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A nearly 3 decade long ceasefire in the region. And dozens of People Killed and many injured as typhoon leaves a trail of death and destruction in the philippines. Welcome to the program. The u. S. President has spoken publicly for the 1st time since his election loss to joe biden. During his press conference, donald trump updated americans on his response to the coronavirus pandemic. But he also inch closer to acknowledging that he may not be leading the countrys next administration until now, trying puzzle edge voter fraud and claimed without evidence to have won the president ial election. According to some estimates, a National Lockdown course 50000000000. 00 a day and hundreds of thousands of jobs every single day. Ideally, we wont go to a lockdown, i will not go, this administration will not be going to a lockdown. Hopefully, the, the, whatever happens in the future, who knows which it ministration will be, i guess time will tell, but i can tell you this administration will not go to a lot more than a week after election day these days of North Carolina has now been called for trump, hell hold on to his 15 Electoral College votes that trump earned more than 73000 votes over joe biden or 1. 4 percent, significantly less than in 2016 when he won by 3. 6 Percentage Points over hillary clinton. But with North Carolina called for trump is the current state of the race. Hes got 232 Electoral College votes thats way behind president elect joe biden, who now has 290. Meanwhile, the state of georgia is continuing its hand tally of ballots cast for the president ial election. Being recounted as required by law, not because of alleged vote fraud. Georgias secretary of state says the votes must be audited as joe biden is only in the lead by a very tight margin. Biden has already secured the presidency without counting georgias Electoral College votes. Lets get the very latest mel and fisher, whos in washington d. C. For us. And the president himself was steadfast in his position and putting on quite a brave front. Really allen with no real indication yet of a concession. Well, it came pretty close to acknowledging that his time in the white house was over when he spoke and was almost not thinking about the words that was coming when he said the net and then stop himself from saying the next administration. What is interesting as well is that donald trump, who has arguably been the most accessible president in modern time, someone who stops on this way to the helicopter a lot, who stops at various events and will talk to the media. When he was at question show to that him as he left the rose garden, he didnt stop to take those questions. And thats been a pattern weve seen from the Trump Campaign over the last week or so that a lot of times they say theyre holding these news conferences and the journalists corps long, they make a statement, and then they walk away without taking any questions at all. I think also another acknowledgement that the Trump Campaign, the white house is getting close to, acknowledging that they have lost the election. Is that from monday, joe biden will start receiving the daily intelligence briefing. Something that had been bought by donald trump and the white house on the basis that the result was still up in the heres another thing thats happening to the term campaign. Theyre losing Important Court battles. The last one in georgia, the last one in michigan. The last one in pennsylvania, they have lawyers who have resigned from the campaign. They say that theyre not going to take on the brief of that anymore. And the Little Things that the cases the campaign had built up falling apart. Just one example in georgia, they named a woman who had, they said, had died and voted local t. V. Station went nocturne a door. She was there actually did vote, she voted for joe biden. So things like that just undermine the credibility of these these cases. And indeed, the discussion on the political front is very much varing to National Security and the need really for joe biden to be in the loop. As you just mentioned. I mean, the pressure is on republicans to do the right thing for the country, not to trump and theyre aware that the 911 report and weve talked about this for a couple of days. The 911 report said that there was a problem because in 2000, but as the gore bush case made its way through the courts, there was a disconnect from george bush getting those intelligence reports. And there was just a gap that could have caused the problem. And no one wants to see that sort of get out america again, but theres also the added problem as well. Of covert know, joe biden is pretty smart, hes pretty plugged then hes got relationships with World Leaders all across the globe and will know whats going on. And his team are very switched on very plugged in this well, and theyll be able to feed him a lot of information, but nothing replaces the daily intelligence briefing because that is coming from the cia, the f. B. I. All the intelligence gathering apparatus that the United States has around the world and identifies particular threats to the u. S. On that day. So by getting this briefing from monday that will help joe biden, theres no doubt that hed be