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A way forward. I think it is. We hope and will be careful, prudence to show that what happened today cant happen again. That the institution, the congress of the republic, which put us in this political crisis that paralyzed people, root for 5 days and led to deaths, is going to give us the solution. Choosing all the people who they want. Now gunman have killed at least 34. 00 people in an attack on a passenger bus. In ethiopia. Countrys Human Rights Commission described the attack as gruesome and says its likely that more people will die from the injuries happened at night in the Western Region of benish angle. Theres no known link with the conflicts in the northern take, great region or the leader of ethiopias to grey region has confirmed that his forces fired rockets at the airports in eritreas capital. He says, as mahers effort has been used to launch airstrikes on to cry, the attack marks a major escalation in the conflict. Moving to our other headlines, azerbaijan, as equate to extend a deadline for armenia to withdraw from a disputed district, as part of a deal to end the fighting of a nuke on a car back on media is in the process of handing of a cowboy job. But anger among the 600. 00 armenians living there is so deep that many set fire to their homes as they left. And its also led to protests against the Prime Minister. The coal and talks aimed at ending nearly a decade of violence in libya of ended without agreement on whos going to lead the country through a transitional period. Rival factions meeting in tunisia capital of agreed to hold a nationwide vote on december 24th next year. But delegates failed to agree on the makeup of an interim government to rule until that witnesses coming up next. And then theyll be more news at the top of the next hour from we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter where you bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to the aljazeera, its so easy to get. The thank consumes you. It consumes your body, your mind, everything. Every aspect of your life addiction takes over. People are always watching our every move. We have a kid everywhere recovery. We were just waiting for us to drop the hat. I think that we shouldnt have children. Theyre standing there, mom white that there are children you know, its nations acting envoy to libya. Stephanie williams is speaking in tunis, representatives of libyas rival sides are in talks there and appear to have hit a number of hurdles. Lets have a listen and i want to say 1st of all. Thank you to present his side of tunisia. Thank you for the relevant to the relevant tunisian authorities and thank you to the people of tunisia for hosting the serbian political dialogue for my doing consecutive translation moment. A simultaneous only. Thanks. Banks. Ok so so tonight we ended a week of discussions of the libyan political dialogue for 75. 00 libyan patriots came to this me, they state, they discussed intensive discussions. As you can see, we just finished and its almost 1130 at night. And they achieved. And indeed, a lot was achieved consensus on a rover road map towards elections with a clear date of the 24th of december 2021, which is libyas Independence Day as you know. And its a very important symbolic day for libyans, and it will mark their rest for restoration of their sovereignty, and their ability to democratically elect their own leaders and to renu the legitimacy of their institutions. The 4 also agreed on a reform structure and competencies of the executive authority and on the criteria of eligibility for the executive positions. Im very pleased with the outcome of these discussions and i truly thank the participants. They came together and they displayed a very Strong National spirit. As i said in my Closing Remarks tonight to them, 10 years of conflict cannot be resolved in one week. But to quote one of the senior participants in the dialogue, actual reconciliation was taking place in the room amongst the participants. Who have been willing to sit down and to attempts to resolve their differences. You know, the political track and this is, you know, the 1st session of what will be several sessions of the political dialogue form is of course, complemented by the military track and the economic track. And we saw that we saw this week here in tunis, that the political track really started to do the work to compliment those 2 other tracks. And to begin the hard work of ending ending the war of uniting the country very storing libyas sovereignty and its unity. We still have a lot of work to do. The participants must soldier on and i know that they will. We have already agreed to reconvene in about one weeks time in a Virtual Meeting. At the next meeting, they will agree upon the selection mechanism for the executive authority. And in the coming days, ive asked them to identify volunteers to form a legal committee, to address the question of the constitutional basis for the elections. And as you know, the whole issue of the constitution, the constitutional basis is clearly a sovereign libyan decision. And its one that the purchase been sere discussed and they set this clock for 60 days. So the forum is sending a very strong message to the libyan people. That those who met here in tunis have listened to their demands. So it was made very clear and particularly tonight that the status quo, the Status Quo Party status quo actors. C have been put on notice the clear majority of the participants to this dialogue. They have signaled that they are with the change. They are have joined this constituency of change that we have seen develop in the country across the country. And things, things must change and we now have, as i said, this firm roadmap towards elections. The clock is ticking. And we have a lot of work to do. So, you know, in the coming week the participants will have an opportunity to think to, reflects and to talk to others about what was discussed and accomplished here in tunis. They have constituencies that they have to go back to and thats understandable. And they are reinforcing their commitment to move forward in unity and for the sake of the libyan people. And i would also like to take this opportunity to, of course, express my sincere thanks to the Terrific Team that i have the privilege to work with at the United Nations and my colleagues. 