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Funky patient. Israel retaliated without to the refund of the 3 motive shelter the shiver farms, arrows. And so weve just been hearing one more context and look at the escalation of tensions and the lead up to the defensive by how much in december 2022, the most fall right. Government in israels history came to power notable inclusions on National Security minutes to bed gives here previously convicted of supporting a terrace organization and find thats been a step as a loud smoke dredge. A settler, well known racist comments. Unexplained policies. They quickly approve tons to build thousands of homes for its way to set moves in the occupied westbank construction. Thats illegal. On the International Law, the new policy led to an increase in his rating rates. And the text by boat is ready to set because im posting and falling to these the scenes from hawaii in february of hundreds of his radiates from a nearby settlement. Went on a rampage to the town of 8000 palestinians. Of the 2 settlers were gunned down smoked ridge quotes, the whole laura to be raised who are was targeted again on friday is right, is set. Lets show to residents in the halt. After pulsing and gun then opened fire at list ready vehicle policy. The under resistance has increased since march last year of the israels and cutting out a lot so both and renewed rates will be occupied. Westbank and gone. So israel has repeatedly said it routes out these flights as theyre already july. It launched it to day assaulted you need refugee camp in the occupied westbank booth of 3000 policy and slides. The asteroid bulldoze is all the time the drugs. This was the result to these deputy governors at 80 percent of the homes of the camp were destroyed, damaged, or burned attacks. The rates take place and occupied territories. Nearly every day in april is ready for us is attacked most of worshippers. And all of the most during ramadan, pres an action, the un condemned as excessive did recent days. Thousands of ultra nationalist jews would be entering the most compound schools, advisory, the police, a booth condemned by the to daniel walks. The custodians of the both of us officials of long said they were sold to israel at a time and place of their choosing. But subsidies attack seemed to take money by surprise nor hon. Ill just there are so theres been a level concern over the spike and bodies between israelis and palestinians go to correspondence monitoring match rose jones in washington, dc, hurtful. So in london, were going to start with washington, dc, and rosalind at so rose watts, tell us more about the us response and how that shape you. A well, essentially Us Government support is for is real. A mouse has been a terrorist organization according to the Us Government since 1997. So you would be hard pressed to find anyone, whether in the by inherits administration or in congress for that matter. Anyone who would support from us just as an organization, never mind the attack that was launched overnight friday into saturday into southern israel, of the secretary of state antony blinking has made the round of the sunday Public Affairs shows here in washington. And he not only repeated the Us Government support for is real, and its right to defend itself, its territory, and its citizens. But blanket has also indicated that the us is going to announce some new steps, some new support for israel as it tries to respond to this attack later on sunday. We dont know yet the shape of what the support is, but supposedly it is in response to additional aid that the Israeli Government has made to washington in the last 24 hours. It is also worth pointing out that blinking during his rounds of phone calls on saturday did have occasion to speak with my food, a boss, the Palestinian Authority leader, as well as speaking with other regional leaders, including his counterparts in egypt and jordan in turkey, a really to try to figure out how they all can try to de escalate tensions. Even though at this point its now about how to end this to day long war rolls. Thanks for that. Thats a picture in washington dc. Whats the story in europe . Harry . Force it standing by the in london for us. And how are you Benjamin Netanyahu this ready Prime Minister is being speaking to some european leaders. Thats right. Yes. He says hes spoken to the leaders of germany. Ukraine, italy, im brick. Good. Saying that each of those leaders express the unqualified support israels rights to defend itself. I also another line just coming through from gemini in the last few minutes that the government is reviewing its policy of age to palestinians with hundreds of millions of years or us dollars a year. The minister in charge of that program saying these attacks mock, a terrible fracture and some debates between right and left in german politics. Some on the right in the conservatives saying that a new stock is needed and the terrorist and that will be funded again. There is also be a much wide, a scalar of combination from other european powers as well. I think a lot of the concentration of the reporting certainly is about the shift scale, all the targets, a killing, kidnapping. All the civilians on such a huge scale inside is where the territory and taking so many of those captives back into gaza. Some of those are being found to be foreign nationals, one missing britain, one woman whose body was apparently displayed now said to be a german citizen. So concerns on that front as well. And concerns being expressed about jewish communities inside europe, as well as the italian government, the french and german governments talking about the needs to insure security at jewish sites. And weve had a tweet from the secretary here in the u. K. Interior administer on sunday, talking about rejecting and stopping any attempts to stir up hatred against british jews doing everything necessary to protect the jewish communities and showing 0 tolerance for what she called the glorification of terrorism. Shes calling for the police to use the full force of the law against anyone exhibiting displays of support for hamas and other such groups. Hardy, thanks for that. So thats a picture in europe hurtful so reporting from london. Of