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A phone tapping scandal. Another record high for Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere. And theyre still growing despite industries shutting down during the pandemic. And in school the president s of african football and it has been banned for 5 years. Footballs governing body finding im guilty of breaching its code of ethics. Now astra zeneca say theyve developed a code with 19 vaccine for the world and a fraction of the cost of others in the pipeline. The british drug maker working with Oxford University says trials show it could be around 90 percent effective. It would cost around 2. 00 and a half dollars a dose and be stored in normal, frigid temperatures for 6 months, helping distribution. By contrast, modernise says its experimental vaccine looks to be 94. 5 percent effective. Well, it sits in a fridge for 30 days or a regular freezer for 6 months. The pfizer bio on tech vaccine is said to be 95 percent effective. However, it requires specialist deep freezing. Both madonna and pfizer will charge at least 20. 00 a dose. Jonah, how is in london for so i guess one of the most important questions on the mind of the public journal is when will this astra zeneca vaccine be available . Yes, of course. Well, after the nick of the british pharmaceutical firm that partnered with the university of oxford in this venture say that they will be submitting these interim results to the regulator immediately in the hope that their vaccine can be improved. Approved for a role that potentially by the end of december to the 1st, among the most Vulnerable People here in the u. K. Given the doses that are currently available. The question of course is which dosage regime the regulators will in fact approve. There is a discrepancy in the results between the standard dosage regime that was used across this very large scale trial. One dose followed by a 2nd full dose a month later, the produced not very encouraging results around 62 percent. And then a subset of the large scale trial involving 3000. 00 participants who received a lower dosage of half a dose. Followed by a full dose a month later, a counterintuitively producing a much better result of 90 percent. But it would be for the regulated to decide whether there is sufficient data in that subset to lead to approval. Astra zeneca believe that there is besides that of course. Remember, this is a vaccine that is shown on the basis. These results to work. It is shown to reduce severity of symptoms in those who slip through the net to just mild symptoms. Thats a massive advance in itself. It is cheap to produce. It is easy to store and distribute it much more moderate temperatures than its competitors. As you laid out there, which makes it far more accessible to the developing world to poorer parts of the world that had feared they might get left behind in all of this, which is why its already being dubbed a vaccine for the world. Orion, as all of that is being worked out is going to be more time for instructions and not bounce. What will the u. K. Look like in the 2nd phase of the winter long . Now well hear from Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister in a short while, who will be addressing parliament with details of that coded winter plan socalled to replace the lockdown on the 2nd of december. Its going to involve Something Like the tear structure of restrictions at localized level that was introduced in october, but strengthened much stiffer restrictions there to try and protect, protect the advances of the lockdown over the 4 week period here and leading to an easing of restrictions over the Christmas Period for a few days before, but his system is reintroduced. After that, there will also be announcements about mass testing regimes and ways to try and reduce the mandatory 14 day i slate. All of these things, of course, geared towards protecting the economy on the one hand and continuing to control and suppress this virus, even as on an almost daily basis. Now we are hearing more and more about advances in Vaccine Technology that suggest, well, if your Boris Johnson at least suggests that the cavalry is coming over the mountain. Thanks so much john, how theyre now an american is Health Policy manager at oxfam. She joins us by skype from the isle of wight, in the u. K. Good to have you with us. So as you probably know, astra zeneca talking about this as a drug that or a vaccine rather thats cheaper than its rivals, easier to transport, easier to store. Is this really the peoples vaccine . So you didnt the news on the oxygen astra . Zeneca vaccine is incredibly encouraging. But if they do, you really want this to be a vaccine for the world, then we have to address the elephant in the room. And that is the supply issue. We dont have enough supply of this vaccine for the world. And, and, and, and its true that astra zeneca has and with oxford and under Oxford University, its instruction we understand has made more deals with more money factor is to scale up production, but they havent yet done enough. And thats why the peoples Vaccine Campaign is calling for astra zeneca. And in fact, all the pharmaceutical companies to open up that science to share their science and transfer that know how about this, about their vaccines. Are you kindly, he said that we can scale up that production to actually supply the world . Is there an issue that needs to be worked out here that would cause Drug Companies . Theyre very reluctant, usually to open up and give out their research and data for free. A role here perhaps for n. G. O. S, for the un, for other people need to step in and make sure that this gets out. Well i think i think that is the point. We cant actually get it out and there will be governments n. G. O. S around the world ready to distribute the vaccine. And we need to increase that capacity to do so. But they werent, they wont be able to do that. If we dont have enough enough vaccines that we do have to force pharmaceutical companies to on lock that science. Yes. Get a fair return for, for the investments that theyve made. But lets not forget that, that the development of these vaccines in, in the vast majority of cases, has been majority funded by taxpayers. So its a huge volumes of public money going and that money must come with conditions that the pharmaceutical companies. I open up the science and share it. That would make a peoples vaccine. It shouldnt be under the monopoly control of individual pharmaceutical companies, or your organization is welcome this particular vaccine. How is it so much cheaper than its american rivals . Is that something youve looked at . Well, we havent seen and this is critical. We havent seen the terms of the deal. We havent seen numbers any transparency in terms of the actual cost of producing this vaccine. But yes, we understand its based on, on 1. 