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The anti protesters urge the king to give up control of the fast of royal fortune. Despite their leader is facing charges of insulting the monarchy. Ok, lets take you straight to wilmington, delaware now where u. S. President elect joe biden is giving his thanksgiving speech slowed. Every decision we make matters. Every decision we make can save lives. None of these steps are asking people to take our political statements. Every woman is based on science, real science. And the good news is, theres been significant record breaking progress made recently in developing the vaccine. In several of these vaccines look extraordinary, really effective. Who happens to iran track for the 1st immunization began by late december, early january. Then well need to put in place the Distribution Plan to get the entire country immunized as soon as possible, which we will do. But its going to take time. Im hoping the news of the vaccine will serve as incentive to every american to take these simple steps to get control of the virus. Theres real hope, tangible hope. So hang on, though as yourself surrender to the fatigue which i understand it is real for t. I know we can and we will beat this virus. There is not going to lose this war. Will get our lives back. Life is going to return to normal. I promise you. This will happen. This will not last forever. So yes, its been a really hard year, particularly hard for over 250000. 00 people and their families. But i still believe we have much to be thankful for. Theres so much to hope for much to build on much to dream up. Heres america. I see. And i believe its the american you see as well. America faces facts in america that overcomes challenges in america that we say will receive justice and equality for all people in america holds fast to the conviction that out of paying comes possibility out of frustration comes progress and out of division, unity your own our finest hours thats who weve always bad. Thats who we shall be again for. I believe that this grim season of division demonization is going to give way to a year of related immunity. But i think so, because america is a nation, not of adversaries, but of neighbors. Not of limitations, but the possibilities not about dreams deferred, but of dreams realize ive said many times that this is a great country. We are our good people. This is the United States are here. And theres never been anything weve been unable to do when weve done it together. Think of what we come through. As a nation, how many things weve come through centuries of human slavery, cataclysmic, civil war, exclusion of women from the ballot box, world wars, jim crow, belong twilight, struggle against soviet period. It could have ended not in the fall of the berlin wall. But in Nuclear Armageddon look, im not naive. I know that history is just that history. But to know what came before it would come before its happened before. Can help farmers against despair. Knowing the previous generation has got through the same universal human challenge that we face. The tension between selfishness and generosity, between fear and hope, between division and unity. It would but wasnt, it brought the reality of american do closer alignment with the promise of reality just as impressed barry sounds corny but it was love, plain and simple love of country love of one another. We dont talk much about love our politics. The political arena is too loud, too angry, too heated to love our neighbor as ourselves a radical act. It is what were called to do. We must try for only in trying, only listening, only in seeing ourselves bound together in what dr. King called the mutual garment of destiny. We rise above visions and to heal. Look, we on americas never perfect. Weve always tried to fulfill the aspiration, the declaration of independence, that all people are created equal, created in the image of god. Then weve always sought to form a more perfect union, which we give thanks for this season. Well, 1st, lets be thankful for democracy itself. Was in this last election one that just took place. We see record numbers of americans exercise the most sacred rock that of the vote to register their will at the ballot box. Think about that. In the middle of a pandemic, more people voted to share than have ever voted in the history of the United States of america. Over 150000000, people cast a ballot simply extraordinary, many waiting in line 5678 hours to vote. If you want to know what beats deep in the heart of america, its this democracy the right to determine our lives, our government, and our leaders, the right to be heard. Our democracy is tested this year. And what we learn is this. The people of this nation are up to the task. In america, we have full and fair and free elections. And then we honor the results of the people of this nation. And the laws of the land wont stand for anything else. Through the vote, the noblest as jamin of nonviolent protest ever conceived. We remained a new and reminded a new that progress is possible that we, the people we, the people have the power to change, which often called the course of human events. There with our hearts in our hands, in our voices. Today we can be better than yesterday, and tomorrow we can be still better than that day. You know, we should be thankful to that america is a covenant, an unfolding story. We have a, we need to create prosperity, opportunity, and justice. Americans have grit and generosity, a capacity for greatness and reservoirs of goodness. We have what it takes. Now