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Cast me sewing the cane is beside mara game was of were visiting a community that has been protecting wide life through conservation and destiny arriving. I think the looking to begin in ukraine president is not to me. Is it an excuse dismissed his defense minister . So as kate says, a new approach is needed. Hes picked to host them almost off to replace alexi. Lets take off. Parliament still needs to approve the nomination. Thats nicole if its helped to secure billions of dollars in military aid from keeps allies. But his ministry is bunk. Done by corruption scandals. Thats the called says is it Smear Campaign . Yeah, we did so far was does that mean the menus that overall no green. Ive decided to replace the ministry of defense for ukraine, alexi rising. The cost has been through more than 550. 00 days. A full scale war. I believe in the Industry Needs new approaches and other formats of into action with both the military and society is a whole that a hold of mine has been picked to be trans. New defense minister has been helping to negotiate the black sea green deal darkness presenters relative to i have heard of on is due to meet flooding me, approved and. And so ill show you on monday and try to convince the russian data to return to the agreement stuff. So giovannis reports from salty, half of you craze green exports across the black sea to nations around the world. But after julys attack on the curse bridge link you russia and crime . Yeah. They stopped. Thats what moscow quit a deal with the u. N. Enter kia to ensure a safe passage on car is now seeking to persuade russia to return to the agreement under which thats a c parts ship. Tens of millions of tons of green. The 2 men last met. And so she just over a year ago, after the green deal was reached, now the russian president is refusing to allow safe passage for more than 20 percent of the worlds grain supply. So let me you do, you know, did you, president putin says the agreements and rich western businesses and promises made to exempt to russia. Exports from sanctions have been broken. A sentiment echoed by the Russian Foreign minister during a meeting with his turkish counterpart in moscow. Last week, and bring it to me or to me as soon as measures are taken to solve all those issues that have remained on fulfilled despite the promise of the secretary general, whose efforts are appreciated. As soon as the talks turn into concrete decisions will be ready to resume our part of the green deal the same day. And those measures mosca wants include the reconnection of the Russian Agricultural Bank to the Swift International Payment System that was cut off by the e u in june last year. And all the rushes green and 1st advisor exports are not subject to western sanctions. It says curbs on payments, insurance and logistics are hampering shipments and it wants them lifted. The un secretary general says he has sent a letter to the Russian Foreign minister urging resolution. We believe that the black Sea Initiative has given a very important contribution to make the foods markets moss has equates to all of the objectives of Food Security to that. Russias foreign minister says nothing in this new proposal guarantees russells demands where we met president vladimir, put in summer residents, which are of rotate and imposing style in error. A palace near here is where he will host his truck. His counterpart on monday is storage location for grand events as a turkish president , 6 to restore order and convince the russian president to agree to a new deal. His failure or success will have global consequences. Dorset jabari l g 0, so to thousands of people are holding a sitting outside of French Military base and is yeah for the 3rd day the process has to be singing and dancing the streets of the cap is made. That mistake to say 1500 french troops should leave relations with the funds have gotten worse since the military cruise seized power in july, pirates has refused to recognize the crew members as a legitimate government. I do this has moved from outside the military base in the im a for they came in the numbers, but nowhere near the figures we saw on saturdays when hundreds of thousands of girls who is supporters turn up. Ive been submitted to the praise, but before their arrival on sunday, the Security Forces. Why ready for them . 5 years, im told enjoy set out. Id round the military base. Yeah. Which is causing at least 1500 french troops. Now, because everybody is set up around the military base. The protesters work compartment allies into smaller groups. That was easy for the Security Forces to control move on to control the crowd. As a result, what do you see over the behind is, is that is one who was preachers are being delivered on people who are cherry and people are because after one after the other, what condemning the french. Its military, its a part of the, the Gentleman Community of west africa says im states in the echo was who was supporting. Im going to change the version is yeah. But more than one way past the deadline, give it to the printer and present it to me. Theres still a wrong. And so more than 1500 french face in this battered military base, this is what they protested. One done. They want them to leave a long time with the positive as. Yeah, and is there any problem, but again, many people there organize as of this, the most president , the