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Terms with a dark chapter of its past. And in sports, a historic win for argentinas rugby team for the 1st time ever. Theyve beaten a 3 time world champions music. So were going to start with the worsening situation in ethiopia, where after days of denial, a leader from the region has confirmed yes, their forces did strike for sparking the fighting, which has killed hundreds of people. He says the great Peoples Liberation from the t. P. L. F. Launched a preemptive strike against a military base last week. It was that which prompted the federal government to launch its own offensive in the region. Get to go his own article and what you must understand that the 2 great people are at risk, both internally and externally. Eritrea on one and Ethiopian Forces on all sides. This move was purely a selfdefense measure small countries when they feel the risk of a stronger enemy which is about to destroy them. They often carry out a preemptive strike like this one. Well, since that strike, the fighting is only escalated the government on the t. P. O. Left now reportedly training rocket fire. While the countrys Human Rights Commission is investigating reports of massacres and ethnic profiling, both sides are being accused of atrocities against civilians. So lets start things with mohammed joe. He is in the city of gandhi, which is on the border of that region. And mohammed this admission from the tea pail. If its quite something, its a, its a complete turnaround. Yes, it is. And if hes huge on every level, good, a good touch is a ranking of the hes been one said this hoax month in the form of Prime Minister who was the leader all the time. They hired the governments of the high level body of the military dictatorship in 1009 to one. Im really now been in the g. P. L. Upon the regime from hed been tickets for the whole of the Prime Minister would take something home. And while talked in, there have been many soldiers killed at the time when they were just waiting. There was supposed to be also goes up to say they had launched but so the defense to try and the loyalty on come on and it was you know, out on the border at a trail ridge and i must say so that it took them just 4 to 5 minutes to finish the open ocean of demobilizing, as you say is no holes. So this is a huge admission on the side of the p. L. O. And one that is going to have a lot of reactions from across the so the People Living in this area, we have well 2 sides of it. We have the ones who are managing to head over the border into sudan. Weve of course, had our correspondent reporting from there. But these allegations now coming out and these are really serious of whats amounting effectively to, well, someone saying ethnic cleansing, that is the fear. And that is what is causing a lot of reaction not just within the European Values also from the international community. Many people believe that the fighting is headed to a situation where people are being targeted because of their ethnic identity. And that is what we saw in my country when hundreds of people were killed just because of the community. They came from most of them who were killed want the heart of this is a must like of the whole also confirmed by amnesty international, of course, in the breeze. The violence is not new to you that you have already alarming level even before the conflict, something that led to the displacement of up to 2000000, people in the past 2 years. But they believe these free thought be where many people believe incitement on hate. Online is taking the matter to a new level. Thank you. Mohammed with that update on the situation in northern ethiopia. Now, to what is the final day for Ethnic Armenians to leave the areas of going to cut about these are the areas that will be handed over to azerbaijan. Some people even set fire to their houses as they left. This is the 1st handover of armenian controlled land to azerbaijan, which is expected on sunday, part of a peace deal which ended 6 weeks of fighting over the disputed territory. Children are many are crying and one to return home. Its very hard such a sore. In the end, we will blow up or put the fire to the house, not to leave anything to muslims. And its here from a correspondence 1st homemade whos involved in this, in armenia, with more on the evacuation. Well actually coming down this road heading into our proper and facing uncertain future development. Now weve been all the way inside and theyre going to care about which is that district where about 4 to 5000 were living. And i have to say over the past few days, all we have seen is a village, one after the other. People have already evacuated the area. Weve seen some people burning their houses, saying that they were, they were not going to leave them for anyone else to live in meaning as there is if and when they come back to this district. Weve seen power lines cut. And weve seen also a really great sense of loss among the few remaining. There chopping wood, theyre still taking whatever they have left to join their families across the border in armenia. So you really get a sense that people are fleeing, theyre desperately scared about what could happen next. Even though we have seen the russian peace keepers making their way in large numbers, very long convoys for armenians. That would be really a symbol of protection, but they dont feel safe at this stage. Still regardless, and they have by and large already left the district. And now its on a binge of it is in the capital baku, and well get on to the evacuations in the as serious side about in a moment of some of these talks that have been going on. Socalled technical talks between russia and turkey. Whats coming out of those well, this was a Technical Group that was meeting in turkey after a decision that the turks did turn defended by the very big one of the turks to be involved in these talks are in the Peace Process as well. To be seeking to bring troops in, according to us or by john, are going to include turkish troops as well. But as the deal has been signed between the armenians, the as there is in the presence of the russians, the turks will not be present inside nagornokarabakh. The turks will be part of the peacekeeping centers. But when we establish close to the line of control, the line of actual contact, and that is where they will be based, many of these details are still emerging. How many will they be . What will be their remit of what can they do . What will happen if they find something which is not in accordance with what our vision or the armenian one . So a lot of that is being thrashed out the other, even the armenians are not take directly talking to each other and theyre talking to each other. Wired into media resource, yes, it is slowly unfolding as we see what we know as deadlines is that this 330. 