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Struggle of adjusting to life in a refugee camp. Some ethiopians are throwing away their food in sudan, but 1st the wrists are always a corona virus vaccine is accelerating with pharmaceutical Companies Seeking emergency approval across jurisdictions, pfizer, and by on sacco, the latest to ask regulators to sign off on their corona, virus vaccines. That review should be finished by december 29th meeting. The vaccine could be available by the end of the month. Now in englands a month long stay at home, order expires on whedons staples missions or sets of rules own a new tiered restriction set. So see, replace the long term, but reaction is mixed. Prime minister Boris Johnson is urging m. P. s supports the proposals. So we cant simply allow the current restrictions to expire with the spread of the epidemic vary across the country. There remains a compelling case. There remains a compelling case for regional tears in england, and indeed mr. Speaker, a compelling necessity. Well, the debate comes as the Economic Impact of the pandemic is hitting the u. K. Hard around 25000 jobs are at risk at 2 of the countrys beginning biggest scalding retailers. Rather lets say across life. Now i see Central London and paul brennan hold the u. K. Or rather england set to come by its all of its 2nd coronavirus lot saying but it seems the economic damage is already being done. Thats right. Way on oxford street, that very famous shopping streets in Central London and in the stores all along here. You peer through the glass. And you can see the shop assistant stocking the shelves preparing for tomorrow because the National Lockdown finishes at midnight tonight from tomorrow. All of those stores will be able to open again, theres a sense of excitement in many of them. Unfortunately, the store where im standing, the evidence that same sense of excitement will simply not be present because although the doors are open and trading grill continue, this store, this store is going to go into liquidation if you dont already been in and ministration since earlier this year there were hopes of a rescue package by the company j. T. Sports. But with the news from yesterday, that arcadia was going into administration, and arcadia has a large number of concessions within devon. And it meant that the possibility of a rescue plan for devons simply evaporated. Its the end of a long tradition 242 years. Devon says been in business and we spoke to some people here on a strangely quiet street today, and they expressed their sorrow at the loss of such a big name. Very, very disappointed about that because ideologue online shopping. And theyve got so many different brands in there. So its one of the stores i shop in very frequently. So yes, and they then use on around 130 people who are going to lose their job. Its a great show and i actually work there because were from brighton and i always thought of stuff from them and i think they were babies, christmas things, things for the house. Its a zs really, really said. So one of the things is deborah homes, or was it was the heart of the high street, the Big Department store, but often have satellites of little independent stores that would gather around it. And the factors behind the decline of devon and other big pop stores of various, you know, theres been a move to out of town shopping centers. Theres been a big move online, of course. And devon is itself, had problems because of the amount of debts that it was laden with much of its revenue going simply to service the interest that it was having to pay. But the implications of 25000. 00 jobs put in jeopardy in just 24 hours in just 2 days here in the u. K. Very clear on a very bleak period for the high street in this run up to christmas. These are big numbers, but theyre unlikely to be the last in a very, very difficult trading environment for british retailers. Ok, paul brennan, there live from Central London. Thank you very much indeed. Now a critical part of rebuilding confidence in the Global Economy will be a reliable system of mass testing. One of those options is a rapid saliva test developed in the u. K. That sniping trials in spain show. Now has more now from manchester its tempting to think the arrival of a vaccine will mean the end of all this students being tested before returning home for christmas, whole city populations trying to reduce transmission. But it wont. We dont have many long term. We dont know people, we need em on your back. So theres a lot of things we dont know. So using diamonds at the moment and that you know, in the medium term, its going to be medium words and fast accurate testing remains a vital goal to find a solution for which case will be the cultural flux at this is a, do it yourself test delivering results in 10 minutes. The mideast certain 19 test is being trialled in spain. Its u. K. Developers safe faster than existing alternatives using nothing more invasive than a saliva sample. Just to be partnered with an app, a unique q. R. Code. There is the potential here for a Digital Immunity passport system. Theres a timer and allocated to the test that youve actually undertaken in terms of days, hours and minutes. And then to view your actual passport of freedom. You have