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Trials raising questions about their findings and police in indias capital. Those borders asked thousands of fall must protest against laws. They say what affects their livelihoods. And joining us, roscoe with sports as tributes pour in for diego maradona. We look back at the career of the argentine legend, want to have made him such a special football player. Thank you very much for joining us. Ethiopias foreign minister says the final phase of the offensive on the norgate northern to grey region. As begun in a statement made is telling residents to stay indoors as the army is ordered to move in on the regional capital make a government imposed deadline fatigue. Reenforce sister surrender expired on wednesday of a nearly 3 weeks of fighting with hundreds killed and tens of power disgraced. Lets take a closer look at where all this is happening to gray is in northern semiautonomous region of ethiopia. The tea, great Peoples Liberation front govern the region and are estimated to have up 2250000 fighters. They had controlled the National Government for nearly 3 decades before Prime Minister ahmed swept to power in 2018. Tikrit was the front line for ethiopia in its decades. Long conflict with iraq and knowledge amounts of military equipment are still stored. Bam, in september to graze leaders defied the Central Government in addis ababa by holding elections, escalating simmering tensions between the 2 sides. Lets get the latest from aljazeera is malcolm webb who joins us from nairobi. Thats why hes monitoring developments from this offensive. We have been expecting for some time it seems to have begun. What more are you hearing about what is involves well, we havent heard any reports of bombing on the city of me, kelly, but Prime Minister allawi, i mean, did tweet that statement earlier today saying that the offensive would begin with that follows the ultimatum. It was given by the federal side, on sunday, calling for to green fighters to lay down their arms and surrender. His statement did say that thousands of to graham fighters had surrendered just a couple of days ago to raise leadership were disputing these claims. They said that their fighters werent surrendering, and they also disputed the, the governments claim that the city was in fact surrounded that on wednesday there was fighting about 70 kilometers from the city. Ethiopias government had said that its surrounded the city about 50 kilometers away. So weve got contradicting claims, and with all the communications cut off as they have been for weeks, no phone, no internet, very difficult to verify these claims of whats going on. The Rights Groups have expressed concern that it will be very dangerous in the night. It was going to be shelling on the city of mckayla is about half a 1000000 People Living there. It would be quite dangerous. Indeed, it is a 1000000 people. Malcolm lives in make a very crowded city. And now the un had asked Ethiopian Government to protect civilians. Whats been the governments response well, in that statement, as you mention of the government had said that civilians must remain indoors. It also said the people should turn against the government, which is described as a, as a jointer. But the us was, you know, civilians have been killed in this conflict so far there was an attack just over 2 weeks ago that the rights group, Amnesty International reported it said that hundreds of civilians, mostly from the ethnic group have been killed. And they allege that theyve been killed by to grain militia, or to graze military leadership at the time, denied responsibility for that. But since then, a report by the ethiopian state appointed Human Rights Commission has blamed the grain militia for this massacre. And theres also an unknown number of people who have been harmed in area bombardments, and also fighting with artillery and tanks thats going on across the region over the last 3 weeks. And certainly the movements of people suggest that they dont feel safe at all more than 40000 have crossed to neighboring saddam, or their sheltering in refugee camps and an unknown number of people have been internally displaced because of the lack of access to the region. Its very difficult for the humanitarian organizations to find out whos in need and where they are. Malcolm way of bringing us the latest say on the situation in northern ethiopia. The Coronavirus Fund demick now and Health Experts have raised doubts about the covert 1000. 00 vaccine produced by British Company astra zeneca and Oxford University. They say in manufacturing error during the trial process makes it difficult to assess its effectiveness more than 2 and a half 1000 volunteers receives half a dose followed by a full dose. In this group, the vaccine was said to be 90 percent effective. Nearly 9000 others received 2 full doses. And in this school it was 62 percent effective. Seneca says, when combined, the results showed the vaccine is 70 percent effective. But Oxford University now says that some of the vials used didnt have the right concentration of vaccine. And thats leading to questions about the validity of the results. The University Says its discussed a problem with regulators and has agreed to complete the late stage trials with 2 groups that speak to mohammad more near about this. Hes a virus, a university and his eyes caught from lancaster. Always good to have you on aljazeera. There was a lot of hope that the vaccine could be a game changer, of course, globally, because its cheaper and more easily stored than the fazer in woodburn, of vaccines on all sorts say there was a manufacturing error. What does that mean and how much does it undermine the Overall Results . They will thank you very much for you for having me on the show. Certainly the reserves are because again, but those are confusing and require quite a lot of interpretation before we can count. Having gone to the sources that make a vaccine, particularly because the data has become only available either through the press releases or through the newspaper. So on to lives that were originally that is not available, it would be really hard to independent opinions. But having said that, the error that the manufacturer has made and the trial was carried on is certainly something really concerning. Because the half of those could have gone into double those