00, rounding areas around the corner of karbala, have to be vacated by Armenian Forces, have to be handed over to azerbaijan. Russian peacekeepers are going to come in and then the other way joining forces are going to take control of their borders. So lets talk now about the evacuation samak as we saw in hotels report people leaving obviously, hugely upset about the situation. Some setting fire to their houses as they go. This was a peace deal to end the fighting, but it does seem to be a series of really come out on the better side of it. Well, it does seem that way. And the, as the president said that there by john has one in armenia, has been defeated. So it does not help the sentiment of the people who are leaving that area. But on this side of the point line of contact, the other by jollys, are saying that according to the United Nations resolution or by john, was the owner of this land. This was taken by force by Armenian Forces 28 years ago. And this was originally their land, so there is disappointment and anger in azerbaijan, about the scenes that theyre seeing there, saying that the armenians are vandalizing something which didnt belong to them. In the 1st place that these homes belonged to a series, 60000 of them left the cult majority region alone. And theyre saying that they want to get back to this areas as soon as possible. There is a curfew that has been implemented in the areas that have been taken by the azerbaijani forces. The Police Forces for the last 28 years, who are stationed on this side of the divide have been asked to come. And so it is going to slowly unfold, and i asked one of the generals of the other by john the military that what will it take to build trust between these 2 sides . And he stopped paused and he said in a word, time some a bunch of aides with the update from baku in azerbaijan. Thank you. 11 minutes past the hour on aljazeera. Heres whats coming up. Whatever happens in the future, who knows which administrator he will be. I guess time will tell, is he edging closer to a concession, donald trump acknowledges he may not be leaving the countrys next administration. Also morocco launches a military operation in the west and ending a near 30 year ceasefire. And in your sports news, the pretty tournament favorites gets a few problems at the masters and we will have that to tend to the well rival factions in libya have agreed to hold nationwide elections in december of next year. This was announced at the u. N. Sponsored talks in tunis, delegates a negotiating the appointment of an interim government. A military representatives have also been meeting in sirte in central libya. Theyre discussing the implementation of a cease fire deal that was signed last month. Hes not trying to in misrata to take us through some of this. I mean, these are real developments now. The fact that they not only talking about elections, theyre actually setting a tentative date for all thats right. Come on. But i think here in libya, the talks are being received with a sense of hope and also a mixed mixture of skepticism. Now, while National Elections, most libyans are happy to see National Elections set for december 21st or summer 24th. Many arse get tickled that they will actually take place libyas been engulfed in violence since the fall of Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. And these years of Political Division and violence have sort of so these deep, deep feelings towards the warring sides. Now what isnt being discussed and what may be crucial is the fate of warlords relief after now have had a failed military 14 months of military campaign on the capital that was really devastating to the capital. According to gina officials, 125000 homes were destroyed, hundreds of thousands were just plays. Thousands of civilians were, were killed, or thousands of people were killed in the fighting. So what happens with could be a really game, a really, a focus of difference between the rival sides. And were going to have to wait and see what kind of agreement these sides come together. And whether or not thats going to be accepted by everyone here. All right, so cautious optimism. It is. Thank you. Misrata. Iran has denied reports that one of its top leaders was killed on its soil. As the New York Times reports saying al qaida is 2nd in command at a dollar was killed in teheran in august. And he was accused of helping to mastermind the 998 bombings of 2. U. S. Embassies in africa. Irans Foreign Ministry described the report as false saying al qaeda has no presence in that country. , exactly a week now since joe biden was declared u. S. , president elect. And donald trump still hasnt conceded, but the president has now spoken publicly, hadleys to update americans on the coronavirus pandemic. And he did appear to inch closer to it, missing some sort of defeat. Alan fischer reports from washington incredibly, this is become a real thing. Public remarks by donald trump his 1st since the election. And this was about protecting his Legacy Administration has initiated the single greatest mobilization in u. S. History, pioneering developing and manufacturing therapies and vaccines. In record time, there was no talk of the election result. This was an update on the fight against corona virus, the hope provided by a vaccine. But there was almost the slip almost an acknowledgment. His time in the white house was coming to a close. Ideally, we wont go to a lockdown. I will not go, this administration will not be going to a lockdown. Hopefully the, the, whatever happens in the future, who knows which of ministration will be, i guess time will tell. But i can tell you this administration will not go to a lockdown. The president has been adamant, he continues to fight in the courts to overturn an election. He claims without evidence was stolen from