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And outside the white house. Donald trump and his supporters are defined the president s showing no signs of conceding as he prepares to challenge a ballot counts in several states. And that hasnt stopped leaders from around the world d applauding joe biden including many who rocky relations with trump. 100 hours g. M. T. 8 pm in washington d. C. And after days of anxious waiting the United States has reached a fateful moment in its history. Democratic Party Candidate joe biden is now president elect having obtained 2 of 90 electoral votes so far he of course needed 270 to take the white house and he and Vice President elect come about to address the nation well this is what finally put joe biden across the finish line projected victory in pennsylvania with its 20 Electoral College votes and nevada with 6 hes also leading in georgia but that race is still too close to call the current President Donald Trump past 214 electoral votes or together joe biden is expected to address the nation any moment but has tweeted hes honored that america has chosen him to lead he says the work ahead will be hard but he promised to be a president for all americans those who voted for him and those who didnt hes also said that he will keep the faith that supporters have placed in him and his running mates come to harris isnt just the 1st woman to become Vice President shes also the 1st person im black and south asian descent learned of the news while juggling this video of her reaction and joe biden was posted online. Here in the next president of the United States. Well President Trump has not conceded the race which he says is far from over in a statement he said we all know why i joe biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him they dont want the truth to be exposed beginning monday our campaign will stop prosecuting our case in court to ensure election was awfully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. President trump has now returned to the white house from his golf course in virginia he was that when major t. V. Networks began calling the election in bidens favor. Well well hear more about trumps reactions and his plans from our White House Correspondent kelly help get. Him to pass a call hane whos in philadelphia natasha got him a standing by for us in Atlanta Georgia and of course theres rob reynolds will join him from los angeles lets begin with mike hanna we are expected to hear from president elect joe biden what is the atmosphere like where you are. Very much a celebrate 3 atmosphere you can see the crowd behind me here and beyond that is the main in reno where there are hundreds of Motor Vehicles parked in what is supposed to be a socially distant celebration not a joe bidens will be here we expecting to hear him begin to speak shortly he will be preceded by his running mate and Vice President elect harris shell be speaking 1st we understand followed by joe biden he will be outlining for the 1st time as president elect the agenda that he used going to attempt to impose in the years to come and also the 1st steps hes going to be taking in terms of building up a transitional trust team and what we do know already the absolute priority for joe biden you stated that youre in the campaign you stated that in recent days and we expect to hear him reaffirm again the seasoning to calm the coronavirus pandemic this is a major task which hes outlined to use already considering putting up a Coronavirus Task force which could be formally established as soon as monday this is likely to be headed by murphy previous Surgeon General and David Kessler whos a former commissioner of the food and Drug Administration this will be a High Powered Committee trast with exploring ways in which to begin to properly contain this pandemic. Ravaged people throughout the United States p. To the course as biden has already said is to establish a proper National Program throughout the months of this pandemic the Trump Administration has left to the states to combat the pandemic with no central federal authority no overarching plan to actually be attend to. This virus which has created so much chaos and so much pain within the United States so that is going to be one of the issues we expect to hear from joe biden will be other issues outlining the broader agenda that he attempts to explore in the weeks and months ahead but part of the problem he will be facing is a Outgoing Administration that may be reluctant to cooperate as you mentioned the president. Refusing to concede insisting to continue a lot of legal action but the strand period may be particularly difficult because of any lack of cooperation from the trunk administration that being said the transition period is largely carried out by Civil Service at. The Biden Campaign for months now has been putting together a Transition Team a transition plan that will begin to be put into effect within the coming week but tonight tonight is joe bidens night. May to. And for sure weve lost our correspondent mike hanna but you can see those pictures those live pictures from wilmington delaware where were expecting to hear from president elect joe biden hes jews who gave his victory speech and moment now lets go to from the time being until we get joe biden we can turn to our correspondent in washington d. C. Kimberly whole kits any reaction yet from the trump campaign. I we have had statements just to sort of feeling you know what i think happening there with respect to my chemists