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As well as an illegal israeli settlement. 16 People Killed and 350 detained in a crackdown on protests triggered by the arrest of ugandan pop, star politician bobby wine with all your sports and says hes tired of always being blamed for problems at barcelona. The u. S. Center for Disease Control is urging americans not to travel during next weeks thanksgiving holiday. As the country sees more people in hospital with corona virus than at any time in the pandemic. So far, 79000 people are currently admitted as infection rates climb. This week people in new york have been joining hours long queues to be tested ahead of the holiday. The country passed a quarter of a 1000000 deaths on wednesday with more than 11 and a half 1000000 cases. Nurses in the city have been protesting against inadequate Protection Equipment and a shortage of staff. We cannot allow the buffering and that of the community and are not going through inspiring to happen again. Reassured that we should not let the farmer had during earth rob north. We had a meeting at our meeting and what i had forgotten that theyre going to do in a famine the proper way. Well, why dont the Health Care Worker and probably people coming here that you can approach and you get it for them. President elect joe biden has held a Virtual Meeting with state governors to discuss how to tackle the coronavirus once hes in power. Is just one in a series of events. The Transition Team is holding, despite president from continuing to block the usual transition procedures. Both republicans and democrat governors were involved in the meeting with biden promising them his support. He said the upcoming thanksgiving holiday is still in charge. Could help the virus spread. Now, you face another surgery, you refuse . Hospitalization. Yes, it is pretty new pressure on your hospitals and doctors, nurses, Health Care Workers, unions taking a massive, massive new toll on the economy. And no one you are facing. You should need to keep the test. You are the suppliers you need help. We want to know that i will be your partner in the white house. I dont see this one. We this from the bottom are going to see this as a red state issue of blue staters. And i see it is all this together. When a member little 2, alan fischer in washington 1st to she had joe bidens hometown of wilmington, delaware. So a change of emphasis, really in the way of dealing with coronavirus from, from biden, with the governess. Right. But what else can he say . Except look, ill do it better and it will be bipartisan and it wont be like it was before, because still, the biden Transition Team isnt getting information and they were lamenting this fact once again. Today. What is the, for example, vaccination Distribution Plan that is being hatched . At the health and Human Services organization though, the department here in washington rather wants the state to stop file information on syringes or p. P. A. Or therapeutic say they have no idea. There is some comfort to be had. And that what were hearing is the people who are drawing up the plans for vaccine distribution, all career Civil Servants within the government. So therefore, when the trouble with the surgeon leaves, they stay on. So hopefully the learning curve and they will be that information transfer once and once and for all, but clearly a great deal of unease among both the biden Transition Team and the governors themselves who are saying, look, we dont necessarily have all the information that we need were getting information about say the formula for vaccine distribution, but were not getting information on how many doses of vaccine to expect when to expect them. They also say they need money. 6000000000 dollars 8000000000. 00 perhaps to train Health Care Workers day to operators to administer the vaccine, which theyre not, which theyre not getting biden. Of course, at this point. What else can he say . Well, well see once im in, once im in office, it has to be said that when youre looking at the biden Transition Teams, it is much to the dismay of progress is full of the usual Small Creatures from, from industry, big pharma, health insurance, wall street, big oil, big tech, you name it all the usual lobbyists are now firmly implanted in the biden Transition Team. But the Coronavirus Team that biden has, is Pretty Amazing that some really great figures there. And in particular, theres a figure thats really being on who is an expert on the inequality of health care when it comes to minorities. This is obviously one of those on equal Health Care Systems in the 2 world, if not the most based on money as, as it is. And there is always that suspicion that the rich will simply jump the queue when it comes time for vaccine distribution. But by having a real expert, real expertise now on the inequality, specifically when it comes to minorities who are hardest hit by covert, there is a lot of hope that the blood ministration wont make the sort of mistakes that some, some fear may, may have happened. Other words, she watches you. Thank you very much. And fisher is live from the white house for us and don. And while we wait for the outcome of the recount in georgia, more claims from the chant campaign took us 3 days came in a News Conference that was hosted by Rudy Giuliani has now taken over as the main point person for the Trump Campaign. Legal efforts in a number of states. It was a wide ranging press conference. It certainly hit a number of points that the republicans have talked about over the last few days. But what is interesting is that when it came to things that really giuliani has said in court, they dont quite add up. For example, at the News Conference, he said there is widespread fraud. Yet when he appeared in court in pennsylvania, just the other day, he said that this was not a fraud case. Hes talked about evidence that hes going to present to the courts. No, the presented evidence to the courts. I think its something in the region of 24 out of 25 court cases that they have lost. Its a different whole scenario when youre speaking to a judge and youve got to tell the truth to keep your law license rather than stand in front of a lot of journalists when you can bash on the usual republican hate figure such as the media or george soros or socialists, or an international conspiracy. The difficulty that Rudy Giuliani has is that hes not producing any of the