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Goes in our very lives a difficult pill to swallow for nurses in the philippines who are being prevented from working abroad because of the pandemic. With Donald Trumps chances of overturning the Election Results near 0, his lawyers resort to making increasingly wild claims with the sports including rafael nadal, reaches the last fall at the a. T. P. Finals for the 1st time in 5 years. Welcome to the new company. The army says it has entered a district thats been under armenian control for almost 30 years. Its one of 3 areas that armenia has to hand back as part of a cease fire deal just over a week ago. Now russia helped broker the truce, forces on hand to oversee the transfer. Armenians are angry about giving up the land and have been protesting to demand their Prime Minister. Resign as a by jan and armenia, signed the agreement to end 6 weeks of fighting over nagornokarabakh. Lets take a closer look at the regions being handed over. Region alone is nearly the size of the disputed in a corner. Karabakh region. Armenia must hand over to more areas in the coming weeks, including the jar region. On november the 25th on december, the 1st it will have to hand over the Election District that includes the important corridor connecting the governor kyra back to armenia. Thats now under control of russian peacekeepers by jan will keep all of its her tauriel gains including the corner second city shusha. Well, as im a pinch of it is near baghdad. I mean, how does this area compare to which looked like a ghost town where you were less than 24 hours ago . Well weve been told that it is exactly the same as with what we saw and physically which was a ghost town. Just to give you an idea of where we are. These are actually the trenches on top of which were standing for about 30 years. This is the area which he is very army, was using to go back to the dude go towards the front lines and were just a few 100 meters away from the defacto border, which has existed for about 27 years and about 10 kilometers away from the town center where weve seen some social media pictures of the azeri army moving in and taking control of large parts of the city again, which was a ghost town. So i was one of the most Populated Areas in the go in a car about one of the 7 regions around the corner car about which were taken by the area by the Armenian Army in 1993, when they moved in and it was about 10 percent of all of their rage on this territory. So now it is being handed over people. Weve been meeting on the street on the way to the border, waving their flags coming out in support and asking us, has somebody been to the other side . Has somebody been to their mosques or somebody in their homes . So theres a lot of anticipation here because people want to go back. They have been living away as i. D. P. s, and they now want to return to their homes, but it is not going to be easy or quick because the military has been telling us that all of this area is littered with an exploded munitions. And landmines, of course, is a very carefully choreographed handing back to azerbaijan from the medians. I mean how delicate is the operation . Its easy to say about i. D. P. s wanting to come back. You telling us about the munitions that are scattered over the region, but its also very dangerous area too. Absolutely. So the 1st step is when the russian peacekeepers come in, they are going to shore. And guarantee that all of the fighters have gone back, all of the Armenian Forces have pulled out, and there is only civilians, if there are any left in these areas from the armenian side. Then the Border Guards from the other by johnnies. I go in and secure the area, remember this is the contact line that existed either by john actually has a much larger border with armenia where its forces are going to go. And so yes, it is going to be a very difficult transition. Weve been told because there have been indications from armenia there, there are some people who do not want to go back. There are some fighters who want to continue. They dont want to listen to what their government has said. So theres a lot of back and forth that we, you hear were hearing from various parties, but the, as very army says that they are moving in, the government says that it wants to reconstruct all of these areas. But it also says that it wants to go back and sue armenia for all of the damages and vandalism, in its words, that has been cause into these areas which were very territory to begin with. So yes, the guns have fallen silent here on the line of contact, but the diplomatic war continues between the 2 countries who are not directly talking to each other and talking to each other or intermediaries. Russian peacekeepers are here for at least 5 years. And then it is extendable period that they could stay perhaps for a decade or so are not needs to be filled into that very broad Framework Agreement that was reached between the 2 countries. And well see in the leading weeks and months how these countries can actually live as peaceful neighbors, rather than being at war with each other into it for the moment or some of inch of it in azerbaijan. Thank you. Lets follow this with matthew bryza, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Councils eurasia center, and Global Energy center joins me now from istanbul via skype. Good to have you with you. This seems to be a relative peace. The moment for the tension between armenia and azerbaijan continues and probably is that it will sort of flare up in the future if the final status cannot be found for nagorno karabakh. Where do we go from here . Well, sale, you know, i was the u. S. Mediator over the number on a car of a conflict as well as ambassador azerbaijan. And in that capacity, we were able to get armenia and azerbaijan in, in 2009 to agree to a framework, to settle the conflict, which is essentially what was agreed on november 10th in that deal between armenia and azerbaijan, brokered by president putin of russia. So that framework is now being realized, and it always envisioned that the final legal status of armenian occupied areas of nagornokarabakh would be determined through negotiations that would conclude at an indeterminate point in the future. So i think thats where we are right now. Those negotiations will take place at some point, but of course only after the dust settles literally and figuratively and psychologically and the, the sense of humiliation and anger in armenia softens a bit. Indeed, when you talk about sort of the peace talks that in the framework, obviously there