Somebodys on to control the n 27 years later. Las vegas Police Charge a former gang lead the other i put 2 puncture the 2 explosions during religious gatherings and pocket stone. Theyve killed dozens of people injured. Many others. The 1st of last killed, at least 52 people. Then the mustang and the south western village, histone province in a separate explosion, at least 5 people had been killed as a musk in the city of hunger. The charlotte unexpected has more as if again, as a celebration, worship is in boxes, stone, covens, mocking the 1st day of the prophet. The explosion is too graphic to show hundreds of people who run in the world bodies. This a district was passing near to the router when blast happened. I dont know the reason as i became and conscious after the bloss i was scared to i so so many bodies lying here and their bodies were lying for it is 2 hours before as he say, a suicide bomb. A decent nice it himself in the middle of a crowd near a local mosque, dozens of injured people would rush to his. People with severe injuries have been admitted to you and god willing theyll be all right. I talked to an old on medicine so available, so with gods help, well manage everything shortly after the explosion and bulk system, another bombing was carried out at the most and they bring those weights in the high box total for the explosion. Close parts of the building to collapse, tripping thousands of people under rubble set up with pressure. Well, it must have been the suicide bomber blew himself up. Inside the mosque. The roof of the building came crashing down. Rescue if its continue and they are no more dead bodies inside a tech. So and civilians in pakistan has increased since 2022 bits after a ceasefire broke down between the government and the pakistani tell about no one has claimed responsibility for these latest attacks that have shocked people across the country. And what speed, which is 0 made receipt is a turn this to and also focusing on the dentist on pocket stone and central asia. He says that could be many motives behind the attacks. A certain things happening in the same time. And theres been another reason that this, that this group go to long term attack. Remember, elections are coming up in general elections. And for months time, the former Prime Minister and the luxury is, is to thing to come back to box on in the next few weeks. But thats going to create, obviously, very large political ways. And so the speculation as to what, what the ministry, what other politicians are going to do in the day of the but the, but the real threat at the moment just as long as the, against the, against david against bikes of civilians and the increasing the state of disarray and the government of the the time multiply and theyre not decreasing in any way at all. Uh, getting bloody and blood. Yeah, im just the major bottles. Thanks for the go. Fishy. Again, the directions are coming up the other time i dont know necessarily area isnt focused on the notes that hes trying to on 51000000 talk to 1000000 over 150 to leave the country and going back to a lot of stuff. And this is a major the key to the refugees that have to be outcome probably about government. And this is a to be a retaliation for, for the others moved by the government to try and get rid of the rest. Would you, a lot of nations is warning that the number of people fleeing at the car back could sit past 100000 Ethnic Armenians streaming out of the region more than a week off the as a by zone to control in a swift ministry offensive on any, it says about 2 thirds of the population left by john, the government is urging Ethnic Albanians to stay in nickel and the car back promising to reintegrate them and says, what does that mean . Just educational and cultural rights will be protected. But it didnt say how is that with the chief in practice . So then job, it reports 91 how the flow of all means out to nicole in the car back shows no sign of ending to what were you seeing more of the same the be being picked . The thing in the last few days, app launch in into sure. In the roads leading out of this enclave route tens of thousands of people continue to leave. As, as of right down, the government continues to tell them that they are welcome to stay back. Many people are choosing to go and to discuss what happens to this area or what happens for the future inhabitants of this area, but this is an advisor to the gym and, and ive been planning mr. Voss and well, thank you very much for your time. As these with me, with this thing, these people leaving in the 10s of thousands. What happens next . How is this region going to be integrated with the rest of other by time . Well, 1st of all, welcome to some of the use of those arent given. Of course, the most important challenge now is to make everyone living with regions, not the pinnacle during nationality. To understand those are what junk is committed to making this region a safe and safe and some place to leave. Nothing in front of my dentist but hold for all the nationalities and most people there minutes will also leave tier and the reason for some of the the, for a number of years. And it was never an attention for us to present a government for them to be. Of course, as we can see, all this area was a great zone. All the city see or were up to attempt to demolished. And they were in the rooms before the 44 days of war in 22nd 2020. And it is important to know that the great to to him state program is a me recreation reconstruction. And the developing of oldest suitors, including the infrastructure, including the 1 in the morning. And so for this region, well, depending on the religion on everything goes on the culture, the old religions and the cultures and disappears. Are the same as that with john. And that is why the most important concept for us as the projected government now is to make sure that people feel un seats, that they are living in a safe position. And they live in a safe place with all the infrastructure where you have all the Sustainable Development goals achieve. And this is one of the most important a charging points for the committee. This is states, therefore, the state committee will. Meanwhile, the United Nations is to send emission to going to car back. We havent had access there 2 bucks in about 30 years. So its important, its very important that we will be able to get in. We will going through a, into the air