Plus Perus Congress chooses a former World Bank Official to be the countrys new president. Its 3rd this week. And al jazeera obtains recordings of one of the worlds most wanted men, trying to negotiate him. Unity from prosecution. And in sports reigning champions, algeria and qualified for the africa cup of nations. The desert fox is advance despite being held to a 22. 00 draw by zimbabwe in harare. Theres more good news in the battle against covert 19, but also warnings to the world to not to let down its guard as infections continue to soar. The u. S. Pharmaceutical firm modernists says early results from trials show its facts in is 94 points. 5 percent effective. Far exceeding expectations. We have about 20000000. 00 doses of vaccine by the end of this year. And were looking forward to making about 500000000. 00 to a 1000000000 doses next year. But that is going to be a 247 operation. It wont be maternal, it wont solve this problem. Its going to require many vaccines as weve been saying for a while, but we have to be able to do our part from here for. This is really important. Well, the news comes a week after a 5 by on tech announced that its vaccine was 90 percent effective. It means the u. S. Could potentially have to vaccines authorized for emergency use next month. And the durness does not require ultra cold storage. Well, the vaccine cant come soon. Enough. Infections in the u. S. Have risen by a 1000000 in just the last week. Taking its total to more than 11000000 cases of the head of the World Health Organization says the new vaccines are encouraging, but he warned people against becoming less vigilant. This is not the time for complacency. While we continue to receive encouraging news about called good 19 vaccines and remain cautiously optimistic about the potential for a new tools to start to arrive in the coming months. Right now, we are extremely concerned by the surging cases were seeing in some countries, particularly in europe and the americas. Well, lets go straight now to washington d. C. And speak to aljazeera as alan fischer. Alan. Obviously, any news of a vaccine is great for the whole world, but particularly for the u. S. Right now, which is seeing cases just continue to soar. Exactly. Were seeing states that are rolling back the restrictions that they had relaxed over the summer, simply because the number of cases is beginning to overwhelm hospitals and intensive care units. Were seeing new restrictions being placed on gatherings of more than 25. Were seeing schools being closed down as well in just 6 days. The United States reported 1000000 more cases. Theres more than 1000 people dying here in the United States every single day over the last week or so. So this news comes against that backdrop and it is welcome. So theyre expecting 20000000 doses to be sent before the end of the year. They will be sent to those who work on the front line. Those considered most at risk, and then they will start the operation to gear up to produce enough vaccines to start sending it out across the country. And then hopefully by the end of next year, people will have received the vaccines even though there are those who are concerned that they might not want to jump in on the 1st. But to make sure that everything is safe, everything is good. But under the photo, the man whos really been the face of the battle against covert here in the United States well, welcoming the news says this is not the time for people to start, not listening to the experts. The virus is not going to stop and call a timeout while things change the virus is just going to keep going. The process is just going to keep going. This is something that just is now going in the very, very strong right direction. The vaccines are effective, we want to get it approved as quickly as we possibly can. We want to get doses to people starting in december, and then we want to really get the ball rolling as we get into january, february, and march. We want to smooth process for that and the way you do that is by essentially having the 2 groups speak to each other and Exchange Information anthony, speaking there, oh, well allan, though we know that president elect biden has made the fight against the pandemic, his top priority for is a presidency realistically though, what can he do at the moment . He can set up a process so that come january, hell be able to move very quickly and do the job that needs to be done. As for the president , donald trump, were told that the covert task force still meets on a regular basis. No word on whether or not it made today to discuss this new revelation from the dinner. But what we did get was a tweet from the president , just reminding everyone that the vaccines that have been discovered last week by pfizer. And then this week by madonna happened on his watch. Thats a distinct change in torn from donald trump, whos currently in the oval office, not far from where im standing. You remember that a week ago he was accusing pfizer of holding back the information on the vaccine until after the election, deliberately doing that to try and hurt his efforts reelection. So this time he seems to be welcoming the news that there could be 20000000 doses of vaccine going to those who need it most by the end of the year. Ellen fisher with the latest from washington d. C. Allan, thank you. Well, in the last hour, president elect joe biden has laid out his plan for reviving the pandemic battered u. S. Economy, but stressed that 1st the coronavirus must be brought under control by the spoke after consulting business and labor leaders. His plan includes a minimum wage of 15. 