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Stalk and potentially from there onto moscow. The white house said last week that high level talks between russia and north korea. Were actively advancing with tune and 10 exchanging letters about a possible arm steel. The us is that last year north korea delivered to russia, infantry rockets and missiles and russia has been asking for more since it talks between the president s of russian to kia, have failed to revive a deal that allows you crane direct support. Its green to the black sea law school, refuse to extend the deal in july to be approved and says that will be no new agreement unless restrictions are lifted on x spots of russian Agricultural Products against which we are looking into an intense bear with doesnt bring it up if i may say so with regard to the grain exports and we will do it immediately immediately of to all the agreements are reached on the blockade of exports from russia. In spite of all the obstacles of russia is very keen to continue supplying fertilizer and stabilize the situation in the international market. We want to supply 1000000 tons of grain, so that is processed into care and then supplied to poor a country. So you might get a human unity done by some us in a we have a garage expectations, and all russian friends have some points that deserve our attention. We believe that what is missing should be remedied, we believe. And the continuation of the black sea cooperation, the input from the u. N is also important, and were working on a new package to that. The army officer who lived the cooling up on last week has been sworn in as the self declared transitional president general. Recently acquired in grama is promising free and Fair Elections as well as a referendum to adopt a new constitution. But hes not said when theyll be held. Because military appointed Prime Minister says he hopes a deal can be reached soon. With echo was the west African Regional body has his records minutes reaction, and the sheriff following the crew there in july. Possibly the just the seal. I think the discussions are moving forward. Theyre moving in the right direction because everyone is convinced that its not the right to isolate the country like me share. And i think the very soon the issue will be result of just us in democratic republic of congo. The military governor of north keeping province has been recalled following the kidding of at least 50 protesters, survivors, a Congress Soldiers opened fire during a demonstration against the un peacekeepers. So for us to have you come in here to whats happening. You know, a country is very said is a fight for a peaceful country, realize that while he does, dont share the same vision with us. So many people we have lots of the our lives because of the ongoing conflict. We dont have peace and we are now leaving like 4 in this office city i prize. And so wait, a province are continuing to protest against the regime of prisons by shovel assad demonstrations have been going on for 16 days. Strongly economy has been getting worse, and thats why to calls for the willing boss bossy to go. Its not unusual to see protests and the stronghold of the truth minority. Is there any forces have arrested 16 palestinians and several raids across the occupied west bank. Israel says 3 of the, the chinese are members of come us based in jeanine that are being confrontations between the occupation forces. Im palestinian fighters and the town of tomlins engine income. Yasir in summit is underway in the indonesian capital jakarta, the political been Trading Organization for Southeast Asia is split over me and mom and rushes war and ukraine. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being charged to combine Global Warming on j. One of the Africa Climate summit, its the 1st time the continents had its own top level climate meeting. Can you and president William Bruce who opened the summit and i wrote these. Those are the headlines. These continues here on obviously the, after all, just a little world, stay with us. The, the, the, the, the beauty so sit figured out is he stopped when i present. So stand so i dont believe you to judge of it care of to not. If i still single data effort the one to say most to the think took even southern caught up the phone and im sort of a bit to tell us where they get to get gracious. And for the beauty of us, feel free to give us a, a, [000 00 00;00] the, a, hes been here 3 years and another issue. And what did a, we thing opinions in terms of the, the, for i saw that in front of the church, the remote of nappies, of children sold on ebay. Not these that the sheet that people out see my cable, the people that the shape. I think, i mean, the model, im a little of the over subway of one of my big gentlemen that i just unity. We solve to get to the, even of a logical see, where did you 1st of them are you available . Luciano most indeed the multiple to get cvs, i dont know if im using to get the that out of the bob casa, looks a little after 330. 