Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240711

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And spills over the border into eritrea. As azerbaijan extends the deadline for armenians to leave, we talked to return to the villages they were forced to leave decades ago. And im far as small. Have all the days sport, including golf world. Number one, Dustin Johnson wins his 1st masters title. The american posted a record breaking score after turning men to do it. Welcome to the program. Well, have been scenes of jubilation in peru off the interim president manual merino announced. Hes resigning just 5 days into the job. In reno had been under increasing pressure to stand down following days of antigovernment protests, demonstrators were angry of the abrupt ousting of the former president martin vis car on monday and were demanding the reno an emergency. Meeting of congress was called off to 2 student demonstrators were killed during saturdays rally, members called on the rino to quit or face impeachment. If you need be deliberate in the some days ago and were sworn in as president of the republic to lead a transition government with a constitutional mom to egypt. If youre pleased with the patience of the president. So days ago they met the president of the congress, how to take the highest position in our country. And i did it responsibly with merinos resignation, plunges peru into more Political Uncertainty over whos going to take his place. Protesters say they want someone free from allegations of corruption. Perino has resigned because his hands a stained with blood with the blood of our children, we have to pay the 105 Congress Members who are complicit in the deaths of our children. We did moan, tranquillity, transparency, justice for all people. As for the resignation, theres no love lost or every peruvian president elected since 1985. Bar one has been impeached, imprisoned, also in a criminal investigation. Martin vickery was impeached over allegations. He received bribes in exchange for public contracts. He denies those accusations, and it been leading a widespread corruption probe into all the prove the in politicians. Pedre public resigned in 2018 of a ties to brazilian construction. Hes under house arrest. Well, prosecutors investigate him for favoring the ollanta. Humala is also under investigation for allegedly receiving millions of dollars from during the 2011 election campaign, prosecutors have requested a 20 Year Prison Sentence for him and alan garcia, committed suicide. Last year. As proof Police Arrived to arrest him over allegations of another bribery scheme joins us live now from that has been a great deal of anger some time in the country about corruption allegations. Its going to be very difficult to find someone to replace marino. That hasnt been affected by this thats right, to marry a man with of course, with that list of blocked list that you just heard and it doesnt even include president , former president. Also on that list. It is quite understandable that peruvians feel nothing less than shame of the political class, not only off the precedents past president investigated for corruption, another crimes, but also the congressional, the legislative class whos also harmed more than half of legislators all to under investigation for crimes. So theres been a lot of jubilation, a lot of celebrations in the streets of lima in the streets of the country as well. People who have been riding their bikes, people who have been marching, celebrating, but also people who are very worried about the future of the country. Is a many people have been gathering on a premises of congress. And they are packing that area because what is going to happen now is that the members of congress of 10 different parties have to name a new Congress President who will in turn be sworn in as the new interim president. We dont know if thats going to happen in the next few hours. There was an earlier deadline imposed expressed by the Congress President that by 6 oclock, maybe turn into his resignation that already happened. But we have to see who will be the next person named in congress. And people are vigilant there because they want nothing less than someone with a clean slate. Well, thats going to be very difficult to find. And i suppose the other issue is that the task has now been left to congress to try and resolve it in the politicians and congress itself, not popular in the country. Thats right, and also another is another item if you will, coming in in the last couple of hours because adding to the quote to the political crisis. Its now the uncertainty is around this whole situation because former president martinelli skara spoke just a couple of hours ago. Saying that the constitutional tribunal house to explain whether his, the impeachment that ousted him was legal. Lets listen to what he said as he did, we hope and will be careful to ensure that what happened today cant happen again. The institution, the congress of the republic, which put us in this political crisis that paralyzed people, root for 5 days to death, is going to give us the solution. Choosing of the people who they want well, whatever happens, marry our politicians, congressmen, the next election or the next naming of the new interim president cannot be disconnected of what peruvians are demanding on the streets. And they are demanding someone that has a clean record and did not participate in the impeachment that ousted. Thank you very much. Manna sanchez and Marina Navarro joins me now. Shes the director of Amnesty International in peru, joins us live now. Also in lima. Do you have any confidence that politicians there in the country will listen to people and particularly the protesters this time this is, this would have been like extremely warrior, like about the protests and all the violence from the police to this both of us. And i think that we, we have to be alert because these protests continue these days. Their political crisis has not finessed. And we might expect tool to have more people to have expects more demonstrations. And we need to, nor that the police is going to like their responsibility to protect the people and not to