him, but hes running out of route. His campaign has dropped its action in arizona where joe biden has been declared. The winner cases in michigan and pennsylvania have run into legal difficulties. Law teams have quit the fight because lawsuits being dismissed by judges who seem quite exasperated with lawyers representing the Trump Campaign. Who simply do not have facts. The president s own Cyber Security experts have declared the election to be the most secured in american history. Something the president was keen to take credit for while at the same time, claiming it had been rigged by the democrats against him. Another sign, the white house is moving towards acceptance of the result from monday, joe biden will start receiving the daily intelligence briefing. Something the trumpet ministration had blocked since the election. A biden campaigns reaction about time passing day, lack of access to current classified operations are back channel conversations that are happening really with the american peoples interest as it relates to their National Security risk. Donald trump is arguably the most accessible president in modern history. But he left the rose garden, refusing to take questions about the election result. And if his days in the white house were numbered, alan fischer. Washington. And now russell and jordan joining us from washington on a saturday morning there, as we say rosalynn one week since joe biden became president elect. And donald trump, not exactly giving up his legal efforts, havent really amounted to much have they no, his legal efforts have not amount to much as we heard from our colleague alan fischer. The perhaps the most significant is that the legal challenges in michigan and arizona have been abandoned in large part because the legal teams representing the Trump Campaign have not been able to muster the quality of witnesses or the quality of evidence necessary to convince judges that Election Results need to be satisfied or that votes need to be recounted. And theres also been notably a number of prominent legal firms here in the us, whose members in recent days have raised real concerns about being hired to up present essentially bogus legal cases that has an impact on their reputations and has an impact on the individual bar memberships of the lawyers who are arguing these cases, and it does in many of these lawyers view, degrade the entire principle of taking your argument to court. You dont want to do so, and be seen as wasting the courts time. Thats one of the tenets of american jurisprudence. So whether the president is on the verge of abandoning his legal efforts to have the vote overturned, to have the outcome overturned, is still an open question. But certainly, it sounds as if there are no 2nd thoughts about pursuing a vigorous effort to end the vote recount or to overturn the results in some states. And when you consider that joe biden, the president elect, has now amassed at least 5300000. 00 more votes than the incumbent. Donald trump, it does seem to bring into focus how much of a challenge this is on the flipside roles in the now that weve seen a week of joe biden as president elect. And i mean, hes been showing a lot of restraint. I think we could probably say were getting maybe a picture of what kind of president he would be. Well, it would certainly be someone who has governed and the traditional washington model, trying to bring in a lot of longtime advisers, trusted personnel to hold key spots. We saw in ron klain, being named chief of staff a couple of days ago. And certainly that is someone who has been alongside joe biden since the late eightys, frankly. And thats experience that you dont want to turn your back on. And certainly the hope, perhaps the most prominent measure, the president elect deciding to convene his own version of a Coronavirus Task force in order to get real time information and insight before he takes office on january 20th. So that he is ready to put into place actual policies on day one and not have to spend, you know, several weeks trying to get up to speed trying to get read in. What is perhaps the most concerning for both republicans and democrats here in washington is the fact that up until now, the president elect has not been getting read in on the daily Intelligence Briefings that President Trump gets the president ial daily brief. Theres been a lot of a suggestion and a lot of recognition that perhaps the u. S. Is response or ability to prevent the september 11th attacks was in part due to the fact that the Incoming Administration of george w. Bush wasnt getting read in on these Intelligence Briefings because of the florida recount back in 2000, and certainly both republicans and democrats on capitol hill are saying that this simply cannot happen again. That just because one of the parties is not accepting of the final outcome of the november 3rd election means that the countrys National Security should be jeopardized. And so coming on monday, the president elect will start getting the same parental briefing that the current president is gathering ok, rosalynn jordan at the white house. Thank you. Well, youre a supporter of unrest now because the u. N. Foreign units are u. S. Foreign policy expert and a professor in International Relations at nanyang technological university. In singapore, he says, bidens presidency is likely to improve u. S. Relations approach. In the same way that when president Obama Took Office in january of 2009, he was able to really increase americas allure to the rest of the world, restore some of its popularity just by, by replacing the person that he did. And i think that biden, just by entering office and sending positive signals that the United States is back in a way that it is reassuring allies and friends will do quite a bit of good without any happy lifting wire. Its to bidens credit that in his campaign statements and writings he, he mentioned that the top Foreign Policy priority is actually a domestic one that the United States needs to get its house in order. And the most pressing urgent matter is to get some control over the coronavirus that is wreaking havoc right now in American Society and on the economy. Even finally, the u. S. President is realizing, i think hes the last person to recognize that the writing is on the wall. And he lost this election and he needs to leave, and the balloon seems to be deflating quite rapidly. So my sense is that perhaps the worst of his obstructionism is over and he will least if not explicitly implicitly allow some of the transition to occur. You know, with the who, with a modicum of support from the, from the going to administer aisha and bureaucracy. Colombias special justice tribunal has resumed the examination of bodies in the northwest. And the military Officials Say at least 15 extra judicial killings were committed by the army. As he reports, brainsick, experts from colombias earthing mass graves near the northwest town of the army, officers have testified that at least 50 People Killed by soldiers and falsely presented as rebel fighters to boost sticks are buried. Here already 54. 