that would give her the old some volunteer recruitment within the, within the trial. That is certainly a concern. And one of the problem is that those regime has been only in a very small number of people, 2800 people, and none of them is over 55 years old. So this put a question mark, even if it is a 90 percent, fact 90 percent effective, mid lower those were, they still be valid enough to be deployed in the field for Larger Population than it is tested on what scale. And what was quite surprising also is that the group of volunteers, apparently that got to know a dose, seemed to be much better protected than those who got to full doses. How do you explain that . Yeah, absolutely. We dont really know the molecular mechanism behind why this is the case, but its probably just finding the right balance between the engine, which is the spark routine of the corona virus. That it doesnt overwhelm the immune system, but induces the end of the sponsors that or sufficient to neutralize the virus when it comes into the vaccinate people. But that is something being explored. But i think most of the bacteria vaccine, which includes 5 sign over for johnson and asters anika. All the lexeme would have the same problem there because these are back to the vaccine, which means there is another carrier that is taking b. And taken of the virus onto the human body. This will always be a problem that needs to be sort of saturday before really we will move on these confusing results. See things likely to affect half astra zeneca. And after getting the approval for their vaccine in countries like the us for its all, you have to do very important point because if we look onto 62 percent of the casey that is based on say, 1000 volunteers. The trial that is probably good enough to be looked at, but 62 percent efficacy is a really acceptable to 95. 00 by modern man either. And it would, if we talked about 90 percent, because the back is only piled on 2800 people, that isnt sufficient enough for the regulatory body to approve it. Right . So either they have to back around 60 percent, which wouldnt be very impressive. Or if they were 90 percent, it would not be true. And we know about the efficacy. But what we dont know, as with the modern ion pfizer vaccine, is that whether you know how long it will last immunity of these vaccines is, is it any clearer to you . Oh, absolutely. Thats a very important question. I mean, we dont know at the moment for all of the immunity were lost, because the only data that we have about the claims of immunity and along your longevity of these antibodies into the human body is only a few months and anything beyond a few months. Is merely something that we dont know based on the natural course of infection. We do know the end, youve already lost from it, months to 12 months. And also the same case we have observed previously, mokoena lives and summers, but particularly speaking with the vaccine induced immunity. We dont really know all along it would last and that is one of the concerns. Probably we need to repeat the vaccine every year like a modern one. Yr. Always good to get your thoughts on this issue. Thank you so much for joining us there. From lancaster university. The germans are being warned coronavirus restrictions put in place earlier this month probably want to be ease in time for the holiday season. Chancellor Angela Merkel told parliament the measures are likely to remain into the new year. As chief of staff has said, they may extend even longer, possibly march bars and restaurants are closed, but schools and some shops remain open. Masks will be mandatory in busy public areas. Thats bringing dominic cain in berlin for us. So dominic, not good news from chancellor merkel. What have been the reactions not good news in so far as the measures that she in the federal government and the state governments agreed on last nights that. The lockdown thats been in place, which is a life form of locked and relative to the one was imposed when the pandemic 1st started. Well, this lifes a long time will extend right up to just before christmas. And then during the christmas period, it will be loose and ever so slightly. But the very clear suggestion might very well as you say, have to extend beyond into january into february perhaps into march. I want of the other things that im going to use talking about in the parliament in may this morning was the, the needs to, to follow science. But also saying that, well, possibly the vaccines that we know on there are being put into stage 3. And then, and potentially being fast tracked. Well, if theyre fast tracked enough, she says that maybe some key workers in the emergency sectors, doctors, nurses, those sorts of professions, might be the 1st to get them and may indeed get them before christmas. But clearly, mrs. Merkel is saying that people need to be aware of the fact that, as she said, she feels as though the coronavirus prime pandemic people are now at 5 to midnight. Which could be the good or bad, depending on your perspective. And the German Government also warning today to delay the opening of the ski season and dominate, but theres resistance from other e. U. Countries. Yes, the German Governments pretty clear about what it believes is something that is too risky, which is the idea of lots of tourists and ski love is going to ski resorts like they did apps the beginning of the pandemic, many in germany point to what happened in austria to surface in the famous results, for example, where many people came together in what was seen afterwards as super spreader events. And then went their separate ways to airports, train stations, and then spread the virus around europe. So the German Authorities keen to prevent anything like that, but their problem is that elsewhere in europe and other capital cities, for example, in vienna, officials that they want to keep the ski resorts open because they generate a great deal of revenue. What they would normally, if there wasnt a pandemic, generates a great deal of revenue and they dont want to see that revenue lost. So its clear from a european perspective, from a unitary european perspective. Its hard to see how the German Government could force through a ban on ski resorts being open when many elsewhere in other e. U. Member states. Dont want that to happen. Dominick, thank you very much for that. Dominic cain live in