You, guy on her, is there a know me and venezuela was represented here in this main thing as a whole not for these amazon is a 100 so many other than the amazon of the forest and city they, im as enough workers women and young people of the amazon of indigenous, painful and traditional communities among the m as and of culture, science and unsuccessful knowledge, we separated. Yes, President Joe Biden has announced a new National Monument in arizona to protect land from uranium mining. 4000 square kilometers of a grand canyon. National park will now be protected. Opponents say with encroach on private land and could effect local capital launching. At least 33 people have died because of flooding in china as capital of beijing. 1. 3000000 are being impacted by flood waters. Farm is also facing devastating across losses. Strong winds and heavy rain from ty, phone, kind of lashing southern japan for the 2nd time in 2 weeks, trains and flights on the out enough to you should have been suspended. Disrupting travel for tens of thousands of people during the peak holiday season. A storm is also forcing organizes of annual nagasaki, atomic bombing, and the best way to move the collaboration endorse heavy rains on lines, lines across se, and bangladesh of killed at least 7 people. 4 of them were hearing the refugees, thousands of bangladesh. These have been forced from their homes, west africa and block echo as says no options have been taken off the table as much as ministry to enter this 3rd week. Delegations from the united nations, daph communion, and echo us. Ive been denied entry to the country. The dentist says the safety cannot be guaranteed. John has expos upside that was lump in 3 years as demanded from the us. And europe falls as the weakest performers invasions international trade. Since the start of the corona virus pandemic, back in early 2020. So those are the headlines. The news continues here, not just the are often the nice thing for the states you have dental, which is by far all of latin america for most of my career, but no countries alike. And its my job to shed light on how and why see another piece of Central Africa has been taken over by military force. Rush works on the sidelines and on the here showing once it citizens to be on the look out online for spa and the indian journalist who is on a mission to expose the dangers posed by the countries. News. Hello. When richard gets burden, you are at the listening post where we dont cover the news because of the way the news is covered. Or you can add new share to the growing list of african countries to see their government fall in a military coup from coast to coast. A whole sway of, of sub saharan and states is now run by military. Clintons new share has been a key western ally, a Strategic Partner and supplier of important minerals, but citizens, they are, have soured on the us and the french troops based on their soil thing. They have failed to improve security. Watching all of this on folds and pulling some of the strings is russia. The kremlin is looking to up its influence in the region and has infiltrated the African Media space with pro kremlin content on television, radio and online president Vladimir Putin season opening. He has offered to ally russia with african nations fed up with western new york colonialism. But would russia be any less exploitative than africas old, colonial masters . Probably a military takeover in the shape straight out of the que day top flight books made and uniform common during the state onto tv channel announcing a changing of the guard decisions. The default of this story is local. The context reach, new share is just the latest, the Central African country on a growing list, including molly burkina, fax, so and chat to over throw a government that was seen as close to the west. Countries in a part of africa known as the sale that are now the targets of a Charm Offensive coming from the east. Russia. The current is that is particularly significant because it removes the west central light in the region for the us. And the french have a face to fight insurgents and frauds lies on nuclear. Anything for about 3 quotes, so we send it to mix and a lot of it cheese rain comes from the shaft. So its significant in that respect the good as base in northern use at where the us drone base is located is a, is a huge face. And so when washington would be particularly worried about this for friends as well. It is the last funding ally if we exclude childs and the probably what one to mind the 14th of the time was that without too much effort, another heavy and country had fallen off for washington. Washington and paris were very surprised if president fleming. But the does not return to power, then they have lost the main allies in the region. And it reinforces brewton in his position as big brother, the godfather, anti imperative in africa, i need the wholesale, thats if the real success of law them in person and the criminal propaganda. A new level psychological russia has exploited a rise in anti western sentiment in this a hell link in part to worsening security that the us and france have