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Logs. A long awaited inquiry into the conduct of Australian Special forces in afghanistan has found credible evidence of multiple war crimes. The report contains details of 39. 00 unlawful killings of civilians or prisoners and the cruel treatment of a father to other allegations include weapons being planted on bodies to conceal crimes. Turning to the inspector generals report, he found none of the alleged unlawful killings were described as being in the heat of battle. None were alleged to have occurred in circumstances in which the intent of the perpetrator was unclear, confused or mistaken. Its alleged that some patrols took the law into their own hands. Rules were broken. Stories concocted lies told, and prison is killed, nigga gauges in combat, i was more on the investigation. This is been a very long running inquiry, and it has been extremely critical of the culture within a strongly is special forces unit in afghanistan, the inquiry looked at allegations and incidents that occurred between 2520168 said that there was a warrior culture that had been created. One of deceit and coverup, and that is clear by the number of cases that are being referred to, the a stallion, federal police for prosecution. But the inquiry also said that it found evidence that Senior Leaders in offices actually knew of any wrongdoing that was occurring in these remote locations in afghanistan. But they are still responsible as well because it happened under their watch. But many of the allegations in this report will be extremely confronting to many people, including the families of alleged victims in afghanistan. Some of them include june, new soldiers being encouraged to execute prisoners, just to get what they call their 1st kill. And it also includes weapons being planted on bodies to conceal some of this alleged criminal activity. So from here, because this was just an administrative process, a special investigator will be appointed to gather evidence to try and work out which cases can be brought to the legal system and the chief of Defense Force in australia. Angus campbell has said that he wants any of these crimes to be dealt with domestically in ireland, pearsons this term, a director of human rights watch. And she says, some officials probably covered up the crimes and should also be held accountable. Fact that these were deliberate, cold blooded killings they were made out. And so you know, rightly i think there really needs to be criminal prosecutions of the individuals. And we know that its not just a few rogue activists. We know that 25 perpetrators have been identified in the course of this report. So i think it is really important that those individual cases are held to account and that swift independent prosecutions followed. But obviously this is also a broader issue of the culture of the special forces. And so i think thats why the government has announced that theyve set up this independent panel to really look at how to address the systemic cultural issues that allowed this environment where these killings were really normal lives. And in some cases, encouraged the office of the special investigator really needs to investigate the chain of command and command responsibility all the way to the top. And i think one of the interesting things that is a mess this, this purports squarely puts the responsibility on the level of patrol comeupance. However, command responsibility also means if someone, you know, knew or should have known, they also should be held criminally responsible. So i think, you know, we need to do a bit more digging into this report. But, you know, clearly a lot of people knew there were a lot of cover ups. And this, this, you know, these practices unfortunately were really a normal us. If here we, as Prime Minister says Government Troops are closer to victory against forces in the Northern Tier region, the fightings forced thousands to cross into sudan over the past 2 weeks. Many have gone for days without food, but aid is starting to arrive. Here, morgan, a voice from the Eastern States have got out if on the border more than a week after the arrival of refugees through this camp in the body of the 1st apply of food, aid is starting to trickle and also flour and oil is rationed out between the families who have come here, hundreds lined up to receive their share. Most of them have left their children back in shelters and withstand scorching sun while they wait. They are desperate to have some of that then a chance everything. No, im glad that aid organizations have started distributing food. A lot of people were going hungry. Some of us had gone for 2 or 3 days without food. There was a whole day that my kids and i went without any food, but now with 8 here we can have meals and its been 10 days since i came here from a country. And in those 10 days we havent eaten proper meals. We are hungry and we have small children to feed. Now we are going to get some food. And we think god for that, because over the past 10 days we didnt receive anything. We hope they bring more because this will not be enough for the many families here. Both of those are 2 of the nearly 15000. 00 residents of the camp, which was opened less than 2 weeks ago. They come from the region in northern ethiopia, where the government has launched an offensive more than 30000. 