Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240711

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Signing of a cease fire and one of the 7 wonders of the world reopens but its under strict coronavirus measures after being closed for 8 months. So we could be looking at a turning point here in the fight against covert 19 this monday the u. S. Drugs make it pfizer says it vaccine. Candidate has proved to be more than 90 percent effective bringing hope in this pandemic that has now killed nearly 1300000 people pfizer says its on track to ask for permission to sell the vaccine before the end of the month thing is the u. S. Health regulators say theyll need some time to review it 1st the head of the World Health Organization meanwhile is calling for Scientific Solutions and solidarity to end the pandemic this was a largely Virtual Meeting of the w h os Decision Making body something does need to happen in the world is now more than 50000000 recorded covert 1000 cases and absolutely no signs of a slowdown we might be trying. But its not. As. Yes it preys on doors and we can helmets but it preys on her weaknesses to inequality division denounce we should jean king and willfully ignore us last hour we spoke to amir khan a u. K. National Health Service doctor in the city of leeds who explained to us how the vaccine would work. Theyve shared with us is that they looked at a sample size of 3 and a half 1000 people they gave hoffa from the back seat half of the coal placebo which is just nothing a total really and then they looked at the fist 94. 00 cases all of corona virus and all them only 10 percent were the ones given the vaccine so thats why its 90 percent effective so it is really really good they are very cautious in what theyre saying the same information is needed they need to look at how long the miti last full and whether actually 8 stops the spread of the virus as well as the person not getting the virus so they are cautious with the information they are giving but its a significant step in the right direction and welcome news to clinicians like me you are seeing patients with criminal virus this isnt near the type of vaccine that works to the near way that normally vaccines that way when you are given a vaccine youre given a weakened or a debt called also the virus all the bacteria that causes annealed so 8 it doesnt make you ill but your body recognizes it as foreign as and it mounts and immune response and should you then come across the real causes that illness your body is ready memory cells in its immune system that will attack it straight away before you even realize youve you had that book now the way this new vaccine works according to pfizer is it something called m r n is you know actually being injected with part of the virus or we can form a virus or a dead body as youre actually being injected with. The genetic code of the corona virus and what that does is train your immune system to make antibodies to to it so so it will get rid of the corona virus in a killer infection but also there is memory cells as well. Well this possible vaccine success has sent stock markets surging all over the world particularly in the United States were going to go to the New York Stock Exchange now with. Not just the headline number gabriel on the dow jones but maybe you can repeat this for us the different sectors in the Different Companies which is suddenly seeing these big jumps yeah thats right its the market has really exploded as soon as this news came about this potential vaccine by pfizer traders just jumped in head 1st into this market and weve really seen the dow it really record levels now in the markets been open about 90 minutes the main sectors that are benefiting the most travel Leisure Hospitality restaurants all things that have really suffered a lot in the last 99 to 12 months just to give you an idea of all of the numbers were talking here let me give you a Carnival Cruise line at one point up 39 percent Southwest Airlines a low cost carrier here in the u. S. At 1. 00 point up 22 percent Walt Disney Company 14 percent mariya the International Hotel chain up 21 percent these are just remarkable numbers come all and it should be point out is anything going down well actually it is there are a couple couple companies that are going down and these are called the stay at Home Companies that have done very well during this pandemic zoom who doesnt know whom we all using now right they actually fell at one point fell 17 percent same with netflix and amazon theyre also in the red bottom line though kemal is there over 2800 companies on the New York Stock Exchange and there are about 300 of them right now that are seeing record highs as one trader said in his words we now see a light at the end of the tunnel and everyones going after just a slight pivot if we could gabriel about the markets reaction to Everything Else that being the u. S. President elect joe biden what was the sentiment about the idea of a biden presidency. Well you got to look at this short term and long term long term the market quite frankly was mixed on a biden presidency they hadnt quite decided yet where they fell on that but in the short term the market was concerned about drawn out election that could have gone into december or could have gone to the Supreme Court as some people were speculating now with biden as to projected winner the market had already been boosted because of that news it was reducing the risk of a drawn out drawn out election and so the market was already planning to probably open in the green on monday morning but then you add the pfizer news to it and it just took off but long term theres still some issues here on wall street on stimulus and on other things related to the biden presidency ok thank you gabriel is on to the New York Stock Exchange. The president elect joe biden has called this positive development from pfizer excellent news bots hes want americans need to keep Wearing Masks you need to keep social distancing at the same time the transition to a biden presidency is now gathering pace with some priority decisions being made 1st of all the announcement of the task force to tackle coronavirus 2 of the 3 cochairs of Top Public Health officials who served under president s bush clinton and obama the 3rd is a professor of Public Health at the university on sunday biden was visiting a Church Cemetery and where family members are buried including his light some on the other side of the coin donald trump still refusing to concede defeat still playing golf. And still escalating his legal case his Campaign Says its