Against the killing of a Top Nuclear Scientist gunned down near tehran on friday. Thousands of farmers protest in and around indias capital for a 3rd day fearing new laws would leave them at the mercy of big corporations. And rare protests in cubas capital, dozens of artists joining a demonstration, calling for the release of a jailed robber. Im joining us roscoe with the sports as boxers, mike tyson and roy jones jr. Weigh in for the heavyweight exhibition. Finds in los angeles. Thank you for joining us. Ethiopias government has begun what its calling its final assault on the regional capital of t. Grey. Local leaders heading the rebellion, say the city of mckenna is being hit by heavy weapons and artillery. The United Nations has appealed for access to the area as concern grows about civilians and thousands of refugees from eritrea who live in tikrit in neighboring sudan. Meanwhile, authorities are struggling to help more than 43000 refugees who fled the fighting and up to 200000 more i expected in the coming days. Lets go live to monitor and out mens from nairobi, kenya malcolm 1st. What more are you hearing about these reports of heavy bombardment in tikrit . What governments say multiple sources have said that fighting and bombardment has begun on the kelly. Thats the regional capital of to grace, city of about half a 1000000 people in grey and Peoples Liberation from the t. P. I. Left. Their leadership described this as a heavy bombardment the reports of explosions in the northern part of the city ethiopias government. Those disputed this description. It says its continuing with its rule of law operation said that as of last night it controlled towns on the outskirts of the city and it was continuing with its operation from there. But it said that its operations wouldnt include any kind of blanket bombardment and said it was taking great care to protect civilians. However, in recent days and weeks diplomats and Rights Groups have expressed great concern about the possibility of an assault on me. Kelly, because its so densely populated, some Rights Groups have even said that shelling the city itself could constitute a war crime. Weve heard reports of rockets landing in or near every tree at what is eritreas position. As the fighting in tikrit escalates Peoples Liberation front has accused eritreas military of being involved. And right now theyre saying the eritrean soldiers are inside ethiopia, raiding refugee camps, and forcing eritrea and refugees who live in those comes to go home. There are nearly 100000 refugees living in camps in the grey region. We just spoke into the uns Refugee Agency a short while ago, who said that these reports would be deeply worrying if they were confirmed. But theyre not able to confirm them because theyre not able to access those comes for the border area between ethiopia and eritrea at the moment. But ethiopias government has consistently denied these reports and allegations that the military is involved in the conflict on the side of the Ethiopian Government. Markham webb in nairobi, thank you there for bringing us the latest on whats happening in to graeme. As we mentioned, there is concern for the thousands of people who fled the fighting in recent weeks. Morgan is in the iraq campaign, gadkari sudan, where many of the refugees are being shouted. Refugee camp here in sudans got out of state has expanded since it was 1st opened just over 2 weeks ago. Now when it was 1st, open it hosted about 200 if european refugees fleeing from the conflict in the region. Now the camp hosts more than 7000, if european refugees and this place is becoming sort of a permanent shelter for them until things ease back home and they say its safe for them to return. Now this is the only formal refugee camp here in the bar of state, despite sudan hosting more than 43000, if you can, the 3 trees over the past 3 weeks escaping from the conflict. In the tigre region, the other centers Reception Center in neighboring states and look to hear. A lot of state are all just Reception Centers, including village aid, which is about 30 kilometers from the sudan. If youre a border that hosts more than 15000, if european refugees now most of them here stand under the scorching sun waiting for food aid and waiting for food distribution. But they say that this is much better than being back home, not knowing what they could have phrased many families speak of, leaving their loved ones behind of witnessing people being slaughtered of atrocities. They say that forced them to flee and come here to sudan seeking refuge, but able organizations say that they need help in terms of responding to the influx of refugees. They say that in the coming 6 months, they expect up to 200000. If european refugees to come here to sudan seeking refuge from the to great region because of the conflict, should the fighting continue. They say that they need Financial Assistance or funding for the programs to be able to respond to this refugee crisis that is unfolding. Because sudan as a government, despite hosting them already hosts nearly 1000000 other refugees in various other states and therefore will not be able to cope with this crisis on its own. So while the aid organizations are sounding the alarm and calling for support to be able to respond to this current unfolding refugee crisis, people here say theyll wait to hear until things are safe before they go back home and to a region. And if youre grandy, whos the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, and he was also at the campaign sudan. He says, the refugees need more support. I want to join those who are calling even more urgently for mediation and end of conflict. Because this is what these people around me are fleeing and theyre still fleeing. The numbers have decreased the numbers of our rivals, but still theyre in their hundreds for a day yesterday, i was at the border and i met people just arriving more than 500 arrived yesterday through the various crossing points. I want to be on record to praise. For having kept its borders open, sudan already has a 1000000, refugees, countless displaced people, and yet it kept its borders open. It provided the 1st assistance, and now im here to coordinate and boost International Support to sudan and mobilize resources for this response to be effective. You any response or was a little made . Many reporters were on the ground before your own teams, including our own reporters. Why is that . Why was it difficult for you to get this operation under way . I think we actually moved quite quickly. Its a very remote area, as your correspondents know, all the logistics is difficult, so we have to gear up. But i think that now the response is, is functioning. We have some challenges. People are arriving at the border in various points. We have to transport them to sites like this one where i am. Its an 8 hour drive through difficult, broads, on flimsy buses. Its not easy to do all this. It takes a bit of time, but i had meetings with the authorities here in the region today. And i think we are beefing up by the way. Im returning to her to him tonight. And i am going to appeal on behalf of all humanitarian agencies for 150000000. 