protest as themselves, im even members. Believe the cross is proud to global identity reaction from to supporters as well as of june to i talked to miss yes. And that is what they are asking. Their supporters not to try to do there was to, to embed on such a day when sizes try to bridge the protection of the cold on our own, the military base. Yeah. In order to confront the principals, but also under control. And the reason is, is it ask your man the medicine, coo and couple needs to be sworn in as transitional president on monday. But the opposition says that john to is illegitimate, and its calling for the read kinds of the votes from last months president ial election. Nicholas hawk reports fear and uncertainty ahead of the swearing in ceremony of good bones, gentle leader. These are the in grandma opinions are divided for some he is a break from the past. Its a new era for gabon. After all that we have suffered, its a new beginning and we are taking the right step. It wouldnt be easy for leaky, but we have to support him. Others point out that when he is a cousin of the deposed president , that he dont go whose family ruled the country for 55 years. They see him as a continuation of the regime. A bone go in uniform, replacing a bone, go into c scotsdale. I mean, i dont think the military is fit to manage your country. Costa manage your country, you need a social project. In my opinion, they have to redo the elections. We have to have a president that the government, these people have chosen and breaking his simons is good bones. The opposition in coalition candidate from august president ial election back into with says he won the vote and is the legitimate representative of the people, not the june to the you just see the book. Im a democrat, as a democrat, doesnt accept the crew data by the your democrats or you are purchased from that moment on. I asked the military to return to republican order. The agent that says the vote was marred with fraud and lacks credibility on leaky promises to bring democracy to his country. A promise made to the people of good bond before but never failed. Nicholas hawk algebra. It is. It was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Asylum Seekers. Some edits say i should be deport a doctor of running bottles instead of eve. Volumes broke out is that a trains who oppose their own governments protested about an event organized by the embassy. At least a 170. 00 people were injured, including is really Police Officers fall. Brian and reports from kind of this is whats left of the function which became the epicenter of the tel aviv ryahs. Virtually every sticker of furniture in this venue has been smashed. The p a system has been supple from the stage. Tables have been over tons and the damage is estimated in excess of half a 1000000. 00. But its the damage to community relations, which could be the big cost im looking for how much of up to it will take us 6 months to recover from this. Everything is destroyed, what they didnt destroy, they stole. They even took my bicycle of the intensity of the finance between rival, at a train groups, the sense of shock way through his writing society and not for the 1st time. The government is talking about the for taishan, mastercard. Whats happened just to didnt cross the red line . Its a riot blood should these pod riots we cannot accept. The Business Owners whose live is thats what she has a during the rise. I agree that supporters of the Smaller Government should have best ages reviewed him. Im sure those are support their government over there. What are they doing here and as well they should leave the others who are us, which is there is no problem to protect. How many israelis on notes on sympathetic to the plaintive refugees but on the evidence of the last 24 hours . Many is really is also believe that those responsible for the kind of damage and vandalism that was seen on stuff today should be deported. The question is, how and to where and how soon whole brennan alj a 0. Tel aviv did a minor and con is co find that of course and not the aim is an african refugee womans collective. And she says, its not the 1st time israel has tried to deport at a trans the protection has been on the costs of the government for a long time. And they really had an attempt to, to pull it in 2018 when there was a civil uprising. And israel was quite unprecedented. And people manage to stop the governments going through with the duplication. And i for that, it was overturned by the supreme codes back to so, so right now, this is nothing new. Its just a, maybe a catherine is actually got corner to announce disposition. Mean this is a really preventable situation. And the cash is between pro and anti american forces. If we have seen those videos and as president provided in European Countries on the stand and the police have been warned that this event which was made to be sort of an error, trade in mc bang should be cancelled because it was the extra careful the thousands of Asylum Seekers would lead the regime in eritrea and has left behind families in the country that they live in. And this is seen as a, as a, as a bill trick as a red flag for them. It was suggested that itd be cancelled that it was not canceled. Unfortunately, there was an extreme violence of its police protect, including the use of the 9 fire. And unfortunately, many people were injured including many police and editor and Asylum Seekers in democratic republic of congo, a government delegations being to the city of goma to investigate the kenning of at least 46. 