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And protests in peru as a 3rd president in 4 years is sawn into office. Thank you very much for joining as us president elect joe biden has called Donald Trumps refusal to concede the election an embarrassment, but biden says nothing will stop the transfer of power in january despite the chump Administration Reportedly refusing to help the president elects transition team. Alan fisher has our report from washington. Well, donald trump is keeping a low profile. Joe biden is putting himself front and center. This was an event to discuss the Affordable Care act, but the president elect questions on other topics and he had a message to the man he replaced. And his refusal to accept the result. I just think its an embarrassment. Great, frankly. The only thing that how can we say this tax . I think it will help the president s legacy. I think that i know from my discussions with foreign leaders of us for that they are hopeful that the United States Democratic Institutions are viewed once again as being strong and endure. And what i think at the end of the day, you know, its all going to come to fruition in january 20th, all foreign leaders a calling joe biden to congratulate him. Trump, secretary of state americas top diplomat, has called the result into question. It will be a smooth transition to a 2nd term of mr. Action. Right . Were ready. The world is watching whats taking place that were going to count all the votes. When the process is complete, the electors selected theres a process, the constitution lays it out pretty clearly. Various Government Agencies and departments. Its been reported have been ordered by the white house not to help with the president ial transition. Because in its view, the result is still in doubt. That hasnt stopped joe biden, pushing ahead with planning for day one, even without the immediate assistance of the chump administration. And the leader of the republicans in the senate says the dilly, want to create problems. I dont think anything thats occurred so far in iraqs an ordinary process of moving through the various steps that i indicated and allowing if there is a new administration to work through the transition, all of these stuff could be taken at the appropriate time. This election has already seen a lot of legal challenges there might be another one coming as the Biden Companies considers going to court to force Donald Trumps team to start planning for the handle of power. Alan fischer. Aljazeera Washington Post fine is a former us associate Deputy Attorney general and cost a lawyer. He says trumps fs to challenge the vote, have no legal weight. And notice that he has his secretary of state who is not a lawyer. Pronounce that theyll be a 2nd, Trump Administration, secretary of state has no clue of the laws and procedures the court cases under way. The attorney general, who would be inclined to make a Statement Like that mr. Barr, who is a loyalist, has made no such statement. Ive looked at the cases, theyre already been close to a dozen, which have resulted in dismissals of the allegations because there isnt evidence to prove illegal voting. Even in the cases that have not yet been dismissed, or even the ones that may be filed in the future, the number of votes at stake is far, far too miniscule, to affect the outcome of the election in any particular state. So this is just campaigning to raise money, perhaps to help the georgia senatorial elections or keep trunk relevant. But the legal cases are going nowhere. And mr. Trump statement that hes going to get the Supreme Court to intercede is completely facetious. The Supreme Court will stand aside. In other world news, hong kongs government has disqualified for opposition. Politicians, moments after china passed a new patriotism resolution in parliament. It allows hong kongs government to kick out lawmakers who endanger National Security or challenge chinas rule over hong kong. 1000 opposition. Politicians had earlier threatened a mass resignation if any of them were barred from the Legislative Council. No, siegel single. You fire for legislators who have been deemed in accordance by the law to not genuinely swear, to uphold the basic law, and not genuinely plead their allegiance to hong kong. We have doubts about their ability to perform their duties. If they are unable to uphold the basic law and to support hong kong, of course, in a qualified to be legislators. Divya gopalan joins us now on the line from hong kong. So dear, who are these 4 politicians and why have they been kicked out . Its quite a complicated situation fully. It has been in the works for a while. Basically these 4 are accused of endangering hong kong National Security law. Calling on Foreign Forces to meddle in Hong Kong Affairs and not respecting china sovereignty over hong kong or, and, and continuing solvency over hong kong. So the chief executive of hong kong has just given a speech, speaking to the media here, and she said that the Hong Kong Government had the n. P. C. , which is chinas highest Decision Making body to make a decision on these for these 4 had been in the Legislative Council, they are lawmakers with published lawmakers and they were going to run in the Legislative Council elections, which are set for september. And