banking. Theres lost more head on this al jazeera news hour, including donald trump moderns, his former National Security advisor, Michael Frayn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the f. B. I. In the russian investigation. We look at the divisive dutch christmas tradition that is increasingly leading to violent protests to the end 1st one of the greatest play is of all time and an inspiration to millions, just some of the tributes flooding in for argentinas football legend, diego maradona, who died at the age of 60 of a heart attack, millions of fans have been remembering his achievements around the world. Sports stars, politicians, and head of the Catholic Church will find his have given their praise for the man, argued to be the best to ever play the game. Fellow football, great and one time rival says hes lost a great friend and the world has lost a legend. Captain, dodgin team to victory in the 1986 world cup and has worked to help poor communities in his country today. Several reports, some by the size. The deal with onion is in disbelief. Hes devastated that player the home i dont know has passed away. Anything. Im sad because i knew this was coming. Not so soon, but the people that surrounded him never helped. And he didnt want to be helped. I cant believe it is my god. Its the worst day of my life. Thousands of people gathered in the center of want to site is to celebrate, might have on us knife. And his love for argentinas national team. Not only, not just the food of power for argentina, he was a national hero, a man who came from one of the forest service. Im going to focus on made it to the top for the buffalo in the world to many of those who came here to say goodbye to him on the from some of those on this very poor. Im very favorite going to when i was one of our group is from us now in the capital. I mean, im, well, im out of the suit for me. He was like the love of my children. I did not want to have this news. I am destroyed, i was too young to see him play, but i know every goal by heart, he gave us dignity so many times. The people here celebrate the goals against england in the 1986 world cup. 3 years after the war between both countries over the magazine s fultons islands. A goal that continues to be celebrated today. You never know if i came because i felt it. He was from here representing us. He waved our flag, gave us choice. He filled us with joint from the english would not wage war against them, but with the hand of god, he gave the people back their soul. And men supported leftwing leaders in modern america, like he then got on with chavez and vindicated their fight against imperialism. Ive seen a lot yet and i think that being a writer or god. Oh, all right. I dont, i would receive a he rules farewell. He would be lying in state in the president ial palace around the world is referred to as the best food pulled player in the world for his fans. He was a man who in spite of his enormous struggles field argentina with pride and just a court in turkey is handing down verdicts for hundreds of people accused of plotting to overthrow president bush. 4 years ago is one of the biggest cases related to the failed school with 475 suspects. More than 250 people died in the attempted takeover on july 15th, 2016 parliamentary and president ial buildings were fired upon and the Turkish Military chief was taken hostage. Turkey says u. S. Based political figure coordinated the attack with a faction of the military. A cianci denies. Nearly 80000, people have since been arrested, accused of links with glenn. And more than 130000, including military personnel have been sacked or suspended from the public sector. Lets bring in cynical so little in istanbul for acim, so a high profile, an important trial in turkey. Tell us about the verdicts so far and what have been the reactions . Well this, most of those defendants of the main trial which is named also can get a base trial, have been sentenced to multiplied aggravated life sentences. Some of them have acquitted from the crimes that they have committed. But there are too many crimes that they are accused of, so may need to try of the defendants in the trial are charged with in its crimes, including murder, attempting to violate the constitutional order, and attempting to assassinate the president on the night of the 5th corps, attempt in this case is very important, race case 1st because it involves people who were present at the, at can a raise in the turkish capital, where the prosecutors believe it was the hat corridors to commit center of the failed coup attempt. The f. 16 s. That won the turkish parliament, the special forces had quarters and the Police Department or Police Department building all tuco from this air base. And according to the prosecutors evidence files, there were 10 civilians inside the airbase that night of the failed coup attempt and those civilians are, are named as civil in moms of the good. And its group civil you moms off. Its a lucky man who are an inner circle, a circle in his society, and according to the indictment that the prosecutor has submitted. 2 years ago, those people, those 10 civilians, had phone conversations with such a lucky man who is based in united sends and to the order from fit a lucky man to perpetrate. This failed coup attempt gave the order to the military members. This trial is important because this will also set an example. There were more than 280 cases filed after their defeat could tempt foley, and some of them, most of them at actually came to a verdict, but we were voting awaiting for an approval from the court of from the higher court. So this will set an example, and this is for afford it. Turkish officials at this is a proof that this is not only a coup trial, and these are not only cool cases, but a coup cases plots, cases perpetrated by mr. Fit to luck. And they who has always denied his involvement in difficult coup, simcoe said no, any sample. Thank you. U. S. , President Donald Trump has pardoned his former National Security advisor, Michael Frayn is on this 8 weeks before he leaves. So white house president elect joe biden is pressing ahead with this transition plans, meanwhile, is delivered a thanksgiving speech urging precautions during the pandemic crossing jordan reports from washington. Thank you very much, even as he refuses to concede that he lost reelection to joe