The beginning of this assault by how boss into israel. How surprised were you when you started to hear the news . Actually, i was pretty surprised. I dont get into the political and the factions matter, but ill say for you, i was sleeping and i was hearing this news. This happened was actually they do say or like someone say for me that im going to return to my own place. So im going to return to my own land and my own plays the same place. So i was the, ive been, im more than happy and im satisfied with this thing done, but this was a little bit shocking because we didnt get to any alert or Something Like this show of coal. See the, the, these flashes have happened before. These was between how boss, so this royal have happened over 20 is in terms of be able to survive water, food, shelter, 1st aid, access to health care. How long do you think that you could reasonably have without having any problems . Seeing when, when the moment the, when the moment the best tell me liked it, its not its time to the to die on die. But as long as its not coming this moment, im going to sacrifice im going to work on. And im going to see for with the, for my dreams and trying to help my family and everything and dont want it by me. Huggy as i can say, but wont stay safe. Of course, well try and speak to you in the days ahead. Thank you. Thank you. So lets move on now to us of our correspondence also in the region in the us capital and you are positive about to get to james bays. Its starting by love the defense lets call so i have a to washington dc. Real Estate Department corresponded, rustling. Jordan is standing by real estate. Wed be waiting to hear eva from the state department, the pen to go even the white house, just bring us up to speed on what we know and whos talking as well. We have heard now in a press report from the white house that Senior Security officials did brief president joe biden, early on saturday, about the ongoing conflict between her moss and israel. And that the president is going to continue to get updates from of the, of, from his officials throughout the day. Of course, weve also now just heard from the state department where the secretary of state antony blank and condemns from offices attack on southern israel and says that the us is going to be standing by its long time ally. It is a fort worth noting that the us and israel in the past couple of your side, a new 10 year long security agreement, 3300000000. 00 a year in military aid for the state of israel. Earlier we did hear from the paragon secretary lloyd austin, who also condemned the attack. And we understand from analogy 0 source that he is speaking with his is wally counterpart and is working to ensure that israel has the equipment that it needs in order to defend its people. There have also been number a numerous comments from members of congress, a number of senators, a number of house members, including the chair of the house for an affairs committee. Michael mcfall, who said that the us stance unequivocally with israel condemns the terrorist actions of homos. And that old step should be taken to help these really people defend themselves. So it is saturday. But those reactions are now coming out. And certainly conversations are being held with between the Us Government and with israel, and with us as other allies in the region about how to bring this crisis to an end quickly. Of course, the resist conversations you just mentioned that to america would be highly having behind closed goals, primarily with egypt was probably as close as colds, adult when it comes to relations with israel. Ros as well. There was, i would imagine that there already conversations underway, not just with egypt, but also with jordan, which also signed one of the 1st 2 peace accords with israel back in the 1970s. But also i would imagine their conversations happening with our partners in saudi arabia, with those allies in lebanon, briley across the middle east, trying to find ways of trying to get both sides to back away from what is already open conflict. So that the, well a so that this does not escalate with more people dying on either side. Well, said jordan, for a solution to d. C, thanks very much. Lets go say what to do to put that together, james, base and study by for us side and all of the broadcast central. James, it seems to be sort of a textbook reaction from western topicals a, as we assumed it would be, in this instance, a strong combination from all of the european capitals. Let me 1st tell you what looks at here in, in the u. K. Also, you dont remember the you any more, richie, so not the Prime Minister and absolute right to defend itself is how he describes the situation of israel. James, clearly the foreign secretary even tougher. On twitter a short time ago, he said, how much on not fighters, how much on the militants chemist on terrorists . The same word is used by the french president emanuel macro. He says he strongly condemns the terrorist attacks the striking israel and the bad book, the german 4 minister says the past has contributed to the intensification of buttons and israel has off full solidarity again. The terrorist word is being used by the e. U by us live on the line. She says that she unequivocally condemns the terrorist attack by a mouse. Those all the public reactions, reactions to the you. I can tell you behind the scenes, although that seems very indeed of that before this happened. That was a loss of misgivings privately from europe. Indeed, as those of ive spoken to of the record about the situation and about the actions this year of the right wing government in israel, im going a little further than europe and took key which is present that a lot of course is a strong supporter of the palestinians, hes on both sides, that reasonably and then interesting statement from saudi arabia, as rose was saying, what did think and a Prime Minister netanyahu even said couple weeks ago, the Un General Assembly that there was a on the cusp of a deal between, between saudi arabia and israel saudi arabia as cold for the meat station of bile and split it all 7, it statement robert pointed like a said it recalls its repeated warnings. So the dangers of the explosion of the situation as a result of the continued occupation and the deprivation