evidence to back this up. He says he will give it to the judges. That the case is overwhelming, that they will be able to overturn the result. And donald trump will be confirmed as president by a landslide. A point also made by one of his legal team who gained notoriety in washington over the last few months by representing michael flynn. You may remember him, former National Security adviser, fired by donald trump for speaking for lying to mike pence. But also for speaking to the russians before the Trump Administration came into power 4 years ago. Well, she said that there was a widespread conspiracy in trying to defraud donald trump of a victory in the 2020 election. What were really dealing with here and uncovering more by the day is the massive influence of communist money, venezuela, cuba, and likely china in the interference with our elections here in the United States. The dominion voting systems, the Smartmatic Technology software, and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well. Not just a minion were created and billions of invented to weigh a law at the direction of hugo chavez to make sure he never lost an election after one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out. We have one very strong witness who has explained how it all works. Lets just fact check a couple of things here that died in 2013, the dominion voting systems. The company was actually established in canada, the government or department of homeland security. Cyber watchdog said that this was the most secure election in american history. There was little or nor for interference. A point that donald trump even tweeted out claiming credit for himself, even though suggesting that somehow the democrats had managed to steal the election itself. There is a problem, theres a huge disconnect between what the republicans and donald trump is seeing in court and what theyre seeing out in front of the public. The next step, as far as the Trump Campaign is concerned, is they will be filing a court case in georgia on friday. The intention is to delay the certification of the votes in the state, just to let you know that was a state that joe biden won 1st democrat to win there in 1902. And with georgia, donald trump cannot get to 270 Electoral College votes. So the intention is that having asked for a recount, that didnt overturn the result is know to delay it for as long as possible to try and some hoe give donald trump a path to 270. But most people seem to suggest that thats simply not going to happen and fish. Thank you very much. Lets bring in money, go newman, who was a contestant on trumps t. V. Show the apprentice and a white house advisor to both President Trump and also to president clinton. She joins us from jacksonville, florida via skype. Thank you very much indeed for being with us. So you know, trump quite well, what do you think has made him is in continuing to spin this out in this way, given that the weight of evidence so far that it, that hes not going to win well or, and i think its just really unfortunate that the president has been reluctant to accept the will of the people, the votes are, and donald trump is no longer going to be president. Come january the 20th. His goal right now is to buy time. Dont trump knows that onesies out of office. He will face litigation cases, legal consequences for decisions that hes made in the last 4 years. And so he is simply stalling with these lawsuits. So you say, mention them that theres a motive for him to avoid the kind of consequences of which some legal issues, how many more moves do you think he will make in the next few weeks to make it difficult for the biden team . If and when they do take over, i think that he has any number of maneuvers that he will try. I mean weve seen this press Conference Today that was given by Rudy Giuliani. That was all over the place. I believe that theyre going to continue to bash the american voting system. Try to keep these voters from certifying, particularly the Electoral College that will meet in less than 3 weeks. And hes going to pressure governors to continue to deny, deny, deny the Republican Party has a reckoning. Theyre either going to go a trump, or theyre going to pressure him to do or what all president s who, whose reelection do. And thats concede on that point. Why havent they done so so far . They are they scared of him . And are they right to be afraid of any kind of backlash from him on their future political careers . These folks are so afraid to try. But as we saw, donald trump received 10000000 more votes than the 1st of the 70000000 people. Thats a huge coalition. And with just one tweet, dont trump ken in anyones political future, if they are part of the Republican Party. Tell me how far do you think you might go to to trace of hang on until last minute. And even beyond that, i mean, the assumption from western leaders is that biden will become the next president and perhaps rule making that assumption. And maybe, maybe were all wrong again on this one. I mean, how far would you see him going to, to stay in . And i mean, it was, it was kind of constitutional issues. But what about an unconstitutional way of staying in is that, is that likely . But there is absolutely no limit lauren to what donald trump will do. You know, i was with donald the 1st year in the white house, served with him for 12 months, and i have to tell you, he absolutely loved being president. He was a network with the oval office. He loves air force one and he loves the power that goes along with it. And its quite addictive. And so for donald trump, to have to give all of that up, just as he settled in, i think to be very difficult and youll see him trying every maneuver he can to stay at 1600 pennsylvania avenue and in the short term. And whats your forecast when do you see a possible moment where he might climb down . Well, hes going to have to come to terms with a quite soon. Because on january the 19th, as of midnight when it strikes january 20th, then the trip will now be trespassing at the white house and there are procedures in place to remove trespass. There is from the white house grounds. We dont want to come to that quite frankly, hopefully donald trump will see that hes harm in the country by remaining in office. And he will voluntarily conceit and allow the transition that happen, which is truly the bedrock of our democracy. And so youre not expecting him to be marched