9 have worked around the clock not only over this past week, over the last, the last 7 to 8 months, and particularly as the as the 2 tracks have. The military and the political track have really gained a lot of momentum. Of course, the economic track has always had momentum, but i, i would not be here and we could not do what we have been doing without this Terrific Team that i am privileged to work with. And with that, im going to take your questions or get them up next by the to serve one of those a blue blue or what are some up on the floor. And if you have a so i cant lead men to him, but he must be a thought little saw that in his son, but above him. When i said not to sweet and you couldnt repeat my comment because so we could as long as you meant to how mean you men to how men must lead a little so it can mean a whole soul son be a no knock up other one with i dont know what but the knowing the mood ok. Yeah. Yeah. Youre going to trick or do you want dick more . No, no, no. Ok. Yes. And so as i said, sorry there is a lot of there. Ok. So as i indicated, we have, we have achieved consensus on 3 very important documents. We have the road map, we have the praga 2 of the of the executive authority. And we have the eligibility criteria. So we will discuss, you know, the options for the selection mechanism in our coming. What will be a Virtual Meeting thats going to take place in about one weeks time. So were making extremely good progress. And what i, what i see in the room is now an increasing ability and desire to come together to compromise the concessions are going to have to be made. You know, the 0 sum winner takes all mentality is not going to work. And that has been demonstrated throughout the course of the week. There are some people who have to get used to that. And thats ok and they become more comfortable. You know, as. d as the meetings go on, so i am confident that you know, were going to be able to complete, you know, the work that has been assigned to us and to, to keep that commitment, that very important commitment for the National Elections to take place on december 24th next year there is universal consensus on an agreement on the holding of these elections. So it is, you know, keeping to the calendar and the pressure. And frankly, you know, i dont think that they need pressure from me because theyre hearing from their constituencies that people want to see unified institutions. They want to see continued stability, calm and libyans coming together. They want to see actual progress on National Reconciliation. So that displaced persons can return to their homes. Its a tall order, but i think its one that they can. They can. 6 use next to kind of just michel cousins from libya. How do you say there has been an agreement on the competencies of the Presidency Council . And the other is that the government could you tell us what those competencies will be . Look, of course were going to be publishing our all of the documents that have been consensually agreed. So i mean, the 1st important thing is the separation of the Presidency Council and the government. So. So look, this is for a 13 month period because the elections are going to replace everybody. And so, you know, the emphasis on the present, the Presidency Council was to really have some very, you know, simple, simple responsibilities amongst them is to really work on National Reconciliation. And you know, when you have 3 members from the south, the west in the east, and if they can come together, you know, they can in and of themselves really represent to the country this manifestation of this National Reconciliation for the government. Look, the governments also going to have some very defined responsibilities and primarily its going to be to deliver services to libyan people who are suffering because of the misgovernance, the corruption and the inability to, to move things to the regions and to the areas that have been most marginalized, so and again there was, there was broad consensus on that. So and in all of this, and this was also, i mean, as i said, the majority in the room do not want the status quo. This is not an acceptable alternative. It is not sustainable. Everybody recognizes that the hard summer that mia many libyans just passed through with no electricity and very little water and all the other hardships and, and the pandemic really, i think, was a wake up call for many that you know, that things have got to change that there has to be a more technocratic competency in the government and that these guys, whoever, who comes in, you know, needs to understand that they are only there for a short period of time. I also have to say, and im very, very pleased. There is a clear decision that women should have their fair share. In fact, there is a 30 percent requirement in the government in the ministries. And indeed, there are just, there are clear demands which should be met, which must be met for women to be represented, either in the Presidency Council, all or in, in the Prime Minister deputy Prime Minister configuration. So that again, that was very well received and applauded in the room as well as frankly, and weve heard from a lot of youth for the youth to have their fair representation in the government. So the voices of the women in and the youth in the room were principled. They were strong, they were more often than not those who were able to to bring consensus to help bridge the differences. I would also cite that, you know, the tribal leaders who were in the room were also extremely effective at doing this. So you have a fractious political class, but you have many others who are represented in the room, who were, you know, able to, to help, you know, calm thing when things got tense. They were able to bring people together. And they, you know, had a strong and principled voice, and i think that we all owe them a deep debt of gratitude. 0 plus we now live in a school year. If youre just joining us, youre looking at the uns acting envoy to live Stephanie Williams. Shes there talking to journalists, taking their questions in tunis. This is after completing a week of un led peace talks involving various representatives of libyas rival sides. She gave a brief statement saying that she was very pleased with how the discussions have gone. The key takeaway seems to be that they have decided on a date for a national election. That date, she said was the 24th of december 2021, which is of course libyas Independence Day. Lets have a listen in again. Who decided on the 1st day that you know, decisions like this, the one that was taken, you know, needed to be reached a consensus of a minimum of 75 percent. So yes, i did ask for that issue because it had been, frankly, it was a topic during, during the last 3 days of the meeting, there was some vigorous debate, you know, in the room about the merits of whether people who have cumbered positions, whether it is in the Presidency Council and the various different governments that have been in place at one time or another since 2014, where there are those who have held military rank commander in either you know, what we said was an organized or structured military force as well as the members of the house of representatives and the higher state