we have to act. This is our moment, ours, together to write a new or bolder, more compassionate chapter. In the life of the nation. The work ahead is not going to be easy. It will not be quick. You want solutions not shouting, reason, not hyper partisanship lite not heat. You want us to hear one another and see one another respect one another. You want democrats and republicans independents to come together and Work Together and that my friends is what im determined to do. America is dream big. As hard as it may seem this thanksgiving. Were going to dream big again. Our future is bright. The fact weve never been, ive never been more optimistic about the future america than i am right now. I honest to god believe the 21st century is going to be an american century. Were going to build an economy that leads the world. We will lead the world by the power of our example, not just the example of our power. Were going to lead the world on climate and save this planet. Were going to find cures for cancer and all simers and diabetes. I promise you were going to finally root out systemic racism in this country. And this thanksgiving and into space and all the thanksgiving is the calm that stream again. Lets commit it. Lets commit ourselves to thinking not only of ourselves, but of others as well. For if we care for one another, if we open our arms rose and brandishing our fist, we carry on with the help of god heal. If we do, and im sure we can, we can pursue clearly. The promised. With the promise to rope these foreign words, the lord is my strength and my shield. And with my soul, i give thanks to you. I give thanks now. For you. The trust you placed in me together will lift our voices in the coming months and years in our songs should be of lives saved breaches, repaired a nation made whole again folks in the vine family to yours wherever. And however you may be celebrating, we wish you a happy thanksgiving day. God bless you. Big god, protect our troops. Everything. And that was president elect joe biden, giving his thanksgiving speech. Of course thursdays thanksgiving in the United States. Very much there talking about the hope for better times. Ahead and ending on a religious note as well. We can cross live now to share bread hansie who joins us from wilmington, delaware, and was also listening in to what joe biden had to say. What did you make of what the president elect said . It had all the, all the usual biden themes that weve become accustomed to american exceptionalism, history, patry, a tism and bidens own familys story of loss. And biden, talking about how he and his family a big thanksgiving think, thanksgiving this year, but this idea of unity both in the face of the virus, but also in the face of challenges to democracy. Perhaps he said, look, were, were not, were at war with the virus, not one another. He said, hang on with the talk of the news of vaccines on the horizon. But he also said, look, democracy has been a challenge. But the us has shown that the democratic system is up to it and free and Fair Elections are possible. When you listen to hit all these notes, try and be the unifier in chief. You do wonder who the audience is because of the division in the country. Right now, those who voted for biden will obviously love this, this change of tone from the president elect. But you just look at the polls, the republican, so many republicans feel that the election has been stolen, and that biden didnt win fair and square. In fact, i was just looking, i was just checking Donald Trumps twitter feed, as biden was speaking. And about half an hour ago, donald trump tweeted, i will be speaking before a very important Pennsylvania State senate hearing, which is in process now talking about the massive voter fraud, which took place on the 2020 alexion. And thats immediately fired by, by twitter. This claim about the Election Fraud is disputed, so donald trump preparing to speak to a meeting thats occurring in pennsylvania about the trump campaigns allegations of voter fraud. He was supposed to actually be there in person, but because of a covert scare, he didnt go. So thats meanwhile going on at the same time we have that split screen of joe biden, president elect talking of unity, moving on optimism. Hope this too shall pass and all that. But we have donald trump still tweeting, actively taking part in any, any sort of operation that he can to challenge the legitimacy of joe bidens job joe bidens presidency and she have, i found it interesting how when biden also talks about trying to unify the country. How we really went for a religious tone at the end of his speech and i thanksgiving. Its not actually a christian holiday, but do you think that he came . We know that he himself is quite a religious man, but do you think that him using that kind of christian language is perhaps an attempt to try to a win over the many alone among the religious right. That overwhelmingly voted for donald trump. Yeah. Well, if you hears its not going to work as the americans, joe bidens, a catholic as well, which doesnt help for the right, the right wing evangelicals. So he, it is pretty common over biden, to invoke, to invoke religion even comes up with the strangest of times. George john kerry, during the National Security rollout on tuesday when he was talking about climate change. He said we will believe in god and science. So yeah, this is obviously part of the political discourse and rhetoric that we have become accustomed to in this country does sometimes sound like a theocracy. It does say in god we trust off draw on