about to launch challenges in states where hes disputing the counting of votes and World Leaders including Israels Benjamin Netanyahu and saudi arabias muhammad bin salman have both congratulated joe biden former u. S. President and republican george w. Bush has also sent his best wishes. Where is the team you know the White House Correspondent ill be with you shortly can really start with mike hanna in wilmington delaware we expecting to hear from joe biden today we are indeed at the moment he is meeting with his Vice President elect kaamelott harris as well as some of the Health Experts that hes just appointed to a Coronavirus Task committee its a Virtual Meeting hes sitting in the theater here behind me talking to the various experts virtually this is the day on which he launches this Coronavirus Task force a very important element in terms of the transition in terms of his administration making very clear that this is an absolute priority. Mike is an absolute so i carry my aura t. V. For this. Yes that and just saying the beach 1st meeting of the Coronavirus Task force going on behind me here Virtual Meeting now joe biden responded to the news of the new vaccine he said he was informed of it by his Health Officials late last night hes welcome the news says congress that the team thats been involved in this development but hes also quoted the director of the c. D. C. Robert red fields who said told the Senate Subcommittee back in september that for the foreseeable future a mosque remains a more potent weapon against the virus and the vaccine so joe biden making very clear that while welcoming the news about a potential vaccine people have got to continue wearing mosque he agrees with the director of the c. D. C. Who projected that a vaccine may only become freely available in the middle of next year so joe biden while welcoming this announcement making very clear the reality of getting a vaccine working vaccine to all americans thank you mike so sorry we had one of those Long Distance phone call moments there mike hanna is in wilmington delaware now kimberly how kids at the white house kimberly it all turns legal now for the president. Now the u. S. President and his campaign focus monday on those lawsuits that are being. Launched all of frost some of the states that are where the Campaign Kids contesting this election the argument being that some of the ballots that were cast those mail in ballots did not have i. D. Verification were cast on behalf of people who were to see even that there were some be able to sort of more than once because they had actually moved out of the state and someone had turned in their ballots even though they may have done a name person vote somewhere else so this is the crux of the case a lot of critics saying that this would not change the outcome of the election. Still there are many republicans who believe its important for transparency now in the midst of all of this is we talked about the Biden Campaign and its transition now with the announcement of this covert task force we should point out the task force that exists right now headed up by mike pence will be meeting today and its also important to note as we talk about the vaccine that has been and now sit as 90 percent effectiveness there is some sort of pushback from within the campaign about why this was announced after the election and if the motivations of this announcement its timing are political can be how concerned the white house for us thank you kimberly. In the news ahead shocks to the turkish economy the finance minister has resigned in the current state sliding to record loads and back home after a year in exile or president evo morales returns to bolivia after his allies won the election. How the weather remains set fire across a good posture of asia china for the Korean Peninsula it will become increasingly settled across japan as we go through the next couple of days if you still get a few on shore shall assess some wintry flowers coming into the northern half of honshu stretching up into whole katas a fresh a filter things here 16 celsius there in tokyo as we go on into wednesday similar temperature hopefully the the shallow as the sleet and snow showers becoming fewer and further between some more in the way of sunshine and hopefully the winds falling light so it will feel a little more pleasant in the process 16 celsius to saul and also for beijing plenty of dry weather there across a good part of china pushing all the way down towards the southwest of the country but its all about the 2 across south asia certainly for india looking settled pakistan settled in sunny dry too into bangladesh and the good part of myanmar but you see this area cloud and rain thats making its way towards east and gets as we go through the next couple of days already seeing some very heavy rain into parts of sri lanka with the possibility of some flooding localized flooding here as we go through the next day ill say why just i say so showers long spells of flame pushing it to eastern parts of india all the way down into tom im not. Counting the cost the end of austerity the ideology destination the we. Distance is such a pretty economic mismanagement of the rich and powerful to be consigned to history and the russian german gas pipeline opposed by washington and european capitals. Counting the cost on aljazeera. And Untold Stories from asia and the pacific on how to see. The world. With aljazeera and the top stories this hour u. S. Strikes make a pfizer says its covert 19 vaccine candidate has proved to be more than 90 percent Effective Company says its on track to seek Regulatory Approval to sell the vaccine by the end of the month president elect joe biden has announced his transitional covert 19 team he says tackling the pandemic will be one of his 4 big priorities as the u. S. Continues to record a Record Number of infection. And donald trump still refusing to concede defeat his team is preparing legal challenges to some of the counts in the battleground states that favored. Lets talk more about the transition of power through some models and scenarios which were actually created back in june this was the transition integrity project which came out a series of possibilities as to what could happen in the election and the transition they did this with some former politicians and Governors Campaign managers and a lot of their scenarios did not end well we spoke to Newell Skillman whos the cofounder of the project and explains some of those simulations his team round 3. Right well in june of this year we ran a series of exercises that basically try to