00 technology and for that reason it is lower cost. But also, as we understand it, Oxford University has put conditions on astra zeneca, not to make a profit, particularly in developing countries for the generation of this pandemic. But we need to see those contacts to be absolutely clear that astra zeneca is not making a profit from this and keeping the price as low as possible. And we need that those same guidelines applied to the of the pharmaceutical companies as well. And the other vaccine candidates. All right, i want to go back to a point you mentioned, you said that the pharmaceutical Companies Made a good point of being publicly funded by public money to develop this. Somebody needs to compensate them. Who is that someone that needs to compensate them for their effort that theyve put into this in order for them to still have an incentive to ramp up production and get it out for everyone in the world . Well, i think were in a very different situation for this pandemic, if you look just astra zeneca, for example, and a mentor and a vaccine. Both of them have received over 2000000000. 00 in public funding for the research and development of the vaccines and, and for the production of them. So i think there is plenty of incentive there and in the form of public money. And lets not forget these companies are exceptionally profitable, and i think given all of us are being asked to step away from business as usual. I think we can also expect the pharmaceutical companies to do the saying thats not to suggest that they make a loss from these vaccines and they should recover that costs. But, but its not the time to be profiteering. And as such, slowing down the possible end to this crisis, or its been a really good discussion. Thank you so much of america for sharing your thoughts on this. Thank you. Of the leader of forces in ethiopia is northern tigre. A region is denying Government Troops are in the process of surrounding the regional capital. Michaela. The government though insists its soldiers are within 50 kilometers of the city. On sunday, it gave the to great Peoples Liberation front, a 72 hour surrender ultimatum. A Communications Blackout has made claims from both sides difficult to verify. The government began its offensive. Almost 3 weeks ago. Sudanese authorities have opened 2 camps to cope with the influx of refugees from ethiopia. And us have a more than reports from get out of state. Some have experienced life like this before refugee camp in sudans got out of state is need too many refugees, but not it has this fight. Her parents fled to the camp in 1985 to escape where and famine back in their home country, ethiopia. Shes back to the same old camp. This time with her 10 day old child who she gave birth to while fleeing conflict in ethiopias degree region. Those are the more data i want to marry to give birth to my child, but then the fighting started and you had to flee. I gave birth to my child while i was running away to come here. He was born on the road. Now im back to the camp where i was born as a refugee and my new born is at the same camp. Also, refugio was closed in the year 2000, following the return of most of the refugees who once lived in the capital back to ethiopia. But 20 years later, the camp is open again to cope with an influx of ethiopian refugees who started arriving to sudan. 2 weeks ago. All here have escaped from various parts of degree. Nearly 40000 refugees have fled to sudan altogether, following a government offensive on the to great Peoples Liberation front. The offensive was a response to an attack by the front on a military base, which came after months of tension between the Regional Government and the federal government. Taking a top not to come back to the camp when he left here, 2 years before it was closed. But he says the fighting has left him with no option. Theyre killing us. Integrate. There are people being killed, our own children. Bombs are being dropped on buildings. Its sad that many of us are displaced again, but we want to live. We dont want to die in war. More than 6000 refugees now live in the camp. Its opened less than 2 weeks ago. Even though receiving refugees isnt new for the owner of the number of those arriving here has been increasing so far, but many of them are still without shelter. Access to basic services such as clean water, food and healthcare is also challenging. For many, this place is once again providing them with the refuge they need. The United Nations says it expects 200000 refugees to arrive to sudan in the coming months if fighting, integrate, along with lack of humanitarian access continues. So these Authorities Say the camp has a limited capacity and more camps need to be established. But were urging donors and International Organizations to help us cope with the situation because its very dire. Some organizations are provided aid, but theres too many people for the state, and for a few were going to zation. They need services and they need care, which we cant provide alone. Sudan already has its economic problems. So we need the International Community to help us with this crisis. That has says, she told her children would never live the life she had left. But with 3 generations of refugees in her family, she wonders when the search for a permanent refuge and stability will end. He will morgan aljazeera, get out of state. Following developments from nairobi in neighboring kenya. So 1st of all, what is the situation . Weve got conflicting claims about whether has been surrounded on all why the government has said its forces a surrounded gray and Capital Regional capital of mackay, and that theyre about 50 kilometers away. And that follows an ultimatum given by present Prime Minister made on sunday. He said that he was giving that to graham forces 3 days to lay down their arms and head for he said, was a final would be a final assault on the regional capital. But