your q. R. Card, which has been bonafide for the device. Theres much speculation, but the u. K. Government insists its not considering a system of immunity passports to determine where people can go or what they can do, depending on whether theyve had a test or taken a dose of the vaccine. Its an idea that offends libertarian sensibilities, but given the uncertainties about the pace and the long term effectiveness of any vaccination program, it may well be a necessary evil. I think. Back around. Do you need to be, did we think so that we now whether they have nation where they really need to go to buy a ticket, to a concert, get on a plane or get into the workplace . You have a q. R. Code that tells you ive had a test, my test is negative, im good to go create and all of that information is then bond is put together. Once the test result is confirmed, the world is holding its breath, expecting an imminent return to normal life of normality may not be quite as we remember it. Jonah aljazeera to the u. S. And a proposal for nearly one trillion dollars in additional covert relief is being rushed through congress. The a package of support from democrats and republicans in both the senate and the house of representatives is expected to include direct support from municipal and state leaders. Packages, setting aside at least 45000000000. 00 for the transportation sector in about will include around 17000000000. 00, in payroll supports for airlines. Lets get more now from our white house correspondent, kimberly how kambli people in the United States been crying out for economic relief. This will surely be welcome news, but will it pass . Well, right now, it does not have the support of the white house, but whats significant about this is that could change. We know that in a few hours that the treasury secretary Steve Minucci is set to meet with House Speaker nancy pelosi, thats key in getting white house support. Why do you need white house support . Because anything that goes through Congress Needs to be signed into law by the u. S. President. So you need to have that now pulling back from these numbers. The other big thing to take away from this bipartisan bill that has been unveiled in terms of covert relief, is the fact that there havent really been tock since the u. S. Election of any serious nature. So this is going to be a significant lifeline. And the other thing thats important is that this is bipartisan in that it is being discussed by the Republican Controlled Senate where it needs to pass and also the democrat controlled house of representatives where it also needs to be passed. So this is significant movement. Now one thing that i do notice from this legislation thats also significant is the fact that theres been a bit of a concession on the part of republicans. And that is money for state and local governments. That was a key sticking point. Democrats pushing hard for that republicans saying no, and thats just one of the many areas where this stalled, but now it appears theres been some agreement on that. So in terms of that lifeline that so many millions of americans are looking for. This is certainly an encouraging sign, a big kimberly, is it enough because people have been following us politics, will new democrats and the republicans have been having talks, in addition to economic stimulus and additional aid for the public through this pandemic . The someone who has always been higher much money is at stake, or no, its 990000000000 dollar signs like a lot of money to most people. But is it likely to be enough to help the country through this very trying time . Probably not. Is the short answer, because not only are hospitals being overwhelmed with cope at 19 right now, but thats expect expected to get worse in the coming weeks. Add to that. You have things like the transportation sector in the United States, whether it be airlines, whether it be the, you know, Public Transit buses and high speed trains or a subway systems. Those have all really taken a massive hit because people have been working from home or theyve been unemployed. And so even if these lifelines in terms of Unemployment Benefits are extended, they were set to end at the end of this year for millions of americans. Theres so much infrastructure that has also been impacted kind of a Ripple Effect so, well this will certainly help. It is certainly not going to fix everything to return to normal. So this is really to alleviate the pain, but its certainly not a cure. Ok, can we help about bring us the very latest from the white house . Thank you. Still to come here on aljazeera accused of misleading the public for months. The documents show officials in ruhani, even more than they let on a medical breakthrough in World Aids Day, have a new injection, could be a game changer in the prevention of the skies, a clouding over across the good parts of china. At the moment, lots of dahl and gray weather to come here over the next. As i said, not too much in the way of rain is about the only consolation i can offer. You want to see showers around the yellow sea pushing towards the korean peninsula. But more clout, that is easing across the sea of japan, heading towards honshu a ceasar hunchy. Also seeing some showers for a time. These will tend to move