repress all the protests that are as we have been saying. And like the last 5 days, only just looking at some of the images from saturday there of police being deployed on the streets to respond to the protests. Now that the interim president has left his post. How tell me how it works there . How is the response to these protests . How will it be coordinated . Will it be left to congress . Well, it disgust me like one of the main problems that we have had these days. Because the lack of hostility, the, we dont usually well list like call to the mystery of your bed these days. I mean these, this is one of the main problems of who is responsible. And we have tools to really like, look for the who is responsible for that. And we have requests that they are the prosecutor, the office of the prosecutor, to investigate and to brains like the sports are sensible to justice. Because this cannot be what we cannot witness. Again, like the like of course, with mets, doing their job doing the heroes of the bio lands like in the bits and ninetys. But is that likely to happen when you look at the past . I mean, speaking about president s that have been elected since the eightys, they will been impeached, imprisoned. All sorts in criminal investigations or many of those investigations are ongoing and have yet to be resolved of the countries in a real political mess, isnt it . Now this, the problem is that if this really like its very light of crisis and it has a bell, it also not only in the political crisis but also in a human rights crisis because of these Human Rights Violations that we have been witnesses. For example, the excessive use of course we have we have reports been reported by every party that then, but its like its something that maybe its not like being her, like outside through all. But there are many missing people. I families are looking for people that they want to get the most, but the still, they dont know where they are and they have to be searched. They have to be like, whats happened with all these people. We are going to worry about them because we dont know how and still there are like people that asked me not press that. And the man has not have like people sleeping at the is to go and investigate. And we are asking him to the police to possibly pay all the manse to, to look for these people to search for them. And to have meant to be able to go like the old installations, look for the people, the house they missed. Thank you very much. From Amnesty International there in peru, marina and of our joining us. Thank you. And now to other stories that were following gunmen have killed at least 34 people in an attack on a bus in ethiopia, countries, human rights commission, described the attackers. Gruesome says its likely more people will die from their injuries. It happened in the night in the Western Region of ben, a shot at in several acts of violence there recently, but there is no known link with the conflict thats taking place in the northern take. Great region. Meanwhile, the Peoples Liberation front says its forces fired rockets at an air force in the eritrean capital on saturday. Its leaders said ethiopia has been using as mars effort to launch as strikes on 2 gray, making it a legitimate target. Theres a hope for those who attack too great will not just attack and return home. We will retaliate while they are here and strike the airports from which they launched attacks. There is no place that we cant reach and we will continue to attack selected targets that the invading forces are using against us. Well, the attack marks a major escalation of the conflict thats now 12 days old, and its drawing in all the countries in the region as well. You have ethiopias neighbors, possibly. Dealing now with the blowback from this in the horn of africa, 20000. 00 ethiopian refugees have already crossed into sudan. The p. L. F. Says its fighting eritrean as well as ethiopian troops. Eritreas government has denied any involvement, but it remains hostile to the t. P. S. For its role in the devastating war between the 2 countries. That conflict officially ended when ethiopias current Prime Minister ahmed signed a peace deal with eritrea. After coming to power in 2018, p. L. F. Dominated the countrys Ruling Coalition for 29 years until historic victory and says its been sidelined ever since. Hasnt responded specifically to the allegations of eritrean help but says his country is capable of fighting by itself. In a tweet he said the governments campaign integrates, progressing well, and justice will prevail, is that we exceptional valor and commitment shown by his forces and then said that ethiopia is more than capable of conducting its own military operation. While al jazeera is mohammad of dough is following the story from the Northern City of gong dot near the region, this takes the conflict to a whole new love. It has spilled across the borders of ethiopia. And now another country at a trailer is allowed to be sucked in. If you would go with the version that your friend governments are giving right now, but the t. P. Alive how most of the past week maintained that they have been fighting the visions of eritreans army on the ground on to korean, regional soil and saying eritrea was involved in the fighting from the onset of course, this is something thats been refuted by the advice of a government and also as matter with Prime Minister saying that they have enough capability to fight the operation on their own. But what we know is that the missiles landed in a smarter as well as the long great long held grievances by israel as a whole, working against the 2 people of leadership. And now to put on a war. Of course, that is not issue of the border between eritrea and ethiopia, which is also not the u. N. Border commission, had ruled the flashpoint town of but me to give it to eritrea. Something Prime Minister is willing to do, but the area is currently administered by the current g. P. L. , an administration that governs and i support. It definitely has an axe to grind without administration to see that he gets what he wants in terms of the border. He wants for a train. Well, its spokesman has told the Associated Press news agency