biden. U. S. President donald trump gave a gift to his 1st National Security adviser, general michael flynn, a pardon for flints crimes, namely, prolonging to federal investigators about his contacts with the former russian, ambassador to the u. S. , Sergey Kislyak flints case was part of a legal black cloud that hung over trumps entire presidency, flown, son, responded on the conservative social media site parlor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart president trump, and a big middle finger to judge emmett sullivan, and drugs ally republican senator lindsey graham, cold flu and a political victim. Meantime, democratic congressman adam schiff blasted trumps decision. Its no surprise trump would go out as he came in, crooked to the end. Earlier, trump called in to a hearing convened by Pennsylvania Republicans to see whether president elect joe bidens victory can be thrown out. Its not like it was reagan, we cant let that happen. We cant let it happen for a country like that to be turned around because we won pennsylvania by a lot and we won by a lot. Anybody watching television the night of the election when i was going to make is going to come people going bad relations in a big way and all of a balance with the place and a lot of things newer, bolder, more compassionate chapters, tropes, complaints about politics, a far cry from the Incoming Administrations call for National Unity and resilience on the eve of the u. S. Is suck your holiday. Thanksgiving day Vice President elect called a lot. Harris and her husband visited a washington food bank, while biden delivered a speech calling on americans to find their resilience in the face of the culbut 19 pandemic. This is the moment we need to steal our spines. Redouble our efforts and recommit ourselves to the fight. Lets remember, were all in this together. Joe bidens call for reconciliation and unity. A marked contrast in both style and substance from that of donald trump. Rosalynn shorten aljazeera, the white house or less talk to in their jeans farmar about this. His professor of International Politics at City University of london joins us via skype from london. Thank you so much for being with us. So the democrats reacting with anger to michael fane spot in, but like all president s before him, trump is granting controversial pardons, in the last few weeks of his presidency, has nothing really unusual here. But what do you think is and again, his game plan is and what impact will it have on the Incoming Administration . Well, one thing is, of course, the pardoning could include himself about to be a major constitutional issue as well. But i think on the whole he wants to continue to keep the volatile political situation. He wants to retain the loyalty of his 74000000 voters. And i think he wants to be kind of a major influence on the Republican Party Going Forward into 2022. Midterms and possibly even planning to run again for a 2nd term in 2024. And i think he wants to continue to be a Major National orse in u. S. Politics. And the legal cases he still pursuing, theyre gaining quite large donations. And some of those donations are actually going towards that Political Campaign 420222024 as well. So hes planning his political future. We heard biden in contrast to call for unity in a sense giving some speech. But this is a country. America is a country thats still very much divided today. What should be bidens top priority . If indeed he wants to unite the country. I think he does. I think his entire kind of message, his tone, the aura around him is one of National Unity and sort of and also interNational Unity in the face of the pandemic and all its economic effects. The problem is that he, as you say, it inherited a very polarized society in which even Wearing Masks or social distancing, is considered to be very politically controversial. So hes going to have to reach out, i think, to those voters to everyone in order to try to pull together. But hes going to be dealing with a lot of forces which have been released by the Trump Administration the far right. For example, many of them are armed and so on, but i think if he can give that message but also reach out economically because a lot of the communities are voted for president from right this time are from very poor communities. And i think you can either with the Economic Program which reaches them, i think he may be able to undercut some of that division that was going to be my next question. I mean, biden backers are incredulous at, at the level of time support, but its not really about trump. Is it . Is it more about the economic state that the d. N. I. To say find yourself thinking . Absolutely right. I think theres a deep crisis of the economy, but also deep crisis over elite power. So the 2 main Political Parties and their mainstream political leaders of lost a lot of prestige and legitimacy because of the iraq war. The 2000, a crass what happened in libya and so on. And basically people are very, very fed up with the mainstream parties. And we saw back a few years ago, tea party rise, occupy wall street, Bernie Sanders on the rise of the left, as well as the extreme right. So trump is a symptom of that deeper crisis. But i think this is a chance in a way for president biden, president biden, to try to see what historic legacy might be that he could unify the nation if you can put border progress in economic policy, which reduces inequality, restores some sort of level of a thin united unified government, which is dealing with the pandemic in a, in a way, which is regardless of political affiliations of governors and states and so on. Thank you. Think that could have a very big you folks. Thank you so much for talking to us and sharing your views with us in their sheets of International Relations at City University london. