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Aid agencies say theres enough food to go around. Many refugees in sudan say theyre not satisfied. Devotion to the facemask. A new exhibition in japan designed to pay homage to the mast wearing culture about the race to roll out a corona virus vaccine is exaggerating with more pharmaceutical companies. Seeking emergency approval. Pfizer and by on tech are seeking european Regulatory Approval to declare their covert 19 shots safe to use. The review is due to finish by december 29th binning. It could be rolled out by the end of this month in england, the month long stay at home, order will expire later. Politicians are set to vote on new tiered restrictions to replace it. But m. P. s in the governing conservative party are divided on whether to support the proposals. But says the Economic Impact of the pandemic is hitting the u. K. About 25000. 00 jobs are at risk 2 of its biggest clothing retailers. Fould brennan joins us now live from london. So does it look like that kid bill is going to play a Parliament Poll . I think is really very little doubt that it will, but it wont be for the lack of trying to overturn it by a conservative rebel takes place. Labor, the liberal democrats, that the 2 main opposition parties here in the u. K. Theyve chosen to abstain, which is a, an interesting choice. And it really does put all the attention on the ruling conservatives and on the difficulties that boris johnson, the Prime Minister, has. With those backbench rebels who are really quite concerns, in fact, very concerned about the Economic Impact of the tea is on the lockdowns and the National Lockdown that were currently in. As, a result of the pandemic here in the u. K. , the impacts are being felt up and down the country, but particularly on the high street way on how to treat perhaps one of the most, famous shopping streets in the u. K. , perhaps even in europe. But the effect has been felt profoundly in the last 24 hours with news from arcadia, a group which includes such brand names as top shop and top man. And miss selfridge, that they are going into administration that puts around 13000 jobs at risk. And the news today that debit arms, the building behind me still behind me is going into liquidation. Thats even more us and thats putting 12000 jobs. A profound risk. I mean, theres really very little hope that those jobs will be saved or rescued. Bit by j. T. Sports for them through. And we were speaking to passers by here on what is really quite an era lee quiets Oxford Street today. And they expressed their profound sadness at the news. Very, very disappointed about that because ideologues online shopping. And theyve got so many different brands in there. So its one of the stores i shop in very frequently. Yesterday the news and around 130 people who were going to lose their job. Well actually work there because were from brighton and i always thought stuff from there and i think they were babies, christmas things, things for the house. Its easy, its really, really sad. It brings to the end of 242 year history for it to happen, and some the causes are well, various. I mean, its not just the pandemic, the pressures on the high street for many years. But the reality is that the governments here in the u. K. And governments all across europe are having to deal with is that balance between the need to protect and support the economy. The need to protect and support the Health Service and hospitals from being overwhelmed by the numbers of coronavirus patients that are coming and arriving and needing treatment. It is a very delicate balancing act and its one that is its different answers from, different countries. But here in the u. K. , the impacts are being felt very profoundly indeed, just weeks before christmas. Right, paul brennan, reporting from london. Then i said, nations is appealing to ethiopian authorities for access to thousands of eritrean refugees in the grey region. Tens of thousands of people have fled the fighting for refugee camps in neighboring so than 100 has more. There is a huge number of people here already are not talking about those who are arriving every day. That number has subsided, but those who have already arrived here, they are still being registered as you can see behind me. So a slow process because the ngos are trying to make a proper job, registering people biometrically and making sure that there are no mistakes committed. No people are metered or left left out. And that is a condition for them, for the refugees to be able to get the russians to get any type of help. Those arsons are here, the World Food Program is distributing food rations and none food rations across the camps. However, there is a complaint among the refugees here that that type of food that is being served every day is not, is not good because it is repetitive. It is boring to them. They are losing up a tight because for, for more than 20 days they have been even the same thing. As you can see in the following a part of the different by hunger, refugees queue for lunch at the camp. The food is prepared and served by relief groups with the help of refugees, but the choices are limited really are looking at this. These people