the bread to britain get through michael, the leader of the to green forces, has refuted these claims. He said that its not true that the city is surrounded. And he said that 3 day ultimatum was actually a cover up on the part of the federal forces who he says are suffering following 3 defeats. So these reports, these claims by both sides completely contradict each other, but its very hard to work out exactly whats going on. Since communications phone lines and internet in that part of the country have been cut off for weeks. Malcolm, whats happening to the a you diplomatic effort . Is that going anywhere offered 3, former heads of state who could help to broker a deal. Prime minister responded to this. You said you willing open to anything, except for talks with the p. L. F. , with the grand leadership and to graeme forces. So talks are exactly what of course, the Diplomatic Missions from the a you from from other corners, from different african countries as well as other partners of ethiopia have been calling for. But thats the one thing that looks like. Theres very little chance of happening. These 2 sides havent been talking to each other for months before this conflict, and it was that total breakdown in communications that refuse refusal to recognise each Others Authority that led to this conflict in the 1st place and talk were hearing now from both sides just that theres no interest in talks there. Thanks so much. Still ahead in the news hour. Well tell you whos job to be at the top of president elect, joe bidens u. S. Administration. Childrens lives at stake as International Donors consider the future of aid to afghanistan and support the 39 year old striker who still setting the standards in italy. You see here with that story, the corruption trial of former french president Nicolas Sarkozy has been postponed shortly after it began in paris. Sarkozy is accused of attempting to bribe or jantsch. Hearings will start again on thursday, being distracted by the pandemic. The lawyer for a key figure in the case says his client is at high risk of contracting, covert 19. Lets go. Now live from paris. So what happened in court . Well, the former french president Nicolas Sarkozy rive day in court. He spent a few hours there and then the judge decided to then suspend proceedings until thursday. Now the reason for this is that one of the code cues the magistrates, his neuer said that he was, im unable to attend this trial because hes an elderly man with respiratory problems and with the current virus pandemic. It wasnt safe for him to be there. Well that the judge ruled in the lawyers favor and therefore that is why the trial is being held up until thursday. Nevertheless, this is a very closely watched trial. Indeed, because of course, Nicolas Sarkozy is a former french president. He is somebody who still has a very high profile here in france. He still has a lot of support amongst some conservative voters. He is part of the conservative party still in Nicolas Sarkozy as somebody who during his time in office between 20072012 really carved a reputation for himself as a tough talking president rather austin taisha is at times he was often filled. Joking. He married a former supermodel and people in france used to nickname him sarkozy. The american also cause he was also somebody like to see himself as tough on crime and law and order. President s now certainly finds himself on the other side with these proceedings. All right, thanks so much and tash about another hours time to get an idea of who takes some top positions in a joe biden administration. The u. S. President elect is expected to announce Anthony Blinken as the new secretary of state lincoln, as long served as his Foreign Policy advisor and reports suggest Jake Sullivan is being lined up to take on the role of National Security adviser. Or hes worked for both by them and former u. S. Democratic president ial nominee Hillary Clinton white house correspondent, kimberly how because in washington, she explains the likelihood of dont trump stepping down theres the possibility he may never and will just be an administration that marches towards the inauguration where joe biden and calmly harris will take over. What were looking at here though is a president that refuses to concede, continues to try to exhaust all legal challenges, even as hes been failing quite significantly. What we know is that there is going to be another certification of votes, pennsylvania today as well as michigan. We know tomorrow will be nevada. Next week itll be arizona with concepts and other really are very few options left for this president. Still, hes pushing ahead with some of these challenges, requesting a recount in wisconsin, for example. But youre right, even members of the president s own Republican Party loyalists like former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie saying this is a national embarrassment, the president should concede, and that these challenges are futile. Levels of heat trapping. Greenhouse gases reached a new high in the earths atmosphere in 2019 and have continued to rise this year. The u. N. Says World Meteorological Organization Says any lockdown related for will be a tiny blip on the long term graph. The w. M. O. Described the situation is dire. 5 years ago when c o 2 concentrations hit 400. 00 parts per 1000000 by 2018, that figure had risen to almost 408. And last year it reached 410 parts per 1000000. Last time it was this high was 3 to 5000000 years ago when the planet of course was the very different place oksana to solve worked on this report. Shes chief of the atmospheric and Environment Research branch at the world. Meteorological organization joins us now from geneva. Good to have you with us. So i mean 1st of all how big is that is the biggest drop in carbon emissions. Juta lockdowns not making a big a Significant Impact on Carbon Dioxide levels. It seems counterintuitive seem our leader, which were coming from the Global Carbon project in the perspective of reduction in the global emissions for 2020 or for 7 percent. And so the sickly thats me is that despite the fact that it looks like everything stopped moving around us, the emotions were kept at a very high level. Does this mean the lockdowns have had no significant positive impact on the environment at all . The lockdown measures will have a far, very slight our impact on the group rate of crime dioxide in the atmosphere. And that is related to the fact that c o 2 accumulates in the atmosphere for many, many years. Its not only what you did today or what you did yesterday. Its a false history of human. d civilization seen, so 1750. 