flooded the share with hundreds of millions of dollars in military equipment to contain jihadist miller. America operates one of its biggest drone basis there yet that you had as the tax continue. And citizens have concluded with some help from russia, that the americans and the french have failed to protect. Russias propaganda is multifaceted, ranging from some familiar Mainstream Media outlets that have partnered with african channels to some online elements, film output, and even cartoons. You have given the progression involved in the mercenary force, but most of the world came to know after russia invaded ukraine, actually made their name in africa a long before that. And wagner is working alongside rushing main stream Media Outlets peddling an anti colonial narrative in this a how ot and split that cover number of agreements with full cost is across africa. Across examples is a relationship to have with the full cost, the income of a leather ca menu. This account with your tape to local kids. And they put these on the phone. Those was the practice, it 3 provide content and they can spread a russian centrifugal african news and Current Affairs by providing and briefly made story. Sputnik connectors at the fact to watch service. Our Team Provides videos that there is an online tool kit as well to push out books. They have troll funds, fee to books, of weapons through which they can exert influence and theyve been intentional about upfront and just outside of our towns. Fucking is what goes is media as being able to just because there was a movie thats the fucking our group, essentially paid for in defense. Rod stier probably call tories a boss of going to teen missionaries who came to see of the precedents on the eve of on the election. So they have this all encompassing approach to and when theres already this and to west on all particularly, and to friends sentiment in so many of this country is defined fuck our growth there is this not so subtle and make to the video which is extremely ridiculous. The russian soldiers coming down of a helicopter with the russian slides, but also and document slides attached to their uniforms and the rescue of money and wood cabinet soldiers, which are police, an army of zombies, skeletons that have french flags on to them. And this guy and said that is a way for the russians to say that friends is in the region solis, week and old, and the, the, the russian soldiers that are housing, their money and, and working on their counterparts as problems as a to they are equals and does battle against friends news events sometimes have a way of coinciding, and as the crew was on folding in the new syrian capital, ne, im a lot of them are preaching, happens to be moving African Leaders in st. Petersburg, executed one that some young man that he shouldnt be split. Youre pulling at least the russian president and his officials told that both restaurant and africa are under threats from the west. That its time for alliances to shift that they should Work Together as they sometimes did during the cold. You have any promotion was better, barely a month after his forces were threatening to march on last. He was seen talking with the ceo of the pro kremlin 10 african tv channels based in camera room, africa, media precautions, presence in st. Petersburg, provided a peek under the hood of the criminal how it conducts its business. You know, the presence of percussion on the sidelines, the shariska summit shows that ultimately power is not concentrated just in the kremlin. It tells us that russia has a very sophisticated system where there were various tentacles. There are different ways in which russian was trying to exec influence and they all 5 Services Come across the board from so called training to also cover operations around propaganda. The russians will say that, you know, were on to call your now were, were, were different from the west and thats been the message theyve been trying to push. But if you actually look in detail, what people are like for goes is our company is links or am i doing on the confidence . Its essentially the same. They provide protection on in a country like Central African republic. I mean, exchange, they get to mind pressures and mentors provide in up to 1000000000 in revenue for all of the rhetoric about russia are trying to be the difference facing is actually, does that so much difference in the approach to the west and falls like friends whos president emmanuel mac thrown has said he would take immediate depend on compromising action if any of its citizens or interest in the ship were hon. The interests for the interesting new share exports thousands of metric tons of uranium to the french every year. Which goes into the nuclear plants, the power, most of frances, electrical, create, new shares, new leaders have now suspended those exports. France, which still has 1500 troops in the country, has suspended Financial Aid to new share while demanding a return to Constitutional Order democratic rule. Thats not going to fly with new sherry, and they have seen african dictators, backed by french governments including emanuel