was also the framework sort of mediated in the late ninetys through the n. S. C. Say, you know, including france, russia and the United States. But now turkey has come more forcefully into the mix. So it is thats a worry that there may potentially be sort of a proxy diplomatic potential war surfacing again with these larger regional powers still exerting influence and mainly russia as well. Yes. So during my 3 years, you know, working for that o. E. C. D. Mediation effort, turkey always wanted to play a political role. But that was, that was unacceptable to the armenians for obvious historical reasons. Well, thats all changed now. And you know, back in july of this year, there were clashes between armenia and azerbaijan. Preliminary months before this war began in a different area on the outside by john armenia border. And at that point, the United States and france, the other 2 members of the 3 member cochair group. That means group really did nothing. And it was clear that russia and turkey were still in a diplomatic vacuum and thats what they have done. So from, from my nato centric perspective, having russian peacekeepers on the ground can be a really negative thing if you look at how they behaved in georgia and moldova. But in this instance, they were essential because the fighting suddenly stopped. And as i was just saying, you know, there are still armenian troops floating around, not dumb, and they need to be separated from the azerbaijanis. But thats, thats what geo strategic loss i think for nato. And for azerbaijan, they have the russian peacekeepers there. So turkey, playing a role in peacekeeping operation is actually a counterbalance of the russian peacekeepers. Joe, strategically. And i think really good news for nato because, you know, turkey has nato 2nd largest military. So i actually think having russia in turkey there with peacekeepers. I think its going to be a stabilizing factor. As you said, you know, tensions have to be calmed down. The anger has to sort of similar to a level where these 2 sides possibly come talk to each other and possibly being infected camas. It seems as if i, john said yesterday, was talking about, willing to take the armenians to court over damage to infrastructure. So willing to take, you might say the legal routes rather than the, the physical war route. If the legal routes dont work out for us, if i john and i mean who is unwilling to talk to us about john, we had to use really see this going next. Because does that mean theyre going to see a long term Troop Deployment of both russia and turkey in the area to keep the 2 sides apart . First of all, ill say the emotions on the azerbaijani side are about to turn a bit negative when when johnny troops get to see dom ive been there in the city of dumb, i mean it used to be a city of like 40000 people when i was there, there was nothing standing above ground level except to the shell of a mosque where there happened because living which was desecration of a religious try and of course, but it was as if someone took a knife and just sliced everything off the surface of the earth. And the only thing left of the buildings were their foundations. Everything else, everything else, every door, every window, every bit of metal, every brick of these by johnny houses had been, had been vandalized and basically taken, died by the armenians who came there. So the anger is going to increase the azerbaijani side is probably going to push for that legal path and sure, i think armenia will resist. But at the end of the day, i think were going to see that this Peace Agreement will be implemented. And yes, there will be, i think, russian and, and turkish peacekeepers involved as far as we can see into the future until theyre finally is that negotiation on the final legal status of the residual part of mccormack are currently under armenian control. Thats a long way in the future, i think, and it will be continuing to follow events with your eyes of thanks so much for joining us from istanbul. Thank you. Thank you very much. There have been clashes outside a south African High School where people were protesting against racism. Its accused of discriminating against black students. Gas was used outside the capetown school, which allegedly held a graduation event where only white students and teachers attended. The school denies this and says the function was a private event. Lets get more on this entire vacation for correspondent for me to near the school in cape town. I mean, what should have been really a celebration of academic success seems to have turned ugly and revived bitter memories of the past. What seems to have happened all over the last couple of weeks. Weve seen a number of protests outside the school promenading in what appears to be the largest to date. And what led to that was that the school didnt have its normal end of year pension for final year students because the pope in 1000. 00 restrictions. And it stated, it appears as if a group of students held with their own. But i know we are done. So all these matric students, we have the only white students and teachers. Now the school has distanced itself from the event saying that it was a private function and that it had nothing to do with the race. That was the Immediate Response to criticism of what had happened. And in the weeks following the school then said, we do acknowledge that some work needs to be done within our school, around integration. And this is after a number of black students came forward, past and present students saying that theyd had a difficult time at the school. And they also put these allegations of racism to the school. Now this is led to these protests behind us. And members of the Economic Freedom fighters who are here to protest, this alleged racism. There are a couple of 1000 protesters here and theyve just begun all good. Now. Down the smain road to the School Police earlier prevented them from marching down. They fired tear gas, but you started going a towards a cannon to keep them back. But it appears now they have commissioned to march down to the school, but we know at the school, theres also a significant contingent of white parents and Community Members who have told us theyre ready to defend the school. They say theres nothing wrong and they view the presence of the effort here at an attack. Here 5 members here are certainly very angry because this is turning into a political race when its developing into a National Debate across the country. Whats being said, how is this sort of, you know, evolving what it appears increasingly, issues of race and integration have come into the spotlight in south africa after the 1st democratic elections in 949094. 