00, for the next 6 months. We need to be ready for a few months of assistance hoping that they eventually people can go back and, but many of the refugees arent using official Border Crossings. From what we understand, so how is the u. N. H. C. R. Able to ascertain the number and the current needs . Well, the Sudanese Government is receiving them all. So a ton of fish will board their points wherever they have access and then they transport them to the official. Once were screening occurs registration 1st assistance, and then for those who want transport to a more stable places, many people dont want to move from the border. Theyre watching what the situation, how the situation develops seem to agree region of if your people and making a decision, whether they want to go back or stay in sudan for another while its complex. Filippo grandi, the un high commissioner for refugees, said theres lots more ahead on this aljazeera news hour, including the 6 goals. 6 more on the u. S. Oil executives convicted of corruption in venezuela. The u. S. Justice department revises how death sentences can be carried out as it tries to rush through more executions before joe biden takes office. And Egyptian Army crowned African Champions after beating their bits of cairo rivals. Thats coming up in sports. Scripture to irans Supreme Leader says the country will retaliate against the killing of a Top Nuclear Scientists. When the u. S. And israel are accused of masterminding, a secret weapons from iran, gunmen ambushed a vehicle carrying most in fact residing in his bodyguards. He had a capitol on friday, president Hassan Rouhani says, the killing will not slow tehrans Nuclear Program. That he says this peaceful report from tehran, the aftermath of the killing bullet holes in a car and blood on the floor injured in the attack must in fact there was taken to hospital, but later died. He had been one of irans most senior Nuclear Scientists. And had already survived a previous assassination attempt based on the report made by the gods 1st, they opened fire to scoff, and after 10 to 15 seconds, a truck carrying explosive materials exploded in a car. Fire continued after the explosion. Officials admit his death is a blow to the countrys defense program. Im a man, only iran. All of irans enemies should well know the people of iran and those in charge of this nation are braver than to let this criminal action go without a response. In the right time, a response to this crime will be given and likewise, the people of iran are wiser than to fall in the trap of the zionist conspiracy. This radio Prime Minister had named factories out in 2018 as the director of Irans Nuclear weapons program. A key part of the plan was to form new organizations to continue the work. This is how dr. Morse, in fact, is the head of project about put it, remember the name for his that. So heres his director right here. And he says, the general aim is to announce the closure project, but then he adds special activities. You know what that is . A special activity will be carried out under the title of scientific know how developments previous assassinations of 4 ring and scientists between 2012012 have also been blamed on israel with u. S. Officials briefing the press about his rating involvement. So based on the background briefings to the press, there is, there is strong reason to suspect both israeli and possibly even u. S. Involvement. Given the very public pronouncements of u. S. Officials that they will use this time between the end of the trying to ministration in the beginning. About in ministration to do whatever they can to punish iran and to set. d irans progress in the Nuclear Field and other fields as well. Fuckers are they had been under a u. N. Security council list of sanctioned individuals. Iran had never allowed him to be interviewed by the International Atomic agency. His whereabouts were also kept secret. The killing will also raise questions about the countrys internal security, and joins us now live from tehran assad, irans president pointing the finger of blame at israel. Theres obviously a lot of anger after this assassination. But is it clear how iran is going to retaliate . Well, not at the moment, we know that the Supreme Leader of the how many has issued a brief statement now hes asked for 2 things. One is for the incident to be investigated and the perpetrators to be firmly prosecuted. And the 2nd thing is asked for is for the work of a result there to continue in both the fields of science and technology. President , Hassan Rouhani has blamed israel, but has said that iran will not fall into a trap. This is like this, a nation that took place earlier this year against general carson for the money. That was a military strike on iran responded militarily. But there are differences within the political factions inside iran, about what their response should be. Now conservatives in the country are calling for iran to leave the 2015 nuclear deal, and all thats really left of that deal is the inspections from by the i. A. E. A. In fact, theres a conservative parliamentarian that will issue a statement tomorrow in parliament, calling on the government to stop i. A. E. A. Inspectors. Theres also been protesters outside parliament calling for the very same thing that president Hassan Rouhani and his reformist, well, they will want to show some restraint and wait until president elect. Joe biden comes into office in the hope that the United States will rejoin that 2015 nuclear deal and lift sanctions and across. Theyre concerned that is a victory for iran. But theres also others in iran that feel that iran has been too restrained. And in fact, being restrained allows irans enemies to be more brazen and carry out incidents like this. Now there is a view of iran in the west that