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Setting foot on us soil for the 1st time. Humans who sees blamed the sound of the lead coalition from finalizing a truce hours opposite by ryan accused of killing 2 of its soldiers. In a drone attack, the explosion at a fuel depot has killed at least 20 people in india and hundreds and theyre going to cut back. The blast happened on monday is thousands of if an account, medians flea, the region, following a military operation by us or by john last week. Really 300 people have been injured, thousands of said to be in critical condition. The cause is unknown. Meanwhile, or the 13500 refugees have crossed into media from the going to cut back your advances. Its preparing to take in tens of thousands more in the media and capital. Prime minister, nicole passion you on this for as a growing pressure to resign. Since agreeing 65 deal, thousands of protesters say he didnt do enough to protect if an account medians in the going to cut about some of the been jeff had sent us this report from the election Border Crossing in azerbaijan. Children in the labs, a plastic bag for the belongings, entire families setting out for our meetings. These Ethnic Armenians have decided to leave the car by region. But each person would they take the different some even left with only 3 function. Well others pack their bags on finding a good most women had nothing to say many in the old age. What do . Distraught having to move fighters here are putting down the weapons as part of the recent c spy. And with other by john, despite repeated assurances from the other bridge on government, i think, i mean, you have left in the thousands of very guessing the young People Living and cut about the recent of citizens of us. That would be something regardless of the city of their security will be assured by the state. Theyre the same. Yes. Everyone knows why we are leaving this band says, i dont know where we are going. This driver told us what some are hopeful about their return. Im just visiting my family, ill come back, he says its not just fun. Can do your step on the coast where people are leaving from there also leaving from other towns and villages such as, fortunately in the caught about region. Although thousands of people have left. But tens of thousands still remain in a place they call home joining space between other by johnny than armenians of russian peacekeepers. But theyre not the only foreign power involved. The groundbreaking set of many, the other by johnny index president s lead to foundations doing what across the board, a gas pipeline which ones run from 2 key to either by john. It is one of the strongest mimicry pot. This was upset as i was there by john, or the sooner i wholeheartedly congratulate the victorious as there be joined the army for both its historical success and its for military now to towards civilians john and his gun. Otherwise i knew for sure and saving armenians took over their lines in the 19 ninetys, it was a black box, but they are offering amnesty and safety to ethnic. Armenians accused to stay, and after decades of violence and mistrust, thousands of people are not willing to take that chance. Its all of them and drive it down to 0, lots and Border Crossing azerbaijan. For somebody, its close to nickel or cut back and joins us live. And as we mentioned earlier, already more than 15000 people have left as we saw. And you will story as well. But just how much pressure is there at the legend crossing from people trying to get out into the city stream of people who have been coming in. Weve seen from a distance, miles and miles of cues of people lining up to leave their 1st being screened at a distance from the crossing. And then these cars are being allowed, registered one more time, and then they move on to armenia. So it is being in the last 40 to, i was thousands of people crossing every hour and its a, its a constant process and you see there the people are leaving with whatever they can put their hands on in whatever vehicle they can find. But they want to go out despite all of the insurances that have been given by the other by johnny government. Many people are opting to go to our media and weve been hearing from the other side of the board to fit arrangements be made. But they, many of them say that they dont know what the future holds for them, but they feel it would be safer for them to move on. Right in to speaking about the, the fire at the fuel depot. Do we have any idea or if this was deliberate or do we have any more details at this stage of the types of deals you can imagine. So people are fueling up there cause it as much fuel as the can get and then moving out. So their fuel zip was about if you couldnt, because of it from the city of stefan occurred or fund can be and its known in other right tron. Thats where the fire took place, where hundreds of people had got the 23 fuel and dick fuel for the generated for the cause, etc. Still not knowing what caused the fire, but what we know is at least 20 people that hundreds and hundreds of them have been wounded. There is a obviously of, of a strain on the hospital is already in one can be because of the blockade and how theyve been coping. They were sent to the Central Hospital and that a hospital is nearby. But as a by that need government sources of sending