00 bodies have been recovered, but only 4 identified the burials denied for more than 2 decades. After one of the darkest chapters of the countrys civil conflict, he disappeared in 1997 until today 2020. That means that we look for him for 23 years. Family members line up to give blood samples to help identify the dead through d. N. A. Matching and his daughter are still looking for 3 of manuels children. Perhaps will find one of the bodies to find out where they are. One thing is to know where theyre buried. Give them a funeral. Another is having no idea of what happened to them. Official estimates say that some 200000 bodies still need to be discovered in colombia. Its just one of many tasks that the peace tribunal is addressing as the country tries to face its past. The ect that congregates us here and did a bieber central part goes beyond returning these bodies to the family that reiterate unwavering commitment with truth and justice. Yet the tribunals created under the 2016 peace accord with fire gravels has been at the center of political attacks. That some criticize the fact that former rebels to tell the truth and compensate big things can avoid prison terms. Others believe the tribunals is biased against the military and politicians allegedly involved in war crimes. Former president has been leading the charge recently calling for a referendum to abolish the courts altogether. But some observers say, what critics fear the most is the im bailing of evidence showing collusion between the military paramilitary in powerful elites, former president. Hes that strong. The proceedings especially restriction of peace from the commission. But for millions of victims of colombias long internal conflict, this is the 1st real opportunity to get a glimmer of justice and relief. I listened to Central American leaders are calling for support as the 2nd powerful storm in 2 weeks moves towards the region and seeking emergency funds from the Central American bank to help deal with one of the busiest atlantic hurricane seasons ever. Arkan iota is the 30th named storm in the area this year, setting a new record less than a fortnight after the category 4 hurricane killed at least 200. 00 and now with a wider look at the weather, has rob this record breaking year guess what . Weve just had pop up in the caribbean, yet another tropical storm. This ones called over to now if you want to happen to the one between each 10. 00 to a theater thats near the canary islands, but here we are. His are you to. Its currently not a very big thing, but it is going to grow. However, already the hondurans got the Evacuation Order there on the march. Because you remember eat a saturday of a home jirus for a couple of days and cause widespread flooding. Well, iotas going much the same direction and fairly soon as well. Theres about 2 days, i think, between now and the hit here, it is growing then during sunday and monday it will become a major hurricane before it hits the coast 1st of nicaragua. But obviously the rain will spread a lot further, and these are the conditions likely winds at 185 kilometers per hour. So wind damage is still, theres a potential and the rain potential much the same azita. So you could have the same again, but on top of whats already there, not a good prospect. Her stays in Central America in north america. Now it is gong to feel about it and its all winter. So up in the northwest has been a huge amount of snow, but a meter up from the tops. The cold air was for the down across the plain states. So i think probably on sunday or monday we watch the development of pretty big storms. Thank you. Rob. Here is whats coming up on this news hour. 5 percent of the folks said that and or the hospital with kobe, dont make it out. Sounding the alarm, managing people to act, u. S. States see a steep rise in corona, virus infections ahead of the holiday season. Growing fears in the ivory coasts time i found, was there a worried and what it might mean for the worlds chocolate supply sports as well as horse racing, making its return in some bombed way. They tend to recover from the Financial Impact of the country on countering the cost, the once mighty financial capitals of the world have been reduced to ghost towns by the pandemic. Can they reinvent themselves . Plus to appease president fires, the Central Bank Governor after their son in law steps down as finance minister counting the cost on aljazeera from the outer theory, a london pool path and tacky income to take in the state, the american state. It didnt, and they, unprompted uninterrupted, all of these, these divisions of the working class of working people. And they keep us from realizing our collective power money, crapola, meet pomade. Then, if you obey the market for 30 years, you begin to work with it and believe it has power over you. A lot. Judy, a great date on aljazeera. Investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on down to 0. 0. 