many people think that the country is belligerent, but the reality is on iran is calculated, it is restrained and wise in its decision making. But what we do know is that the Supreme Leader has asked for a response, and there will probably be one just right now, we dont know when that would happen, how it will happen, or where it will happen in tehran. Sorry i spoke to carry crown, who is a Nuclear Nonproliferation expert and a former head of the verification and Security Policy coordination at the International Atomic energy agency. And i began by asking him about factors that is a fascination and who he was in fact is not a is the 1st iranian Nuclear Scientist to be assassinated. The 1st one was in 20072 of them were blown up in 2010. And another one was shot in 2011. And so now the latest one, this was the packers, are they . He was perhaps one of the most instrumental Nuclear Scientists in the Iranian Nuclear program. And its report november 2011, in which the i outlined what they called possible military dimension, which is work to a Nuclear Weapon program. Professor most and pastors are very, was identified as the head of my project, which was a project of the ministry of Defense Forces logistics for the phils whose mandate was to develop various components which could lead to a nuclear bomb. So do you think his death is a big setback for Irans Nuclear capabilities . Well, his death critically is a major setback symbolically the head of an important part of the Iranian Nuclear program. But generally speaking Nuclear Program of many Nuclear Scientists. So his death, i think, is more symbolic in terms of its effect than damage. Rather than slowing down the program, which i think was one part of their intention to assassinate him. Iran seemed to express openness to, to post negotiations on myside as and other matters. How much do you think this will harden their position . Now . Could they actually pull out of the nuclear deal altogether . As a result, always a too much at stake. I put it fairly doubt that iran would abandon joint thumper, have a plan of action. Now, since we only have about a month and a half president elect biden will kick off. The biden has indicated that he wants to return the United States to the j. P. P, o a, but make it different the hill between the positions of mr. Biden and iran. I have seen some reports of iran willing to discuss matters beyond the j. C. B. 08, but i would be very surprised if iran agreed to limits on its missile program. So, but iran is currently under pressure to respond or respond one when another to this assassination. And as weve heard from our correspondent, one of the options that they have now is perhaps to limit the access that nuclear inspectors have to its nuclear facilities. We know that the u. S. And israel accuse you ron, of having a secret weapons program, which they deny, of course. But we also know that iran recently increased its stockpile of enrich uranium since that time. But this ration pulled out of the nuclear deal. Od they at all close to a develops bomb program as the americans and israeli suspect they are. I think that is a significant exaggeration. What is correct is that since 2019, a year after the trumpet, ministration flows out of the j. C. , feo way. Iran has taken 6 steps, all of which they announced in advance to the i. A. E. A. Made available to inspectors to check. And so since then, they have increased the limit of their low enriched uranium could barely 2000 plus kilogram. But this is a low enriched uranium. It potentially could be further enrich to make a Nuclear Weapon, but a Nuclear Weapon is not just enriched uranium by the number of other components. So most informed people do not accept the scenarios put forward by some that iran would risk to a bomb in a year or so it would take them quite a bit longer. Try crow speaking to us and now to india, where hundreds of police and paramilitary fresnel have been deployed to control protesters in around the capital. Thousands of farmers have refused to move to a designated area and are blocking roads and Border Crossings around new delhi. Theyre angry about new laws, they say could put them out of business. Indias agriculture minister has agreed to talk and interest from them has more from the front. We want the single Border Crossing between the states of hadiya and delhi, with thousands of farmers remain camped out. This busy national highway has become attract the city with pharmaceuticals. As far as the eye can see, and the vehicles have been converted to temporary homes because the pharma say they are not going any way they are refusing to go to the grounds on the outskirts of the city that the government allocated to them to protest. They say that if they arent allowed to march into the center of the capital new delhi, that they are going to block highways around the capital and the going to cause as much disruption as possible until the government repealed these farm laws. Here they are raising farm union flags. They are making speeches, criticizing the b, j, p. Government and its policies. The government, meanwhile, is appealing to them to stop the protests. Theyve invited them for talks on december the 3rd before i must say the 1st round of talks didnt go anywhere. And thats because they say that the government is not the sure and that a guaranteed minimum price for they produce will remain. And that this is not good for farmers, and its going to leave them at the mercy of large corporations, allowing private companies to buy from farmers directly rallies are taking place in france against a new bill aimed at restricting the filming. And publishing of Police Officers images. This comes as 4 french Police Officers were detained after a video image of them beating a black music producer in paris. The assault outrage against a police force already under scrutiny for heavy handed tactics. President , a man in my cause called the incident unacceptable, and call for a fight against discrimination in paris. Natasha. Tell us more for us about what the protests today are about and whats been happening where you are now. Can you hear me . We seem to have lost our connection with natasha. They will hopefully bring a back up as soon as we reestablish the line. Lets take a look at the world weather. Now with rob, its been raining heavily in eastern iraq and the western side of iran, less have elise who said it was great deal of cloud around your notice this figure 109. 