00 civilians. They died and administered tracks on the demonstrations against the United Nations peacekeepers. On wednesday, the families of the victims are demanding justice and they say their loved ones were killed for no reason. In the con, ripples government condor on the road to investigate, and thats murder in the democratic republic of congo. But on arrival, its annette with a furious crowd, pelting it with rocks and demanding in the group once injustice after soldiers allegedly shot dead on arm civilians. In the eastern city of goma or the government says the investigation is just beginning and insist its taking the matter very seriously. As you know, we have just arrived here in goma because some serious incidents happen here, which have caused the death of human beings and other negative things. This is why i am here with this government litigation many, congo. These have been protesting for months against the Un Peacekeeping mission that they say has been in effective against armed groups. They say the governments imposed martial law north q and dettori provinces to crack down and revel groups hasnt worked. Instead, Civil Society groups a soldiers have been using Excessive Force against their own people. My son was not a member of the revolution. My son didnt own a gun and we are ready suffering from the on groups activities. You are unable to talk of insecurity. Why then did you kill my son who was inside the house . My son i was the was it knew you put in the responsibility of government is to protect the civilians. Many People Killed without any reason. This is a very bad example, which shows that we dont have a government that can protect us. The u. N is demanding an independent probe into the military attack. The investigation is expected to take weeks. But for now, many families are pressing the government for the return of bodies, so they can give their loved ones a dignified barrier. Ronald hassan, ill just here. I mean, what connie has more from goma that the government officials have been meeting the member of the community clothing, disclose the site in order to clarify what happened during that process in which people were killed. The objective of this meeting is also too low or dont deficient in one of the community which has been raised by this killing, which day in which the local population are choosing the for being responsible by cutting down a piece for put this in to see to hear this meeting with also help with the government to set up a come on the ground or between the population. The mentally do relatives of the victim in order to organize a dignified financials. Because this is the many issues that they have been complaining about for the fact that its still keeping the bodies in the but oxy and to see to of go ma, some things that they disagree and they are complaining about island way kind of go more the democratic republic of congo, american officials and northeastern city are trying to start fighting between out of and co dish allies civilians, but among several People Killed last week during the violence. And the reason that i saw fighting broke out of the cutter slides city and the Democratic Forces all the rest of the commander from a local out of the fine thats rolanda is director of the center for middle east side whos at the university of oklahoma. Explains how iso to take advantage of the conflict in ne, sylvia well, weve seen a video surface thing just today and yesterday of various isis groups in the shadows. Theyre taking little videos of themselves claiming that theyre going to come to liberate l, hold prison. And to 60000. 00 prisoners, isis prisoners, mostly women and children that are still held in camps in the northeast. Now this is a very, uh, you know, this is a strategic the claim by isis. Because a, these, most of the prisoners that are being held by the sds, are uses prisoners, our error tribes, women and men who had joined isis from the local air drugs. So by saying theyre going to will, theyre going to liberate them from the kurds, in a sense theyre, theyre trying to find a wedge issue to bring the tribes on the side of isis against the s d f. And thats whats particularly dangerous for the united states. So ill go ahead and ill just say the working for longer in front of as low as the price of the time of day to go into effect and one of your largest economies plus some people. Busy been doing this for 20 years and weve never seen anything like this rude in the month. Were going to explain why tons of sizes are stranded at the festival in the us state of nevada, the hello thats a largely settled picture for much of the middle east live that we all, however, seems unsettled. Whether taking the black sea, putting into eastern areas of turkey and the wind picks up blowing down across eastern areas of the mid of training at the start of the week. But it is a story of sheets across the event were seeing temperatures in places like jerusalem as well as damascus. Picking a right up there while above the average for this a time if yet, and that trend is set to continue for damascus in syria. 