00 have fled to neighboring sudan since the start of the conflict, including to date aid organizations say thousands more. Integrate are facing a dire humanitarian situation with the government imposing a Communications Blackout and blocking access to the region. Many refugees arriving at the Sudanese Border are exhausted and hungry. So far, most of the food for the refugees has come from local communities around the border point and refugee camps. But the communities themselves face economic hardships, as sudan, battle flooring, market prices, and the number of both crossing the border to escape the fighting into gray is rising. Many said the 4 days without food now have something to eat. But the country, the refugees are arriving to has its own set of problems, including a state of emergency floods in september damaged many roads. And that is now one during a delivery to the challenges still remain there. But what were doing is that we have enough food in stocks in the country has w f. B. I would be able really to pull on food from other areas where we had surpluses to try to prepare food here as we speak right now. We have about enough food 46270000, people already here on site. And these are distributed of course, which of course, under god if as well where we are right now. The refugees dont know how long they will remain in the camps for now they just please to be safe and have food for their families. He will morgan aljazeera and of out of state. I mean, his Prime Minister is promising to change the military and the electoral system is in faces pressure to resign. The demands for the call pushing him to step down after he signed a deal to hand over parts of the gold, a cut, a buck to azerbaijan, up to 6 weeks of fighting rallies, organized by pro and antigovernment. Demonstrators were held in the capital soldiers who took part in the recent conflict or among the protesters so far, has ignored calls to quit aljazeera as a some of the edge of it is in the territories recently retaken by azerbaijan. He spoke to the as any president s special advisor, youre entering in really after 27 years, there is widespread destruction. What is the plan . Actually we see the destruction. Its in a bundle as a but are being committed by army against the city. And physically was one of the prosperous city of azerbaijan before completion. And azerbaijan has already started well done planning and city planning process. So what that a constructor intercity, or physically, and bring in internally displaced population of facility, back to facility, and as a deal, quite aerators of azerbaijan. And once again, International Community will see the difference between destruction of armenia and construction of azerbaijan. But of course, armenia as a state bears the responsibility for such an action, sort of war crimes, crimes against humanity in cordons, in a policy of 1. 00 ism. And based on that assessments, of course, we will continue to build International Institutions including the international courts. So you armenia, there is a demand by azerbaijan, to include turkish peacekeepers, there centers where theyre going to be based. Thats not decided. How many are there going to be . Thats not decided. So how are you going to talk about coming back to where your theory is, when there is so much still pending . Indeed to turn, if i do peace is going to be immediate process, a lot needs to be done, but no infrastructure has been left here, nor solid building have been left here. And all areas have been contaminated is a mines and unexploded ordinances. Everything has been destroyed, therefore, it requires from azerbaijan to start new trucks from recent destruction policy in these areas that russian peacekeepers are deployed in not going to care about region of azerbaijan. As regards in a turkish peacekeepers its, i was in a Monitoring System and currently with parameters are in the process of discussion. Thank you very much. Thank you. Especially by their to the president talking to us in for the early where there is widespread destruction all around. Most of the infrastructure in the city has been taken out. Locals here tell us that it was the city and surrounding areas refused to have about 140000. People who were displaced, from this area and since they were taken out in the 1990 s. , there is to be nothing but destruction that have happened here. So a lot needs to be done before. People can actually come back in more than a quarter of a 1000000, people have died from covered 19 in the u. S. Thats the highest number of deaths in a single country. Infections are still rising more than a 1000000 cases have been reported in the past week. The situation is so bad that states and cities are imposing new restrictions. New york citys just decided to close schools to prevent more infections. Canadas vast arctic territory of none of it has gone into a 2 week lockdown after was surging, covered 1000. 00 infections. The 1st case was reported at the beginning of november, but this week the figures doubled overnight, reaching 70 on wednesday, alexandra bios spoke to the premier to find out how bad things could get. For months it was one of the few places in the world untouched by the pandemic. Well, everyone in it would, is a little scared, wary about dark overhead right now because weve kept it out for out of the work for 8 months, but now its here. Its a territory the size of western europe sparsely populated with just 25. 