then at that point they were disqualified for, for the reasons i gave you. Those elections have been delayed, but they managed to say on as lawmakers in hong kong and apparently according to the chief executive, the chief executive approached beijing to make a decision on whether these lawmakers should be allowed to stay within the Legislative Council. Not this efficient made by the n. P. C. Essentially sets a precedent now where beijing can make a decision or can essentially do child lawmakers from there without going through the traditional process through the legal system. So this has set a very troubling precedent for hong kong, which has acted autonomous. We all sin and the Hong Kong Government has often dealt with issues within itself. And for the Hong Kong Government now to go to beijing with this and for beijing to act upon this and remove them. Then thought a message saying that hong kong no longer controls its affairs, particularly according to those Democratic Candidates and the democratic camp here. So what does this mean for the prodemocracy camp in hong kong . Where do they go from here . Thats right. So whats also worrying is the fact that the other 19 lawmakers, the last few left that havent been pushed out of hong kongs legislature, as weve seen over the past 2 years for various reasons, are threatening to walk out on math. This means that hong kong stretches through the council will be dominated by probating, Legislative Councillors and lawmakers who essentially support the establishment. And there will be no opposition left in the hongkong. And thats very worrying. Because that essentially means that hong kongs government will now be a rubber stamp where laws and regulations said anything that beijing wants or the Hong Kong Government wants will now be passed without any opposition without much debate. And essentially, hong kong peoples voice part, particularly that was represented by the democratic camp will no longer be heard. Foley, thank you very much for that. Davey gopalan on the line. Now, from hong kong, Russian Peacekeeping troops have been deployed to nagornokarabakh, following a deal to end 6 weeks of fighting between armenia and azerbaijan. A disputed region is internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan, but is controlled by ethnic armenians. As harry celebrated whats been seen as a victory delivering swathes of territory to their country in neighboring armenia, its been described as a disaster, or like it or not. Its a nation in shock. Many baffled that their media has signed an agreement they see as humiliating. And for some, the anger was too much to contain. By early warning, protesters started to arrive in front of parliament. I dont know how this nation believes this man says, calling on people to rise up emotions were high, and soon the anger turned into calls for a Prime Minister to resign among the people here, veterans of the 1st war thereby journ in the early 1990, s. Mothers of soldiers, who recently died and displaced people from nagornokarabakh mina there to are dismayed. They left their hometown of stepan, occurred by john at the beginning of the fighting. Her father stayed behind that im going to watch hearts are as many articles of the one who signed this agreement didnt ask our opinion. He signed it in secret. Its a crime. I want to return there. My dreams are all there. Im not having a normal education because of current virus and the war. I will only go back if the children of the Prime Minister come and live there with me. Like everyone here nina and berto want the agreement to be cancelled. Boardin, a 1200 soldiers lost their lives over the past 6 weeks. I mean, it has now also lost all 7 as every region surrounding the oak leaves it had occupied since 994, as well as a total of shusha in the its hard to swallow. This is a very difficult time for me and for Prime Minister and he called bashing me on that he was already under intense international pressure, just signed a cease fire agreement. And now is having an even harder time at home, explaining to people that this was the best option. In the current situation, there was no chance of making another decision, a plan to give more details such as why and what the reason was behind last months of events. I cant do it right now for one simple reason, because stopping military actions is the main focus right now. And if i say something, i couldnt danger people. But bush sr and hasnt managed to convince many people, even among those who are calling for his resignation. Yes of what ive done my. Im an ordinary mother, but what happened is horrible. Every day we were given good news and suddenly this happens. Good or bad. I dont know, but i dont want an agreement at the price of all those innocent children who died. It should have been done earlier, he needs to answer our questions. Some of the russian peacekeepers have already arrived. They will be deployed in to guarantee to cease fire. But for armenians, this sense of loss that azerbaijan felt for nearly 3 decades is just beginning to seep in. But at the year, still ahead on. We take a look at how the pandemic has affected Consumer Spending as the worlds Biggest Online traded left wing groups for decades. Now theyre facing scrutiny over rights abuses, because some rather cloudy