microns. If its you more or we can see a difference with what happened in chat, for example, a general seized power unconstitutionally and front reacted by legitimizing about takeover. About something that has remained in the memories of new jerry to say front, validated a crew and shot. But to go on hard on. So this double standard, it is quite disastrous for the image upfront today for 40 minutes or a host of other which explains why this jerry hands have been protesting outside the French Embassy in the may was singing the praises of latin america. Despite the fact, perhaps because of the fact that there was almost no history between russia and initiate a lack of cult legal history can be helped but necessary and should be careful of what they wished. And which way, therefore would 6 weeks to china. Now where the government is encouraging its citizens on social media to report foreign spies and their chinese collaborators to the authorities. Joanna, who is here with, oh, richard, this past week telling us ministry of state security, which is in charge of intelligence and counter intelligence, joins we chat, chinas primary, kentucky controlled social media platform. The ministry is extremely secretive. It doesnt even have a proper website. But on tuesday, it, when public with its very 1st we check post titled countering espionage requires the mobilization of old members of society. The ministry called an old Chinese People to join to fight against espionage, promising to reward them for identifying for and spies and their chinese associates. The state run news general cctv did it sparts by offering citizens some tips on how to spot spies and what to do once they find them. Send you a quote on conference shouldnt meet. Should you challenger, yall . Excuse india we you said to india, hold on. Ill shoot you over to you, cause you end up to a point you and dont you done 5 minutes inducing, but youve got some up on the cool. The government hold the line. Apparently. Beijing and its official. Spokespersons have been pushing and narrative, the china is facing a growing threat from foreign agents that has resulted in new National Security legislation of vague counter espionage load that came into effect last month. Which broadens the definition of what could be considered spying. Critics argue that the ambiguities and the wording of the law can put Foreign Companies and individuals at risk for conducting routine business in china. And with your thirtys. Now recruiting ordinary chinese to find the ledge spies, citizens who are trained to split the difference between work and espionage. But the injured seems pretty real. Thanks joe. India is creeping closer to a general election next year at a time that the mainstream news media there are growing more and more toxic. That assessment comes from one of the countrys most prominent journalists rubbish, kumar. And kuma would know. He spent nearly 30 years in the studios of n d t, v, a National News channel that stuck to a centrist line, while other channels were very to the right. Either willingly or under pressure from the government of no rent remote he and his party, the b j. P. Here the listening post, we have documented that shift tv hosts getting louder, more sick, authentic, more anti muslim by the day, effectively proving release boomers. Point tomorrow is the subject of a new documentary about the state of indias media. Its called while we watched it chronicles his last 2 years at n d t v just before a controlling stake at the channel was bought by a moti aligned businessman for tomorrow. That takeover was the last straw. He quit the trunk, and this is how we explained that decision to his viewers. On his way out, the door moto, keep up at a guided time, is one of your book of the top. You name, the united skid dog. Keep that a customer youll be making top. Must move submit. Im a club head guy. Space shaky. Had a to bought these. Got the same customer key donahue. You have been the on the top is vision me. I love the loved nom valley. Im a janitor. Hoover, margaret subhead to body media. He is some admitted us that missed it. May have missed it, had the safe hotline. It was got a job that was gonna be awesome. On what the heck of the 5000 youtube gentleman. I had a vehicle. My official, our Facebook Page be res, copied. You say subscribe to g. A got a man your to, but who knows our own got in to do with the other name. Rubbish whom are joins us now. Reverse you do your work in handy. Youre also good. An english weve agreed, were going to go back and forth between those languages as you see fit. Let me start here last year that businessmen go time a. Donnie bought a controlling stake in the network. You were working at and the tv you make a decision to go out the door that you can no longer work there under these conditions. Given what youve seen on that channel since then. Did you make the right call . Thanks. Its out of having me here and thanks for having a show. Like the listening post video, analyze the media from across the globe. Uh my decision to leave in the tv was not based on got sunday. My john got hot, the phone on me out of a, a gone