have been living on lentil soup with a portion of sorghum par age for 20 days. This type of food doesnt necessarily suit everyone and i thought i had died in here. You know, we have only this type of food that you see here. I had it for 14 days. Now people are throwing it away. They dont want it anymore. The World Food Program is the main provider of aid relief in the camps. It says every registered refugee gets enough to eat. This is the main food store of the w. A p Program Inside the camp place say what is available here is enough to feed 8000 people for an entire month and more is coming soon. So according to them there was no shortage of food in the camp. Russians include red sorghum, lentulus, you can go oilers, salt and food supplements for newborns and nursing mothers. This is early days. Hopefully well get all of these people off the porridge as quickly as possible. The key is we get them registered. And then as soon as thats the case, then we will be giving them monthly russians will be able to manage it themselves. 75 year old tidy key barely starts eating when he abandons his meal. I think, but a few in the company are being creative. This woman was a government accountant in her matter. Shes 6 months pregnant. She has boycotted the partridge and started a little food business of her own that they didnt want. Never ate this type of food back home. We simply dont know if we can take it since i had a little bit of cash. I wrote some meat flour to make bread, and that suits my tastes. Little bread and soup for her family and sells whats left over. Using the money to buy more supplies, supplying the demand for food people here want to eat while aid groups do what they can to manage the humanitarian crisis. As we have seen in this report has promised to prove the variety of food being given to these refugees. Also another solution has emerged today. The norwegian, the Refugees Council has started to give some cash to refugees. Those who have already been registered to the amount of about 25. 00 per month. That if it is, are very happy with this development because they think that this will give members to give them extra, give them an opportunity to buy things that are not being distributed by the aid agencies. And a small local market is springing up here among the camps, people buying whatever they can outside the list of things. The top have already been guaranteed by the, by the ngos. But thats not, thats not the end of the list of needs for these a few days. We have noticed a shortage of, of shelters. They dont have enough tents. They dont have enough enough shacks to sleep in many of them sleep in the open sky and it is very hot here. As i speak in this area in daytime, they need shade type time. They need a kind of shelter because also it gets cold during the night. Dear amy and parliament has passed a draft motion to hold on restricted access by the International Atomic Energy Agency to its nuclear science. The proposed changes could allow iran to resume uranium enrichment levels of 20 percent under the 2015 nuclear deal. Iran was limited to below 4 percent. And also, your bar is live in tehran and also not every level of government there in iran is happy with the direction parliaments taking with this bill. Right . Certainly there is a difference of opinion when it comes to the iranian government who negotiated this deal in 2015. And the new conservative parliament that is now in power, they want the government to stop all commitments to the nuclear deal. Basically just throwing it away. They say that the assassination of the scientists that took place on friday afternoon near the capitol is another indication. There is no reason for iran to be abiding by any of these restrictions. The parliament doesnt actually have the power to completely demand this of the president and his government to restart the centrifuges to be working, to enrich uranium at 20 percent level. That those, the citizens come from another body. That is the security, the Supreme Security national council. But what this bill will do is it will now go to the Guardian Council and they will decide how to proceed. But its very clear that the conservative voice in iran is just becoming louder and louder. The spite objections from officials within government, including the Foreign Ministry spokesperson, who reacted to these events in parliament. Lets listen to what he had to say to see the government and the Foreign Ministry have already announced their thoughts that they dont agree with this action plan. Its not necessary nor helpful. Its not clear if the parliamentarians get what they see. Unfortunately, they didnt Pay Attention to our points of view. The government in response to the events that unfolded on tuesday in parliament, have now released never before seen pictures of the assassinated Nuclear Scientist who is on the receiving a special order from president Hassan Rouhani a few years ago for his service and involvement in the go shooting that very nuclear deal in 2015. This was information that was not made public before. And the government has now released these photos to show the role he had in bringing together that deal that they parliament is now opposed to. So there is a