00 millimeters in the last 36 hours on the western side of iran is significant. This is a mountainous area. This would have caused flash floods. This would be rain. This summer highs in on sunday to be more snow falling in iran into as a by john as well. The following weather is largely fine. Not particularly colder up to nearly 20 in beirut, and this line here through saudi arabia is focused scattering. Breaks of light rain, i suspect this clears through took by this town. Then the next batch of shout is coming through into cyprus and the levant will be thunderstorms as well. I suspect tanzania did catch some pretty big rain earlier in the months. And zanzibar, surprisingly has been a focus in the last couple of days. 43 millimeters since yesterday. Didnt see much this month children far doesnt see much. Its a bit more than the average, but not a huge amount. So the stuff because not particularly where the moment there is significant rain inland in the rift valley dancers and towards south africa are glad to see some in malawi, or think not but johannesburg, or year 3 sundry day. Rob, thank you very much for that. Still ahead on aljazeera, they ravaged crops and cause widespread devastation, but could there be a new way to stop swarming . Locusts, scrapes and roth australias Wine Industry becomes the latest casualty of an escalating trade craft with china. This is clearly a 3rd world so close to a 4 legged f one fan invades the track in bahrain details. Coming up in sports with joe, do stay with us. Were back after a break. In the light of the open seas hides a dark secret. Men forced to work without paying in slave for years, but a glimmer of hope remains for the forgotten fisherman. As a group of activists delve deep into the Illegal Fishing industry, demanding justice and freedom. Go straight, a witness documentary on aljazeera. One name is breaks out slowly when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told. Thats why they have increased testing in areas with a high infection rate. With exclusive interviews and indepth reports, people here tell us they are desperate. Theyre hungry and cold. Aljazeera has teams on the ground kind of laws to impart the 2nd law down with power to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and light news. Welcome back. Youre watching the news hour. With me fully back to bill a reminder of our top stories breaking news out of the capital of ethiopia, seagrave region which is reportedly being heavily shelled. The government announced on wednesday would launch a final assault after its deadline for the to go in. Need a ship to surrender expirate. Irans president is bringing the assassination of its Top Nuclear Scientist on israel gunmen ambushed a vehicle, carrying must in fact resign and his body causing a tehran on friday. Iran has said it will retaliate and indias agriculture minister has agreed to meet farmers as they hold a 3rd day of protests in and around the capital. Thousands are rallying against new laws. They say could take away their livelihoods. Voters in indian administered kashmir are heading to the polls for the 1st time since the Indian Government revoked the regions autonomy last year. But opposition candidates say police have been preventing them from campaigning freely to be reports. Its been more than a year since new delhi stripped the autonomy of indian administered kashmir effectively and exciting parts of the disputed territory. These local elections the 1st since then seen by many in this region as a test of how unpopular that policy is and opposition coalition. The group car alliance has been campaigning for the area, special status to be restored. But candidates, say police have used security concerns as an excuse to harris them in a very difficult right from the word go we had picked up the whole court from the morning were going to bring in the indias decision to revoke self rule in the majority. Muslim populated region has caused anger, and many kashmiris are determined to make their voices heard. What if the other i were injured by a car . When you know, wed planned to boycott the elections, but after the group got alliance was formed, it compulsory thing. We decided we will cast our would get to be d p a d. Then another got him. 6 1 of the members of indias governing hindu nationalist, b j. P has been campaigning hot on the board. The partys youve joined hands under the good car alliance, our corrupt politics delivering justice. People have understood this and are now following us. Political analysts say theres a lot at stake for the government in this election. If you have significant voters torn out, you will, the government of india will definitely show the world that yes, people of kashmir have for some reasons with the situation. And now theyre back to life, not only for their normal life, but even for the political and emigrating life. Everything is back to normal in kashmir. That is what the government of we have been tried to project out of these elections. The elections are happening across the region in 8 phases and will end on december the 19th with results expected 3 days later. Victoria gating be al jazeera, the corona virus pandemic. Now a new restorations will be imposed in the u. S. City of los angeles from monday in response to a rise in cases all private and public gatherings of people from different households have been banned. It comes as the number of recorded infections in the u. S. Passes to 10000000. This week, millions of americans traveled for the thanksgiving holiday despite warnings to stay home. More than 400000, people have now died from corona virus in europe. As a continent undergoes a 2nd wave of infections, despite that, france is reopening stores ahead of the holiday season. Present a man, michael says the peak of the wave has passed in the u. K. That accounts for nearly 2 thirds of europes death toll while its bracing itself for on tide, locked down protests on saturday. Live story challenge in london. A lot of people are unhappy about these new measures. Boris johnsons government is trying to limit the number of and its own m. P. s rebelling against measures. Whats it saying to them . Yeah, the, there is a, perhaps a big rebellion brewing on tuesday, which is when the commons comes together to vote on these new lockdown measures. Baps as many as 100. 