00, when we started the meeting, sue to brought us the accumulation all the levels at full on a continuum as we see them in 2100. So even if covered 19 related measures and long downs making longer term changes in how we work, commute, or travel and live can any of that might any of that have a bigger, more Significant Impact on the level of Carbon Dioxide . It is expected that now than countries or are going through the are because every time looking at a new strategy, use those in your strategies will be more environmentally friendly. And that the lessons which for learn through the public process will help us to build economy in a different way. Are we seeing the reduction direct reduction in emissions . For example, in urban areas where you can measure the emissions directly bart, to get the concentrations decrease. We need our emissions to be 0 and valid is not likely to happen in the near future of 0, right . Looking at the, the levels and the trajectory that most countries are on we are lucky, not the trajectory switch are prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change. And there are different ways of course, there are different emissions scenarios are and of course the most critical emission scenarios which allow countries to meet there are perry. Some are in agreement climate, all would require a quite substantial Emission Reduction by 2 percent by 2000 to 50 they and even going on a little bit negative by the end of the century, bought coffee that showed us that we can do something about our missions are you said youre looking at different scenarios, which is the most like them hit us with the, with the truth, shall we say if we look at the current emissions in the areas that probably we or somewhere between, lets say, close it to 3 degrees by the end of the century or plus, minus huffed, agree, but this is with current strategies. There is a lot of whole sat through the process. So the United Nation Framework Convention for climate change, the vision or the national to challenge contributions made by the countries would be able to get the right track. All right, lets hope so. Thanks so much. Good to have your thoughts on the house on this. Thank you. Hong kong, prodemocracy activist joshua warmest pleaded guilty to Unlawful Assembly during last years protests. He was joined in court by fellow activists, agnes challenge. The 3 will be held in custody until sentencing next week, and could face 5 years in jail. Last years protests outside hong kongs Police Headquarters were triggered by the introduction of a controversial extradition bill difficult pallones following events in hong kong. The prosecution spent most of the days proceedings, presenting evidence mostly in the form of video footage, showing the events of the night of june 21st 2019. It shows thousands of people who had surrounded the police station, blockading the Police Headquarters. But the footage mainly focused on joshua one, ivan lamb, and i get this shout chanting slogans and calling on the Police Commissioner to come out and face the public. They all have pleaded guilty and could face up to 5 years in jail. Perhaps a foretaste wish me to stay in prison, but i would 1st say that neither person boss, no election bears, nor any other arbitrary power to stop us from activists on. This would be the 4th time joshua long is being sent to jail. His 1st prison sentences back in 2017, he was just a teenager then. But it was also for protest related offenses. Back then he was seen as one of hong kongs 1st Political Prisoners and it sends shock waves across the city. But this is a very different hong kong now, especially in the past few months where the arrests and detentions of political and democracy activists have become a frequent occurrence under the calling you a crackdown against the city is. This is this generation of youve go from protests to prison, to safeguard liberty for the place that we are born off. Have made silas, but we got less 2nd, feis, this is just the latest in a growing number of activists being taken to court for relatively minor offenses. Stemming from last years protests, since 2091 than 10000, people have been arrested within these 2000 of the charge for protest related activities. My small still to come including could winter wave be coming to south korea. Fishbowls imposed new coronavirus restrictions, fearing the worst. And in sports, well hear from the tennis player who finished his season with the biggest win of his career. Weve got to largely clear weather, dry weather across the Arabian Peninsula at the moment, but to the north. A little bits of pieces of cloud and rain just around the caucasus see just spilling out of the black sea, heading towards the caspian. Northern parts of iran could still see one or 2 showers few between as we go on through the next few days. You can see its a weather westerly wave just feeding its way across afghanistan into pakistan because see some wet weather pushing towards crouchie as we go on through choose. They still quite a keen wind down across the gulf, the blowing away here, 28 celsius. Here in doha, the winds will fall a little lighter as we go into where the stale 10 attack cooler as well struggling to get to 25 degrees celsius at this station. Grabby with the jumpers i suspect, want to show is just around the southern end of the red sea joining up with the arrival months of our old tropical storm, which will still feed a few showers into the far north of somalia, the west the weather now. Well as concentrated across central parts of africa around the rafah, a lot of heavy rain pushing down to wards southern parts of zimbabwe. The northeast of south africa, seeing some wet weather along with southern parts of mozambique for much of south africa, is fine and dry. Cape town, 19 frank assessments. If American Public opinion piece betrayed by its should media platforms after november would be good for cultures. If you believe that there corrosive to our democracy, one obvious solution is to read from an informed opinion. Anyway, the protesters arent going anywhere either. Its a revolution. Indepth analysis of the days global headlines. Who