lot happening within the country about how to respond. President Hassan Rouhani said that the iranians will, for sure, have a response for those responsible. Hes already accused israel, of having a hand in this assassination. A charge israel has the night. But what the president s it wants to do is to leave the nuclear deal out of the equation to try and get somewhere with it, with the incoming u. S. Administration in january. All right, thanks so much. Still ahead, ill just share our newly released photos intensify a scandal involving the actions of Australian Forces on tour in afghanistan, plus accused of misleading the public for months, leaked documents show officials a move you more than me. Thats on the skies a clouding over across the good parts of china at the moment. Lots of dolls and gray weather to come here over the next. As i said, not too much in the way of rain is about the only consolation i can offer. You want to see showers around the yellow sea pushing towards the korean peninsula. But more clout, that is easing across the sea of japan, heading towards honshu on she also seeing some showers for a time. These will tend to help move out into the open waters and that west of weather coming back into the western side of the region, pushing a little further north to into hokkaido. Maybe you can say generally try and find across a good parts of china. Some when she weather towards the western side of china over towards the high ground. Now across south asia, it is generally fine in trouble. Your eyes immediately drawn to this developing tropical cycle. And this one, it does look likely to intensify further. We are already seeing some very heavy rainfall coming into sri lanka, as he pushes towards stumble, not we will bring some more wets and windy weather in here. Nasty conditions here, even pushing up to the south of honor, but there, so we are like to see widespread flooding falling off the back of last weeks storm. Of course, still there as we go on through friday with wetter weather heading for kara jumped into this story, and julian on Global Community diversity is buyers. Security is that essential for our species to survive . Be part of the debate. I know you have ideas and you can be part of this conversation. When no topic is off the table, the police are not neutral and all of these cases goal here is to terrorize. And heres the other part of this. Theres no consequence to this stream on out as they are. Welcome back. Youre watching aljazeera time to recap our headlines. U. K. M. P. s are due to vote on a tear. The system of restrictions to replace lock down. Could face opposition from some in the governing party. That as the pandemic puts 25000. 00 retail jobs at risk after a series of liquidations, the United Nations has appealed to ethiopian authorities for access to eritrea and refugees in the 2 graves region. Fighting between ethiopias army and to graze forces has been, has forced thousands from their homes. Irans parliament has passed a draft motion to stop the International Atomic Energy Agency having under strict access to its nuclear sites. The proposed changes could allow iran to resume uranium enrichment at levels of 20 percent. Photos have emerged of what appears to show Australian Special forces drinking from the prosthetic leg of a dead taliban fighter. The photos have been published in the guardian, australia. They were apparently taken in 2009 in afghanistan. This follows a damning report into the actions of the straightly and forces there. It found evidence that some soldiers unlawfully killed 39. 00, unarmed afghan civilians and prisoners. Nasiriyah him is an Afghan Affairs analyst. He says the photos show side of the war. Many people in afghanistan have known about for years. And this is another perspective of on going wrong and then its done. The 1000000000 visual is, ive been here before you started. The deal on this issue has been eyes almost every day and yet somebody, nobody has listened to. This is also significant. A lot of people are domestic about their out. Some of this core, a lot of who you know, are not their own who are in poor right to Something Like theirs to do been using it was to late opera and taliban losing their beer. And that this has been something, its shameful. At the war that has happened in a sense a month long exit vision on Face Coverings has opened in japan. It has one of the most developed mask wearing cultures in the world predating the pandemic. Its believed that could have helped to tackle the coronavirus problem brides of 4 pts its billed as a theme park for masks the maskers fashion statement, a thing of beauty, but also life preserving functionality, requiring maintenance and accessories, and available as festive offerings just in time for the holidays. I think everyone wears masks as are their lindy sethi, but i dont think they have the chance to find and try something new. We hope to provide their kind of opportunity. Theres musk chic in abundance, but on this opening day, not that many visitors, perhaps on surprising with japan tackling gets the wave of the coronavirus. Its fitting the mask should be celebrated here, with few countries embracing Face Covering as widely as japan. The