00 communities, only accessible by plane. But despite its remoteness, new to hasnt been spared by the coronavirus. The majority of cases are in the hamlet of r. V. At a community of just under 3000 people. Most of nunavut citizens are indigenous and you eat. Theyve faced a legacy of canadas colonial policies and are already vulnerable. Jobs are scarce and a housing shortage means homes are overcrowded. Something thats especially dangerous during a pandemic and a lockdown. Nothing good comes out of overcrowded house. You have Mental Health issues. You have health issues, you may have Family Violence issues. There are only 2 hospitals in the territory, and residents are regularly flown to southern canada for medical treatment. No ones been flown out because of coded 19 yet, but the Health System is nearly at its limit. Thats the rationale for bringing these orders in place because everything that newly and do to reduce their contacts, to reduce the size of their social bubble. That helps us that helps reduce the impact of covert 90 gatherings are restricted schools and nonessential businesses are closed. Theres extra focus on students Mental Health. Its a young population which for years has struggled with high rates of suicide and depression. Theyve been given take Home Learning packages and teachers and support workers are regularly checking in on of the new york care for each other. Theyre going to make sure someone is sick or is alone in the house that theyre going to make sure that theyre going to make sure that they have enough food where a very Caring Society and we will be taking care of each other and looking out for each other, its believed many of the cases are linked to isolation hubs in southern canada, where infections are surging. Premiers of eco to us as the territorys isolation is one of its strongest assets right now. And we are going to stop the spread of this virus and we are going to prevail. It may take a little while, but we will. This is a region thats used to being snowed in and cut off. Covert 1000 may have gotten in, but the new are confident it wont stay for long. Alexandra byers, aljazeera still ahead, an aljazeera feeling abandoned. The workers in mali. Go on, strike, calling for better pay and protection anymore with iraq, that young people are going to safe ground under so must go on despite the coronavirus pandemic find out how you can enjoy this years i. C. L. Film festival in qatar. And i were out today, 2 warnings in europe, big area of day, a warning in sudden baltic necros, finland, and one of potentially severe thunderstorms down in crete. Now you see where the gales are coming in. Thats just for the frequency of low pressure is coming in from the atlantic going across the northern part of europe is increasingly drawing in cold air as well as a drop in the temperature into single figures as a high in london for example and snow shampoo. In the alps, but this is a repeat performance of a low in the eastern med, which brings quite a strong wind out the black sea down across the bosphorus. And then you pick up is creasing, mean big clouds, so showers for that part of the eastern med including crete. Once more, the process continues. During friday, the winds will be lighter in the baltic. Admittedly, the time she served dropped even more vienna down at 70 got snow showing up in parts of slovakia, ukraine, and of course, western russia and the circulation here not far away from sicily, bringing yet more story well to central med which was show itself up in least not today, but tomorrow in tunisia, libya and increasingly i think egypt now most of north africa is still fine. There are still rain showers as far west as liberia and around the corner into the ivory coast and gama. But on the coast to jump into the stream and to lean on Global Community bio diversity is bio security. It is that essential for our species to survive . Be part of the debate. I know you have my days and you too can be part of this conversation. When no topic is off the table, the police are not neutral and all of these cases goal here is to terrorize. And heres the other part of this. Theres no consequence. This stream on out is there. There were charges here, a reminder of our top stories this hour. An inquiry into the conduct of Australian Special forces in afghanistan has found credible evidence of multiple war crimes. The report details, 39. 00 unlawful killings of civilians or prisoners aid is beginning to arrive at refugee camps in sudan for those who fled violence in ethiopias to grave winter. Thousands of crossed the border in the past 2 weeks. The number of coronavirus related deaths in the us has now surpassed a quarter of a 1000000. Infections are also wise and with more than a 1000000 cases reported in just the past week. Large crowds have gathered in argentinas capital of supporting a push by the president that would legalize abortion. The move has reopened a controversial debate in the largely catholic country after a similar efforts failed 2 years ago. The risible reports from but a set is it was a Campaign Promise made by president elvira to fathom. And this valiant, to change the strict abortion laws in argentina. This week he sent a proposal to congress to legalize the procedure activists celebrated. But they know theres a tough battle ahead we believe we have to be on the streets to continue with the sea of green as we see it. Because we cannot be defeated again in the senate. And we dont know how many senators will vote in some cases they made up their decision to the situation on the street. So we need to be here. Abortion is only legal in argentina, in cases of rape, or if a womens lives is at risk. Our in 2018 at bill was passed in the lower house but failed to get senate have proven a lawsuit that controversial. 