from, marched out now, you know, as big of a bully as years. I know donald for 17 years, hes also very, very easily embarrassed and he doesnt want to be shamed publicly. So it is my thought that down top will probably scurry away in the night. He certainly will not participate in moderation. So dont expect that. But definitely he will not allow himself to be in a humiliating situation as in getting dropped from the white house. Ok, and where is a month ago . Newman . Thank you very much indeed for talking to his regime. All right. Might become the 1st u. S. Secretary of state to visit an illegal settlement in the occupied west bank is also become the 1st to set foot in the occupied golan heights. Its the latest and most controversial leg of his 10 day tour of the middle east and europe are a force that has more getting ready for the 1st visit by a u. S. Secretary of state to illegal israeli settlement. Assad winery had named a blend for my pump after he declared a year ago, a change in american policy no longer viewing israeli settlements as contrary to international law. Its a strong statement against all of those. Whatever called the people around the world saying we are in league as pompei arrived to state department was announcing new policy requiring all settlement made goods to be labeled as israeli. When entering the us market. The declaration of sorts that annexed or not the us see settlements as israeli territory, because u. S. Administration is not biased towards the occupation. Its a partner. Weve seen it all before. His visit didnt surprise at all. Posted photos of his tour on his twitter feed, saying he hoped not to be the last u. S. Secretary of state to make such a visit. The view from the palestinian side very different. The city of ill be here, it is home to a large number of jewel us palestinian citizens, whom the settlement of some got is there stolen land . I cant even get close to the settlement would be, ill be putting myself and anybody around me and the physical harm. Since the seventys, as my family got to visit their own land for all the controversy attached to this visit by my pompei o to the settlement and for all of his talk about a possible 2nd Trump Administration. This visit to israel has had the atmosphere of something of a goodbye tour and that was detectable in the statement that he and the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave in jerusalem. The 2 men went over a litany of trumpet cheve months on behalf of israel, who was eager to show that the world had not yet dried up. But we will regard the globe or any israel b. D. S. Campaign is anti sematic. I know this sounds simple to you, mr. Prime minister. It seems like a statement of fact, but i want to know that we will immediately take steps to identify organizations that engage in hateful b. D. S. Kinder can withdraw our Us Government support. The boycott divestment and sanctions movement rebutted the accusation saying it rejected anti jewish racism, ended his tour in the golan heights, considered occupied land under international law, but sovereign israeli territory by u. S. Administration. That continues to make radical shifts on mideast policy with just 2 months left in its term for sit in the occupied west bank. Coming up on this news hour from london. If youre here says its forces are closing in on the capital of a region and pledges to bring back the people who fled to sudan plus arson, sealy, and unreservedly apologize. Australias military finds credible evidence that its elite soldiers unlawfully killed 39 afghans. And peter will be here with the action from the a. T. P. Finals in london. As tennis players look to end the year on a high the standoff between Ugandan Police and opposition protesters has intensified with at least 16 people now known to have died and 350, arrested. Security forces shot rubber bullets at supporters of pop star turned politician bobby wine, while crowds set up roadblocks and lit fires. Large demonstrations began when Police Arrested the president ial candidate on wednesday, accusing him of breaking coronavirus rules. All the police are doing is just to touch the news poppy while youre supposed to be campaigning in the villages, but hes in jail again. They are just wasting his time. Welcome webb is in nairobi in neighboring kenya, and says the authorities do still have options to ease. The unrest Spokesman Says hes in a high Security Police facility, which is in the eastern city of ginger. Thats not so far from where he was arrested when he was campaigning, police havent confirmed where he is, but the winds lawyers and the spokesman of complaining hours and being given access to legal representation or to his medical team, theyre worried that he might be injured. There waiting to see if or when he might be produced in front of a court. Yesterdays wife shared on social media media. What appeared to be a charge sheet saying that hed be charged with offenses relating to causing the spread of disease that refers to the rallies that have been holding which visibly have much larger crowds than the ministry of health. The limit of 200. 00, which is ostensibly to prevent transmission. Or the other thing that might happen is that probably one might be taken back to his home discretely. Hes been arrested several times before and often the Security Services in with bobby wine and with other prominent opposition, politicians in an attempt to quell the unrest, tried to take those people home, maybe late in the night, so that people dont continue protesting on the streets. But they certainly face between a couple of tough options. Now theres nearly 2 months to go before this election. And if they allow these rallies to continue, that says well local calling to the government will be problematic for covert 19, although his supporters believe these restrictions are simply to stop people seeing how popular years the fight for ethiopias Northern Region is moving ever closer to the areas, capital, local rebel forces, say a number of students were injured. When a government airstrike hit the citys university. Earlier, the Prime Minister said his forces were closing in on mckelway. His government also pledged to bring back the refugees who fled to sudan and send missions to tikrit to assess humanitarian needs there. You know, its a nation says more than 30000. People have now crossed into sudan and many have gone without food for several days. I just have