us that when they offered to help in taking the wounded people, did not come in to woods them. And now they are hearing that they have the right down. The government is going to open the air space for a medi back helicopter to come in from media to take away some of the critically wounded and being in much needed supplies has been rushing peacekeepers are there, some of the wounded would take them to their hospitals, so it is a tragedy on top of a tragedy. Read this fire to face. And as, as you can imagine, that theres been a constant strain on all of the services in con, can be because of the blockade of the road, a much needed fuel medicines and cetera has applied. It has arrived with the i see i see another, but the situation remains bad for, for people as many ethnic. I mean say that they feel like theyre living in the refugee camp. But on the, as a bus on the side, theyve been explaining to us that theyre not allowing us. And because there is a lot of weaponry that is still present in con, can be the, the armin process is undervalued, rushing peacekeepers and the other by 20 minutes. Yeah, theyre and theyre going to ensure that whoever wants to leave can leave and then the people who are left behind start their lives as, as by john, the citizens. Thank you so much for that update. That is, some of the binge of id a close to nicole or cadillac as the 12th in use and thousands of Asylum Seekers continue to arrive on the southern border of the united states. Officials signed the influx into the town of equal pos and texas appears to have no end. As how did your castro report set search for the button to administer . I shouldnt under intense pressure as a woman stretches after a sleepless night tucked between razor wire and the waters of the rio grandes. She is 26 year old already on a square, la nielsen, long walker from caracas, venezuela, who travelled for 2 months and waited across the river from mexico to reach the us side. With her daughter gesturing to communicate over the noise of patrol boats. She says her 3 year old daughter was stung by a wasp on the ice, and she passed the night pressed to her mothers chest. Most of the hundreds of people who started crossing over a period of a few hours, se political persecution and violence drove them from their homes in south and central america. After harrowing journeys through panama, as jungle and territories controlled by criminal gains, theyre stuck on this American River bank. Exhausted and thirsty, they begged Us Border Patrol boat for help. One eventually agrees and a few women and children are allowed to board. The square law and her daughter are among a man, pulls his pregnant wife in pink toward another boat, but theyre told no they can not bored. As the sun climes higher, the people so tired of waiting, a few climb over the wireless fence and others fall low, including the pregnant woman and were happy because we achieve their goal. She says shes due to give birth this week, whether her husband and brother in law will still be with her then is unknown. Their state will now be decided by the us government. As more people stream over the razor wire, the moment is emotional for many families and race. Anyway, friends celebrate. Some are unable to walk on their own. Others collapse. Us Border Patrol agents call for medical aid. The been instructed to help when lives maybe in danger. Every time weve seen federal Border Patrol agents cut through this wire to allow a few people to pass almost immediately, state agents come back and put up more razor wire. This is indicative of the political battle between washington and the republican controlled border states with migrants caught in the middle. Many people have lost their shoes, so their 1st steps on american soil are with their feet. Republican members of congress who visited on monday, said they saw an invasion. This is a National Security crosses for our country. We have no terrorist cross in our border. The migrants will have a difficult time proving they are not Security Risk and that they qualify for asylum. The majority of cases fail and people are deported. But that is tomorrows worry. They say today theyve arrived heidi joe castro out a 0 equal pass texas by and has accused humans who sees if killing 2 of its soldiers in a drone striking they have the saudi buddha bought on is part of the saudi lead coalition that has full tennessee since 2015, saudi arabia is cooling mondays, incidents of convocation, and is threatening to respond with the Spokesman Says the sounding of coalition has killed several given the soldiers in the past month. And calls the violations regrettable. Last week, saturday and who the officials held around the talks and re add on a potential agreement into the conflict in human savvy arrive via said some progress was made during the meetings, but gave no further details as well. Just as how small about it and see if a more context on the story and just how significant is this attack. And if the who these indeed behind it, what message do you think that theyre trying to send to you . So the health is do control the entire areas bouldering sound, you ravia from the north side, that is the focal point on the trunk. Ahold of the health, this is the northern part of the event sales. They have not issued any statement on this particular incident. Of