0. On the news here at aljazeera, these are the top stories today, final day for Ethnic Armenians. To leave areas of, were going to carve out that will be handed over to us about russian and turkish soldiers are on the ground to monitor the deal, which in 6 weeks libyas rival factions are taking part in the final day of un backed talks in tunis theyve agreed to hold elections next year and are working on forming an interim government until great forces in north and ethiopia have confirmed they did launch an attack on a military base that sparked a federal government offensive. Thousands of people are fleeing the fighting. Ethiopian Human Rights Commission is sending a team to investigate reports of a mass killing in the town of my car. While im pleased to have our own marshawn with us now from who is a spokesman for the ethiopian Human Rights Commission . Thank you for your time, sir. When your group says you are aware of what is going on in the region, what level of detail do you have . And are you worried that actually when you get there, you could find something a whole lot worse. Well, you know, as you know, telephone lines remain cut off in the region so its makes, making it very difficult to gather as much information is needed and corroborate some of the claims made over the last 1011 days. But having said that, there have been allegations that a massacre of civilians to place, as you mentioned in my character in south west. And the Human Rights Commission has dispatched a team already there and that team will carry out an investigation that will be made public occlusion of its work. In the meantime as well, weve continued to receive information from certain parts of the country from people facing discrimination in exclusion and encountered their ethnicity. We visited a police stations, weve spoken to people who are being detained there. And we want to see these very cozy. In the meantime, the Human Rights Commission is calling for due care to avoid the risk of ethnic profiling. And that in discrimination doesnt have to be more the do you care there . Youre talking about an investigation which yes, you have to get there and investigate and put together a report, but what could be happening in the meantime . Hundreds of people being killed . Surely something has to happen now to stop this. Yes, no, absolutely, absolutely. But, you know, as i said, i mean its, you know, we are trying to dispatch the team as soon as possible and, and we are confident that they will be there either today or tomorrow. And that it will come up at the findings that they need to base an International Intervention given. Youve got the federal government at odds with the tape e. L. F. They are neither side is probably going to say, well, well look at this and well stop those. I mean, theyre fighting each other. Yes. You know, given, given, given the fact that its cordoned off, if i can use the term, its been very, very difficult to get information. But you know, as you mentioned, there is a growing influx of refugees streaming over of weve expressed concerns as well. Weve highlighted the need to protect civilians from hostilities. And at the same time, were also in consultation with the relevant authorities regarding the risk of a multi dimensional and human rights. Multidimensional Human Rights Violations that could arise from hostilities taking place in the right where those it were using our concerns beat italy. And were in touch with the authorities and trying to get as much information as we can. So i go back to the point i made before about whats happening in the interim, whilst you call for these things. And im not just saying your group, a lot of human Rights Groups are a calling for an investigation. I mean, amnesty, let me quote chivas. They say they have seen digitally verified gruesome photographs and videos of bodies strewn across the town away. Carried away on, on stretchers there is by all accounts, a math going on there and you just have to wonder how it can be stopped. Now before it gets any worse, and we start getting into ethnic cleansing and genocide, the allegations are very, very serious. And thats why we are deploying, deploying a team to gather the facts. Were also, weve also made recommend, were also making recommendations. In order to safeguard lives. In the point were making is its, its a vital that there is a swift delivery of humanity, monetary insistence, and services. And for this reason, the ethiopian Human Rights Commission is calling for a prompt creation of a humanitarian assistance desk at the level of the federal governments that enable the provision of humanitarian assistance. And we also call for the necessary support to be given to the red cross because there are allegations that some of their vehicles have been shot up. So we are calling for them to be to be given. The supports that provide the essential services are in motion from the ethiopian Human Rights Commission. 1st of all, thank you for your time and i hope we can talk to you again soon. Once there is some more information from your teams on the ground. Thank you. Lets move on to corona virus news. Now in the pandemic is gathering speed in the United States with record numbers of infections recorded. Daily. Public Health Experts are warning the situation get even worse. Reports over 1000. 00 cases are skyrocketing across the u. S. Hospitals in multiple states are running out of beds and protective equipment. Doctors and nurses are once again exhausted. Like every hospital across the country were overwound, you are getting overrun governors across the country, issued dire warnings, mandatory mask wearing orders, and restrictions on businesses and social gatherings. The dreaded winter surges here. Infection records are being set and states across the entire country. We report, record hospitalizations, and deaths day after day. Our hospitals are full. 5 percent of the folks that that entered the hospital with covais dont make it out, but one in 20, california join texas as the 1st states recording over 1000000 cases each. Meanwhile, president elect joe biden and his cold 900 task force are still barred by the outgoing Trump Administration from getting briefings on the situation. Its imperative that our team and our experts have better access. Some states like new mexico have imposed the near complete shutdown, but biden will not order a nationwide freeze when he takes office on january 20th. Were not in a place where were saying, shut the whole country down. Weve got to be more targeted. Americans are getting ready for the thanksgiving holiday, which traditionally involves big family gatherings. Public officials are begging them to limit groups. We must tell you, you must cancel the normal thanksgiving plans. The u. S. Centers for Disease Control forecast deaths could reach as many as 282000 over the next 4 weeks. Robert oulds aljazeera across the atlantic, there are warnings. Europe will face a hard