00 an hour and only awarding government contracts to companies, making products on u. S. Soil by didnt urge congress to pass pandemic relief legislation as soon as possible as possible, and expressed concern about delays to the president ial transition. More people may die if we dont coordinate, look for my chief of staff, ron klain, and will the vaccine is important solution to your vaccinated. So how do we get the vaccine . How do we get over 300000000, americans vaccinated . Whats the game plan . Its a huge, huge, huge undertaking to get it done, prioritize those greatest in need and working our way through it and also cooperate with the World Health Organization and the rest of the world in dealing with this. And so they say they have this work Speed Program that the not only dealt with getting vaccines, but also how they do, how to distribute this. If we have to wait until january 20th to start that planning, it puts a speed high over a month, month and a half. And so its important that it be done at the be coordination. Now castro joins us live now from wilmington, delaware, which is where joe biden was speaking from heidi. What else that the president elect say . Well joe biden also said, kind of with a wry smile, that he was hoping that President Trump would be quote, mildly more in lightened as the days progress in order to coordinate with the incoming administration. As you just heard him say more people will die due to the lack of coordination in distributing the vaccines. And bidens also said on President Trumps refusal to concede on his garage of tweets over the weekend at 1st acknowledging bidens when and then claiming that it was actually trump who had one will. President like biden said that he, that those comments on behalf of trump were quote, more embarrassing for the country than debilitating to my ability to get started as the incoming president. And he try to show people today the work that he is doing, even without the direct coordination with the outgoing administration. Biden, along with the Vice President elect camelot harris met with business and labor leaders over zoom here in delaware and biden said that he found the conversation encouraging. The topic of course, was how to get the countrys economy back on track with the forecasts of yet another decline in the economy. Lagging in these indicators of the hospitalizations and the deaths, of course growing here in the United States. And as far as what he, what biden can do about it, this is moment, of course, is not much, hes not president , hes not in office until january 20th. When pressed on what he could do. Now laurie mediately, when he takes office to boost this economy. He again sided with a plan thats already existing among congressional democrats, which is called the heroes act, which would be another massive economic rescue package for the country, totaling some 3. 00 trillion dollars. And its a package that simply he hasnt gained traction in attracting republican support. So now the big question is not only what biden will do when he takes office, but also whether democrats will win 2 Senate Runoff races in the beginning of january. That would determine whether democrats take control of the senate. If biden were to enter office with both the senate and the house of representatives under his thumb, controlled by democrats. Well then his wife weeping agenda of course would have a lot more support than having to operate under the current status of having a divided congress. That is your custom with the laces from wilmington, delaware. Heidi, thank you. Well, for more on the situation in the u. S. When it comes to go of it and also those that news of a potential new vaccine, lets speak to dr. Lisa who morris, and shes an emergency physician and senior director of medical education at hippo education. She joins us via skype from los angeles. Madame, thank you so much for joining us year on aljazeera. How encouraging have you found this news coming out of the pharmaceutical firm that their early results from the vaccine show . 94. 5 percent efficiency. Yeah, so much so thank you so much 1st of all for having me. Its certainly very hopeful news. The fact that they have been able to crank out this vaccine so quickly is truly remarkable. I do though, as a clinician and as a medical professional do want to sort of keep this in perspective. Everyone is throwing out the 94 percent number, which again is good news. But as in any type of pharmaceutical, any type of therapeutic, we have to sort of keep this in perspective, which is that this is early interim analysis from the company who developed it. And so we have to look at this sort of critically. We have to realize that this is still a smaller sample size, right . And theyre of course going to have biased published in their own data. So to say that its truly 94 percent effective is encouraging news, but we also want to follow this up with further larger studies downstream. Now, of course, given the need for the vaccine, you know, all of our concerns is how safe is this vaccine given the expeditious processing . And i think what reassures me as a physician and certainly my colleagues is that at least there are safety nets. And theres 2 separate organizations that are separate from government and separate from pharmaceutical industries. So they have no financial filiation who do safety checks throughout these Clinical Trials. The 1st one is the data safety monitoring board in this is a group of scientists and clinicians and researchers who are again, unbiased, who look at the Clinical Trial throughout the course and are checking to see, you know, the safety profiles. And well put a pause if they have any red flags or concerns and so far it looks like its getting green lit. So for me that actually speaks more than the initial publication of 94 percent on a small sample size. Well, thats a fairly the f. D. A. Please go on, go ahead. Secondly, the f. D. A. Vaccine Advisory Committee is another committee, another subcommittee that assures true safety. And so once these 2 committees would give the green light for the f. D. A. To finally approve it, that to me is enough reassurance because they will stick to their code. You know, this is their code is not to be broken and not to be politicized or, or financially incentivised. So thats, i think, what were all waiting for. And then of course, you know, as discussed, the distribution and being strategic about that is so important. Absolute distribution, both internationally and within specific countries, like the u. S. And the u. S. Were seeing is having just a dreadful time of dealing with it as cases continue to spiral. How do you think it should be handled . Because even in the best case scenario, we are talking months on a way