qualified to, to walk into the white house on day one. You know what the situation room is, he knows who to call in the event of a National Security had marriage and see big getting that information is vital for him and his team. So its just another sign that almost one week after the election was called for joe biden. Donald trump is slowly moving towards the idea of acceptance. What is interesting is you can probably hear the noise behind me. Weve had people out in front of the white house every single day since the election was called. This time were seeing more Trump Supporters because there are a number of truck rallies planned for washington d. C. On saturday. The president himself said he might pop out and say hello, that might be a problem because im sure his secret Service Detail wouldnt be overly keen on that idea. Not only the secret service and also down in numbers because a lot of them went to trump rallies, and theyre know either in quarantine or recovering from covert 19 alicia in washington d. C. Thank you. Now the United Nations says its concerned war crimes may been committed in ethiopias, north, into grey region, infighting between the Ethiopian Military and to great regional forces. The 10 day conflict has already killed hundreds of people. Thousands of fled to sudan. Prime minister has accused the 2 great Peoples Liberation front of treason and terrorism. Amnesty International Says scores of civilians have been massacred during the fighting Mohammed Atta has more from the Northern City of gone draw near to grey region. These fighting words has had no letup ever since it started about 9 days ago has caused massive casualties. And the civilian casualties that are being witnessed in some parts of the region are not giving any confidence to the people. There already. 100000 people who were already internally displaced within the region even before the conflict started. And that was the last happened just about a 100 kilometers from where we are right now in a small town called mike cutler. Of course, the government is blaming the tea p. L. F. Fighters for these killings of people, most of it done through beheadings and using all kinds of crude weapons. But on this evening, the t. T. L. Of leader, the protests you dont get there. Michael held, released a message where he said that it was not his forces who carried out these masaka and said that there was no need for an independent inquiry into the killings in my country. Of course, the government is claiming huge victories in the western part of the 2 great region, particularly areas near the border with eritrea. Today they claim that they have taken the town of the ambassador and have their sights on the capital mackellar, the Prime Minister, says this is going to be a very quick operation. But when you look at how heavily armed both sides are, it looks like its going to be a protracted war. And that is what is causing concern for many people. Something that the main fear is that this conflict is going to have ramifications far beyond the borders. Obviously of here a 30 year ceasefire in morocco as volatile Western Sahara region could be in jeopardy. Morocco, Independence Group has blocked a main road on the army, has moved in to stop them. The policy front are reporting fighting in the buffer zone and say, the rocker has ignited war. The countrys authorities deny any fighting the group wants Western Sahara to be independent. What rockers Prime Minister describes some of the measures that were taken after the government held an emergency meeting to address the situation. Another 100, this road is important when it comes to the movement of civilians and goods. And because such actions were a violation of the u. N. Sponsored cease fire agreement, morocco, in order to fulfill its duties, ordered its military forces to intervene and build a sand barrier to protect the area from any future breaches of the operations been finished as safely as we abided by the principle of not entering in any type of confrontation with the other forces. We built the barrier for kilometers away from their location. So who are the policy front while they are a Liberation Movement made up of ethnic rees aimed at driving the moroccan presence out of Western Sahara. They say the former spanish colony is their homeland and a push for independence for decades. Morocco claims its theirs. Now the 2 sides battle for control for 16 years before reaching a un back cease fire agreement in 1991. Well today more than 2 thirds of the region is controlled by morocco. A planned referendum on its status has not taken place. Neighbors on shiria and mauritania, have called on both sides to exercise restraint. Algeria is the main supporter of the policy area front, and many refugees from the region live in algeria. While the u. N. Secretary general says he is committed to ensuring the decades old cease fire is respected as our diplomatic editor james bays explains. The un is deeply concerned about the situation right now in Western Sahara. A territory, as you say, used to be a spanish colony, a territory where theres been u. N. Personnel based for 29 years originally sent there for a referendum that never took place. This was the comment from the Spokes Person of the u. N. Secretary general. The