council, because many libyans have, you know, expressed doubt in the political class. What occurred was, about a 61 percent of the room agreed that those people should not be considered for this interim period. Of course they would be most welcome to put themselves forward for you know, election. It didnt reach the 75 percent ceiling that the participants themselves agreed to. But as i said, look, i mean over 60 percent is the majority is a clear majority. And i think that, that what we saw, the decision that was taken in the room reflects the position of libyans on the ground. And, and i, i think that needs to be respected and i think, you know, rather than saying, oh, it failed. You know, i think it sends the exactly the right signal that, you know, the status quo should not get too comfortable. You know, the dinosaurs became extinct and political dinosaurs risk the same, frankly, fate. If they dont prove themselves to be relevant. And they were put on notice you have an opportunity now to be relevant. You can rise to the occasion or, you know, you can go the way of the dinosaurs. Ok, lets leave it there. If you are just joining us, that was the uns acting envoy to live in libya. Stephanie williams, speaking in tunis to journalists there after completing one week of un led peace talks involving representatives of libyas rival sides. Lets go to our correspondent, claire harriet, who has been listening in tunis. So lets talk through some of the highlights. She did say what had been achieved was that they had agreed on a date for an election in december 2021. But the problem seems to be nothing has been decided on an interim government for the time being. How much of an issue is that . Well basically, yes, the announcement of is the most potent is this election date for the election december 24th 2021. The interim government, what that, what that was supposed to be, and what that should be is a list of names to take on the key costs of a transitional phase to get from now until that day. So they would be in course, she just said they are for 13 months. So effectively what theyre trying to do is replace the current transitional phase with a new transitional phase. And the logic for that is that would be more legitimacy and more organization to get to that point. And where she also said was that the, its not over in terms of choosing the individuals who are going to take the post, such as Prime Minister to, to keep a ministers and other key posts. There will be a Virtual Meeting next week with the hawks concludes and choose those individuals to, to take the country forward until such time that election can take place next december. And she emphasized that the interim nature of those posts. And at that point in december transfer engine one, thats when the people will to have their say, one hopes on who they want to leave the country. Now what sources in the area who say theres a bit of skepticism of whether these elections will actually take place. But you heard there from Stephanie Williams whos got into these talks along with optimism, as that her predecessor given to vision the meat gas and slimy said the most optimistic hes ever been. She rejected the idea of the talks being a failure to because of the, the lack of the list of names that she would say to that. But then you would expect that she did talk about intensive discussions that a decade of war, of course, is going to be some robust debate. And you can expect that the result in one week into anywhere. But she emphasized, you know, they achieved. And i think the thing is, i see that there are more straight old as the elections in this renewed mandate, this renewed legitimacy. But also she emphasizes stake nuances. Emphasize that every press conference shes given this week is the rule of women. And earlier today, there was a Statement Released by the women whove been taking part in the delegation and the ones to have one of the 2 deputy Prime Minister positions to be women. And also a quarter as well, for women in the ministerial posts stuck to percent. And she and Stephanie Williams emphasize their, these demands you deem it. So she says shes very pleased with the come that all happened in the national spit. And she said that she sensed actual reconciliation taking place. Whether or not that is received on the grain by the people who hold the power is something that we will find out in, into course. And one thing that, you know, i think we can, can all agree on that while living people may disagree. Institutions speaking, what they want, essentially a living people, one what everybody wants or people all over the world want, which is Good Governance and stable institutions. And thats the ambition for libya. Indeed, many thanks for summing up Clare Harriet there for us in tunis, completing that one week of libyan u. N. Led peace talks, taking place. Lots more news at the top of the hour. How does one forgave after losing 32 family members in a heinous massacre . A survivor of one of colombias 50 year long conflicts, worst atrocities dedicates his life to reconciliation. But his peace falters around him. Naina palacios, life and mission are in jeopardy. Witness buckeye are caught in the crossfire on al jazeera in under a year coverage. 19 has altered our societies and exposed deficiencies in political, social, and economic structures. Capitalism is the pandemic. God is the root cause of so much of the suffering apps and big data which old could literally save our lives. We have to move past the headline. Has the pandemic given us the chance to reevaluate our world all hail the lockdown coming soon on . Aljazeera covert 19 is indiscriminate, but it quickly found the racial divisions in American Society called the pandemic is a builder of a bear thats true. In the racially segregated city of chicago, the majority of deaths have been black and latino residents. Faultlines asks why i think its become entirely clear that if such a thing enters structural racism, the great divide covered 19 and race in chicago on aljazeera from the out is here a london pool path and teeth special death income to take then the state, the american state dept in a state capitalism, unprompted uninterrupted. All of these, these divisions of the working class of working people and they keep us from realizing our collective power money, crapola, meet pomade. Then if you obey the market for 30 years, you begin to work and believe it has power over your lot. Judy, a great date on aljazeera. Jordan in the room. Do not want the status. Just not talks aimed at ending the conflict in libya, has vanished without agreement on a unity government money. Saeed. This is al jazeera live from doha. Also coming up the conflict in northern ethiopia spills into neighboring ever trejo

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