00. There were significant difficult efforts to integrate a society that sat been separated, certificated as a government policy after these 1st democratic elections. We of course have seen institutions like schools, universities, Florida Society trying to tackle the issue of segregation. Many schools in this country have done a decent job of integration schools open to all races. If anything, theres an economic divide. But the issues of race still persist with leadership of the Economic Freedom fighters. Yes. Say that this is about spatial segregation. The legacy of partakes and how white parents at the school are defending the school kids, people who they view as they view it as an attack. But members of the year 50 years say that this is about dealing with a great issue that is prominent in the western cape province, maybe now, but across of africa, well continue to monitor events with us for me to join you later in the day, forcing taped at least 28 people have been killed in uganda. In the past 3 days during protests sparked by the arrest of opposition, politician bobby wine Security Forces shot at supporters of the pop star turned politician. As they demonstrated, after he was detained on wednesday, officials have accused him of violating coronavirus restrictions while campaigning for the upcoming president ial election. A number of east Asian Countries held for their early success in handling the coronavirus pandemic, and are seeing a sharp increase in cases. Japan is on its highest alert level after a record rise in daily infections of more than 2300. The countrys never had a full lock down and its up to the public to follow social distancing. Rules. South koreas on the brink of another wave, its registered more than 300 new cases, a 3 month high. And the Prime Minister is urging people to minimize year end parties and stay at home as much as possible. Over in china, the problem of Community Transmission is reemerging. For more domestically infected covert 1000 patients have been detected in the Northern City of tianjin. The areas now being classified as high risk. Well in the philippines, nurses are opposing their governments ban on taking work abroad. They say they have the right to pursue Work Opportunities overseas, but the government wants them to serve their country. During the pandemic jamila linda can report from the capital. Manila, gary gary, do admits working as a nurse in manila feels like a struggle for survival. For more than 10 years, hes earned around 400. 00 a month. And this is the early enough to support his family. Gary has been accepted to work as a nurse in ireland for 6000. 00 a month, a salary that is unimaginable to earn here. The Philippine Government in april barred nurses and other medical workers from leaving seeing they were needed to fight the cruel a virus crisis, told me working abroad is not make us any less of a patriotic citizen of this country. For me, it is actually a heroic act. We are just human and we also have this goals in over lives. The salary here is not to sustain the needs of our families. Gary is among the thousands of filipino nurses who have called themselves prison nurses. They started an Online Campaign to petition the government to reverse its decision. They say it is tantamount to forced servitude. Filipino nurses are some of the most sought after Health Workers in the world. But this fight, this a global study shows that nurses in the philippines receive one of the lowest salaries in southeast asia. The pandemic has highlighted the plight of nurses in the country. And i mean nurses, theres no one i, rachel, for a nurse to 200 patients. If the government wants to really improve the situation here, they need to hire thousands of nurses in government hospitals. Some are nurses who now work in Different Industries like call centers because these jobs simply pay better. Nurses are calling for the chapel band to be removed and for salaries of all nurses in the country to be raised. But the Philippine Government is defending its decision. It says about 75 percent of cities and towns across the country, lack Health Workers, and it needs to keep the current pool of Health Workers. Here during a pandemic, Health Workers tell us no one wants to leave their home country. If there are fair opportunities for all, and most of them had to borrow money or sell their land in order to afford to go abroad. Now deep in debt, they see the government stands is denying them the opportunity to have a better life. Dugan aljazeera manila, plenty more ahead here on the aljazeera news hour, including we look at how fighting in northern ethiopia is having an impact on children who can escape in the conflict. Well as americans prepare for a traditional thanksgiving holiday feast, more and more people find themselves lining up for food. A new zealands Prime Minister draws the womens rugby team and some of their faces rivals as they prepared to defend the world cup. Joe will have those details in sport, u. S. President elect joe biden has been declared the winner in the state of georgia for a 2nd time after a hand recount. The audit of ballots was launched after president all Trumps Campaign question. The results and claimed widespread fraud with georgia now called biden has extended his lead and won the presidency with 306. 00 Electoral College votes he needed. 270. 00 chunk fell short with 232. 00 by the 1st democratic president ial candidate to win georgia in nearly 3 decades. Donald trumps legal team has once again promised to produce evidence of what it calls a massive democratic conspiracy to steal the president ial election. Joe biden has accused trump of being irresponsible for refusing to concede. Alan fischer has more from washington d. C. Theres no saying from his legal team that donald trump is preparing to concede. In fact, theyre digging in for a long legal battle, even though almost all the Court Actions until know, have been dismissed. No claiming, without producing any evidence, theres been a democratic and International Conspiracy to steal the president ial election. This is real. It is not made up. It is not. Theres nobody here that engages in fantasies. Ive tried a 100 cases. I prosecuted some of the most dangerous criminals in the world. I no crimes, i can smell them. You dont have to smell this one. I can prove that 18 different ways. Donald trumps own Election Security agency declared the 2020 president ial election the most secured in american history. The president has both