course not to you. Im not going to use the secretary general of the know, which is Refugee Council jones, is now from was low. Good. See to mr. Gland. First of all, your reaction to this escalating crisis. But a terrible situation has the overnight go much, much worse. My organization has been on the ground now. Busy becketts in gosh, that in the west spine, it will become much less now because of this time, the game is ready civilians and im part of my sense now. He is ready to kind of stand in conflicts for nearly 50 years. Every time i leave this military and i believe this choose to accept binding. Some civilians they inflict har, har, us, not only on the other side, but also on the, on the east side. This will become much, much less in the next space. Apart from the tragedy of whats happened, its the fact that this, it was a see me indiscriminate attack by have mass sizes on just so many is res. Are indeed completely indiscriminate that the rockets are besides all but also good. They go around shooting random civilians. They took hostages among random set billions of cost. This is now the. Ringback the image just spread around the web. Is it the suspect for, for, for the palestinian cause cause now the retaliation will be enormous is when it can be said billions paying the price. Uh, there is one way out and that is a very strong United International pressure on, on the political and military leaks that they have to do. Yes. Cuz they have to now to look at the root causes for these conflicts. Yeah. But will they, weve been saying that for, for decades of way, and these rarely perspective is that this was an entirely unprovoked attack. And suddenly, its time to consider as a matter of urgency the, the cause and effect here of all these People Living on the blockade and cause of 56 years and ministry, occupation, so on and so forth. But weve talked about that as a state for many, many years and its got nowhere. And now we are in this terrible situation. Yes, well and, and then what, what is it talking about teaching the other side less than so they will not repeat any violence. Of course, this leads to most site to stop by and, and thats my point. The sites are capable of putting in, in to the end of the site because of violence. Thats why we need the us, the arab countries that has been talks of lights. That can be again, the tops, but then does the much more pressure the retaliation . I mean the, how much as this it revenge is red. Were now right for the say when we were attacked now we would accept a revenge. It would be with children paying the price that you hear over on combination from the lights, the us and u. K. And fronts, but theres no mention they reference to the causes behind this. And, and so why is that, and why is that such a failure of the International Effort what i mean, the international, the, i mean to, to today in the politicians in the west. When look at the how mazda attack and would say where it is written in it right to defend themselves. But of course, part of the problem is that we, youre going to terrance where im used for impartial independence and on the ground. And then they crossed by what we see is to complete the motorized images or what is happening. Its in a lot of parts of the last part of the western, but they will now watch mosques and apartment blocks. And so one being attacked across into west and america, and in this run, they see the children being kidnapped. Youre maybe a good kim, bye, yeah, bye bye. On the roman eh, those are the 2 images and that they need to, to the 2 sides. The human eye signature right from the point of view of people on the ground in the as you say in the coming cross 5 is that seems to be inevitably coming at the children and the elderly. And everybody whos within garza, about to, to face this from an humanitarian perspective. What do you do to prepare for it and, and how can you make things easier when it does come . What i mean, we know its wrapped accounts. We have hundreds of colleagues on the ground in the west bank, and in, gosh, i was there. We have tried to rebuild now. Time and again and go. So each time you are able to read, build you a copy of the total amount of sabrina housing that has been destroyed before there was a new attack. Same thing as this time at the board. Atrocious. Wouldnt make it very difficult for us to come with the with really good people that will be power shortages. So the house colleagues will not even have the power for most of those except genuine rates as well. That would be to be like a fuse. It wouldnt be a nightmare even to have a in a sense. Somebodys a. Yeah. And i didnt get to speak to you and get your perspective on this important perspective. Thank you so much. You got an excellent 60 generals. No, we can sit Refugee Council speaking just for mostly i think. But frances is cool for an end to the attacks into violence in israel, in an address to the crowd at some feet, a square expressed is solidarity with the victims. The head of the Catholic Church said fighting will not solve any problems a yes. Ok in the army via text and width and cease please. Because it must be understood that terrorism and war bring no solutions, but only the death and suffering of many innocent lives, or as a defeat, every will is a defeat, this price of peace and israel and palestine. Now when they say and assembled with thousands of people might seem to show their support for palestinian fights as many also waving palestinian flags and jonathan slaves in support of a mass texas president risk type and is urging base. So as to de escalate attention to the killer silva on behalf of to key a and then the lights of this mornings events in israel, we invite all parties to act reasonably and to stay away from impulsive steps that res, tensions around is also held in humans. Capital of song people, the celebrating the all acts of floods, miniature operation by a mass on a massive scale. Thank you. I pronounce those emotional support policies in garza support around from these regions. Lets get the view now from iran. Those are jabari joins us from the capital of to her on and also understand that the uranium president to speak yes, uh, hes issued a statement 1st i brought him right. You see