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travel between town severely limited the government has also announced a 3 day nationwide lockdown over the easter weekend. spring's events are still fresh in our minds and we will do everything we can to prevent it from happening again on the basis of sun attack everything the government does today adopted restrictive measures that we have judged to be appropriate proportionate while health organization is saying there is no reason to stop using the coronavirus vaccine manufactured by astra zeneca thailand bulgaria and the democratic republic of congo become the latest countries to delay their rollout of the champ this a day off to denmark norway and iceland suspended their use of the vaccine while investigating reports of cases of blood clots. doublet do is aware that some countries have suspended the use of force or is in a car vaccines based on reports of blood clots in some people who receive the doors of the vaccine from 2 bikes. this measure was taken as a precaution while a full investigation is finalized it's important to note that the european medicines agency has said there is no indication of a link between the vaccine and blood clots and that the vaccine can continue to be used while its investigation is ongoing in our other top stories the parents of around 30 students kidnapped in northern nigeria are waiting for news of their whereabouts the overnight raid on a forestry college is the 4th maskell abduction in the volatile region since december the authorities said armed bandits attacked the school which is located near a military academy and can do nest day neighbors heard gunshots but thought it was a routine military exercise witnesses say the gang targeted young women and left the male students behind after a distress call the army rescued $180.00 other students hours after the attack fidelis mba is in a budget with more on the story. this is the 1st time that groups are targeting it means to hire lending. else and i asked him to do almost every day this kid nothing across nigeria has been kidnappings of the people who are commercial buses people in the homes and towns and villages big government has been making across the continent is but in recent months since specially since december there's been an increase is it not it would be replacements of military troops you can generally. be president mohamed if. i need friends. in the navy and also what the. crowds too. many people are worried the situation is really getting at. now on yemen a spokesperson for the heathy rebels is saying they've rejected a u.s. plan for a nationwide ceasefire because it represents saudi and u.n. he used earlier the u.s. envoy for yemen said the who does appear to be prioritizing a military offensive to take the region a lot read and warn the country will spiral into greater conflict without a halt to the fighting can lend a can also said the u.s. has restored humanitarian assistance funding to north yemen and the us city of minneapolis is agree to a multimillion dollar settlement over the death of george floyd council members voted unanimously to pay as family $27000000.00 floyd steff at the hands of a police officer spots a public outcry in may the officer involved chauvin is facing murder charges those the headlines this hour the boy who started thinking syrian war is the program coming up next. barack. another day another hit and run mission for the free syrian army in the southern city of daraa. yes. it's classic urban guerrilla warfare and no one knows the streets better than those who played here his children. nothing like these men all grew up in the us but this is no game and if the government troops pinpoint them they're dead. because. should have a close look. at such a move just something new just because. it is here in this city that the uprising against bashar al assad began. among these fighters is a young man who bears a unique and unintended responsibility his name is see a snake. on the lot of other body than a living by what went on a. mosque and a. dog. was just 14 when he sprayed antigovernment slogans on this school. wall in that. it was february 2011 and he could never have imagined the consequences. well over half a 1000000 people have been killed in syria since the start of the war. malawi as home city has been ravaged by street fighting shelling barrel bombing the war has created scars that may never heal. the so-called arab spring at rallies popular sentiment across the middle east tunisia egypt libya yemen and many more so millions of people take to the streets. people protesting dictatorship and demanding democratic freedoms. but now while he is graffiti was more amused active youthful defiance. oh i thought it was all muscle force. i'm in a. board of knowledge of a. democrat in that i thought. i had them with us. about your men and shut the door let's about how on the most. of the. well a lot of the toys. are allowed. in the mall for the following him into. his father's fears. a well founded. malawi has 3 accomplices were rounded up by the police together with a dozen other suspects. the full. dragged out of bed in a dawn raid he was driven away in handcuffs his family had no idea where he was being taken