before there is a viable value thats available. Yes, thats such a good question. And interestingly, you know, as opposed to our searches that were seeing in the spring and even early summer in the fall, even right now, speaking to my colleagues from everywhere from, you know, the south Southern California where i am all the way to the east coast. Were seeing different variable patterns and the question is why its really, its interesting, for example, Southern California and texas and parts of the southwest were seeing certainly cases surge again, but the acuity or the Critical Care level of those patients seems to be a little bit lower than it was earlier in the year in the question is, why is it just a lag in . Are we going to see that in the coming weeks . Whereas my colleagues currently in chicago, for example, and detroit are saying its complete hotspot way worse than the previous spring and summer surges where theyre not only having number of cases that are high, but the acuity that Critical Care time, the mortality rates are the highest theyve been for them, so in terms of, you know, mobilizing these vaccines, i think that has to be considered certainly the highest risk patient populations, certainly front line workers, but also we should geographically send these vaccines 1st. The places that are being hit hard, not just by the number of cases because remember most of us are walking well patients, right . But really who, who is really like sick and dying from this virus. And so, you know, that would be my personal opinion. But the term is a home are so thank you so much for explaining it so clearly for us. Thank you again. Emergency physician and director of medical education at hippo education. Thank you. Thank you. The President Trumps National Security adviser says the 1st step to solving the qatar gulf blockade is to allow planes to fly over saudi and bahraini airspace. Robert obrian was speaking at a Global Security forum hosted in part by cattle. He said hed like to see for Mission Flights granted within the next 70 days before a transition of office, saudi arabia, the u. A. E. , egypt, and bahrain and poised impose the land sea and air blockade on cateye in 2017. So wed like to get that rift saw we felt the salt in the air when it gives you that you referred to the air, had, was it because it was able to fly over saudi or space or already or space is an important 1st step in solving that rift id like to see that get done before. If we end up, we dont offer selects that get done in the next 70 days. And i think theres a possibility for well, catherine foreign minister also spoke at the forum and said there are no winners in the blockade. We are hopeful this at any moment. And what, what we need to right now is to have a serious engagement and a good faith with the other countries. And this is what i was prepared to do. Every time we would be ready for this, they would see it at the ready for this. And as i told you, at the beginning there is no, were not out of this crisis. And all of us are losing. And if the crisis will, all of us will be over and over, people will be able to afford. Coming up on this news, hour from london to ethiopia sends reinforcements to t. Gray, and rejects calls for mediation to end the conflict with the northern regions rulers. The armenians back out of yet, yvonne branding their Prime Minister, a traitor and demanding that he step down. And in sports, the tennis world, number one has his eye on a record equalling 680 p. Finals title. That story, coming up a bit later with 5 pros, congress has chosen francisco, gusty to be the countrys new president. The former World Bank Official will be perus 3rd leader in the space of a week after winning the confidence vote. But who has been in political turmoil since the impeachment of popular president let him discover last week, which led to mass protests on the street that his successor, a man who enmity no, lasted just 5 days before resigning on sunday. After 2 people died in protests against this government that he has. Sanchez joins us live now from somebody out. What are the chances that francisco said asked the world last in office a little longer than a sprint assessor, which was the whole of 5 days . That is an answer that i cannot give you because this Congress Already impeached a precedent. They could peach. Franciscos, i guess the as well, but right now they have the pressure of the street, the pressure of the protesters of a nationwide peruvians who are against the corruption in congress. And so they would have to measure their acts before they do them. But for no fransisco, who is a world, a former World Bank Official, hes been an industrial engineer and hes been advice and advice or to the Foreign Ministry has been already sworn in as the congress precedent. And because there are no Vice President s discover was the Vice President of cuttin scheme, and the 2nd Vice President resigned. So the next in line is the congress president. Thats why he will be sworn in as troops, interim president , to bring the country towards elections in april of next year and to hand in the government to the next president on july of next year. Barbara, the reaction has been, has not been jubilant. As many people would have thought that that would happen, but its a good sign. People are calm, people are going about their business again because people are also tired, they have to work. And this is, of course, tolls down the political upheaval produce been in the plus week. But mariana, human Rights Groups have reported the disappearance of some protesters, which is obviously incredibly worrying. What do we know about that . Barbara, this is very important. A human rights organizations have said that in the past few days, more than 40 protesters went and accounted for. Now we know that they are now about more than 6 at least 6. The rest have start going back home. But most importantly, as after these 2 students were killed in the protests, the attorney general of the country for either of those has opened a preliminary investigation, criminal investigation against former president manuel. Maybe you know, his cabinet chief and the interior Ministry Minister for and forth disappearances for homicide and for abuse of power. This is, this is now where the last officials stand and the, the attorney general has said that those crimes will not go unpunished. Mariana sanchez with the latest from lima in peru. Mariana, as always, thank you. Aljazeera has obtained recordings of one of the worlds most wanted men trying to negotiate immunity from prosecution. The billionaire financier, joel garreau, is wanted for the major role that he played in the multibillion 1. 