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rights record of me in ma and china in burma the military is attempting to overturn the results of a democratic election and is brutally repressing peaceful protesters and china uses coercion and aggression to systematically erode autonomy in hong kong undercut democracy in taiwan abuse human rights in changing and tibet japan has been looking for support against china's territorial claims to islands which tokyo administers and it got it with this pledge to respond to china's attempts to control the seas that surround it and addressing aggression even core should behaviors from china especially in the south and east china sea. i know japan shares our concerns we're trying to be stabilizing our actions japan also got an assurance from the u.s. that it remains committed to the complete denuclearization of its neighbor north korea but more fundamentally this visit is a chance to reset relations after 4 tumultuous years under the previous administration of donald trump so we think we're all over them so i think there is an appreciation of a much more focused strategy in principle the u.s. is going to be under the by illustration much more concerned about how the u.s. speaks with its allies on wednesday this mission continues to south korea where dealing with north korea will dominate the agenda with concerns about a lack of any response from pyongyang to repeated u.s. attempts at dialogue of course the policy is always our goal our goal is to reduce the risk of escalation but today we have not received any response time to coincide with this diplomatic mission and with the resumption of joint military exercises between u.s. and south korean forces is a stinging attack from the north korean leader's influential sister kim yo jong telling the americans not to cause a stink in this part of the world a warning of how relations could slip back into the acrimonious saber rattling of the past robert bright al-jazeera so. and yemen hundreds of protesters have stormed the presidential palace and aides and they gathered at the machine palace without being resistance by forces loyal to the southern transitional council there's anger about the u.n. but it's government's policies and there's a teary rating economic situation. libya's nearly sworn in unity government says she needs to officially take office in the u.n. back to effort is meant to help bring stability ahead of elections in december. thier pain medicines agency is meeting now to analyze the safety of the astra zeneca covert 19 banks in germany france italy and lot fear have joined several other countries in suspending use of the job they're concerned about a few cases of blood clots. in myanmar the number of people killed by security forces during answered kuko terrorists has risen sharply this week the un says at least 149 people have now died since the military jointer seized power in february . bank employees across india have called for a 2 day strike to condemn the government's decision to privatized public sector banks some services were affected as tens of thousands protested against the proposed plan and a significant step in the contents of the postponed olympic games and talkie organizers have confirmed the torch relay will go ahead in 9 days time before then they hope to make a final decision on whether foreign firms can watch the game swell those are the headlines al jazeera investigations is next. to speak some of the former. president seemed all to take the case. one day so they took him to his distance. most of the year when they didn't support it. yet. still. 10 months to the end when you leave. will be. used to just. be used to. al-jazeera as investigative unit as. in secretly recorded confessions and a major data leak. over 10 gigabytes of documents photos and messages. they tell the story of the president of the maldives . ya mean abdul gayoom. it is a tale of corruption thuggery and international money laundering but. what words would you use to describe. reclusive brutal corrupt authoritarian scum bicycle when he started politics. but now he's a banana he is the mafia head he presents himself as he behaves like that. the day to drive leads to singapore and a plot to launder up to $1500000000.00 through the moldy central bank i just it's obviously a place to live picture we have tracked down the man behind the deal men who move billions of dollars in cash stock don't pilots what are you precious you. probably have to take it. seriously. believe in tsunamis michael she's. a journalist who criticized the government disappeared. a television station torched. anyone and everyone who expats is different opinion in some they have been punished . everybody is afraid. to the outside world the maldives is a picture of paradise but the local people don't live on luxury resorts. for them it's either the cramped capital underdeveloped islands. or else. their paradise has not just been lost it has been stolen. and. what's happening in the maldives is ok let's. give out. all what $300000000.00 have gone missing. jordan i lived and worked in the maldives as a journalist a decade ago i returned to investigate the country's rule after obtaining an extraordinary day to draw. the information provides hard proof. that i didn't realize that they were used for all sorts of criminal activities. but i mean up until now we hadn't seen any proof. the leak is the contents of 3 mobile phones everything from secret documents to selfies. taken together they tell a story of corruption. the man on the phone. the country's youngest vice president to just 33. in his phone messages vice president to deep portrays himself as more than just a politician. i am boss of all gangs in the mode. they all operate as a fleet i took them over in the last election. football for politics becoming tourism minister in 2013. the tourism minister. because that's what brings in revenue for the government. it was quite amazing his transformation from 2012 to last year. was just so far. and it was also. the haircut the. car as it was on. he referred to himself and his friends as bro and the system became known as the bro economy he was just flaunting his wealth and he always had a group of other bros around him and there were also in parliament so he made sure a lot of his former football player friends got elected to parliament in there were all the same. phone messages reveal how he and his boss president ya mean stole paradise. he. very loyal shadow president he took the money the money distributed the money. once in power the 2 men offered islands that knocked down prices to international hotel chains. he was selling our nation from under. there were 5w3w. base building houses the maldives marketing and p.r. corp it was the cash machine and they illegally withdrew millions. was appointed director and regularly received texts from vice president to deep to arrange their deals. 