2 issue in the catholic can, can get back to the psyche that of the head. But this is what many here say that i was sick of it happening in atlanta and the way and thats why thousands of women are hospitalized every year. Most of those women do not for to go to robert, dr. And end up trying to terminate their pregnancies in back room. You see jurors that are unsafe and uniquely human Rights Groups say, legalizing abortion is a matter of Public Health and thats why theyre pushing all fortys to take action by turning public buildings green. The color that has come to represent the call to legalize abortion in latin america to some legislator, i already say that they are, they are in favor of abortion. Come on, this is there, maybe they dont fight against abortion on. Its ok. We know who they are on, its ok, but somebodys life, but i doubt ng on and we are trying to topple both who are doubting in order that book on means than to sell them. How we think or bank or and, and be nice to finally have that. They can, i say somalia face, on a far more fun to angle yanna are the only latin american countries that permeate pregnancies to be terminated in the 1st weeks of the bill in argentina would allow women to have an abortion during the 1st 14 weeks of pregnancy but the measure is also accompanied by a 1000 days. Sure is policy that will assist women who want to have their babies. But the bill faces strong opposition, especially from the catholic church. Both francis compared having an abortion to hiring a hit man. And many in the country agree an orderly once again, they are taking abortion law. They want to tell us abortion is the solution for poverty in argentina. We also all good argentinians to do what they can on the streets, to pressure legislators to oppose the bill. The abortion law cannot make it to congress. The law is likely to be debated in december during an extra sessions. These people say theyll remain on the streets pressuring congress to legalize abortion, and helping women to get the treatment they desperately need. A seat at one of situs chileans are demanding the resignation of president. Sebastian pinera after a crackdown on demonstrations. Police in santiago have used water cannon to disperse crowds and arrested people near the president ial palace 3 weeks ago. Chileans voted in favor of rewriting the constitution after more than a year of protests. There also demanding the release of activists whove been jailed at least 3 people have been killed in protests in uganda. After the arrest of president ial candidate, bobby wine and supporters, blocked roads and burned tires in the capital, kampala, prompting police to fire tear gas and bullets. A lot of blood in mali reports anger in uganda is kept to compound as word spread of the arrest of the one hes protesters who want as part of that message was clear, i think to face images of norm time leader. While the 70 Security Forces responded by carrying tear gas and arresting dozens of demonstrators this moment to prove them on to the street. About 100 kilometers away, the post in the town politician bobby bryant was campaigning in luka when he was arrested and bundled into police by Security Forces, cited repeated violations of conduct 90 restriction of the following his arrest. Bobby one tweeted the resistance is a t. T. Analysts say hes gaining popularity among young people who hoping to bring change to a country, ruled by president the 73 and a half decade. The 70s party insists the president is still popular. I think we have to look at that at the end of the day that democratic sheets, im not in simple. President said he must be awful, 35 years must not have never made. So its very important to know that people are looking for a change. One has been in politics since 2017 when he won a seat in the national assembly. The president ial hopeful has been arrested many times. This is what Security Forces did to this car, all of the submitted nomination papers to run for president , one since hes been repeatedly beaten and tortured. While Police Continue to crackdown in supposing that people have a right to demonstrate demonstrate peacefully any excessive use of force by Security Forces anywhere is of concern to us. And it is important that there is a space provided for people to express themselves whether in demonstration or through a democratic process. Uganda has never witnessed the peace through transfer power since independence in 1962 to the present elections that take place in january. Tensions are high with one with god. This isnt a 70 strongest challenge to his decades in power and money out if there are trillions in mali, have begun a 3 day nationwide strike after talks failed with the new transitional government. Civil servants are demanding better pay and protection. Theyre also calling for the recent colleagues whove been taken hostage by all groups. Nevers haq, reports. Its the night shift at this Medical Center in malis capital bamako Lab Technician may is on the front line in the fight against corona virus. He does the testing, analyzing, and feels questions from patients, some of whom have hiv, hepatitis, or malaria. For this, he earns 800. 