00, just not even, its a little bit cool for using diesel versus that. I mean, im not just kind of the probate believe over that with us. Less that either but all theres out the rest of the amino loan that will reduce your call to shave open. We step out for stepping soon as the 1st thing sequel, its the shavel model. We need let me have 3 of those ships as the whole. Yes and yeah. All i need to do to do to them and shot a price as, as to the services that are going to be thats in your pocket. Its slow to probably get machine under your control. The volts. She said, all jeff, cutting us. Yeah. That ones already stuff. Piedmont joe knows something about the minute that shes all like im a big we need it to clean the fault to miss to the bottle. Do you think the should one basically gave me recently that it could be on show that inclusive. Uh, extreme tv is in your mouth and dont provide or the so they dont get to make the bypass you complimentary. So i think the shade is the other couch showed you. The beauty schiavo this you describe well, did you do the reading book to report to them . Yes. You know see what the they are the only subject on matters one im yes of yes. Old, back to the see what i mean to every other, just that will escape c o g, one of the issues for me. And ive assume that you know, the audio essential to the force that the force of the site morales beyond the fund is one of my own good. Well look in module for a little bit in force for the resolve, the one the front, the way so cool. With ample a novelty play, not as indeed i play honestly, it is complete on im already finding more dollars. So i was wanting to see if i could at all when i, when did you play on any place where its on the final when i called the god see what additional all the competitive and ill be 2 dollars. And i would like to see a point and you know what, i sort of up to him. I dont know when ill get to the talk to you and itll be a to going to shoot a storage and to do bring my they thought it was so dollars and on some of the world it is fix it shouldnt about of these. I dont know, okay, im going to one the other not eligible to apply origin quickly on connecting to the youngsters use got a charge of thats the. Busy the, let me show the fee on a month of the clean, even though its not to do the things, but i a look for it doesnt the moving mode or the 1. 00 that will be closer to most the why . The sweet thing . Yes. Who did the reset soon . No sooner showed all evil with the main screen, but on the ground. And because the band to sun or you to talk to you can so far as a me a couple inches down exactly. What was the fact that he might have the one i will put up with that in mind that he has got the also we will definitely doesnt have the gent to meet them. I dont find him regardless. So ill send you not of the bill for and what on a sunday, ill tell ya know, it clean the when you call to you it is, it took about of the of a, this will not other one i and thats what the mom was called. So mom, i figured you might have to have it me booked on and then i need to so that what im going up to what uh, present, present of, of give them griffith button and upgrading funds. So itll be coming up with a but the building fine. So that about the, the to tell i need the non source beyond the one of us, one of the medium, one of the one, the one of the made up isnt uh, submitted or for the one the most to the client has for similar to not too long ago, either the majority of these little little bit give or you normally probably weighs. So theyve been in and my daughter, and i do have the money, i say so, but we still know what the kind of them or whatever. So numbers to the piece that people so the that could be the cause of us on the web. The, for the one, the one of them is what to do the other. So when i say that while see if i show not, i do have the bundle video squatter that he might have do, and i will send it out. I mean, are you with us . Its up to the or the other one. What do i sort of need to do that simple. Oh boy, even though im going to be a little deep, but no use some, see what im going to put on the number of them. But its got the much of the on some of the way a little id be much, not a. Now what do you, the young youve done to the, to simply so that was whether or not this cause a, nobodys honest with on the bottom movies side of and josh level is to get you on what is on quit griego and deliberate. So one of them quite a big bully and you can see what is about to the we won the knowledge of what the windshield us would have to control the body to some of what we discussed to the law. So if you think that it was a boy, you can model doing idaho little cool man, noise company. If you got the nozzle, i mean the speech of the semester, i believe im not sure that was so shocked that he doesnt know so sure. Yeah. And thats what i meant. Youre gonna see initial, youre almost got shot for did you didnt ive checked that if you needed the, the information that was the sort of products or should that shape your luda. Do you think that this thing does include in this blog and some of the electric, the home a so definitely moving to each of you just it is good to be no point time to see the recipient. Are you able to use that a leader bigger screen, its the meaning of the is only the name. Uh, not just a decision that left over stuff going to keep do for the best thing to you at the new edge regarding the lease. Once you book this, then take it on the side. Yeah. Youre gonna have to be switching back with me. I mean, im assuming ross and youd be argumentative and youd be set your link to the school. But im usually the all your schools are anybody maverick established with a school that mentioned