winter because of resurgence of corona virus infections. Austrias announced a new 3 week lockdown starting choose day. Thats after a night time curfew failed to stop infections from spreading neighboring italy, its highest number of new cases, almost 41000 in a single day. Regional leaders are warning the Health System is a breaking point. In cases in germany of surged almost 23000 in a day there with officials now to meet on monday to discuss if the new restrictions have indeed slowed the spread. France says the 2nd National Lockdown wont be eased for at least 2 more weeks, but it appears to be working from seeing a drop in infections. Were going to go to london now, our european news center and paul brennan to update us on that. Well get to some, european stuff in a moment. But what about london . The u. K. , i should say we were talking earlier about some slightly encouraging statistics coming out there. But a grain of salt needs to be taken. Well yes, i mean, the office for National Statistics has said that the acceleration in infection rates does seem to be slowing as a result of the lockdown, the National Lockdown that we are in here currently here in the u. K. But thats not to say that the actual number of cases is not still increasing. It is just that a slower pace, so you can look at it from the point of view. There are some glimmers of hope. For example, the government has announced the from monday, friends and relatives of those people who are currently being looked after in care homes will be able to get testing at the moment those People Living in care homes have been essentially cut off from their loved ones outside because of the fear of putting coronavirus into those care homes, which are very vulnerable populations in the introduction of testing for friends and family specifically should mean that those friends and relatives can actually see their loved ones for the 1st time in many, many months. But the other thing that sadly a grain of salt is some of the data from the sage group, which is a Scientific Advisory group for emergencies that advises the u. K. Government on this pandemic. A mess saying that if this situation, after december the 2nd, this current lockdown returns to the tiered system that there was before. Before november, the 5th, one lockdown was introduced. Then frankly, the situation in the infections will go right back to the way to where it was at the start of november. Its not good enough to simply go back to tears. There has to be more, there has to be things like proper effective test and trace, for example, right across europe, as i outlined, just before we came to were heading into a potentially very dangerous period where you winter anyway, when you would have seasonal illnesses. But you add code on top of that, i mean the italians are already saying our Health Systems are breaking point. Yes, and its only has added 2 more regions to the list of coronavirus red zones as they call them. They have red, orange, and yellow, depending on the level of infection in those different regions. And now tuscany and companion have now been added to those red zones, and in those people are not allowed to go out of their home unless it is for absolutely essential purposes such as exercise medical appointment, for example, nonessential shop. So all closed and essentially what were looking at there in italy is 26000000. 00 people out of a population total of 60000000. 00 people who are now living under these restrictions as a result of the worrying increase. And the pressure thats been put on the hospitals there. You know, there was footage from a hospital in naples in the past week showing an elderly man actually dead in one of the emergency room washrooms. And that caused outrage and shock for a while all across all across europe, specifically in italy. And it really has brought home the urgency and the pressure that these hospitals are under in italy, paul brennan, with an update on the situation across europe. Thank you. Paul. A near 30 year ceasefire has been brought to an end in the disputed territory of Western Sahara. The Pro Independence fronts declared the deal over after american troops launched an operation in the region. Government authorities deny any fighting is taking place laura, but many as this report a conflict frozen for 3 decades, but never resolved. Now a fragile truce in the Western Sahara between morocco and a Pro Independence group is under threat. The policies are a front has been fighting for an independent states in Western Sahara, an area where between mauritania to the south, america to the north, with a population of around half a 1000000 people. But morocco also claims this vast stretch of desert robot accuses policies. Are you front of blocking a main highway thats preventing the flow of goods between mauritania and morocco. But the policy sorry, of front accuses morocco of carrying out attacks against its people and of igniting war, has publicly officially the fact of launching an armed attack or demonstrating peacefully in violation of the 4th brokers. Government held in the mergence the meeting to address the situation. This road is important when it comes to the movement of civilians and goods. And because such actions were a violation of the u. N. Sponsored cease fire agreement, morocco, in order to fulfill its duties, ordered its military forces to intervene and build a sand barrier to protect the area from any future breaches. Ations between morocco, the policy area and mauritania have remained suspended the several months the u. N. Is calling for restraint. The secretary general remains committed to doing his utmost to avoid the collapse of the cease fire that has been in place since 6 september 1991. And he is determined to do Everything Possible to remove all obstacles, to the resumption of the political process, the 2 sides of battle for control of the region. Since 975. 