but knew of the syrian authorities reputation for brutality. madhu for abboud was an accountant for 20 years until the uprising. jani you look at them condemned to know a lot of that in there as our energy that come to us and through that of the new land. that i thought renew it. some oxygen. they have somebody. to look at. that they've got a. problem which one out of one of the public here going to be going in on a little slow head kind of guy going to look a little in. need to be there to help us live or not i want to. plug in the molecule. themselves think up time as if that. were some of the my highlight there. was a jumper said you had that idea you home. or you could be out of play at that event and that will help to know not one. but also gobble. link kind of got a lot of the photo how. my you didn't know where you were if i think i live it goes with the whole. fellow. well met the t. that all. the. don't feel. a little it would have. come with. your. mom's a lot of. the you were looking all your me and laughed at that. when their fathers tried to find out what had become of the boys they were told forget those children go home and make some more if you can't manage send us your women and we'll make more for you. how you do or much money can mean this. although i can use the. that is their parent has shaken her. that fearing for the boy's safety after a month in police custody thousands began taking to the streets demanding their return. and i'm going to be that i have no one who nicely shot a lot. stronger than that i know how to. listen to you come through that without a salute to none could. hire cannot cannot you know just you know. never going to not hear no edition you are not going to understand that no just media. around 230. the police began treating the demonstration as a riot. 88. out of the deformed barricades fired tear gas and water cannons. the crowd filled back but didn't disperse. soon after that special forces were helicoptered in from damascus with orders to quell the riot at all costs. just after 4 pm that friday they opened fire and the crowd. got a lot of problems. along with another man's and then the lot of a lot of them off as nana flock of. whom she had a function here that he should have been away all. the. things that are. thousands of the photos. the one left at the kid out of the us the not the man to get us up on it so let's follow cynical on it would to head it off on. the bottom and then. so how can i have had enough fun. the. next day with feelings running high the burial of the 2 men security forces again opened fire. did several mourners killed a child. anyone with gunshot wounds would be arrested if they went to the hospital so the a lamar the mosque the oldest in the city became a 1st aid station. was. told. law was put in the early hours of 23rd march security forces stormed the mosque 7 were shot dead including a doctor i did go to with me a little of them i mean how do i do a lot of. outreach but all the killing thousands more flooded into the city from the outlying districts. but. sensing things were getting beyond their control the authorities released the boys from custody. but the sight of their battered faces incensed the crowd again. and the law or was that a lot of what a. lot of those are much lower level manifold profile. of most of the. world with the more you know john the guy milf out of the world is not on the island. now holds a lot of walls hold us a lot of it. a noisy throng of thousands the crowd assumed safety in numbers but the security forces declared a breach of public order and opened fire on the demonstrators. her earlier am was when i. left the mobile phones and the internet meant the entire nation saw what was happening. syrians were dying on line. talk on. the most of. those sales hold blowhole. that is harder. to give you the. protests spread from the south to latakia damascus homes bunya us hama. north to aleppo and east. this was no longer a protest over the arrest of some young boys did become an uprising and i am going to let your comment to see it to see if. when not i'm not. going to see investing in. iraq and iran can come stosh else i want to scream in. models 1st recruits was his brother more off doing it that his shots. the one. article. a while wanted to have a gun and then move on then milan or noble or heavy in gun cabinet. the brothers village of nyima on the eastern outskirts of had a reputation for defiance and a show of force the government troops blasted their way in. to that old song thought shall shell out of the political north also. coming. in the 9 of them on the job both sides i am not a but i'm a block not a thief in the initial efforts i'm not a bit lucky not. jacking them as a knock off player. coming up with a good. for . american gun paving. the way out and the knock on the. that was more fun or 1st of all wasn't. the accountant became a roof the warrior. like most of his men he'd completed national service as a young man he'd been trained as a fighter pilot. in the moon or not dishes 3 and i thought i said i'm not. going to just a story he had created you. saw the money in. but he would now be using his military experience to fight for what became the free syrian army against