of the product and the peoples, ill bet legitimate, right . So putting some of the blame, clearly this country that was withheld, very close to a deal with israel on israel itself. And then the, i think the other one is very interesting is the situation regarding the reigning reactions. They say they support the policy and the tax on the as well as that is interesting that will be viewed, i think, very seriously injurious level. Because we dont know what Prime Minister netanyahu is going to do. We dont know how hes going to deal with a situation where theyre off now. So many prisoners, it seems to be taken into gaza. Makes it very hard just to have a Bombing Campaign because they may well kill these rileys are being held prisoner. Will they go in with troops . Will they even think about some sort of retaliation against iran . Because that would to and what is already a very, very dangerous, unprecedented situation, potentially into regional james. So wed have these incidents before, you know, weve both discussed the conflicts between the palestinians and the israelis over the past 2 decades that wed be working if at any for ill just say era. Weve had to look at the diplomacy that way in terms of the regional diplomacy and who has access to the all the interested parties. The view will be to look at both doha and cairo. So they certainly be the 2 countries in the cost of the manage the protocol agreement between these writings and palestinians. But you spoke last out to a how my spokesman, he doesnt think this is over. And clearly its not if its not a but from how much is point to view. Its almost certainly not a but from these writing point to view what his back reaction going to be. So i think this could go a lot further. Was telling you what the un special coordinator is based in jerusalem, said to when his lynn, this is a dangerous precipice and i appeal to poor old to pull back from the brink. That will be the something to fit that theyve already gone over the brink. And thats one of the reasons the Un Security Council will be meeting to discuss this issue that youre going to be meeting, i think on sunday. The reason that not meeting straight away is because the ambassadors of the Security Council were on the trip to see the african union, addis ababa on that flying back. But when they get to new york, i understand theyre going to meet just a few Little Details on that. The meeting was called for by most of the u, a. E, which is currently the arab. Im a member of the Security Council that also joined lat cool. But its interesting the formats of the meeting as well. Were not gonna see that me thinks its gonna be close to meeting with a seems to be behind the scenes. A little bit of the speech on the technicality of the close meeting, whether its going to be something called a private meeting or close consultation is not private meeting means the israel and palestine can be in the room and take part in the meeting. Close consultations means its just members of the Security Council. Interesting that you a is sided very much in his statement that he wants it to be a meeting where the policy is and these ready to and also invited of that is interesting. Im the development comment coming from the country, which already has a normalization deal with as well. It does exactly, and of course well come back to full analysis as of what it happens, james base that all diplomatic had to, to a, belong to of these allies. Pictures coming to you from dogs. Lets, lets just bring you the lights. It looks like its a funeral procession of one of the all of the uh, digital dead, especially for all these ready bombard that thats been going on now for several hours since launch. How busing, kotia did to stop at israel has slabs up a huge compensation between the 2 over 100 is right. Instead several 100 in just a 160 pounds to the ends. Thats being said, these old by health sol, civil Authorities Say ive been killed in the gaza strip. Of course, well continue to follow those live pictures uh on your screen as we get the concept cool. Says be on the blockade by israel since 2007. It covers 365 square kilo because this one of the most densely populated ang, place the well, well, the 2000000000 people lift the palestinian fighters that previously, lord struck a detox from gaza. But this time they crossed into is really tired tree. The is really all be says its heavily 45. 00 ball defense around the end place was breached lower context and look at the escalations of the lead up to this latest offensive by how boss in december 2022, the most for right government in israels history came to power notable inclusions on National Security minutes to beg here, previously convicted of supporting a terrace organization and find thats been a step as allows smoke dredge a settler, well known racist comments. Extreme policies. They quickly approve times to build thousands of homes for its way to set moves in the occupied westbank construction. Thats illegal on the international law, the new policy led to an increase in his ready rates and the tax by both his right. The settlers and posting and folly to these, the scenes from hawaii in february of hundreds of his radiates from a nearby settlement, went on a rampage through the town of 8000 palestinians. Of the 2 settlers were gunned down smoked ridge quote for whole laura to be res who are was targeted again on friday. Its right. Is something that shows a residence in the halt after posting and gone then opened the fire at list ready vehicle policy. The um, resistance has increased since march last year of the israels and causing a lot to both and renewed rates will be occupied, westbank and gone. So israel has repeatedly said it roots out. These fights is either already july, it launched to day assault and you need refugee camp the occupied westbank. Most of the 3 sounds and policy and slides, the asteroid bulldoze is all the time to drove. This was the result to these deputy governors said 80 percent of the homes of the camp were destroyed, damaged or burned attacks. The rates take place and occupied territories. Nearly every day in april is ready for us is attacked most of worshippers. And all of the most during ramadan, pres an action, the un condemned as excessive. I did receive days, thousands