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Get the latest at the last 100000000 covert 19 vaccine at least 100000000 covert vaccine shots into the arms of the American People in the 1st 100 days 100000000 shots in the 1st 100 days meanwhile President Donald Trump signed an executive order to prioritize vaccines for the u. S. Before sending aid to other countries comes amid reports the president actually rejected an earlier of pfizer to double their order of the vaccines the worlds 1st fully tested coronavirus vaccines been administered in the u. K. This is 90 year old grandmother Margaret Keenan making history is the 1st person to be vaccinated 800000 doses of the vaccine are now in 70 hospitals. Dont trump squits to overturn the Election Results suffered another defeat is the u. S. Supreme court rejected an appeal to throw out votes in pennsylvania the Republican Party wanted to dismiss up to 2 and a half 1000000 ballots giving the states 29000 expansion of malin voting was illegal under state law the nations highest court they didnt explain its reason for denying the request if European Security forces have shot at and detained un Security Officials trying to reach the take away region the u. N. Says the 4 officials were assessing roads for delivering aid to refugee camps and the United Arab Emirates and egypt of welcome to kuwaiti and american mediation efforts to end the 3 year blockade of cutter both countries say they appreciate the mediation efforts from kuwait in the u. S. To saudi arabia announced progress had been made thats not for today thanks the company came vanillas with you in half an hour next all hell locked on control it being alone together. There was a tweet i read at the start of this pandemic as coachmen 1000. 00 forces us to physically distance from one another societys at risk of a social recession a social recession is marked by an increase in money miss and isolation it was posted in made much by former Surgeon General of the United States dr vivek murthy and already by that point entire regions and key cities of some countries had been in lockdown for nearly 2 whole months from the start it was clear that beating this pandemic was going to require sustained physical distancing and quarantining of the medics and Mental Health specialists around the world and nothing was clear to the lockdowns were going to reveal the extent of the not a hidden Public Health issue loneliness. Social distancing physical distancing quarantine lockdown and so fascination more than any other time in recent history 80 social behavior has become part of our Global Reality because to separate ourselves from one another to stay for paul long periods of time at home to not meet with friends and family its not commute to work or even sit in a restaurant or a cafe all of that is quite antisocial its not how humans are why and its why even though the physical Health Benefits of the kovacs a good lock downs have been undeniable the psychological impact has been in a skeptical to. Italys experience with corona virus was harrowing it was one of the 1st European Countries to be affected and despite strict lock downs it has had more than 36000. 00 coronavirus related deaths as of october this year in early march after a curve in 1000. 00 outbreak flared up near 174 year old psychologist roberta bravura and 4 colleagues set up a free Mental Health hotline for long body residents she began to receive calls immediately going in for. Me. Or. Oprah. Or me d. Ringback when i spoke to roberta she was coordinating a network of 200 professionals. Psychologists volunteer in their time during the lockdown made calls from all over italy from sicily in the south to a all star in the far north theyve even received messages from this far broader stood by the United States and australia. Christic he says same thing goes on too. Early that then means noise. Though theres. More. Of a desire to be fired like. Mummy then the man on the m. R. I. Obvious or no there you go obviously the fabric yack a model or not begin there you dozens of. People there with a santa ana father the place on it in question journey in the wilderness that causes. The. Man being south of the palau economist bell to put their best to me with feeling sympathy that you know me oh do or. Dont know do not call assuming were for pay look these are. Who read the. Thank you late acros or the use of a mental note. Before were going to. Bury can i ask how many calls have come through during this interview i looked like him i think you know it you do sort of queenie cheek. Humans have an innate psychological drive to connect with others what were learning more more now is that that need to connect is physiological. Just weeks after the World Health Organization declared code 19 a Global Pandemic researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of technology mit posted a preliminary report on social isolation and some of the new responses the trick is the findings pointed to one telling conclusion the need to connect is as primal fundamental as our need to eat just 10 hours of total isolation can leave the brain feeling starved i spoke with julie and hope a professor of psychology and neuroscience at bringing Young University no were not wired to be in this alone. She says that surge of panicle that sinking sensation in your stomach when youre physically cut off from people is a biological response that has evolved in us over millennia throughout Human History to be needed others are certain but that us protection or. Resources are adapted to expect others so when the lad the proximity to others particularly trusted others this is in essence. A state of alert because now we have to manage the threats in our fire and on our the latest science on loneliness shows that acute isolation has physical Health Professions to such as an increase in heart rate and Blood Pressure a surgeon stress hormones and internally pool nation according to Research Published in the cardiovascular medical journal hot people who feel lonely are 29 percent more likely to develop coronary Heart Disease and 32 percent more at risk of suffering a stroke julianne has also studied how social isolation impacts mortality well you were able to find was being well was associated with a 26. Percent increase risk for death being socially isolated 29 percent and living alone 32 percent and although there was. They werent significantly different from each other that both being objective only isolated and that subjective feeling of. Significantly predict risk for earlier death where the suggest is that we need to take our relationship seriously. For the 1st time in Human History greater numbers of people ages and places a living alone in the us for instance the percentage of Single Person households has increased from 13 percent in the 960 s. To 28 percent today in europe things are highest still with around 38 percent of dutch and nearly 42 percent of germans living alone in