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Meanwhile, the u. S. Supreme court has temporarily barred the state of new york from enforcing restrictions on places of worship in areas designated as coronavirus hotspots. The ruling said an executive order issued by Governor Andrew Cuomo as a discrimination against religious institutions. Cuomo made the decision last month in an effort to curb the spread of call. The 19, the move is a shift for the court after the entry of new can said of a conservative justice in the corny barretts. Earlier this year the court had upheld restrictions, affecting churches in california and nevada. Time now for a check on the world, whether he has evidence. Hello there. The weather looks pretty unsettled for the middle east over the next couple of days. Yeah, the middle east seeing a fair bit of rainfall, we saw some rather nasty weather, just around cairo as we went through the last a day or so, the shower still in place here, but there are the process of azing. See the showers that are just around that aces side of the mediterranean for friday, starting to pull away from northern parts of egypt. Russias show is there through iraq pushing into northern parts of iran, western areas. Iran also saying somewhat to weather and some showers along dispose of rain possible into kuwait, northern and central parts of saudi arabia. And that becomes more expensive as we go on through friday. Possibly some heavier rain pushing tools, western parts of europe, even here in doha, you could catch a spot or 2 of right as we go through saturday, temperatures around 26. 00 celsius. Lets push further east, where weve seen as cycle a, making its way into southern parts of india just to the south of chennai. It continues to push further. West was, it is weakening, of course, but still some very, very heavy rainfall coming in with this system of 100 millimeters of rain also. So any possibility is a slides across pushing towards maharastra will see that wetter weather gradually pushing through. And theres another system following behind abbott, and thank you very much. Still ahead on this news hour, millions going hungry aid agencies in syria have never seen so many malnourished children. Pass why families in bangladesh at protesting against a plan to repair a down and down as former cops pay tribute to the argentinean, pale side of nature. 60. 00. So have the details in sports to stay with us. After world war 2, frances great empire began to unravel in vietnam to most people. It was throwing themselves into the streets, bursting with joy, kissing each other and algeria sieges until she lost. If the indochinese managed to beat the french army, why not . The decline continues in episode 2 of blood and tears french to colonise a show on aljazeera. Theres a wave of sentiment around the world. People actually want accountability from the people who are running their countries. And i think often peoples voices are not heard because theyre just not part of the mainstream news narrative. Obviously we cover big stories and report on the big events going on. But we also tell the stories of people who generally dont have a voice. And then when i was a child, my debts will never be afraid to put your hand up. Not a question. And i think thats what im sure really does. He asked the questions to people who should be accountable. And also we get people to give their view of whats going on. Youre watching the news hour on hour with me fully back to bill are in mind of our top stories. Ethiopias Prime Minister says the final phase of the offensive on the northern tikrit region has begun. After nearly 3 weeks of fighting, people have been told to stay indoors as the army moves in on the regional capital. The football world is mourning the death of argentinean dona whos passed away at the age of 60. He kept in his country to victory in the 1906 world cup and is widely regarded as one of the greatest and german chancellor. Im going to merkel says coronavirus restrictions probably wont be eased anytime soon. The measures are likely to stay in place until january bars and restaurants are closed, but schools and some shops remain open. In other news, sudans, former Prime Minister, has died at the age of 84. His family has confirmed his passing at a hospital in the United Arab Emirates, madia tested positive for coverage 19. As this report, subject came from a family of religious and political figures. His grandfather was the leader of the movement to end the british occupation. Mati led sudan for 2 terms in the 1960 s. And eightys. He was removed both times by military coups sudan buckled under the pressure of religious, linguistic, and cultural divisions. A civil war in the south led to a famine that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. After his 2nd term ended in 1909, Omar Al Bashir ran the country for almost 30 years, but only with the threat and use of brutal military power. Throughout mahdi continued to lead the Opposition Party against bashir, although often from outside the country and when economic hardships bit, he was quick to back protests against bush years government. In 2014, marty was arrested accused of conspiring with rebels, a charge that carries the death penalty. He spent time in south exile in cairo, but returns just a dawn greeted by large crowds ahead of another mass uprising of a crippling food and fuel prices in 2018. 1, the most important demand is that this regime mostly leave and be replaced by a transitional National Government whose judy is to achieve peace and human rights and liberties. The government must implement an Economic Program that will relieve the suffering of the people, a Reform Program and a National Conference to draft the constitution. The protests eventually led to the ousting and jailing of Omar Al Bashir full corruption. Mati then push for a to civilian rule political active until the pandemic arrived tested positive for covered 19, he was taken to the United Arab Emirates for treatment, but succumbed to the virus. He will be remembered as the leader of sudans Largest Political Party and sudans. Last, democratically elected Prime Minister. The World Food Program is warning more syrians have become increasingly dependent on Food Assistance to survive a record 9300000, syrians dont get enough food to eat, and i reports nearly half of those are children. 