38 degrees celsius. The on wednesday was clear skies temperatures. However, starting to pick up across the gulf. They have been down in the high thirtys to places like that, but will be up near the mid forties. By the time we get into choose day and heat is a story across parts of north africa, certainly for the northwest and what warnings out along coastal areas allowed urea for that. But the temperature, as you can see in l. G is dips down monday into tuesday instead. Well see the heat blow back into the northeast. Places like egypt seen temperatures pickup, choose date into wednesday. Of course that central band of africa, the thunder storms continue to rumble from central areas out to the west. With some pretty severe thunderstorms that to come for senegal by tuesday, that 2 of them on the evenings is fun. Phase one more women, the performing stance, the tool by 1000 criticism, one on one a, me to rebel blank is receiving life and lead to the safe. They drink on out just there is a time for the west to we think the best option for the ukraine. Washer war. And what would those options look like . What is us strategy when it comes to iran for almost 200 years, americans have generally been stuck with 2 political choices, but cannot ever change because it comes with us politics developed and like the, [000 00 00;00] the, you want to go just a reminder of adult stories. This how you things present drug music. Lensky is dismissed as defense minister. That, as he says, a new approach is made it respect. First time home at all to replace alexi. Thats nicole. Parliament still needs to approve the nomination. American officials in northeastern city. Im attempting to stop fighting between ottoman cartridge allies. Violence flared in debt and so or off to the cutty slide, city and Democratic Forces are arrested or come under of an allied out of group. Tens of thousands of people are holding a sitting outside of French Military base and is yeah for the 3rd day, are demanding the withdrawal of 1500 french forces. Nations with funds have got worse since the military coup in july and finds president s, emanuel microns new pension law, has come into force, raises the minimum retirement age from 60. 00 to 64. 00. People have to work at least 43 years to be eligible for the full pension comes after months of protests and nationwide strikes latasha boss that reports from northwestern france, this model sees at least 30 patients a day, a district nurse in north west and from she says she enjoys the job, but its physically, mentally exhausting with little now was unload pay. Okay, fantastic. I drive around a 100 kilometers, but some colleagues in the countryside can drive up to 300 the day. The french governments raise the minimum retirement age by 2 years to 64 for work is born often 1968, but many people will have to work beyond 64 to fulfill the required criteria that includes working at least forcing 3 years. And for model, that means retiring, its 67 stopping what earlier would mean losing 2 thirds of the pension was calling to discuss was i can see myself lifting people, i dont be carrying them. I cant imagine people doing this job. Its 6. 00 to 7. 00. We are asked to k 4 people, but no one k. So as far as the civic fridge presidency manual, my girl says francis Pension System needed to change to save money and reflect the fact that people are living longer. They dont know somebody from most people realize theyll have to work a little longer on average because otherwise we wouldnt be able to finance that pensions properly. Someone from disagree insights on, say, months of protesting strikes moody, this he had caused disruption, and at times led to violence. The french governments decision to force the bill through parliament by degree. Only made things worse. Forcing the reform is not democratic by phone fault, since were angry with crohn doesnt listen to us. Sports president s, emmanuel maxwell has fulfilled one of his campaign, promises by pushing through the pension before boxes come at a cost. The pension reform is left a legacy which is very difficult to bear, for the presidency, is twice to do as if it doesnt exist. But the problem is still lingering. And the fact is now is governments is very much. And course on the right side of the phone, its called spectrum. So he has lost the left and the more time passes, the more is on the right. Micros government wants to forward to head with more reforms, including on immigration body doesnt have a parliamentary majority. This week the president met or position policy leaders in a red attempt to build bridges, whether it work remains to be seen and is still simmering over the pension. Know the next months could be challenging. Natasha butler, out to 0, shows a north west and fronts. Females have been held for some of the 74 victims of a fire in suffolk at last week. The blaze on thursday was in an abundant building of johannesburg. It was money of many in the city, taken over by criminal gains to rent space, to the homeless and other vulnerable people. Fire investigators are still trying to find the cause of a accident. So the Security Forces in audio have confirmed the kenning of 2 jet scales from morocco. Soldiers saying they opened fire off of the jet skiing to a straight and tall Julian Walters and refused to obey orders to stop the media and little combs say, a 3rd man was wounded and detained. Following the shooting last tuesday, the countries have had a long history of tension connected to morocco. His claims to the disputed western honda for the 1st time for me to hit taiwan and for years as we can to a tropical storm, but