the currency here. So that is just part of the part of the biden rhetoric, i would imagine if he is going for the evangelicals. Hes in for a very hard fight because, you know, evangelicals are firmly behind behind all trump still sheer brutality. With the latest from wilmington in delaware, she had thank you. Football legend, Diego Maradona has died at the age of 60 after reportedly suffering a heart attack might have done. I was generally regarded as one of the greatest, if not the greatest player of all time. He kept argentina to the 1906 world cup and enjoyed Great Success in Club Football, but had a turbulent private life. David stokes looks back on his career. He, infamously referred to a hand of god and the unique gifts of diego, armando marathoner appeared to come from a higher force born in 1960 and raised in a shanty town on the outskirts of one of said as he became the National Hero and a Global Football superstar, his impacting Club Football meant he was playing for his country as a teenager, a prolific creator and score a goal. Just 1. 65 meters, tall, stocky, and powerful. His skill and balance made him unstoppable. The 986 world cup was his time. Marathon of the player, the man, and caption lated in an unforgettable quarter, final against england. Firstly, what he was to call the hand of god punching the ball into the net. Then a 2nd goal of scarcely believe a ball quality to many the greatest individual goals in world cup history before marriage on his argentina went on to lift that world cup in mexico. A good team made great by one player. There 4 years later, they lost the trophy as west germany gained revenge in the final. But marat dano was thriving in Club Football in europe for barcelona in the early eightys. Then napoli in italy who he took to their 1st, ever italian titles, and where he is still treated as a favorite son of the field, there was turbulence. He was addicted to cocaine and was banned from both club and International Football for failed drugs. Tests. One of which ended his 994 world cup. In 2004, he spent time in intensive care after a heart attack and his weight fluctuated during battles with addiction. He had 2 daughters through his marriage that ended in divorce, and a son born outside the marriage as well. Diego junior, the peoples choice managed his country at the 2010 world cup. He defied many critics until the quarter final defeat against germany. Again, he dipped in and out of court by the germans as well. In 28 teams, he took over the mexican 2nd Division Club to rot us to sin a lower. But it wasnt long before you return to argentina to lead top flight team, give nasi a tele platter in true marriage on the style. He stepped down after only 2 months in charge, only to rejoin again. 2 days later in his last public appearance was at a game on his 60th birthday where he appeared frail and left at half time. A few days later, he was admitted to hospital an initially with anemia and dehydration, but things quickly escalated and he needed surgery to remove a blood clot on his brain. The operation went well, but less than 2 weeks later, he died of a heart attack where the marathoner is the greatest ever footballer is open to debate. But his incredible talent and contribution to the games history make him a phenomenon. And as a serious test of all has more now from when all scientists the country is in shock and the news are slowly started to sink in. That vehicle might have or not. Is that a man whos been in a way, struggling health wise for the past few years, and many in a way were suspected that Something Like this could happen. He was all paraded, he received a brain surgery about 2 weeks ago. He had a clot in his brain, he was recovering not far away from where we are outside the center of one of scientists. And he died of a heart attack earlier this morning. And its much more than a Football Player for argentina. Hes in a way, a National Hero, a man for example, that represents much of what argentina is a man that came from extreme poverty that played in the most important clubs in the world that helped argentina win a world cup that scored 2 goals against england during the world cup after a very painful war between argentina and invent a man who also befriended left wing leaders in latin america such as castro who also died on november 25th, 4 years ago, a close friend of the able. But i dont know. I was also a friend of travis, for example, now a personal friend of president nicola from venezuela. Thats why it is such a shocking news for a country such as this one president got a call from them. This has declared 3 days of mourning in order to honor the legacy. He said that they will not either never presented argentina around the world and about the world needs to honor him today. And he of young people. No, i dont know if, but they actually like much more. Another star from argentinas football squad. However, my dad or not has a very special role here in argentina, mostly because of the world cup a world cup. Where as i said before, he scored 2 goals against england. Even though those goals were in quarterfinals, they were crucial for argentina because this happened after a war a painful war. Well i did. Tito was during a military dictatorship when argentina lost against england among other things. And thats why in a way, the hall has a special place in argentina and hearts and minds also. And whats important to know is that for most ardent times when you talk to them, they will not either never present what argentina would like to be. Is that place where arjun tines