6 months old, a hoodie or waist 3 and a half kilos. Ok, and that malnutrition is becoming an increasing spread among syrian children. And aid agencies warn nearly 5000000 across the world ravaged country. Dont get enough food to eat. As poverty deepens, you need some help with thats not all she needs. She needs diapers, we need food and we have nothing displaced by war have been particularly vulnerable and able to afford basic necessities. Health workers who visit the camp say never before have they seen so many cases of malnourished children. The International Aid agency save the children, says 65 percent, have not had meat, fruits and vegetables for at least 3 months. We know this is a combination of just 10 years of conflict, a very weak Health Care Systems of a cold outbreak and the dire Economic Situation that has really affected syria. So when you put all those factors together, what were seeing is that children, especially in very young children, just arent getting the nutrients they need to grow up healthy in government held areas to be there is a bread crisis. The cash strapped state has been forced to reduce subsidies and ration people that more families can no longer buy in those you can 1600 so at some point the syrian currency has lost much of its value that affected food prices, which are now the highest ever recorded the World Food Program says 1300000. 00 syrians dont have access to sufficient food and an additional 2 point 2000000. 00 are at risk across the country. That is half the population. But the u. S. Often weve all expired meal because its cheaper. We also buy the cheapest food for the other kids, so they dont cry from hunger and of that its been 10 years of war and displacement. Theres still no peace. The battle now is against hunger in every corner of the divided country senate, whether the family of a palestinian prisoner who died in israeli custody. And this man says Hispanic International legal action to have his body returned. Why is one of 7 prisoners bodies being withheld on what israel says are National Security grounds . Higher fossett has more from western slim knew that his son would never return home from prison alive. 46 year old kemal was sentenced to 6 life sentences plus 50 years by an Israeli Military court in 2003 for killing 6 israelis. During the 2nd intifada, or uprising in early november, he died from throat cancer, but his body has not been returned to his family. How the shaheed i just want to see his body. This is for hidden pray for him. This would comfort me to bury him according to religious law. Even the crows bury it. In total, israel has withheld the bodies of more than 300. 00 palestinians going back more than 50 years. The majority lie in numbered graves. Its a practice that attracted widespread condemnation as a form of collective punishment of palestinian families until 2017, the bodies of prisoners who died in custody in military jails would routinely be released. A change in policy meant that if a prisoner had carried out an attack deemed exceptionally severe, or was identified as a hamas member or sympathiser, their body could be withheld. Currently, there are 6 prisoners bodies, news really morgues. Another who died in 1980 has never been accounted for 2019. Israel Supreme Court ruled that the practice of withholding what it calls terrorists remains was justifiable under israeli law in the service of National Security. That was understood to mean using the bodies as bargaining chips. In negotiations, a mass which controls the gaza strip calls israel stance shameful. It continues to withhold the bodies of 2 Israeli Soldiers captured during the 2014 war 2 israeli civilians who entered gaza or in 20142015 have also never come back. This is something is totally different because its kind of aggression from the Israeli Forces on, on gaza strip. And hamas succeeded to kidnap or 2. So those who nor the alive or dead, the soldiers families have kept up a long Running Campaign for their return as israel and hamas have held years of so far fruitless talks through 3rd parties about a swap deal. For now, the closest come to recovering his sons body has been to retrieve his reading glasses. He says, israel has thousands of palestinian prisoners to swap if it does want to do a deal with hamas keeping the dead, he says, is merely a punishment for their families. Are a force it out 0, west jerusalem . A british australian scholar has been freed from an iranian prison after more than 2 years. Kylie more gilberto was convicted of spying and sentenced to 10 years back in 20. Shes maintained her innocence and has held repeated hunger strikes in exchange, tehran to secure the release of 3 iranian nationals are being jailed in thailand over a failed bomb plot in 2012 to india now and thousands of angry farmers are trying to reach new delhi after a 200 kilometer march calling for a change in the law. Demonstrators are match marching on the capital despite facing police tear gas, water, cannon, and blockades. They want the Central Government to scrap 3 laws, which they say hurt foremost by removing a guaranteed minimum self ice for their qualities. And its a crime has more from there is a big Police Presence in and around here, new delhis main approaches. I dont want their police, im taking a protest in the way they had gathered to show their solidarity with their opposition to found laws passed by the Indian Government in september. And its not just here. The police are stopping people from protesting. Police have closed stays around delhi, there was a cat and tear gas on the borders between punjab and haryana. But farmers there undeterred, have thrown the Police Barricades into the rivers. Now, delhi police denied permission for people to protest here because of the Record Number of people in a virus cases. But these farm laws are a huge issue and india, where around kabul, the 1300000000, people who work in the culture sector. They say that these take away guarantees to foreigners, guarantees around prices and leave them at the mercy of private investors and opposition parties to angry about what they say. The way in which the b. J. Government has these laws, they say they push them through without time for proper debate. Thousands of people in bangladesh are protesting against a government plan. They say will have a negative impact on their livelihoods. Officials built a dam on assura bill late last year, and many who live in the area say its created hardship for them. Time their chantry has a story. This may appear to be a small protest in a row, but its an impact could have far reaching consequences for farmers land rights across bangladesh. These people are protesting against government plans to repair a dam. This is damaging their farmland and livelihood. Thousands of others whose families have also from this area for generations have staged a week long hunger strike. One elderly protester died and several others have become