from us or by john. While they are, the team will seek to assess the situation on the ground and identify the humanitarian needs with both for both people remaining and the people that are on the move. Rachel denver as Deputy Director for europe and Central Asia Division that human rights watch. She says its important that process is put in place, so people can return to the later stage. The 1st you have the 9 months blockade plus the, the, the, the longer backdrop of the war in the going to kind of by the lack of confidence, the lack of security, the lack of trust. And the lack of International Monitoring for how reintegration would take place. So its, its certainly understandable why people were, are, you know, are so fearful. So when they get to armenia, i think the thing to focus many of them, the thing to focus on is what they, what they need, and certainly what their rights are. Many of them have armenian of vast majority, i believe, have armenian citizenship. But 2 things id like to underscore one is that there is a desperate need in armenia for International Assistance to help. Armenia absorb the large number of people who have sled, they need accommodations, they need food, they have a wide, a wide variety of needs. The 2nd thing to emphasize is that yes, people have fled um, at the same time they have a right to return. So its extremely important that the International Community and as a by john put processes in place so that the temporary does not become permanent. People are leaving now because they are afraid we should not exclude the possibility of them returning to their homes. They state because they have a right to return. There does need to be International Monitoring to, to ensure that no steps are taken that would preclude their right to return us president j buy them to staying in washington dc over the weekend to try and set possible federal government to shut down. Congress needs to agree on a new funding bill by the end of this month, if not all to thousands of federal employees will be sent home. Republicans and democrats often push budget negotiations to the brink. What kinda is in washington dc explains what the consequences of government shut down would be for ordinary americans. For the stock, 800000. 00 federal workers will be sent home without pay immediately. There are more than 2000000. 00 federal work as many of them will have to work without pay. Some of them will be sent home, as i said. And the military, for example, they expecting paychecks the middle of next month. Those paychecks will not be false coming. If this is not resolved, but on every single level, social spending and Child Welfare payments, there are so many elements to this set to impact on the lights of americans that it will have a mess of effect. I mean, they have been full shutdowns in recent times, but this is yet another one, many thought that this could be avoided, but clearly not the situation now is that the republicans in the house are saying that they will have another meeting at 4 oclock saturday afternoon but once again, its very difficult to see how they can get agreement or how they can get a bill passed by but nights saturday night, which is the time at which the whole thing clicks into action. The government is basically shut down federal work as a label around the country. Its going to have a massive impact on americans lives. Often, nearly 3 decades. A man has been charged for the 1996 shooting us rafa to pack chicago according to local media and the solve the tube arrested. Dwayne davis isnt the only thing known to investigate this has admitted that he was in the call involved in the drive by shooting chuck who was 25 when he was gone down in las vegas. Gabriel, that is on the explains the details of the case from new york for never able to crack this case or risk. Anyone for sure. Sure. Curse murder until now. A police in las vegas say that theyve arrested dwayne davis, arrested him early friday outside his home in las vegas suburb. After a grand jury came back with an indictment with one house, murder, for sure, cures death. Now in the indictment, the prosecutors say that davis, at the time of shakira, his death was inside the car where the shots were fired from. And that in their words, he was on the ground. And in their words, the on site commander and leader that calls the shots that lead to secures best. So clearly this case, at least from police perspective, has made a lot of progress here with this. And we say that there are actually 3 other suspects involved as well, but they have since passed. I no longer are living, investigate, we say, to say, reopened to this case. After davis himself wrote in a mentor a few years ago. It admitted that he was in the car where the shots were fired, the killed shakira. So police had him had davis on their radar for several years now. Clearly arrested in the course to fox shakira should be said one of the greatest rappers not only of his generation but of all times of fact Rolling Stone once named him one of the 100. 00 greatest artist of all time. He was wildly popular uh for many, many years and some of his albums have sold millions of copies since his death. The state of emergency has been declared in new york city and surrounding areas of to severe days, subways, streets and airports having power lines dumped a heavy overnight rain lashed big awful in some areas up to 15 centimeters of rain full was recorded. Best and southern advice to stay home until conditions improve and National Gall this has been pulled in to help coordinate a clean up to what sort of head on ill just say why we reports on why india and china are closely monitoring the president ial election. Animal dates the that was incoming spring, so temperatures tend to go down quite a bit frustrated that makes i laid 32 on so i say. And sidney 26 is on the way down. Is west in australia. 22 as quite a cool pass. Its not going not going to stay this way. We can see temperatures arise again, sydney not to reco while above the average at the same time, allies going down to 21. 