01 and d. B. Fraud scandal in malaysia, interpol has issued a global warrant for his arrest, but hes still on the run. Jolly has this exclusive report which has flash photography at the start. He was once 2 tourists from his day couldnt lifestyle, Luxury Real Estate and super yacht, all bored with one m. T. B. Money. But today the malaysian finance ia joe is on the run 130 c. In the United States and malaysia in recordings of taint exclusively by, 000 is heard for the 1st time, trying to conjure deal with mojave, a mohammads government soon updates historic election win in may, 2018, just on the phone jolo, protests easy missile, use the office to return all the assets just with one aim to be funds i think is delusional. Former f. B. I. Special agent, deborah love provocateur, worked on the agencys initial one m. T. B. Investigation. You know, its like the bank robber who gets caught it is like, well if i return the money, then i dont want to be charged with robbing the bank. Well, you still robbed the bank, and in this case, you are robbed of the Development Fund and the strong evidence he deed, according to the man who led the f. B. I. Is one m. T. B. Investigation. Until recently, i think were very confident that we will be able to prove involvement and his position in this scheme. In july this year, joes coconspirator, malaysias former Prime Minister knows you present, was convicted and sentenced to 12 years in jail, subject to an appeal for crimes related to wanting to be back in 2018. Jolo, put all the blame on but reading the fugitive to justice has proved challenging. Despite 2, interpol red notices against him and multiple possible is cancelled. He continues to evade authorities and travel. The only way theyre going to happen is through corruption and through the full resources of one or more governments. But according to the fugitive life on the run is not easy question, because its crashing 2 years on and hes still paying millions of dollars to noise and p. R. Firms around the world. Marianne jolie eligible for this we can speak to glen carlos, a former u. S. Intelligence officer, and joins us live from boston by skype. Sir, thank you so much for joining us here on. Ill just say our 1st of all your reaction to the fact that the spanish trying to negotiate immunity from prosecution surprised by that russia cries, of course, hell try to diminish as much as he can and the penalties that he maybe of likes to pay. But the fact that hes on the run, frankly, is an indication that he thinks that there is, hes guilty if he were not guilty, then he would not have that much to fear. And the fact that the United States, malaysia or the european union, multiple countries of all conduct are conducting investigations and have been trying to, to detain him. All indicate that there is fire, where there has been the smoke. You mentioned investigations and trying to detain him. But they havent managed to yet, do you think its just a matter of time . What do you think that could be the reasons behind that . Well, its not necessarily maritime no, or if he is in a country where the government is not inclined to extradite him or doesnt have an extradition treaty, as appears to be the case, he seems to be in china, then it is not clear at all that justice can reach him and just paint the picture for us of the scope of this one m. D. Before that scandal in malaysia, which maybe not a lot of people in the west have heard of. But if it was a multibillion dollar scandal, well, ive lost track of how many billions of dollars are involved. But i know that from the United States perspective, mr. Angle involvement, goldman sachs, the investment firm, has voluntarily agreed to return. I believe its 4000000000 dollars thereabouts, to the government of malaysia to pay hundreds of millions, approaching a 1000000000. 00 in fines. A number of its executives have been indicted and thats only one aspect of the entire octopus, like stealing of funds. So i think were talking about 4000000000. 00 minimum and i think substantially more than call former u. S. Intelligence officer joining us from boston via skype. Sir, thank you for sharing your expertise and views with us and the full exclusive investigation, joe lo hunt for a fugitive. But well air on aljazeera next at 0600 g. M. T. Lots more still to come in this hour, including moldova chooses a new president and a new direction. The woman who wants to lead her country away from russia. A man must find that mexico scientists and earth, a huge collection of ice age skeletons, the largest discovery of its kind, and then sport. The olympic president is in tokyo with an update for fans hoping to attend next years summer games. How the weather remains for the cool and quiet across eastern parts of year. Not too much going on here. So good deal moller over towards the west. But its also a good deal. West fans of cloud of the rain streaming in from the atlantic from time to time. Just look wall to wall, right. We have got some sunshine in between, but its looking rather blustery temperatures. Not too bad. Then 1415 degrees celsius showers longer spells of right coming across. More them out of western parts of scotland, glassy pushing into wales. Scandinavia also seeing some of that damp weather with some snow over the high ground. Certainly cold enough air which was yes, temperatures subzero there. In moscow, some snow to the east of that. Whats the weather down across, remaining back down towards the balkans. Some heavy rain pushing down towards greece as we go on through tuesday and on into where to stay. So some rather lively and fundraise showers, a rumbling away across that Central Eastern part of the mediterranean, wetter