a said thats a iran supports the legitimate defense of the policy, the nation. And that design is regime and its supporters are responsible for jeopardizing the security of other regional countries. And he also we understand how to separate phone conversations. One with a head of the boss is melania. And then also with the secretary general is not because she had z as a holler, we dont have the context of what was discussed. But we did hear from moss saying thats the reigning president express whose continued supports and his countrys continued support for the palestinian people. And their cause, this is something that weve been hearing from various levels of government officials over the past 24 hours. So the reading president s really taking the time to express the solidarity that are raining. Officials have with the Resistance Movement of the palestinians, and endorsed us present joy by the saying outside entity should not get involved in this in any way. Particularly persons given has bl, arent sending those motors over into, from lebanon into shape of funds. Yes, certainly i think thats what everybody here is waiting to see how it will unfold. The ties between has a lot here on our strongest. I think were on any other groups in the middle east has the lives been had a very close relationship to the iranian establishment since the its inception in the revolution of 1979. And i think any conflict theyve had with israel over the past few decades, iran has been directly behind them supporting them. We even saw the former, a quotes had her for the quotes for some of the revolutionary guard. Awesome. So the money when the war was taking place between hezbollah and israel, as he was seen as assisting the hezbollah commanders in their daily, um, military drills. So i think its very clear that iran has a close relationship with has the law. And what happens between hezbollah and israel will certainly have ramifications here were of the many are for waiting to see how those events will unfold along the border that began early this morning. Certainly the general mood here is among the establishment. And the system is one of the victory for the policy and Resistance Movement. Whatever happens next with these manage to achieve is something that is historic and that the reigning establishment is very proud of. Weve already seen the celebrations of palestine square here in the capital as well as a number of banners that have gone up and some of the big squares in the capital, celebrating what was the cheese by the fighters of homos. And also, i think there is also certain level of concern among the general public as to what could happen next. The Israeli Defense minister had worn iran that they are holding your own responsible. So directly supporting these groups and that for them being able to carry out these attacks and the response will not be lights. So i think everybody is very concerned here in terms of what could happen next or those i think for that. So thats a picture from tara and Joseph Jabari reporting. Thank you for funerals, have been taking place meal, tried westbank for palestinians killed by is ready forces on site today. At least 6 palestinians were killed in cities across the west bank, in confrontations with his riley forces. Crowds have come out to show support for a mass, have masses, mich reparation in israel. I did my colleagues, somebodys it and spoke with is all about him to see a spokesman for a mass and he says is ready. So it was a part of the occupation and they all valid talk. This is really important point to me, figure out who the last 20 is, is and how the tax again does and killed thousands of his team and civilians. And no one has any comment to i. I was to, but as of them to by then talking about standing beside is what you and then set tax against the but the stevens will, its kind of what could i see . Hes not talking about the philistines would being killed. Yes. That they are for so Many Team Members send me to ship at so many way to kill this my its why is there any bumping and then at as try can on the on house with that is normally they times theyre, they went on recipients uh y when you are talking about the stickler, im not talking about the civilians like before. The steam is you are talking about cit, lance. What im to can bring the to take these raise if these various a targeting and killing innocent palestinians civilians that does not mean International Law. Its acceptable. Full power steering . No, its all good until then exactly what it ends, right . Its month accepted to a tech civilians at golden sense. Im not sure low. So the come back to my customer. Why may i read to a statement by amnesty international, which is condemning the targeting by israel of palestinian civilians. But its also condemning in the state and by october, the 7th, st. Palestinian groups must refrain from targeting civilians and using indiscriminate weapons ex, amounting to war crimes, is im just here. When i have to say that you have to differentiate between the 2 levels and the civilians disclose that code into the International Law the month 2 feet in the out or dont they, they at the same is that they, they in fact true to the, against the for the statements, so we will have to differentiate between both of issues, the c v bins and the fit gloves for mazda for them, for the, for law, syrians, and we have the, which is what im to see, thing firing rockets, all indiscriminate weapons that can hurt and do hurt civilians when we hope we will get a mistake on the edge the International Community to either to may come in for that is related to permission or to as them to send a more. Busy develop bloodlines to attack just only the soul just because we are not targeting on pen for specific means, you know, that is a huge amount of civilian targets and fi thats provided last month thing for to, to its how much this month and going to try to think of them we have declared that the sick lot of the farm, those are the 2 patients and the sick loves they are part of the. Um, is there any power they im not knowing. Im assuming it is as they are named all the time the hard times they can look at some of the news now the death toll from so todays a quick enough gun, this done has risen shop for you to more than 2000. Thats according to tell about an officials. Heres the young girl who was pulled out to live from the rubble of the magnitude 6. 