3 checks 13w1w1w bro gifts also in that broke don't worry. he gave a free reign to a blows yet his accomplice at them in p.r.c. to just islands and all these deals it was so clear that from day one been never intended for this money to actually be used for public good. the scam begins when unwitting tourism tycoons pay a fee for an island say $5000000.00 they would make out the check to the maldives marketing and p.r. corp but i rewrote the rules to allow checks to be diverted it would put is sick. micha and stamped on the back and it would be paid into another account cashed out and embezzling. these 2 checks total over $5000000.00 u.s. dollars the checks were paid from the government corporation to companies controlled by a deep uncle. the day to show how vice president to deep lead the theft of nearly $80000000.00 of state funds. better make it cash or something because we don't want anyone to know any details of ideals but. ok. the government is even planning a special tax free zone for investors vice president to deep joked about the opportunities it would offer. we will make zone deals not only islands. the untouchables. when peeing on touchable can be expensive. we have obtained secretly filmed confessions given by men who worked closely with the vice president and his boss. they describe how stolen money was used to buy influence. since it came to the case maybe. it's the judges the lawyers. if you want this the whole system is fucked. the president's money men are on the run in the u.k. the maldives government has put them under international arrest warrants the men say the government wants them back because they know too much about president. i think that the president is scared they didn't know. all the information. each man describes how he rode around on a moped delivering prize. money stolen from the people and given to the maldives most influential. safina made some c.e.o.'s in those are just. the 1st. who is goes out. there. they are. just going to be. the plan was not just to use the money to buy politicians but judges as well. like ali hamid at the supreme court. the phone messages expose him in receipt of stolen money. last night you gave ali homemade $4000.00. yes. ok good thing to those and 12 there were audio clips and radios that were leaked that just appeared to show a man that sounded and looked like on the hamid having 6 or 3 different women in a colombo hotel. and also a conversation had had with a local businessman where he said i am a young man. the messages show that for a fee judge for me was a young. the tuition fees for 2 of his children abroad and jobs for his brother and cousin loyalty. until the next election. we will remain soldiers till the mission is over in 28. we will never let them destroy our president and his team's achievement. after the sex tapes judge me came under investigation. 6 months later vice president of deep managed to close the inquiry. read the news i have saved up patriot alley hammy 6 months work. my dear brother hugh and his excellency the president did more than enough for me and my family i will always be grateful so. now for the good your me was appointed esther chief of the nutritional service commission that's come orders don't you know. we're talking about a man who was caught on camera having sex with 3 different women in a country where women get regularly flogged for having sex outside of marriage. with the judges in their pocket vice president of dban president ya mean could act with impunity. several media organizations were attacked. rajai t.v. was torched on october 23rd teen shown he is the head of the english department there with almost burned down everything all they could mention is in here it was all done down. but they started 10 hours later and then. undeterred the channel continued to broadcast a year later. the vice president asked police to repeat the attack but the chief of police suggested intimidating the channel's investors instead. lost it again. no i guess better control sponsors. he ok give me the list. journalist ahmed rwanda vanished over 2 years ago he was a reporter from old leaves independent. so you know rashid is the editor. on august 10th when he didn't show up for work we thought ok he's hibernating. monday he didn't turn up for work tuesdays when his family said we haven't been able to reach him and that's when we got worried. they began retracing his final journey. they found c.c.t.v. footage of him at the ferry terminal. and they believe he was being watched. it took the 1 o'clock ferry. when really one got off the ferry he didn't get on the bus but he walked home and sometimes i wonder you know like why did he walk home. we've all received death threats if we'd just gone home earlier he would be here today he might be here today. this is a. cyst change so much so he lived on that apartment of the. on the top so. between 130 and paul thought this saw him like a man being forced into a car at knife point. and the car driving off really fast the college of so fast the people in the car didn't have time to close the door. 2 weeks off the real one went missing police had few leads the case had become high profile but the president was not concerned. instructed the home affairs minister to take it easy on the