secretary general remains committed to doing his utmost to avoid the collapse of the cease fire that has been in place since 6 september 1991. And he is determined to do Everything Possible to remove all obstacles to the resumption of the political process, the United Nations at the u. N. Mission in your so is committed to continuing implementing its mandate. And the secretary general calls on the parties to provide full freedom of movement for me. Your so in accordance with its mandate, well, ill just errors of taint, a copy of a letter from the head of the policy front to the un secretary general. They were supposed to have a phone call taking place about now a phone call. It seems has been told by these latest developments is also worth telling you that the u. N. Normally has an envoy for Western Sahara known as the secretary generals personal representative. That job has not been filled for 18 months. The u. N. Said thats not the fault of the secretary general. He needs to find the right candidate, but also get agreement from the u. N. Security council. And certainly in this letter, theres a call from the policy front for that u. N. Security council to meet. Im told right now, no meeting is scheduled city amar is the policy front representative in new york. He joins me now live from valencia in spain, via skype. Mr. Omar, thanks for joining us on aljazeera. According to the moroccan authorities policy, or its militias in any shape or form have blocked domestic traffic or cargo traffic between mauritania and rocko through the Western Sahara. Or what is the position as far as your concerned . Well look, the fact of the matter is that you have a group of medians who have been protesting peacefully, and nonviolently has conferred by the United Nations observers, even in an area in daraa, south west west, im sorry, on a road that means dont legally buy a morocco, theyve been gauging these people in protest. But today that the moroccan horribly is in the military forces moved into the posture that in violation of the cease fire agreement and attacked those arness and arent civilians. Were using rules of force, and that was a very serious breach with his fiery monotony out with them. So you have mr. Wishing, who are you have to be any protesting, not mine, mentally. And then a Massive Force talking dont use your kind of violence on his movement. The point is that you have to respond in selfdefense, obviously very difficult to independently verify both sides of the story. Though of course, one wonders why so much force would be sent to the south of Western Sahara if its just civilians protesting. Indeed, i am not just saying that the moroccan forces and tackles millions more are on the horns themselves. Have said so publicly from their Foreign Ministry in which you defense. More all has publicly officially acknowledged. The fact of launching and armament tack on civilians demonstrating peacefully in Western Sahara, which is as i said before, a blatant violation of the cease fire act that has a direct result of hostilities between the moronic forces. The forces of the atlantic. What is out and we continue to have as we speak in math, the moroccan government are insistent that the reason that they have sent those forces down there are to open the, the routes and the roadways to help the just sticks of traffic being able to move north and south of that, its in fact, militias that are blocking that route. Are the militias that are supported by the policy that are blocking the routes in any shape or form of logistics traffic, being able to move from retaining a through Western Sahara up to morocco. This is not true at all. And lets remember that morocco has been occupying eagerly a large part of our, well, that does not have any sovereignty. Horses are not, no, she does not recognize when its up and your morals are. So what you have is, is their wish an illegal occupation by military force. What more awful us has been trying to move beyond its military, or what will be a little bit more samsara and grab more land washes, arent as neat and acceptable. And thats why we have not asked this act of aggression which puts in danger the International Peace and security and violence and cease fire leading to the resumption of uncertainties. So there was no militias, their actions and protest has been aired all around the well, there were no women and men defenseless. Well, the morons have opted for using violence against them. And they are the worst of men, and they are the what is to be held accountable for their aggressive actions. But we shall see what does come in terms of response from iraq in the coming days for the moment to city about the heart of the policy area from thanks so much for joining us from valencia, spain. Thank you. And still ahead here on aljazeera. This was the town with the most crowded are as infections in the u. K. A month ago. But as it recovers from covert, 19, it soon to face the full effects of bricks. It plus the price of peace, Ethnic Armenians flee parts of the court or care about lost to us a by john, those stories after the break we can say goodbye to each other. Finally, its been a long lived storm, and here it is over the water. Now theyre going to disappear into the atlantic. It inhouse