fact from ecuador to japan this upward trend is visible all around the world when the pendennis broke one of the catch phrases that caught instant popularity was social distancing however when i spoke with sociologist Eric Klinenberg he made an important point about the terminology it isnt quite accurate understood what was important about that distance he helps but i realized right away that there was a problem because social distancing is very different from physical distancing actually but we need to get through the situation certainly to rebuild afterwards is social proximity you know social solidarity we need to be looking out for each other to cure each other and making sure that we are helping people who have. Eric was quick to point out to me that despite the increasing numbers of People Living solo they wouldnt automatically fall under the category of the people most likely to suffer loneliness people who live alone in ordinary times are actually quite social on average you know theyre more likely to marry people to spend time with friends and. Neighbors to go out into public and shared spaces the problem now is that. Everyone who lives alone has been forced to be socially isolated for the 1st time ever and i fear that this has generated this loneliness to unsettle it as much as were in an economic recession that were also in a recession with the lockdowns limiting travel everything from simple commutes to long haul plane journeys and physical distancing restricting how close we can get to each other many people have sought out ways to deal with the social recession if youre like me and ive been fortunate enough to have access to a laptop or far in a good wife i connection then technology has been an undeniable benefit whatsapp we chat face time scott zoom to talk all these apps and many more have made staying in touch with people so much easier and yet so many have still felt played by a sense of isolation and anxiety many of these trolls feel very synthetic prey ive thought about the idea that this somewhat analogous. Where they have been you know incredibly beneficial in making more accessible to many more people but also count with potential. And you know just like processed foods very blankly in the degree to which they are trishas so do. They still lack that personal touch you cant reach across the screen and give someone a hug yeah i think my mom and dad and his trail you would understand agree with you and im grateful that i can conversation with my parents who are in other states on base time more than i can teach my students at n. Y. U. And zoom you know here we are doing this interview you know through a screen but i think the majority of. Them be under there just cant wait to get back into physical life. You know to be you know a restaurant or cafe or my brewery or playground or soccer field to spend time with other human beings and as soon as its you know say can we feel secure enough to do it it will realize just how much we depend on and should value the social infrastructure that would take for granted. This is not a single emotion its a complex feeling that consists of many different emotional states from anger to fear to grief to insecurity and uncertainty. In january as the Chinese Government implemented the 1st major lockdown the world was to see this year in will one city not only when medics moved in to deal with code 19 but there was an infusion of psychologists and psychiatrists from the start to deal with the mental and emotional impact of the distancing isolation and fia even Mental Health professionals not physically in move on got involved and youre in shanghai and you started the ones like logical Assistance Project i didnt commit 1000 years back like you. Do now in a year. And you know 100. 1000 that you. d d d havent yet to watch when i know i got an organ damage. Done to hanoi and. Gennaro sure coming down of the original. I dont you need no one. Yet we chat the chinese messaging app was the main point of connection between the psychologists the aid workers making referred. And the people in the eating and what started as a group of 17 shanghai based counselors soon grew to 50 professionals from across china you know theres your whole you know you know my childhood leashing at. Astleys that you know sure how woman the you know yeah im sure you know she was leaning on. Jungle monkey and yeah you know. Youre not coming in you know you need in there and she can actually you know sharing i should encourage that wearing you know im trying to understand your own angela when i mean jani hang yours when you can. Handle without when our nanny and you and hal and i act out you. Know havent you found that onstage im not really union you funny enough with that i hang on and when i got you. On high you share. Them with the john hammond when i get emotional when i try and get younger. Or. Ready ready. 100. 1 irony yet you are wrong in your end. About what that you didnt do jani monument terms when you made on john downing that you are usually you know you are. Not anyone should. Your not going to. Waste though poor interviewers such are the scum of your emote that is so near lock up bunch that kid there you. Have me. Queen bee no no sing your sleep you cause you saw. The sun is so nice see we are going our new idea then there are those girl would you go to derail the still. Missing 2 pseudo cause of most of that. Feel it will be jason because thats just being though i just feel chippy you know some of that. Poor young with a big gun with a pointy deal to a good deal with an a for g. D. Dark in the yellow virtually proud. When we face grim situations winning side a looms we seek out could be mechanisms during the lockdown watching communities of diverse and distance people try to cope together was fascinating in italy balconies became spaces for music and dance and even enabled people to shifu dwith those who couldnt afford enough of their own there were half humorous half whisper videos online of people in Different Countries trying to play sports or getting a workout together in malaysia people flick in their lights. On and off in a symbolic and often poignant show of solidarity and back with the lockdowns 1st began in movies when no one really knew much about the virus and even few understood the pros and cons of physical distancing chants of will. Keep fighting between classes. Or during trickle down youre not now going. Back to washington are you going to be mayor and. Passion mailed to you for generations in your pension to pay for mentions you saw going out. To me that you hung the. Watch. That we should do i go not john and which arent. You know its an on a diet should say youre not me. You know it really comes back to we are social beings were not meant to be alone you know its analogous to the idea of hearing that the water is not safe to drink and yet were all so thirsty here and so were looking for opportunities in a variety of ways and im actually you