army daughter, joe, but the guy that the just me but the guy, the tom good. Its like a uh, the entity if you dont like it, bus or middle name, but limited resorted, say, bought that it gets i didnt just said, do im going to buy it. You are, i taught was capable which it but i tried your best not to bought my goodwill. So why would you give him . Let me go look, you know, good. Ive gone been doing god. They came those simple head side for you all. The gave me the, uh, the media, the do most article side of garden nuclear, if mazda your school own kind of her or the mazda, and you wanted to go to mazda of hank, that i said, bob nickle yang, grown new situated id. But it was shocked me talk to you on with the, the people that live in houston, i live a 100 and 6 in the morning set of jobs so. So our link was for people who are unfamiliar with the indian media space. Characters like are in august swapping. Weve seen him get into an argument with a student leader declare as always issuing a certificate of some kind, that this guy is an anti national. Someones going to volleyball bluff and we have gone in your bluff to night. Someones going to nanny was on the national and ive naming it was at the national, denied on it. Shortly thereafter, someone takes a shot at that student lead. Yeah. Who gave these anchor people the power yeah. Whether its real or imagined in their heads to do this kind of thing. Who invested them with that power . If the mac uh, had asked me for the mean degree back to me, my little heart institutions. So news channels maybe for the certificate box new while in good are good and uh this uh and good particular day and could you ask about this one that came. 2 when close can we add me over to the middle will go in the nation and were like, miller wont go get don predictable like you below go. I think why the more that Supreme Court came pod, sad to order this man is that the media group decides get good. He will come in there lies. Got her. I was here. He was pretty good guy looking. Im jump did a chart question, cutting ace in didnt media will, will optic. I got the omni india booker decides, go to the, the, to the i was k by the just sort of say, sank row news channels. And then it got the community and uh, some arguments. Highland hospitals here for the common mazda is terrible hunting us into will do. Is our job that get bailey media for just legacy said the if it all to distrust said the proud to the draw that you bought it will see trust to the across the top or was it that may fund scale or vis . Schwanns got miller guy. He even cut them a little commodity cut by for you. Comstock god is a bonds and he was a good t. Okay. Boss started limitations. Say bo joe. Com said god officially, me go to the work on the news channel. Youve got to be like a are war per book and they look like a little salt. So what youre saying is in a way the news media are saying the governments quiet part out loud. Yeah. Yeah. So with that, so to get the buildings square yard or whatnot courtyard, here was scott, members of the Prime Ministers party, the b j t a. And those who support the party take issue with your journalism. They say that everything is bad in your eyes, that you ignore any stories of progress or positivity in india. Is there any legitimacy to that criticism . Are you guilty of being hyper focused . No, im not guilty. This is a false not negative any is on this a, they apply this negative against anyone. Not only me my job is to ask a question. Especially even Prime Minister goals and invite some fitness dot to give a is scripted kind of, in the, you know, the tv a sort of thing. Just because like, if you wanted to say that you have done so much, you know, should not have invited. I should log. You should have invited rubbish, komatt. Then my questions would have given you a john spill saying that you have done so much for this country. You are now doing your thing on youtube. You no longer and that with the main stream. Yeah. Youre going to do ok, now my god, mad nobodys komatt. But when voice is like yours are basically taking refuge online when that stuff ends up on, on youtube or social media. Is it ever going to reach enough people . Or will you always be divorced by hundreds of news channels . You saw news channels. Those are new center go jobs, so new senator, get the name buddy burn mazda escape band. Go hosting. Oper, youtube. So you will have to keep on search also. Uh, there is a shows gap of results. We do not have your thoughts v. I do not have any for us to uh send them in the food and get things verified. So i am relied on uh, 2nd being sources, but i know that this is not enough ink compared to this uh, scale of media. So its uh is that almost like a declaration of defeat . No, never harm of surrender. No, this is not a declaration of defeat, but uh i have to see what is the situation. And uh, if i have declared defeat, i would not have been working and putting the video every day every other day, but yes, i do miss television. And richard, when i walked in to this is to do i go to the building most of the for yeah, thats really nice. Yeah. And i feel like, oh