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A rally has sparks and debates about rising gang violets waving russian flags. Hundreds of supporters of the true and new share rally outside of French Military base and protest against 4 and the intervention. Former crypto currency billionaire, sound bank when fried jail for trying to influence witnesses had of his trial for fraud. The, at least 67 people have been killed by wild fires in an Historic Town on the island of maui in hawaii. The rescue workers are searching for though nearly 1000 people who are still missing. The fast moving fires are burning in at least 3 places, but a lot of them has been contained now hundreds of buildings, including historic landmarks, have turned to ash, but there is no electricity or clean water in parts of the islands. Survivors have described their experiences. We had no idea that the massive a wave of fire which is kind of go through the entire neighborhood and with that neighborhood, its all residential houses. Generational house of grand parents, parents, kids, grandkids, and theyre all next, which others have one goes up, they all go up. So once we made it to a friends house, youre told right away to you gotta go. So my friend has kids with throwing the car and we went to the civic center 2 hours later. Like no, you have to leave like lead north and you have to leave now. So we end up spending the night in a grocery store, a parking lot with a towel that my friend has been back in the car sleeping on the grass. Meantime, she have, or tansy has the latest from alley authorities have given to that rising sense of pressure for residents of law, height and weight easier to go back to the child to see for themselves the damage. It was confirmed on friday that they wouldnt be allowed back in. This is now the traffic jam. 25 kilobytes is in that direction towards hina. And as far as the eye could see on this coastal highway and the other direction, it will only be allowed in town for a short amount of time. There, there will be a cross, you opposed. I worry about access to all areas. Specifically, they werent being loud in the historic ocean from districts which will the brunt of the damage. Those pictures we keep on seeing and tap into our buildings raised to the embrace of the guy. 2 owned impala because thats the area weather still searches on the way for human remains and actually that was rather a grizzly bit of innovation from the governor on friday. Who could find that . Those confirmed deb dive as they were trying to flee out in the open. Another, another sign of the speed with which people were ports by the spot. She advertised c i would just sarah mallory. All right, were going to bring Katherine Cruz journalist and host of the conversation on hawaii public radio. Joining us from honolulu. Ms. Cruz. Thanks for joining us. Talk to us about what were hearing from some of the survivors of this tragedy that has been telling us that they werent given sufficient warning about these fires as well. You know, i know when i was watching tv, i did see the alerts uh, you know, urging these neighborhoods to evacuate because of the fires. And i understand that they did try to, you know, send things out on cell phones. But again, the fire moves very fast, you know, we were hearing some discrepancies as to whether there were the emergency alarms that went off or not. But again, the power was out. I think theyve had, you know, dozens of pull down a. So were not sure im, you know, some people probably just did not get the word. Are we getting a sense of the clear cause of what exactly started this fire . You know, its just, weve had, you know, very difficult drop conditions and with the High Pressure systems up north and then you know, hurricane door down south. It just did a number, you know, we, we have lots of invasive grasses. They were up, you know, on the other side of love hina, and that just, that was fuel for the fire. And so it just moved very, very quickly overnight. So lots of questions about the timeline of the alerts, but again, you know, parts of west valley still, you know, without power of Cell Phone Services is very spotty. You know, and they did apparently evacuate like 15000 visitors off the island yesterday. You know, as i mentioned, i believe, you know, our students are just of a block of 2 blocks away from the Convention Center where theyve set up a staging area. You know, because the whole state is not closed. I mean, just the west valley side is really affected, but other islands, you know, so people flew a long way to have a vacation in the island. You can certainly go find a hotel here on oahu or, you know, big island. Cool. What a, there are other islands to go to. And given those factors weve been discussing the fact that some people didnt get the warning. The fact that some of these flames were moving so quickly. Were also hearing from a report on the ground that some people were fleeing and the flames simply caught up to them and they were tracked inside their cars. Are you hearing that as well . Yes, and that, thats part of the reason why the area is not completely open and there really restricting access because these 1st responders are going street by street looking in those burnout cars for any human remains. And then, and then theyve got to be very, you know, careful as they retrieve them and, and, and um, you know, store them for identification later. You know, still about a 1000 people on accounted for. Uh, but the red cross is set up the center so that folks, if theyre fine, if they got out of here with relatives or friends that they contact officials so that people arent worried. You know, because the uncertainty is just torture. It really, really is all right, catherine cruise, we appreciate you joining us to bring us the very latest on the story. Thank you. All right, have a what is her to ecuador . Now were a public memorial has been held for the fascinated president ial candidate fernando via via, since you, the former journalist and Anti Corruption activists, the shot down to the capitol quito. As he left a Campaign Event on wednesday, 6 suspects from columbia has been charged. The governments declared a state of emergency and since the election will go ahead, as planned in about 2 weeks in time via says he is