taken credit for that and declared the democrats stall the election. He also fired the head of the agency. One of his lawyers, baselessly claims. Theres been communist interference in the election. What were really dealing with here uncovering more about the day is the massive influence of communist money through venezuela, cuba and likely china and the interference with our elections here in the United States. The Term Campaign says it intends to file a number of lawsuits in a number of states in the coming days. Yet in the lawsuits filed so far, it has stopped short of claiming widespread voter fraud and its produced no evidence of the conspiracy claims its making no. While the legal battles go on the trumpet, ministration continues to block transition planning. President elect joe bidens, frustration is growing and said donald trump is sending a terrible message about democracy. It is hard to fathom how this man thinks its hard to fathom. And im confident he knows he has one. Its not going to be able to. Were going to be sworn in in january 20th. And i just, you know, for free to question his motives, which is just outrageous, what hes doing with new states reporting widespread issues. The Term Campaigns efforts to prove fraud seem doomed to feel, but it could delay final confirmation and trumps acceptance of what seems inevitable. Alan fischer at the white house. Lets bring in scott lucas. Hes a professor of american politics. The university of birmingham. He joins me now via skype from birmingham in the united kingdom. Good to have you with the scan, mr. Lucas, on the program. Lots of Little Things to actually get through here. Lets start with georgia, a recount, finally concluded in bidens savior on thursday. But the fight really is sort of far from over far as trump is concerned. Im not so we heard Rudy Giuliani talking about smelling a crime out even though they provide no evidence. Conspiracy theories running abound. Yes, lets break down what the trump game is now and its on 3 fronts. One trying is to persuade. d or even intimidate officials, to flip Election Results. So today donald trump will meet the 2 leading republican legislators from michigan. Another key state in the election with a possible attempt to have that legislature, overturn that vote, and say its troops a lot. Theres who will go to washington for the Electoral College on the sort of the 14th, the 2nd part of the legal action. But all the cases so far, the Truck Campaign has lost 30 or 32. 00 cases, and there are only 2 degrees have been minor, minor, attacking a handful of ballots in pennsylvania. There are likely to go anywhere. So whats the 3rd avenue . The 3rd avenue is to throw as much dissent promotion on the wall, and hope that it sticks were a lot of people think, oh, you know, maybe this election was stolen. So if you take that Bizarre Press Conference yesterday, let me tell you Rudy Giuliani might have smelled something but what i smelled was completely off the wall Conspiracy Theory such as this one that joe biden had conspired with the late minutes while a leader who go shopping with who died in 2013, the philanthropist george soros and tea for up and the Clinton Foundation to order democratic officials to switch floats. I know it sounds crazy, but thats exactly what they laid out on. The risk is you might not believe that i might not believe that, but donald trump is counting on enough people to believe that that he will continue to refuse to leave the white house until the very day that joe biden is inaugurated. Ok, well lets see what evidence they bring up in the courts and lets just keep with that Conspiracy Theory just for a while and just talk about chris krebs before we talk about michigan in depth. That hes the head of the federal Election Security department that was fired because he talked about the election being the safest election ever. Now were hearing obviously from trumps team about various outside influences that you talked about and communist money where and how do you get communist money into the u. S. With the exception of the i can think of is remittances that people are sending money to and from cuba all that sort of scenario. You dont want, so let us be very clear about reality. And worse is the mess inside Rudy Giuliani and donald trump studs. The reality is, is that it was not just crisscross this official fired at home and security. Who said the most secure election u. S. History, it was the department itself through an assessment by its Election Security commission. The reality is that secretaries of state across the United States have verified their state results as being pretty from fraud. The reality is that the interference that has taken place in the United States was in 2016 on behalf of the Truck Campaign by russia. But youre trying to sweep away that reality by doing a couple of things. The 1st is, we know that communist is a dirty word. So somehow you live, and it is a lie that the Voting Machines that were used in this election in the United States had come from who wrote chavez in venezuela. Your law i and it is a lie that Rudy Giuliani put out yesterday that the votes in michigan were sent to germany to be counted. And then you construct all these supposed enemies. Why do you name george soros . Not because hes a communist, but because he is a figure, a hate figure for many on the right in part because of his religion. You, instead of quassia the conspiracy theories, which is what Homeland Security said you need to do to maintain the system, you whipped up those theories and you divide america further. Ok, chris scott, sorry, just very shortly. A very briefly, we just talked about these michigan legislators that to heading to the white house today, you touched upon its in the 1st part of the interview, possibly a present time trying to overturn the scenario in michigan and ignore the popular vote unprecedented. Surely its not legal and the constitution would have something to say about it. Well, the problem here under this unusual system called the Electoral College in the United States, twofold, the 1st is, is that even though americans vote for a lot of gurps who supposedly represent a candidate, those electors can switch their mind on december the 14th. But heres the bigger problem. The validation of the electors is not in the hands of the election officials. Its not in the hands of any department in washington. Its in the hands of republican legislatures. Now it is unprecedented. It isnt been unprecedented for state legislatures to overturn a result, but double top of someone who believes in a process