00 m. P. s from the Prime Ministers own conservative party preparing to rebel against these measures. So the government is saying, michael gove, one of the big cases in the cabinet is saying that these are absolutely essential measures to protect the National Health service. Going into water is in every year, the most tough period of time for the Health Service when hospitals are fullest and when the system as at the most under the most strain. So adding kovan on top of that and you can see why the government is worried. A reminder of whats these measures are on december the seconds. The u. K. Or england at least move out of the 8 seconds National Lock down and goes back into a tiered system where there are 3 tears and theyre applied selectively in different strengths around the country, depending on the level of corrosive infections. In those places, the thing with this particular iteration of the ted system is that its tougher is more stringent than the last one. And the government, michael gove is saying thats absolutely essential because the winter is here and things are going to get very grim over the next few months. How when theyre going to get swell. You know that the fears are that says this virus is still dangerously prevalent even though its not spreading absolutely out of control as it was a few weeks ago. And there are people who are questioning how long these lock downs and measures are going to go on for one newspaper is speculating that perhaps theyre going to go on as long as april france. Meanwhile, rain is easing damp down measures as of saturday. Whats now going to be a lot yes. So france is today saturday, moving out of its lockdown measures of some of them anyway. The lessening of the strain and see that is being brought into a day is that places of worship can hold services again. As long as there is no more than than 30 people, nor an essential shops can open again, as long as its not later than 9 pm. And you can go for 3 hours of exercise. Now some 20 kilometers away from your house if you want to. There are more or relaxations coming in in a couple of weeks time. In the middle of december, youll get cinemagoers reopening. You, youll be able to travel around the country in, in a way the, you know, 2 for the last few weeks. And then they will have to wait until say, january the middle of january, before things like bars and restaurants are open again. So this is the way that the french government is going about it to try to bring the country back to normal, as long as it says, it says these measures can, can be relaxed as long as cases stay under 5000. 00, new infections recorded every day. Rory challenges in london. Thank you. Now with fewer than 60 days until president elect joe biden takes office, the u. S. Justice department has scheduled a number of federal executions and its expanded the methods 2nd be used beyond lethal injection, clearing the way for poison gas and firing squad waste allowed under state law biden is against the Death Penalty and says hell work to end it. Mike hanna has more from washington. News of the new protocols only came out because it was printed in the federal register as it has to be by law. The impact of this though, is to give the federal government a far wider range of methods of execution to use normally, it has been by lethal injection, but the Justice Department is now saying that it has got to keep the option of using a form of execution used in each particular state. Now states decide what form of execution they use most have used lethal injection. However, some have moved away from that because of the shortage of the drugs needed. So the Justice Department is attempting to say that it needs to do this to fall into line with protocols exercised by the states in which a federal execution will be carried out. Now this is significant because the finite executions have been shared between now and the 20th of january. When joe biden comes into office 3 of them this month and 3 to next month. The Justice Department is able to exercise what form of a death sentence is pickable to a particular state where its carried out. It must be noticed as well. Is that the death sentence, federal death sentence was on hiatus from 2003, before Justice Department reinstated federal death penalties earlier this year. And since then, there have been more people executed by the Justice Department. Then there were in the last 50 years, more than 100. 00 cuban artists have held a protest outside the culture, ministry, and have gone against what they say is a state lockdown crackdown rather on dissent. It comes a day after police broke up, a Hunger Strike calling for the release of a jailed rapper catholic has a story a rare show of public dissent on the streets of havana. Protests like this are not allowed on the island, but many of cubas most prominent artists say theyve had enough of what theyre calling a government crackdown mainly against younger people. Getting old are hearing that its time for dialogue and i think its important that young people are heard and were going to work for that. But this demonstration follows a police raid on the headquarters of a prominent dissident group. Its members were holding a Hunger Strike, demanding the release of a rapper, jailed for 8 months for insulting a peace officer. Cuban Authorities Say they violated coronavirus measures, but they accuse the government of using restrictions as a pretext. The government authorities dressed as doctors and got into the ambulance and came here and into the houses doctors there broke down the door of the house, beat them Rights Groups and the International Community has criticized the action with a top u. S. State Department Official calling on cubas government to respect human rights. The artists say they wont back down until theyve met high level officials. The government monopolizes mass media and cuba in claims. These groups are funded by the u. S. Government to subvert the state. Those protesting hope rallies like these will help take their course to a wider, international audience. Cari leg aljazeera. Theres some return to france now, where rallies are taking place against a new bill aimed at restricting the filming and publishing of Police Officers. Images natasha, but my joins us live from paris. So tell us more about what this protest is about natasha and whats been happening today. There are thousands of people gathering on the plus left in central paris more and more people are actually streaming in from all sides of the square. And they are here well united with one message really. And that is that they are extremely upset and angry about part of a new security law that has been put