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Jail to weeks of tension with the ministry genta us as a keys, if failing to compensate rockies detained, im tortured at abu ghraib and all the presents that control the thousands of refugees from the go on a car box across the board and entered on menia. They all mean government says its preparing to take in tens of thousands more. Who may seem to go on a cadillac as a by john has tightened its grip on the region of last weeks face. Fine with ethnic on medium sizes. Lots in cordele between the 2 countries opened earlier this week to allow an aid and safe passage for those who wanted to leave as adviser on territory. As im a binge of a report from the election board crossing, theres been a city circle of people leaving the kind of a region. They say that it is no longer fit safe for them to stay here. And they have to go and theyve been packing whatever they could on top of they causing their boots and which ever vehicle they could use if youve been seeing dumpster trucks coming in heavy of c cosby c. Lauries, weve seen everything that they could possibly use to pack whatever they can. And obviously it is not just the either by johnny to instead of there as well as the thing i mean is it is all being insured by russian peacekeepers. As you can see in the trucks, in the distance that they are also being patrolling this area. Thats the showing their presence in both sides of this Border Crossing and telling people that they are okay to go. The have to write down the government on that spot has been telling people that they should stay if they want to, but it is up to them, but they want to stay or leave. Many people feel that because of the 3 decades of animosity between these 2 sides, it is going to be difficult for them to stand and not believing the guarantees that are being given to them. As you saw these cause have been checked, their names registered mail, passengers who are not the drivers are off to get off the cause they disembarked. They go through this process thing beyond not crossing is armenia. Thats where people are heading into knots where theyre trying to find refuge. Weve spoken to some of them whos feeling that it is not going to be easy sending the side that they have to leave everything behind. But the feel that there is no other option for them, but to leave the newborn no car boss, the region. The 16 officials have been arrested as part of the investigation in libya into the slot dissolves, to which kills thousands of to 2 dimes broke clean operations. All still continuing off to hundreds of parties will stop on the show as the days off to the devastation. Thoughts and International Conference is planned for next months to a reconstruction efforts. Are they have some has moved into a place of the prosecutor general of libya has all the rest of civil current and former libyan officials as part of his investigation to the disaster that 2000 so that in the city of done according to the prosecute, the generosity a sort of several officials, including the head of the donald, i mean the municipality, and the form that i caught in administer as of what the resources are risk funds are responsible for negligence and mismanagement. That led to this disaster of the report that was issued by the office of the prosecutor general stated that there would order the cracks in the gun since 1998 on uh, following several Investigations Unit got time. Uh, there were uh, Circus Companies that were giving contracts to maintain the dams and the old. And he started doing guy bought, following that evolution in 2011 everything freeze. And there was a budget thats was located on h. Yeah. For these dams to be maintained yet, no one really dealt with that situation over here. Does a very big question over quote option whether, what was all the negligence or there was cut option in this on this side. So as we saw in the past couple of weeks, people in demo went through the streets and protested, uncalled for accountability to prosecute the general right now with his orders to detain these officials by be responding to these drug test center. These uh, calls for accountability. Yes. Its a, its, its going to be a long process to receive whether these officials are going to pay for that negligence on mismanagement. Id actually measure as you know, typically the problem is, is withdrawing in some bass. The tune is yet um, ending old defense cooperation of to weeks of tension with the mother she june to president and my new my call says withdrawal of troops will be completed by the end of the year. And she has military which sees piling, a coo and july, has welcome to move cooling at a step to vip to ed sovereignty out, as there is for due at the rest dock has moved from the auto rise at a southern c. A minor way to cut off a decision by frank president and manuel mack from to pull out his troops and box it up from the jet, was met by huge relief instead of gratian among the supporters of these as military unit. That this has been quite visible in the capital in the army and across the country. People here see this decision is a positive step by the french government to the demands they have, like, even before the crew of july 26. I spoke to many citizens who said they now believe the government is on this side, which was the number one demand by protest. As of the time president mohammed presume was asked to find out you. Now people believe the internet has had the demands of not only the masses, but also organizations and agencies in the country, the military leaders and welcome to backgrounds decision as the fruit of new jazz people struggling coating on the citizens to continue in that quest until total independence and sovereignty are a store. Nicholas normand is a former french and boss, the tamale on booking it fast. So he says the curly is capitalized on the anti french sentiments in the country. You dont need to go to control dishes, which was did she mental to french interest, the french of interest . Im up as it was, say your good false. I mean the, or the provider. So you have, im you, its not even migration. We, with the french, we need to read the chair, just to cease to do these things in the army, to combat theories, subject these groups. And for the leaders, the mean, the best to read the mean a need is not to raise root is not as a