investigation. no need to be overwhelmed by real one case. ok noted. at the very least it implies a massive cover up by the government worst it implies that the president i love vice president were involved in ordered his abduction. we lobbied every single government body or state body that we could think of i mean we knocked on every single door and none of these places responded. real ones family suspect he was investigating corrupt oil and deals. it's a corrupted place. only the people who says yes without questioning will get the benefits of everything. but since many keyboard questioning. it wasn't just the abduction but it was also the fact that the entire state failed that i think that was the one heart of the realisation that when something happens to you the people who are entrusted with your safety don't care i think that was even harder. the government has sold islands cheaply over the maldives. today in the greater mali asshole there isn't a single lagoon left to develop. all to the i was informed more than 60 items for. i give them out it's not on the audience to show your love. for them or this everything has been sold. one of the murkiest deals was for the oil and of mago. just the place. model itself it could easily fix $10000000.00 this to us if you put into the proper tendering process. the new 2500000 was just seem to the government. the boy was new mood resorts led by italian gian andrea tulsi according to a report by the maldives order to general the deal because there was no open bidding. forged documents also emerged surrounding the deal involved companies links to the vice presidents on coal we've shown our evidence to an anti corruption analyst. the money ended up in an account controlled by a company and was involved with a family member of the tourism minister again that's really cassatt case of corruption where you mix business family members politics and money goes missing they basically designed these transitions to look normal but in fact these facets cloud designed to steer public funds. but deeps phone messages show the deal involved a moldavian gangster known as t.c. dave weeks after the deal was done the details came out. a diva asked t.c. dave if he was behind the leak. broke tasse all your guys are giving this him 1st. no i don't think so if you know we made a deal but figures and transactions. the auditor general's report suspected corruption despite that workers are building 99 villas a resort is due to open in 2017 under the banner of italian hotel chain likely only . the government is selling these islands on behalf of the people of the moldings you need to really look at the basis of those deals and start questioning if it's a fair transaction have the people of the multi got the deal that they should have done all those companies who go to this island to work have the right to get these items in the 1st place. so the government of more is sure. to decide it's. likely only hotels say they were not aware of any corruption in the island deal humid resorts and general torso you deny any involvement in the corruption and say they did not take any documents or transactions. you would it's a general report concluded that money was stolen from a total of at least $59.00 island deals. that i wanted money involved in this is which without realizing the corruption went right to the top the auditor general submitted his report to the president when i personally informed who basically ignored everything. and they can just change the law and then. richard you know was it a mood from sophie's it was me. alone for negation of the stick or you know members of my family received death threats. they weren't idle threats corrupt police officers informed vice president a deep of the audit and they conspired to silence another voice. you guys need to focus on this auditor general. now or. maybe we need to light up his office as he is continuously making trouble for us. we check that place lots of cameras everywhere. ok that you need to blast it it any cost. sure let's do it. but we need to blast it at any cost oh my god. oh my god. things sky swan trying to blow off east with 200. crazy state sponsored terrorism against its own people and institutions. how could they do this. section 31 and then when the agent. next to it has come from s. so. that's 2. i think the reason why this thing was going on as i warned them i'm going to publish that report so they were trying to stop us from publishing this report and there were no that was actually organized. and in mauritius police is supposed to be protected sawhorse would be behind these things. and we deal. in part to president means impunity grows and so do the deals we confront men involved in using them old leaves to shift up to $1500000000.00 so do you help people on the money might put how can you even see that seared in my feet how can you even see the $1500000000.00 of physical cash palette. it's something from a james bond film. it's one of the world's most powerful and dangerous criminal enterprises central to the life he hoods of hundreds of thousands of people and behind the deaths of many more exceptional access to some of its key flayers reveals the inner workings of an organization telling the name to many as the blood alliance inside this in a low a cartel part one of a key part investigation people in power on al jazeera. welcome to down from every one of us. even those working quietly behind the scenes. so you can relax enjoy the perfect break in your journey. and when you leave with a smile we know our days work is done qataris welcome to our home we know what's happening in our region we know how to get it but others and i was just thrown. by the party only for the fires they're still going on with you. by. the way they tell the story isn't what and make a difference. about how his and so how with the headlines on al-jazeera the u.s. secretary of state has used his 1st overseas trip to take a hard stand against china blinken says washington is prepared to push back against beijing's growing influence in the region i know japan shares our concerns with