00, so as to say ups and tax all the time in using it. And likewise would possibly withdraw the more wind attached to it. Weve got around to be benign, sunday, 18 degrees in christ. George rain coming into the western side. All satisfied and the still not much right in indonesia. Theres a bit more than that. I use it particularly in bony or but the heaviest right is again going to be up in mainland southeast asia, particularly meanwhile. And its going to be wet in hong shoot. What quite warm over that should be. And also here, but there is some more rain growing in this part of china, which might well at, along the yangtze. Not much of it, but its late season. Right. So the ford hong kong are isnt quite right. Thats on the high side. Theres a warning issued for potential heat, straight for people visiting or even living in hong kong. And heres the enhanced right. And maybe on its way to us hon. The monthly rate is finally going science, but it looks like a very where they used to come and go of the on counting the cost. Trouble in one of the china is biggest shadow. Big news, the showing these economy of risk rising fuel prices and a folding car and see anger in syria over the economic crisis, plus uranium prices at their highest level in more than 12 years. Counting the cost analysis, the or we dont simply focus on the politics of the conflict is the human suffering. Thats the report on pre brave bullet and bond, and we always include the views from all sides. The the good ill just here remind to about top stories now, so at least 52 people have been killed in a lost a to religious cancer in unit a stone, focused on a province of religious stone. Separately at least 5 people were killed in an explosion of musk, steve 100 additional one not to nations is warning the number of people fleeing the toner box, which set cost 100000. 00 as the comedian sauce streaming out to the region within the week comes as a bike shop, full swift ministry offensive medius as about 2 thirds of its population. Us present, joe biden is staying in washington dc over the weekend to try and if its a possible federal government shutdown. Congress needs to agree on a new funding bill by the end of this month. If not thousands of federal employees will be sent. Economic ties on migration on top of the agenda for visit between us and that mexican officials. The meeting is taking place in washington dc. Alright. Earlier this year in mexico became americas largest trading putnam for the influx of migrants from across the Central America into the us, from the mexican border. Its been a source of tension. So the secretary state onto big concerns both sides want to create the right incentives and business environments in the country. Its a more fish. Dianne feinstein, the longest southern female member of the us senate has died at the age of 90. As ease of her death became public, many in washington dc. Remember alone life Public Service possible and looks back. Ive got to Dianne Feinstein was fierce a Political Force with a long list of 1st diane, who was the longest serving one and then the Senate History headed career, marked by many 1st 1st one month to serve as mayor of San Francisco. First woman senator to represent california 1st woman to serve as the chair of the Senate Intelligence committee, sure the story trigger, a trailblazer for women and a great friend. Fine son became mayor of San Francisco after the previous mare and another member of the government. Prominent gay rights activist harvey milk were assassinated. She felt for his pulse and found a bullet hole. This mare must scone and supervisor harvey. Milk had been shot. That trauma, she said, spurred are to fight for gun control. Spearheading the legislation in 1994 the band, many military style assault when it expired 10 years later. But after the sandy hook massacre took the lives of 20 small children and 6 adults and 2012, she tried again, but failed. As the powerful chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Feinstein was controversial supporting surveillance programs and targeted assassinations carried out by drones. But you later took on this c i a, it chronicles a stain on our history that must never be allowed to happen again. This is not what americans do. She pushed for an investigation into the torture of the ca, carried out against at least 119 people insisted that the torture didnt work and then fighting to make sure the world knew what they did. Her role later highlighted in the movie the report. I would like us to be more than the country that did the report. Id like us to be the country that made it public. And that is what i intend to see happen. As the flag of the capital was lowered to have staff, her colleagues came out to offer tribute to her constituents. You need to know. We depended on her, just as she did. And she was here every day to fight for you, no matter what she fights for women. She far for those who are victims of kind of violence, a mentor to many who will be remembered as a woman who made a difference over decades of work. A lesson precedent letting that food set and has instructed the former chief of staff of the wagner group to create the important 10 units for the board. Ukraine Department Says under check now works for the minister of defense. Video has been released showing who teen meeting him. The present hail shall shave as a possible you come on to for the best meet with office mutiny on that. You have any precaution in june. Discussion was killed in a plane he was traveling in from most coaches. Petersburg crashed in. So dont admitted resources have told out this area that the power of the 2 Rapid Support forces targeted Army Headquarters in the capital. How to weve all, terry, and turn. The army says it struck our assess positions just south of the city. Fighting between the 2 sides began in april, more than 1000000 people fled sedona for the 3300000, internally displaced within 400000. That mostly women and children have crushed into neighboring chad charges say one in 5 children. A mountain nourished, the difficult journey to deliver a is being made more challenging during the rainy season. As rhodes on washed away, tried in government estimates, the number of people crossing the border could reach at 600000 or the end of the year. Probably the address has more from audrey on chads board, which stood on to the latest statistics. Some of the United Nations High Commission to 4 residues indicate that the week proceeding september 15. More than 7000. 00 refugees from so done have crossed into eastern charge. Many of them from no doubt for which is swelling the number. See already there was more than 600000. 