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Gulf of fence and best content from the sun. Our font depicts a cap to this really pull data, roaming through the gone to israel defense. Thanks for joining us. Well keep you updated on the latest. The talk real quick, check out the top stories here. This is really allows for me to kind of state of war in gaza. Its launch more of that strikes soon after sunrise on monday, the bombardment of so far killed 413. 00 palestinians in 2 days, as well as now im asking troops, navy guns, that israel board, and that includes a 100000 reserves. Some assets continued to file a barrage of rockets from gauze on more than 700. 00. His radius had been killed and how much his military operation around 260 bodies were covered at a Music Festival that was attached by the group on saturday. A senior official from how much was confirmed beyond groups taking more than a 100 is radius as captives. Business include soldiers and civilians is very limited to say the number of captives is significant. Meanwhile in the occupied westbank of these 5 palestinians have been shopping killed in confrontations with his ready forces that brings the death toll the to 13. Since saturday level homes has been offered to show territory unders randy occupation with motor rounds. Because when the force has been responded with alternative via shoot farms is at the boat at between 11 on, im serious. Go on heights, which is occupied by israel back in 1967. And raleighs, in support for the Palestinian People not being held in the United States in new york protest is cool for washington to end its support for israel or so those are the headlines and these continues here on, ill just say are off of the listening parts section attempts to what you buy from the general election and the referendum on the same day people in poland would vote on october 15th and make their choice on immigration and National Security conformity. European Council President , dont the task gather enough support to mount the challenge . Follow the poland elections on the jersey to the e. U has its eyes on of your saw the upcoming election and the future of the polish me. A story in the New York Times has an impact in new delhi. Indian journalists are round it up as a result and museums as casualties of war. The one russia is waging against ukraines heritage and history. Hello, im going to just burden youre at the listening post where we dont cover the news. We cover the way the news is covered. When a country falls victim to state capture and the powers that be came up with influential business interests to manipulate its politics. Seldom is that more evident than during an Election Campaign such as the one the poland is experiencing now. The country goes to the polls on sunday, october 15th, with the Current Coalition government led by the law and justice party, known by its polish akron and peace, fighting off an Opposition Group called the Civic Coalition piece. Has been in power since 2015. It quickly paint independent voices at state owned media, particularly at the public broadcaster cvt. Scores of privately own news outlets event ended up in the hands of Government Allied corporate players and underwent similar editorial transformations. There is a lot riding on this vote and not just for poland. There are cracks and its relationship with the you growing tensions between poles and their neighbors in ukraine and the nationalist, anti e u. Anti immigrant position that piece has taken some of that has been adopted by its rivals for power. It could be your to stay you could say that the polish election is free. Is it fair . Thats much less clear. If you listen to the way that the anchor spring, the debate, they basically hammer at the opposition as this loyal to colon, any money, it goes back to them. All of it is not a one time thing. It, it happened every night last sunday being your case and our huge anti government, pre election protest in warsaw. One of the Opposition Alliance called the march of a 1000000 hearts. Although estimates have to turn out, have up to 800002 you zip code. You 10, so im of the moment publicly funded state control broadcast cvp fails to cover the story live, then varies. It on its news counts and puts the number of protestors that just 160000. And i dont get the chance to chance it on us as if some of the chances that figured was strikingly loved. It also happens to be the number, the ruling party, whatever set me deal not to go swimming out of here lies the connection between the party line and the story line at the so called public tv test as quickly jumped into line undermining deposition. Not of this and definitely not sort of poor things, anything close to independent journalist. We can clearly say that the test of but is an instrument in the hands of the party. Only 4. So it was the 2nd, the 20 top didnt to say it didnt happen, but what they say it wasnt to the development. And that does this advantage self possession because they really have to depend upon they own the access to i. T platforms to disseminate the own poke door thing, right. In balance between how the Public Television, the how non Public Television channels broadcast. Right for each other choices to dish and they also still watch the video and offer your tv is not about credibility anymore. Its about what the government is politically finding important. The current government to get in warsaw is led by you gotta swap pitch in skis, law and justice are known in poland as its up against and Opposition Coalition of murder. And a former Prime Minister turned tv p target. Donalds to one piece to power in 2015. It quickly eradicated the independence of t. V p. Firing all its journalists, making them reapply for their jobs, and hiring back only party lawyers. Many privately owned news outlets that had been independent vend, got bought by companies