jet, this is false. The said the, that they said up to the do we have stripes comes from falls from the result of the new code. And youll find where and the about the chip is the says the many created by for us to process the domain of this series. So gentile, the community does happy to nice and z, m g french sense event, which is real, which is so fuel by a russian propaganda in the jet. But it is v as in the villas. And so i dont mind about the Security Issues of the account treaty because to cope this situation is a need for him. The assistance of up to the is i say we, we do each bios also right wing is running nationalize, have made incursion into the alex that compound, you know, keep on east jerusalem. A carried out provocative tours in the courtyard at the most kind in front of the dime, referral to monk, a jewish holiday, and were protected by is ready soldiers who were deployed in launch numbers as early falls. This setup made it to check points in the old city and stopped palestinians from entering the most a large numbers of migrants all continuing to cross into the United States from mexico 99000. Arrived on saturday, the may have passed, so it says the buddha city is out a breaking point while another city eagle pass has declared a state of emergency. Margaret numbers have dropped in recent months, but this rise has generated a new wave of political attacks on president ial bided. Hottie. Joe castro reports from eagle pulse of this family with a toddler and an infant is branded on a small island in the middle of the rio grande river. Mexico is behind them. The United States is a head, but theres a problem. The water head gets deeper into children recently drowned. Here the family is frightened. They turn around back at the island. The toddler plays as the father considers his options. The arrival of more migrants emboldens him. There may be safety in numbers, more hands to catch small ones. If theyre swept away and altogether, they cross wife with children. Through this i ask for their futures. The answer, this is the scene on repeat in ego passed texas the town experiencing a surge of unauthorized Border Crossings numbering up to the thousands daily. The Us Border Patrol boats because the water mostly observing the crossings only intervening when someones life may be at risk. This family has a disabled child who is struggling, a Border Patrol boat takes them to safety. Everyone else confront the next barrier layers and layers of razor wire put here by the state of texas. Washington has sued the state to remove the sensing due to humanitarian concerns. The Border Patrol is actually cutting through this wire because as, as you see there are asylum seekers, families there who are baking underneath the sun and trying desperately begging to be allowed the rest of the way up there already standing on us soil. They have a legitimate right to claim asylum here in this country. Defense is meant to be a deterrent to force beside one seekers to turn around even now. But they dont. These men say theyre from venezuela, fleeing political violence, and economy in shambles. We are so tired, but our goal was to reach the United States because this is the land of opportunity. Whats behind them can only be worse than what theyre facing and what theyre facing is, you know, 5 rows of concerts here. Wire piled higher than their heads and you know, the arm guardsman with weapons coming under the many of these tired faces were smiles. This was a good day to have reached us soil. Thus, despite the difficult asylum process ahead with little chances of success, this woman tells her daughter to say shes a warrior. I am the girl answers dro castro alj a 0 equal pass, texas baton east coast gone has put up floating barriers around the dispute and scarborough show in the South China Sea to prevent entry to filipino fishermen. And it looks, as its case gone to witness the chinese installing them and has vowed to remove the virus. Scarborough shaw was the size of a standoff between the 2 countries in 2012. Since and beijing has maintained a constant presence on below reports from manila. As a filipino fishing boat attempts to enter the disputed scarborough shoals means the good, but the chinese coast guard deploys rubber boats and chasing away filipina fishermen say this has been the situation in this part of the South China Sea for years younger one time and the rubber boat came and got our own course and even if they can get past the chinese coast guard, there was another obstacle. Chinese have put up a floating barrier, which the Philippine Coast guard says could endanger the lives of those who might try to break it. Youre going to insist in, if youre going to insist in proceeding to the show, your propeller could get stuck in the neck thats underneath the floating barrier. The scar bushel is about 120 nautical miles or 222 kilometers from the philippines. Western province of some bodies, its distance from china, 900 kilometers. It was also the site of a stand off between manila engaging in 2012 after the Philippine Navy arrested chinese fishermen, us broker the view and the Philippine Navy pulled out. But chinese vessels never left the resource which the good experts say rising tensions could push china to do more than just blocking off entry institutional a scuffle show is that one last piece that is left for reclaiming and to build a new outpost before paging could. So have, you know, accomplish a more comprehensive coverage of the real manila is also considering sewing beaching again, this time over what it says are destructive practices that have led to the death of core weeks. I think that the chinese coast guards are doing this precisely to prevent our fishermen from seeing what theyre doing inside the show, which is all of these destructive fish. And they repeat what china says. The accusations are fiction and reiterated instead its demand for the philippines to tollway. Its old worship. On the 2nd, tell him a show that it says is discharging polluted water barnett below, ill do 0. Many la. Still, as on al jazeera, Hollywood Royce has reached a tentative agreement with the bank studios in the months. Song strikes for still no, dear factors from the stage to the streets. We look at how awesome team of storing and station is bringing the captain down on many office, the in depth analysis of the days headlines, 