game out what could possibly happen if we had a president who was unbounded by norms and unconstrained by his own party and what we concluded was that you know the results of the game were that absent a decisive victory for joe biden the threat to the integrity of both the electoral process itself and the transition to a new administration were potentially quite severe as in the games where the Election Results were very close both sides called their supporters into the streets with obviously great risk that there could be contest station a violent contestation between competing groups of protesters and in fact you know whats actually happened is that the election is not all that close republicans are claiming its close but in fact its not very close. You know there have been at least 10 elections in u. S. History that were closer than this one including 2016297696 extension 8 so in fact what we have is a situation where i dont think that the trump team has a real viable path to winning this election but im not sure that even thats their goal at this point what theyre trying to do is lay down a marker that the results are illegitimate so that they can continue to contest and fight the biden ministration into 2021 and beyond what he wants to do is be able to have a basis to continue to activate the 70000000 people who voted for him and the many more people who are fans of his and continue to use them to continue his career as a political celebrity and i believe that he will continue to do that and will continue to be in the spotlight criticize the existing administration perhaps even seek to run again in 2024 its very possible. Lets look at other news a new round of talks on libya is beginning in tunisia as capital 75. 00 libyan representatives from various groups been invited by the United Nations which is leading the discussions last month both sides announced a permanent cease fire which has largely held these talks for a way to set the groundwork for possible elections and the president of addressed the gathering saying peace in libya and the region relies on unity between all the peons. The. Libyas unified nation some people talk of western and Eastern Libya but we tell them that libyans are one people this kind of rhetorical could lead to the division of libyas the tunisian people refuse this because they know that all libyans refuse it to us its a danger on the region as a whole and as it could open the door to division in other neighboring nations where it internees is capital she says delegates are focused on producing a roadmap to hold National Elections in the area. So whats happening in tunis is the 1st in paris a meeting of the libyan political dialogue for them these are talks brokered by the United Nations and the u. N. Has inflated 75. 00 delegates from libya to take part but that number 75 doesnt actually have anything to do with libya the u. N. Chose that number because the 75th anniversary this year of the signing of the u. N. Charter so these 75 people are broadly representative of libya according to the acting u. N. Special envoy Stephanie Williams and shes an american diplomat whos addressed the conference this morning in arabic seeing we are on the very edge of a new libya so what is the aim for this new libya well in a word its elections these delegates are tough sgt with devising a roadmap thats the uns word essentially a blueprint for a specific set of mechanisms to allow elections to happen as soon as possible and these elections are to result in a single unified Libyan Government so fractured is libya that there are 2 rival administrations each claiming to be the legitimate one indeed in president case aid has called these talks historic by old measured measures and has cautioned against the splitting up of the country so the hope therefore is that these elections are the best means to address the crisis in the just mysie of the current institutions and the long period of transition and the cycle of violence that has accompanied it. Police in georgia have used water cannon to Disperse Protesters in tbilisi as they rallied against the results of octobers parliamentary election thousands of demonstrators demanded a snap vote after the opposition accused the governing party of rigging the election the Georgian Dream party received nearly 50 percent of the ballots and held a Strong Majority in parliament for 8 years but its popularity has dwindled steadily amid georgias economic problems the walker hes in tbilisi. And its not quite clear at this stage what happened who threw the 1st shot that say but. That the police that were gathered in large numbers right police used water cannon to Disperse Protesters the police saying that they were attempting to storm the building but the opposition stating that they were peaceful and that they had no intention of committing any violent acts but certainly a lot of anger and frustration at the way in which the situation seems to have been handled weve seen people who received injuries not clear from whether it was from water to the power of the water cannon or other things being thrown or or other things being involved but the reason the opposition did this march is that they wanted an ultimatum for the government to me which was for the resignation of the head of the Central Election Commission and for new elections to be called well obviously those demands have not been met and now the Opposition Group which is basically all the Political Parties that came in behind the governing party. Now saying you know we will get a Boycott Parliament because we dont believe the results have been free and fair and they think up to 10 percent of votes may have been manipulated somehow. Officials in the defeated region of nagornokarabakh now say the city of sure shot has been taken by as eerie forces claims that had initially been denied thousands of armenians are fleeing the area of a long line of traffic thing on the outskirts of the regional capital the panic out of people trying to escape the fighting but our bill hemmer has more from 7 in our media. This statement of the spokesperson im not going to cry about which was posted on facebook would actually be deferred admission from the armenian side that things did not go so well in shushi over the past 24 hours ever since president. In baquba said that. She was now under the control of the forces or what we heard on this side were deny both the ministry of defense in your event and the authorities in the going to care about saying that the fight was ongoing this morning actually saying that they were managing to put up a strong resistance