forth by the french government. And part of that nor would mean that it would be very difficult in the future for people to so easily film and photograph Police Officers on duty and then share those images online or broadcast them or publish them. Now what the protesters are saying is that is simply unfair. It is a rotation of democratic rights, erosion of press freedoms. And there are many journalists, journalists, unions here in this crowd. Today, the government though says that this war is necessary to try and protect the identity of Police Officers. They say they do a different difficult job, particularly in big demonstrations like these. And that this law is designed to try and protect people who are supposed to protect population. Right. And this is coming after that video or circulated of a black man being beaten by Police Officers, officers, which has sparked a lot of outrage and anger in france. How has the government been responding to that . Yes, indeed, i mean this demonstration comes at a very particular time as does this law. And we have had 2 very high profile cases of socalled Police Brutality this week in not only the video that you are referring to in which Police Officers we see brutally beating a record producer amanda. Earlier this week, those Police Officers, i since being arrested, but we also saw on monday night police using what many people said was Excessive Force to clear a micro cap that was actually on this way behind me. We saw Police Officers tipping migrants out of tents using batons on journalists, trying to cover the story and on migrants. And all of this, of course, has fueled this protest. The government is under a lot of pressure from many opponents of this law. Who say this article should simply scrapped, it is unfair. It is unjust. However, the government, while theyre in crisis mode, weve got the Prime Minister, who said that you put together a commission to try and look into really writing this article. However, thats now been scrapped. Weve got the interior minister whos going to be answering questions in parliament on monday of this. But its adamant this law is going to go ahead tomorrow macro. Now waiting in east put a big message out on social media calling on the government to try and come up with some solutions. So well have to see what they come up with, but least for the protesters here, only scrapping that article will be enough. And paris, thank you very much for that. And washington has condemned the conviction of 6 u. S. Oil executives in venezuela and corruption charges secretary of state mike on bail is calling for the immediate return to the United States. The men were arrested in 2017 while working for the u. S. Space Refining Company set to go. Thats owned by venezuelas state on on a firm. John heilemann reports these 6 oil executives, 5 of them, u. S. Citizens and already been stuck in venezuelan prison 3 years. Now theyve finally been tried, found guilty of corruption and received sentences of between 8 and 13 years. He wants to get this letters from one of them to mobile though. Its the 1st public message from any of the men since their arrest. He wrote it just before his trolls. Conclusion is lawyer now reaching across race where justice is done, ill be able to rebuild my life and try to compensate my family for the last moments. The light is intense. The hope is great. Give me freedom. Freedom was denied to him. Human rights advocates say that venezuelas Justice System is plagued with corruption inefficient, simply called bias his lawyer, again, the male white, who not involved intimate case, there is no evidence. Its not, there is no 2nd, stanch evidence or no indirect evidence or flawed evidence. There is no evidence qua non period game or him be out. How does it . I asked the team of venezuelas attorney general topic williams for his response about the cases. The answer, no comment. The men work for oil company sic, go. They were arrested and charged with embezzlement. After being glued to a business meeting in venezuela 3 years ago. The case is played out against the backdrop of the acrimonious relationship between president Nicolas Maduro and the trumpet, ministration. Like many other countries, the us supported mcdougals rival, quite those claim to the presidency. We want to get every american but u. S. Secretary of state might compel you has indicated that he believes the 6 men are being used as political hostages. Despite before the trolls verdict, but those family were hopeful. He would be home for future thanksgivings, just like the ones they used to celebrate together. So i think my father wants to shatter the world that he message out a lot of hope and of justice. Hes been held for at, you know, over 3 years im just lee, and now theres a glimmer of hope. With the trial im going. Now the trial is over for the 6 men and their families hope appears to be waning. John homan. How does it or china has imposed taxes of up to 212 percent on australian wine amid an escalating trade round . China has accused australia flooding the market with cheap wine and harming local produce is which camera denies the taxes and ages in a series of sanctions from china that includes cuts in australian beef imports and other products. The measures are widely seen as a retaliation against australia support for a coronavirus investigation and criticism of the security crackdown on hong kong. You know, john is the managing editor of the china story at the Australian National university and former treasury official. She says a rift between the 2 countries goes back several years, but trades tension is really just one part of the broader tension between australia and china. And that tension has its history go back to 3 years ago now. And australia has been put into basically the greens since then. But this year it has escalated partly because of the Australian Governments call for an independent inquiry into the origin of coal. But really and good of the Chinese Government and the Chinese Government pocket australia for a strong export and why they do that. Its because it knows that the Australian Government is if exports to china. Week ago, the Chinese Embassy and the lease of 14 grevious is to the australian media. So buckles back all the way to foreign interference legislation in 27. 