theres no claim of responsibility from the hosting is its a set back. Its a major step back, but particularly against the backdrop of what youve been talking about, which is basically the tool from between is a here with these of the saudis, about a permanent political sent you some, you said that would put an end to the fighting between the 2 divisions within the the who is this doesnt particularly well for a settlement to any conflicts, doesnt i personally i was that in mid july i dont think that is a Division Within the establishment itself is a very well organized me to tell really and politically institution, they do have an opposite of say, and they do have a leader who has massive control over the Ministry Establishment and the Political Institutions of the country. What kind of impact we have on the future if the solve you decide to retaliate moshing a tax, i guess the hers is it will lead to an unprecedented wave and cycle of confrontation between societies and the other things in a level that we havent seen before. You have like they do, you think that that could happen to compress what, how much of a set amount of saudi arabia insisted who wants to move forward when it comes to the deed with the, with, with, with this, with the, with the health these and i do understand for my own sources, that they are so close to finding not finalizing the day of the hope. The student says they want the saudis to come and save them to pay wages of the public service. And also they to open to reopen the force which are under the control of the hoses of the airport. Also not also they say we want a timeframe for the, for the troops to withdraw from. Yeah, many, including the southern part of the, of you havent, which is not controlled by the host these, but which is also controlled by different regional forces. The saudis analogy is, i mean, even spending over a year since the cx, 5 negotiations began. I mean, even before this attack, why did i store what was the Sticking Point . There was a moment we saw that radius at the moment when we finalize the deal, we were trying to mediate a political supplements between all the different factions. Let me just give an idea to our view of what is happening in the event, and theres not one entity in the there is a north controlled by the her face. There is a soft controlled by the secessionist or want to restore moxie splint in this state that existed before 1994. When they both, youd like to north and 1990 when both laws of south united, different sources operating on the ground. Saudis have used leverage over the its enough to recognize government that will just have a huge leverage over the succession. This is the so there are things i was saying, no, we signed a deal. You have to put out from the country by the way. Today we mark 6 to one of us since ministers sources last cooling the moving parts of the country, i guess the bomb, which was one of the oldest dynasties in, in the impact of a young. And it just gives you an idea about how this country has been always and divided and struggling to a comfortable forward. Thank you so much. We really do appreciate you coming in and pricing it all down for us. Its of just bear with us about 5. I think you well, there is plenty ahead on al jazeera, including im john 100 in illinois, were farmers are using Artificial Intelligence to create the farms of the future. The the, you know, for most of europe, the weather is lovely, all the way from spain to the Baltic States is obviously kind of coming in here. And this area is not quite so lovely and done in greece and stuff. And they slowly move away from this tool. So in between the 2 temperatures are in the twentys. Typically, i think that might end up in the fiftys in spain fairly soon. And the wind is finding the item in prague or more sort of unit or few degrees above average in blazing sunshine. That is good to to involve a stormy inhibitor, charles, im particularly the harlot. And once again in the next 24 hours or so on, the storm to keep going around grease and southern its lee, i suspect. So one day ahead wednesday that really is winding up. Thats a gale force winds. This is october weather coming through in september. No winds dialing happens, for example though were needing creed, but theyre all slow moving, lumbering sun to stones. But lets take some deputy briefly. Attempt is not print to worry about because its quite well man, but the matter of writing could be substantial wednesday then it blows through and says, day, everybodys 18 degrees and the sunshine come friday night for most of north africa and particularly west africa. The radian types of sizes are a few areas where its quite heavy around the gulf of guinea and not jerry, but otherwise, a drawing a picture then of late to show to the teams, to date the mind like the minerals needed for Green Energy Transition in the 1st of 2 special reports, 1. 00 oh, 1. 