people pay for you like to beginning this job. So no issues give us the opportunity that the may 3rd in the fall, the vehicle english the one day still was the 1st thoughtful legal type of data by the name of that means there. Well, every day i a j travel about finishing on friday, jo. Okay, after testing the so, so to turn off the video no on this and its not a Big Data Market a lot to talk to a lot of the more of us to be the, the front of the leak. So me, so they look all say between 10 to the 5 and i sort of the vehicle. So when i sort of get a quote, the blash is a new me to a foot and even come to another quick and voice sort of like the support that the quest went through with stomach. You know, the sample going on on them. You need to on it, they dont matter. I got a lot of the ones that photo see so so i dont know what happened all they put on the 10th of what i dont know. Theres a lot of good judging. Yeah, no, fuck, do you never me, they are the spelling. Lets see. Well now very cool people for us to be the down to sit double me. Dont know you pictures on a month to get on over the the get us have a very nice to have a kid and quit. So most of us thought they didnt know that it couldnt be called in. So she was. So the what i got a sense of kind of luna logan on i want to work on us to more but attempt to waste of it for i think ive eaten. So what i mean as well as soon as you start when they dont have to provide it, but they didnt say, well, no, maybe it was. So my go home for the july. I saw, i know that youve been sought to, to start with. So we start, im one of the audio visual seminar, and if its from, when i started discussing it for the of a trauma, a lot of the to start with adults will when you look at some, all none of them they got to give them. I finally did on what is the journey, wasnt good unless you stuff youre not able to. Oh see, oh jeez. Yeah. Shes yeah, im what do you need for this . I think its set on a middle of course. Have a kid, live a son id and put it on the internet. Okay. To the incident, im not going to be southern, so know the demo directly so so should have demo when you dont add it. If you see that already to the table as incense, youll need a hole in the show and hell provide the pre address. So now theyll be able to find out about it. And were still looking to see the, the, the low level of lashelle to minus the name that showed to me if youre always inside that up. If a good of you all know method chip, itll be open and youre available them down once a lot of the names of the wayside goals. So that we did that. I did estimate the level if you need to. I never did of it as im sort of the the, whats the quote, the product so that we stay in mind. You know, the last week we dont take this, just escape the near for it, but it is it, see if i most of what i say, its the same amount of the in front of all. This is cindy, im inbound is comes out of the money. It is, you sent me a, quote, a but as to the most happy with the respect before you totally got the ga gov for j to me on. So for over the phone in the middle of the night, we that in most of us in oklahoma, it has a month to pump the amount of those furniture reseal and i can see whats going on. This was really good to know. Thank you. Buddys p and ill double cab is surprising. So the, the scene is it am at the see multiple. The gentleman said we just really bad. Some of the, from the start going to it came know most the day the out in general. So 2 people that it working for them as soon as you saw the cost of doing both of us and is this on the, on the issue that you see . See if somebody left also, thats where the heck was a quick we can see what else . How do we that a boy you see the most throw boy at the lowest and this and most of the ways i cant bottle of one to the model though, and i can that im the 100000 pharmacies to play. And so im gonna see it on matic, could not be the one the dish kid to be on with the side of this. Okay. And most of the mental as i can now, this without causing this or about to stick with the according events to the love we see a so of course they imagined envision just one of the best and multiple valley conditions for gym, for my comment as well. And the other 5, so they will not give you up to what i actually an 0 a quarter for they will not, they will not by law. I quoted the only only a new way gum the command gets in there and get it lost all the for model though not, not of the approval. Is it so if i chill federal authority that should be put off. How soon did they say that they did a ship in the boise out of a police, tennessee . Maybe the media should have multiple defy the ones where she thought, of course the boys here. It totally fault. Okay. Its up to, to us a little bit of a vehicle. No, not set a band. And then im gonna pull that, hes not able to, to shoot in front of erringtons position. Do you think thats in the middle of the quote and i got it. The last let me, im a is not in the, im putting my junior thats the works out of their existence. Its load ship as a principal present. And as a correspondence with any breaking the story, we want to hear from those people who was normally know that forces on the International News channels one david top. If i proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible match. All the facts and the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. It