very ill. But theyre determined to continue. Mouth was a big come say is there has been famine in the area and their very existence is at stake. Now. I have raised an educated 3 children by working on this farm land with my husband. Now i cant Pay School Fees for my children and we cant feed ourselves because we are not able to cultivate and this land anymore due to the dam. We beg you all, please dont take our land. We will never give up our land. In 2010, the government declared this area in national park, a decision thats been challenged in cote. A dam was then built last year to create a lake and local people say, thats when their lives change. In bangladesh, where a large portion of the rural population is already exposed through a range of Natural Hazards and the facts of climate change, the construction offered them without Environmental Impact study has caused widespread concern. Its now threatening the livelihood of thousands of farmers. Religious said, the dam has also damaged Water Supplies in but not the pollution from the nearby coal. Mine flows through this leg, but since this is natural, free flowing water, the pollution generally dont stay here or affect us because of this dam. The water now gets stagnant and polluted and there is hardly any fish or earlier this year. Rain and floods damage the dam. The government say its an essential resource and plans to repair it. And the protesters actions are misguided. Theres been a lot of work investment by the government interval, a ping this area like improving the waterways, building across town and tourism facilities and what is purely state owned land. But in the last 2 years, the villages failed to show us any legal Land Ownership documents. But the villagers say theyre defined and united and for saving the environment and their way of life is a matter of survival. Aljazeera bangladesh, brazils aviation regulator has given the green light for boeings troubled 737 max planes to fly again. That follows similar action by american and european regulators. The jets have been grounded worldwide since last march, after 2 crashes killed nearly 350 people. The planes will now get updated fight control software before they can resume flying. Brazil will begin test flies in hopes of resuming commercial ones in the next few weeks. Now the controversial dutch christmas tradition of black peter has increasingly led to violent confrontations across another lens. It involves a white person dressing up as a black helper for santa claus and is widely considered to be racist. Protest against a tradition have been canceled out of fear for peoples safety. So vast and varied for some amsterdam. Most people in the netherlands have grown up with these images of black faced white person who scares and entertain small children this time of the year. But black, pete is slowly making an exit of the dutch libraries, have decided to remove books with this image. Of course, these books have to be removed because of the current discussion in our society. And the new insights we have. They will now be part of our archive and we replaced with portraying priests in a more neutral way. The removal of these books has led to such controversy and threat that Library Employees dont want to be interviewed on camera. This shows how deeply divided the netherlands is about this disputed tradition. Increasingly protests against black beats have turned violent with supporters attacking opponents and police will back down if one e was threatened after supporters of black pete burst into his shop and shouted racist remarks. That night his windows were smashed. The oligarchs wealth. Its clear that ive become a victim, like you can see it, and i have been a victim all my life with the tradition of black people. I have no words. I think enough has been said, its now time to change and people should wake up. A recent survey shows that a majority in the netherlands want to stick with the traditional character of black people. Many also reject the compromise already used in several cities called chimney pete, whose face is covered with some black stains. For while the home bird beak has to be black. And this could not go save. I dont want to discriminate against anyone. To me, black, pete is a mysterious figure, not a person. Its a masquerade and not a skin color. So you can be unrecognizable on the street and children see you as a fairy tale figure. For nearly 30 years, yes, transformed into a black people in the weeks before the dutch santa claus celebration, reaching its peak on the sound of faith. Like most supporters, he says, elect, pete is not a racist tradition. His lack of awareness is lack of awareness because yeah, white people dont get to decide what is racism, racism is racism. And it doesnt matter what intentional we are looking at intensely. We are looking at the impact, you know, even though you didnt, you dont mean it that way. Is a body impact and with the best intentions in the world, you can still hear people dont know what to do to protest the organize over recent years. Songs like these about black people have been changed and a figure that was long accepted in Dutch Society has now become controversial. But as long as libraries cant openly speak about removing books with black petes images, opponents of black peace still have a long way to go. Step lassen aljazeera amsterdam, still ahead on aljazeera. The world of football pays tribute to one of the greatest players ever. Diego maradona has died at the age of 62 states that was forced on his show and the world of football in morning. Joe absolutely fully. Yes. In argentina is beginning 3 days of National Mourning after the death of one of the greatest players in football, diego maradona, the 1906 world cup champion died at the age of 60 on wednesday. After suffering a heart attack, his body will lie in state at Government House and on a site as until his funeral crowds have been gathering in the capsule since his death. Many held a vigil at the citys ball could genius stadium singing anthems and lighting candles for the legendary footballer. The play is called the infamous hand of god. Go face country on the way to winning the 1986. World cup is a hero to his home fans. Thats an American Sports journalist. Quite a run go told us why. Hes a very complex being that not only surpassed football yawn so engaged in a lot of social aspects