that is yet his militarys using drones from the United Arab Emirates and its Deputy Director of the Africa Program at the International Crisis group. The u. A. E. Has, has been using the ports of us on the air around coast for its campaign in yemen has assets there. Although these of these all down as the state of the conflict there has also wound down. The u. A. E. Has also been, you know, in importance, demands in the reports more, but ethiopia and eritrea, which was ignored by the deal between i. B. M. Press them to deescalate tensions well, as we were hearing, very least, 20000 ethiopians have fled to sudan where the authorities are preparing for up to 200000 arrivals, the u. N. And local groups are trying to help the refugees who have been arriving with few possessions or provisions. Refugees say there were artillery attacks and shooting in the streets with fighting, also spilling over from to grey into neighboring am horace. Stay hundreds of people have been killed since the military offensive started on november 4th. We can speak to david chen, hes a former u. S. Ambassador to ethiopia joins us via skype from washington. The hearing that t. P. L. F. Is now saying that, asked maher airport in eritrea is a legitimate target. It is, has this now become a regional conflict on, are we going to continue to see fighting on a number of different fronts . Do you think . Well, it is fast becoming a regional conflict and certainly the group, you know, in terms of what both ethiopia and eritrea are being involved in are so harshly down is only involvement. Terms of receiving refugees from reputed or perhaps other parts of somalia that is indirectly involved in some progovernment, then addis ababa that is holding some of its troops out of the yeah, muslim the African Union operation then somalia to defeat al shabaab in order to support of horses in ethiopia, but its. d unfortunately quickly. d edging towards a very regional. d conflict, we sort of past the point of no return when conflicts like this sort of takes on its own momentum. Is it too late to stop it . Escalating out of control . Or its not too late, but it becomes more difficult with each passing day. I think its up to the International Community generally to take a pretty hard line with both parties in ethiopia. To stand down, call for a cease fire. One could establish a cease fire. That would be a very good starting point for trying to sort out the various agreements of those that exist, both in addis ababa and in mcnally the capital of the very region. And i mean, who is the, who is an appropriate in this . How we, you know, who do you see is leading a process of starting a National Dialogue within ethiopia. Obviously youve spent time there, but then also a process that can include other countries in the region as well. Well, internal a, a bit clearer. Its the. d the, the p. P. L. After the 2 great Peoples Liberation front and t. Great region that its the Central Government led by Prime Minister rabin. You know, the rest of the bat, of course, its not going to be enough at this juncture. Its going to require some outside. d intervention probably led by the united. d nations, but there has to be full agreement by certainly all members of the Security Council on this they wont do much good if theres any difference of opinion within the Security Council announced that includes the modulus, the United States and france from the united kingdom. But it includes china, which has a lot of influence in ethiopia. And ideally russia too. How important is ethiopia to the stability of the region . If we see a protracted conflict involving the on the and to Great Security forces. What could this mean for ethiopia and then also for the rest of the gin . Frankly, you would have sort of a catastrophic situation throughout the horn of africa and possibly extending into each character. The refugee situation alone. This growing dramatically with each passing day. Thats only going to increase if this goes on the hostility between eritrea. d and tikrit region. d those obviously going to grow. There are reports that the right. d has launched rocket attacks on 2 airports inside them. Harbor region. d which neighbors the greater region in the opium, it is just going to disrupt everything. Its going to have an impact in somalia. You might have all shabaab trying to take advantage of this situation, but they are the whole region will be impacted. Thanks very much. We appreciate fillets on this story. David shinn, former u. S. Ambassador to ethiopia. You know, the news out live from london, much more still ahead. Moldovans decide whether they want to turn to russia or the west as they vote in their president ial runoff. While brazilian set out for local elections seen as a referendum on the president , jalal bolton r. O. And in support as a new name on my g. P. World championship trophy farleigh have the details. Now azerbaijan has agreed to extend a deadline for on nina to withdraw from the disputed districts on the deal to end fighting over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh on the near is in the process of handing of a cow. But ya, but theres anger among the 600 armenians living in the area to the extent that many of them have set fire to their homes as they have left. While the deal has been celebrated in azerbaijan, its led to angry protests against the armenian Prime Minister. It called me on all the good of his internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan, but its been run by ethnic on me. And since a war in the one 990. 