00 east investigates what it means for the pacific ocean. On al jazeera of the the, youre watching, youll just hear a reminder of our top stories, the ssl about and has the cues. Humans who thinks of killing 2 of its sonya is near the saudi florida, who the Spokesman Says 65 violations are regrettable and blames the saudi lives coalition for killing several given the soldiers in the past month. More than 15500 refugees of trust into a medium from the corner cupboard box up to us by john launched a military operation in the region last week. There, hans is its preparing to take in tens of thousands more thousands continued to play up. Last at the fuel station in the corner of the box is killed at least 20 people, an injured hundreds more the cause is unknown. The African Union says it will proceed with its troop withdrawal from somalia as scheduled last week. Morgans issue requested a 90 day pause through the Un Security Council on the pullout of forces. Officials made the request off to an increase and attacks by the groups, 3000 members of the African Union transition in somalia. I should go to leave by the end of september. Lets speak to know can we have some more on this who is in nairobi and welcome. Can you explain for us one of the symbolic ive been asked for a 90 day pause and whats going to come next was about a year ago. And this, some of the federal government loans operations against the great house involved with the us train special forces. Every train train sold is uh it was a fighting alongside accent villages by the federal government. And those operations seem to have had success, or at least relative success compared to the previous 15 years of operations by troops provided by other african countries under the finance of an African Union at and United Nations authorized force. Now that force depended on support on funding from the us and the European Union, both of whom in recent years would pay to have had some fun. The tide of this Never Ending Game of cat and mouse moves full since day was supporting held a green zone in the capital. More of the dc, the centers of some of the cities for the officer. Bob have controlled the countryside and run effectively. A nationwide must be expecting as last sums of revenue. Somebody government offense has had more success. And so the us is we focused its results is towards training somali. So just European Union says that its running out of budgets as opposed to support the Foreign Forces anymore. Now this amount of government says, just in recent weeks, its suffered since that box. And several times its for us is about to retreat from allergy problems, taking them back. For that reason, its us for the African Union troops to stay so 9 see more days now this seems to be some tension here. But let me speak to the African Union support to bear in mind that this is an organization without a lot of political leverage itself and without any significant budgets. Key pads in question of the true contribution countries. Us weve gotten to a 10. Yeah. Yeah. I to bt and the run the know, the assets in union is refused. Somalia is request to extend these 3000. 00 treats for another 90 days. So from what we know now according to what we ask. So if you need any in his set, those trips will, would withdrawal at the end of this month. Okay, thanks so much. That is no can with for us. And i rode the, as 16 officials have been arrested as part of libyas investigation into how 2 dams bears causing funding, which kill thousands to be as prosecutor general says, the officials with car legal previously in offices responsible for then management and suspected of negligence. Light continues to arrive and the libyan city of data in the midst of political rivalry between the countries. 2 administrations, well thursdays in the east, the organizing and international done a conference for october to help rebuild the city. But as the tripoli, vice government, thats internationally recognized, and thats causing doubts about just how successful the conference will be. I mean, how she reports from triple a. I know a is on its way to dana willing to us from this school and particularly Office Building and all the convoy of the leave supplies to the flood that is stated eastern city libyans are helping with you. And basically, i mean, imagine if it was the opposite way around and faithfully had the floods. Im sure that my husband doesnt know what the hell. I mean, i think everybodys helping us. Its not just us. Part of this cold way has been funded by donations from libyan and g. O is abroad. They plan to send more aid. In the coming days, many libyans showed the high sense of responsibility when it came to providing the fellow citizens with has and this time of need. The only heard those that remains is the challenge that comes from having to live on administrations governing and divide the country with death and destruction everywhere in den, about those being forth between the 2 governments as to who will handle the rebuilding process, the administration, the east house calls for an International Donor conference on october 10th. But its not clear how successful it will be, since its the government and tripoli thats recognized by the international community. The conference is happening in such a short space of time, which would make it, as i said, difficult to have, lets say the right International Actors at the table for this, the alternatives in the east understand that. But i think given that a situation in that, in the end, the green mount in areas, they feel compelled the need to act quickly while there is no key, a estimation for the amount needed to rebuild dana leave yet doesnt seem to have an issue with puns. The main challenge is communication called the nation, the institution and coordination and defend to live in that, in the mid management. And so these are, this is how we can really deliberate about the political, up and down. And i think government is, especially when its minister to liberty, its a political matter and we dont have the communication and thats the end in there. Now there is still a great need for humanitarian assistance and recovery efforts. With more than 70 percent of the fort city reduced to rubble and 40000 of its people displaced the policy code. Paula struggle threatened to shut to the nations already fraudulent state on the actual measure theater to police. A course in thailand has jailed active as the lawyer and on pa, for 4 years off. The cooper boiled reform during protest. 