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Celebrating. How much is surprised military operation across the board . Israels air force pounds going so with our strikes as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells his country, its more the israel has launched multiple airstrikes on the gaza strip in the last hour or so. It says it was targeting, what it says were from mazda affiliated targets. The strikes come shortly after the arm group come, us launched an unprecedented land, an arrow military operation against israel fighters branch. The guns a barrier entered 3 is really cities and towns near the border. At least a 100 is released or reported as having been killed. More than 700 are injured. Israel has issued a 48 hour Civil Emergency order that applies throughout the country and is now bombarding, gaza. A 198 palestinians have reportedly been killed in a round, gaza. Mohammad vol. Begins are coverage to the president of the fellow sydney, an attack on each side of the Assembly Gates the movements submitted to the week and gaza launching a gun and also to fight this preaching the board. The festivities that i have some using the product light is how much as the offensive is in response to the secretion of a lock. Some of the crimes of these that i, the occupation mobile doesnt equally the, because all the time is come to draw the line for the enemy to understand the time is up and they cant keep going without consequences. We are announcing an operation called likes of floods in the 1st part of it. 5000 rockets have been fired. It is the time to unite bully, our openings my mic powers 2 of the 3 of these riley occupation, members of these line of jihad on the group in gauze at all. So that the call to arms seems image the follow scene in a fight is attack can easily lead me to tell you check points, got looting, seizing and burdening vehicles and taking easily the soldiers and civilians. But isnt the. 7 it is Border Crossing between guns arent easily and has also been beached and members of the Assembly Gates fought with easily. They forces at the Police Station in the city of general medical sources, say hundreds of people have been injured and taken to a hospital like the gun are doing when, how most is it fired as many as 5000 short term longer and dropped goods from cost that utilities highly 33, these lady government was quick to respond, declaring a state of war, allowed and warning come us that it had me to get a mistake. The time of the targets in garza and to prove the call up of military reservists. As i say, science, i know who we are, or not in a position how mazda is lounged in, mergers, surprise attack against the state of israel and its citizens. I ordered the 1st of full to claim the settlements from the terrorist who had infiltrated and ordered a large scale mobilization of reserve score the enemy will pay prize has never known. But for now that ive sees of dorian celebration in some occupied territories, palestinians the model on hebron if you will keep fight westbank out on the streets in support of the fighters. Gaza has witnessed many violent confrontations with these items, but the old science indicates this one might be the west, yet. How much fun does he have a short time ago and is really aero strike. Hit the position right behind our reporter, you know, side in gaza as she was on air. This is what happened already. You know, please take cover. If you are in a position to do so safely, you can explain to us what were happening if youre not in a position to do so safe canada and please get to safety. Me. No, its okay. Um this is a mess. So a typo on file is time tower right in the middle of does this city take a moment to breed . Takes a moment. You and your team take a moment to breathe. Ok. Just take a moment as we are looking at this picture. We are hours into this war between gaza and israel, and we have just witness live. What it is really el rey looks like on a populated area of gaza city, an air raid on a building just behind or a correspondent human side. As she was reporting the and that is what happened shortly after the warning shot is real, struck the area again flattening a high rise building just meters away from the alpha 0 bureau. Its called the palestine tower. As you heard, you never refer to it. The is really military says that it struck infrastructure belonging to senior from us operative our team and gaza has confirmed the media offices and the lawyers were located in that building. Well, our correspondents are covering this unprecedented story around the region. Human side is in gaza will go to her in a moment. Rob reynolds is an actual loan in southern israel. Sarah, hi ross isnt occupied East Jerusalem. The, the abraham, youre in ramallah, thats in the occupied west bank, so young that to you for us. First of all, can you describe the scene at the palestine towards night. Now the sun obviously has set, so we cant see. But can you describe whats happening at the palestine tower that was struck . The us to the is really air strikes were directed and bombard, did the totally, the palestine tower, the 2nd largest and boot. And you just tower in because the strip, the destruction in that area, the destruction of the tower, the destruction in the buildings around that tower. And it just sent to it is, is huge. Until now we havent got confirmation if there has been any casualties. Uh, bro, to to hospital, but uh, as the 1st wording messiah that was required while i was 1st on air. Quickly, people came out of that tower and not just the tower. We were told by local sources that even people who wear in the towers adjusted to it, had to move out because they were afraid of the destruction of their own apartments. This is how huge this, a destruction would, uh they would, they have expected and its even more huge. Then what people have expected a, knowing that this style where it takes a great amount of area. Its not just a one tower. It looks like it is a one tower, but it looks like 2 towers adjusted together. Its an 11 Story Building or tower with 100. 