00 s. And its surrounded by disputed areas, kalb jar is one of several districts, and in azerbaijan, which were controlled by armenian separatists, but for decades were won back by as airy forces in the last few weeks of the next 2 weeks on many areas also due to vacate these other areas in yellow, but its going to keep control of the latch in corridor a Mountain Pass that connects to going to karabakh and on media. Its all a bunch of 8 spoked as areas who are displaced from kalpa, job decades ago, and now live and nearby tanya. This family is celebrating the return of the jar to other brother john the region is there my old greece, because the limit of the mold and the plentiful also gets upset, looking at what is happening there. Many armenians are burning homes and schools as the high over the region. The human is out of this room and there are demands all the houses, a burnt in my village. My heart nearly exploded with grief when i see the treachery and betrayal. Why you come to our furnished houses, they did not belong to you during the war with armenia over nagornokarabakh that ended in 1904 in charge was a soldier in other by johns army. And his people were forced to leave the jar. He remembers how hundreds died during the exit. This was a lot and tens of thousands of people pass through this road. It was so cold. I saw many people standing who were stranded vehicles with frozen bodies. So many people suffered amputations because of the frost the government has extended the deadline for combatants to leave college, or by 10 days. There is any army is fortifying its positions, but says it will wait until russian peacekeepers ensure armenian fighters have gone. Like not is not our task force. I mean, to leave all this, you know, the 3 regions thats task for peacekeeping troops. Thats right. Me and it to them. If they were to ask who asked, thats our backup plan which were short of sticky. Shes kept for decades, a reminder she says for occupiers finally left. After waiting for nearly 3 decades, the people of college are eager to return. But with so much still pending, including the role of the peacekeepers, the clearance operation, and rebuilding of infrastructure. It could perhaps take months or even years before they can return home. Down to 0. Donna well votes are being counted in moldovas president ial runoff, seen as a choice between a closer relationship with russia or the european union, the incumbent ego dawn is pro russian while the former Prime Minister maya sandu favors closer ties with the e. U. But sonny gago now reports 7, accusations of interference from both sides of the thing is just going to shock the standoff between people exercising their right to vote. And those fearing the system is being cheated. This is vitally tsa, a border town linking mulled over to the self declared unrecognized republic of trans in istria fiercely pro russian and clave strongly supportive of the pro moscow incumbent president because its not on here. It is a battle for hearts and minds between mulled over and russia in this state which between romania and ukraine, an area known for contraband trade, where tensions have often been difficult to contain. And its been exacerbated by years of political instability and corruption because of the problem we can see truthiness doesnt fall of the rule. This situation is applied in the election where every vote counts what International Observers are most worried about is the stress of manipulated voting. And where on the border transistor is where they are most concerned about issues. On top of all the issues facing mulled over a bitter Divisive Political landscape has marred any possibility for progress. Regional power, brusha has thrown its weight behind. He called it on his abrasive manner and populist touch. Have found favor with his base. Hugos malls are selling misleading. The rest 500 would prefer to justice for a developed economy. I voted for our values for what makes us stronger and christian values. But not everyone is convinced remaining within moscows sphere of influence is the countrys benefit. The dog was caught out by his prowest, an opponent of the 1st round miers son. She says she wants to tackle corruption in a country that has been rocked by political instability and a 1000000000. 00 Bank Fraud Scheme that saw the a privilege of 50 percent of moldovas g. D. P. Disappear. Currently, more than a 1000000 moldovas live or work abroad, a lack of opportunities of one of europes poorest nations means that remittances are currently propping up the economy. Many moldovans living abroad, mostly in western countries, more affinity with sundays vision. And this year, double the amount of voted since the previous election in 2016, their hold or ones of growth came. And just because they know that this is their duty and no matter how far away from their homes, their participation makes the this is an election where the country will decide whether it will stick with the status quo or not. For russia, mass protests against his allies and but i roost and kyrgyzstan is another post servite country that is of a crossroads with many what should which direction it will take out. Jazeera kisha now or now to belarus because that police are reportedly fired tear gas and rubber bullets and arrested hundreds of people at the latest mass antigovernment protests in the capital. Minsk demonstrations have been taking place every week since the controversial election in august, which saw a longtime president Alexander Lukashenko win a 6th term in office. But anger was reignited by the death of a protester. Fellow demonstrators said 31 year old Rahman Bada Ranko had been beaten by police. He later died in hospital on thursday. After several hours of surgery. Protesters carried flowers and banners reading. Stop killing us. All there is much more still ahead for you on the program. Joe bidens, incoming chief of staff, says the u. S. Government has to prove the president elects transition this week. A wet and windy welcome as turkeys president visits a disputed beach resort in Northern Cyprus for a provocative picnic. And in sport, this u. S. Open champion, gets off to a flying start to the season ending a. T. P. Finals. Hello. That quantum foggy spot of Central East Europe of the last week is about to be changed because the active weather coming in from the atlantic, which is windy wet and fairly mild, is moving right across now. So rather than fog, there will be rain, most likely in croatia and slovenia during monday. The following is not quite as mild back down to where more is where we should be told to be in london for example. And then this rain goes down through the adriatic and down towards greece, which means severe just represents the last bit of fog morning fog on monday, probably choosing gone after that as the rain comes in and this is it going trough the balkans, the snow to the tops of the high ground, the balkans and significant thunderstorms again for greece. Probably eventually for crete as well. The following weather looks rather quieter, with the exception of the weather in ireland which is still windy, fairly mild and often wet. So given whats happening in the central med, you would expect at some point to see an increase in the shower likelihood on the coast of libya and theat is still there. Just wandering around in the ocean of the 29th one storm of this record breaking season. Most of north africa is of course, quiet now the exception of libya and tunisia, but he said what show us in west africa, at least along the coast of places like gonna one of the most wanted men on the planet masterminded a 4500000000. 