00 refugees from earlier conflicts and duffel who are currently in camps in charge. Now the latest number or the number of references, well, sort of cross the border in the last 4 or 5 months into eastern tried positivism for more than 200000. And when these continue to arrive, the numbers will increase the authorities here and try to estimate that by the end of this year, more than 600000 refugees from so done may have crossed into eastern chide. Now the biggest concern is not the swelling. Number of refugees age, the amount of paid available to them. We visited the main white house of the united issues World Food Program in jemina. And what we saw there was trucking, they dont have enough supplies that we lost them until the end of october of hes just told us that unless help arrives to refugees will stop. And the biggest concern or biggest worry, is that most of the features here in chad, especially in eastern, tried more than 400000 of them are not aware of the trouble that lies ahead. How many degrees . Ill just need to an upgrade on the charge suit on board in the Southern Africa nation of s. What seni votes counts and parliamentary elections has begun. Send off to absolute monarchy on the confidence with the pro democracy activist. Ive been calling for greater freedom see years. Many critics say the votes is a sham election. A number that has more from the Capital Investment a while hundreds of thousands of voters had been expect to the posting stations across is what teeny, pro democracy, active a sodium quanta stayed away. She belongs to the peoples United Democratic movements and Opposition Group that the government to create a terrorist organization. Context says its because of its criticism of is what teen is. Absolute monarchy probably i meant is meant to be it people is institution with they have voices must be head. And it is what they say that must take place against in anything i want our voting they for is use this because it doesnt give people in these rights. People have been voting for representatives of parliaments in the house, which serves in an advisory role to keep them swati to sowed. Hes ruled for 57 years and has the power to dissolve parliament and vito news. But the government says this is an opportunity for peoples voices to be heard. They need to go to representation, they need the services and they have to and make the lives. And they are when fed beta. And that is why they have to organize around the constituencies and to get the voices ahead and have a part in the uh, then theres not a policy through the out of the present it to you. We would love to make a distinction between the monarchy and the people and that the people in the office, what do you need it to have a say . These elections follow months . Non protests of 20212022, quoting for democratic reform and africa rama to survey. So just 59 percent of the population once Political Party is legalized so that they can have a say in the government. Less than a 3rd of eligible voters turned out at the previous election in 2018. But the 1st time both of them i, youve been with them in 90, says its an opportunity for change. I think it is important for young people to vote because they tend to express themselves from what do you want the nation to do for them as the young people such as. Busy uh, maybe as close as the kind of for okay, homes maybe infrastructure. People are choosing 59 m p s with a further 10 points is either king. Its likely results will be announced over the weekend. But many say we have a window seats and phone number is not likely to change much given that previous members who voice defense or suggested reform, which is somebody the ultra 0 bodies. What do you mean . Sundays president ial election in the movies is expected to be close. President abraham, a 100 sold a is ground to make up though having finished behind his main challenge. I havent read in the 1st round the voting penny chain reports from the capital mother. Fishing boats offload the cat to gillis in tuna outside. Mollys central monkey, but its not just the rising price of fish that scope peoples attention over the past 2 weeks. The president ial elections look as if they going down to the one. Despite the solar they cannot make performance. Theyre all concerns. The Current Administration hasnt lived up to expectations. This new government came into power with play does to hold people accountable demo commissions that were made specifically to look into human rights abuses. Did some disappearance as for example, but that really hasnt been an outcome. What they have managed to do is keep major Infrastructure Projects like this on track land reclaim from the see the housing and industrial use. Those candidates pledge to keep these projects good. The current president using money borrowed from india, the challenger tending back to china. Some fear that could lead the multi cold in a game of geo politics. As the president sola has been going back to basics on the election trip, became 7 points behind his main rival in the 1st round of the boat and has a loss of ground to make up for that. And so the, just the whole, the on the go, a lot of work to opinion polls really need to decide this will be that the is dont miss pools alone line of votes as q up for this self. The, with the president , no one tend to weigh, knows when it reboots counts across town, the opposition candidates hosting a live q and a hes already well established as the mayor of the capital molly. And he thinks hes ready for the next step. Well, i think the ive, ive been to many islands ive, ive had a lot of interaction with the people. Ive seen how the people, you know, that ive seen that we use on how they want this country to go forward. So i think im better and youre the man for the job. He does have history on his side. New president s and the motives, recent history is managed to secure reelection. Tony chung out as 0 money for support. Now the new zealand old acts have crushed. Its leading onto 617. 00 that the rugby world cup. Having lost the opening game to from someone who is a fully fine one. But the old black school is 14 tries total, and in fact, take me the, this is all just here. These are the top stories, at least to 52 people have been killed in the plow start to religious gathering in must on the pockets. Tony proven so, which is done separately. At least 5 people were killed in the explosion at the mosque in the city of hungry, near shotwell, not in a

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