and had managed to push back the their way forces from this south of shushi now now only hearing is the opposite from the spokesperson. But he actually also added that he is very forces were within reach of stefana kurt that would be. Not a huge huge blow for armenian over the past 48 hours weve actually seen civilians fleeing in large numbers as they plan occurred i spoke to some of them who described really very frightening situation from their point of view constant fighting calls the shelling and they said that life was it was not possible anymore in that town foreign journalists were also less asked to evacuate as dependent heard over the past 48 i was turkeys finance minister says hes resigning because of Health Reasons barack obama who is the son on the present time but one made the announcement on his Instagram Account 2 days after the governor of the central bank was sacked took his currency the leader has lost 30 percent of its value against the u. S. Dollar since the start of the year. Their leadership in ethiopias Northern Region says the areas been hit by at least 10 government airstrikes Prime Minister made ordered the offensive against forces in the region 5 days ago he accuses them of trying to break up the country and says the operation will end soon and those responsible will be brought to justice ivory coast president allison water has been officially reelected the Constitutional Court has endorsed the results of octobers election after opposition members disputed waters running for a 3rd term more than 30 people were killed in postelection violence in the streets of southern florida a flooded storm makes its way through the state and made landfall in the u. S. Early monday coronavirus testing sites and Public Transportation have been completely shut down itll left dozens dead in mexico and Central America rescuers in guatemala still looking for bodies after landslides triggered by the storm and in cuba it caused widespread damage and flooding heavy rain in 100 kilometer per hour winds of 3725000 people have been moved from low lying areas well off a year and bolivias former president evo morales has returned home the 61 year old was greeted by thrones of supporters as he walked across the border left the country last november after violent protests and accusations of electoral fraud theresa bo has more from buenos aires. What i list come back to bolivia is highly in a way representative symbolic because everyone else was bolivias 1st indigenous president and in a country like bolivia were between 60 to 70 percent of the population identify with that Indigenous Group this is very symbolic we were in bolivia when more alice left the country and when there was an interim administration that went into the president ial palace for example carrying a bible this is something that scared many bolivians because they were afraid that discrimination was going to come back to that they were going to lose many of the benefits that they won while they were morales was in office well now it will what ellis is returning to the country hes party is in power you know if he was inaugurated on sunday he promised to rule for all bolivians hes facing an extremely difficult situation in the country the Economic Situation is dire covert 19 a divided country between the lowlands on the highlands the poorer highlands and the lowlands that are richer and have traditionally in a way discriminated against in the region as groups so there are many many challenges ahead and the big question is which role is ever what al is going to play in his administration as he has said that mortality is not expected to play a crucial role but still he is an influential man loved by many in the country so we will have to see exactly what happens in the next few months perus president is facing his 2nd impeachment trial in congress most in 2 months and his car is accused of of accepting bribes and so with hundreds of thousands of dollars from companies that one public works tempus this kind of survived a similar proceeding in september which was part of a wider bribery probe he denies those allegations. And still in peru handfuls of tourists and visitors are trickling back to much petrou after the heritage site finally reopened there is government made it off limits in march to the corona virus as report from charlotte the less. Much you picchu is not like any other place in the world as global covered 1000 cases surge and lockdowns cascade into effect its in can ruins have reopened. Much a big tournament but the 1st to enter much of peachey really is a thrill all i can tell all peruvians and all the world is to come we have all the security measures it is very safe to be here and you will be well received. Unesco World Heritage site is closed in march because of coronavirus restrictions it officially reopened to this week but with Health Checks and capacity limited to 30 percent or 680. 00 terrorists a day the 1st visit was just yama in october the japanese tourist received a special exemption to into early after waiting for 7 months in a nearby town much you picchu sits 2400 meters above sea level where the peruvian andes meet the amazon basin archaeologists believe it was built in the 15th century as a century front in can empower it remains one of the most significant portals into inconsiderate eyes ation as perus top tourist attraction the local economy relies on the travellers it draws especially foreigners its closure affected nearly a quarter of a 1000000 workers shopkeepers in nearby cusco say they lost more than 2 thirds of their income and yes it has been super terrible because there were no tourists you can only see resident tourists who live here who live nearby and nothing else. Peru is closing in on 1000000 cases of covert 19 with nearly 35000 deaths for a country of 32000000 people thats. Highest per capita mortality rate in the world but cases are now decreasing and restrictions easing. Its been quite complicated for all of us who work in tourism the city basically lives off it and its been a very hard blow many shops are closed many people lost their jobs now the gates have reopened proving once a hopeful brighter days are here shelob ellis aljazeera. Up past the hour and these are the top stories the u. S. Drugs make a fire says its covert 19 banks in canada it is now proven to be more than 90 percent effective in trials the company says its on track to seek Regulatory Approval to sell the vaccine by the end of this month. I was on the has more now from new york as the stock markets reacted

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