00 fraud. And want to put him in jail, but you cannot help being in the past i just 0, reveals never before heard recordings implicating some of the worlds most powerful players. Everyone close to would benefit by the abuse of power and corruption, jolo hunt for a fugitive on a just, you know, this is life on the streets of and out for maria, the discovery of theatre is an opportunity to escape and become some, a man for the tuition of a plane and perhaps a lifetime later, princess part of the viewfinder, latin american series, which is us who knew just a quick recap of the headlines now have been a celebration in peru of the interim president. My new marina announced hes resigning this is just 5 days into the job. He had been on the increase in pressure to go off to antigovernment protests. Over the ousting of his predecessor, the leader of ethiopias to grab a region has confirmed those forces fired rockets at the airports in eritreas capital. He says the Ethiopian Military has been using as mars effort to launch air strikes on to cry. The attack marks a major escalation of the conflict now 12 days old. And azerbaijan has agreed to extend the deadline for all nina to withdraw from a disputed districts of cal, but as part of the deal to end fighting over nagornokarabakh us President Donald Trump has said for the 1st time through twitter, joe biden won the president ial election, but he also reiterated his unsubstantiated claims that the vote was rigged and said, he wont concede trumps latest series of tweets on the election. Come as legal challenges in several states are still going on for many of the lawsuits have already been thrown out. His administration is also refusing to cooperate with bidens transition team. Well, rosen and joan is following events for us in washington, so in acknowledgment of bidens victory in the election, but to still very still determined not to admit defeat still determined to not to defeat or to ever concede the election to joe biden. The president put out a series of tweets essentially contradicting himself on sunday and his personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, told a Television Interviewer that the president s tweets on sunday morning basically indicated the level of frustrating frustration. Excuse me, that the president and his supporters must be feeling, even as they are continuing their efforts to overturn the vote tallies, which gave the election to joe biden. But its a very difficult road ahead for the campaign, because we are hearing from, in particular officials in georgia who say that their one by one recount of the ballots cast on november 3rd, are turning up no signs of any electoral fraud. Rosen very going to be huge challenges facing joe biden, when he comes to the presidency and not least the coronavirus and pandemic. And really the figures in the u. S. Are getting has there been any pressure on triumphal concerns, voiced about how his refusal to cooperate with the biden team could, could make it much worse . Well certainly you are hearing from both democrats and republicans increasingly that the president and the administration as a whole need to accept the outcome of the november 3rd vote that the new president elects new chief of staff, ron klain, was on the sunday Public Affairs programs here in washington, and he basically said that the time is now to accept reality so that the business of the u. S. Government cant continue. This is wrong, klein. He has not spoke with senator mcconnell about anything yet. Were hoping that senator mcconnell will accept the reality that is just the reality. Joe biden won this election promise harris with the selection. And i think its time for leaders in both parties to get to business of this transition to get to business of working together to start to plan out a legislative agenda for next year. Of course, Mitch Mcconnell is the Senate Republican majority leader. And if the republicans are able to hold onto control of the Upper Chamber of congress, then a President Joe Biden is going to have to find a way to work with that body in order to assure that his legislative agenda can be passed. And certainly there has been no indication from Mitch Mcconnell or from other key republicans on capitol hill that they are inclined to cooperate with someone from the opposition party. Thanks very much from washington, roslyn, jordan. All wrong plain also said joe bidens advisers will start meeting pfizer and other Drug Companies this week to discuss progress on the 1000 fact scenes. The u. S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention has reported more than 150000 new cases of the virus over the past 24 hours. And more than 1200 deaths, the u. S. Is the west country in the world with almost 246000 fatalities. Since the pandemic began elsewhere, irans president has announced the coronavirus restrictions from next saturday as the country battles to contain its 3rd wave of infections. The toughest measures will be imposed on town running around 100. 00, other towns and cities, nonessential businesses will be shot and movement between those areas banned. Iran has reported another record high of new cases that more than 12 and a half 1000 in 24 hours. And that they will so reported 459 fatalities the coronavirus pandemic has all been leading to job losses and reduce wages for millions of people around the world. But in zimbabwe, its also led to a rise in Community Savings clubs as harm which hasnt now explains from harare every morning everyone in this Group Contributes to the kitty 1. 