with facing many struggles and economic struggles like were facing today . Well, they compare themselves to my own and i, when i was a great player, and he actually made it to the top. In spite of all the problems that he had. The latest from argentina will maradona was equally popular in the tally and city of naples. Thanks to his incredibly successful sparrow with the citys club, not fully supporters are out on the streets mourning that this of the man regarded as an adopted son of the city. Might have been a help to napoli when there are only 2 Italian League titles, 1987, and in 1990, the club has described this test as a devastating blow. And the mayor of naples has announced that the remaining their stadium after him. In other news, the 72 hour deadline, ethiopia gave 4 to graham forces to surrender, has passed. Prime minister, i gave the tikrit Peoples Liberation front until 1630. 00 g. M. T. Just over 2 and a half hours ago to lay down their weapons or brace for all out assault. The Ethiopian Army has surrounded the regional capital, meccan a, and this threatening to use its or tillery, on the city of 500000 people. More than 40000, people have fled across the border into sudan to escape the fighting. Well as that line approached, rejected demands for dialogue and urged the International Community not to interfere. The side that warning former president s of mozambique liberia and south africa were due to arrive in addis ababa on wednesday, dispatched by the African Union to broker talks. Well to agree on. Leaders are denying claims by pierre that their fighters have been surrendering. Aljazeera is how so hasek is indeed very province. We have translated his exclusive report from arabic. On the right front line in Southern Federal reinforcements arrive and helicopters, hover above fools. As the Ethiopian Government has maintained that this is a Law Enforcement operation against what it calls a treasonous group. Our morale is high. Were ready to enforce the rule of law for the sake of the fallen, we will prevail over those who had betrayed them. We have another mission, namely to safeguard the renaissance dam until its fully completed and operational. This building has been set up to receive fighters from the tea, grab Peoples Liberation front, whove surrendered ahead of Prime Minister abi admits wednesday deadline for the t. P. Left to put down its weapons. Government forces here say this man was among those who surrendered. We are being treated well. We are not enemies, we are all fellow ethiopians. We are all brothers. I hope this will come to an end and peace prevails across the country. As fighting continues in northern ethiopia for the 3rd consecutive week, leader has reiterated his rejection of the ultimatum and says his fighters will continue their struggle against the federal government until the end on the other side of the battlefield. And the t. V. Says its standing its ground and that its fighters are ready to die, defending and its right to govern itself. There are conflicting claims of victory on both sides and a communication blackout in the region makes it difficult to verify information. The Prime Minister has met, has said this operation will end when the t. P. O. Left, who he accuses of destabilizing the country and undermining his leadership, are brought to justice. The province in northern more than 41000, have now fled into sudan, him or again, is that a camp for displaced families in fresh at that . And said that instinct, she says hundreds of people continue. Every day, more and more refugees continue to arrive to states here in sudan as well as neighboring states, arrive at the border points where theyre being registered by iran is asians and the Sudanese Commission for refugees before they are brought to the camps. Now, most of them arrive to this camp here and got out of state known as village 8, which was initially supposed to be a residence for people who have been displaced by a dam. That is built not far away, but because people refused to live here. This place was largely uninhabited until about 2 weeks ago when the refugees started arriving. About 2 weeks ago when people started arriving 1st here, the camp had about 2 to 3000 refugees. Now is houses more than 15000 and authorities here say thats beyond their capacity, largely because the camp is an open space, so monitoring it and save guarding it is a challenge. This also the issue of access to aid distribution as well as clean water, proper sanitation and health care. They wait for days sometimes before they are able to get their share of Food Distribution and get access to health care. Meanwhile, at the pharmacies here and the only clinic says that its running out of medicines and it doesnt have enough staff. So lots of challenges facing this camp at the moment. And thats before, of course more refugees arrive with the ultimatum given by the Prime Minister. Made more refugees are expected to come in the coming days. Thats because the ultimatum that the Prime Minister gave was about 72 hours. And of course, upon hearing that many people, according to people who have relatives in the region, say that many people will flee and come here to sudan and its take them about 5 days. So its expected that the number of refugees pouring into sudan in the coming days will increase. This is something that sudan says is already beyond its capacity and that it needs help from the International Community and International Donors to respond to the countries already going through an economic crisis. And it says that without the help of