weather blustery weather to up towards the northwest, but mild and then recently quite into central areas. The west weather that we have across parts of the central med could also face some showers, maybe some longer spells of rain into Northern Areas or maybe into libya as well. Koukash into egypt. The main rain thats for the south. The b. B. C. s journalism is revered around the world, but its close relationship with the British State has always placed limits on its independence. I love the fun of it exists a sum of things it goes to the flow. Phillips explores the little known century long tussle between the b. B. C. In the u. K. Government and considers the current threats to its future if the government has it, in for the b. B. C. What it is, see the enemies on. The movers battle for the b. B. C. , a listening post special on aljazeera, held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell, denied their right to a fair trial. No charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent, mahmoud. Youre saying his crime journalist to demand my new truths and voice solidarity with all detained journalists. Sign the petition monitor saying the, the all come back, heres a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera, u. S. Pharmaceutical company. Modernist says early results from its covert 1000 facts, even show its 94. 5 percent. The fact that this means the u. S. Could have to vaccines also rise for emergency use next month after fines or biotech, and else its vaccine was 90 percent effective last week. Meanwhile, cases are surging in the United States at an unprecedented rate. A 1000000 infections were recorded than just the last week, taking its total to more than 11000000. 00. Joe biden says more could die if President Trump continues to delay his transition. And pros, congress has chosen francisco sagacity to be the countrys new president. As protests have been taken place since president who commands Popular Support was impeached last week. His successor, i know, and maybe no less, that just 5 days before resigning. Battling its own 2nd wave of the coronavirus, the e. U. Is scrambling to secure advance orders of the newly announced vaccines. Tighter restrictions are being announced in several countries in an effort to curb a winter surge in cases that as british Prime Minister is, has been forced to suffer isolate for 2 weeks after coming into contact with someone testing positive for covert 19 needs. Barker reports, its a Public Health warning with a difference. The german mockumentary features an elderly man looking back to the year 2020. The year he aged just 22. 00, did his patriotic duty and switch partying for snacking on the sofa. Behind the humor, a serious message to young people must play their part in the war against coronavirus. A fight, the german chancellor said the country must intensify. Shes been pushing for tougher measures, including mandatory face masks in schools. Despite complaints from regional leaders. To contact restrictions at the formula for success, we need to restrict contacts further to reach our goals. Country after country europes retreating into lockdown while the blocks biggest economies are sinking deeper into debt. The e. U. Commissions pinning its hopes on a Game Changing vaccine. Negotiating deals with multiple companies, including pfizer, astra zeneca, and now madonna to supply millions of doses. Europes Financial Markets are watching closely to the something that will restore the continents confidence. Some way off for the british Prime Minister barts johnson, who for the 2nd time in 7 months is governing the country via xoom, forced herself isolated his flat above number 10 downing street until next week. After spending 30 minutes with an m. P. Who later tested positive for cope at 19 downing street meant to be coated secure. But in this picture, neither johnson nor the m. P. Lee anderson a Wearing Masks for other m. P. s who attended the meeting are also now self isolating. Johnson who spent several days in intensive care with coronavirus in april, said he was brimming with energy. And im good as butchers dont feel great. He would do in my circumstances, and he doesnt matter that ive had the disease. Im bursting with antibodies. Weve got to intro the grid of the disease and one of the ways we can do that now is by so quietly her 14 days so far. Swedens resisted lock downs, and curfews prefer voluntary measures to control the spread. But while most of europe tightens restrictions, sweden to is now altering its approach. Banning all gatherings of more than 8 people for the 1st time. Europes bracing for a long, hard winter with leaders urging people to endure just a few more months of discipline and selfsacrifice. It will be worth it in the end. So the german chancellor Angela Merkel the future of europe depends on it. Needs barca, aljazeera, ethiopias government is sending reinforcements to the northern t. Grave region. Despite International Calls for mediation. Hundreds have died in the latest conflict which began almost 2 weeks ago and has pulled in neighboring every trail. The fighting started when Prime Minister ahmed ordered an offensive against the grays rulers for defying his authority. His government has refused course for negotiation. Negotiations from african leaders, including ugandas president , the t. Great Peoples Liberation front which governs the region of 5000000 people was in power for decades before i took office in 2018 phone lines and the internet have been cut in the tea. Great region since the offensive began. Well, the conflict erupted after an attack on a federal military base in te great province by had Regional Forces has said there has ak from al jazeera arabic, got exclusive access to that base. And said this, this report. Now we are now inside the northern military base, located in too great a region in northern ethiopia. It was the attack here which sparked a current clashes between the federal Government Forces and the 2 great Peoples Liberation front. This military base is the largest in ethiopia, houses massive military gear, chiefly tanks, simply because it has been for 2 decades. The epicenter of ethiopias war