00 apartments in there. You know, if i can get you to pivot to Something Else that happened today, which is also major. How most commandos it infiltrated is really, towns have taken is really soldiers and civilians captive and reportedly brought them back to gaza as their captives. Do you have any information on that . What is your reporting on that so well, according to the statements that has recently come out by uh, a, by the spokesman of the military wing percent brigade. He said that the major point or goal of this oprah ration was to bring back captive into because the strip to free is re palestinian prisoners from the is really a prison. So he said he also said that this operation was planned prior, as it is going a, it is going in steps as it has been planned. And the significance about this operation is not the amount of mess side attack that it started with. Which how about the data, but the chief of staff. 2 of cassandra gate said was exceeding 5000. 00 mess. So what is actually the infiltrating into the is really towns by policy and fighters and, and considering that the borders with israel are in, in very high security. Theyre always on high alert of security for fighters to infiltrate into the cities and bring dozens of these really soldiers and civilians back into the strip. That itself is unprecedented in the history of the policy is really conflict. No, absolutely. Uh, united side thats reporting from guns are there. Thank you very much. It is just past 17 gmc, thats 8 oclock in gaza. City, also a local in southern israel, where we find rob rentals has an escalade run. As we speak, come us commandos as i understand it or still deployed on is really territory. Whats happening . Oh yes, that is correct. But 1st i want to tell you that just a few moments ago, we saw and heard a launch of what seemed to be dozens of missiles from gaza. You can see the orange trails of these missiles are getting through the air. We saw at least one of them, illuminated in mid air by the iron dome, is really a anti Missile Defense system. So another wave of missiles coming out of gaza. Clearly, a mouse is not exhausted. Its stockpiles. Theyve got a missiles and according to our producer in gaza, city the all costs. And were gays issued a statement saying in response to the bombing of the residential high or low center of guys, a city thats the tower that of course, you know, a witness being destroyed and we spoke. You spoke with her just a few more minutes ago about that. In response to this, we are now firing a major missile strike with an 150 missiles toward tell a be, havent heard any debt nations gear, from this latest wave of missiles. But what is happening in tell a b, maybe a different story. Now, to your question, yes. The lots and associated fighters are Still Holding territory in southern israel, in the area adjacent to the guys a strip after breaking through the barrier wall. Early this morning, storming several villages and a couple of the military outposts as well. We see weve seen various videos of people being taken prisoner. Weve seen videos of uh, a very grim videos of casualties as well. And that fighting is still going on. There is no word yet from the israeli army that theyve completed any kind of clean up operation or that theyve defeated the im us forces that are occupied near land and im hearing again, im hearing more designations behind me there 0 quite loud as a matter of fact, all right, web reynolds, if you hear of any major developments about whats happening in these towns and, and, and areas around the gaza strip, where the mos commandos are still operating. Youll let us know, and well bring you back in. Thank you very much for all i want to turn to new to abraham, who is in ramallah for us. Thats in the occupied westbank for a while. Or what do you, i beg your pardon it or what are you hearing on your end . We are hearing now reports of the total number of those palestinians will have been killed by his ready forces since the beginning of the day. And now were talking about for 2 of them are expected to be laid to rest tomorrow. One, his funeral has already taken place in jericho. There is a body that has been withheld by is way the forces saying that they killed that a palestinian after he tried to commit an attack. So we are talking about the 10 situation here in the west bank. Were talking also about more than 50 palestinians who have been injured according to medics by is way the forces. So, oh, so we are expecting that number to increase probably tomorrow because we have received calls for a general strike here in the west bank, including at news schools. And the owner was the, is the one agency that basically provides services for refugees has announced its closing all its operations also in the west bank. So you are looking at the 10th situation, but lets not forget that it has already been very difficult here in the west bank this year, the past year as well. But this year, specifically, it has been the least a year in the west bank in nearly 2 decades. So you can imagine also the effects of these really minute city occupation on peoples lives. But basically, todays news with kind of came at a, a, were well received by palestinians. They were very happy to hear them. Not because theyve seen is really casualties. But because they feel like for once, they are dictating the rules of the game. Theyve been under a military occupation for decades. Theyve felt less as real, supersedes the military lead out also has a lot of International Support while they are fighting and military occupation. And theyre largely the palestinians out on armed. So its kind of reinforced the idea that or palestinians, its possible for them to fight back against these really occupation need abraham reporting from ramallah and the occupied west bank. Thank you very much than to lets go to sarah. Hi roger. Joining us from occupied East Jerusalem when we last spoke, these really cabinet was holding an emergency meeting. Is that still ongoing of the thought is still ongoing. Its a special Cabinet Meeting thats being uh, light fi, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister thats been happening in tel aviv. Exactly why also sirens have been heard relentlessly in the last few minutes. In fact, one of our producers is there and sort of disappeared offline for awhile. Shots take shelter, but that just gives you an idea of a even earlier we just the, within those few minutes, we had some of those phone booms in the background all the way here and occupies East Jerusalem. And it just shows you how far that sounds travels. Because im going to now, um, what we do know is that this cabinet and the Cabinet Meeting is still ongoing. Theyve been in the for awhile now. It looks like theyve been in that for over an hour. Cool. So lots of a strategy may king and deciding where they move from a forward with herring at the moment in the last few minutes as well that that number has risen. 