know less of the creative ways that people are i mean to try to and can nag under these incredibly strange circumstances but theres been Something Else as well laughing together funny humor and its everything thats going on we may not see it quite like that but thats a coping mechanism to well you know let life goes on and you know we need some relief its just too much to grease the pressure and anxiety all the time and i think laughter is what keeps us saini you know its its huge it is for it and so you know there are clearly moments where you cant laugh ive seen videos of people you know in the hospital find ways to be like situation and American Workers who take time to sing to their patients or play good music to let people spirits. That. Undergo a big burden as the budget god look at wally. Or throw sophia. At the height of the lockdowns in much more than 100 countries had instituted either passionately food look down the small than 3000000000 people in duels physically distancing it was a radical change to how so many of us are used to living and there was significant concerns that there would be a spike in london this and all the societally issues d but a study conducted between january in late april in the United States by researchers at the. Florida State University college of medicine reported some interesting early findings that spikey loneliness that Mental Health specialists were bracing for it seems not to have happened of course there were people who felt a new sense of isolation there were others whose loneliness momentarily intensified but overall the fears of a raging epidemic of loneliness didnt materialize i dont actually think theres a loneliness im going to i dont like the use of no concept i mean were living through a pandemic right now you know we know what it means to. Meet your crisis and i fear that. Doesnt really help us get the precise tools that we need to feel better maybe part of that is is finding that thread a connection a shared experience this is a global phenomenon its affecting people of the right he ever backgrounds and so there is this collective experience that we are not only facing this together were craving together we also in order to find it we need to we need to Work Together great and so there is. A growing sense of solidarity around that and comfort that as we are staying home its to her tax those in our community our great scrolling its to pay to the people who live around us you know whether its in the next room or the next building or the next block or the next state were deeply injured and and really recognizing our injured pendants helps you think about how to build solidarity you know the sense that were in to get out and. Refusing its you know seeing the way to get through just the way to get through a crisis to close the door and turn into a rugged individualist is a formula for more division its not as there. Are personally everybody else has off having an exciting life party isnt so. Sure there is and i hope that people are able to d take comfort in that. Heres the thing about loneliness you can be surrounded by other people and still feel lonely because just being in a crowd isnt enough to create the kind of connection human phonied and its counterintuitive as it may seem its this very feeling of loneliness that serves as a trigger for us to find ways to make things better for ourselves we become aware of which emotional needs are being left unfulfilled and we make the effort to reach out and talk to people. Theres a lot of things that we get in life because we feel occasional well initially it pushed us to go out in the world and build friendships it could cause us to get introspective to get help you think creatively. Only really dangerous when it enters your balls into something more durable. Biting you know that when that happens you really do stress that is horrible for. A good point going to stick with an emergency. And even less it would still want to. Make ways that simply have see whos. On the piece and i think it should be somebody the subject of those who oppose. I dont cheer there mike was that because of the School Recess if you look at the School System its not really going on and you see these books and all of the values books. One thing you need to see good all good but youre not aware of the study that see the political elite you know money in. The mail yesterday theres was stayed around talking about loving this and so one other note that i have is that from the situation given that i think so many people are feeling lonely. Is. Bill lose some of that sting by that people may be more open about talking about that and their experience that you can better grasp it and recognize that were not alone. Were told technology can help tackle the spread of cold at 19 but all Tech Solutions the best solutions were starting something. Very quickly measuring what data is being collected. Stored looks at the limits of tech and the potential of other creative ways to deal with the issues resurface track it when tech tools go viral episode 3 of all hail the lockdown on aljazeera. As joe biden prepares for the United States to reenter the powers climate treaty Boris Johnson and u. N. Secretary general antonio terrace cohost a Virtual Meeting of World Leaders well bring you live updates an indepth reports as country struggles to meet their climate targets special coverage on aljazeera. Discover the world of aljazeera. The best films from across our network of channels and the 6 boys and to go to none of them have citizenship fresh perspectives and new insights to challenge and change the way we look at the world. How does the old world. On aljazeera. The World Food Program will receive the Nobel Peace Prize for fighting against hunger and the use of starvation as a weapon of war we ask executive director David Beasley the challenge of contacting Global Hunger will be met in the age of the coronavirus pandemic the nobel interview on. The health of humanity is at stake a Global Pandemic requires a global response. To the guardian of Global Health delivering lifesaving to School Supplies and training to help the worlds most fun people. Uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and a vaccine working with scientists and Health Workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the woods and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential Health Services now more than the world needs w. H. O. Making a healthy a world. For everyone. 100 really good shots in the 1st 100 days. U. S. President elect joe biden outlines his plan to bring the coronavirus pandemic under control. And commit ourselves there alive for also coming up. Work as well as the way in britain vaccination drive for the most at risk citizens begins in the fight against covenanting. Under fire ethiopia says a u. N. Team visiting the to great region is shot at after not stopping to check points

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