00 takes when ben 2080 and the right to all the Foreign Investment decisions. So all of these bills out to all 14, these are grievances that china is basically polishing australia for it is using trade as a weapon at the tool to punish australia. Politically cyclon gotti has killed at least 8 people and displaced thousands more in northeastern somalia. The storm is the most powerful to hit the horn of africa. Since records began, gatti brought 2 years worth of rainfall in just 2 days, and the u. N. Is warning the could worsen. The locusts infestation sweeping across the region, closing a greater threat to somalias food supplies. But locusts ravaging crops may soon become a thing of the past because researchers in the u. K. Are looking into the genetic code of desert. Notice theyre aiming to find it best to side that can help keep the insects populations under control. A crowd of 40000000 locust seeds the same amount of food in a day as city 5000. 00 people. Tom matheson is an associate professor of neurobiology at the university of messer. He was one of the team that carried out this study. He hopes it will lead to a pesticide that can control numbers of the insects. What weve attempted to do, and what weve succeeded in doing now is to for the 1st time sequence, the entire genome of the desert locus, just the circuit. And it turns out the, the genome is about 3 times bigger than the human genome. So its quite been quite a massive undertaking and cause lots of problems that the saudis doing the coding. But weve been able to do this and now that information as its deposited, where its free available to anyone who wants to go and dig into it and start looking for keys and all that information that we can use to target these animals much better than we can at the moment, once youve got a genome, you can do all sorts of Different Things with that. Clearly controlling locus is one of the things that we would like to tackle. And what i say we have in this is anyone who wants to get involved in doing this, essentially. So this is not just our program, but were trying to provide a resource for people across the globe. Because one of the big problems with controlling low, this is simply the infrastructure on the ground. When we spray pesticides on, on animals or in the current pesticides. So we kill them the locus, but they have huge amount who consequences as well. They mostly toxic that the operators and so are using them. So the idea that once youve got the genome you can start trying to design has decide which target things which are specific to the genome of this particular organism. And dont have the knock on effects for other insects. For example, in environment work is that amazon have gone on strike in several countries, demanding better pay and working conditions. Garment workers in bangladesh say they want to be paid for orders that were completed, even though many were canceled because of the current of ice pandemic. And trade unions in the u. K. And holland for a pot of entry inquiry into what they call dehumanizing working conditions. And protests going sided with black fidei, one of the companys biggest sales events. Chris maltese, a former amazon employee, and a founder of the congress, have essential way because he says consumers should pressure the company to better protect its employees. Stand a solidarity with the Center Workers, you know, essential workers are amazon employees and the company failed to protect us. So you stand in solidarity with and since the workers west in the boycott, these companies cancel your prime membership, stop ordering from amazon. And so they do better by employing we have a warehouse workers that are out here getting sick workers that have died in march, same facility that started abrogating in one in the very beginning. They failed to protect us and thousands of employees worldwide have been tracking this virus and many are out here suffering still. So. d when asked, lets look at tumors the stand this hour day with the Center Workers in boycott. The company. This company is a monopoly. They could change to grow in control. The market could show the mare there to control the propaganda. Thats out there. They have way too much power, they do, they hire all this the balance. They do Union Busting tactics, they fire and employees like myself that speak up on things that are very important. And they control the narrative to the point where the good. So consumers, those cd stories dont care about it, so we dont continue these demonstrations. They will never know the truth and so does what we have to do. We have to contain to speak our true, tell the stories and speak up with a voice without her that is still working for that company. And hopefully one day well get some point where we have be able to organize and unionize, be protected as workers on high government protests as a holding another rally in thailand, calling for political change. Hundreds of demonstrators have gathered just outside of the capital, bangkok, these are live pictures there demanding the resignation of time. Mr. Fayyad, china, china, a new constitution and the forms to the monarchy russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny has called on the e. U. Team. Both sanctions on only gox names to president vladimir putin. He was addressing the European Parliaments Foreign Affairs Committee by video named evan is recovering in germany from a poison ing. He says was ordered by the cabinet. It had been, you know, mommy and the russian oligarchs not just also new ones like these are the must be the real targets of sanctions still ahead on aljazeera the spirit we visit a fattening but his eyes were devoted to the arch in time for paula and thats coming up, its possible just if its captaining, a leading used team at 16 years old, takes determination to that. Staying on top of your game at school. The whole family bands together and shares the sacrifices necessary for a song to have a shot. At becoming a professional footballer. By tunisia, a home game on a reporting in the field means i often get to witness not just knew this is breaking, but also history as its unfolding, crossing the country to read. When there might be covering politics and the next around my covering protests, whats most important to me is talking to people, understanding what theyre going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. We believe everyone has a story worth hearing. More thank you very much. Well, lets start with but thing on the return of to legends to the ring. Mike tyson roid jones jr, will face each other later on saturday. But its not clear what the rules are, and there are concerns how safe it is for 2 men in their fiftys to be fighting each other. David stokes reports the only mike tyson, mike tyson, aged 54. 