250. That is not confirmed. The latest confound number we do have is a 100 as ray. These have been killed since the attack this morning, and also the number of injuries has gone up to almost a 1000. And again, were expected to see those numbers rise and also in the previous news our and i was talking to you, i told you about a situation which was confirmed by these really forces saying that the uh what a palestinian fights is in whats known as a car, but since sun is really a community, if you like, and there was uh, several people that were being held inside several is raised with apparently that negotiations happens. Theyve managed to release them. So now that situation is i, however, that has been for, i think so sorry guy was it for is there for a 2nd fire. Busy it says in full traits, its through the border. Its sort of pause for a 2nd. Yeah. What do you, what do you know about negotiations . You just told us that is really have been released after negotiations. Can you tell us a little bit more about that . Thats right, we dont have any more information, all those. And just that the, theyve confirmed that they had been negotiating and that those but what Health Concepts have been released now. So thats all the information we have right now. The thing is with this, obviously its changing by the hour and theres constant changing of information. This is what is confirmed. So i will say that. But, but, you know, earlier in the day we want guessing of the information because these riley government and submit it true completely sides blinded by whats been happening and suddenly theyve had to go in. Ill be quite late this caused by that point. Those, the palestinian fighters will read the deep within those towns within those as ray, the towns alone, dots for the spots more interestingly at the moment from a political side. Is that the head of a position . Yeah. Le. Pete has come out saying that you spoken to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and its a site. Its a full unity government. Now, if you know the background of whats been happening since the new is ready, the government came into power in the sea. That happened weekly process by not just off position by people across is ray, the society that had been protesting in this thousands, every single week across several facies against traditional changes that were being made with tape the government more. How is now what theyve set it all position is put those differences, the sides. We need to show unit seen in the face of the situation that the hands so absolutely given the level of Bitter Division that was on display within on these really political scene before this happened. That speaks volumes about just the impact that todays events or having. Uh, sarah. Hi, right, reporting from occupied East Jerusalem. Thank you very much. Lets get some reaction out of the us and our state department correspondent, rosalind jordan joins us live from washington dc when war between the gaza and israel breaks out ross. Then one of the 1st things we look at is where the, how the Major Players International Players are responding. So hows the us responding as well . Not surprisingly of the Us Government is standing full throated li behind is real in this war with some us. Apparently there is a statement that is coming out from some palm, which is the part of the pedagogy that deals with Security Issues across the middle east, down north africa. And i would imagine because the statement is still coming, that its talking about how it is supporting the is really military as it tries to repel this attack that has been launched by how mos on saturday earlier we did hear from you as president joe biden, who was not surprising, we have condemned the attack and hes also issued a warning to other countries or groups that consider themselves enemies of israel. That the excuse me, that we are not, were standing ready to offer all appropriate support to the government of israel. Terrorism is never justified, israel has a right to defend itself, and its people of the president is meeting with his top advisors at the white house. The secretary of state actually blinking, has been there for several hours in gauging a meetings with other top security officials, making phone calls to leaders in the region and around the world. And of course the defense secretary lloyd austin has had a phone conversation with his is wally counterpart. Youll have got lots of course not just condemning the attack by homeless, but pledging to ensure that these regular military has the equipment. It needs to defend the country from further attacks. Rosalyn jordan reporting there from washington d. C. On the us is full support for israel and condemnation for todays impacts. Thank you very much. Was mohammed my wish is a writer who lives in gaza and youre joining us from gauze or right now. Whats your day been like, sir, and where are you joining us from . And thanks for having me. Its been one intense day to be honest in our side, and here inside the guy who has tributes been rapidly escalating. The situation is very intense and its very hughes and unprecedented for palestinians in gaza. Im in the level of intensity and the level of the scale of, of attacks and balance that we have been experiencing, particularly for now. The latter half of the day, especially after the is really Prime Minister benjamin into, you know, announced a response and were tell the ation to the attacks that are on the roof that across the borders is really our strikes have been targeting several places in the gaza. Strip including residential compounds and complexes and also public spaces. So its been now made for a fact that as well as targeting not only resistance groups on the ground, but its the number of civilian casualties that has been rising and the top has been sky rocketing