killing is being linked to a rising crime in ecuador, our latin america editor lucy. As newman has more for us from the capital kito, a sort of ecuador and people now the level of crime has reached new heights. Certainly. But its not too surprising because every day it gets worse and worse, they will tell you, it used to be. It used to be centered around the port city of why you have to use thats where most of this drug co in and out of this country. But now it is spread to other parts of this country in the coastal. What city of month . That the merrill was killed just a week ago now we have the number of the center being gun down during a rally and the election rally. Those elections are going to be in 10 days, in fact, and hes broke out very, very strongly against the Drug Trafficking prime organized crime. That is, and especially corruption. He had also singled out the police and it was the police were in charge of his security during that electoral event in which he was killed. People will tell you that there was no security around him. That it was, it was a conspicuous by its absence, which made it very easy for anyone to murder him. And then even more incredibly, the man who was accused of having killed him was then shot and taken away by police instead of taking the hospital. So he died before he could even be interrogated. So there are a lot of questions about exactly what happened, what the motive was for this murder, but it has certainly stirred passions and fears in this country. Hundreds of protesters have been demonstrating in front of a french army base in his years. Capital near may. Oh, theyve been rallying against what they call for an interference. West african block, known as echo, was, says, a Regional Force is ready to deploy to new share. Its army chase will meet and gun and next week to discuss the next steps. Last month, crowds attacks the French Embassy and new share in the days following the to well, ill just hear is malcolm website been monitoring developments for us instead of goals capital data. Hundreds of pro testers gathered outside of military base that occupied by french and the gerry and soldiers form a colonial power fronds with an ally of house the president. How much does the protest as carried cods and chanted down with from down with acura west, which is the Regional Economic block in west africa, whose leaders will said theyll pass them by force for a possible military intervention organizations that to be aligned with those behind the 2 soldiers from the president ial god of the support, the key code for the demonstration echo athlete is a mass on says a in nigeria and announced that they would stop putting together this done by force president watson where of code deval said codes if i would contribute a battalion of soldiers about 850. 00 troops. See any number we have so far, but the need and set of goals that they would also contribute shapes. In the case of an intervention, the Ministry Leaders of those countries are due to meeting gone to next week to further discuss those plans. Meanwhile, the us friends and the African Union will express the support. So x r watson, the decisions that makes rushes and Foreign Affairs ministry has said that any military intervention would lead to a protracted conflict in these. Yeah. And would, the stabilize the whole region. Malcolm web, l g 0, the cost center go well to the us. Now where a judge in new york has sent the founder of the failed f t x crypto currency to prison for 2 months before his trial was set to begin, the judge has revoke sam backs and phrase bail after prosecutor said he tried to influence witnesses. 31 year old has pleaded not guilty to charges he defrauded investors, whereas businesses went bankrupt last year. Hes also charged with diverting millions of dollars of crypto currency from customers. What rosalind jordans live in washington was the very latest for us. And rosalind talk to us a little bit about what the prosecutors are alleging sound, background fried, has done to really influence this case. And why this may the judge so unhappy to . Well, what are the precepts of us . The law is that if you refuse to have a crime, you do have the right to defend yourself, but there are limits, and prosecutors say that 4 months, sam, bank winfree, has pushed the boundaries, has crossed the boundaries, not just into uh, trying to tamper with a potential jury pool in new york city where he is going to be going on trial october 2nd. But they say that some of his actions also amount to witness tampering it on friday. A federal judge agreed. Sam bank, im afraid, had been under house arrest. He had been living with his parents in the San Francisco area while he was a waiting trial. But prosecutors accused bagman fried a basically leaking information to try to intimidate, to potential witnesses in his upcoming trial, including his former girlfriend, caroline ellison. Ellison also happened to be the head of a business that was affiliated with f t x, the crypto card sieve company that went bankrupt last november. Now because of this, the federal judge on friday said that he basically had had enough of what he had seen coming from bank when fried ordered him to be held in a federal Detention Center until the trial starts in just other 2 months time. And so there are no cameras in the federal court room, but many reporters who were there witness term. Taking off his tie, his jacket, taking the shoelaces out of his shoes, and then being hand cupped them, walked away by us marshal. They also described, bank been friends, mother trying to embrace him as he left the court room. And the marshals preventing her from doing so. They say that this is a matter of trying to preserve the integrity of the case bank, but france lawyer say theyre going to appeal because they say that this detention is going to interfere with his ability to prepare to defend himself during his upcoming trial. All right, rosalind georgia important therefore us from washington. Thank you for that. All right, were going to take a short break, but lots more here and ill do 0, including the story crowds, president cracks data on corruption and sacks, heads of all Regional Military recruitment centers. Plus the hip hop celebrates a half a century. We look at the legacy, the music genre