weather across a good part if europe at the moment is generally low cloud, calm and quiet to central park, some folks problems and the early on, but brightness by the afternoons, with that High Pressure in charge further west, we have got bands of cloud of gray weather systems rolling in from the atlantic and they will have a greater influence on i weather as because through the next couple of days. So there we go with that cloud and that rain spreading its way across the island, wiles western parts of england and west of scotland as we go through where the state runs right down across the breast, potentially the northwest to spain. Also seeing some of that wetter weather which will make its way further east, which as because through thursday, making way for the next system as we head of tools the latter part of the week for central areas. There we go. Still last a quadrille. Most places of rain will just push in from the northwest as we go on through the 2nd half of the week. Still a few showers down towards the east, the side of the mediterranean, the water to those showers, also affecting the far north of africa. The northern parts of egypt. You see some showers. No, there is of libya, but in catch shero to pass of algeria the shows continue. Meanwhile, across the central part of africa, slowing a little further south was but more wet weather all the way over towards liberia. Frank assessments, if American Public opinion piece betrayed by social media platforms after this would be because the cultures, if you believe that there are rows of 2 our democracy, one obvious solution is to bring about informed opinion. Just like you say is dont go anywhere. The protesters arent going anywhere either. Its a belief that evolution indepth analysis of the days global headlines. Who is it . Thats really out there on the street, the inside story on aljazeera the room youre watching aljazeera live from doha, with me fully back to bo, a recap. Of our top stories, u. S. President elect, joe biden says Donald Trumps refusal to concede the election is an embarrassment. The Trump Administration is filing lawsuits to contest results in battleground states and is reportedly unwilling to help bidens transition team. Ongoings government has disqualified for opposition. Politicians accusing them of being a threat to National Security. It comes shortly after Chinas Parliament passed a patriotism resolution, allowing the territory to bar lawmakers who challenge beijing. Schools and Russian Peacekeeping troops have been deployed to the disputed region of nagornokarabakh choying, a deal between armenia and azerbaijan to end 6 weeks of fighting people in azerbaijan. A celebrating a more while those in armenia are calling it a disaster to south africa. Now where 7 People Associated with the governing a. N. C. Party are appearing in court on corruption charges. Theyre accused of pocketing millions of dollars which were meant to fund a special removal from more than 400000 homes. Residents have reportedly died or become sick because of the asbestos fibers. The governing Party Secretary general will also appear in court later this week. Lets speak to aljazeera samad amila, who joins us from outside the court in bloemfontein. So from a how significant are these arrests 1st of all will leave the race a very important for the government especially which needs to be seen to be doing something against corruption of this is a country where there seems to be an increase in halt corruption. And especially in recent months, when it appears even funds that were meant to deal with fighting, covert, 19, pandemic seem to have been looted though, in this particular case, the people who were affected by it space stars roofing in their homes across those province. Hundreds of thousands of them, especially interested in this case and they say its about time that something is done around the corruption. In this particular scandal. Were talking about people who have become ill because of these as best of survivors in the rules, which often leads to things like lung disease. They say this Poor Service Delivery rather than spending up to 20000000. 00 on helping people on removing these, he needs replacing them and ensuring that people have safe places to love. That money instead appears to have been looted and appearing today of a number of businesspeople as well as government officials who over alleged to have been involved in the looting of these files and reports say family that the secretary general of the a. N. C. Has been issued with an arrest warrant linked to this case and is due to appear in court this week, making him potentially the highest profile suspect in the case. It is quite astounding for the African National Congress Really that the secretary general, who within the Party Structures this is only 2nd to the president of the party who is a little arm of course is now a reportedly going to be in court, potentially unfold on corruption charges now we know that the top 6 leadership of the a. N. C. Has met to discuss this matter. Previously the only, and you had said that anybody implicated in corruption, anybody facing charges should step down. But in this particular case, they said they would take the secretary general a smother, shoeless leave in this matter. Its a very