now. We are speaking of the statics is data sticks around 1900. We are crossing the 2000 injuries and also around 200 have been killed in, in the gaza strip. So why dont you tell us ages what its like for you . What its been like for you, your relatives perhaps drew over the last few hours. I mean, 1st of all, do you feel safe where you are . But honestly, there is no error save. To be honest, this is complete a rhetoric tragedy in here as im speaking, im hearing loud explosions. Beyond the beyond being describable, its just in the background. Were now used to having these kind of sounds at the moment for now, 2 hours. And its becoming closer by the minute, honestly, shortly before i drawn views in this conversation, the power plan thing guys are just now is to save you a shortage of electricity supply, which resulted in the car and the being cut off from several places including mine, but its now been returned again, and it is just like an atmosphere of fee or honestly, that is widespread at the moment, particularly as im at the moment trying to be with the family its, its, its, its huge work to do to feel calm at such times and to reassure the safety of your loved ones. Its um, its the time that its that we are sadly saying that we are used to. And this is not the 1st time that we are enduring, such brutality and such an escalation. But its probably the best in my years of age at the moment. So it is now a scene thats been repeated for it for multiple times. Um the like what im describing that i, well, what ive talked to my colleagues on the ground is some sort of journalists and some people from the street theyre describing whats happening as something they have never seen before. The level of air strikes, the fear that is across the street, some on palestinians is now turning to become very, very serious. Especially all we are, i guess, stepping and not turning point as israel, after declaring a state of war. A mazda is just and also pal listing infections, and leaders in here are just refusing, also the mediation efforts that have come into effect. Um, so i think we are in, in, in a place that we are expecting a long term confrontation on a counter attack which results and the fear. All right, and a sense of helplessness and also anxiety and concern. Im in my wish a writer in gaza. Thank you for sharing your experience with us on alpha 0. Come off fighters involved in the surprise operation, recording the attack with cameras. And within minutes of firing the 1st rockets videos of the offensive or emerging some or official media eclipse from hamas is media arm showing the extent of the infiltration into is really territory of the house and has more this is how, how much wants to portray its authorization against is really the movements media on the document at the moment suffice has reached the guns up or defense. Members of the cosign brigades. Place explosive along the section of the fence surrounding the enclave. Then they donate the devices. Lots of smoke. Evidence of the sexes the fight this cross into is really territory some by fruit. All those by multiply for them. Vehicles must also release this clip of the mat entering is really using get bottom water. The once inside is really territory. The fighters destroy almost vehicles and this clip forces ready soldiers also for the tank. Ive got the confirmed briggs was accompanied by Ministry Report as we provided live updates on social media platforms. The oldest soldiers in these tanks were taken captive by our cassandra gates fighters as we sold put the droppings ready, so just taking prison that has been distributed online, this video, several captives can be see. Some of those scenes here for the occasion is not clear exactly how about us media. Um has also published footage. It says shows cause some brackets. Drones talking is really Ministry Check points and then separate. I sold is really troops, seemingly relaxed, is really sol just felt in the find themselves in the middle of the war. They didnt expect from us regularly publishes videos of its attacks. But this time, it seems keen to show the scale desperation frame by frame or the hash him a 0 is had milky, is the director of the institute of Media Research and training at the lebanese american university. And he discusses the information were playing out with the release of those videos by how most of the troops that are going in that are conducting operations. They have cameras, the cameras are as important as the machine guns as the weapons that they are carrying. They everything is seems to have been prepared in advance. So the media operator, the media professionals have been at the table. Ready with the military officials pining this so this is a major shift in how these type of how the, the media operation has been conducted. Thats, thats at the strategic level. But also at the narrative level, theres that theres a major shift. Uh, the narrative in the past has been highlighting the, the victimized palestinians, the tests of the destruction. But at this time upfront, the narrative has been on the offensive showing initiative, showing control even showing a lot of uh, calm and professional conduct. You can see a lot of the speaker speaking calmly. And even those ones who are on the ground attacking they are moving slowly and the confident lead. This is just generates a tone of legitimacy and leadership uh for the posting and resistance. And at the same time, the spokes people have been very consistent in the sound bucks theyve been using a lot of the sound bites to justify the attack and mentioning multiple times. The attacks on locks up multiple times, the prisoners multiple times. The role of the israeli occupiers and settlers and attacking palestinians and occupying their lands. So this has been consistent sound bites that going over and over a still a head on alices 0 bringing more coverage of the gaza israel. More after a short break. The in depth analysis of the days headlines, 1000000 euros to help students here address migration is it going to tease the migrant crisis, will make it worse, informed opinions. We need more investors and more people that make the decisions and regiments with frank assessments. This balance between the toe and zones

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