associated with peas and changed their editorial tune accordingly. The European Union raised its concerns about press freedom and then in 2019 its peace go after the justice dismissing judges. It disapproved 4 months ago. The European Court of justice ruled those traditional changes, illegal under you law and brussels is now withholdings billions of bureaus in transfer payments to warsaw vice for so you dont need pieces. Politicians fact by t v p and other news outlets routinely go after you bodies like the european council, which used to be lead by donald to they take historical memory in poland and tamper was describing brussels as the new berlin or must just another foreign capital out to steals holdens independence. Another discount the washington book, set up for them to hold the next on the continuum. Thats something that the European Union has frozen payments of billions of yours in a Corporate Recovery funds for poland over concerns that poland, his facts, sliding on democracy and rule of law. Obviously the government to seize this as an attack. And because donald, to ask and the opposition is generally much more pro you law and justice, a tax and for being for being disloyal to poland for being the lackeys of your crafts in brussels, pony, stevie. Not only that, i for the kids to not, i dont know if those is a german sewage, but they also at the same time, the kids in of being lied to me and put in the ally. See the food stamps on the east came a the, a piece of it on human natural because of us of yeah, the p i s government is using tech spend money to turn the public tv into its own version of the Fox News Channel does not gave a fair chance to the opposition p i s has filtered the playing fields for its face that thought the society components overall is not as stupid as the p. I as government would want them to be. But is it as seen the folks as race back in 2015 when piece was elected, its anti immigration stands was central to the parties messaging, its insistence that poland is a Christian Country that outside are such as muslims represented 3 piece, then rolled out the welcome mat for ukrainian refuge, white ones, christians, 1500000 of whom remain in poles. And while the parties patience for ukrainians is clearly wearing out, it saves its ugliest race based rhetoric for the relatively few muslims who dare show up at poland. Sport. It is the kind of rhetoric that donald to send in the Opposition Alliance are now dabbling in as well to be a little bit stronger late in savings of waste using again zone to the grocery store. So its not just going out on tv, pete, and pro Government News outlet. Its every races to bite wing nationalist novelty. We choose to be own about choose being elements of polish identity has now shifted towards presenting most of us any of this stuff. Its due to of the government to defend cody swimming. Gauged rate, is these people flooding in and taking everything . This is a new knob and tube and it says no point is historically, doesnt make sense. And of course theres no validity, team can. So any figures that would suggest to me knowledge to on the positive, the few people who have passed through to help set pieces extremely successful is preventing terrorist attacks and phones are in the u. K. And its not happening to us here. Its thanks to our immigration policies, but then at the end of the day, both of the task and mr. Kuchinski, theyre both aware that even if the electorate is not saying that allowed in general polish people are here for, for indigo migration, for fear reflected in more like affected by the treatment. Certain immigrants get on t, v p. N. News outlets in back the polls far hard to win. Freedom of the press in the 1980s, their Labor Movement solidarity left the resistance in warsaw pact, countries against soviet and poles, paid. The price for the martial law was imposed. Thousands were jailed without trial. And when the soviet union collapsed, taking new sources like task and craft with poles cluck the credit they deserve. Since 2015 however, they have some one, some of the freedoms they can g d, p is no time for problem. But nor is it what solidarity had in mind. 40 years ago, when so many polls put it all on the line. Journalists who do as they are told, instinct is not that the state media waits for a minister to Say Something against to a score. The opposition and then leaps on it. Theyre doing the attacks themselves. So if i dont think you can say that the media apparatus amplifies it, is a propaganda arm of the government. And this is a really important to election in europe. It will have an impact on how colon continues its relationship with brussels. What does it say about the rise of more populist far rights . Governments in hungary now is to evacuate in italy. If poland continues in the same trend, what does that mean for you . Unity, theres a lot at stake in the select the Indian Police rate at the offices of a news website in the capital this past week arresting journalists. They are over accusations that theyre outlet spreads chinese propaganda. Johanna whos is here with richard the action in delhi, taken against journalist, working for news, click se my Rights Groups as an escalation by the authorities against media outlets. They find inconvenient, at least 30 locations linked to the website, including offices, and the homes of journalists, were rated and used, clicks, founder premier forecast, as well as dozens of other staffers were taken in for questioning. Who took the up signal is the most comfortable call. Somebody who jumped to me that covers the knob obviously found on the table the hall in unit fisher will say they are investigating allegations that new slick is being funded by pro china elements to spread chinese propaganda. These allegations have been denied by the websites. Damian government, however, got that idea from a New York Times