has had a Global Culture with us the that was a time when the architect and go with the flowed through enough to sustain life in the northern color. How he does it all year round. But thats changing. We squandered 3 men in different parts of the combined go down to the bay face drowned wild animals and men made threats in the constant fight for survival risk in it all books one owl just or the julian deserts festival. The dates back thousands of years as you goes behind the scenes that could be an annual cultural context. Honored by unesco, where men move to the beach of women and to rival, to our communities about from the tell to using song and dance to be the a toward festivals on algebra. The challenges here with the the welcome back. Youre watching al serra, a reminder of our top stores this our wild fires on the Hawaiian Island of malli have killed 67 people. Officials fear the death toll could rise. Authority say it is the largest Natural Disaster in hawaii, history. Hundreds of supporters of the 2 leaders in his chair have gavin outside a French Military base of the capital, their angry because the west africans last known as a colossus placed a Regional Force on standby. A Memorial Service is being held for the assassinated ecuadorian president ial candidates. Fernando via via send seal. The Anti Corruption journalist was shot dead as he left a Campaign Event on wednesday. A more than a 1000000 barrels of oil have successfully been removed from a decaying super tanker off of humans, red sea coast. The United Nations lead operation has averted a potential environmental catastrophe. Michael, apple has more visual teeth safe uh has been wood or famines. Coast for the 2 years, but maintenance on the tank carrying more than a 1000000 barrels of oil stopped when the civil war began. In 2015 experts wont that an oil spill of that magnitude would wipe out one of the Worlds Largest marine eco systems. As the rusting safer tanka could have ruptured or exploded, a man intricately involved in the operation to transfer the oil to a replacement tanka explains the achievement. After 8 years of waiting, and 2 years of intense work, the Global Community has come together. Through the 23 Member States of the United Nations through the private sector and the Global Public to achieve a significant milestone salvage cruise operated for 18 days. And the high summit temperatures and strong currents 12 low the oil from the vessel. Its an operation that had to navigate both treacherous waters and a fragmented and divided political environment. We undertook this operation in the midst of a conflict, so on, including floating c mine still in the area wherever you have to navigate with the best thoughts and with the replacement time to the successful conclusion of the operation. A will 1st comes as a great relief to the teams who worked on the monumental task. This is a major disaster, thats it. It was a ticking time bomb, but as many called it, then it could have destroyed hundreds of thousands of livelihoods. It could have affected the shipping up the red sea towards the sewer is coming out of it could have destroyed by the rest in fisheries for quarter of a century. For you is warring sides involved in human, civil will claim the oil as their own with the Environmental Crisis of attitude. The tension now tends to the politically sony question of who owns it. In the coming weeks, the un plans to have the crippled tank of script and recycled mike level l g 0. A government investigators have told al jazeera ukrainian men of military age are paying thousands of dollars to recruitment officials to avoid conscription. Theyve been fact opened up 112 corruption cases. President vladimir zaleski has now dismissed Regional Military recruitment officers step fast and reports. All healthy ukrainian men between 18 and 6 years old are expected to go to war unless their job is consider an essential surface. But alex, who does not want to be identified, so as his friends have said, up to 10000. 00 to avoid conscription, he says he didnt a bribe, but doesnt want to fight. Theyve always been with the with sure why, because of the age of 45 and man in this country will become a head and folder. I have no skills, no military knowledge, a lot of comrades with kills because they only trained for a month and had no chance. A friend who was an excellent manager was seen to the front line. We buried them a week ago. Every one minutes we will does not only corrupt, he says they also violate peoples rights. In response president for the meals, the lansky has taken a drastic decision and fired all regional enlistment officers. This lane will move there to watch a t. The system should be run by people who know exactly what more is and why cynicism and bribery at a time of war is high treason instead. So just hooping through the front line, well, who cant be in the trenches because theyve lost their health, can be entrusted with this recruitment system use as those who want to keep their rank shoot unless to prove themselves while soldiers are fighting on the front line nearby ukraine is also battling an internal enemy corruption. The country constantly needs new recruits, but with so many casualties in the counter offensive. Those who dont want to fight or found a way out. In one case, the head of a Recruitment Agency for soldiers to build his holiday house. In other cases, this investigator tells us men bought fake house certificates for luke, a key members of the applied to intermediaries. For example, the drive of the military commission who then works with the doctors of the military medical commission. So they will issue documents proving demand are in fee for service. So far, 112 cases have been opened. He expects many more. Ill explain to the government for his lack of motivation. 400. 00 a month. Now, stacy is like a bad mother. It doesnt allow itself to be loved. I can give thousands of examples for my life without state has let me down or ive always said that i am a patriot and wont leave of us. I understand those who do confronted with constant funerals and with no end in sight to the war, many men. No. Its only a matter of time until its data and stuff. Awesome. L g 0, the feed. So china that were Authorities Say 29 people have died from flooding caused by ty soon, doc. Sorry, the northern have a province. 