out into the open waters and that west of weather coming back into the western side of the region, pushing a little further north to into hokkaido, may say, generally try and find across a good parts of china. Some when she weather towards the western side of china, over towards the high ground. Now across south asia, it is generally fine in trouble. Your eyes immediately drawn to this developing tropical cycle. And this one, it does look likely to intensify further. Were already seeing some very heavy rainfall coming into shore lanka. As he pushes towards stumble, not away, well bring some more wets and windy weather in here. Nasty conditions here, even pushing up to the south of honor, but there, so we are like to see widespread flooding falling off the back of last weeks storm. Of course, still there was a go on through friday with wetter weather heading for cara. Coded 19 is a Public Health crisis that has been compound, did by capitalism. Alleyway navigates the Big Questions raised by the global pandemic. How the system based on private ownership and seed of profit serve the world in a time of us. Capitalism is the pandemic. The likes of the exploited to protect the people for the profit episode, one of the full hail the lockdown on aljazeera, the bases aljazeera. Reminder, all of the top stories this hour, big a Prime Minister has urged them peace to vote in support of a tiered system of restrictions for england. If approved more than 55000000, people will enter the chew toughest. Heres where the state proposal for nearly one trillion dollars in additional Coronavirus Relief is being rushed through the u. S. Congress. The age aid package has support from democrats and republicans and includes around 17000000000. 00 in support for the airline industry. Irans parliament has passed a draft motion to halt undistracted access by the International Atomic Energy Agency to its nuclear sites. The proposed changes could allow ron to resume uranium enrichment levels of 20 percent under the 2015 nuclear deal that the United States pulled out of iran was limited to below 4 percent. Dorsetshire bari has more from tehran. There is a very, very different opinion when it comes to the governments of present have found ronnie who negotiated that very deal in 2015. This conservative parliament had been debating this motion for a while now. And it seems that the assassination of. 7 the scientist on friday of most emphatically that the just expedited them to put forth this motion in an urgent session and pass it. Now what happens to this bill is that it will go to the guardian council. That is a body that is ultimately responsible for approving these motions that eventually will become law. Usually those decisions about the countrys Nuclear Program are left up to another body that is called the Supreme National security council, which is made up of president Hassan Rouhani the head of the judiciary as well as the speaker of parliament. So this is why this motion by the parliament has been taken as a very much a political move by this conservative parliament and a move against the president and his government warning them that basically any kind of future discussions in dialogues with western powers over the Nuclear Program is not something these officials will welcome. We also heard that the official reaction from the Foreign Ministry spokesperson. Lets hear what he had to say because you seem to the government and the Foreign Ministry have already announced their thoughts that they dont agree with this action. Plan its neither necessary nor helpful. Its not clear if the parliamentarians get what they seek. Unfortunately, they didnt Pay Attention to our points of view. The government has, and rouhani has also released something never before seen pictures rather of the assassinated scientists who received a special award from president Hassan Rouhani. There is a lot of dialogue within the country going on at the moment, but its a very important increaser. Now that president assad is intent on trying to salvage this deal with the incoming u. S. Administration. Later in january, the United Nations has appealed to me. Theo peanut storage fees for access to thousands of eritrean refugees in the region. Prime minister ahmed claimed victory, over the Peoples Liberation front on saturday. But the t. V. , alas, leader is warning that the conflicts between his forces and the National Army is not over. The c. P. L. Life says fighting is continuing on every front. Does accusing abbey of trying to deceive the International Community where tens of thousands of people have fled to grow for refugee camps in neighboring c. Done. Well, aid agencies say this enough to go round, many of the refugees there, say their nutritional needs are notes being met. Mohammad vo has the details. Different by hunger, refugees, queue for lunch at the camp. The food is prepared by relief groups with the help of refugees. But the choices are looking at this. These people have been living on lentil soup with a portion of sorghum porridge for 20 days. This type of food doesnt necessarily suit everyone. Why didnt you know . You know, we have only this type of food that you see here. I had it for 14 days. Now people are throwing it out way they dont want it anymore. The World Food Program is the main provider of aid relief in the camps. It says, every registered refugee gets enough to eat. This is the main food store of the w a p Program Inside the camp. They say what is available here is enough to feed 8000 people for an entire month and more is coming soon. So according to them, there was no shortage of food in the camp. Russians include bread sort of gum lentils, who can go oil or salt and food supplements for newborns and nursing mothers. This is early days, hopefully well get all of these people off the porridge as quickly as possible. The key is we get them registered. And then as soon as thats the case, then we will be giving them monthly russians will be able to manage it themselves. 