china's destabilizing action. as i have said before. china is approaching challenge for the apartment of the firm. and we know that computing into the shifting. can only be done through the team you're going corp. north korea's taken notice of the visit with a warning to the u.s. jiang the sister or kim jong un has urged washington to refrain from doing anything quote unseemly if it wants to sleep in peace in the coming 4 years in yemen local sources say hundreds of protesters have stormed the presidential palace in the port city of aids and they gathered at the machine palace without being resisted by forces loyal to the southern transitional council as anger about the u.n. bats government's policies and the deteriorating economic situation. libya's new new these sworn in unity government says juicy officially take office in the u.n. backed efforts are spent to help bring stability ahead of elections in december the european medicines agency is meeting its the analyze the safety of the astra zeneca call that 19 banks in germany france and italy have joined several others in suspending use of the job their concerns about a few cases of blood clots in myanmar the number of people killed by security forces during and siku protests has risen sharply this week the un says at least $149.00 people have now died since the military genter seized power in february the u.n. secretary general once again called on the international community to help stop the killing. bank employees across india have called for a 2 day strike to condemn the government's decision to privatized public sector banks some services were affected as tens of thousands protested against the proposed plan the strike was called by the united form of bank unions an umbrella organization representing one bank union says that's yet to dates now it's back to al-jazeera best occasions. in part one we discovered how president young enough to go you know has turned the maldives into a mafia state. men biking bags of cash around the capital for the president and his cronies. but he has heard the whole system. later a plot to move up to $1500000000.00 in cash we reveal the asian businessmen involved. much of the seed money that i didn't do we got. a decade ago the mole leaves was a place of optimism and reform. 30 years of one party rule had ended. mohamed nasheed became the country's 1st democratically elected president in 2008. with stunts like an underwater cabinet meeting he cultivated a global profile as climate campaigner. if more lives can be saved today we do not view that that he's much of a tongs for the dust to develop. in the sheets future was to be shaped by events in one of asia's major financial centers. his officials detected a massive fraud. it started in singapore but it would end in the molding. that was a very big scandal and the amounts involved in those transactions and that corruption is also very very big. it concerned the singapore branch of the maldives the state's trading organization from the ninety's until 2005. yeah i mean was in charge yeah i mean it was the chand it's t.-o. he formed an old company registered in singapore this company was setting. it had the whole mogs of fraud so moldings police worked with singapore and offices to investigate machines government launched a court case which would soon implicate. we have obtained 2000 pages of legal papers they lay out the president means roll your ledged fraud adds up to over $140000000.00. yes t.-o. imported oil to the moldy ya mean allegedly helped divert some of it to me in miles military jointer. an additional secret company was set up yes t.o. invoiced me and my so did the secret company. its profits were embezzled. this is a way of siphoning off money to me for their own in richmond when you control lots of the needs of government you can please those neighbors by profiting from from the money that the government is taking and. by 2012 machines officials had the evidence in place to charge ya mean with. they were ready to take the case to trial . and then at home a mutiny. mohammed nasheed was ousted marched out of the president's office. on the day of the cool the they just about to announce some of the details of that case. i was attacked i was the person and i was forced to resign i. was certainly young and himself was. away from the unrest the new government stopped the investigation the case was quickly trust and the paperwork locked away. your main head got away with it. a year later he was president and his 1st target his old adversary. mohamed nasheed was arrested in february 23rd street. a month later sentenced to 13 years in prison. attend the tables on machine. already didn't suggest president personally chose the leg of machine sentence the vice president's driver describes in secretly filmed video how it was done. you need to go need to. do to. be destroyed it was if you. see this you you. you it's not the book you get if you believe it's not if you eat. the pieces and she. sort of pays a little sentence of 30 years terrorism was awarded directly by the person. well it's sad but. not not only because. unlawfully and could be held for so long that my family's been uprooted from my home i had to leave the molders all of these politically motivated sentences. dieted to by president. been told of the same but you will cause proven it beyond doubt that the sentence is all dished out by the president himself so if i was arrested tomorrow in the mold it was free and. what if you would know immediately to think that telling to the existing pala score then you are done and you're going to jail then you can think that. this is an independent judiciary are told it's judiciary hijacked by the executive by the president it's probably the most corrupt institution in the coming. in power and with a rival in prison the maltese became a playground for president and his deputy are deep. they stepped up the scale of their ambitions phone messages photos documents and e-mails revealing new plot. trying to bring $1000000000.00 u.s. dollars for a project. the total soon rose to 1500000000 it was