the International Community, and it will simply not be able to handle the refugee crisis. Well, ethiopias government has pulled 3 soldiers of to grain. If this city out of a United Nations peacekeeping mission in south sudan, its done the same in somalia, where several, 100 degree and soldiers serving in a peacekeeping force have now been disarmed. The United States has reported the highest number of corona virus deaths seen in one day for 6 months, more than 2100. People died on tuesday and almost 173000 new infections were recorded. The u. S. Is now seen 15 consecutive days of record breaking hospital admissions for virus. Patients with cases rising rapidly in at least 28 states. Medical experts say the thanksgiving holiday could act as a major super spreader event. When well, globally, the number of confirmed covert 1000 infections has passed, 60000000 and the World Health Organization says 1500000 cases have been detected across the americas in just one week. Thats the highest weekly caseload in the region. Since the pandemic began, infections are particularly high in the United States, brazil and mexico. Many nations in the region were slow to impose any sort of virus restrictions. Health experts are urging governments to do more to control the spread protesters of clashed with police in bulgarias capital, sofia, after tougher restrictions were announced there around 300. 00, people gathered outside government buildings to rally against the new measures, restaurants, nonessential shops, and schools have been ordered to close, but gary is among the worst affected e. U. Countries per capita. Its seen more than 121000 confirmed infections. Rallies are taking place in cities across the world, calling for an end to sexual and gender based violence. Theyre marking the International Day for the elimination of violence against women. Thousands of turns out from paris to santiago and more events are planned. That day encourages awareness of abuse that is often not reported. Activists say the pandemic has worsened conditions for many women who experience domestic violence. In a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera diego better though that the argentine footballer with the hand of god has died at the age of 60. Regarded as one of the worlds greatest players, he suffered a heart attack after well documented battles with drink and drugs. He kept in argentina to world cup glory in 1906, enjoying a stellar club career in spain and italy before turning to management. But his Health Battles overshadowed his earlier glory in recent years. Fellow legends including pele, have paid tribute to i suppose im one as we were my own and its much more than a Football Player for argentina. Hes been aware National Hero, a man for example, that represents much of what argentina is a man that came from extreme poverty that played in the most important clubs in the world that helped argentina win a world cup that scored 2 goals against england during a world cup after a very painful war between argentina and invent a man who also be friended left wing leaders in latin america. You dont pass through the Ethiopian Government deadline for degree and forces to surrender has passed. Prime minister i. B. M. It gave forces in the northern region, 72 hours to lay down their weapons or face some all out assault. The Ethiopian Army says it is near the regional capital, mecca lay, but forces, but local forces maintain that they are resisting advances. U. S. President elect joe biden has delivered his thanksgiving address, recognizing the difficulties americans have faced with the coronavirus. He said the pandemic had divided the country, but said they were at war with a virus and not each other. Protesters in thailand have urged their king to give up his fortune worth tens of billions of dollars. Thousands of people have gathered outside the countrys biggest bank in which the king is a major shareholder there demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister and reforms to the monarchy. Stay with us view finder at last in america is coming up. Next im going to have the aljazeera news hour for you in under half an hour c. N. N. Of viewfinder, fresh perspectives through the lens of local filmmakers around the globe on larry larry. Yet i did this, i had to get some songs like, you know, nothing more. No part of the day i dont have to do all they can are the word of god. But i hear that all hard and then they years from now dont go without. Oh god, in my name that been seen for myself. Also most of us from our no thought that it will get us from sinking into the year to grow. So much so, and i think youll come they dont go to get a shot of her new book that the middle east timor. No. With a good hopefully is headed for to no mission or for me. So. So for the betterment i just worry that ill make it on all been aborted, valuable. We are sure. No, that is for him. So put them into this area and i wish i could tell you your wonderful man there, but it goes to the place where you might see shit in the end though. Now, you know, listen, i love you will need to show you welcome letter to me and i started giving you your, at a very bold remark that all went out to show you say that i will then for the honor of the only rule say that i will fill in with the want, you must remember to set only scenario a man in say it wasnt very nice indeed. Then you know, but i do know that when we get on a mission, maybe no one can be sure. Now, in an invidious all would be hit on their own people whom people who were nice from a good show or maybe