is it thats really out there on the street . Inside story on aljazeera, france once had, a vast empire spanning several continents. But by the 1940, s. , the french were forced to confront reality and demand dependence. In the 1st part of a new documentary series, aljazeera looks at how the colonial unrest, conflict, and full scale war in indochina blood into his french to colonize asian on aljazeera. The quarterback youre watching aljazeera time to recap those headlines. Pharmaceutical company, astra zeneca and Oxford University, say, late stage testing of their covert 19 vaccine shows its highly effective. They say can be stored at fridge, temperature, making it cheaper and easier to distribute. But there are questions over how effective it may be in the long term. The leader of the forces in ethiopia is northern to grey region is denying Government Troops are in the process of surrounding the regional council. Mackellar government insists, though its soldiers are within 50 kilometers of the city. The crushing trial of former french president Nicolas Sarkozy is being pursued by shortly after it began in paris. Sarkozy is accused of attempting to bribe a judge. Hearings will start again on 1st day. Has been disrupted by the pandemic. Saudi arabia is denying crown Prince Mohammed bin sound man met with israels Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. The Saudi Foreign minister tweeted this response. After the israeli public broadcaster reported the meeting, took place. It was said to have included the head of Israeli Intelligence agency, mossad, and the u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei or speak to her aforesaid about this. Hes in ramallah in the occupied west bank so hairy. A lot of israeli media reports on this are always trying to see israeli officials now going on the record and confirming this well, theres been no actual on the record confirmation by an israeli official that it definitely happened. However, we do have israeli ministers talking and acting as if it did. The Education Minister said it was a great achievement, despite the semi official way in which it had come out. Netanyahu rival and alternate Prime Minister and defense minister benny gantz was criticizing netanyahu for having this meeting leaked out in such a way. The israeli Prime Minister himself was asked about it during an appearance of the israeli parliament, the knesset, during which he said that for many years he had never publicly commented on such things that he wouldnt start now. But that he continued to work to expand the circle of peace. So i think the preponderance of evidence, certainly from the israeli side is that this meeting did take place. It was 1st seen in a flight path of a business jet which has been used by netanyahu in the past, which left israel on sunday evening, went to this future would be hightech resort town that the crown prince of saudi arabia had been. Someone wants to establish on the red sea coast, we know that he was there with the u. S. Section of defense. A certain section of state might pump a 0. And if israel had wanted to totally shut this down, it has very powerful censorship laws with which to do so. It was pretty clear that the Israeli Government wanted this to come out. Presumably had, there had been some kind of coordination with the other parties involved as well, despite this denial coming from the Saudi Foreign minister. Weve been speaking to Senior Palestinian officials here in ramallah. They arent commenting on the record given that this has not yet been, or has not been officially acknowledged by all parties. However, they say that one of them said that if this had happened, it would be heartbreaking. Another one said that the foreign minister of saudi arabia had said very recently that there would be no normalization with israel until the establishment of a palestinian state had 1st taken place. However, you also said that at this point there are no guarantees. The timing is quite interesting. Is it not given the fact that were kind of in this transition period between u. S. Administrations thats right. Weve seen might prompt a 0 on or a long story of the region during which time hes both been recapitulating some of the things that the trauma ministration has done in terms of Foreign Policy in this part of the world and also making some new policy as world, especially in terms when he was in israel last week, classifying the b. D. S. Movement as anti semitic, saying that israeli products coming from settlements, illegal settlements here in the occupied west bank, would be defined as israeli on the way into u. S. Markets. So theres been a seeming strategy to try to box in the incoming president biden. At least he would have to unpick some of these things very publicly. So this could be seen in that same light. There was a report in the wall street journal that a saudi official had said that they had spoken in this tripartite meeting about iran and about the progress of normalization. So there could be a way to try to nudge the incoming biden ministration on those 2 things. And that could be something that is very much in the interests of the saudis, and the israelis as well. Certainly its the kind of, certainly there have been high level talks for a long time. We know that between israel and the saudis, there is never been a formally recognized meeting of this magnitude. And so for this to happen right now for it to start to peep out from under the covers, just ahead of the president elect taking office. I think the timing is pretty significant. All right, thanks so much higher for that. Israels cabinet has approved a mutual visa exemption agreement with the United Arab Emirates ministers ratified the treaty, which was signed in tel aviv last month. Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu says he, hopes the development will strengthen economic ties with the u. A. E. , the emirates normalized relations with israel. In august, afghanistans economy is forecast to contract by at least 5. 5 percent this year, largely due to the pandemic. And on top of that, International Aid could also be cut back, funding could be slashed, why its not just 20 percent. Delegates from about 70 nations are set to make pledges during a 2 day Virtual Conference in geneva. About 4000000000. 