my god, im back. The soul is coming back to my body. Let me, um, let me ask you this. So india is about to go to another general auction. So yeah, the rental mode will be running for a 3rd term. So with his ratings being as high as they are with him having all those news organizations in his corner. How do you see the outcome of this election . Is it a foregone conclusion . Would even be a context, im not sure about reserved. I cannot pronounce that is that before the election has, but i am concerned about the fitness of elections. How many was means but on operator are up now i go back on up. Are you got the media if someone see a, hey, is this kelly or this media you media . Hey, hes got some months in except got us in the here. Ill be in the, im in new delhi. Uh we as a government, new media, any states moving government get according media who yeah, the process bought cut off. You can not repair this minutes the media, but i have an idea for this minutes to media. I want to appear to be just be these mugs and this man is to media media forward. And like you havent mentioned, substitute do the subsidies video to organize this in like the minutes from the traders friend and your friend. Does the media friends on the yeah, make it a fish. Yeah. Mickey also yeah, thats what i call the the b b. I do not think see that uh anyone has it the source and capacity to attend this minutes to meet the read had to create a new kind of Ministry Media if, if, if think that media isnt necessary companion of any good. And so the democracy editor, oh, especially a democracy that causes something. Yeah. Worlds largest democracy. Yes. Released tomorrow. Its been a pleasure. We wish you the best of luck on youtube with the journalism in the future. Thank you, richard. Thank you. And finally, to the us where a former president donald trump, is facing yet another indictment his 3rd in 4 months. This is the big one though, since it relates to the january 6th insurrection. For up stands accused of spreading lies about the election in a conspiracy to defraud the united states. Many of those lies were echoed on fox news, whose coverage of this legal case seems designed to frighten americans into thinking. The trumps prosecution means the end of their democracy, which is clearly does not. We will leave you now with a montage put together by a Media Research or cat abu gonzalez of foxes coverage of this indictment. She has turned it into a movie trailer, complete with scary music. Well see you next time here at the listening cost. This is not your country anymore. Equivalent of the french. Do you see the political war from the shredding of our constitution . Theyre going full, but in banana, public planning to a governor over speaking at a rally, or were going to go and find out in the 2020 election. Is this now what were going to be re litigate it isnt the day the boss is with angela green. This says he doesnt find plastic quote in his. Weve picked up a truck tire and a sun bed, but its mainly bottles. Plates, forks, stakes, fish. Net all plastic plastic is very pleasing and can flute for years around the globe and ocean carrying with them fungus, bacteria and outcome. We can predict to death with increase of globe, of temperature and the seat temperature. The number of the stuff do we always going to increase as well . What changes to our ecosystem become visible 40 to 50 years later, but its already too late by then. And chances of reversing it nearly impossible. Legacy of southern africas colonial history from a, a blend of traditional music with western instrument, the super to now it goes in apartheid to disuse mines where a new illegal gold rush has taken home as organized crime, guns, battle for control of this lucrative industry feuds that started in some too often and then bloodshed. The accordion was on a jersey to here and theres been heavy hearts in every from the 1st minute of the expiry of these fires, something has changed at this Border Crossing whether they are civilians or spiders. None of that seems to matter here. Now those that allow me to get as an alternative for you and hcr is here and someone told us that they have never seen a dispatch. Many people say that even when they are about approximately neighboring tad, they are still being talkative, was an incredibly tragic day seeing refugee streaming in his turn into a violent night. They seemed terrible things experienced unimaginable hardships to come this far. What happens now . The hello, im down, jordan and joe hall with the top stories here on out to 0. Leaders of 8 south american countries have agreed to reduce deforestation in the amazon. I met at a summit in brazil and signed a declaration to conserve the Worlds Largest reinforce. The critics say it doesnt go far enough, as i might as one of them believing that on many of the amazons of bolivia, brazil, columbia, who equis dos. Who do you, maam . You guy on her . Is there a know me and venezuela gold represents it here in this main thing as a whole lot for these amazon is a home to many of the, the amazon of the forest and

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