00 or the equivalent in the local currency. The money is given to 1. 00 person to buy whatever he or she needs. These macand or savings clubs, work as community loans was no interest. The next day is a barber to keep his turn to spin the cash for own personal use. Shes bought brit to sell is a corner store in the local market. The mother of 3 has been selling on the street for 25 years and says, im already struggling. Economy isnt improving. Look at today that were deadly to me. A lot. Have children to send to school and my husband are computer rent with the money i get from the savings club. That extra money keeps me going. And its how millions across the country are trying to make ends meet. The government gets food and calf to some vulnerable families, but everyone is getting assistance. Even those with jobs, nurses, doctors, teachers, and engineers say they are struggling to pay their bills and most as one who need teachers at a state run school. He also belongs to a savings club. Some of his colleagues are on strike over pay, but he still goes to work saying the little hes earning still goes a long way. When hes not teaching, he sells soya chunks from his car to supplement his income. Its impossible to survive without difficulty where state pay 15 used to so with his flat is not far from way. He and his neighbors sell their goods in zimbabwe. Any extra money beyond one salary is called a side hustle. And as the Economic Future looks bleak, especially for the poorest, more and more people in the country are doing it. Algis are now u. K. Prime minister bars johnson has been told to self isolate, self to coming into contact with someone infected with the coronavirus is office says he doesnt have any symptoms and hes expected to work from downing street. Johnson was hospitalized with corona virus. Back in april and spent several days in intensive care at rounds off a difficult week for the Prime Minister, which killed 2 of his senior aides leaving the government. Cubas main airport has reopened almost 8 months off. It was forced to close because of the pandemic. The government is hoping it will help the struggling economy, which is already been weakened by u. S. Sanctions. All arrivals are of an apple must be tested for the virus, and the movement will be restricted until the results are ready. The island has had success in containing the outbreak with around 7000. 00 infections and 130. 00 deaths. All now brazil, brazilians are voting a municipal elections, which is seen as the 1st political test for president jarboe sonora since he was voted in 2 years ago. Spalling elections take in more than 5 and a half 1000 miscible districts with half a 1000000 candidates in total. Candidates are not expected to do well off the widespread criticism of his response to the coronavirus pandemic want to k. Yannick who is live for us now in rio de janeiro. How much of a test is this . Not just for a president , both sonora, but also really for the Political Climate in the country. Well, this is the 1st election that brazil has ever had in the middle of a pandemic. So there is that then there is the question that this election, traditional politicians are doing better than those politicians that came to power in 2018. Saying were not the typical politician or something different. You know, this is not politics as usual, this is something new. Well, those are not doing very well. People have gone back to perhaps supporting more people they know and not expect many surprises. The polls have closed already, but we are expecting that there will be a 2nd round and that will be in november 29. Its interesting that you say were likely to see the known populist figures do quite well closely because it is going to give some indication of where the country is headed. But how, how polarized is brazil because it does have his fair share of supporters as well. Yes. He does both so now though. 2 as the person he has a lot of supporters. He has no party which is something very strange in brazilian politics. He was a like that with this party, but he fought with this party, so hes now on his own basically. And he depends now to govern the next 2 years. He needs the support from congress. He needs to do the wheeling and dealing that he said that he would never do. So theres that and the country will be facing many issues. Theres g. M. Employment, which is, which has reached 14 percent. Theres the pandemic. So far hes going to, well, also because of the Financial Aid that has been given out during the pandemic. But thats going to stop next year at some point because brazil is running out of money. So theres that too. And on the other side, the left also isnt doing as well. So it isnt that polarized, as it used to be, its like buying towards the center. Thank you very much for the latest on those local elections than brazil want to have from rio de janeiro. Talks aimed at ending nearly a decade of violence in libya has been extended for a 7th day in a juicer. Conclude in the coming hours. Rival factions meeting in tunisia, capital of the old nationwide elections in December Next year. But delegates is still negotiating the appointment of an interim government. Well, moroccan military forces are saying theyve responded to an attack from a group which ones independence for the disputed western sahara. Have been no reports of any casualties, but the policy front says its mobilizing thousands of volunteers want to military operation on friday to reopen a key highway, which it said was blocked by the part of sorry, a front. Despite a long standing ceasefire. Tensions have been on the rise recently. Oh, nasa, me an opposition groups there have descended on the capital naypyidaw to protest against the election results. Unsung suchi is ruling party, won a majority of seats in parliament during last weeks vote. That means the National League for democracy will remain a in power for a 2nd term, but some opposition politicians are using to recognize the result. Around 2000 people took part in the demonstration. On