his own government. mossad did them one more time going to the not going to do i don't give us that then was. all that. well small militias were confronting a military goliath the demonstrations went on. bigger angrier crowds took to the streets. and women soon joined the protests. around $100.00 in their place own instead of going and. had now the whole that's very warmly. so it on the bus. but he warned us. about the whole community. his weapon was the internet she called attention to the struggle raising awareness across syria and beyond. now syrians who live abroad could see events taking place in their homeland. i said yes i was. heard to write. i will come wander but i'm going to die. or come. out of i'm going to work out of. like many other syrians returning from abroad a book side brought back skills in short supply at home and. i using his engineering knowledge he turned to remote farm building outside into a factory making bombs mines and rockets. there's no sophisticated technology here just the kind of industrial plant that any small engineering company might use i. slept. play lists live. our lives this is t.n.t. reclaim from government bombs that dropped them but failed to explode the as . making bombs is dangerous work. it's all highly toxic and the side effects can be painful i. just say. in a war that has seen government forces massively outgun the opposition the rebels and to improvise to survive. very like the scenes. i. was somehow alongside the rockets and bombs. there is a living breathing community where ordinary people do ordinary things. come to. mind yourself. yeah sure myself and then i remembered i'm your man but above you down on this that's a lot of it knocked out of the of the end of my fist and i'm a size and i'm of the novel's up mo. but sometimes it's worse than a missile or even a barrel bomb. a shipping container loaded with explosives and dropped from a helicopter creates carnage in a residential area. and how you set us up in a kind of thought on that end of well that's where that is where a lot of. one night at one i did up but. from the 700 odd. how you can't believe. i. have ever. had a champion. going to get anything. containing all my love of. learning so. i got a dog. a judge on the cell phone go on the list for the shot i want you know about . that i'm going to have that don't but if you got. a young man. in rebel held areas children longer among the ruins to selvedge anything that might be useful. state schools like the one we attended had been closed for years but small underground schools have risen from the ashes. and sand i mean i thought i would have been there but the had some of the. good. in it which were not hot in the not the kind of them in a home nothing from the bonaduce. the stuff and i went in there were not the fun we found in my father and that i said that a some of the stuff. doesn't come on often i met him noticed how he thought i might have been nothing. all. 6. 100 and a 100 more. but that. could be nice. to see you focus your no more. than has some of sharma's father and the cat will. show no you how did you. know him from the nothing except. a man believes passionately in the role of women in the revolution. and then hold on to both the. numbers and the protocol on a bomb on a bus to. sully the internet activist also took on the practical role of children she became a civil defense trainer teaching survival techniques. at least 50000 children have been killed in syria since the uprising began. a limited court i want to go to others live a shadow. of our death but a fairly at the one in the job shift and i don't. but i don't think i want to come . that embassy did. that then but. there is a sort of cause for kill or fish mike i'm going to come before you. they're fairly . normal oh really you thought other people you know so how do you. long for a few 100 in the flat in the film and. this is admittedly. the software crossover and they never thought of. this much they did of this and took out his loss of their mojo young digitally fashoda by the physician there's nothing like on. her to have been getting. this overlay you think that if they did not move up to the lesson the children make their way home with a leaflet and a little more awareness in truth though there's little defense against a barrel or container by. the military often talk about smart weapons and surgical strikes. that's not what's being used here. bombs dropped on killed women children old people anyone. given. to. even the boy whose actions started it all would lose his own father. when freedom of the press is under threat demonstrators and journalists are dealing with internet outages police intimidation and charges of said dish to shift the focus covering the way the news is covered the listening posts on a 0 when afghan filmmaker has sand catches the taliban's attention a bounty on his head forces him to flee with his family desperately seeking sanctuary they jannie across continents chronicling their multi-year saga on their phones. midnight traveling an odyssey of hope resilience and ultimately one family's love for each other witness on algis their. from the favelas of caracas to the battlefields around most of our job is to get to the truth