sensitive case, given that this is a party that isnt ready to buy, that. There are factions within the party, a smoke machine or reportedly on one side of this division, potentially against the president will roam up also. So this is important in terms of the fight against corruption, but also the political divisions, amber medications for the agency. Thank you for that comment outside the court there in bloemfontein, south africa the military operation in northern ethiopia is threatening to spill over the countrys borders and appears to be leading to a humanitarian crisis. Prime minister ahmed ordered the offensive in t. Agree last week, accusing local forces of attacking a military base in the northern region. Since then hundreds have been killed. Door reports from celebrations on the streets of the toilets home of enough. An ethiopian residents came out to welcome for the girl forces whove just with the can, with them to great fights, is done show, which is in them. How to region was captured by to be armed forces a week ago during fighting with troops along with your peers. North and command whose bases they are tucked as would not die. We could have a lot of gunfire. The whole village panicked. But thanks to the m harbor, Regional Special forces who were able to save a lot of the National Defense forces. If your peers, federal government continued to claim more victories on tuesday, with its Defense Forces saying they had seized the airport in to cry. Near the border with sudan and eritrea. They also paraded some militiamen from the to cry. Peoples liberation front, who they said had defected. From political trend because we must not go to wolf the post reasons we should be defending a national unity. So the young men are to gray, should not go to war because of a telephone and Internet Communications blackout. Integrate, has made it difficult to verify the situation on the ground. The African Union is the latest to join International Calls for an immediate cease fire and dialogue to a peaceful solution. To a huge chairperson, most of achim hamad appealed for an immediate cessation of hostilities and called on parties to respect human rights and assure the protection of civilians. The government, however, is adamant that it wont talk until the operation achieves its objectives of bringing the to great leadership to justice and confiscating or destroying artillery and other arms. The group has, its in possession. What we know was they had some missiles was, could go to 300 kilometers, that means they could strike a marriage and they could also strike our followers. They could strike us matter. Thats easier. It was in their brain. So thats why the government asked for us to destroy it. Hundreds of people have already been killed in the conflict thats been mostly causes treated in weston, to grow close to the border with sudan under the train. According to diplomats, a large number of refugees including troops, us a top, already crossed into sudan. Their fears this conflict could trigger civil war in the most populous nation. In the horn of africa. To go and account for 6 percent will be theo pins. But the politics for 30 years before Prime Minister would rule rejoin mr. Sharon sees Prime Minister going the reforms are attempting to bring about a unitary system of government which destroys the current federal one diplomat on the water. Up along the conflict takes a more difficult it might be to bring back the grey region into the field press production of regional states decide money on marino has been so on a new interim president , its 3rd leader in 4 years. His rise to power has faced nationwide protests, much of the public supports impeach president martin this car, and they say corrupt politicians are now running the country. Marianna sanchez reports from lima, anger, and outrage in major cities from lima to keep. The protesters clashed with riot police. Dozens were arrested violence also erupting around the perimeter of congress. As men, women, he knew was sworn in a students new interim president. This congress does whatever they want with us. We have to fight the country, cant go on like this. In his message of a Medieval City being intrusted with a legitimate vote to defend the nation. This isnt, but at least this is a difficult time for the country to people have expectations and look at us worried that the crisis isnt deniable. We must act maturely. We know i should peruvians elections will be held in april and that he will respect the rule of law. But thats a message. Few believe plausible. 68 of 130 lawmakers face criminal investigations from murder to money laundering, abuse and fraud, among other charges. The new Congress President faces 52. 