a morgan reports from the border state of get irish aid is now beginning to arrive. More than a week after the arrival of refugees to this cabin. The 1st apply of food aid is starting to trickle and also flour and oil is rationed out between the families whove come here hundreds lined up to receive their share. Most like some of them have left their children back in shelters and withstand scorching sun while they wait. They are desperate. Perhaps it is some of that that would mean no, im glad that it. Organizations have started distributing food. A lot of people were going hungry. Some of us had gone for 2 or 3 days without food. There was a whole day that my kids and i went without any food, but now with aid here, we can have meals. Its been 10 days since i came here from a country. And in those 10 days, we havent eaten proper meals, we are hungry and we have small children to feed. Now we are going to get some food. Everything got for that because over the past 10 days we didnt receive anything. We hope they bring more because this will not be enough for the many families here. Both of those are 2 of the nearly 15000 residents of the camp, which was opened less than 2 weeks ago. They come from the region in northern ethiopia, where the government has launched an offensive more than 50000. 00 have fled to neighboring sudan since the start of the conflict, including to aid organizations, the thousands more integrate are facing a dire humanitarian situation with the government imposing a Communications Blackout and blocking access to the region. Many refugees arriving at the Sudanese Border are exhausted and hungry. So far most of the food for the refugees has come from local communities around the border point and refugee camps. But the communities themselves face economic hardships, as sudan, battle flooring, market prices, and the number of those crossing the border to escape the fighting into gray is rising. Many who said theyve gone for days without food. Now have something to eat. But the country, the refugees are arriving too has its own set of problems, including a state of emergency floods in september damaged many roads. And that is now one during a delivery. So the challenge is to remain there, but what were doing is that we have enough food stocks in the country have be i would be able really to pull on food from other areas where we had surpluses to try to prepare and food here. As we speak right now, we have about enough food 46270000 people already here on site. And these are distributed of course, which of course under god if as well where we are right now. The refugees dont know how long they will remain in the camps for now they just please to be safe and have food for their families. People, morgan aljazeera and for shikha of out of state. The Australian Military has found what is called credible evidence of multiple war crimes by its soldiers in afghanistan, including the unlawful killing of 39. 00 prisoners and civilians. The long awaited inquiry says there was a culture of secrecy, deceit, and cover up and the special forces begin to gauge has more frustrated as capital canberra. Nearly 2 decades after the 1st destroy in troops were deployed to afghanistan astray, as military faced up to some brutal truths, 23 incidents of alleged killing of 39 people in Inquiry Commission Defense Force can times what it says is credible evidence of war crimes in afghanistan carried out by the latest rally and special forces soldiers, including initiation executions with junior soldiers were encouraged to kill prisoners and planting weapons on bodies to conceal unlawful behavior. I sincerely and unreservedly apologize for any wrongdoing by australian soldiers. The inquiry says none of the killings took place in the heat of battle. The victims were unarmed and has recommended 19 soldiers be investigated. The responsibility lies not only with those who pulled the trigger. They responded large of these trying government, successive government who taken a very short term approach, thinking about what should have been a long term strategy. The report also outlines a culture of secrecy and deceit within astray, special forces. It found no evidence that say new leadership knew of any alleged offenses, but it was a failure of higher command to not correct the toxic culture. Well, before your investigation might be court fall, or a special investigator would be appointed to prepare evidence for any possible war crime prosecutions. A process that will walk the inquiry recommends compensation be paid even before the findings end up in court. A move welcomed by families of victims in afghanistan also want at the victims to be eventually participating in the legal proceedings. And not only in this investigation, but also more importantly in the legal, the legal proceeding. And ultimately, in the justice of all the rules, a strong leader has been involved in afghanistan was the longest. These new revelations will no doubt cast a shadow role in the complete gauge aljazeera camera. Theres lots more still to come this hour even more deadly than it looks why new delhi smaug could cause more coronavirus deaths. Is this ruling city, a war crime as a by john says it is. And once its defeated, may better pay and a Major League Baseball star forfeits his 24000000. 00 salary. After failing a drug test thats coming out with peach and sports hello folks. Not been a problem the last couple days throughout most essential eastern europe. Its still in our beer in central part of spain in madrid. This was the case yesterday morning that slopes to shift is but the air is moving fairly quickly. Elsewhere in europe, all of it coming from in the atlantic. It will be particularly strong in the baltic. Thats easing of the next 24 hours. Stormy weather seems likely to develop in the eastern med and also in the central med. Indeed, the forecast of any of these morons will take. But im, if you like, becomes a wet one by saturday after a rather quiet start on friday. There most of the european plain is cold and no sunny. Theres the time by day unless you happen to be in scandinavia as to when the night was windy is friday, admittedly, but still breezy and snow is showing up in norway rather than rain. So i was out in the central med will affect the author of africa, tunisia libya, and increasingly egypt who will see this on shore breeze increasing amounts of cloud and right wont be particularly