and the power people through knowledge. hello i'm maryam namazie in london with the top stories on al-jazeera now coronavirus restrictions are being run top across italy from monday 8 to all regions including the capital and its financial center milan will become red zones that puts most of the population on the country's most severe measures the government is scrambling to contain a surge in cases in the country residents in the red zones won't be allowed to leave their homes except for work exercise or emergencies the government also announced a 3 day nationwide lockdown of easter weekend. springs events are still fresh in our minds and we will do everything we can to prevent them from happening again on the basis of scientific evidence of the government today adopted restrictive measures that we have judged to be appropriate proportionate world health organization says there's no reason to stop using the corona virus vaccine manufactured by astra zeneca thailand bulgaria or in the democratic republic of congo become the latest countries to delay their rollout of the job after concerns it could cause blood clots doubly juries aware that some countries have suspended the use of force or as in a car vaccines based on reports of blood clots in some people who receive the doors of the vaccine from 2 bikes this measure was taken as a precaution while a full investigation is finalized it's important to note that the european medicines agency has said there is no indication of a link between the vaccine and blood clots and that the vaccine can continue to be used while its investigation is ongoing. the parents of around 30 students kidnapped in northern nigeria are waiting for news of their whereabouts the overnight raid on a forestry college and do next day is the 4th mass school abduction in the region since december the army rescued 180 other students after the attack. and the us city of minneapolis is agreed to a multi-million dollar settlement over the death of george floyd council members voted unanimously to pay his family $27000000.00 george freud's death at the hands of a police officer sparked a public outcry in may the officer involved chauvin is facing murder charges will bring you more on that story in the news hour that's coming up at $2100.00 g.m.t. in about half an hour's time on c.n.n. . while we have the boy who's i'm getting action sparked the civil war lost the most important person in his life always the show. from the war all over the end of a. far. lower hold off. the deal of the. week. as the show the. 3. of you were to. come home. but his dreams were shattered by the war. and when his father was killed the family was plunged into poverty. saw me one option open to. us all told me with the news that awful wall pocket. for that the no schieffer we'll. talk about addition. this longing. for just 4 weeks after joining the f.s.a. while he was shot and wounded in the leg. treated initially by rebel field medics he then made the impulsive and dangerous decision to sneak into government territory to recover in the home of an old school friend. a soviet citizen marrying the one who are just a lot of. dollar bills and thought that. it delimit. gone with the. file it you know when you're with the house look at the. well and. the lot of what the. well the future seems lost for so many families here find comfort in bracing the past. and the past is so rich that even the romans can be considered late comers. but the more recent history of syria is one of silence a viable for the majority sunni population. in the years leading up to the revolution even small children would fice to hold their tongues. and i'm sure the thought. that i have. had the sin of that awesome and 14 what had it today you can. shout out has been badly thought has been about who has been the. death. of the hotter than a 3rd. in the mud this is the form of one hind that had the challenge as i. said. i think it was something about a certain. time i must say in our country i'm about to get on the mend. we have. should demand you're going to sit in and sat. now if you heard me and that gentleman has in the car. that is where the hit tell us. about of people to talk about. but these freedoms have come at a terrible cost. for you all 2 here doesn't work. so why do you need your. computer. how will the phone commons or will it help. sure yet if. you insert a few 100 but just put a. is right on their doorstep. the engineer i flanked by a guard detail came a long way from the body where he'd lived most of his life. now back in daraa where he was born his home city has become a concrete skeleton. so for the thought of all the cowbell them on the committee which often seek an animal or jules got upset will also. hurt not all but he didn't just open up the want to move all. of us up to speed up the getting home by. their subtle to help us off the probably end of the whole bottle. and not too often know one another nail for i'm also here. snipers lurk on the rooftops of broken buildings. movement on the streets or even indoors near a window often means instant death. to the muscle. car when i'm not on a ship topped. the moment but if one of the celibates off the ships. are badly damaged i would back it up and you have a