that can he put enough pressure on the republican speaker of the house and the republican senator majority leader of michigan to flip that state. And can he do the same thing in at least 2 other large states to cling on to the desk of the oval office . We shall see scott lucas, professor of american politics at the university of birmingham in the u. K. Once again, thanks very much for joining us. Thank you. The u. S. Has recorded the highs daily kovac 1000 death toll since may 2200 over 24 hours. Well as infection saw Health Officials asking people not to travel during next weeks thanksgiving holiday. And california has announced a month long curfew as kristen salumi reports for thousands. The pandemic has cost them their jobs. Americans are lining up for food from california to the midwest to new york. With the National Thanksgiving holiday, approaching demand for Food Assistance is increasing. Along with new filings for Unemployment Benefits, the Labor Department says they increased by 742000 in the last week, reversing recent games. Since i dont think its going on alone, you dont think even though they do. The thing that happened in new york has been hit particularly hard. Its one of 15 states placing new restrictions on businesses, an 80 percent increase in new coven infections nationwide, over the past 2 weeks, is keeping tourism down broadway closed and restaurants at limited capacity. Experts warn it is likely to be a difficult winter in new york state as a whole, was regaining payroll jobs at a slower rate than any state other than hawaii through september on a year to year basis. So the recovery was already slow and not quite steady. And these most recent developments have knocked us for a loop. And any reversal of the reopening is going to cause even greater decline in new york subway and bus service could see drastic cuts along with the layoffs of 9000 transit workers. Ridership unfair income has fallen in the pandemic, exacerbating prior budget shortfalls. The metropolitan Transportation Authority is asking congress for 12 1000000000. 00. We know that any reduction in service will hurt the city in the region, including customers who need us most. But without the certainty of substantial federal dollars, there is no recourse. And we must plan for the worst while hoping for the best in the wake of a crisis that has done more damage to our finances than even the great depression. Thirtys. But republicans have been reluctant to put aid to state and local governments in any federal relief package. Aid to states like new york could come down to which party wins the senate and 2 contested seats in georgia up for a Runoff Election in january. If you know a deal is reached, millions of americans are due to lose their Unemployment Benefits by the end of the year. Prison salumi al jazeera new york. Time for the oven on his rope. Well, weve seen a proper taste of winter, its still there and he did actually call to lots of temporary damage. So thats the winter front there, wrapped around it, that cold intrusion into the cold areas where we saw snow bitter freezing rain as well. So anywhere in the northeast china 3 provinces, you has significant snow. Obviously, traffic temporarily halted road traffic temporary. How did nerves travel on the roads . Now you might think so what . But this is the 1st time has happened this season. The freezing rain quite often is the worst of it all because it increases the weight on power lines and trees and breaks them off. Now weve got a temporary halt and that happens data minus 6. And this is the area talking about and snow. The next ones going to come through beijing, a bit of wet snow. I think, however, that is the winter coat and its on its way. Sikes through china now it will produce a certain matter rain anywhere as far as the shanghai line backed will happen. But when you get any further, i think probably not, i think thats the moment when i will hands forecast is 8 to 10 degrees. The next 3 days, the average is 50, so we are below average, but were not getting the cold immediately. And the good news continues with the sas, china sea and the Philippine Sea and t. Of cloud got no more tropical psycho stalker about just the normal rainy season in indonesia. Thanks rob. Well, still ahead here on aljazeera the security crisis and became a fast that could mean for thousands of voters in the upcoming elections. And well hear from a champion scare mikheil, a chef in a she prepares to race for the 1st time in 300 days. The story coming up in sports with jack to stay with us. How does one forgave after losing 32 family members in a heinous massacre . A survivor of one of colombias 50 year long conflicts, worst atrocities, dedicates his life to reconciliation with his peace photos around him. Lean upon last year as life in mission are in jeopardy. Witness buckeye and caught in the crossfire on al jazeera. d held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell, denied the right to a fair trial. No charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent, mahmoud. You saying his crime journalism to demand more neutral links and boy solidarity with all detained journalists. Sign the petition. Free news saying look like youre watching out is there is news are with me, the whole run a reminder of our top stories us about johns army says its ended. Ive done a district thats been under armenian control for almost 30 years. Armenia, his handing over the area as part of a ceasefire deal to end weeks of fighting over in the corner. Kind of are also police in south africa, fired tear gas at protesters outside the high school. The demonstrators accuse it of racism against blacks students. Cape town school is said to have held a graduation event that was attended only by white peoples u. S. President elect. Joe biden has been confirmed as if it will win in the state of georgia. After 100 count, President Trump still refuses to recognize bidens victory and move the biden says is totally irresponsible. Now e. U. Leaders are locked in a budget standoff, putting a 850000000000. 