00 a year were pledged in 2016 before the pandemic. Now, many governments are instead focusing on financial fallout. Home will likely be tied to new political conditions, especially amid ongoing fighting between the taliban Afghan Forces and the withdrawal of thousands of u. S. Soldiers in january. And Michael Semple is a researcher and policy advisor on afghanistan as well as a professor at queens university. Belfast. He says the survival of the afghan state entirely depends on the International Community. The talks are under way that something which we didnt say last year. There are e 3 power allowed trucks on the international intervention. Afghanistan, theres the military, which weve seen the talk about rapid withdrawal of u. S. Forces, drawing, drawing numbers down to really unprecedented low, low levels. Weve got to the weve got the peace track, which is frustrating. Nobody can give you a, a precise deadline as to when that will deliver an agreement. But then youve got this 3rd struck, which is the development of funding. And i think by refocusing on the issue of developments on doing ouster several months in which people were just looking at the, the military and the negotiations. Its a reminder, if there is to be a hope of peace in afghanistan, it really is important that the afghan state survives, the afghan state does not produce enough revenue yet to, to pay its way to a continual continuing process for the International Community is required or else it just falls apart. And the un strolled rings. Agency says any reduction in a war hurts halfords to tackle malnutrition. From kabul for leo, contra, 40, reports a year after omar was born, his body started to swell and his mother rushed him to kandahar as hospital for urgent treatment pressure. Doing what we should is the death of them. He got missiles, now hes feeling better, but doctors told us hes malnourished and admitted his hearing. This war was over. They did for john and didnt know her son suffers from acute malnutrition. So didnt the mother of 10 month old, the law who was admitted with diarrhea, both survived, but the u. N. Styled agency. Unicef says nearly 800000 children under 5 suffer life threatening malnutrition. And nearly 200000. 00 of those cases developed in the 1st 5 months of this year. Most children are covered, so we would have no way of really knowing what happens to 400 or 500000 of these children. Most of these children will die of pneumonia or die riya because of death. It is their malnourished state that puts them at risk when they catch something else. And so their desk would be labeled. Otherwise, unicef says more than 2 and a half 1000000 children face acute malnutrition. The number has doubled within the last 3 years in afghanistan as it suffers rising poverty, violence unemployment. And the pandemic and International Aid to afghanistan has fallen in recent years. A meat concerns among donors over instability and corruption. Thats left hospitals struggling to cope with the support you see if we lose the support of the International Red cross, we will not even have a bandage to offer the supplies that we get from the government for the entire year are not enough for a month, especially right now because we have more patients than usual. 2 out of ghana, stans, largest Childrens Hospital in kabul, are limited. Here. There are 2 rooms available from home harris children. And if theyre not enough, theyre also here for the treatment of life threatening conditions like him only 0 and one in 10 survive. Units of supplies, a nutritional milk to help treat the children, but there is a temporary storage. The situation has been made worse in the country by the spread of it 19 fragile countries like afghanistan, when they, when they undergo a shock like cole. There is just one shock to many. And we have a huge number of children and into, you know, very severe malnutrition and we need and then we have to focus on treatment and not prevention. And its going to do little good in mexico. But right now the situation there in terms of treatment and we just dont have the funds even with talks between the government and the taliban taking place in qatars capital doha. Many are hoping peace may be possible, but many children facing malnutrition and famine will have to survive the coming months if theyre to have a chance to see it. Aljazeera kabul. Carter says it has identified the parents of a newborn baby, found the scar there in the bin. The international airport. The infants mother vend left the country. Carters Public Prosecution office says its working internationally to have her arrested. She could face 15 years in jail. It says Airport Security are also facing sentences of up to 3 years for forcing female passengers to undergo physical examination before being allowed to fly off to the baby was discovered. South korea is introducing new coronavirus restrictions to try and stem a 3rd wave as when to stop its daily infections have topped 300 for much of the last week and officials fear it could rise further. All right, now lets take you to london for my minister speaking lessness natally saying he used to mean that the scientific category is now in psych we know not hearts, but next year we will succeed by destroying these advances should reduce the need for the restrictionist. Weve injured in pretty tricky to make the whole concept of a computer lock down redundant when that vote comes to all of the made possible by the sacrifices of needed to be built across the u. K. I think mchugh be conscious that no other peacetime Prime Minister is lost so much over the british people. And just as country has risen to every previous trial. So it has responded this time around. I am deeply grateful. But the hard truth is, the speaker is simply not there yet 1st. We must get through winter without the virus spreading out of control. And school are hard by the gate at exactly the time when the burden on the n. H. S. Is always gracious. Wouldnt a patent is designed to carry out safely just bring in recent weeks timely isnt, this isnt england. d had once again got state possibly mission like restrictions. And theyve managed to slow the growth of new cases and ease the worst pressures on our n. H. S. 2nd. That talk of the National Restrictions in england will mend on the 2nd of december, and it will not be read from explain state people will be able to leave their own brain and meet up as i go public spaces, subject to the rule of 6 worship weightings and i