1000000000 euros to help to address migration. Is it gonna ease the micro crisis to make it worse . Informed opinions. We need more investors and more people that make key decisions to embrace human footfall frank assessments. This balance between to toe and sound reassuring is potentially important for the volume. Missing destruction inside stored on al jazeera, october on algae 0, trying to host the asian games with athletes from across the region competing and celebrating sports. Rigorous debate, unflinching questions upfront. Come through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom. U. K. Prime minister. Assume that its expected to address these 1st party conferences, leader with a general election looming and a wave of strikes being housed. The girl cost premier of a new series, exploring the implications of us and to avoid talking to the 1st amendment. Right. Which is in liberia heck, to the popes kind of incumbent president george way overcome corruption allegations and keep the temp job up. Tell you back on 20, the the, the, the watching out there in mind the thoughts of the stories this sounds. I mean, it says its making provisions for tens of thousands of people who may flee nickel and i kind of by comes to the latest sci fi, several 1000 as the comedians have crossed over so far from the enclaves in azerbaijan. 16 officials have been arrested as part of the investigation in libya into the slumped is also which kills thousands of to, to dams, pro clean operations. Continuing. Also hundreds of bodies for stock shows from says it will end its military presence in the shaft by the end of the yeah, it will, well say we stored some box the option to nice to and protest against its presence that rights group say that wrong key detainees held at the infamous us wrong upgrade prison and all the facilities are still waiting to get justice has been move in 20 years since the Us Led Coalition invaded iraq. Human rights watch accuses washington a failing to provide compensation to a rocky through a tortured american forces. Around 800000 rockies were detained between 200312009. Many say they continue to suffer from the long term effects of torture. American gods were seen stimulating acts of sexual abuse on naked image cases of these things and prolong sleep. And sensory deprivation, or st documented, often international outcry, 11 us so which is where convicted of being involved in abuses at abu ghraib. Most americans Service Members who were accused of carrying out the acts of torture were reprimanded without being charged. I saw or assembled as a rock with such a human might swats. She tracked down a torch of survivor. This is tyler out naturally story detailing the physical and mental suffering. He struggles with to this day or would have done that and i have the model up to the up to your account. You took it out until sunday im i havent had it since i had one or. Yeah. And what are the sauce . I mean, how does this happen . But its on a montgomery, im not in the movie. Said come yeah. And is married and has it on what has is that would she in midway without the whole helena sea . Yeah. Now the 79 in documents and one, but the item with the scene actually found with us in southern the play and i know rocky boy see, i dont know how did that sound . Campbell chevy from nazi and besides him. So thats, you know, by the way stuff is and when the boss out there so i need to visit him and obviously what is the name . So when did i just now yeah. And just from the city from the city. Oh, that sounds, that sounds and a lot of making sure that its mental and physical health deteriorated intervals. Today. He started to self harm by biting his hands and arms. Got them all. I thought i said they sent out. I said they said it has been with us and it had it on why i thought im gonna do it a lot. But how yeah, and your next. Yeah. So im on the dentist. Yeah, no, no, its not a citizen. Im. Well im, i love this money as a sort of gone by me as a landline this. Yeah. And i had someone from the seattle issue, one of them had a call, the head of the, the origins, he does grappling with its highest installation race and nearly 3 decades. The west and economy is push millions its pulpits, including many office. Were now struggling to make a living teresa by reports from the streets of the capital. One is aries, problem to let it go and comes to the splash. Same little side is to perform every sunday. The countrys diary Economic Crises has made it difficult for the we known 77 year old that tory, to find work elsewhere. We have never been like this. It is what generates sadness on how the country has impulsively shed us, or medical expansion is around a 100. 00 a month. And he relies on a to make a living. But i guarantee they struggling with a very high inflation. In august the rate was more than 12 percent, but this is a rich country, a country that can feed millions of people and still we have millions who go hungry. How could you explain that to check the full yeah, no, no. Argentine as economy is i going, i think this is the place so currency, and its worth 50 percent less than it was 6 months ago. Prices are storing, the government has increased pensions and cash 10000. 00. By for most people in this country, it is not enough. Argentina has a prominent film. Theater industry recently is a member of the argentine act was labor union. He says the industry has not been able to recover since theyve been democratic. Yes. How would i know . We havent been able to go back to the level of production we had before and so making ends and see it as this economic crisis doesnt help. Its difficult to open new markets and distribution chains. Theres many actors who struggle out the countries high inflation rate is the main issue in the next month. President ial election far right candidate have you had a really who has a real chance of becoming argentinas next president is promising to cut public spending and so dont arise the economy he has been competing with a chain. So as a way of showing how hes going to do it, we lease up against former security minister, but the sale will reach and ruling parent nice party economy, chief side of human whos calling for popular tax cuts for workers. And because of this, yeah, because i dont believe in masonic discourses like malays, i believe in democracy. I want a