00, when spain pulled out of the area, took control. But drew barely and led to a war that continued until 1991, when the un broke an armistice. But its a complex thats left tens of thousands of people displaced from their homes. Many of the sarai refugees have been living for decades in vast, sprawling camps along algerias border with morocco. The conditions are harsh and they continue to rely on humanitarian assistance to survive. But the political impasse continues, and its unlikely these people return to their homes anytime soon, nor a better man, the al jazeera manufacturers in ivory coast. So theyre running out of raw materials. Violence is disputed election is that some serious economic disruption. Protesters a blockade entire regions preventing supplies from reaching the factories. A manager says this report from abidjan at this cocoa processing factory workers prepare the last talk of beans for production, the so there where that some of them may be working their last ships. Opposition protests against president alassane ouattara, 35. 00 post Manufacturing Companies to cut production. The factory manager says they have received only 40 tons of cocoa beans in 2 weeks, instead of a daily consignment of 320 tons before the political crisis. The current political crisis has strangled towns like yemen, so cruel and many others were hit by violent demonstrations. Farmers were scared, no one wants to take chances as there are many incidents where truckloads of goods were burnt. Constitutional changes enable president water to run for 30. The opposition call it illegal, sparking protests that killed more than 85 people. 2 weeks after a tourist reelection. Tensions remain with clashes erupting in various parts of the country, impeding the delivery of raw material factories need for production, including cocoa, the countrys biggest export. Producers say the disruptions caused by the president ial election as theyre struggling with the effects of covered 19 would be felt for a very long time and more damage could be done if the political situation is not resolved quickly. With some considering cutting jobs, bellville market truck driver ends a drought or brings a truckload of yams. He says many of them spoiled because this truck was held there for 3 days. Its hard to the crisis has affected the transportation of products. There were barricades and entire highways cut off for 8 years. Ive recourses seen consistent Economic Growth of 7 percent, making it one of the best performing economies in africa. But experts warn that continuing violence and uncertainty could be devastating for businesses, both in the short and long term. In the short term, the economy will contract a recession of sorts, even if you dont have a recession in the short term growth will drop. What we see is growth will be around 1. 3 to 1. 5 percent next year. He says the basic infrastructure, the country requires is in place. This will help ivory coast return to decent Economic Growth. But right now, there are growing fears that the political crisis will go on. More people will lose their jobs and the poverty already 47 percent or rise. Greece aljazeera, perus ousted former president , has been banned from leaving just days after being impeached. A Court Ordered Martin Vizcarra to remain in the country for 18 months, while stander investigation for corruption. He was removed from office by congress on monday, sparking nationwide protests is still denies the accusations that he took money from land developers. While he was a regional governor. Antigovernment demonstrations in chile are continuing with people demanding greater equality. Police fired water cannon to disperse the crowds in santiago. Nationwide demonstrations began more than a year ago. The protesters have been calling for reforms to the Pension Health care and education system. And tensions are high in mexico as well after a Police Crackdown on protests has been growing anger there over gender based violence following the murder of a 20 year old woman. In fact, the United Nations says on average 10 women are killed every day in mexico. There are rescue operations underway in northern philippines to the severe flooding from typhoon, thousands of people have been trapped. Homes have been submerged in the region. This is the worst storm to hit the country this year and has killed at least 53 people. Andy is here with us sports in just a moment. As us vegas gets ready for the biggest fights, all they hear about and the rest of the sports news coming up in the 2nd bars of identity and exile. Matthew council travels to the middle east to retrace his steps, Palestinian Refugees rise, baha of the worlds palestinian population and see the conflict through the eyes of those who live. It breaks my heart to see this man whos been like a father to yearn for a place that he may never see. I dont need israel and they go about my down to 0 correspondent. This countrys begin easing coronavirus restrictions. Scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infections in the last few days into the neighborhood, and many feel the economy is be prioritised, the boat for human life until fall to pull. Yet again, the focus on the outfield will spike and pulled in 1000 places. We bring you the latest developments from across the globe. Coronavirus funded special coverage on a whoops the on world. And he asked me earlier today, is this a lead sports story . And i had to pick grudgingly say, yes, it is unique. And i disagree. It has in fact been a historic day for argentinian rugby for the 1st time ever. Theyve bateson. 3 time world champions, new zealand, argentina winning this 12515 in a tri, shes much being played in australia quite a performance by nicholas sanchez. He scored all of the polls for argentina with a try. 6 penalties and a conversion covered 19 men. This was often seen as a 1st competitive match in more than a year. And after losing to australia last week, its the 1st time the all blacks have suffered facts about losses. Since 2011 has now the challenges of hosting the masters in november have again been laid bare is day 3 of that sauna because the hall for the failed well is still finishing off the 2nd round world. Number one, dustin johnson. Hes at the top of the leaderboard on 9, under par alongside 4 other players. The masters normally takes place in april with the light. Of course, its a car with 19 johnson tossing on the 2nd major of his career. The american believes he could be even better placed obviously i feel like a play a little bit better than the Market Research and right. No. But you know, im still happy. Happy with where im swinging. You know, control mcgraw or you know, everything im doing your role, the part are good just, you know, hopefully could