pleasant. Look at tripolis forecast him for the 17 degrees magazine, 18. Obviously, most of north africa is fine, but there is still showers, reaching as far west as liberia, even sierra leone, but only really on the coast. But some have been jack. Some have simply disappeared. Others have been found dead. One a 18th, investigate the plight of thailands distant on out of the er if you want to help save the world, sneeze and your own, how does one forgave after losing 32 family members in a heinous massacre . A survivor of one of colombias 50 year long conflicts, worst atrocities dedicates his life to reconciliation with his peace falters around him. Naina palacios. Life and mission are in jeopardy. Witness buckeye are caught in the crossfire on al jazeera or none of the top stories here. Now to 0, more americans are currently in hospital with corona virus than at any time during the pandemic. So far, 79000 people are currently being treated us centers for Disease Control has advised against travel over the thanksgiving holiday. Election officials in the u. S. State of georgia are set to announce the outcome of a manual recount, which is likely to confirm that joe biden is the 1st democrat to win the state in nearly 30 years. And might prepare has become the 1st u. S. Secretary of state to visit an illegal israeli settlement in the occupied west bank and the occupied golan heights. A crowd of vaccine developed here in the u. K. Is showing promising results when it comes to protecting those groups most at risk from the virus. Early results show the candidate produced by the drug astra zeneca provoked a strong immune response in over seventys. Its the 3rd bit of positive news from a major western pharmaceutical firm this week, a challenger and 4. Pts more good news in the fight against corona virus. This time, from the u. K. After 99 percent of volunteers, given the oxford astra, zeneca vaccine developed antibodies to cope with 19. These are the results from the phase 2 trials using 564. 00 in tis result in the largest phase. 3 trials will be published in the next few weeks, but the powerful immune response is generating an adult over 60 is particularly promising as typically vaccines dont work as well. In older people, the editor of the scientific journal that reviewed the data, says this vaccine is different to those produced by madonna and pfizer, byn. , tech. But as vaccines are based on a technology called m. R. N. A. , this vaccine is different because the spike protein, which is what provokes the immune response, is a recombinant novarro vector. Its a virus which the cell its hates entry, protein into the human the oak said that scene had been a front runner in the global race, but was overtaken by rivals, madonna and pfizer. Their phase 3 trials showed more than 90 percent effectiveness, and theyre now pressing ahead with Distribution Plans. We have of course, to date or to his asian approval. If there, if everything goes down quick start to mix in, kill your and United States in the 2nd half to stand. And, and you can see that, of course, as a christmas present, even once approved, there will be huge challenges in manufacturing and supply chains. Pfizers vaccine needs to be stored at minus 75. 00 degrees celsius, which could hamper distribution asked here what does not feel it. Meanwhile, countries are scrambling to sign contracts to secure doses for their population. Chinas sign novak is already arriving in brazil. The country hit hard by current virus is importing some 46000000 doses to be used if it is approved. Aljazeera cases across africa have now passed 2000000 with at least 48000 deaths. And its feared the actual figure could be much higher as testing rates are quite low across the continent. In the past 28 days, cases of increased compared to the previous month in 19 countries in the region including countries like kenya, geria, ghana, and doctors in syrias last rebel stronghold. A warning that the coronavirus could take a catastrophic toll on the region and its population. The u. N. Says daily infections in italy, a province of increased by 300 percent in the last month alone. And as victoria getting reports, the region is packed that the regions packed camps could be a disaster waiting to happen. It live provence has been battered by the syrian conflict and now in its 10th year, the last rebel controlled glave in the northwest is home to nearly 4000000. People most depend on aid to survive and many live in makeshift shelters in camps for the displaced it live reported its 1st Coronavirus Infection in july. Since then, the number of people infected has increased rapidly to 11 and a half 1000 a day. This on the last 5 to 10 years of dealing with bombing casualties and the targeting of health facilities. The coronavirus pandemic has really increased the burden on us if cases of cover 19 continue to increase. The Health Sector will completely collapse it. Lead has 8 hospitals that can treat cave in 1000 patients, but the u. N. Says 7 are already overwhelmed. And each one is desperately short of the quick meant. There are 142. 00 i. C. U. Beds and 155. 00 ventilators, to cover the entire region. The names of the beds in the intensive care unit are completely full. We have around 30 pads, all of which are occupied with patients upstairs. We have another department with 30 beds and we have 30 patients in that department to. 6 6 the outbreak has mostly affected adlib city safe, but the fear is the virus could spread to overcrowded camps where social distancing is difficult to be reconsidered. The situation is very worrying and it didnt want to stand too, that we have. We are in 90 percent of better company. It is very, very hard to be doing because you know, they have to increase the number of beds they dont really know for the patients and critically patients is very, very reduced. So we are really worried about the issue. And in india, the grade of r. s pandemic has severely tested the worlds best health care services. Syria is destroyed by years of war is facing its biggest challenge yet. Victoria, india is close to reaching 9000000 corona, virus infections with another 45000 reported on thursday. Now that if it is high pollution in the capital, could lead to more virus related deaths per annum reports that is residents havent had a day of clean air in joggers in new delhi, take advantage of the relatively clear air. After weeks of toxic, small stop