against iraq. If you dont already be, according to the federal Army Fighters launched an offensive in an attempt to seize the base along with the weaponry and here they were met with fierce resistance. And as a result, this base has recently witnessed ferocious fighting. Marik value will be at the border would be a big moment in the wake of these developments if you appears pm, obviously meant declared war against city p. L. F. On the ember forces saying that their assault on the base crossed the red line, the end of the dough is that a lot of tens of thousands of people have fled the violence in northern ethiopia into sudan. Most refugees arriving with very few belongings. Humanitarian workers say that theyre struggling to cope and the scale of the crisis is growing. Aljazeera Stephen Morgan has more now from the town of hyundai, yet near the e. O. P. And border after walking for 5 days in my matthew has finally reached down. He escaped fighting in his hometown of home in ethiopia, stigler a region. Hes exhausted and hungry. When the fighting started and people are being killed, i left everything behind in float. I walked for days and became weak, but i had to continue. Now im suffering from fatigue and ive been diagnosed with malaria. Go to my is one of more than 20000. People who fled to sudan seeking safety. Some have chest infections, raising concerns that they may be infected with the coronavirus. The refugees include pregnant women, like im listed behind it. And when the bombardment started, i took my children and ran. Even though im pregnant, i carried one of my back and one of my arms. And i started running away without a sense of direction until i arrived at the river and crossed into sudan. I have not had food for days and my goal is hurting, even though ive got a month before giving birth. The Reception Center here at home day it has one health clinic, but lacks proper medical equipment. Doctors say more and more patients are arriving every day. We get wounded people because of explosive materials, like grenades, gunshots and fractures. Some people have diabetes. We try to handle the cases we can, but where we cart, we were further to the county hospital. But we are quite concerned about the possibility of spread of Communicable Diseases amongst refugees because theyre all close together in a small space. So dan is planning to transfer people here to another camp. Those at least who are well enough to move, but more refugees are expected, and the pressure on this clinic will remain. He will morgan aljazeera, need to sudan if youll be a border. Sauza of armenian demonstrators of march through the capital, yet of a noriega raising their demand that Prime Minister nicole resign over a deal to end fighting in armenias foreign minister has stepped down, amid the fallout is resisting pressure to go. Though speaking earlier, he took responsibility for the loss of territory, the agreement to secure a territorial advances for azerbaijan, after 6 weeks of fighting in the disputed region. Richard, to get all those yen is the director of the Regional Studies Center acing tank based in yet. Yvonne, he says the domestic situation in armenia is becoming increasingly unstable. And fishmans that latest comments will not come the tensions. Well, i dont think it was enough because in many ways the Prime Ministers pressure, the threat to his position is much less an opposition thats largely discredited and much more result of it all. Rather impulsive, reckless actions and words. The government has done far too little to prepare the population for the severity and scale of losses. So the tension is to linger, and unfortunately, the domestic situation is dangerously increasingly on stable. In other words, pushing on came to power in 2000, a team in a rare victory of non weiland people. Power at that point is greatest asset was being greatly underestimated. So i have yet to fully write him off politically. He is a survivor. And even the plot to assassinate him come from a marginal, amateurish route to the corrupt form of government. So i think his real political fate lies in his own hands and it is a time for statesmanship and much less impulse loot posting on social media. Moldova as president elect, my son do is promising balanced ties with russia and the european union. After her convincing victory in sundays runoff, the pro european candidate beat the production incumbent. Igor dot on whose conceded defeat and called for calm from his supporters, from the capital case now sunny day ago has more its going to craft room at her partys headquarters. Moldovas next president acknowledged when it was a decisive majority for my assan. Do you know who now becomes the 1st woman ever to lead this country . For a western candidate laid out her plans which sees moldova, forging closer ties with europe. Despite the optimism, is a huge responsibility that lies ahead. Now the most difficult part comes, it was not easy to win this election as its going to be more difficult to implement the commitments that ive made. After examining victory at my assigned, you will have her work cut out for her demick corruption, political instability, am the Economic Hardship have all contributed to making moldova one of the poorest countries in europe. And she will also be overseeing a parliament that is stacked against her party, that fact the incumbent, not on the socialist have the majority in parliament. They supported his vision to keep moldova firmly within moscows sphere of influence. But not one that found favor with the electorate. Even though i dont have to concede the last thing that was needed was instability. Im not calling for people to take to the streets, we dont need destabilization. The situation is already difficult. Crucial to the result was the diaspora vote. A lack of job opportunity at home has driven hundreds of thousands of moldovans to go abroad for work. 93 percent of them voted for some do as moldova, and as a new phase, it will require cooperation with its neighbors to open its economy and tackle corruption, encouraging moldovas to stay by creating new opportunities that will be a large part of that. As well as guaranteeing transparency in an ex soviet nation that is still living in the shadow of its past. So now you go. Now, a funeral has been held in damascus for syrias foreign minister, walid and wilen, who died on monday at the age of 79. He was an unyielding defender of the crackdown on Peaceful Protesters by syrian president , bashar al assad, which sparked a decade old conflict. While level had been in poor health with heart problems, is that beauty is expected to replace him as foreign minister. Rescuers in the philippines are still searching for survivors from typhoon vanco. 