connection i watching the pictures of joe biden as he heads towards that stage to make his 1st speech as president elect and already now he has the secret Service Detail just as u. S. President donald trump does the white house behind me and so what they do when theres a transition is they often jam the signals which we rely on to broadcast so dont worry hell be back once the joe biden is squarely in place of the security is confirmed but for now security also watching pretty heavily these celebrations that are occurring behind me of course this is the same location black lives matter plaza where there was so much social unrest earlier in the year over the spring and summer months and in terms of the resoundingly sort of turned out for joe biden that had a lot to do with that many say thats the reason that they supported him donald trump felt that he had made some gains with voters of color and certainly he had a very strong showing at the polls as well and this is what hes fighting for he had factions go on to twitter in terms of his response saying that he got 71000000 legal votes and then calls the votes that came into our after election day for joe biden as illegal and this is going to be the crux of the argument that is going to be made by donald trump as he launches his legal challenges commencing monday so far no plans to concede even as joe biden is now preparing to make this address to the nation alongside his running mate now Vice President elect a couple of harris. Its interesting as we look at these live pictures from wilmington delaware the many thousands and thousands of supporters that have come out. For the speech this victory speech by president elect joe biden that in fact looks like his motorcade arriving a mini Vice President elect come horace is also expected to give a speech she i believe is already there waiting for joe biden to arrive its interesting kimberly a similar sort of reaction throughout the country thousands of people also celebrating outside the white house where you are. Yet its important to acknowledge that. There are about 50 percent of the country is not celebrating right now and this really acknowledges the rural urban split that exists not just in the United States but were seeing this phenomena all around the world where in cities voters tend to lean liberal and in the rural areas they tend to be more conservative so its natural that youre seeing across the United States in Major Urban Centers these celebrations this is for the large part where joe biden kaba harris is supporting us live and we saw that manifested as the vote counts came in donald trump doing very well initially but as these urban centers like philadelphia pennsylvania Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Atlanta Georgia as those celts were accumulated this is where joe biden made up those gaps finally surpassing allowing the u. S. Networks in the United States to announce joe biden is the projected winner now it is important to to also acknowledge that the process in the United States is a bit unusual this is not an official result and it wont be until december even though when Congress Actually votes on this will be in january of 2021 in advance of the inauguration so this is the window that donald trump and his legal team are. Exploring in fact theyre putting up rich emails and trying to raise millions of dollars some 60000000. 00 for these legal challenges they believe that there are still grounds and they choose to to exhaust those possibilities before there is any talk of concession now for joe biden who is set to take the stage very soon what hes going to have is the difficult task of trying to unite a very divided america and that is going to be daunting given the fact that this division didnt start with donald trump many people believe that where it started was it was much much earlier if somebody even go back to the last time we had a bit of a contested election in the United States the year 2000 when ultimately our gore won the popular vote but it was george w. Bush that became the president at that time it left a lot of hurt feelings in the United States that only built in steady increment resulting in the presidency of donald trump so there is going to be an enormous task at hand for this democratic ticket as they have assumes the white house trying to unite the americans and to win over the support of the millions of americans that did not vote for them. Ok for now lets move at the White House Correspondent. We can call haney was in philadelphia pennsylvania 11 of those states that was crucial to bidens victory a lot of celebration way you want to tonights party. There really is that it is going to set the scene of what this day has been like because this is the city that the President Donald Trump he made fun of philadelphia so you know that out but also this is a city thats super super proud of being from philadelphia. Just going to make sure she wasnt. Going to apologize for. Im doing my job you do your have a good one. Sorry about that. People are obviously very. Quite frankly theres been so. Let me take you back from the. Local networks called the donald trump immediately you saw people rush to downtown people who were honking dancing to music was blaring describe the scene where im at right now this is behind me this is the Convention Center where those chemical 37000 votes that joe biden over the edge its where there was counted there in protesters Peaceful Protesters out here since tuesday have a step on the way so you can see exactly