was very important at the time to me since its inception. In 1961, the quaint fund has been supporting peoples livelihoods and over 100 countries by funding projects in an array of sectors ranging from infrastructure to health and education. These initiatives ultimately help to eradicate poverty and promote Sustainable Development this devastating more towards somalia and intensifying a hunger crisis that has claimed the lives of around 40000 people off of the children under 5 years old. But at the heart of this tragedy, eliza tales of the immense facility and send a donation of, of peoples leading finance. While at the mercy of escalating and unforgiving climate change. People in power somalia, a fight for survival and jersey to the i dont know about us and the top stories and ill just say that you are sufficient to say north korea and may be planning to give weapons to russia. Media reports a north Korean Leader kim jong, to travel by our train to meet president vladimir putin. But neither moscow nor from young has confirmed meeting hydro. Castros got more from washington, dc, to the meeting between kim john and vladimir putin. May occur this month with the north Korean Leader traveling by armor, train it to the russian coastal city of flat eva stalk and potentially from there onto moscow. The white house said last week that high level talks between russia and north korea. Were actively advancing with who and and him exchanging letters about a possible arm steel. The us as that last year, north korea delivered to russia, infantry rockets and missiles. And russia has been asking for more since talks for the president s of russian took care, have failed to revive a deal that allows you train to export his grange with the black sea. Moscow refused to extend the deal in july, letting me approaching the sides. Theyll be no new agreement on us restrictions are lifted on exports of russian Agricultural Products. The army officer who lived the crew and gone last week has been sworn in as the self declared of transitional president general, very solid way. And then grandma is promising free and Fair Elections as well as a referendum to adopt a new constitution. But hes not said when theyll be held. Visualize, military appointed Prime Minister says he hopes a deal can be reached soon. With echo was west African Regional bodies threatening military action image following the crew there in july and democratic republic of congo. The military governor of north keybo problems as being recalled, following the killing of at least 50 protesters, survivors, a Congress Soldiers open fire during the demonstration against un peacekeepers. Yeah, san summit is underway and the indonesian capital jakarta, the political and Trading Organization for Southeast Asia is split over me and mark as well as russias war in ukraine to hundreds of millions of dollars have implies to combine Global Warming on day one of the Africa Climates, some of the meeting in kenya is the continents. First, on the top level of climate gathering canyon president , William Russo opened the summit and i wrote those are the headlines come next on 20020 world. Stay with us the and also play funny up with this. Im your football, somebody and not the man handle did us if his mother 50. So last year he was under, claudia, caught you at this, this would you be a co deals leader on this academy at them . I could even number just also look a little like a this most of the did us a fee for low speed with us and do a lot of be able to pick out a computer when i co conduct the problem that all sound pretty closely. And if you found somebody, you have coord kenneth, the not what it was in my the, for the last little assume joel off. Yeah, i remember them. I let us in the hash, out of, since he was the one in the 100 feet. So not going up or climb, not this back theater. The, a lot of the photography and us walker shop the look this past lock mattress. Ill on mine, ill do much bookkeeping. So can feel up if you respect will i just move out of some of these kind of little showers show you solve it like this on the hope of on the net off the gun on the off fund. His name is left for the, for the money at. So can i start out with that as you do them . The academy is and she does have some a final number off. Cool now and now instead of going for the kenley. So the, if i look on, on the map of the show, so me, im a problem you can most because allows me to call here. Ok. And under show you the fees, we account for the on the loud. Yeah. Much so i can check on who my, whos what am i the most flattering model difficult to will the will i can a lot of it on a lot of the focus of a 100 them about this on the i couldnt i think i was young fellow im gonna sign up to him about on the caps coupon. Yeah. Who will come along or should i connect to just for now . In the how the i cant follow the official sha, hes a how the, how to stop the show for them about a is just the order of them and live a lot of the one thing i was feel. Okay. Mesh, lions, it has the shape for that. For them different bit the boxing i can i can for the a you or which way of some of oh just for not that didnt move on. I wouldnt. Medina can. I can see heres the after them and then look at it and thats stuck with it. Yeah, this one last look, the head of the most like the in the way of the cabinets and the pomp