dont sports can resume shops, personal care, gyms, and the wider leisure sector can reopen. But without sensible precautions, we would risk the virus escalating into a winter or new year. Be incidence of the disease is a mass still widespread in many areas. So were not going to replace the National Measures with a free for all the status quo ante. Were going to get back instead, it too may be regional head approach. Applying the Toughest Missions is most credit, while the previous local tears get cut the number be our number, they were not quite and not to reduce eat below why and so do the scientific advice im afraid is that as we come out, our tias need to be made tough. In particular, in tijuana, people should work from wherever possible into to out whole mandisa did hospitality settings as part of a substantial meal into 3 indirect attainment, hotels and other combination. We have to close along with all forms of hospitality except for delivery and takeaways. And im very sorry about the state of the unavoidable hardship that it will cause business sense of already injured so much destruction this year. This is speaker. Unlike the previous arrangements, kids will not be a uniform set of brutes. We also know that the same way you have negotiations on additional measures. We regionally, its a uniform set of rules. But from experience that there are certain things you can do differently. So here you crazy time, off the top, the seat. Im going to change that so that it is lost. All those that tell you, we could see at 11 in tears, one of the 2 spectator sports in this is a fence, will be free to resume inside and outside with capacity limits. And so should, this is providing more consistency with the indoor plumbing system. If he exists and will also stream will. d end on december, the 2nd, the announcement there by Boris Johnson. As hes outlining what will happen post to december 2nd period. He said people will be able to leave home camps and gyms wholl be able to resume. But he did outline a new 3 tier system saying our tears need to be made tougher. Jenna, how is in london . So jon, explain this new thing. 3. Tier system. How will it work . And what tear will the country be in the after december, the 2nd . Well, there had been, speculation has been for some time that the existing lock down for 4 weeks due to end next wednesday might have to be extended that, that might have an appalling impact on families trying to celebrate christmas, the Prime Minister here they keep origin of this announcement, making it clear that the lockdown per se will end on december the 2nd and will be replaced by this system of regional tears. Now remember, the result is system was introduced last month in october, putting different parts of the countries in different tiers to 1. 00 to 2. 00. And the most severe 3. The scientific opinion seems to have been that whilst 3 restrictions had some impact on leveling off infection rates, they werent sufficient in bringing them down and that is the goal. So these 2 years are going to be strengthened somewhat and he outlined mr. Johnson there. Some of the measures that will be involved in that strengthening, we wont know which parts of the country are going to be placed in, which is until at least thursday, i understand and go along with all of this announcements about new mass Testing Programs building on trials carried out in liverpool over the last couple of weeks that will help those parts of the country most severely affected to carry out of those 2 years. Mr. Johnson deploying the usual sort of metaphors about the cavalry on the horizon with the new vaccine. No other peacetime Prime Minister as are so much of the country up to now i am deeply grateful, but the message ultimately we cannot let our guard down. Journal how theyre explaining the test to us. Thanks so much. More than half a 1000000 people are now known to have been infected in indonesia. Case numbers are about 4000 a day earlier this month. President djoko widow to announce mass vaccinations will be rolled out by the end of the year. Environmentalist and pakistan are warning a government plan to develop 2 islands in the arabian sea could create an environmental disaster. The islands near karachi are known for their mangrove forests, which provide natural cover from storms and pollution. Frank of up to reports. They are known as karachis green lungs, but these mangrove forests on the shores of one of the most polluted cities on earth, are shrinking fast. And now environmentalists say they will also try to end by a 50000000000. 00 Housing Project plant by the government. I think if youre going to do Land Reclamation here and phillis with sand and mine, that its nothing short of. Thats the mangrove forests that form a protective barrier. Its the mangroves that protect us from the storms and cyclists. And the ecosystem here is essential for the livelihood of the fishermen. From illegal logging and pollution have already damaged the smog rules and their diverse ecosystem. Tens of thousands of people depend on them. For commercial fishing, they see they no risk losing everything. So a lot means someone to look after, so you will be spoiled. There will be a lot of pollution at the construction of the city. Hundreds of thousands of our fishermen will become unemployed. Prime minister imran khans government says the project to create thousands of jobs and ease pressure on karachi, a city of 20000000 people. But it has put promise to iran, contra, covenant, at old speed. Provincial leaders, government believe that yes, development has to be a place. But the development not at the cost of your property, market, the cost of your people and market the cost of your environment. Monsoon floods this year have caused damage in many areas of karachi and environmentalist. See if the natural protection offered by the islands is all to rule. Did the city could face an environmental disaster, clark, a good guy or a not the best day for african football. And hes here to tell us why riot. Yes indeed. Thank you so much, sammy, the president of african football ahmed ahmed has been banned for 5 years for balls governing body fee for running a guilty of breaching its code of ethics. If its Ethics Committee saying he broke rules related to offering accepting gifts, abuse of position and misappropriation of funds amid was voted into parents. 27. 