of what argentina and latin america became throughout the sixties, seventies, eighties. And even today, hes a, hes a player that has had songs written about him that hes had a, you know, different religions made out of them out of the me and i was in argentina. Are one of those to me, in my opinion, hes the best player thats ever lived based on being able to see messi being able to see clearly and being able to see him play as well. He to me was the best player of all time. The head of guidance of being always an interesting story of, was he a cheat or was he able to under go and find ways to surpass or circumvent a system that was flawed in terms of refereeing. And now with the art people make that same type of a comparison, what dealer murdoch would have gotten away with in todays football. But that again is a different story, but he is definitely one of those beings that were able to surpass a lot of those things and become a player that had this incredible pedestal more poorly. He was a player that many related to because of those imperfections. Shittiness current captain am, as he says marathon, it was the greatest that has ever been while christian or not. I just cried to him as an unparalleled magician. Minute silences were held across here. Payne football grounds on wednesday evening ahead of Champions League games in tribute to marathon a just i was off to his death was announced. He was an inspiration to so many of the current generation of football as and manages it was diego, which was a unbelievable football player. And i was marianna, who struggled slightly with all the things around. And when you are a young person and the people go crazy when you, wherever you go, thats not so easy. And he had his, his fights with that one of assent. But i believe his to go and maradona. So because he is justin. Now lets just say i want to look at her as shes going through a shes, i have this memory of the world cup he played in 86 and i had the chance to tell him when i met him, that he was an inspiration for millions of young people across the world and for me as well as beulah, he was a player who could decide matches on his own. I remember when he played here in munich, he was warming up for himself to the rhythm of the music for everybody in the stadium. It was an absolute highlight. He was a genius with the ball and very sadly has died much too early as well. Its also being remembered by his former club, spoke of genius in argentina, posted this tribute video. Madonna played for them between 1982 and returned in 1905 to see out the last years of his career. Wednesdays couple about doris game between bucky genius and brazils internacional was post toned as a result of his death. Maradona also spent 7 years of italian club napoli, lifting them to, to syria. Titles fans also gathered in naples to mourn his death players and candles in his honor. The citys mayor is also urging the team to rename the stadium after a marathon, or Tancredi Palmeri has been sports italian correspondent. The announcement from the naples, major of the naming stadium of the cinema is at the moment called that some power sent so many i thinking we are reaching out from the name of a saint to the name of a god. Because these is how much of the ana was an elder in naples. So we are not talking only about a legend, a sports star or the whatever we are talking about. An icon, an icon as j. F. K. Was, as Mary Lee Malvo was an icon of football. And we all are when there is an icon that is dying and we feel a soul stuck because its, or as if for a little part of us is also going away to understand the importance of madonna is not about what actually not only about what he did on the beach, hes even outside. That is the serve, the biggest largest city in italy by far the never won anything title before, in spite of them being mad for footballers and always walls of these advantaged in they tell young culture, italian economy, something that was really felt by the nepali towns. Well modeled on a didnt win any Champions League, they won 2 titles is a lot, but not that much, but not only at napoli on the football map, it pulled on a cultural level of naples on their football match on the curriculum up on the intermission, a lump, its not just football. The tributes have been coming in from other sports to spanish tennis star. Rafael nadal tweeted that maradona was one of the greatest sportsmen in history, but his death has left a void in the world of sports. At argentinas rugby team are currently in australia, preparing for their Rugby Championship game against new zealand coach. Mariella desmond gave his reaction to the sad news from he was right there with jersey i, like i said before, he was the example. He had our worst goal. You was all right, that is from a financial folly. Joe, thank you very much. This news hour on aljazeera. Do stay with us so laura kyle will be with you next with us back into the intersection of reality and comedy and post revolution to newseum. A mission, to entertain, educate and provoke debate through our weapon of choice and intimate. Look at what inspires one of the most popular comedians to make people laugh. Hack on aljazeera. On the deserted streets of. Theyve become familiar figures couriers on bicycles, delivering food or medicine to lock down colombians. Most of them here are venezuelan migrants. A mother of 4 says, contagion is always on her mind. None of them receive Health Insurance for their work and exposing themselves and very few seem to have it yet. There may be a bright side people who look down on them as skilled migrants. Now say theyre essential to control the virus. I receive messages on the scene that i was a nurse back who. What i am doing is not all that different from my passion, helping others. The past, past, travels the road to mexico, raising creative solution to the countrys most remote demonstrating cotton industry. A better speech passed passed by a couple of the youth in america seen on their Prime Minister orders a final offensive on a deadline, passes for Regional Forces to surrender their live from doha. Also coming up Oxford University and astra zeneca admit errors and how they administered vaccine trials raising questions about their findings warns germanys coronavirus restrictions could remain in place well into next year

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