soft enough down. the hall to get it done the job. done to put the stuff on top of the cable going to. bloody enough that i showed up a. couple. one and asked me to write. a book dreams of building a disneyland type fun park for children in the future. at a time he prays when rockets are no longer needed but the now the present that you buy them a bottle of all. i can tell you they're not the words of a nice looking. but. just. sentiment out of. an apparently casual encounter turns out to be a security checkpoint. set out of. fun a father who would actually choose to so upset mark that if there's a sort of not a soul to go in for that will put it up at once was it that there's you know about it and enough of an impulse there's a lot of that there's some of. them to make an awfully you know 1000000000 wonders and it was laden with them going to going to school and easy going and about them but i would. nominate one. of the shots. it was. monday night where the silver sort of it become public to the. father of one of them you have a whole lot of books that he had off at idle. the pump to set up. the development of them all the kids to get. the content what's the odds of. a. with that one. of the pantheon. of what the possible or the. this is one of many arms dumps a small arsenal not known all but about the us now on a pick up anonymous not going to have him share the office and. they're making weapons from old scrap metal. that are going to. come back in town. and his men take a moment to consider the meaning of the struggle. just. why that it isn't that. enough in order that exemption on. a number that's not going to just a little longer in the book that kids are going to live and i can go yeah. holy shit another day b.s. . that has a lot of isn't. that what about a story you get a lot of you know you're the one. that those elements and sucky all over the field or for me that means in the dark about those who are going to be at the. playfield and dining early to get on with life fully before not. only just hot enough. for now a book size group has work to do. he said intelligence reports of an imminent attack from a nearby government garrison. he decides to strike 1st. of all good by the. from the moment they take to the road they're at risk. the syrian air force has total control of the skies. but the rebels see a window of opportunity. how did they go about the fact. that it was. a book site calculates they have 19 minutes between surveillance flights to travel set up fire the rocket and get out of the area before the spotted from the air. with. no g.p.s. guidance here they use protractor spirits level and a light. accuracy is a matter of life and death when firing a 500 c. low ball almost 2 kilometers. manhandling the missile into position the whole team makes the final push taking care not to disturb the trajectory. we're not gonna. know how do you understand if it is your monster as ought to. be a number of the for now you have done this now you're the one did it should be. a little off just with final checks the order is given to stand well clear. 17 minutes have elapsed since the last aircraft passed overhead. the rebels have 2 minutes to get clear and hide their truck. i i. even through the worst days of war people insist that life must go on. my mother. they still fall in love and marry. they dream of the future but the present is never far away. as it turns out model of abode has very little future to look forward to. in a desperate irony with the death and destruction of war all around him he has terminal cancer. he's leading a force 300 strong but the men know nothing of more of condition. for this former accountant his 1st duty of the day is surveillance. awful stuff. if budget. a holiday. i don't watch. it and the. government forces are just 500 meters away there are snipers concealed from sight amongst the building still standing. and that is just. the slightest glint of sunlight off binoculars could alert one of those snipers or even an artillery unit he seen enough time to brief is meant. to. be. back at base maarouf meets with a handful of his men including more of his brother and 2nd in command. here they take delivery of communications equipment. it's as vital as bullets. small bands of guerrilla fighters can only. just in on me through coordination. led. the city and. the explosion is only one block away the start of a battle that will continue for 3 months. while good. luck. with. the alarm is raised vehicles brought under cover and forces ready for combat. gear cut. up. when the signal is given that men are pitched into battle. fighting rages in our camera captures just a little of the intense. i . love. life. not. on a lot. of cars. in the heat of battle a regime sniper appears in a doorway just long enough to give himself away. been spotted by a rebel commander in a captured syrian army tank. 3 months of intensive fighting so little territorial movement but both sides suffered heavy casualties. over $100.00 f. a c. fighters were killed 7 of them from our roofs unit now and on that the time. my roof in self died in the closing stages. from cancer. he'd always refused to go abroad for medical care preferred to remain with his men until the very last days when