article published 2 months ago, which alleged that news click is financially backed by american millionaire novel royce, sam, who is reported to have close ties to the chinese government. Tensions between india and china have been escalating their disputes over their share tamerlane border. And shortly after the New York Times report, a case was registered against news click under in the us unlawful activities prevention hacked. You a p a, an oppressive, empty tyrell media advocacy groups in india have highlighted the hypocrisy of new dallas position. Government officials routinely protest and denounced critical journalism by International Outlets like the New York Times cooling them, motivated and fake. So the seriousness with which they have followed up on the revelations in this report is in contrast with how dismissive theyve been before, thanks to, for a year and a half ago in ukraine, just after russias invasion, Museum Workers, their scrambles to protect their collections from getting ransacked, they knew the russians were coming for Museum Collections in the south. Eastern part of the country. Museums help us understand the past to make sense of the present. The fast and deliberate destruction of Cultural Heritage has become a feature of conflicts around the world in places like syria interact in ukraine. Russian forces have been methodical. When armed man in uniforms started showing up at museums, they knew what they were looking for. And the targeting of ukrainian heritage fits right in with vladimir pollutants view of ukraines identity edits. History is rejection of its right to exist. The listening post product and off a now on a war on culture designed to rewrite history. And we can Ukrainian Resistance march 2022. Many typos meets in of local eastern southeast in ukraine. The 1st target in the russian looting spring. The began just weeks after the invasion of the russians take the city Museum Director laid out. But i came by berries, a priceless collection of skipped in gold. Deep in the cellar, some way she herbs Occupying Forces werent find it. The next day the russians came for her. They put a hood on her head. They took her out and you cleaned the code for the wall. Its a basement where they just lock you up and they torture you. They wanted to know where the collection was. The only thing they underestimated was her character. And though when they put a gun to her, had she said, i am not afraid of, you know, im not afraid to die. Im sorry. Now shes in a safe place, but her family is not safe. So she cannot talk about it. They target Museum Workers and Museum Director specifically because they are leaders for their community. And when they cannot get them to collaborate, then they persecute them. Of course, live with him or develop. Uh lets theyll keep wires. No recollection is what lead to some people with special equipment came in the base with the phone with the collection and the launch it kind of a prep. Again, the conversion, which was widely disseminated through russian programs and channels showing the newly pointing director who is the korean telling the look this collection was with them to, to be looked at by previous is in leadership. Its literally because a lot of the loops enough instead of just kind of look like to read for things to rochelle, compression of his collections are being preserved the same week. The group of men turned up at the local History Museum and occupied by the you. Looking for the famous works of matthew pope on autism advocate twins. Too Many Russians came after running among the intrude of pro kremlin tv on, alexander musket bored with it as frequently as well. What do you just say more of that . What does it say feeling we pulled in line from a song that might do something most could void question the mediums direct to natalia capacity. Ok, but on camera you, when you, when you deal with someone else, im not sure that i got some missed of a already get along with the queens we were supposed to be on just the thoughts of buying them the co mr. Off come on. The tv on cassette the direct to reveal the location of a secret collection, a 100 footage. Eventually a mice of most men loading the collection into minivans and a picture was posted by most People Holding quin cheese. Red sunsets on the didnt a product then the focus time to the city of cuts on and what should become the Occupying Forces. Biggest heist yet. When the russians 1st arrived at the test on Regional Arts Museum Museum Director alina sanker, told them how collection had been relocated initially. But satisfied. Dr. Young coast as the ox works would have remained hidden as members of stuff hadnt given them up to that of course, i knew that were russian collaborators in the team. They were of this and they really made themselves known since 2014. I called them and they promised them they wouldnt do it again that they changed. But that wasnt true. They hadnt me in the lives mean they didnt, may 2022. The thinkers faced intense pressure from russian authority. She was summoned to a command as often and fearing the fates of other museum direct flags on july, 19th, russians, police and Intelligence Officers moved on the museum, was able to shake. On that day, 6 armed men went through the building. They were Wearing Masks with them was natalia of the seats hold on a local senior, introduced yourself as the new Museum Director. They also brought one of their collaborators, natalia, called, so they took the keys, opened up the locker, and every one saw the collection right there on the collaborators shouted, see, weve been selling you for the last 6 months. The collection hasnt been moved. The direct on her stuff or line, we will run the museum with you under russian governance. Weve been waiting for you. Who am i should go . Who lives in ashley, scott, willie police. When the ukrainian troops closed in to tobacco son, the russians started moving the collection out of the museum and some of the pieces were treated with care, but others were just thrown. And we can identify the paintings, because every painting has a number at the back. I mean, certainly not more efficient. Symbols of the russians retreated from cast off. They empty the cities, museums of around 15000. 