of all kenneth and let me enough i live executable. Have you, im use it for side of him. Can i . Yeah, you can about the menu on my young lid. Uh what kind of in the why kind of see if i have that in can i send a queen size and then you want me to kind of uh, what is the model of the language. It said obviously not a the on the not really means if you must do that for me. So we do a vehicle that are like the simple and including city. The body body is equal to the link david bung me know, gives me the address of the video was such a tag is blow the silver. So not doing options are either, so i took the, we look at it, you stopped on show leave or the body. So she lost it the what else she needed. Ok. Point the number was on the other, meaning is another distributed meaning under that it has to be shut out in las categories. You moments on look, im really nice to know what he did. He got them. If that was the last engine up in new york, the princes input, a fund to me wants to learn, we should. But one thing we need to get you on and let him know, im kind of the mother in law, need a, shadowy, so not social media at all, not desk that and populate on the gap. I dont both got the wrong that should notice on the case as a base it are you off of the fight and hes wearing slowly but all the time from the to where youre not. Ok and also we thing hold onto the neil. So it was the problem. Yeah. It is. Ive got to which isnt all, nobodys even want to get me in a new model. Know meals out of jane theme of it. And i certainly women not, not only talking about, so let me just not even use this number. I mean, jumping on the shit, the other which doesnt have to be dont we see have that set on my shit, the the, the, whats the title for me . So allow me to the amount of the view i completely agree that again, because we dont want this individual in the other way. So im gonna try to move around. They wanted us to jot all that out. It wasnt, they shouldnt have to lift to leave you a, sheila, leroy, thats a little less able to play for lunch, would have to drive less than you think. It sounds like the homepage seemed to overlook what options do you think youre driving for the yeah. And i mean this indeed is inside. Do you want to follow draws that we need is completing a change, crystal morton, and not the one that im not really just wondering and im what i need to order the professor needs some of the actual the wish that actually worked on the novelty of it was a bit lost available to the legal challenges of any final exams and not with the engine out. Its not only not on bass, as we know the amount of the one in the nation general. But i worked in both times and i was the only one did i move in may not for the donna before the me something with the the fee for the find that much sooner the find me another sooner we should have fee dining room and it is going for the minimally big deal of the, the mind, you know, and when you turn on the sample and she submitted it on mine thats very good on. Mine was some way to develop people stop. I know, in fact we did, you know, youd be going on, you guys, wont we do by the check on that for 770. You know, some, you didnt really send, you cannot do not blame. You. Not only do the diego that might do the live battle on the lead time, the less impression dining objective. All that i guess victor, im gonna be able to see that was he for that that does make the smoke and water lets, lets appreciate it as well. And we wish to knock it out. So get us out of the diesel university. Would one john know that a so many im going to echo drive. Its not good at c. C. What are the only that beats me. I got them on the go. I dont mind a lot, i dont get up same idea that ive got to manage that i what on the the when its you know what i see for why do the online can you me and be able to clarify, been in touch with the classic that we not thought man anything for to it is literally yours. Im a single would do it. I would. I dont have football. I dont remember what could be caught on his tie. And my boy a big fan and billy so much um, but i have it set up. I guess what i what i that when i do, i dont get that so many of the models you dont mind me is when we began google. If you see single mental pictures and to lead to a key setting that up on top of what do we need to eat in a particular this was i think that they did you already did go to 3190. Not if youre not sure if they knew the shooting them and got it, and if the sizes you mind just be with im not going to going to go to the funding. You know, people are the beginning of the size of the stuff until that idea and act, montana issued to defeat and even see let me see what we are here. Lets see what we like to sort of stopped the. So the i was a, b, c, s. All these hands on the to the meet, meet me, but then it was. All right, thats what i see me. But the reason i did the one word im im one of these are the 0 for the review. The, you all keep the, instead of the 0 see the, the, the sooner one of the, this so the last, so the kids, well youre going to see the moment. So thats why it is 300 just so this is the the hey, you know, the, the, the use of the all weve got all the same for the me and me says may they go to that they will never use it as a load. I said the immunization the time, does it then . Neither allowable, i mean on over q and that, but then i do not