not before making landfall twice. Hi troy, you hate on sunday. Bringing strong winds in. Torrential rain, tens of thousands of homes have lost the electricity. Supply storm appeared to be moving away from the island, but they made a huge turn on monday transports disrupted. The schools have been suspended to the us for buttoning button has been swamped by soaking signs. Torrential rain and the nevada deserts caused chaos of the desert arts and Music Festival organizers are being forced to close access to nearby black rock city. Tens of thousands of funds are left stranded in order to stay poor to conserve food, and most of police are also investigating the death of one person during the deluge the vine throat. But is that the burning mon festival for the 15th time . It says that most people on the side of coping well its been difficult and it is certainly been unique in the time that ive been coming. But it, it, it is, it is nothing that we cant come together is community to, to handle. And, and this community is been doing an absolutely fantastic job doing sanitation is, is the one tricky. Its a tricky spot because the one, the one service that is effectively provided by the organization is, is there are, there are portable, portable toilets and they come and they service them. Now, because currently no vehicles can travel, uh, the toys kept the, kept the service. So people have been finding Creative Solutions to handle that as for water, we were expecting it to be, uh, you know, 30 something degrees celsius. We have plenty of water. When do you have water to survive . And, and anyone who doesnt come prepared, maybe people who want to leave earlier. We, we, we share that, thats what we do as a community. And thats what weve been doing. We handle whatever is thrown at us out here and, and, and, and thats what weve been doing for for more than 20 years. And this desert and every, every year is unique. Sometimes hotter than others. Sometimes what are than others but, but, but we as a community, we Work Together and we make this work and, and thats, thats what weve been doing this year as well. As president s in missouri, i have been advised to stay indoors as heavy rain moves and authorities in the city of shop train lines and postponed a football match. Also, the National Weather service issued warnings for the intense reign stones in the province of casteel, firefighters have been rest green people chopped in the cars. A new approach to Wildlife Conservation is underway in kenya for people. The wild animals are living side by side. Traditional methods often meant kenyans have to move all fair land to make way for protective parks. But things are different in the National Like conservation area. Its catherine site. Reports of the nelson only arise drives is to hes community why live could solution area on the edge of the messiah mara game resolve. 5 years ago, this land was an over greased, testable, where people had put out fences that blocked wildlife from their traditional migratory routes. Community outages had a big idea. They took down defenses, pools of the land, and now the side by side with wide life, the community was facing a free full in loss of land. So when we came in, we had to get rid of 25 kilometers long lines of fences. Its high season here for tourist, many a heading to messiah tomorrow. To watch, the great will do this. Migration. Millions of animals come from the searing get to game was of in terms of the to bleed and grease, but for many yes, local communities. How often be next to did from the tourist dollars. So the national lie conservancy decided to do things differently. We will worry about approaching those institutional fund. Those funds for to is going to vision because and then they will tend to and that it if and we wanted to buy a new a model that is community to lead. The vision is im be, shes the one to create one of the longest wildlife car doors for my sy mara. So are the results and onto the serengeti. People who live in areas like this for a say they wants to be more involved in conservation axis, and thats why its so important for them to have the community to conservative. And they off thriving job all the more. Nicholas said he signed the set aside land for the protected area, livingston, thatd be a lot of work with that, youll see the standard of livings improved. We put aside money for our childrens education to with this. We Fund One Time to hold, especially during a Drought Community member deep into that contributions to help provide food and other basic commodities. Tories often stop over at the village to san pulled the traditional way of life. This is not the only Community Consultancy in kenya, but people here believe that nationwide has set the pace for other conservation initiatives, which they say can only be good news. Casting slowly on to sierra nestor ly, consultancy kenya, team of archeologists, has discovered an ancient pre hispanic site that was used to worship ancestors. Its a northern peru and its from the wadi period, the pre dates, the inc. Implant that contains burial chambers. Schumann remains and ceramic offerings, but those cultural administrative says the findings will help in understanding ancient societies. Itll take you out to go to go through the logical side to tell them by am is one of the larger empire period which could be between 800 to 1000

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