whats happening. Right now we have about 4 trumps supporters that theyre trying. They are theres a fence between them and these supporters of joe biden its been peaceful theyre playing music the term supporters are playing videos of donald trump but this is subdued for what weve seen today so for new people were in the streets cars were honking in philadelphia is really proud of their motorcycles their very love so there are people celebrating in the streets here at city hall there are. It was a giant it was. Really a feeling that celebration here in philadelphia now this is also where theres going to be the challenges youve heard for giuliani the president s personal attorney say that the president was up 57700000 votes and then they just disappear disappear those people still voted for him but what happened here in philadelphia and across the commonwealth of pennsylvania is that the Republican Controlled Legislature said the people who count the ballots you cant count any of the mallon ballots until election day and there were millions of ballots cast hundreds of thousands of ballots cast that way so then what happened is on election day they 1st reported the people voted in person you know those were overwhelmingly republican and then they started counting the melon ballots and those were going to joe biden 70. 00 to 80. 00 so as kimberly mentioned coming from the major cities and the suburbs that surround them now its important to point out that theyre going to challenge the votes that came in after election day because that was a change this year that is not going to change the outcome of pennsylvanias law tural votes those are only about 4000 votes so to this point joe biden could just say to the courts go ahead keep those votes i dont need them and he will still have taken the 20 electoral votes from the commonwealth of pennsylvania dont forget hes a native son he was born in scranton he likes to talk about his humble upper give people here in philadelphia and across pennsylvania remembered and they sent him to the white house ok many thanks for that. For us in philadelphia we can turn to our correspondent name who is in Atlanta Georgia where the votes all still being counted what is happening where you are. But i think for the 1st time and more than 7 hours i dont hear any honking and screaming and there was a big celebration among biden supporters here in freedom park. Quite the rivalry if you will i spent the day talking to people and one of the questions that i ask because of the historic nature of this election is what were you doing and how did you feel when you heard the news im going to share what we were doing and how we heard the news were in the lobby of our hotel and as i walked through the lobby i heard a group of people clearly Trump Supporters talking one woman said biden is not the president this is not real another man responded that the media doesnt decide who wins the Voters Decide who wins and all the votes are counted i walked outside and saw another group of women gathered they were taking pictures and smiling clearly they were biden supporters and one of the women told me there is only light and love out here only light. Georgia has the burj in the selection as a focal point because there its been a traditional republican stronghold it has been 28 years since the 16 Electoral College votes in this state have gone to a democratic president ial candidate and although the tally the final tally here in georgia has not been completed and although the secretary of state says the margin between trump and biden is so slim there will be a recount it looks like biden continues to lead as these provisional absentee and military and overseas ballots are counting at last count bitin lead trump in the state by more than 9100 votes and its a big deal here trump by the way in 20161 the state of georgia by 5 percent and theres been a lot of discussion about what has happened since 2016 and a lot of people point to the intense grass roots organizing in the state of georgia organizations such as the new georgia project really. Engaging voters of color getting out the vote getting them to the polls and also doing what they can to educate people about Voter Suppression the ways votes can be suppressed and how to combat it the other reason that georgia has the bird in the spotlight this election is because its 2 senate seats are still up for grabs again traditionally its been 2 republican senators and now you have the 2 senate seats so close that there will be a runoff in january to determine who will get those 2 senate seats and that also if the democrats can dream and pick up those 2 senate seats it would mean that it would be a 5050. 00 tie in the senate with Vice President elect come all the harris. Providing a tie breaking vote if it came to that of course people are saying its likely a long shot but theyre hoping to get at least one of those votes but when you talk about the mood in the state of georgia perhaps one of the Democratic Candidates for senate john awesome put it best least from the perspective of biden supporters he said that georgia changes coming to georgia and part of that change georgia is part of that change that is coming to america so a real sense among georgians that weve spoken to who are biden supporters that this election is a milestone that it reflects a shift from a purely red state to perhaps a purple state when you do some digging into the stakes about who voted for who and why some trends emerge so 70 percent of white georgians