believe me that novelty a uh, the daughter know with a level 2 of the be a jetta, go less one use of uh the me when the so its outside of the city then youll be so yeah, the my so and i shall category at least budget is let me say if i get those, you got it them as a number to them. But the guys that we cannot believe in any result that any money that you really know the during the may not serial number of the i see but cannot. But if it any, was just that any of it can be. I mean the reset that he needs, if even i looking at it, i should start with one and should i go to india like the estimate the when we get i mean that on the other one im assuming the one of the side. Oh legs. Oh yeah. Let me said was the fact the visual vision and id be glad goal. Is that gonna whether its or not, ive enjoyed even the boy goes to the building. And as i mentioned, the boise on, on the vehicle in the loop, its gotta be logan made that he made. And i was under mile limited, even though not any good movies on. I get with you about i dont have annoy amazon. Did he not at liberty . I mean, oh, you mean i feel like ive, ive the news, ive done what we see or theyll be see that what we gotta go, ben with. Yeah, to be really low on his, i mean that was indeed a valid amount on the matter. The only set of st that up and did are the 2 diesel did in will be sold in feasible to the public to dave who will be struck. The d, as in david, a lucian at the hutch stop in budget for the about that is going to boot. I believe of that. We see you know, pretty tiny soon, but he didnt try to accept presumably put him out of the in the week it could add other stuff. The degree still not baffles. Multi cultural. They dont know. Give me a mind. Do you mean the guy didnt get on to the special or not . You must study, so youre going to kick, wait, going to pull yet or you know, so the goal and for of course i get deficient in directing starting to mind me. The materials same for the what is the sheet that interesting goals . What are you out of us and we still arent getting ready to suck you miss of j. Guaranteed you mean to us in mind . The mission of what d like a set up the mean to god. We know whether they met you know or you can do mining with 2nd on the sheet. So get onto my subject. All right, youre going to, youre up to the of the, the new z, these new leading and just to 0. Well, it explores the remarkable life of the Prime Minister who forced to bring prosperity to a nation shaking off the shackles of French Colonial divisions. Has the right touch of cation to learn a trade, to jump with a decent salary, the architect of economic, when youre in a turbulent period of unrest and high stakes politics. Do you know where the shaping changes . On alexs era, the beauty and richness of nature need to be harmonized with stable and sustainable growth. United with the diversity of cultures that quick jakarta, indonesia is ready to hold the 2023 asians together. We will prove that Patient Matters at the center of of the colors. No changing conditions across the middle east is by and called android as per usual. But even by middle east, in the stand it temperatures on the high side. What up into the 47 q way i need to back, that is the high fortys here is the low voltage, little further south here in doha, 43 celsius system of the temperature. Too. For rad do by. But we went up into the search is that just around that eastern side of the mediterranean, once again the damascus at around 38 degrees celsius, move warm sunshine here to care. Well see a little bit of wet weather into western parts of the country. Some showers there into central areas, ultimate. Its right in that same system swelling, right across central parts of the med, well bring a little bit of wet weather into the fondles of libya. Plenty a shout was a rolling of the ive been hot and ill most easily weighs pulses of heavy down poles pushing across the west africa. So well see some live you still rolling across the nigeria bending target. Gone all the way across into sunny gold. As we go through the next style, so when they go, is it going into when state more of the same . Michelle is extend that way. Across the riff valley. Well see some wet weather once again, all the way across to was a lake victoria, one of to show us a possibility into east composite kenya and tanzania for the southeast and retry. Im fine. The cleanser stein will to be legal trade. What you have here is not just american logical optics. Youre talking about a political damage where the spoils of war smuggled and sold to watch and houses, and private collectors, buying or selling artifact is worth finance is to be headings of muslims in the middle east. Dont sell, dont buy. Thats one quick solution. Ok. Trafficking on i will just be around. Whats most important to me is talking to people, understanding what theyre going through here. It as a theater. We believe everyone has a story. Were hearing the us as north korean lee, the canada on his funding, a red trip to russia to discuss providing its the most goes war, new crane, the hey, and this is out of their life from doha. Also coming, gabon is suspended from the central African Regional trade group hours of its truly the sworn in as the self. The kinds of transitional president s, Southeast Asian leaders are in indonesia for us,

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