16 others are still missing but 2 weeks after the storms that a Remote Community say they havent received any government help. Katrina, you reports from 00 in northern china. The employees at the fuel station enjoy cho say that thankful they would at work when this area flooded at the end of july. Oh no to jen says the water was almost 3 meters deep. Turning the back of the station into dumping ground and rendering most of his School Supplies useless. Right now the total damage is around 200000. 00, but thats just my initial estimate because there must be more damage on the ground that i havent seen yet. Chinese authorities are also discovering type boondocks or recalls to more destruction then originally for 2 weeks after the storm struck, the Emergency Response has been upgraded to the highest level. Dozens of people were killed and several, a still missing and who they province. Direct Economic Loss is estimated at more than 13000000000. 00 is activation, orders are issued for 1600000. 00 people. Many returned to find the homes, had collapsed. Clean up in the main streets of georgia. O is well underway, but turned a corner into a small village like this one. And its hardly begun. Parts of this community are still under water. Its very difficult for cars and emergency teams to enter. Officials say areas like this could remains of knowledge for up to a month. People here tell us the authorities likely miscalculated the scale of the student and fail to give residents had a quick warning. Things with it before we were doing well, then the slot suddenly became my house is broken, it school gone, private and nonprofit organizations have set up donation points for those. Each family is given a small amount, but were still hoping theyll eventually receive enough government compensation to start over until then they say, all they can do is pick up the pieces and point, katrina, you all to 0 to, to china as a celebrations are happening across the world to mark 50 years since hip hop emerged in new york. Now the music genres become synonymous. The social and political expression around the world. Christmas limit reports from its birth place the bronx. New york. Bronx. New york. 1973, the birthplace of hip hop, a young man named 5 campbells, better known as d. J. Cool. Hurd. Got the movement started and people dancing back to school between 3 and instrumental snippets of signs and a continuous lu onto a turnkey. It was right here on cedric avenue in the bronx and this ordinary looking Apartment Building where a party full of teenagers to help launch a new music style. Now known the world over as hip hop, kirk and later other prominent days gave others a window into life and the bronx. We created something from nothing. Living in a bronx. It was like very well, all the buildings were banned and we were trying to get away from every day. Things that was happening. A lights a single parent homes are Gang Activity drugs. We gotta do something just to this, to take our minds off of, of everything thats going on and stuff like theater or livingston, aka grand wizard. Theodore developed the technique known as scratching, using funk, soul, jazz and rock plastics. They created an entirely new sound since become a multi 1000000000. 00 industry. They use it for social justice, they use it for political movements. They use it for profits become entrepreneurs when the fashion designers or, you know, Production Music produces, or even todays hip hop isnt so television advertising. The universal Hip Hop Museum currently under construction, seeks to preserve the movements routes and resonance around the globe. Thats the voice of the voiceless. No matter where you from. New york has been hosting live events all month to mark the 50th anniversary of hip hop. Many of the movements biggest stars are coming back to perform, culminating with the star started line up in the neighborhood where it all began. Kristin salumi, ill just sierra the bronx. All right, well whether its next and then inside story look sort of gang eyelets and organized crime in ecuador. Following the fascination of a president ial candidate thats on that to stay with us. The the hello, the tropical systems are lining up one off to the other for whereas the north west pacific. Heres the next one. This is ty, food land thats going to make his way up towards the home. She was to go into the middle part of next week at the head of a, we do have remnants of what was probable storm con moon. And of course be so what that story with before, that one. So its a go on through the next couple of days. Line is the one to watch out full wins of around 220 kilometers per hour. At the moment gusting to around 270. It will weaken as it drives this way. Further north was up towards when she was to go on into the middle part of the week. It is staggering along it. Certainly moving at about 6 or 7 kilometers per hour. So its gonna take some time to get there. This is uh, what was tropical depression. I knew of a shabby range that in place here and then around the more organized system which will join us as we go on into sunday and into monday. Moving across the yellow sea, bringing some more wet weather into the fall and will cease to charter, grassy pushing towards knolls. Career readiness a land because only just made it at that stage is going to be wednesday before we see it. Making gland full part of the shot with meanwhile, across northern parts of south east asia. Still live on the dry side for denise. Yeah, of the every thing is being analyzed, its being, its being measured. And its not just by saying that all my sites, i mean may slow things out of the state. At the moment we are in a state of universe with edwards funded something that was throwing that would rather take the risk of democracy to the risks of dictatorship. Digital dissidence on out to 0 is exit also coming to Gang Violence organized crime. The assassination of a president ial candidates his shots, the lesson in our country. The government claims the drug, cartels for the increase in violence, but whats being done to stop it . This is inside story, the color. Welcome to the program. Im adrian sending an a president ial contender, assassination

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