the rain up the east coast, and theres been flooding from britain still some rain to come, but largely its an improving picture. The cold to suppress so much snow in the cascades in the rockies, the codicil the spreading across the plains states now coming out with this fairly warm weather and you know what happens when the cold reaches the warm and you start develop showers, then thunderstorms. These could really be quite dangerously nasty with significant snow going through parts of ontario on the Northern Edge as well. And theres more to come. The pacifics providing yet more rain for lower levels of washington, maybe oregon and of course inland. So that we said goodbye to each other. We watch another development here i think is will stay as a tropical depression, which means its a trouble for shipping, but it will spread showers or at least induce showers as far north as jamaica here. Then down to the north or south america and is certainly heading further west where you dont really want to be. But thats how we go to the end of the weekend. The showers again being sun to form in eastern mexico to cause the still flooding in these in southern mexico from each other. So this is not a particularly good sign. In the 2nd part of identity and exile, Matthew Castle travels to the middle east to retrace his steps, Palestinian Refugee rise about half of the worlds palestinian population and see the conflict through the eyes of those who live. It breaks my heart to see this man who is going to father to yearn for a place that he may never see. I dont need israel, and i do go out about my down to 0 correspondent julie of the back. I want you all deserve me. The whole room, the reminder of all top news stories, u. S. President donald trump, president said that he may not be leaving the countrys next administration. He was speaking publicly for the 1st time since joe biden was named, president elect. Also, the United Nations says its concerned war crimes may have been committed in ethiopias, northern to gray region where Government Forces are battling local leaders. The 10 day conflict has already killed hundreds of people. Thousands of fled to sudan. Northern island has been under lockdown for weeks now faces another 2. But while there are signs the measures have been effective, the Economic Cost the great, especially in an area which will soon feel the full effects of bricks. It jonah hold visited londonderry and struck close to the irish border where infection rates have been brought under control, but at a cost this is peaking out of the mall valley at the irish border. And just a month ago, the most covert infected town in the u. K. Weeks of lockdown in Northern Ireland have brought the infection rate down by 70 percent. But the cost to the economy of straw ban and neighboring londonderry reliant on cross border trade and soon to face the full effects of drugs. It is hard to calculate there isnt that Spare Capacity to deal with . I downed in a city that really is still struggling with the long term impacts of the closure of the shipping industry. But yes, economically, as i say, 2008, the economic recession was much worst in the areas that were already weakest. Dairy is the weakest economy areas for band of the weakest economies in Northern Ireland, and they will be the ones that suffer the most. Hundreds of bombings in a town of just over 10000, people took their toll during decades of struggle against british rule. But one shopkeeper told me this is worse in a clothing shop across the street. Another said the lights are on, but no ones buying things as christopher must, for every orphaned and journey. Theres a certain amount of optimism where one of the in the future, the next 6 months, or 3 sort of 3, listen, the fish out of province and out of the even tame you. That its, its a tough race in this sort of race. Of often times we optimistic that were all going through and of all the thousands of gambles as well. When the peace bridge came to derry nearly a decade ago, it seemed to signal better times ahead with European Union funds connecting divided communities, a sectarian past giving way to a european future. But 1st breaks it. And now coded 19 have put paid to much of that. We still havent overcome the fact that belfast is the dominant part. The political culture of Northern Ireland and belfast is favored and that is an inescapable reality of the western part of Northern Ireland. With one in 3 people out of work majority nationalist sentiment in derry and strub am as consigned the area to decades of under development. And neglect, theres nothing in its immediate future that is likely to change that. Your whole aljazeera, darry and germany has dampened hopes that a 4 week lockdown will end as planned. More than 23000 units. Actions were recorded on friday, the highest day of the surge since the outbreak began. The chancellor will meet with state leaders on monday to review the current lockdown, which was due to be lifted at the end of the month. Azerbaijan doesnt forced a curfew in areas that its captured in the garner kind of dark. It comes ahead of armenians, handover of land to azerbaijan. Scores of Ethnic Armenians have been gun fleeing the areas that will be handed over some of that fire to their former