00 pieces of photos of sinks, and most of dozens of pieces from the connection in the museum in russian occupied synthetic crimea. There is nothing random about how the looting unfolded. Human Rights Groups say the organized operation to rope ukrainians open National Heritage amounts to a walk right to the people tossed with protecting the heritage, ukraines means in walker. It constitutes an attack on you. Crane in identity. Anything that can be associated with russian culture has been moved. But dozens of media and all kinds and other cultural 5 have also been intentionally damaged or destroyed 40 and hes destroying and targeting what he can of associated with the russian culture. For example, right beside me, it those other artifacts from the bottom to museum of local or it was the 1st museum that was actually precisely a hit by rushing this out. And it had a great collection of odd words by monday i pretty much and a very widely known ukranian, the fainter includes absorb you great. In addition into her artwork, they targeted that museum and those artists and the artworks grow very connected to real. Youre creating identity were neglected or in prison, and so the Times International one, turing, civilized laboratories prove that no of the building was shes so it was intentional of damage putting on the 21st of february, clearly cleared, lets crane and Cultural Heritage. If something which belongs to russia, a good bite, thats okay, our Cultural Heritage, should they, its like our National Identity trying to just clean up everything which collected to us as a grievance situation automatic fruits and has repeatedly dismissed ukraines history and trivialize. The idea of a distinct ukrainian identity separates from russia. Ukraine in c. Continuity with episodes from washington imperial cost, the push and the 18th and 19th century to suppress the cream language or later in soviet russia, the mass targeting of ukraines cultural leaders, historians and writers. In here now, ukraines heritage is a justification for the on the targets of russian forces, which makes protecting that heritage and ex essential issue, the ukrainian culture a matter of survival. They started the war because of our cultural identity. They want to erase it, what they cannot possess. They want to erase how dare you have a different cultural identity and all our Cultural Heritage. It proves that we have different this is it had a visual identity and put in a really tries to destroy you create a new nation. And one of the main issues is a cool, our cultural identity, Cultural Heritage, and the long centuries history for queens. This was this all things which kept ukrainians as a premium for centuries, which makes us much stronger. Which here makes us feel as we are, the community which differs from the russians. And this is the most dangerous to push the i am finally watching a russian t v. These days can be like taking a trip to another world, a place utterly detached from any criticism of the war, sorry, military offensive. And you create a world where a tv hosts like cetera, game models done on row c, o one. See the inevitable return of the russian empire might have done says that the vision came to him on the very same day. The president to recently announced a new holiday the day of unification. It will be marked every september 30th. Thats the anniversary of last year, as russian annexation of 4 regions of ukraine. Now, according to model done, there will be new additions, new territories, and people to that list every year. And thats reason to celebrate. Its all part of the russian medias ongoing propaganda war against Story Information offensive over ukraine. Well see you next time. Here at the listening post. Now you should cheat as good should his dad should his discipline with him at the church at the dean, cuz democrats out there listen to. But yeah, again i do is dealing with them that didnt got are and get those go with the pricing shenice i do with the uh with but its just a nowhere rosky old list here. The new york little grandson is about order. Yeah, sure. So one might probably be skipped, but of the night of the merchandise sheets. And we are watching you with a view to e and a spa kind of media would soon get past edition the be of some 80 art. Say you did our next public of the public of got the idea of the, the sick you had asked me for the sky. You calculate, you have any minus disease storage. Cool. If the which is more than not as much touching the man size of the year, but it was so thats the way to do it. The size of the year i see screen period voice, but i store. But i always knew that its that, that we seem to be a stretch and the price usually on this dns, theoretically price. Nick, theyll gosh, down the the to the teams to the syrians are heading to the poles to election president. The members of the house of representatives. Can george, we a secure a 2nd president ial term despite height, unemployment, as accusations of corruption or with the country felt for change. Liberia elections, special coverage on the jersey to the or the is really strikes. Pound goes from all sides, thousands of his ready soldiers and out the buddha legend speculation the ground offensive. The alarm dire, enjoying your watching, obviously are nice and spirals continue between. I must fight. As on his ready soldiers, still havent been able to take control of the tops of somebodys right. Pulled them suddenly a 100 as rainys have been killed

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