of ultra nationalist jews would be entering the most compound schools, advisory, the police, a booth condemned by the to daniel walks. The custodians of the both of us officials of long said they were sold to israel at a time in place of their choosing. But sounds of days attack seemed to take money by surprise nor hon. Ill just, there are, is called, is there a senior political analyst . Well, bush, our joys, us down live from paris. Very involved here is waking up to this news model and around the world. So im just switching old to see whats going on in the middle east. Oh, perhaps one of the biggest historical surprises that weve ever seen, perhaps between palestinians and israelis. The absolutely, i think uh now that, uh we are in the afternoon hours. Uh, we could say that uh weve just lived through uh thats 10 hours. The shop is red. And um, at least these are dramatic 10 hours that are a game changer, the industry region. They will transform and reverse much of the Strategic Military and political calculus of votes, palestinians. And these ladies as well as most of the countries involved in this weather through partnership and normalization, or has any meetings of age are clearly the, the situation that we looked through for many decades now. Uh, certainly for the past uh 5 decades plus is no longer at the end of it. Its no longer livable, its no longer uh possible to go back to the start this quote no matter what it is does in the next days, weeks and months, it would not be able to bring back to the situation to the tree. Uh set to have a uh lets pre attack its southern uh, downs and, and supplements and other installations. Uh, what we saw today was, uh, uh, was the reality imitating fiction. Uh, this was uh, a hollywood son, testicle. Uh, planning. An astounding uh, astonishing attack. Uh, by the palestinians. Unexpected that definitely on the line is rose of intelligence failure. And in fact, military defense planning on it. No, weve seen their magic images got to the reverse and basically alter all the perception of what weve seen in many years now. Or was there any soldiers that these really suckers roaming guy, but a Senior Communities and, and then basically dead arising, a city in population. And suddenly, the past 10 hours that shopkins read, weve seen kind of thing and fighters roaming, is there any supplements and downs and that are rising its population . Yes. That are, i would say its population in a way that these Fund President it and this was a thing that will transform this region and wouldnt transform perhaps the middle east in a way that we havent seen before. Low. And you know, if we talk about just 10 hours, we certainly dont know how long this is great to continue the bombardment of gauze. It continues as much as the rocket to talk some gauze when to israel continue, according to a correspondence on the ground. Earlier i spoke to, youll see that a full base, right, the minister of justice and negotiates. And he says, we know how this situation is going to the ends with some sort of negotiation talks to how theres a ceasefire. This talk about body being thrown into the region to rebuild. And its all forgotten about by the in special community, but we didnt know how its going to start. Do you think its going to the same way . Im not sure anymore. I am not sure anymore. Of course everything for more to spend up in the beach, right . Even was one or more rule 2, even the balkan wars, everything somehow exacting fees. But this is like a, you know, a non statement statement. So eventually people will go back and lives right. But i think there is a game changer here. And i think the political dictionary and model the same statements that weve been hearing over the years no longer fits at this point in time. Once again, because the preston hours did change, shock im to us for so i think we need to know a new political veteran, knology. We need a new mindset to understand what just happened because it is a reversal of everything we know in this part of the world. This is a war as a parameters that are visually golden, but he is the same smuggler. Prime minister, only 10 days ago said that he is rebuilding a new release center, but all these red or the percentages are completely furnished from it. What are you sure . The last 10 hours is a complete your version of what he said 10 days ago. He has proved to be another failure. Natania crook cannot go name, document them correctional lawyer, but the news or any mean his legacy will live in streaming. Right . Because this other failure of his own intelligence and his really military fund that his watch. Weve come back to onto now is really is as we all know, thing to night. Uh, you know, are on the flag as where when they are under attack and the problem we uh for the next few days and weeks. But i think that the, the, you know, the, the, the punishment or, or the, the Judgement Day for nothing else is coming. Now, what does that lead to . Its not really clear because his phonetic partners and government wants something very different to see. They dont, they dont want exception p another around the environments of gas. So i think they insist as they always insisted. And now it is their historic chance. They would insist on re occupying the west bank and gaza. And i think maybe they will even kind of government if the, if it does not do so, because their historical dream is to dig over of historical by the side or what they call the Greater Orlando who is right. And to begin ex, filling that kind of thing. And so i think we probably could expect a certain expulsion what theyre limited or otherwise because thats what theyve always wanted. And they said it publicly and they boasted about it. So i think that diagnostics in the days and months to come, im not necessarily more of a say no, and its not necessarily going back to negotiations. And by the way, what the quotations, when was that negotiation since 2006, have you seen anyone negotiate with anyone . It is there about a size since 2006. It just died long time ago, but we continued to go back to it as if its a thing. Its not a thing. Its a friend to say, and the scientists is not terrible, and thats a truck with us than ours have approve. So that the entire mindset and because we need to change