sunday, protesters say hundreds of thousands of people were unable to vote because of fighting in conflict zones. Or the worlds biggest free trade deal has been signed with 15 countries, including china and japan. Now part of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the block will cover nearly a 3rd of the worlds population and Economic Activity for its new reports on this now from kuala lumpur. After 8 years of talks, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership or ourselves, is finally signed, meeting virtually because of the pandemic. Leaders from 15 countries including china, japan, and 10 members of the association of Southeast Asian nations, into the agreement in their respective countries. The conclusion of our surplus, the largest Free Trade Agreement in the world will send a strong message that affirms as a leading role in supporting the multilateral trading system, creating a new trading structure in the region. Its an ambitious deal covering nearly 30 percent of Global Economic output and a 3rd of the worlds population. The agreement aims to lower tariffs and open up trade and investment in stages. It will provide a Simpler Trading framework, meaning businesses wont have to navigate separate requirements to export to different countries. China is the biggest member in the trading block. Its importance in the region grew even more after the u. S. Led by President Donald Trump pulled out of the trade pact in 2017. That deal then known as the Transpacific Partnership for t p. P. Would have been the biggest trade deal in the world. Analysts say china is now poised to extend its influence even further. Does not mean that things are going to change overnight, dramatically, but as things unfold over the future and new issues come up that need to be, im also going to be one of those times and simply because it is the member and of course, charmers largest member does i think charmin, a very influential position . I read the future development of trade in the region. This is also the 1st free trade deal between rival east asian countries. China, japan, and south korea. The deal falls short in some areas. Member states one day able to agree on some of the provisions on ecommerce. The agreement also does not include environmentalists protections or set labor standards. The pact will come into force once enough, Member States ratified the agreement domestically. A process that could take up to 2 years, Florence Louis aljazeera kuala lumpur. Another powerful storm has pummeled vietnam, the latest in a series which have killed at least 250 people there in the past few weeks. Storm vanco made landfall there on sunday damaging buildings not words and trees. The authorities are warning of deadly landslides, triggered by heavy rain storm lashed the philippines earlier this week, killing at least 67 people. And Central America is bracing for its 2nd hearkened in the space of less than 2 weeks is expected to make landfall in honduras, nicaragua, in the next few hours, many of already fled their homes in honduras, while evacuations have been ordered in neighboring nicaragua, and guatemala, with authorities warning of life threatening flooding. Thousands are still in shelters after dark and need to hit 12 days ago. More than 200 people were killed. The turkish president says the only future for cyprus is to be split into 2 states. Do one was speaking during a controversial visit to the abandoned cypriot resort of varosha, which has been fenced off since the turkish invasion of 1974 that divided the island. Russia was partially reopened to the public last month. I do want to plan to hold a beach picnic there with Turkish Cypriot leader, but it was somewhat spoilt by the bad weather. Yoyo hote your eyes today. There are 2 separate people, 2 different democratic orders, and 2 different governments of cyprus, just like president indicated a 2 state solution based on equal sovereignty needs to be discussed on the go. She hated the thought of her greek cypriots. Do not want to share the administration and the prosperity of the island with the Turkish Cypriots equally. I am saying this clearly, this is the reason why we are not sitting down at the negotiating table with the Turkish Cypriots regarding the nations hydrocarbon resources. Now, dozens of high profile nigerians are being investigated over their support for recent protests against police brutality. Theyve been accused of promoting mass demonstrations, of course, is thought to determine whether theyre responsible for Property Damage during their rallies, musicians, football players, and journalists are among those named still ahead for you on the news out well hear from the driver has just won the formula one Ball Championship for a rat hole, it cut in its 7th time. All that and more coming out in support of the but for 23 years mohsin has collected objects sequence along the coast. Enough to fill his museum enough to break a Guinness World record. With a story for every object has become an environmental activist, uninspired artist, and a voice for the plight of countless markets. Much music such as aljazeera to drive their industrial expansion and european powers colonised, shoot areas of the world rich resources. So free labor and fast plans were exploited in the name of civilization and wealth until the colonies decided that had enough. In a new 3 part documentary series, aljazeera explores the district suffering and legacy of frances imperial past. Not in tears french to colonise ation. Coming soon, more abortions. But the birth sport now is far thanks so much mariam golds world. Number one, Dustin Johnson has won his 1st masters title with a record breaking score american car today for interested in the final round at augusta on his way to a 20 under for the tournament. The 36 year old winning by 5 strokes. This is johnson 2nd career major, he won the u. S. Open in 2016. Meanwhile, defending champion tiger woods, finished down the leaderboard tied for 38. Lewis hamilton has won a record equalling 7th Formula One World Championship with mercedes driver went level with Michael Schumacher is marked by sealing this years title with victory at the turkish grand prix