winning films from around to out to 0. The the welcome back. A quick reminder on our top stories here, this, our 600 makes us have other students, including a 140 children, have been killed and his wells pump off into a 1000. Israel cuts off food was a few under that tricity supplies. The People Living the financing, total seats. Well, the 900 people have been killed in southern israel by how much smart is moving a 100 bodies were found in batting opera stemmed over to me on group and just waiting for somebody on his announcement. 86. 00 filters offices its really Ministry Says one of the deputy commanders was killed in a flare up on israel for the 11th august in the, in the stomach, jobs claim responsibility for an incursion across the front here which 2 of his fights died. But because of Health Ministry has accused is way of targeting its ambulances. Yeah. It says that these 9 ambulances with them guys writing forces, injuring permit, executing a patients inside one of the big for palestinian president. My food, i boss, spoke with a you and the 2nd to general and asked him to intervene and stop on getting is ready to aggression. Im gonna about sills that cool a to be allowed into the besieged enclave to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe. Elliott the one second, the general said israel blockade, but any worse than im already dying situations. While i recognize israel is legitimate security concerns. I also do you mind israel, thats Community Operations must be called back to the instinct accordance with the International Humanitarian law. Civilians must be respected and protected at all times. So if youre waiting for the structure must never be a targets. And you already have reports of use really. Besides that, i think else facilities inside garza as well as multi started residential towers and the most. Im deeply distressed by todays announcement that these really initiates a complete siege of the guns was 3, not single log in, no electricity, foods or fuel. You may have had a situation, guys, it was extremely evaluated before the hosting that these. Now we dont need to do right to explain actually what pro palestinian matches up in the house in several cities around the world. Hundreds of protest as gathered in london in solidarity with gaza. That cool with an end to his ready occupation of palestinian territories. And the origin tinian capital of when desirous crowds of rallied outside these randy embassy to condemn as well as the buttons of gaza. Im probably as randy matches are also being held in several countries. The, to thousands gathered in the french capital near the eiffel tower, as it was lit up with israel. Star of david crowds sung the french and his really national anthems. Ronnie is also held in new york for a 2nd day. Christine salumi attended one of those marches for a 2nd here in new york and the organizations like the palace they also the United States support and impunity for what they say are war crimes. And that led to this desperate power association. Its really up to one demonstrator here today, but israel has been doing to them for 50 years. Its genocide. Its more crime and its in her money. The funds, israel arms is rules, it gives us ro, diplomatic problem. Its right. Which sort of an old usa, the israel and the british come to the palestinians. They deserve their own state. They deserve human rights. And justice headquarters have also 3. We need to be at true. This is not given one age of a land a way. So thats a problem not wanna change them about what you rather said not one inch. Dont give it to these guys and want to kill us. We are the consulate in new york and the administration well, thats it from the don johnson. Ill be back at the top of the uh, with us special coverage of the gaza is where the weather is. Im next and the inside story discusses being thought of israel staying with us here. Now the, the color, the weathers looking pretty quiet. Its across much of the middle east, but theres a side of the class that i know thing to say about cloud, just streaming out of that eastern side of the mediterranean. So you can expect to see some wet weather around syria 11 and showed and maybe down towards positive as well. And the occupied territories kind of rush. I would say the share was easing into northern pos, albeit right. Well see some wet weather around eastern to k, i pushing up towards the cool position that so i was thinking a little further south with an east, with a ton of increase the west across Northern Areas of iran as we go through the next dial. So i may, wallace stays dry, it stays hot to say sunny across. Ive got a star for hot, im sorry to across much of the arabian peninsula. Id try on sunday to close much of north africa. We have got some showers. Spell this out, of course. As seasonal rice doing quite nice place thinking a little further south was as they should do, but still some pulses of heavier rain coming in from time to time, which they said what about coming back into nigeria . Well see some, what the weather just sliding off the coast of liberia developing into tropical systems as they move towards the caravans. Theres something to watch out for is that the showers may mot across central parts of africa and a lot of heavy rain to not pushing into south africa over the next couple of days with the risk of flooding. The, as the conflict between drugs and estimates of just us correspondence are on the ground then to the other side. Often this is happening right now in tennessee. This was 8 business courses declaring a site for a couple of different areas to stay with us for the latest developments on the jersey to israel declares war on how much sand folders at the total siege of guys that with no food or electricity after an unprecedented attack by the policy and onto these are the Prime Minister as valid to destroy a mouse as capabilities, but at what cost and is they at risk the war could be over to the region. This is inside story. The

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