he was taken to jordan. and i think i just took up an automobile. doesn't know when todd. hole office. the mail from home. now what a lot of our dogs had. a lot of and when you're when you've just got a shelf. full . of. to tell and a lot of clubs have been under the hood of the. car. as for. whose unwitting actions ignited this war he suffered another loss. his best friend a monarch who joined the f.s.a. on the same day he did is buried at the edge of town. but will know what a lot. of global. does population hog in the course of the war killed wounded fled $100.00 a hand to get unleashed on you so it actually conduct themselves. on the campus so it's not. an issue about. ringback them on our demand i'm sure for monophonic on top of the earth. ringback had a byproduct and i thought it could be a messy. car and i set out to look now amongst some of the 2nd is a claim can. be done with the proctor and. the commandant and they have been sending them that these are not solely a disease of one or 4 buckets and a lot of what are known as isn't it enough. and charm ringback. and while we are. inevitably he now questions his own actions. none of those are going on with all of us in the middle. on the run. down the hall from now i think and i know and love all of the real book but i was wrong to do. so much shit on a localized offals of it a little as i realized it was all. a made all the fighting and dying the street protests in daraa continued. in towns and cities all across the country on both sides of the divide the only dreamt of peace. the one certainty is that syria is changed forever. levanon is grappling with its worst economic crisis in generations. exasperated by the coronavirus pandemic and then this. one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions in history shone a light on a nation already in economic and political freefall people in power travels across the country to find out what's next for the trouble states lebannon the state of collapse on i'll just see it out. welcome to down from every one of us. even those working quietly behind the scenes. so you can relax enjoy the perfect break in your journey. and when you leave with a smile we know law day's work is done cats are always welcome to our home. or has time for variations in temperature of 10 degrees or thereabouts day to day as the end of summer turns into proper autumn you've got this frontal system currently running through south australia so adelies temps going to drop by 10 degrees i think melbourne similarly by 5 or 6 and that's significant right a rain by which stretches up to western australia with significant re once again that area that had so much this last month or 2 and i think mostly it's welcome still hot and dry so it is getting hotter in perth 27 up to about 29. sydney's day in fact new south wales day on sunday will be a wet one significant thunderstorms flooding is quite likely i once that's gone through the chance you'll start to drop again behind it even with the sun in the high teens from melbourne and adelaide they're running through japan at the moment is a developing low significant wet and windy weather once again not so good for the cherry blossoms the look will be a little ragged afterwards rain running through tokyo's snow on the high ground on the northern slopes the high ground but because we're coming into spring now even as it rolls away the sun's out and the enough want to give you 20 in tokyo it's about 48 in beijing but no walls in china still suffering from rather poor quality . but. now. villages. we women teachers daily struggles with isolation and battles with physical hardship . sacrificing their lives for the education of future generations. women in the way on al-jazeera. the goalkeeper for one is a. world cup was what dreams were made. the rest are told by our. most obscene footballing legend eric cantona introduces close. one of a special few stood up for their beliefs whatever they call. football records on al-jazeera. 'd 'd al-jazeera. a low i maryam namazie a watching the news hour live from london coming up in the next 60 minutes it's me wraps up its coded restrictions to stop a new wave of infections most of the country will be under tough new measures for monday. situation critical in brazil as rising cova cases there leave hospitals around the country overwhelmed gunmen abducted 30 students from a forestry college in nigeria's had doonas state a 4th mass school kidnapping since december.

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Australia , Afghanistan , United States , Us Hama , Nigeria General , Nigeria , Brazil , China , Beijing , Yemen , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Russia , Latakia , Al Ladhiqiyah , Adelaide , South Australia , Nyima , Xizang , Malawi , Iceland , Egypt , Italy , Perth , Western Australia , Milan , Lombardia , Tokyo , Japan , Damascus , Dimashq , Iran , Congo , Melbourne , Victoria , Jordan , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Caracas , Distrito Federal , Venezuela , Iraq , Denmark , Sydney , New South Wales , Saudi Arabia , Saudi , Syrians , Afghan , Soviet , Syrian , American , George Freud , Bashar Al Assad , George Floyd ,

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