people from venturing outside for exercise, for the morning and with it becomes harder to cycle run in the air, pollution, cough and sneeze that parents dont allow us to go. 6 of the worlds 10 most polluted cities are in indias capital region. Until the recent rain cleared, the small and the air quality index in new delhi was showing levels of pollution between 4549918 scale of 500 that is 20 times higher than whats considered safe by the world health organization. Botts went to rain is unusual in delhi as pollution levels deteriorate again soon. Everyone to smoke from stubble burning in farms in the neighboring states of punjab and haryana and fumes from vehicles and factories and gulf. The city. Lower temperatures and slower moving winds trapped pollutants in the air. But this year, institutions including harvard in cambridge universities, say air pollution is leading to more severe cases of the coronavirus and more deaths from it. And no way and via is the situation that in delhi, the number of record highs, hospitals are full, its impossible to get a bad bed today. So we were a desperate situation from that perspective and its going to get worse as the combination of air pollution in the winter months. And of course covered all make things worse for the putative time environmentalist say the Delhi Pollution Control Committee or d, p c. C must do more. P. C. C. Was found to have only 37. 00, full time scientists and engineers who can actually go where they know who have the it lead to go and inspect and police an issue in order to cation against polluting sources. Thats nearly not enough. We need hundreds of them this month, the Indian Government set up a new commission to monitor and act against sources of pollution across 5 North Indian States health experts. And environmentalists criticised the timing, saying they had been warning for moms that the easing of the lockdown would lead to an increase in pollution and the impact that would have on those with covered 19 elizabeth piron of aljazeera new delhi. More countries in europe are considering culling large numbers of minke of affairs. They may be carrying a mutated version of corona virus. Italy is one of 6 countries, reporting infections in farmed make, both farmers and animals. Theyre being tested for the disease in sweden, almost 20 cases have been confirmed in people working with mink and authorities are investigating if the infections are linked and arland is following denmarks decision to carry out a nationwide cull of make, even though no animals have tested positive there e. U. Leaders have clashed over a budget standoff with 2 of the blocs, Eastern European members, which is putting a multibillion dollar Coronavirus Relief package in jeopardy. Crisis talks have been taking place at a Virtual Summit after both poland and hungary vetoed the budget. Earlier this week, they are unhappy with a rule that denies funding to nations. The e. U. Decides are acting undemocratically. Officials are anxious to approve the 7 year budget, which includes 887 1000000000. 00 to help the block recover from the pandemic. But leaders decided to allow more time for an agreement to be reached which is the editor in chief of music right inside. He joins us over. Skype from budapest way is usually based in poland. Thanks very much indeed for being with us. Can you explain to us why hungry in poland . Have decided to block this at this point even though they stand to benefit from from the money . No good, probably the 1. 00 that isnt is internal. Though poor countries are struggling with internal problems with 19, its part of an eye for the overt attention of course. But more importantly, this is about them of the most gain changer in how the socalled liberal democracies have been dealing so far in europe. They went unchecked, there were no external or internal checks on quite a revolutionary push. Theyve been trying to take all system in the hunger. That is specifically there was corruption widespread that could be growth. We have the new regulation of the these, these processes, my compass of the leaders of those countries are trying to push back. So i mean that, that, that is it likely that that block could go ahead without them is that technically as difficult to do technically, isnt it . Well, actually, you lay shown the rule of law can be voted by, by majority, doesnt have to be unanimous. Unlike other items on the, on the table, which is the budget for instance. And here to veto, a potential veto would be harmful to the whole e. U. , including hungary and then including potence. But even as you is results on the it and its its debts and then to put an end to such practices, it can vote on the rule of law mechanisms that conditionality mechanism, airily as early on monday as on day and and, and hungry in poland will lose rationale to block the budget overall, but otherwise is very beneficial for the citizens and for the economies of those countries and what, so what do you think the, the position will be and it will be a resolution to think on monday. I think currently we have heard from todays briefing up to the summit of those apostles meetings. And now the european union, there is still on board to negotiate to find some common ground. But it is unlikely, and underlying message is that the majority of countries of the u. , also many allies, usual allies in Central Europe are expecting to go with the majority and support rule of law. I can ship those q. Thank you very much. Indeed for joining us and out here. Thank you. Now the Spanish Government has opened a 2nd Holding Facility for refugees and migrants on the Canary Islands. After the 1st camp there was overwhelmed. The Canary Islands are part of spain, but lie 100 kilometers off the coast of west africa. One of the shortest sea routes to a european territory. Around 200, people were transferred from the old facility, which was housing 2 and a half 1000 people, almost 6 times its capacity. But local residents have been protesting against the new camp saying the islands cant cope with thousands of arrivals from africa. Separatist armenians have handed 2 more areas of disputed territory to azerbaijan. Is part of a deal to end 6 weeks of fighting over a new going to care about. And dam and regions are also officially part of azerbaijan, but have been inhabited and controlled by armenians for decades. That means armenia has ceded control of several areas, which many