practice was already well established, long before people knew of covert 19. Ive always worn masks, especially around spring and autumn because im allergic to pollen, and i change my masks depending on what i wear. So i want to see what kind of masks i can find here. But japans record on dealing with the corona virus has been mixed. Former Prime Minister shinzo are bay was widely ridiculed for his National Mask plan that was branded abbey, no mask for its small size and poor quality. The government was also accused of responding late to the outbreak to try to save the 2020 tokyo olympics, which got postponed anyway. Of course, i understand the economys in trouble, but if the government measures arent effective against the virus in even holding the olympics next year will be difficult. I hope the government can get it together. With the postponement of the games, the Olympic Rings floating in tokyo bay unceremoniously towed away. But those rings have now been returned to public view, raising hopes the ill fated games will eventually be held if they are, it will be thanks in no small part to the humble mask. And the nationwide willingness to mask up mcbride aljazeera. How whistleblower in china has leaked documents which show Health Officials misled the public for months over how serious the coronavirus was. According to file seen by c. N. N. And verified by 6 experts, the reported number of cases was lower than what was contained in internal documents. C. N. N. Notes, the documents dont indicate intentional withholding of information, but rather a mishandling of what officials believed what was reported to the public. Katrina you is in beijing with more. The report paints a picture of the Health System in crisis during those early days of the outbreak and one that was underfunded, understaffed, and bowed down not only by bureaucracy, but also a dysfunctional culture where officials were afraid to report the extent of the outbreak. It was quite a hefty document that was leaked about 117 pages and it said to come from crew based center for disease control. And among the key findings was a significant discrepancy in the numbers that the public were given. The numbers that were circulated internally, for example, february the 7th, according to the document, there were 5900 cases of carbon 19 or so. But the public formally given the number of about heart of that. Now this was according to apparently a lack of standardized criteria when it came to reporting, which a lot of officials to basically pick and choose the number that they wanted to reveal to the public. Another finding was about testing that there were huge problems in those early days around testing accuracy and on average, it took the Chinese Government about 23. 00 days to come to a false or negative test results. And much of the time those test results were also potentially giving false negatives as well. Another finding was that during december 2900. 00, just before the magnitude of the epidemic was made known, there was an influenza epidemic in not only rouhani, but 2 neighboring cities. Its not known and thats connected to covert 19, but it could be very pertinent to the investigation regarding the origin of the virus. And finally, potentially the more damning finding was around the mechanism that china has put in place around reporting epidemics that are occurring in china. A cold case is underway in the netherlands. A Group Called Friends of the earth is taking Oil Giant Shell to court, trying to force it to reduce its carbon emissions. The environmental activists accuse shell of threatening human rights by knowingly undermining International Climate goals. 7 groups are involved in the case representing more than 17000, dutch citizens, so fast and has more from the hague. The people 1st, a shell. Thats how and why in mantillas, call this landmark case in the hague. More than 17000 dutch citizens, together with 6 employer mantle organisations are taking one of the worlds most powerful corporations to court. If you shout of deliberately putting peoples lives at risk with its increased production of fossil fuels from knowing the risks of Climate Change, the company and the written responses as that can be singled out as a company for its contribution to Global Warming. And it also rejects allegations that more than 30 years ago the company had you need knowledge about the risks of Climate Change already. Last year, the same court ruled that, failing to reduce Global Warming isnt violation of human rights, and also ordered the dutch state to reduce its emissions to 20 percent by the end of 2020. But this time its not the state but the company that is on trial for a company with large funds to defend itself. But, and try a mantra missed im still optimistic that they can win this case. And if they do, it will have a major impact on the fight against Climate Change. The amazon rain forest is shrinking at an alarming rate with deforestation now to 12 year high scientists blame this on. The policies of brazilian president has more from the sky, large swaths of brazils amazon are increasingly looking like this, with long patches of rain, forest destroyed by fires and logging, and its getting worse. And you Government Data