67 people are now confirmed dead barge areas of the main island luzon remain on the water after van cold, called heavy rain last week, triggering the worst flooding in 45 years. Rescue teams have gone to the war state places where hundreds of thousands of people need food and shelter. Jimmy lingo that has more now from a relief center, province and province was not even under typhoon category. When vanco hit the philippines last week. But the impact here is just as devastating. It took a few days before news about many communities that have been submerged, started to come out. There were reports that the focus was largely on manila and nearby provinces. And even at this point, there are still many areas that remain inaccessible. Over 50 cluster villages and gay and province are still inaccessible without connections to the many cities surrounding it. This is why relief operations had to be done by air. Its been almost a week since by few involve struck and more than 83000. Residents have been displaced inside the province alone. This is a very difficult time for the philippines. This is the 3rd typhoon to hit the philippines in 3 weeks. The biggest one was by pulling gone over a week ago, which left thousands of people homeless and now by phone. What makes this there was seething is how quickly the situation turned into a humanitarian crisis. Government resources are stretched and the countries do reeling from the economic brunt of the coronavirus friend demick military Officials Say it will take days before they will be able to access all of these cut off communities. And only then, can they assess the full extent of the damage of by foreign vanpool in the country. Salvatores government has the clarity, unofficial red alert. Ahead of the imminent arrival of hurricane. The 2nd hurricane to hit central america. This month has already calls that a station in colombia before strengthening to a category 5. Thats the highest level, honduras, nicaragua, and guatemala, have all been conducting mass evacuations. The region is still recovering from hurricane etat. 2 weeks ago, scientists in mexico have uncovered the largest collection of ice age, mammoth skeletons ever found in one place. The bones were found by construction crews working on a new airport just outside the mexican capital. Al jazeera was given special access by the countrys armed forces for a firsthand, look, man who has more now from mexico city. These are the bones of ice age mammoths, the largest land mammals to ever set foot on the american continent. Theyre seeing the light of day for the 1st time in more than 20000 years. Animal remains from the pleistocene era were 1st discovered in this part of mexico. In the 1970s there archeologists say those previous discoveries pale in comparison with the more we are happy because were documenting the variety of flora and fauna that once thrived here. Just in this area, we recently found a tooth fragment belonging to a saber tooth target that may have broken off during an encounter with a mammoth restoration and cataloguing is tedious work and a delicate touch is crucial. The bones are quite brittle after spending several millennia under the dirt. A chemical solution is sprayed to help preserve the integrity of every fragment, no matter how small. Loaded this center has been working at this dig site for 3 months. Today shes carefully piecing together a pelvic bone that once belonged to an american camel load. This is one of dozens of restoration workers who have been specially trained for this massive archaeological project. For many here, its a once in a lifetime experience that ive been making my feeling that a kind of i never imagined i would be doing Something Like this. Welcome with bones. When i go home, my family always asks what we discovered today. Its a very cool experience. The 1st discoveries at this site were made last year when construction workers broke ground for a new airport at a military base just outside mexico city. Today, a 1st of its Kind Partnership between scientists and the mexican military has led to the cataloguing of hundreds of individual specimens of had moved the model of accredited to the military. High command has instructed us to provide all the supports of us to get those in need. We supply resources like laser scanners lancer phase drone flights. Anything thats needed for the study a year on there are now 230 digs, science just like this one. And the team say theres still plenty more to find. As you can see, we are completely surrounded by the bones of ice age mammals just in this area alone, where were standing. There are at least 2 sets of mammoth tusks, but theres also the remains of giant slots, saber tooth tigers, and many other species that have been extinct for thousands of years. Once a specimen has been cleaned, catalogued and reinforced, its prepared for transport. Scientists and government Officials Say the plan is to showcase the assembled skeletons at a Museum Inside the mexican capitals newest airport. Scheduled for completion in 2022, monumental apple, aljazeera, mexico city. So ahead in this news hour barrys paris, paris, paris, what could you do a story find out of this spectacular goal from a cheery as a star player is enough to send the African Champions to the cup of nations and the historic blastoff for the new rocket thats being described as a taxi service for space in the region. And now here is far more with the sport. Thanks so much barbara reigning champions, algeria have qualified for the africa cup of nations. But desert fox is advance despite being held to a draw by zimbabwe in harare. Algeria stormed and open the