00 investigations alone. Peruvians say corruption is entrenched at the highest levels and the outgoing president of the discover, the one person many believe could bring honesty to government, has been impeached and removed from office. Because carter was the only president who had the strength to put things in order. The new government is taking power to satisfy the person when missions they knew they wouldnt be reelected. Some political foes of this new government say the law makers and gave to shield themselves from prosecution with immunity and eventually change the constitution to allow for their reelection. You know, far from is quite good by a monday. Now, former president discover who faces 2 investigations for corruption is questioning the legitimacy of the impeachment. He says the votes to unseat him would only be valid if sanctioned by the people around the country. A few peruvians are content with out of office really every gazan minutes. Here they actually discard deserved to be finished. A lot can happen. Now. There is a lot of uncertainty, but this, by their differences, most people here are certain about one thing. After 3 president s in the last 4 years, nothing peruvian politics can surprise them. But in a scientists are just lemur. A u. K. Inquiry scrutinizing Undercover Police tactics says it spectate to hear evidence 5 years after it was set up. A look at how undercover officers spied on hundreds of left wing organizations. Johnny angelo has more from london. Back in 1903 and notice austin led a protest against the far right British National party as head of youth against racism. She wanted an end to racist attacks in london as was a peaceful group that police decided to infiltrate them. I found out in 2010 that i had been spied on by peta francis for about 4 or 5 years. And piece of francis was the chief we saw. So he was a member. He was on to cover Police Officer working for the s. D. S. , for many years. The s. D. S. , so special demonstrations squad, was set up in 1968 when a wave of protest against the vietnam war caught the police by surprise. Deciding intelligence was needed to control future demonstrators and then leaked and highly secret squad within the metropolitan police has created. Over more than 4 decades, at least 139 Police Officers were given Fake Identities to closely monitor more than 1000 political groups. Pretty much anybody that proposed any form of challenge to the state of corporate interests. Everything from environmental campaigners, opponents of the arms try to use on them rights activists and Choices Campaign is to gain access to these groups. Some of this is started intimate relationships with female members. Then after a few years, when the deployment was over, they disappeared from their lives back through my life completely into disarray. Because as you can imagine, if you spent to use with somebody and you think you know the really well. And then you discover that actually, you know, they were spying on you or they didnt exist. You know, hes, hes a person who no longer exists. I didnt know even his knowing the implications, that house you are the relationship. It destroys your ability to trust. Knowledge of these relationships are a violation of the womens human rights, the metropolitan police apologized and compensated 7 women 5 years ago. It was only through their own research that the undercover officers identities were revealed. Police are still refusing to release the full list of organizations that was spied on, believed to be more than a 1000 or the cover names of the Police Officers who infiltrated them. The core participants hope this inquiry will force them to reveal those details. And also the question, who in the government sanctioned these operations . Charlie and aljazeera and chinas top online retailer has smashed records in the worlds Biggest Online sale. The socalled singles day shopping event. Hell is said by the Ali Baba Group is bigger than black friday and cyber monday. In the u. S. Combined nearly 600000 transactions are 2nd to were recorded at its peak this year. Cheney you has more from beijing. Were here at a Delivery Center on the outskirts of beijing where some packages are being processed behind me and theyre among the millions and millions of packages that will be shipped across the country across china for the single day shopping. And that now it was 1st started 12 years ago by economists giant al, evolve at an event stand. In contrast to valentines day single day is a play on november 11th 1111. Its really a day for those unpartnered people to instead take advantage of discounts and treat themselves to gifts. Now today its much more than that. Many more retailers and online shops take advantage of today, and its a period that lost not only on the number, november 11th, but for a period of about 2 weeks. But there are markdowns on everything from daily necessities to big ticket items such as cars and even luxury apartments. And the reason this event is so significant is that its seen as a economic fool misses, but for chinas help to really. And especially in a year with president xi jinping, is said that the country really needs to turbo charge, it shift away from relying on exports to the domestic economy. Building up the consumer market. People are really being courage to spend as much as possible. And some people has even been given the day off to do that. But then were also seeing these wealthier customers in china who have been unable to travel overseas and because of that, the spending a lot more on big ticket luxury items. And of course also wristing a really big shift, the focus to missed by move things to do with taking care of their health service, doing the ship shipment and the buying of things like of the vitamins and supplements sporting goods. And of course, face masks also are

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