00 Coronavirus Relief package in jeopardy crisis talks are taking place at a Virtual Summit after both poland and hungary vetoed the budget. Earlier this week, the 2 countries blocked adoption of the Recovery Plan over a clause that ties funding with adherence to the rule of law on the mic and is going to chanelle it. The vast majority of Member States to greet with a compromise on the table and some members to this issue in the charity that are not able to support the majority, will continue to destructions, to fight in their sceptical solution to all paul brown and joins us now. From london, with an updated and poll of the e. U. Budget as well, forever and a day always seems seen as some sort of disagreement over the years. But this years was agreed last july and its still rumbling on and still causing real friction. Well the 2 countries that are the foremost of this veto threat, poland and hungary, its been pointed out that they did actually agreed to this provision of rule of law mechanism back in july. And so the diplomats are rather disappointing to poland and hungary have chosen to take this stance. Now at this late stage, its important, dont forget that the total package is in excess of 2. 00 trillion dollars, dollars worth. And any delay will cause a knock on delay for disbursement of those e. U. Funds. Once the new budget starts, new budgetary year starts next year. But the concern is that poland and hungary are not exactly comfortable bedfellows with the rest of the European Union when it comes to issues of law and order. Since 2015, when the polish government changed and the new law and order particularly, or just as party came in, theyve been accused of for example, interfering in the judiciary impacting on media plurality policies which impact unfavorably towards minorities and vulnerable groups. And you can see that thats not going to, it will, it hasnt gone down very well with the european parliament. The fact that they want to have some kind of leverage over poland and hungary, its important to say its only leverage if the rule of law impacts on the e. U. Financially. So its not in an abstract sense. Its on financial policies, but the sense of depth of feeling was expressed by my favorite quote of the week from mark rutte or the Prime Minister of the netherlands, who said, look, the e. U. Doesnt work in such a way. You can start your career on a cigar, take a sip and wait for the others to let chickens fly into your mouth. Very lyrical way of saying that poland and hungary, theres no such thing as a free lunch. Of course, while the monetary considerations aside, there are always other issues. And in this particular year breaks, it seems to be high on the agenda. Was there any traction on these issues . Because the meeting went on quite late into thursday night, it did, i mean, breaks it, unfortunate timing on thursday. The day that this meeting convened was the same day that it was announced that one of the e. U. Negotiators in those talks a tested positive for corona virus. And therefore the negotiations had to be suspended in brussels. Thats obviously going to be a problem. The 2 sides say theyre staying in close contact, but bearing in mind that thursday yesterday was supposed to be the deadline for a deal to be done. In order for ratification, then its not very good in those 3 main Sticking Points. Fishing equal Playing Field and jurisdiction over disputes. They remain just as big a Sticking Point as they always have been for the update. Thanks very much. The new zealand has urged its asia Pacific Partners to focus on controlling the coronavirus to boost their economies in a speech ahead of the virtual apec summit. Prime minister is in the order and told Business Leaders that virus control is critical for financial growth. New zealand has largely kept the virus contained with only 2000 cases recorded. Well, i dont want to be out around me saying later tonight, i have a group to guide our practicing on tree engines of economic growth. Try did you do an evaluation, sustainability, inclusion . The warring parties in ethiopias to grey region have exchanged rocket fire with both sides accusing each other of putting civilians in danger. To grow, rebels are accused of bombing a neighboring region. The government has been blamed for strikes on the university. The un has warned of a humanitarian crisis and says more than 2000000 young people need help, as there is, have a morgan report from god. A reef state in sudan, near the border with ethiopia, where tens of thousands have taken refuge. Just 2 weeks ago. What he did saturday was preparing for her sunday now is operation. He was born with a cleft lip, which has affected his ability to drink milk and along with it his health. But just days before they were due to return to the capital of, if europe is not integrated region, the situation changed dramatically when we were due to go back for his last check up before the operation, the fighting started, all the roads were blocked and we couldnt get to macquarie, people were being killed and there were bombs being dropped, so i fled with him and my family. Now we cant even get a doctor to check on him. We cant even get him his vaccination, let alone have hope. Youll get an operation here. The family now resides at this refugee camp in if i should go in sudan of state, there are more than 15000 if you can refugees here in what was once a largely uninhabited area. Thousands more. If you have fled to neighboring state to escape the fighting into. Great. But it to hell are you and her 2 children are some of them. Her infant son has been suffering from breathing problems and she says shes been struggling to get him the care he needs. He has one block nostril and doesnt feed except from a bottle. But i dont have formula for him because weeks cage fighting, ethiopian came here. And the Health Care Center doesnt have formula. So i have to go looking around for that. But i dont know where ill get the money from. The camp has only one Health Center to cater for the thousands of children here. Mothers wait for their turn to have their children seen by doctors. Many children exposed to the horrors of conflict in the 1st years of their lives. According to unicef, 40 percent of the refugees arriving in sudan are children. Some have been separated from their families and the process of tracking them has started. Others have arrived with malnutrition because of the days they spent walking with no food and all have been affected by the conflict integrate in a way that will likely impact their childhood. The uns childrens agency says that chris tricked it access, and the ongoing communication blackout in the tigre region has left an estimated 2300000 children in need of humanitarian assistance. And as more and more refugees arriving, sudan is rising concern over their future. Remember, this is the time school started, children will actually miss this years school. And most of those children we saw yesterday come there are school age. Unfortunately, they will not have school this year. So we have to come up with alternative and programs already within the next month