homes. The handover as part of the deal between armenia and azerbaijan, that ended 6 weeks of fighting over that is beauty of reach and done to me. It has more from the corner of x. Regional capital to panic. This city has been hit hard because during the last days that this shelling became most intense as elite forces were getting closer and closer to stefana care. And you see scenes of destruction like this a business randomly all over the city. Now we were told that this specific area was hit on november 8th. So one day before the cease fire agreement was signed, we spoke to the owner of this furniture shop. He is going to load whatever he has left to salvage onto the truck and take it to your women. We are outside of step on a carriage on the road to shushi. And actually theres a russian checkpoint, a few 100 meters away from here that were not allowed to film. Now as there in force is when the vicinity went to ceasefire agreement came into effect Prime Minister and he called pushing and has been saying that thats exactly why he signed that agreement. But the people we spoke to here said that they received little support by either armenia or the International Community and that they feel betrayed. Well this is a curfew that has been put into place in most cities in other by jan and there is a 9 pm curfew that starts at last until 6 am in the morning. And this is something that theyre implementing in the areas that are by joining forces have taken as well. The police stations that have been operating in these areas which were not under other journey control were shifted to areas under azerbaijans control. Now the government, the president has told them that these police stations and their employees should move into the areas which are now under the control of the forces and implement those curfews. They should be maintaining law and order. And also making sure that the area is secure, making a note of the military hardware there. Whether there are any land mines are in secure buildings. So that is why there is a curfew. But most of these bases across the line of contact are not inhabited by people because of the fighting, either people from either side, whether it was the armenian side or the other by journey side have moved to their respective countries. So thats why they are going to be going in, regardless of the timings of the curfew. These are void of civilians. So a lot of people are not there and these curfews are going to be more symbolic than actually trying to keep people indoors. Shuttling between indian and pakistani troops has killed several people, including soldiers on both sides of the disputed region of kashmir, moments after the bombs dropped on pakistan administered kashmir, india and pakistan are accusing each other, violating a longstanding ceasefire. At least 42. 00 people are confirmed to have died after typhoon swept across the northern philippines. Another 20 still missing, landslides and flooding, have destroyed homes and left dozens without power and has more from rodriquez in the town of rodrigos in result, we met eric and they were able to evacuate their home before it was submerged by flood waters. So they had to return no matter how hard it is to get here, because really that to get the race and eggs we had in the storage, at least they have something to eat this week. But Everything Else has been destroyed. They know it will take them years to rebuild, so they see they hold on to what gives them hope. Next door evangel in my little oil is in despair. All her belongings have been damaged too. And she still has her mortgage to pay. Please help us. We need clothes, food. We dont even have Drinking Water vanco barreled across many areas in luzon, destroying homes, and leaving thousands without power. More than 200000. 00, people were evacuated, but many others had to scramble onto rooftops and wait to be rescued. What were seeing here is just a fraction of a village of more than 2000 homes, but it is quite obvious already just by looking at the daybreak that a big part of the destruction of 5 core was caused by logs that were swept down from the mountains by phone call is the 3rd day phone to hit the philippines in 3 weeks. The country is still reeling from the impact of typhoon connie nearly 2 weeks ago. At least 20 typhoon strike each year. And earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common and Scientists Say weather disturbances in the philippines have become more extreme over the last few years because of climate change. And thats raising concern among many that they could become victims to an endless cycle of loss and despair. Jim duggan aljazeera result, province northern philippines with me. So rob, a reminder of our top news stories, u. S. President donald trump, has admitted that he may not be leading the countrys next administration. He was speaking publicly for the 1st time since joe biden was named president elect. Trump said millions of doses of a Coronavirus Vaccine will be available to americans soon. Well, during his press conference, donald trump updated americans on his response to the coronavirus pandemic. According to some estimates, a National Lockdown course 50000000000. 00 a day and hundreds of

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