put their support behind truong whereas bitin you had 87 percent of black georgians votes and 57 percent of latin georgians votes titans biggest source of poor. Or age wise was among young voters trumps largest chunk of support was among voters 65 and older many people will tell you that atlanta is quite progressive so its not a surprise that we saw so much celebrating in the Atlanta Metro area and clearly the Atlanta Metro area was a key source of support for biden but he did according to the details that are coming out he did expand his support in predominantly white counties he did also of course maintain his democrats traditional core support in black communities across the state but again i think its important to note that although we have been all day in the epicenter of a big celebration among biden supporters there certainly a huge chunk of georgians who threw their support behind trump and are not happy about the results if you were to look at a map of georgia youll see outside the Atlanta Metro area the farther you get outside of it the greater the support for trump grows in any event we know that here in the state of florida. Georgia excuse me the counting continues that there will be a recount but the secretary of state did say its only because the margin between a bite and trough is so small they said that theres been no evidence of widespread irregularities in terms of voter fraud and they promised to investigate any credible allegations of voter fraud but again well just have to see what becomes of this possibility of a recount the votes here in the state of georgia will be certified on november 20th but at least for the moment it appears that biden is leading in a state that has traditionally been a republican stronghold and again this is another reason why theres a real feeling that this is a momentous Seismic Shift in. In the state of georgia but the work continues to be done according to activists that i spoke to they said theyre going to celebrate today but the work begins anew tomorrow given those run offs in january they need to engage people to vote again to head to the polls in january 2 weeks before Inauguration Day we have thanksgiving and hanukkah and christmas coming out it may be difficult to get people to go to the polls democrats traditionally have not turned out in large numbers for the runoff so i was speaking to someone who works for the new georgia project and she says beginning tomorrow her organization and others are going to be trying to be registering 3240000 new voters in the state of georgia in the hopes that they can do one of these at least one of these 2 senate seats in the state of georgia. Named for us in Atlanta Georgia if youre joining us now we are looking at live pictures of wilmington delaware we are expected to hear from president elect joe biden needs to give his victory speech there in his home town with his wife jill biden by side many hundreds of thousands of his supporters gathering there you can see cars honking lots of american flags. Will is expected to hear from the Vice President elect come on her shes due to give a speech before joe biden we can go to reynolds who is in los angeles which is of course coming on harriss home states was has the reaction there been. Oh a lot of people are very pleased that kamel harris it will become the 1st female Vice President the 1st. Woman of color to occupy that office the 1st Asian American to occupy that office the governor of california Gavin Newsome whos a democrat a fellow democrat and a friend said that cal tweeted out california is so so happy today i want to add something to what the tosser was talking about about the battle for the senate and how this going to be these runoffs in georgia that is true as your man on the west coast i have to point out that alaska still has a senate race that is outstanding and that race is too close to call 50 percent of the vote has not yet been counted it wont be counted until next tuesday and that well thats the way the alaskans do it and while the demo the republican incumbent is far ahead of his democratic challenger the write in and absentee ballots that have come in they may favor the democrats especially since many of them are coming from the rural and wilderness areas of alaska where there is a very large native american and alaska native population that is thought to favor the democrats now while were waiting for for the president elect to come out and speak and of course all stop talking immediately if he does go out on stage so that we can all watch id like to just talk look ahead to a little bit look forward beyond today and the 4 that biden supporters are feeling and perhaps the disappointment that Trump Supporters are feeling and look at whats what the landscape is going to be like on january 21st unless theres some very. Radical changes by the trumpet ministration in the way its handling the cold it epidemic that epidemic or pandemic is likely to get much worse i was speaking with an Infectious Disease expert today who said that. That theres going to be a lot more misery a lot more deaths in the United States between now and january 20th unless the administration the Current Administration starts making changes to the way its behaving in terms of the cove in 1000 pandemic she also said that biden will have to surround himself with the very best people. Youll have to get rid of those people who have been somewhat prominent in the Front Administration giving bad or on scientific advice and then try to convince that large