or 2. Were hoping the crisis will stop, the fighting will stop. There will be able to go back home. But if thats not the case, we have to be in place to support them. What do you do says she hopes the conflict ends soon so that she can return back home with her family. She says she wants her child to be operated on, but more importantly, wants him to grow up with no memories of the horror thats forced her and her family to leave their lives behind and seek refuge here in sudan. People morgan aljazeera and fresh take on the part of state. Millions of voters in bikini will head to the polls on sunday, but im to say the ongoing violence will make it difficult for the countrys 6000000 registered voters to cast their ballots. Even if they wanted to either dress has the story for too much and have family fled the village or 2 after a night attacked by gunman. Although the family was lucky to make it to a good many other villages did not. The mother of 4 says she fled without identity documents and without them would get a say in the elections. I dont have a birth certificate and dont know how to get one. I need to get a new National Identity card which will allow me to receive my voter card. I wont be able to vote on sunday because theres nothing that proves im from burkina faso. Shes one of hundreds of thousands of broken obvious who have lost Voting Rights because of the violence sweeping across the west african nation. Attacks by armed groups in 2015 marked the beginning of a Violent Campaign bad isilon that feeling that us all, if i killed thousands and displaced more than a 1000000, people in particular, activists say about 1600 communities have been uprooted because of the attacks against civilians and burkina faso Security Forces its a difficult situation, its complicated and its the 1st time in our history this many people will be disenfranchised. But its the reality not because they dont want to vote, but simply because they count more than 400000 new voters could be added to the register. They said because of the violence and widespread displacement, the Elections Commission has already given up on conduct in the polls and hundreds of villages across the country. Back at the shelter for the delos much as only one wish that whoever becomes president after sundays vote will end the violence so that they can go back to their lives. Not an impossible dream, but like millions of other victims of the violence sweeping the sahara region of west africa, the family may have to wait a bit longer to see this dream come true. With your priest colleges here. Now the uns acting libya and boy has told Security Council members, hes optimistic that peace may be achievable. It comes after rival sides met in tunisia. Last week. Our diplomatic editor, james bates, looks at the many challenges libyans face after a decade of war. This is the 1st Security Council meeting since developments in libya that the u. N. Say may be a breakthrough. A fragile cease fire is now in place. And the talks in tunis, weve seen the beginnings of a peace deal, the supposed to lead to elections in about a years time. I am optimistic about the way forward in libya, yet clear about the many challenges that lie ahead. 10 years of war. It cannot be solved one week of political tart, but we hear more now the language of peace rather than the language of war. For the sake of libya, 75 libyans came together in tunis last week in good faith effort to start the process of healing their nations wounds. But do a search from the well respected International Crisis group whose follow developments in libya during its last decade of conflict. So is the very many challenges ahead should not be underestimated. Heightened by the fact that now were not seeing open conflict. Not entirely optimistic that weve seen the end. This may devastating destruction or self destruction of the country by the hands of the libyans themselves. Its too early to say that where their country will come out of this Enormous Economic recession that it has suffered, whether theyll be able to go beyond ideological divides that still cut through the country. The problems are among the libyans. Theres been no agreement on a new Prime Minister or a unified presidency can as proposed by the u. N. The country remains divided. The Prime Minister has indicated hes prepared to stand down in general has made no such pledge. And as the big issue of foreign involvement under the cease fire deal, the Libyan Forces are supposed to leave the country, but early next year, few are hopeful that will be achieved. Under the deal thats been done, the un is supposed to provide more to be deployed in libya to observe the cease fire that will need a u. N. Security council agreement. Negotiations be difficult. One member of the council, a permanent member, russia, has nationals in libya working for what many consider a mercenary company thats been fighting on the side of general hafta. Of the united nations. Defending Champion Team in new zealand. For the americas cup, the oldest trophy in sports talk about talk to sport by his job on a sale. Thank you very much. Lets start at tennis is a t. V. Finals in london where rafael nadal has made the final 4 for the 1st time in 5 years. The while the 2 was up against defending champions to final sets of passing. His final group game under the window would go through the del hes never won the season ending tournament was just too good for his greek rival. Beating him in 3 sets. Hell face a tough match against daniel medvedev. When you semis hes always difficult to play against the best players of the world every single day end of the season. And most of the time that you get here a little bit tired. But heres a little bit different side for the situation here. Normally after this match, that must be i should be fantastic as always just that side that to me not to me finals. And not that i hope to be ready to tie my my, my best dominate team and already secured top spot in the group with a win over in a towel or in the tournament. And it was just as well as he was beaten by andre rieu plouff. In his final group match for believe ended his debut appearance at the a. T. P. Finals with a 6275 victory. Colombian Gopher Community jagers shares the lead at the r. S. Sam classic tournament on the p. G. A. Tour just 4 months after the death of his daughter, 22 month old mia was battling brain and spine, she was when she died in july. The jagers took a break from competitive golf, but hes now played a few tournament. And with his brother as his caddie, he produced a flawless round on the 1st day which