this is a florida kid who have been coming up in say in bed when all were down already. And then they did it. I thought and given a great dad, its unthinkable. Were sure i dont know. I meant then saying india well and great to see if she only did mercy when english only gosselins of me say its in for her in it. It is the rhetoric as she gave the parasol. Now shes got it right. The arrows in their rattle may throw off what the air around the room the room is. She leaned to get into a tree says to me, americans, i have seen federal interest in it. But he says that she knows the at what they are and use it to mr. Gay when we are putting the Prime Minister pretty up in the up in the continuum until in the really a silly someone knows this and seemless them into capacities only these a candle preconceived ducky in law cannot get in in the giving charity in the quran is in them and tell us who you are to task what i said i what its already the leader has police us to invade political storms including getting 98 hours that it will get that that no solution ana. Ok that back carcillo to your icici barely in those who know the all good thing. One of my people know me and my key important sash will give us a program. Somebody process that if you need a person that was a little it in no cathedral, literally complementarity. Literally the record i looked at all said he saw there were no money icici sciri got in what he said and i got that the record testicle. More police were not equally good to get in. And out of that what i want to ramos up one of my own in the florida courts are one who i mean sentiment to any justice enough get to know it. Going to put it by them. Once youve got me know, k. F. C. Got it from being up when the noise of this, even if i may look at the internet to get out from some other values, you get on my its a base, i put it. That means that, but hes really more drama, i want to give more to go on the be a see if in need he find sure. If i should a man that is do not want to achieve ahead of what the minute. Oh, a down, for instance, sitting still must be done, but its a thing thats just not the lightest trickle. So now what am i summoned to put on the floor something i dont want to be beatified . Id be seen in the hospital when the shelling on something means to shut up the scene out of me any time since i make outside of the sun much i thought of whom, but now when i think we sit down i dont mean but i mean one of the homes, those now i dont but there was one for all of our way out, but im going to double with our lower leg and the wall. And i mean, i now get one of the, you know, my not gosh, i dont know sign, you know, the family. They need one, the whole gay basher by phone. But as he did that guy was shot. He said, ill obey cadia. We dont know k. V. s. You know, its just a shell game going to shandon, youre going to lead our last question. Why . There was only god that day. And i could see in france, i meant the ones on the whole, you know, when you go, i think that you still may come, you went and theres one that is a little good. As soon as they come yeah, locos, you know, i was going to go some will be shown on t. V. That i met on my show and i want my list. I mean, i thought on the 2nd most, its all based on, but in the yankees, those albany bunch in the high end of the shallows. I look at, i mean, i love going there a knucklehead in iowa going on with when i want to go. Oh, no, temperamentally, as well as ill call when they get up with a little boy, but it still have a lot of weight. I had a lot to last. Then i got a lot of this is that me is on the vocal and the next. But is, if it is the senate, thats it is what it adds up on them and they need him ahead of them to have to let anyone know that it is just one. Well, me a pretty is i dont need a fuckin. Did i have to move quickly to the he told me in a perfect drive, you know, issue in which you know what i want either the employee of the day going to be ok if we dont start my weekend with the idea the going to get one of those, or to be some of that there are going to show you dont mean were very stuffy. Jenna. It will show you where theyre going to be 6 cinemas. You know what about a gui . Less the show before the movie is equipped. If you are a few surprise, monday, super tuesday night in winter, when he goes on to take on the whole, you know, i was out, you know, to get going. And we dont have to be fully into the door that he if stories, you know, as if you want to add to that on my local doctor, there was a companion to just come waiter eat the b. S. If in appearance, tomorrow coral. But it is very that departed. If its your input, it does or says, this is an additional movie. This will see a real meaning indie that everything case will freeze when youre sure that you have the key dont you get this important . You just interim or british . No, youre going to what i said, i was a growth we can days or so to get going. Go so fast. Im number one though, but i wanted to see it simply as an old well that if you are multiple, you know, theres almost a lot because at the end, if theres been no, see, we are nearly in the dark and all of them are going to sit here and i wind up on it shelf with the other bit that you have really no worse than any kind of going to give me one. And i mean, and the concept and lot of software that was in there. I mean, most of the men that know and we say get that was when i started, but i got simple to say about this side of anywhere where i want to see them come along the, you know what i like and i shall, you