hard currency. $1500000000.00 in physical cash. that a lot of. physical cash being red flags of money laundering vice president to deep worked on the project with $3.00 of the president's closest aides including his nephew they laid out an oil and investment plan to a group of secretive businessmen. the tourism ministry said the men lagune coordinates they outlined the resort investment scheme for an implausible large $1500000000.00 but it was a ruse to make the plot appear legitimate. the government is making a cover story of giving us a project development but that the phones will be brought. the middleman was singaporean. he replied to ministers spelling out the details of the scheme. when the physical fandom rides in modell we need support from the motives monetary authority to secure the fun from the aircraft the bank premise is for verification counting and insure and media credit to our bank account. the cargo was the equivalent of 12 pallets piled with $100.00 bills the plan was to fly it into the maldives. soldiers then escorted to a vault where it is verified and counted the maldives central bank then credits a private bank. then the money looks clean and can be transferred out bit by bit. after the account is credited $10000000.00 u.s. dollars will be telegraph transferred to singapore hong kong the balance will stay if i can find suitable usage after 6 months the money will be telegraphed transferred out. flying in $1500000000.00 in hard cash saying that guy for development and moving this amount of money and in physical cash i think it quiet i haven't seen an example of this amount of cash being laundered through a central bank before it's something from a james bond film. vice president of deep gave one possible explanation of where the money was coming from on the central bank governor said it could be done. it's so fly capital people want to move here mostly since indonesia and elections a lot of offshore oil trade money. if they can provide the details of the source of the funds. we can find a way. it seems is. at the very top of the government were involved in this suppose a deal to need this money there are examples of lots of countries where the government is effectively run by crooks. e-mails and text messages show tank when you was representing secretive finance he is a mysterious boss referred to only as mr hands. a mining an energy investor indonesian rossi honey. a british educated indonesian runs annoying all mine abdulhakim heidi. here he's pictured with the malaysian architect of the deal fide zone has done. he spun the web of front companies through which the money would be low on. funds on facebook account shows he was in iran in early 2015 the time of the plot and this e-mail from tom kline you suggest the cash came not from indonesia but iran. we caught up with mystified zan in a luxury mall in the malaysian capital. just because i'm on his will jordan i'm from algiers there is vested if you don't want to talk to you tell them oldies and about cash flying into the mold lives under your company city trust administrator you know anything about the place sold as well so you know a time when you don't when you i've done quite a new. one was. trying to find you from singapore oh yes a company kludgy a 5 ton store i thought i thought i met him before dumped on how come how did i come out here suppose the way you want your relationship with him he says he's he comes to the office. on your. hope cos i've i've met him before he needed god so we have evidence of close to fly in the hundreds of millions up to 1500000000 dollars in cash oh i think i'm always you know that's a lot of money and transfer it to the state bank of india home and from the state to an account under the name of city trust an administrator and there's a lot of money and it looks like money laundering why would anyone want to move not going to get out we when would i want to do i hear you trying to make cash into the moment i mean i've been doing this business for 35 years and i don't do such things so do you help people want a money. mike brooks how can you even see that. says the mighty how can you even see that so do you offer a service in which i can bring large amounts of cash to you and you will claim it's all. no you. absolutely not absolutely not. but that's not what mystified zone had told our undercover reporter minutes earlier i just i see how you can be ready to be 5 i've seen your picture. he met mystified zahn under the guise of being an investment executive with a number of very wealthy clients. so the time for you to take note if not you know . you will basically look after a high net worth individuals we told him our clients were looking to move large amounts of cash had political connections and wanted total secrecy this strongly suggests corruption and should raise red flags but for mystified zone it was business as usual some of these leaders have very substantial sums. some of that similarly some of it's in cash and i know that might be an issue no no ok i see i was reading that the businessman appeared well connected but he's always though i know how he's a noble but there's no. mystified outlined what he could and what he couldn't do for us. this evening don't mean. you knew. you we're. actually one if he didn't sell arms microchips the conversation turned to money laundering how do you get around the issue of cash i mean if we have looked very large quantities of cash i would present you well it's pretty sizable to have that kind of an. ache that's what we've got seriously that's a physical i'm not physical transaction this is. achievable wow who. works here is it would be your derby. because your dollars can be quite tricky because of your social context. can't you come. to q. . is it. much easier you know so much you really he had one concern that the deal was so large it would disrupt the euro currency market a lot euros. the place when really it's not as fast because market cannot stop so yes. it's like you can be. the deal involved absolute secrecy hiding our names behind several shell companies. that's previously