armenian see as a defeat thats said to angry protests, demanding the Prime Minister nicola passion and resign. Meanwhile, azerbaijan says it will soon armenia for vandalism. It wants to invite International Experts to a city. It recently recaptured to assess the war crimes claiming it was once a success and now lives in ruins. And some have been divided was given rare access to physically as part of an area government organized tour and his report. This is a plume of white phosphorus, a banned chemical which burns human skin as the forces allege. This was fired on a civilian area by armenia. Both countries accuse each other of using the illegal mission, but deny using it themselves. Its the 1st Time International media has been allowed into territory retaken by the forces destroyed tank then unexploded rockets are everywhere. The gorgon village post was a strategic importance for the bunkers and supply routes. Retreating armenian troops left these shells and thousands of rounds. Helmets, boots, sleeping bags and uniforms littered the field on the way to fizzling. The town was captured by the Armenian Military in 1903, and most of it is in ruins. Now, among the people taken to the town for a tour arranged by the government, where some homeowners from physically, these are then the entrance to my house was from the other side. But now bushes and trees have overtaken my 3 bedroom house with a kitchen and a big yard. Very said was the reason why did they grab and destroy all these houses . What youve also lost his home, and he says he used to be the head of the theater in physically 27 years ago in the biz. Im sure that got the oldest building officially was a theater. It was an architectural marvel. And 100 years old. Its not far from here, but now its damaged beyond recognition, where we stand now used to be a busy street, and a luxury is part of the city. Now its just hurtful and up, sitting up. This right here about its territorial claims physically has largely remained a ghost town. I mean, you captured it in 1903, but the 100000 plus population in iran physically was never replaced. Its not clear whether it was systematically damaged or just neglected for nearly 3 decades. As any president says, shortly after the deal that ended the conflict in forced armenia to hand over territory to other right, John Construction is set to begin on the 29000000 dollar highway that will link visually to the 2nd largest city in nagornokarabakh. And according to him, the enemy will be held to account armenia as a state bears the responsibility for such an actions of war crimes, crimes against humanity, encodings in a policy of vandalism. And based on that, assessments of course, will continue to build internet institutions including the international courts. So are tissue, armenia. Those displaced from physically see their mosques have been destroyed in graves of their ancestors desecrated. They say what gives them strength is knowing theyre no longer displaced and will be able to rebuild their homes, looking at the destruction, its hard to imagine how this was once a bustling city with tens of thousands of people. People here say theyre emotional when theyve come back and theyre ready to rebuild their lives. As soon as they get the go ahead. Some of the job it does, if they are physically protest is a much ng through colombias capital bogota to mark one year since massive antigovernment demonstrations. The rally has been organized by unions, students, teachers, and members of colombias indigenous communities. Last year, a labor strike escalated into widespread protests against president even dukas, social and economic policies. And is on the im getting is in bogota. And his people are still hoping for change by the navy and proud that hitting the streets of the capital with that number of ideas of other cities across colombia, i decent crowd by general colombian standards when it comes to demonstrations and protests, but were clearly not even close to what weve seen. Obviously a lot of that had to do with the fact that make not everybody wants to protest at this time in their name, their context that they definitely dont do them. I believe that it will be difficult though 40 some people manage to do what theyve been hoping to do for now over a year, which is to sit down and start formal negotiations if they got serious social and economic so they think on the government when it comes to the man, i think the story, you know, that colombia they signed in 2006 with fired rebels. The reality that the government has not nearly enough to keep pace with the kind of reforms that ford and also the fact that there has been a lot of violence against remote areas of the country. Still ahead in the edwards from the university of georgia, an n. B. A. Draft with a difference as the delayed annual pick of the best College Players goes ahead in the pandemic thats coming up and spoke with now his big toe is all a sport. Thank you. Lauren barcelona captain, you know messi says he is tired of always being blamed for problems at the club. This was, am returning to spain from International Duty with argentina reporters outside the airport ask him to respond to claims by Anton Griezmann former agent that he has a reign of terror, a faster pace. He tried to leave the club this year but was forced to stay another season after they refused to trigger his release clause. For him, it was only getting out even if they dont. Whats your reaction to being called the head of a reign of terror as ours is in progress . To be honest, im a bit tired of always being the problem for everything in this club. And to top it off, ive just arrived after a 15 hour flight and get delayed by customs. Its crazy not to be asian champions league, which is being hosted inside a quarantine bubble in cutter. Australian side sydney f. C. Were up against showing i. S. I. Fiji of china at the world cup stadium. And it was sydney who had been trained to her job back came shanghai in the 2nd half of the equaliser from leashing long. And then he got another to put them ahead with 10 minutes to lift only one, even though its own terms and to make it worse was serving their goal keeper. Thomas howard bell was sent off. Look at their you cant do their moment of madness in the 91st when handling the ball ball than 5 metres outside of the box. Female footballers who have families are set to receive better working conditions. Footballs governing body says it will bring in new rules allowing players to take at least 14 weeks of mis finity leave and still get paid a minimum of 2 thirds of their contracted salary. They also get extra physical support when they return. Any club that in the face contract for becoming pregnant could face a fine and might even be banned from the transfer market for a year. The rules are set to be ratified by the fever council in december. Russians are very verbal ever signed off on a positive note, despite elimination from this years a. T. P. Finals in london, the world number 8 defeated the u. S. Open champion dominant team 6275 innings. Final group stage match. This was the 23 year olds 1st appearance of the year. In the event it follows suppose a year for him in which he has won 41. 