shows the level of destruction is rose almost 10 percent this year to more than 11000 square kilometers, equivalent to 7 times the size of london. Its the highest level in 12 years. And monday, brazils Vice President promised to fight the destruction point 6 percent is not a number to celebrate. On the contrary, as i said here, i desire is not to have illegal deforestation at all inside the amazon. This is what were fighting for. But environmentalist, believe the government is to blame since taking office 2 years ago, president jacques made it clear down there is watch. The amazon was opening to business and development. He weakened the countrys environmental and force agency and called for more farming and mining in protected areas. Which critics say has emboldened illegal ranchers in miners to clear the forest from that have built in brazil over. But we have that exist of Climate Change. A growing International Outcry led by European Countries are supposed to send the military into the region to fight the forestation, but little has changed. Now, critics hope the election of joe biden as u. S. , president willing crease the pressure given a strong stance on Climate Change. But just days ago, took an indirect swipe at biden, in its policy in the rain forest. I recently heard a president ial from a country say that if i dont put out the fire in the amazon, hes going to reason trade barriers against brazil. How do we deal with all of that . Diplomacy is not enough. When there is no more saliva, then there must be gunpowder. But they have to know that the amazon is ours. Thats for the world is like nobody has what we have. It will be difficult to convince a defiant bull scenario to change course, but with the effects of Climate Change looming. Many believe its a fight on which the health of the entire world depends. A plane is due to leave Londons Heathrow airport on wednesday carrying around 50 people being deported to jamaica. Some of them have been living in the u. K. For decades. Campaigners are trying to stop the flight saying the deportations are racially discriminatory. And rip families apart. Chans reports behind the barbed wire on the grill, covered windows of people spending perhaps their last few hours in a country they call home barring a last minute change of heart from the u. K. Government. On wednesday, theyll be deported to jamaica from inside colebrook immigration removal. Center, one of the detainees spoke to me on the phone. He wants to say anonymous. The russian woman told her the maternal depression. 18 years ago, he fled Gang Violence in jamaica for the u. K. Is right on the job. He says theres nothing left for him in jamaica that hes being punished twice for a crime he committed years ago in the u. K. I made a mistake in my life. I tried to make amends on my side. Russia go on his emotional contravention raja nominated. The u. K. Government disagrees by luring a Foreign National whos been in prison for 12 months or more can be eligible for deportation. The high office says we make no apology for seeking to remove dangerous foreign criminals to keep the public safe. The people being detained for this flies include convicted murderers and rapists. The u. K. Only ever returns those who the home office and where applicable. The courts is satisfied, do not need our protection and have no legal basis to remain in the u. K. Colebrook has been criticized by the prisons inspectorate is largely indistinguishable from a prison is just on the outskirts of heathrow airport. So that when the last appeals of the detainees fail, they can be taken straight away, put on a plane and flown out by god. Campaigners and activists have urged the government to cancel mass deportations saying they were products of racist immigration laws. 82. 00 black British Public figures including model Naomi Campbell and actress tandi newton, eros King Airlines not to assist with flights. Some compare this flight to the wind rush scandal, where hundreds of commonwealth citizens invited to settle in the u. K. After world war 2 were wrongfully deported. Back after decades of living here, it was a direct result of the u. K. Governments 2012 decision to create a hostile environment for undocumented migrants. I spoke to the director of a charity that helps people facing deportation about her concerns. Equal taishan is need, is it priced, any noncitizen . It gets a state you sentence of 12 months or a that exclusion people get made to born in the u. K. But then have citizenship, including case Young Children and including people that and lived in the case for real time and have children and all of their family life established here. And so its really problematic, at least to really injustice in practice, and it needs fundamental bushell. If such, reform comes, itll be too late to help those already thrown out of the country. Rory chalons, how to 012, and lets take you through some of the headlines here now to syria. Now, u. K. M. P. s are due to vote on a tear this system of restrictions to replace lock down. It could face opposition from some in the governing party. Thats as the pandemic puts 25000. 00 retail jobs at risk after a series

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