now, its very hard to change, right . For some people in change comes hard because theyve grown up with more of the same. But clearly, and one of the same is not going to do it anymore. Its not going to cut and massacres in gaza and the west bank will lead to even more violence. And finally, become leaving between civilians between people no longer just between you know, military. This admitted to you that were talking here on the logical signature, but more fear about people to people getting engaged in the streets of the west bank and gaza. Mom and country. Just a whole lot of calls for a little a just a few seconds cuz hes on the call. So if its a garza, ill speak to you on the outside. Hes bring you some breaking news coming out of the area. We believe the raise. You may have some news about on getting citing in several locations within israel. Yes, true of cassandra gates, the military wing of come us just issued a statement saying that at least 25. 00 locations now inside these really towns there are armed confrontations between the east release and the palestinian fighters in these areas. Now weve heard from up with some brigades before, earlier that they have full control of at least 3 is really, towns in the southern towns adjusted to the gauzy is really border. But the they said also that the fighters have kept infiltrating into israel. Now what we hear from the, the Brigade Commander is that at least 25 locations have been or are, are having are conducting armed confrontations. Now really, what is significant about this operation this time is not the amount of air strikes that were launched from gone. So at the beginning of the operation, but it is the land infiltration and the, the, the, the land inclusion that was made by depaula senior fighters towards israel, especially that uh, all the border is between gauze and israel, or under heavy security forces. And thats why this was an astonishing surprise. Not just to ease re lease, but event you post and youre living in gods stuff. Of course, you know, one of the biggest surprises that the of the last 10 to 12 hours has been how quick the infiltration into israel walls and how devastating it was when we, when this news began to break of the well of the whole day. The spokesman of the ascent brigade said earlier, as well, does this operation was planned ahead as it is going through every step that it was applied to. Until now he also said that the mess side attack at the beginning of the operation was an intensive cover for this uh, ground infiltration. Uh, the amount of course of, of the 5 through spell is to you. Fighter is the numbers that were able to in full trade, they were able to uh, from different parts or across the borders. Uh, in the north and far i seem to sell them for it. In the central parts. We spent infiltration with seeing the uh, security sense between gods and israel being uh, pushed out to the parts of it being broken, um and lots of a policy of fighters and even civility is of those areas infiltrating into these really towns. Now yes, weve also seen a dozens of these really captives being brought back to because the strip as a, as captive here and god. So now this was also the main reason according to him that the days according to saw the duty to a free and the highest number of palestinian prisoners in eas, railey prison. And you know, of course, the death toll continues to rise sadly in palace in the gauze and strip where these ladies continue to buff bother location. Thats true until now. No updates have come, but no clue for the sources are still saying that worst casualties are being brought from those new targets. Give now say that for i think also with the very latest. Uh, thank you and of course uh these are life pictures of gauze and the sky line. Pretty common the but, but the plains of smoke in it around the gaza strip. Has israel continues to bombard this all began at around about 630 g m t with 5000. Besides, according to the palestinian group, im us with motion to israel, that mass infiltration of its fights as into is really to have a tree. While we are now having as many as 25 locations across something. Israel, seeing flashes between us and is really fights us. We will have more on base to the ill just say a written news with several vonny aids straight after the break. Youre watching, ill just say era to stay with us the the vague, i mean, the Artificial Intelligence is altering the political landscape. How can we, as humans trust to you, the machines trust is, und not given as and defended from the comfortable power for i believe its important to build trust to transparency is communication between humans and machines. But do we know that youre not going to lie to us . No one can ever know that for sure. People in power investigates a democracy on ive just had a thought provoking ons, but the patient doesnt have time to wait for the next truly. Unfortunately, there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. Do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full . I think the democracy in the process facing realities. Do you see that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other . I think there is a huge piece of that to happen via the story on talk to how did you hear the latest news as it breaks, while presence of cases happened, report that in conflict zones, the unit says that those do not reflect the real number with detail coverage, you may wonder how all of these people dont get lost in the jungles. And the reason that they dont is that theyre told to follow these markers from around the world. If i go quiet, youd be able to hear nothing. There is absolutely no one whos left to the and i care about helping us engages with the rest of the world. Were really interested in taking you in to a place you might not visit otherwise. I feel as if you were there the so im 0 then. Yeah, its good to have you with us. This is the news, our life from doha. Coming up in the next 60 minutes. A massive and unprecedented operation launched by home. Us capturing dozens of is really soldiers and civilians come off says it has fired thousands of rockets into israel. At least a 100. As railways are dead according to media reports and hundreds more

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