group of American People who scorn mask wearing who dont believe that the virus is something to be taken seriously or that even that its a hoax and try to use the best persuasive power to get them to change their minds about that. So theyre coming out on stage now lets take a look. Over her the. The. The. The far it evening. View thank you good evening have or of. C a kid good evening. Was so warm congressman john lewis congressman john lewis before his passing wrote democracy is not a state it is an act. And what he meant was that americas democracy is not guarantee it is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it was to guard it and never take it for granted and protecting our democracy takes struggle it takes sacrifice but there is joy in it and there is progress because we the people have the power to build a Better Future was a goal. And when our very democracy was on the ballot in this election with the very soul of america at stake and the world watching you ushered in a new day for america was. To our Campaign Staff and volunteers this Extraordinary Team thank you for bringing more people than ever before into the democratic process was and for making this victory possible to the poll workers and Election Officials across our count country who have worked tirelessly to make sure every vote is counted our nation owes you a debt of gratitude was. You have protected the integrity of our democracy and to the American People. Who make up our beautiful country thank you for turning out in record numbers to make your voices heard. Was. And i know times have been challenging especially the last several months the grief sorrow and pain the worries and the struggles but we have also witnessed your courage your resilience and the generosity of your spirit. For 4 years you marched and organized for equality and justice for our lives and for our planet and then you voted was a thought and you delivered a clear message you chose hope and unity decency science and yes truth was. You chose joe biden as the next president it was thought through. And joe was a healer a night or a tested and steady hand a person whose own experience of loss gives him a sense of purpose that will help us as a nation reclaim our own sense of purpose and a man with a big heart who would love us with abandon its his love for jill wholl be an incredible 1st lady or are always its his love for hunter and the ashley and his grandchildren and the entire i was. And while i 1st heard joe as Vice President i really got snow him as the father who loved. My dear friend who we remember here today. And to my husband. Was. Thank you and i children cole and ella and my sister maya and our whole family i love you more than i can ever express. Far off. We are so grateful to gel in jail for welcoming our family into the airs on this incredible journey and to the woman most responsible for my presence here today my mother some of the Gopalan Harris was always in a high bar was when she came here from india at the age of 19 she maybe didnt quite imagine this moment but she believed so deeply an america where a moment like this is possible and so i am thinking about her and about the generations of women black women are are are you was why i. Hated my own women who are on the right she was history i hate the way that this moment tonight. Women who fought and sacrificed so much for quality and liberty and justice for all including the black women who are often too often overlooked but so often proved they are the backbone of our democracy far are with all women. Who have worked to secure and protect the right to vote for over a century 100 years ago with the 19th amendment 55 years ago with the Voting Rights act and now in 2020 with a new generation of women in our country who cast their ballots and continue the fight for their fundamental right to vote and be heard was. Tonight i reflect on their struggle their determination and the strength of their vision to see what can be unburdened by what has been. And i stand on their shoulders and what a testament it is to joes character that he had the audacity to break one of the most substantial barriers that exists in our country and select a woman as his vice one was. But while i may be the 1st woman in this office i will not be the last was because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. And to the children of our country regardless of your gender our country has sent a clear message dream with that Ambition Lead with conviction and see yourselves in a way that others may not simply because theyve never seen it before but know that we will look claude every step of the way it was and should the American People no matter who you voted for i will strive to be a Vice President like joe was to president obama loyal honest and prepared waking up every day thinking of you and your family. Because now is when the real work begins the hard work the necessary work the good work the essential work to save lives and beat this epidemic to rebuild our economy so it works for working people to root out systemic racism in our Justice System and society to combat the Climate Crisis to unite our country and heal the soul of our nation the odds and the road ahead will not be easy. But america is ready and so are joe and i are on us 3 we have elected a president who represents the best in us a leader the world will respect and our children will look up to a commander in chief who will respect our troops and keep our country safe and a president for all americans. Of