75 year old try to keep barely starts eating when he abandons his meal. Everything. But a few in the camp are being creative. This woman was a government accountant in her matter. She is 6 months pregnant. She has boycotted the porridge and started a little food business so far away that it never ate this type of food back home. We simply dont know if we can take it since i had a little bit of cash. I wrote some meat flour to make bread, and so that suits my tastes. Little brother makes bread and soup for a family that sells whats left over using the money to buy more supplies, supplying the demand for food people here want to eat while aid groups do what they can to manage a humanitarian crisis. Are disease of the count for ethiopia, the fijis in sudan, the amazon rain forest is shrinking at an alarming rate with deforestation. Now at a 12 year high, Scientists Say the rate of clearing has accelerated since both scenario became president of brazil and weakens environmental protections. And the center appear to reports now from bogota. From the sky, large swaths of brazils amazon are increasingly looking like this, with long patches of rain, forest destroyed by fires and logging, and its getting worse. New Government Data shows the level of destruction is rose almost 10 percent this year to more than 11000 square kilometers, equivalent to 7 times the size of london. Its the highest level in 12 years. And monday, brazils Vice President promised to fight at the struction point 6 percent is not a number to celebrate. On the contrary, as i said here, i desire is not to have illegal deforestation at all. Inside the amazon, this is what were fighting for. But environmentalists believe the government is to blame since taking office 2 years ago, president made it clear down there is watch. The amazon was opening to business and development. He weakened the countrys environmental and forced mint agency and called for more farming in mining in protected areas. Which critics say has emboldened illegal ranchers in miners to clear the forest from that had been built in brazil over. But we have a president that existence of Climate Change, a growing International Outcry led by European Countries a special scenario to send the military into the region to fight the forestation, but little has changed. Now critics hope the election of joe biden as u. S. , president willing crease the pressure given the strong stance on Climate Change. But just days ago took an indirect swipe at biden, in its policy in the rain forest. I recently heard a president ial and it from a country say that if i dont put out the fire in the amazon, hes going to restrain barrys against brazil. How do we deal with all of that . Diplomacy is not enough. When there is no more saliva than there must be governed powder, but they have to know that the amazon is ours. Thats for the world is like nobody has what we have. It will be difficult to convince a defiant bull scenario to change course. But with the effects of Climate Change looming, many believe its a fight on which the health of the entire world depends. I listened to al jazeera and staying with the climate crisis. A court case is under way in the netherlands. The environmental n. G. O. S, friends of the earth is taking Oil Giant Shell to courts, trying to force it to reduce its carbon emissions. Will they accuse shell of threatening human rights by knowingly undermining International Climate goals . 7 groups are involved in the case represents in more than 17000. 00, dutch citizens, sarras shah is the Climate Justice and Energy Program coordinator for friends of the earth. She says, shell had many opportunities to change course. This is a really historic case, a pain in the court in hey, hey, today seeking to hold on the worlds biggest polluter counts. And were taking Shelter Court because shells causing dangerous Climate Change. And they were sued is unique because the not asking for compensation or asking for it to change course shao has known for decades and we know this because of its own historic documents. As far back as the 1950 s. That its actions are causing Climate Change, shows currently still planning to continue oil and gas extraction for the coming years. Even though we know that to dangerous Climate Change, the vast majority of those reserves must remain in the ground. Shells continue to vest around 95 percent of its funds in oil and gas. So its very much responsible for the climate process. Theres a very small amount that its investing it in renewables. Its refused to take