i believe some of the structures to come through some really. really. so seriously you but this is a huge $7.00 which you have to go is really going to get the identity of you if you could if you can look at it. don't you think it's actually a form to shipping mainly because why should we come back you know so you know in this actually. right. still. the dirty money would go through a central bank in the region. so i can see it for now. and i'm very good at the bank. mystified zan told us we have misunderstood his comments and taken them out of context. time when you heard he and. deny any wrongdoing in the plan to transport cash and say no money was moved. we have discovered from secretly filmed confessions how men on mopeds delivered stolen money bags of cash to a corrupt political class. will see the people that don't have them and you will get. movers of the skull. was part of a front company used to steal government money to the most the next if he had to slow them and they still be on the up and all you see is going to be mohammed latif aka moho run the front company. plants in this playing in slip the name has been blacked out but it can still be recognized. off a $1000000.00 to president. to his account at the mall leaves islamic bank check number 2 for 7 mo hope aged 10. to. check to 000. 00 to transsexuals. all the faster. to. be an illegal busy. hussein mohammed. was vice president a deep driver he delivered the president's money on a moped huge sums of cash in black sports bags the vice president made the arrangements. do you do you believe you you need money to do the loop through these new releases him to do this we. look. to deceive look i'm not looking. i don't tell young to do this it's me that's keep you under so little because the newcomers and so it will do wonders devious if you you know i mean you know he himself you know. student money he was new and unique in this room if you knew me you knew he's going to get in here community whose name you can. buy me 2015 vice president a d. put accumulated money power and $3.00 gold i phones. he traveled all over the world meeting leaders like china's premier. his plan was coming together. he had installed a friend as prosecutor general effectively placing himself above the law. after that my power is complete. the deep even tried to get a gun and 2 dozen bullets. broke what you have now 9 millimeter silent how many bullets. how many do you want. 24. ok. delete all the messages bro for safety for both. i will. but the vice president had risen too far too fast. you know tobie 2015 blocks to the president's yacht. the 1st lady was her. president ya mean blamed a deep. voice president was sentenced for terrorism. could foresee behind the last. we have obtained these previously unseen forensic reports . lacking expertise the government called in american f.b.i. investigators and saudi specialists both found no conclusive evidence that there was a bomb they suggested it was an accident which in turn suggests the president used the blast as an excuse to remove his closest rival. we have seen him in operation we have seen him. pledging his own government he has that instant. 23 of his own why specifically. a number of his own ministries. anyone and everyone who expres is different. in some they have been punished. now that there's no exception to be. before vice president to deep could be arrested he handed his phones to an ally to sneak them out of the mold as a source copied the contents to us. the phone leaked documents and recordings of revealed a paradise conquered corrupted and stolen. the system has completely failed i mean in such a small place where everyone always everyone it's very easy to corrupt the entire system. it's like a game or politics. at the top performer com. president obama doesn't want policing the world central bank in 1. 100 wat and traditionally it was. a cheerful country. so there's no future for us. everybody's afraid. lives is being sold out by these few people who are making money out of the beauty of that country. the country has been stolen beat by beat. has come into he has this need to go off the country and collect money. i would say to him that you do not have the right to stay in power and you have lost legitimacy. and you in my opening one of the most come up incapable. or to protect you do we can. it's time for the perfect gentlemen. sponsored point qatar airways and i once again welcome to another look at the international full cost still seeing some very heavy showers around the western side of the amazon northern part of the parade into ecuador we have flooding problems continuing here may we'll see some flooding problems just pushing over towards what is everest as we go through the next couple of days choose to see some live the shallows rolling across the river plate easing into what you're acquiring into the southeastern corner of brazil city something to watch out for elsewhere the showers continue unabated pushing up into southern parts central parts of colombia some areas of it as well also seeing some very heavy rain as well as we go on through the next day or so meanwhile we have got some showers coming into the east the knobs of the caribbean but not seeing many should be fine and dry more the way of sunshine than showers and the set earlier across the great around here this is spawn yellow jamaica cuba see some lovely weather over the next day or 2 but you want to see showers there and to costa rica they could pack up as we go on through wednesday so some heavier downpours a possibility along with panama see some heavy downpours recently may bring across the deep south of the u.s. at the snow of course just around the central and west implies that western weather will set in a move over towards the eastern seaboard for the midweek. qatar airways. this is al jazeera. i live there i know how he did and this is the news out of live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes members of the european medicines agency are expected to hold a news conference.

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