3 as quick, devastated full of images in her provence. The World Health Organization within the country says its dispatched 12 ambulances to the affected region to try and evacuate casualties to hospitals. To check here, it says its killed, 58. 00 kurdish fighters in northern syria, an overnight attack. So military targets strikes come nearly a week after appointment, talking ankara wounded to Police Officers outlawed code as done workers. Party to p k. K claim responsibility. Check here, says detectives came from syria up at the us, bytes, syria and Democratic Forces versus a coalition to revel. Groups lead by syrian code is fight is the night this more than 22000 families have been affected by flash floods in the northeastern indian state. Of seeking at least 44 people were killed when the police feel like best as banks. That was on wednesday. A minute. Your thoughts in the democratic republic of congo has sentenced a member of parliament to death on charges of treason and involvement in the m 23 rebel movement. The life of edward and wonder to choose who was not present at the sentencing. To announce the trial is based on the ethnic hatred. Death penalty is often times done in the democratic republic of congo, but has not been applied for 20 years. Busy elections in jeremys largest state of bavaria and being seen as a test of where europes largest economy is heading, poll, show increasing support for the far right policy. Deal, tentative for germany. Policy, the if they traditionally, the policy is stronger in the east of the country. But with migration dominating this Election Campaign guarantee migration policy is gaining support in the west as well. Step by some reports. Now from munich to the support testers, its clear what the alternative for Germany Party stands for nazis get out. They shout on the other side of the fence leaders of the a of the campaign for Parliament Seats in this area. As always, the most important point is that we want to stop migration and we want push back senses at germanys borders and we want to sort were given cash money to refugees and reject or illegal immigrant holes show the f d could become the 2nd Largest Party in this area, the campaign, it sounds like germany has only one problem, that this migration and the arrival of refugees limiting the number of assign him. See this is not only a popular theme for the far right on the part is awesome. Painting on it as well. Yes, economists say that germany needs nearly half a 1000000 Foreign Workers to keep its economy going. And thats the message that politicians here seem to avoid. The various Prime Minister mark a suit are often not just party to conservative. C, s you once migration to be kept facing strong competition to see if you is expected to win this election. We say yes to helping people, but to be a judge on the invalid to have a clear plan and stop on controllable migration. At a Reception Center in unix, these refugees from sierra leone have been traveling for months to dozens of countries. They tell us that germany is the best hope for protection. This area has registered more than 30000 the Asylum Seekers this year, an increase of nearly 80 percent on 2022. But thats less than half the number of refugees who arrived in 2015. Municipalities have been struggling to house them. And you shall dislike this one medium unit of being built, sometimes against the will of local residence. At this moment was like the focus is always on refugees, refugees and refugees for us, the germans, nothing much has been done. When you look at the pro isis normal work is like, this can hardly afford our groceries any longer, no pay our rent. A sentiment often hurt during this election, campaign scares me. We have come here because we dont have an opportunity at home. We work hard to contribute and we should overcome any divisions together. Extremism does not help germany. Others are concerned as well. Had of devote more than 30000 people through the streets in munich to protest against the rise of the right. So theyll know what the response of nearly 10000000 this area and focus will be step 5 and l just the rough unit. And the latest from the israel does a conflict. 659. 00 is riley is killed, molded, 300. 00 palestinians. But said emily, my colleague will be here before the thought provoking on, but the patient doesnt have time to wait for the next 20. Unfortunately, there are no quick wins and events or research od hitting interviews. Do you feel like america is the best thing to do . Since these days or is it just a different full . I think the democracy in the process facing realities. Do you see that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing the and the brakes on the other. I think there is a huge piece of that to happen via the stores on tools to how does their money, the worlds biggest ocean would be defined in Climate Change and transforming pacific on an economy. And the 2nd of to special reports. 101 east investigates, wants to state. Oh, now to see the need you need to talk to the teams to the president of mexico and columbia. The 2 countries most affected by curtail violates or spear heading an effort to change the global fight against narcotics. If i had been totally miscarriage of drug addiction and Silence Lines and addressing its courses within new criteria, im not going to be thinking about course. It measures the 2 president s with any International Conference in the colombian city of kylie, in which 19 countries agreed on its and documented that the world trucks is a failure. It requires a revision, columbia, and mexico hope this conference in kylie will be the 1st step towards a more comprehensive response to this for life problem. The the hello im in language. This is the news our live from johanna coming up in the next 60 minutes. The number of these rileys killed in the war against guys arises to 659. And more than 300 color students, 300 palestinians, a dead as the unprecedented attack by him aust catches as well as military all scott, the

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