action and thats why were in the position of taking shot to court to force change hits had ample opportunity. But whistleblower in china has leaked documents which show Health Officials misled the public for months or how serious the karuna virus was. According to files seen by c. N. N. And verified by 6 experts, the reported number of cases was lower than what was contained in those internal documents. Now, c. N. N. Notes, the documents dont indicate any intentional withholding of information, but rather a mishandling of war officials believe so. Important reports to the public could really use an with more the report paints a picture of the Health System in crisis during those early days of the outbreak. And one that was underfunded, understaffed, and bowed down not only by bureaucracy, but also a dysfunctional culture, where officials were afraid to report the extent of the outbreak. It was quite a hefty document that was leaked about 117 pages and it said to come from crew based center for disease control. And among the key findings was a significant discrepancy in the numbers that the public were given and numbers that were circulated internally. For example, february the 7th, according to the document, there were 5900 cases of carbon 19 or so. But the public, formally given a number of about the heart of that. Now this was according to apparently a lack of standardized, quite area when it came to reporting, which a lot of officials to basically pick and choose the number that they wanted to reveal to the public. Another finding was about testing that there were huge problems in those early days around testing accuracy. And on average, it took the Chinese Government about 23. 00 days to come to a false or negative test results. And much of the time those test results were also potentially giving false negatives as well. Another finding was that during december 2900. 00, just before the magnitude of the epidemic was made known, there was an influenza epidemic in not only rouhani, but 2 neighboring cities. Its not known and thats connected to covert 19, but it could be very pertinent to the investigation regarding the origin of the virus. And finally, potentially the as damning finding was around the neck. An ism that china has put in place around reporting epidemics that are occurring in china. Austrias about to start a mass coronavirus testing program. People in the capital vienna will be the 1st to get checks of authorities are hoping to test 1200000 people with priority given to teachers. December 1st says World Aids Day more, more people will die from corona virus. This year than aids related illnesses, the u. N. Is so worried about setbacks. Researchers hope they have a new tool in the finds. A prevention method thats easier taking a pill. And chapelle has more for people in their twentys looking to protect themselves from h. I. V. Medication has been an effective prevention method for years. Young people visiting this mobile clinic damper toria, are learning about the importance of taking the medication at the same time each day. With ted, you have to remember that over today i have to take your power. And with my thought of, as im working in the city exam time, i get home very mean that i have to take that perhaps. So it indexing. I knew that it didnt matter why did Something Better . I move around a bit better than i did it take you to Getting Better adults that have the attitude and behavior. The prep may soon be replaced with a shot given every 2 months. Its called to take if youre a Clinical Study involving 3200 women across 7 countries in subsaharan, africa has shown how promising it may be. Researchers at south africas hiv Prevention Trials Network and the university of wood water strand, believe it will particularly help women under the age of 24 who are at highest risk. Current press, which is a daily our all pill is associated with a number of challenges. Its hard to take a pill a day, but also young women experience judgments about this sexual activity. And what we saw is that the people who received had basically only 4 infections compared to 34. 00 in the trip. And what they told us that was that captivate was 9 times more effective than preventing a child. More than 32000000. 00, people have died from aids related illnesses. Over the past 4 decades, deaths are down 60 percent since the peak in 2004. And more than 26000000, people are on antiretroviral drugs, but there are still around 12000000. People living with hiv who are not on treatment. And the pandemic has put some gains in jeopardy. The challenges of the 19 bundle mean that the world is moving important grown in the fight to end aids as a public assured by 20 certainty. The un says the response to hiv aids demonstrates what can be achieved by working together and what can be done when all have access to the treatment they need. And aljazeera this is al jazeera and these are the headlines. The u. K. Prime minister has urged them, pays to vote in support of a tiered system of coronavirus restrictions for england. If approved more than 55000000, people will enter the 2 toughest levels from wouldnt stay. So we cant simply be current restrictions to expire with the spread of the epidemic

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