reports number one in his sport for breath called equaling 7th time. Victory for Lewis Hamilton at the turkish campisi confirming yet another World Championship he dreamed of this is rescue has, you know youre young and when i was young, we watching the game free and this is way, way beyond our dreams. And i think its so important for kids out there to hopefully see this and know that no one to tell you dont listen to anybody that tells you you cant achieve something raising points. Landstuhl began this race in paul position with hamilton down in 6th place with whether any unique resurface track in istanbul, contributed to some early spins. And during the opening laps of this, gone crazy how milton was off the pace. But midway through the race, when other teams and drivers changed tires to try and beat the conditions, how much and trusted his driving abilities stayed out on the track. It gave the 35 year old, the chance to move into his accustomed place at the front, and the british driver never looked back. Is 94th korea when ensuring the title was his, with 3 races still left in the season. But the bad news for his rivals is that hamilton has promised to be back next year for run active berthold breaking 8 title santa homeless aljazeera theyre on a mare, has won the moto g. P. World title for the 1st time in his career. A 7th place finish up valencia grand prix was enough for the spaniard to clinch. The title is also becomes hes 1st World Champion in 2 decades. It ends mark mark has his dominance of the sport to he had won the last sports championships, but has been sidelined by injury this season. But im really, really, really happy. You can believe now because when you follow one dream, all your life and then buying into your t. V. That the moment i dont, i dont believe what you and i meet a couple of times now. I feel over there. Because for me, i dont have one son of god became the 1st country to qualify for the africa cup of nations, the continents biggest tournament, a late goal from liverpool striker a one note victory at guineabissau, senegal maintain their 100 percent of record in group i tunes share a place of the finals in cameroon, in january 2020, early bring mauritanias 31 in group b. There were also wins for comoros and equitorial guinea u. S. Open champion. Dominic team got off to a flying start of the season ending a. T. P. Finals in london. It was sweet revenge for the austrian who was taking on defending champion staff in the repeat of last years final. The lone number 3 drop a 2nd sad but came back strong to win the tie him 3 sets, 7646636 the austrian says hes still getting used to playing in a new environment. All the bubble life and the little girl inside. Its exhausting in a way as well. Its a very new experience for all of us with all the, all the sting and always a little bit pynchon what happens around the world if the tournaments can still go on. So first of all, of course, im very grateful as all the other players to be in slug like this one are still happening now about jock of age a 5 time winner of this tournament begins his 1st great game against diego schwartzman. On monday, there was presented with a trophy to celebrate his top ranking, as the 33 year old will finish this year as the world number one, regardless of how he performs in london. You know, on, obviously super proud of it whether the same time also mixed emotions a little bit because of what is going on in the world. I cant be going over into that. You know, even though of course i achieved one of the, one of the biggest goals in sport as the all you know, feel for, for many people around the world there are going through hardship and my heart goes ok. And that is all your sport for now. Its now back to merion in london. Thanks very much for the 1st full nasa Space Mission on a privately owned spacecraft. As you take off in around 2 and a half hours a day behind the initial schedule for astronauts will be launched to the International Space station on a space x. Rocket after a successful test mission into orbit in april space x. Of course is owned by the Technology Entrepreneur mosque only previously been used for unmanned supply missions. The launch was delayed on saturday because of the weather. Lots of phonies out, but ill see in a couple of minutes with a full bulletin. A roundup of the top stories coming up very shortly. C n n. Dissecting the headlines in the midst of a pandemic. Lets start with some of the on the ground realities of backing the news coverage. Whats the lay of the land challenging assumptions and the official night vilifying post on aljazeera. Be the hero, the world needs right. Washington. A multimillion dollar online sex scam in the philippines is blackmailing men from around the world. One on one east. Im covered. I was small times and became a criminal empire on aljazeera. Afghanistan is on the cusp of a new chapter in its history. As to the us on the telephone signed an agreement to pave the way through the withdrawal in the mission troops. The high cost was paid to get to this point though. Over the past few years, the u. S. Has increasingly conducted its part of the war from the sky, with more bombs dropped last year than any other year in the past decade. But with that, came a rise in civilian casualties. This is all accidents to happen at mistakes do happen, and that this is about owning our mistakes. This is about things go right in this about accountability in a, in a largely unaccountable war. The families we interviewed not receiving adult humans from the us, left them without closure. They told us that they so like what happened to their loved ones was a crime. And they want justice. An answer is something war too often denied. Celebrations in peru, as the interim president resigns, just 5 days into the job after protests, over the ousting of his predecessors. Hello, im Maryam Namazie in london. Youre watching aljazeera also coming up on the program. A conflict in the Northern Territory region drives more than 20000 ethiopians into sudan. And spills over the border into eritrea. As a by john extends the deadline for minions to leave their homes

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