3 years ago. Tyler was protects the king and his close family from criticism and on this lawyer said he would appeal in the u. K. More than 100. 00 metropolitan Police Officers refusing to carry guns isnt protest against a fellow officer being charged with murder for the shooting of an on the black man. In 2022. The man to police chief has welcomed and investigation into policing for the mock supports from london. As long as that supposedly fullest, acknowledge the thousands of armed offices surrendered the firearms. This we can just days off the state. Prosecute as announced murder charges against another. Subbing officer. Those charges sent from an incident in south london last september in which a 24 year old on black mine was soft in the head inside the station. We vehicle by an on policeman. The death of that young man, chris called, but provided significant public turned up to take him on griffins black community. And his family last week reiterated the demand for justice. But in london is about 12 and faithfuls with some 2600. 00 officers all permitted to carry weapons around 1. 10 of the total force. The cases also provide significant disquiet, symmetrical and face instead of a Police Forces around england have been supplying officers to health and backfill be open spots. Its was nice thing though that over the past year with roughly 18000 Police Responses involving weapons shots for 5 on just 10 occasions. Critics low points out but over the past 3 decades and roughly 1800. 00 steps that have involved coincides with police. The has been just one successful prosecution for mans volta no, not of the interior minister of the you k has announced a review of them facing them ox, august, era, london. At least 6 people have died in guatemala, up the heavy rains triggered land slides, a ribbon in the capital bist its banks. On sunday, sweeping away several homes rescue is searching for at least 15 others, including children. Since may, more than 10000 people have lost their homes due to the rainy season. Scientist testing the use of intelligent bombing robots to help address the worlds growing food process. The idea is to make agriculture more efficient from small hold of funds to large commercial estates. John hendrick has a story from champagne, illinois on the midwestern prairies of illinois. Unseen many high autumn corn come the farmers of the future. A march of machines, ag bots and prairie parlance rolls its way through leafy crop rose performing much of what farm hands do. And more scientist at the university of illinois and several other institutions are testing Artificial Intelligence technologies that are already being evaluated on farms world wide. Its a win win for everybody, right . A farmer makes more money, the soil and the environment is better off. For a 2nd string, more carbon ready whenever we can, and the consumer gets heavier, more organic climate smartphone. A small army of robots targets dry soil spots weeds and pest invest agents. Avoiding indiscriminate pesticide and are beside use that leads to resistant winds and bucks and they measure which seeds fair better. Between seasons, farmers often lack the time and labor to plant cover crops that enrich the soil and protect against run off into the water supply. But farm bots plan off season crops between corn and soybean rose before theyre even harvested and robotic dogs walk where wheels can get tangled. Robots are very the eye candy and so they tend to get most of the attention. Robots are just a fraction of all the things that we do to install these at a depth of fit. They are buried sensors that record soil health and crop hydration. Livestock drawings, monitor cattle, health wait and single out pregnant couch. Artificial intelligence is designed to make farming more productive, more environmentally sustainable, using better data. And not so much to replace human labor is to make it more effective. As this 28 year old farmers, as new technologies can help with a growing field, labor shortage and of crushing schedule planting occurs at the same time. Spring harvest is all really at the same time. So we really do get into labor crunch for, for very short, but intense periods throughout the year. So things like automation are definitely a solution with limited Agricultural Land and a growing global food crisis. Researchers say the rise of robots and increasing automation seems inevitable. John henry and al jazeera champagne, illinois, the, the ssl is here, these are the top stores the so button has accuse humans

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