government thats controlled by congress and not by decree, whoever wins the presidency, will have to deal with difficult economic scenarios and the millions of origin times for doing everything they can to survive the sample. Ill just see that when a site is right is in hollywood studio, say they have reached a tentative deal that could save them and a strong compton nearly 5 months. Thousands of television and film rise just dont work back in may demanding the best of pay. Grace or rewards for success shows and protecting they work from on sufficient intelligence. Jonathan hondo is an entertainment attorney. Im journalist in los angeles. He has me on the agreement reached and you never get everything that you want or even that you deserve. Perhaps the ghost agent is not a shopping spree, are some of the details are felt bring out. Were hearing that, you know, a certain aspects of ai, Artificial Intelligence remain a sticking point. That was not quite agree to. They got some additional compensation called residuals. These are web, these, theyre paid to writers and also our pay taxes and directors. They wanted additional compensation for successful shows on streaming. Uh, they apparently got some additional compensation now whether that formula will be good enough for the actors when, when the negotiations pivot to them. Thats another question and we dont know. We just dont know the details yet, let alone how thatll, thatll land with them. So they, they got some increase in compensation. The actors, one is significantly higher increase than the writers were getting. So were not out of the woods yet. Uh, but it does seem like at least one down language wont be available. And the, in the details for, you know, a number of days and we didnt get any progress until the ceo is the chief executive officers of the 4 largest entertainment companies. Actually rolled up their sleeves appeared in person, appeared in the room and negotiated directly. That was no surprise, they should have done it a 150 days ago. And we wouldnt have had the stripe or either the strikes probably to come and calling the africa as a consequence. Ultimate pop culture and gaming festival is bought in johannesburg. Its west superhero and sy fi phones can get on the excitement of color into their lives. Harmon tests are reports, comic con africa is a place to see. You see the heroes, the media couches and a few villains. Some of the fans come dressed and elaborate questions and please yes. Like tanya 40. Its called stream is from a spanish folklore called lorna. And um, its a woman who wants small children as the wives tell that they tell. So thats no children walk away from their parents and theyd be too scared to see me if they did a local creative, known as the f for the community exhibiting here for the 1st time. Showcasing locally produced content by african red spots, which is the 1st african netflix. So really designed was about to come up and become an applicant actually getting an opportunity to tell the story within that rather than us is funds to be called japan from also here for the 1st time is will talk with town an area of focusing on emma may, miranda and Japanese Culture being so much them on whats happening to japanese, japanese language, japanese, everything. But essentially, over the years people kept asking for this. Yeah. They finally established that its the ultimate goal. Japan love is. This is the place to be the festival is a platform for both local and International Entertainment and pop culture, including some of the worlds biggest, from the world of film, gaming, comics, and collectibles. Theres a little bit of everything for everyone. You find comment, gaming and excited and passionate about as well. Organize and say this with jasmine. Will you be anyone who wants to be for some people become totally immersed in the competitive but fun world of gaming . I said, i was just taking the atmosphere, interacting with taxes, from the favorite movies, comic books and gains. Its a chance for many to escape the real world and into a room like geek a sheet. And that is the word. How do i toss it out . Is there janice ment. Okay, thats it for me, molly inside whether its coming up next and inside story looks like for me is so important to place rusher. I need the its actually a heat wave warning at full hong kong. The variation in temperatures hung course and very great, but when the sun, these are the dominant c robinson cloud, you, whether it tends to lift the temperature. Now weve got some light season light to strain, doesnt stretch on it, but not much to it. The same is true, cost, south korea and heading to a township. But 33, all 34 is above average for hong kong. Hence the way its not evident anywhere else. As you can see. Although i have to say once again getting up to was what is best if the assistant, keith and humidity waves has lost its route, the major arms of japan throughout the summer is still reluctant to go, accompanied by range. You can see on wednesday and the rain may well return and bring the touches down to hong kong. Light is straight and still human. This is jerry wednesday. The most soon rain has shown itself to be quite heavy in the house state. It should be going south down, its showing signs of wanting to do that. But that doesnt preclude still some pretty big house in the finals, restful northern pakistan which we have seen. But actually, this does not look particularly a normal this there are shelves. Now, all the way down, as you might expect this late best of them on the sea, but the breeze itself is gone from karachi. So thats human and quite hauled at the most of pakistan is unsurprising. Me pretty dry. The system a little boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train the vehicle. But androids today can be human. Only robots, like me, will be everywhere else. Your 0 documentary, which to lead on the weird and Wonderful World of global loan thing for you. And even trust, i feel like im alive, but i know i and the machine are genes of this, which is crazy. And they saw strike, hey, ross says naval headquarters in climax. Attacks on the russian control territory have intensified just as you planes ground defensive in the east next level headway. So why is quite miss so important to both sides . This is inside story, the

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