scoring Manchester City star riyad marez doubled their advantage with a super her strike about their joy was short lived. The home side came back to square things off. Final score 2 to algeria top group with 10 points ahead of 2nd place and blown away again via blue group d. Wide open with a controversial win over a jet led gabon. Here. A balmy ngan teammates were held for hours at the airport before their crucial qualifier. When the game did get underway, a mistake from the go bone keeper gave the home side the lead. The ball went on to lose 21, while gambia have kept alive their hopes of a 1st ever place at the finals as they go top of their argentinas final world cup, qualifying match of the year, is expected. Go ahead as scheduled in lima, despite the political turmoil in peru, argentina was forced to cancel their Training Session in the peruvian capital with the countrys authorities of assured fifa. The match will be safe to go ahead on choose day. The top 4 sides in the 10 team, south American Group qualified directly for cats are 2022 or year. It will be without their star player, luis suarez for their high profile world cup qualifier against brazil on choose day. The striker has tested positive for corona virus but is said to be in good health. Brazil lead the group with 9 points from 3 matches, followed by argentina with 7 world number one novak djokovic, his quest for a record equalling 6th a. T. P. Finals title has gone off to a brilliant start. The serve east, past german debutant, diego schwartz, one of argentina, and steroid shots with 33 wells who hasnt won the event since 2015 is a 5 time champion here. One less than roger federer, the season ending tournaments being played behind, closed doors at londons o. 2 arena. You know, ive been playing to be finals in this arena for, for many years. And, you know, ive been blessed to, to experience some incredible matches in athens. You know, i must say that it feels very strange to play in front of the empty stands. But for, everyone, for all the tennis fans out there watching on the t. V. , we love you guys, were missing guys. And your national limpid Committee President , thomas bach, says hes confident that theyll be spectators at next years delayed summer games in tokyo. The german is in japan for the 1st time since the decision was made in march of postpone the event because of the coronavirus pandemic. His visit follows tokyo staging its 1st International Sports event since the games were delayed, a multination gymnastics meet the olympics are scheduled to begin by us. We cannot tell right now what the conditions for spectators will be 9 months time from now. But rest assured that safety is the 1st priority there. Again, after the experience with these different sports events, we can be, we can be confident that there will be a reasonable number of contributing to the olympic spirit of the competitions and nearly crowned formula one world champion. Lewis hamilton says his involvement in the black lives matter of minutes has made him a better driver. Hamilton has organized prerace protests and has set up his own foundation to investigate how to prove diversity in the sport. He remains the only black driver in the series, and wilton has just won a record equalling 7 world title. I think it showed through, with protesting people coming together and fighting for something, you know, that people can use in their voices can really push for change. And i think this year of kind of channeled the fight into my driving and youre seeing the best drive in that ive ever done. Ok, and that is all your sport for now. Its now back to barbara in london. Far. Thank you very much for that. Now just before we go for our astronauts, are making history on their way to the International Space station. And nasa is 1st full mission on board, a privately owned spacecraft. And off it goes the space x. Rocket carrying the dragon crew caps. Youll blast it all from Kennedy Space center in florida. Delayed to 24 hours by bad weather. It follows a test mission into orbit back in april space x. Owned by the take entrepreneur eagle musk had previously been used only for on manned supply trips. Its now planning to operate whats being described as a space taxi service. In the next 15 months, we should be flying roughly 7 dragon missions. And this mission represents the initiation of a dragon in orbit, continuously knocking on wood. And certainly is really the beginning of a new era in human spaceflight. And that is it for me, barbara sarah, for this news hour to stay with us though as she can. Im going to be back in just a few minutes with todays question. Since 2030. Wish the World Innovation summit or health has gathered health care leaders, practitioners and researchers together to learn, interact and engage with innovative organizations. Wish will take place spiritually under the banner of one world are registered at wish dot org dot frank assessments. If American Public opinion feels betrayed by social media platforms after november, what would be the because if you believe that there corrosive to our democracy, one obvious solution is to break the law informed opinions look at checkers, dont go anywhere. The protesters arent going anywhere either. Its ability to get evolution people indepth analysis of the days global headlines. Who is it thats really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. How does one forgave after losing 32 family members in a heinous massacre . A survivor of one of colombias 50 year long conflicts, worst atrocities dedicates his life to reconciliation with his peace forces around him. Lean upon last year as life and mission are in jeopardy. Witness buckeye are caught in the crossfire on al jazeera play an important role. Ringback more promising news in the battle against covert 19, modern us says early results show its vaccine is nearly 95 percent effective. But there are warnings against complacency and transition delays as u. S. Infections rise by a 1000000 just the more people may die. If we dont coordinate hello, im barbara starr, youre watching al jazeera live from london also coming up on the program

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