know, am going to get it, everybody gets a little quicker, but even when hes wrong, focus on him and b. S. That he found in the sand. I wasnt only thank we i thought on a so that i thought when i said that that is easy. Getting glutenous was a way no show. No, they mean on the way. Ok. He seemed to be at the other. Yes. At the other only i knew now we also are showing up on the only set about is that the girl in the stouter look out of things to guide us. Mr. Walker for the fit into a place to work in our summers in 50 morning and you can eat those, then well just go by the iraqis. And yeah, they must, in that you know, java, im video that you put 30 or are guys seen up get up while they were at the most you can even for a month i would take a book. Im very nearly. Yeah. Yes. Maybe he was afraid that he was still acting. Yes, yes. Well maybe hand in hand a short while that im going to have missed my must really then that i now when done, naughty kiddo, let me see whole kiddo to my mom. I know my sound more. You get on. Yes. Well, you know my, im with you. Well, they dont mean it. Dont mean it. Ok maybe now is for them i am with you. They dont know care must go 30. 8 me hold me. Who am i to get a no mic or no get them and i can turn to children or if theyre going to see who was he, they put on the door before a sadducee press were knocking. And i want to see my, you know, control that with it then throw in some capacities. So on muka bassett, is there a very little more hope again, although i see youre going to read some more of the you know, a lot of them if theyre looking for the article or the hotel which take the money they found or to my be telling me anything they did not tell me that i never felt ok. Im going out and they are not out to write a c. Or a strategy and i stayed out of it was for my own code, the book, me and the girl to go see what all these are you know, my day job was i dont know, working very, very sad to see me showing your wife or your name, you know the book or sitting in the front window that i hate my hair around me media empire. I dont know. It must be that. I dont see that. So we dont let you down because jim is in the stomach churning, you know, so you have money, its not going to be that of a dumbass. Im not going to enable that. I saw it, and this is going to be what it can be. Ive got mine and Something Else out. I would now order, but a super look at how to get the not to think i want, as you can see, the real time its own. Well, you know, no use. They certainly dont see actually live or she should be my book to need to go waste, not just in the beginning of time. And im a good example to look at it on the bus when i have given it a month to the community and the sum of how good it is a devotee to tell you that we have to give and give up. Could do us any business at the minute. Theres so much does to us. So now i know you know that you want that i didnt get you got all right. If i get you could be fighting for the soul of god, but it may not be coming from him at the end of the show. I am going to be snuffed out in the money. Not handcuffed. Not in a game shop child. No, no, no, no. You have anything, you know that buying up a ceiling, podium in the backyard. What do you mean . The thing to do with money . Slowly people will. So i go into the kind of field of view it didnt take long to say, you know, hes denying you see him face any mouth. I must see. I seen it. Thank you. Thank you. How is warming up nicely across much of australia. Weve got a few showers just draped across the top and around the gulf of carpentaria, maybe into coastal fringes of queensland with High Pressure in charge. We got in the interior way and temperatures in adelaide at around 33. 00 celsius on thursday inland. Dallas gets up to 39. 00 degrees celsius. Its also west. We get up to 27. 00 in path on thursday. Some of that if youre going into friday 2526 celsius at that stage, the warmth i really tucking in across south australia, increased bushfire risk as a result of that 40 celsius for adelaide warms up further to from melbourne at around 31 degrees. Even about getting up to 27 celsius, which beats sydneys 26 should be so much drier and brought into new zealand. Still a few showers around here, but not as wet as it has been recently. And its a similar pitch. If it to pan out as what is it has been recently here, was wealth clouds out towards the open waters want to showers, coming into japan as we go on through with day. Some shabby rain there around the korean peninsula, but again, not too much to speak of that will play a part somewhat as we go on through friday. Funny drives a bunch of northern china. So whats the weather clearing away from the east coast . Coded 19 is a Public Health crisis that has been compounded by capitalism, navigates the Big Questions raised by the global pandemic. How is the system based on private ownership and the pursuit of profit . So the world in a time of capitalism is the pandemic. So much of the fabric exploited to protect the people for the profit episode, one of the full hail the meltdown on aljazeera aljazeera hello, this is the aljazeera news hour live from london. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the next 60 minutes. One of the worlds greatest footballer is the eggo matter, though on a has died of a heart attack at the age of 60. Ethiopias 72 hour deadline passes 40 graham forces to surrender or face an assault on their highland capital, mecca leg plus. I believe that this grim season division

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