00 a month, a good salary in a country where most earn less than 2. 00 a day, but the state often fails to pay his wages on time. He says he has gone months without pay. Now hes on strike. We feel marginalized by the authorities, we want them to stick to their words. We want our rights to be respected and the state to meet their obligations. Their National Union of workers are on a 3 day nationwide strike after talks with these new government of transition failed. Teachers and prison workers want more pay medical staff want better working conditions. Civil servants are unhappy with a new law that would allow officers of the mali an army to take their positions in the administration. All insist they want to see the end of corruption and iniquity in the civil service. Is a point when you see 2 people with the same job, one earns over 1800. 00 and earns less than 72. 00. Thats not rule of law and needs to be applied to the new government of transition that forced the president to resign in obvious, says the state coffers are empty and are unable to satisfy the huge demands. But in october, a multibillion dollar ransom was paid to armed groups with hundreds of al qaeda affiliate fighters freed in exchange for the release of french hostages in mali. An Opposition Leader said majlis. He said, several local administrators are still being held by armed groups. The union says not enough is being done to protect workers, the reality of the thirst for social justice and the desire to see the state. Consider all of its employees or presented in the same men because many feel abandoned by the government. For is a romi, this strike is not just about better pay and working conditions. Its about the desire to see the return of a state thats been largely absent in the face of instability. Attacks and a global pandemic. Nicholas hawke aljazeera from head spinning fantasy to gruelling reality movies can free us from the grind of a global qatars age. Old Film Festival has just opened its showcasing 18 movies from 46 countries and because of social distancing. Many of them are being streamed online stuff. We decorate reports the human spirit womens rights, the environment, just some of the important issues explored in the films on show at the 8th Film Festival in qatar. Its Award Winning world cinema meets home grown talent to spend out an amazing way to entertain. But its an amazing, easy way to get the hearts and minds of people. And this is what we try. And now for the last 10 years, to show that there is so much you can do with film, it has so much power to change everything for the better. And we need to use it. But given the events of the past few months, this years festival is a little different. Fewer people are attending the festival this year due to the coronavirus and social distancing regulations. Now, the foreign directors, actors and actresses, they would have walked to this red carpet, will be now attending online. A lot of the films are also going to be screened online. But despite these challenges, as the festival slogan goes, the show goes on to tell us that young people are going to say, and its young people who will be judging these films. The jury is made up of 8 to 25 year olds. They will be watching online in groups and then discussing what theyve seen doing. There is fun and fantasy, but most of it is tackling serious and difficult subjects from war to child labor. And the actual festival showcases home grown talent, 16 films, shorts and animations like atari filmmakers, all with a message. This one is called hope. Its about a sea turtle with a slight disability, but he persevered, it is journey to get out to the sea. Having to avoid predators and pollution along the way, perhaps a message in how to face challenges in life and how to take care of life around us. And were going to show how the activities gonna affect them and affect their journey from the day they are born to the final destination. Its all based on their list of reality. All the obstacles are actually of the cause they face. We want to turn to sanctuaries, we saw how they live, what they are facing, the issues they are having. And we all conveyed through the, from an ordinance is, can watch most of these movies online. Some are screened in cinemas and for those who live in doha, they can buy a ticket for an outdoor drive. And at a time when many people around the world face social restrictions, a mix of foreign films would provoking issues, reality fantasy. And maybe just a little bit of hope is a welcome escape, even if its just for an hour or 2. Stephanie decker, aljazeera, doha, this is our desire. These are the top stories i think already into the conduct of Australian Special forces in afghanistan has found credible evidence of multiple war crimes. The report also details

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