included 6 birdies. So i was going to scan ice this morning. I got on the range and see a little rainbow out there because i think you are me and so they listen. Lets have a good look when im out there, its so focused. Theres so much going on, especially under this conditions. And then my brother and you just follow it through the process. So it doesnt distract me. But like i said when i, when i get on the range and i see a rainbow, i mean a listen here it is. Sheer love colors and rainbows and my wife was all about and it was cool. It was, it was a nice way to sow the well, heres some more go for action from the el p. G. A. Tour and the pelican womens championship in florida. American. Lexi thompson, with a shot of the day, a hole in one of the paul 3 thirds, but despite that, shes still 6 shots off the lead. The draw for next years womens Rugby World Cup has taken place and elsie to the games faces, rivals face each other in the pool stage. I hold you so new zealand kicks out the draw. What australia a strainer and supposed new zealands Prime Minister just endured and had a hand in putting defending champions and hosts new zealand alongside australia and poor a 2021. Competition will take place in the Southern Hemisphere for the 1st time when it kicks off on september the 18th a month. Well not in my time, ive never been in a pool of australia, but every time we come up against each other, its a mess of bedouin. No doubt, next year is going to be nothing different. Pretty covert. 9 train this tournament was going to be important to new zealand. Now it takes on an extra special dimension for the whole world. Its one of the few countries in the world where sport can even be played in front of pex stadiums of friends Rugby World Cup 2021. Office us the chance to showcase new zealand to a global audience as a way unite behind the defending champion, blake therians. To the mens Rugby Championship and argentina are looking to build on their incredible win over new zealand. The pimas stunned the rugby world with a 2515 victory last week in sydney, which was their 1st ever win over the all blacks. There were lots of emotions on show and their coach wants them to keep that intensity when they face hosts, australia on saturday. We dont want to change. I think emotions, i think im passing the rate of 3, 180 i thought there was no control to the way we play. There was a lot of this you can do and thats the way we should be. Now its the teenage football star. Yusuf from akoko, who is set to become the youngest ever been to sleep a player in germany. He turned 16 today and has been given clearance to play for bris, adult men, and in the game against hosts. A 1000000000 on saturday is a strike. Ernest scored an incredible 141 goals in 88 youth matches for dortmund since 2017. He was born in cameroon, but raised in germany former england captain wayne rooney famously made his debut at 16 years old in the premier league. And now 18 years later, he wants to go into management. Hes currently playing at championship side, darby county and part of form an interim management team. But its, he wants the job full time. Ive made it quite clear in of philosophy is my ambition is to go into management. Especially when you see the likes of steven from plum parts crop aka, or gotten good jobs in, and do really well either. And i wouldnt be an ambitious person if a southeastern target didnt want to trouble. American skier mckayla schifrin is preparing to return to racing for the 1st time in 300. 00 days. The 2 time olympic and 3 time world cup overall champion. Well, in the longest break of her career at levy in finland on saturday, schifrin hasnt race since gerry the 26. 00 because of fall this unexpected death. And then the current virus pandemic. If you like, racing is actually going to be a break from going on vacation, which is not really how i used to think about it. But right now its like im so grateful to be here and im really excited to just get in my start it again. I am incredibly angry, but not about the way last season. And im angry that my dad. I mean, grieve, you know, i mean, you know how alone i feel most days and, but then on the flip side, i am incredibly grateful that i have my mom near me so often and will finish for the oldest trophy in sport sailings, americas cup defending champions to new zealand have launched the new york, which they hope will help them retain the cup, which will take place in or cloned next year before that challenging teams from italy, britain and the United States will race each other in january and the winner will take on new zealand in the main event in march. Beautiful pictures. That is thanks very much to you. Be watching the aljazeera news. I would miss the whole drama gusher. Rosco. This is up next with another full hall fire of news to stay with him on officer. Ill see you later in the day in under a year, coverage 19 has altered our societies and exposed deficiencies in political, social, and economic structure of capitalism is the pandemic back in the root cause of so much of this number of apps and big data which old could literally save our lives, can be the headline, has the pandemic given us the chance to reevaluate jowell all hail the lockdown coming soon on aljazeera. American people have finally for pocono america, as i see it when america is off balance or will become more dangerous. The world is looking at us little mixture of sadness and with the election behind us. Will the Republican Party dump truck to the feel weak take on us politics and society . Thats the bottom line. With 19 is indiscriminate, but it quickly found the racial divisions in american society. The cold pandemic is a rubio lurk of americas true blood in the racially segregated city of chicago. The majority of deaths have been black and latino residents fault lines asks why i think its become entirely clear that there is such a thing as structural racism. The great divide could 19 and race in chicago. On aljazeera we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the land. So no matter what you seek it out is enough to bring you the needs. And current fantasies that matter to the aljazeera order mania relinquishes lying to us or by john after controlling it for almost 13 years time about us. And this is all, it is a real live from doha. Also coming up tear gas is fired at protesters outside a South African school, accused of racism against blacks. Students. We are just human and we also have this goals in our lives a difficult pill to swallow for nurses in the philip

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