00 matches. Thats more than anyone else on the tour. I mean, i feel actually that it would be here. I mean, i was so course much more than i was serving, so could be completely different story if i would win too much as i would maybe to have chances to be in same as in rugby, england are preparing for what would be considered a 1st real test of the autumn nations cup on saturday. Last week the english won quite comfortably against georgia, but this time around they face a far tougher opponent. In ireland. Coach, eddie jones has made for changes from the team that beat the georgians. All the guys now that very, very tough team, you know, what was there 18 months ago, theyre ranked number one in the world. So the class in ability of this team and we now are going to be there our best to, to get the result. We want to get joness former australian rugby union, the successor who are at least success anyway. If michael checa is switching codes to take charge of lebanons, a rugby league team, he was well of his boss for 5 years until 2019. And has been working as a consultant with argentina. But now it is going back to his roots. As both of these parents were migrants from lebanon, who went to australia in the 1950 s. Checker will prepare them for next years Rugby League World cup. One of the biggest stars in Major League Baseball Robinson Cano has been suspended for the whole of next season for taking a performance enhancing drug. The new york mets 2nd baseman tested positive for a banned anabolic steroids. Its been suspended for 162. 00 games without pay, which will cost them 24000000. 00 in essentially, thats not the 1st time. The 38 year old has violated the emilies drug rules. Served an 80 game suspension in 2018 when he was playing for the Seattle Mariners after months of delays because of the pandemic, the n. B. A. Has held its annual draft will be adversely the leagues commissioner. Adam silver announced the number one pick while the hopefuls waited at home with their families, with the 1st pick in the 2020 n. B. A. Draft, the Minnesota Timberwolves select Anthony Edwards from the university of georgia. It was an emotional moment for edwards, the assessed surrounded by parents, school, and portraits of his late mother and grandmother who died of cancer. A 19 year old will now get a 4 Year Contract with 44200000. 00. Im going to what are we do brain what i bring to the table and just impact the game other way like they are written, scored about so defensively on impact the game be in a car, the best rebounded game that i can possibly be and just be a lock in and do whatever the coach and me needs me to do to be on. Meanwhile, work has begun on building the 1st ever major cricket venue in the United States. The same Team Baseball stadium in the dallas suburb of Grand Prairie is being redeveloped to host major and minor league cricket. It will also be a High Performance center for the national teams. The u. S. Is also planning a joint bid with the west indies to host the t 20 world cup. Its going to be fun. I tell you some of the baseball. A lot of the same things go on in the pitchers, have similar firm balls and all that. And its just, its going to be a lot of this is the 2nd largest sport in the world and were bringing to the largest media market in the world. And that sentence alone, it doesnt matter if its cricket or its widget. Well whatever it is thats just smells of opportunity. And thats what the sport lauren, back to you in london. You think very much, and thats it from a different tale. If thats news out of here and members know the full run of the days news. Thanks for watching. I think frank assessments, if American Public opinion polls betrayed by social media platforms after november. What would be good for the cultures if you believe that their heroes into our democracy . One obvious solution is to break up informed opinions. Lucas and his dog. Anyway, the protesters are going anyway, either its a bullet with a revolution. In depth analysis of the days global headlines because it gets really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. Its the u. K. s biggest hospital with the eventual capacity for 4000 covert 19 patients built inside a london conference center. It took just 9 days to construct with the help of Army Engineers dramatically expanding the Critical Care bed count and other similar sites on the way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised researches say that huge gaps in Testing Capacity that the government is now trying to close extrapolate that across the country and the spread of corona virus appears far wider than anyone thought. In 2012, aljazeera traveled to iraq. People here exactly scared to speak on camera, saying that if they talk to us, they think theyll be arrested down the line to take the pulse of a country ravaged under us occupation. Some of these graves are completely destroyed. Its one of the most holy and sacred sites in all of iraq and turned into a battleground between the mighty army and the americans rewind returns to iraq after the americans at this time on all, just as georgia prepares to announce the outcome of its recount. President elect joe biden runs donald trump, totally irresponsible for refusing to accept the election result. Im your intent of this is our jazeera live from london. Also coming up. Americans not to travel for thanksgiving, next week to stem the countrys surging coronavirus cases. This is a part of israel, the center part of israel might compare, becomes the 1st u. S. Secretary of state to visit the occupied golan heights, as well as an aid

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