see if you were growing over the weekend. Well, fading light prevents the defending champion tiger woods from finishing his 2nd round on friday. Hes back out on the course right now. Hes on 5 under par spains world number 2, john rome, also finishing off his 2nd round. Hes moved up to 9 under par, and a share of the lead pretournament favorite bryson to shambo not having quite such a good sign. Harry is hitting a triple bogey 7 at the 3rd hole and losing his ball. The u. S. Open champion on one under par. Or heavy rain caused a series of delays during qualifying for sundays turkish grand prix racing point one stroll was fastest. He will start in pole position, not being recorded in just the last few seconds. Everyone struggling to get a grip on the circuit throughout practice and qualifying the venue last close to the girlfriend, 2011. Is resurfaced just 2 weeks ago. Lewis hamilton will secure the World Championship if he wins something. Now a dramatic comeback in africa up of nations qualifying on friday, sierra leone, who are ranked outside the worlds top 100, coming back from 4 down to draw 4 against 3 time African Champions nigeria, they scored twice in the last 10 minutes to rescue a points. Despite result by jury still top of the now horseracing in zimbabwe was suspended in march 2 to coronavirus. Some restrictions have now been lifted in racing has resumed. Jockeys are known is now hoping to revive it. Sports permits us reports from harare. Thomas masons his horse racing has been struggling here for years mainly because as a worsening economy. But the coronavirus pandemic has made things worse. After a nationwide lockdown that lasted months. The government has now lifted some restrictions. That means horse racing can resume, but compared to some other countries in the region, zimbabwe has a lot of catching up to do so africa, others have pressed on and very, very good vinyl list and lots and, you know, breeding. We now rely on their racing to survive by their stock to come here and race. But weve gotten the best race cars in the world. Is a common written here. Guys in the u. K. Have come ridin here. Soaring inflation, job losses, and the high cost of doing business in zimbabwe have affected all sectors of society, only balancing racing. Otherwise, consider allowing the 12 years that we were in it can cost up to 400. 00 a month to feed an adult horse that excluding medical expenses. Despite the economic challenges, bridges tired of explains why she has chosen to carry on. Because we love it, its home. You know, we do, we make up our own, i think, and shes a vibrant star, which is what everyone does. You make a plan somehow you able to keep going, you know, a couple of years ago we did, we went through a bad start. You were only 3 trainers, but we kept on going, you know, we ordinary lot of horses from south africa. Thankfully weve had a few more trainers come back and start up again. So we, are, we slowly growing a back to what we, what we should be. Over the years, several jockeys are trained for raced in and one competitions abroad. 11 into a god, and a massive passion to love what youre doing, everything your forward will come together. They like to be took on a come on your side, you would see it as sitting around and get the fittest but the one thing missing are the spectators. The government banned large gatherings to prevent a spate of confidante team, but as passionate about the sport say at least for now, they are racing again. And las vegas will stage one of its biggest fights of the year later on saturday, the under feted. 7 score for defending his Welterweight World Title against britains help book. I think fox is making the white on friday for about the will take place without fans. Crawford regarded as one of the worlds best pound for pound fighters and could face Manny Pacquiao next year. Fight is already thinking about is the biggest name in the sport of boxing or you know, i feel like thats why i was being called in for that flight since 2000. I feel like weve got business to ok more sports in a couple of hours. That is it for me and im andy, thank you so much for that. So we have millions of indians around the world now celebrating the hindu festival of lights. Thats the government temple in Punjab Province eliminated for the valley celebrations, which have been scaled back this year because of coronavirus. Of course, in new york, the Empire State Building was lit orange to mark a celebration and to take museum in the u. K. Was transformed into a new dawn installation since the beginning. And do you hear back in a couple minutes but more news for you then examining the impact of todays headlines with a scale from 0 guns. Just a mistake, but we dont. Its a bit you setting the agenda for tomorrows discussion which my black friday in my hole as a small team has been weaponized, International Filmmakers and world class journalists tell us how and why the textile and fashion industry is a major water polluters. Bring programs to inform and inspire you for now, just seeing i cannot lock my phone with my face. You can access your bank account with your voice unique algorithmic measurements of us that are revolutionizing the process of identification. But biometrics are far from perfect convenience and seeming infallibility. Comes at a price. Most crucially, our privacy and the 4th of a far far series eileen ray addresses the appropriation of our most personal characteristics, all hail the algorithm on a jersey. Oh. How does one forgave . After losing 32 family members in a anus massacre, a survivor of one of colombias 50 year long conflicts, worst atrocities dedicates his life to reconciliation with his peace falters around him. Nepal, last year as life and mission are in jeopardy. Witness buckeye are caught in the crossfire on Al Jazeera Aljazeera and an official in ethiopias region admits their side struck 1st setting off the days of fighting thats caused thousands to flee. But again, im come all santamaria here in doha with the world news from aljazeera. I think armenians are leaving parts of me going to kind of back in droves before the areas handed back handed over to us or by joe. Also some signs of progress to end libyas war. Rival factions have agreed on a date to hold elections in columbia

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