00 c. Recently announced his intention sarong for reelection. Those president ial elections are coming up next march. Now 50 c. M. s financial abuses included using his organizations funds to pay for pilgrimage to mecca for football officials last year thief its accent precharge of african football to try to speed up some reforms. An independent audit of care finances concluded its records were unreliable, and not trustworthy. Im a doesnt have the option of appealing against this ban of the court of arbitration for sports are only sports African Sports rights. Are you sure . Come a geisha. She says. Rain has damaged football on the consonants at all levels. One decision after that matter after another and literally disgracing africa. And i think that people have made the right move, you know, to make this decision. Because were talking about financial misconduct. You have a scenario where that might lead by to the duration president s in africa to good to in mecca and he used caf money. How bad can it get it for a leader to use money that is meant, for example, the development of african football. And he uses it all his own passion and needs so and in march 27000, when hes hired to running against we thought that hes going to come and change the face of africa and cool because with 29 years, yes, i have to did some good things. But the deterioration were starting to was in with glare. If i may say this election is very, very important, because as a continent we need to go to the next level. I mean, this is in all aspects. It should be, for example, are we going to have to test for the title of the people want it. Qatar could we put ourselves in a position where Club Football needs prioritize, and on television for every we went in and watched at these are some of the decisions that we feel will be very important and should be addressed by the next couple. President little messi has been left out of barcelona squad for their upcoming champions league. Faso manager all came in saying messi just being rested. The decision isnt formulated. His team, top of the European Group after 3 straight wins for their in the bottom half of the Spanish League on base. And i seem a lot of back on the italian after clinching the 1st win in one for more than a decades last number, him as the star of the nazis 39 a scone. Same goals in a 31 when i wouldnt probably ever have it. Shes now school 10 goals this season as we did think of an injury late in the game and then went off in the 2nd half or so possible and see points clear of swallowing. So if any properly champions, little pole have moved level on points with them at the top of that sable, maybe less that 3 male field liverpool have now set a new club record of 64. 00 top flight home matches without defeats performance wise is absolute, credible. Its the only reason for the number and obviously its pretty tricky. A bridge difficult to do said records from this incredible club because our fathers or grandfathers, they were busy pretty good. So having this record now, im happy for the players, but it doesnt feel like this in a moment. Like a big moment to be honest because we play on a wednesday and thats why i actually only concerning all the Major League Soccer players who produced yet more penalty shootout heroics. This time it was Sporting Kansas City gold. He would say maybe its taking center stage, he said 3 consecutive kicks is the same as the sun as a earthquakes. Kansas will now face minnesota, united in the conference, 7 s. Now ive watched a lot of soccer and ive even played a lot of fever and ive never seen anything like that. I mean, to make 3 saves in a row, you know, thats, thats just on rio. I mean, the guys is amazing at home and you know, i cant even in practice so you know, it makes it a lot easier to take when you have a goal. You like, like tim and rushes down on. Medvedev has finished his season with the biggest win of his career, the world before beating u. S. Open champion dominic st. So when the a. T. P. Finals here in london, tries not to celebrate as ever, i would have says, and i would solve it in his 1st grand slam title in the new probably my best week to real my life. Not even talking about the title itself. I mean to win the masters being undefeated. I mean, honestly, i would even, i know i can play good, but i would not believe it to. If you would tell me this before the tournament saw a great boost boost of confidence for all the slams coming up and all the tournaments, hopefully i can continue this way. Ok, more sport for me throughout the day, but that is how were looking for now. Sunny, thanks so much. That brings us to the end of this news hour. Im back with another full show though, in just a couple of minutes. Stay with us here. Announcer 0. Jump into the street and join up global community. Bio diversity is bio security. It is that essential for our species to survive. Be part of the debate. I know you have ideas and you can be part of this conversation. When no topic is off the table, the police are not neutral and all of these cases here is to terrorize. And heres the other part of this. Theres no consequence to this street on out as they are they are women, mothers, performers, prisoners from their present a platter, argentina. That inspiration is a force. New food worlds can cheap, stifled, invisible mothers part of the viewfinder, latin american series on aljazeera. What was described as the worlds longest long down the largest exodus and the creation of an independent and dia and monk, 47 experts believe india is still at an early stage of infection. But the last down has already created a humanitarian crisis and driven the Unemployment Rate up from 6 to 23 percent. And its also highlighted an equality religious tensions, and a Health Care System that isnt equipped to deal with a pandemic. The following weeks, one child of the peace and Mass Movement of people will accelerate the spread of the coal in the waters from india, cities to its rural hot describing a 19 vaccine for the world. Astra zeneca and Oxford University say its cheaper and easier to distribute than rivals. Hello, im sam is a band. This is al jazeera live from coming out. If european Government Forces say theyre moving closer to the to grain, city of mecca, as the desperate humanitarian situation worsens for refugees. Saudis foreign minister denies israeli

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