00 back on the scales for the 1st time in 15 years. Hes taking on another former heavyweight champion roy jones jr. Who himself is coming out of retirement. We know it will be an exhibition fight of 82 minute rounds, but theres confusion over the rules with some reports suggesting that knockouts wont be allowed. Tyson hinted, that might not be the case though. You know, because the player when they need those punches and process anything, tysons training videos have been going for a role. Whats known as the baddest man on the planet. He was the most fit name in boxing. And in 1986 became the youngest heavyweight champion in history to miss boxing you realize because he was really a master. We want to match the now the desire to want to come out and be we want to do. We knew he was good. Jones jr. Is 3 years younger than tyson and the 4 weight World Champion, but like his opponent, hes well past his prime and many a questioning how safe it is for them to fight. As the brain gets older, tissue is not quite as pliable as it was before, so i think they probably are at greater risk of more serious injury like brain bleeds. The pay per view bout will cost 50. 00 for fans in the us with tyson set to earn 10000000. 00, which he says hell donate to charity. He may be in his fiftys, but he still box office. I dont look at life with being the good life and then, you know, bring it you know, 59. You know, such a certainty deal with it to the end to get into the enemy. And they will grab a tomorrow night because of kind of 19 restrictions. The fighters were separated at the way in by a plastic screen, but it wont be long before the punches, froyo, and one of the most intriguing match ups of the year. David stokes aljazeera gyptian combat hey, have been crowned champions of africa for record extending 9th time off to beating their local rivals amalek the cairo dobby game with help find postals because of the current virus pandemic. Going to believe the early in the game through a mid level soliah. But the maalik hit back with a stunning goal from captain to draw one level left it late, but it was worth the wait for the spectacular strike from ahmedabad. Field al, at least 21 victory in the 1st, ever one legged African Champions league final. The win also means represent the continent at the fee for Club World Cup in qatar, in february with fans locked out of the stadium, many packed nearby cafes sitting shoulder to shoulder, to watch the game on t. V. Screens. Victory by the teams fans on to cairos streets to celebrate their way. The football world continues to pay its respects to argentine legend, diego maradona, who died on wednesday. The spirit of marat are lives on in a home, in sight. As with 29 year old girls named after him, mara and donna have their own argentina shirts with the number 10 and their names. The twins were always going to be named after him, according to their father. One, the one i see. When im with their mother, i said at some point were going to have 2 doctors. One is going to be called model and the other is going to be called donna. After 10 years, she gets pregnant and we became parents. Its very beautiful for me to have this name and what i like the most about this name is knowing why he called me that i feel like this name is wonderful. What i will and i cant believe that he died or why he died. He was a very good person and he didnt deserve that. Madonna transcended football and new zealands rugby team paid their own tribute. They were playing argentina in the Rugby Championship and before kick off captain sam kane presented their opponents with an all black shirt. d with merit on his name and the number 10. As for the game itself, argentina were looking to beat new zealand for the 2nd game in a row, but it was a very different story. This time around. They rested 10 players after last weeks draw with australia and the all blacks hammered them. 38 nel scoring 4 tries to get a bonus and over secure the championship. Well qualifying for the bahrain grand prix takes place later, but 7 time World Champion Lewis Hamilton says his Mercedes Team still has some work to do to perfect the car. Thats just not posting the fastest time in both of fridays practice sessions. Red bull also have plenty on their plate after alex album smashed up his car to walk back to the pits. A much happier stray dog appeared at one point and stopped the night session prompting Ferrari Sebastian vettel to saying, sure this is the last 30 or so but the good news is that someones brought the dog back in the bahrain circuit tweeted that she been caught taking taking a tour vet and shes doing well. All right, that is a useful for now more later following. Thank you very much for that. Thats it for this news hour, but do stay with us. So ill be back in just a few minutes with more of the danes. Its december on aljazeera, its 10 years, its a bad solution to this yet. Big night at the arab spring, al jazeera looks back at the uprising and asks, what really changed across the middle east. This stream is where aljazeera is. Global audience becomes a global community. A year after the 1st coronavirus case in china will examine the devastation caused by the bible of the efforts made to eliminate covert 90 people in power is back with more investigative documentary is an indepth story. Its climate leaders will gather all the law and to press ahead with a new stage of the paris climate agreement and examine the possible likely solutions. December of aljazeera, a key figure of the early 20th century arab literary scene and a feminist writer had ever had time. So why did her story and in such tragedy . Aljazeera well the expose the life and walk of maisie adda on aljazeera. The past, past boss travels the road to mexico, raising ecological know when im staring Creative Solutions in the countrys most remote demonstrating quarter of ideas in the struggle for a better speech. Past passed by congress of the viewpoint in latin america seen on out as their plate Important Role in the face. The air in the air. The Ethiopian Government forces launch an offensive to capture the tikrit regional capital. As the u. N. Again calls for immediate humanitarian access player watching aljazeera live from doha with me fully back to war. Also ahead, irans Supreme Leader of vows to retaliate against the killing of a top new

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