those things and it is now my great honor. And thank you for the. President that he left us i have made my states of america show must think itll itll. Itll going to. The get with anything and it would end it with all. My with. Little with. The. Market. Oh america the iraq people brought me good day and dont worry the iraq i see my. Time senator tom carper down there and i think. Senator cruz is there and i think the governors around it. Is that rather than an hour and former governor that men are wrong most importantly my sisters all my sister valerie netty way back of us. The people of this nation have spoken. To have they delivered us a clear victory a convincing victory a victory there for we the people one with the most votes ever cast in president ial ticket and the history of the nation was 74 and i hear ya wrong well i must admit it surprised me tonight were seeing all over this nation all cities in all parts of the country indeed across the world an outpouring of joy of her. Faith and tomorrow bring a better day i wrong and im happy to know why the trust and confidence you placed in me i pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify. Who doesnt see the red states and blue states only sees the United States was worth all my heart with the confidence of the whole people to win the confidence of all of you and for that. Is what america i believe is about. Its about the people. And thats what our administration will obama i sought this office to restore the soul of america to rebuild the backbone of this nation the middle class and to make america respected around the world again. Hey did you notice here at home. Seattle my lifetime that so many millions of americans have voted for that vision and now the work of making that vision is. Its a task the task of our time folks as i said many times before im jealous husband. And i would not be here. Without their love the entire support of journal. And my son hunter and actually my daughter and all our grandchildren and nationalities and all our family. Their mom and her. Job as a mom a military mom an educator she has dedicated her life to education but teaching is a gesture she does its who she. For american educators this is a great day for our was here to have one year out of the white house a good job to do to make a great 1st lady im so proud of her i was there are a lot me honor serve her the fantastic Vice President he has turned from chama ours was makes history as the 1st woman the 1st black woman the 1st woman from south asia to say the 1st daughter of an immigrants and her back to this country was how do they stop possible United States were gods who are in her. Way and were mine tonight of those who fought so hard for somebody years to make this happen once again that americas bent the arc of the moral universe more toward justice. Common dogs like it or nah your family you become an honorary bride has no way out how to get. Well though you volunteered and worked the polls in the middle of the pandemic. Local elected officials you deserve a special thanks from the entire nation. Was my Campaign Team and all the volunteers and all gay so much of themselves to make this moment possible i owe you iou iou everything. And all others who supported us im proud of the campaign we built ran im proud of the coalition we put together the broadest and most Diverse Coalition to destry democrats republicans independents progressives moderates conservatives ya know all of the urban suburban hurler gay straight transgender were eager to know asian native american hi im reading especially the words and especially those who was in this campaign was that as low as theyre the Africanamerican Community stood for that i was he she was and i youre. I said at the outset i wanted records that this campaign to represent him look like america weve done had now thats right there ministration to look like an act for all those of you who voted for president sean i understand the disappointment or ive lost a couple times my cell but nah lets give each other and cheneys to god its time to put away the harsh rhetoric or lower the temperature see each other again mr leech. Other again and i make progress we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies they are 8 not our enemies theyre americans theyre american was. The boss tells us to every day here is the season a time to build a time to grieve when a time to serve and a time to hear oh this is the time to heal in america was now this campaign is over why when it is the will of the people what is our mandate i believe its this america call upon us to march to the forces of decency the forces of fairness to marshal the forces of science and the forces of a hotel or in the great battles of our time the battle to control the virus the battle bill prosperity there the battle secure your familys health care about overachieve Racial Justice and root out systemic racism in this country was the battle to save our planet by getting climate under control was the battle of restore decency defend democracy and give everybody in this country a fair shot thats all theyre asking for a fair shock. Folks. Are working to get you getting covert under control we cannot repair the economy restore our vitality or relish lifes most precious moments are going to our grandchildren our children our birthdays wedding graduation all the moments that matter most to us until we get it under control on. On monday i will mammie a group of leading scientists and experts as transition advisors. To help ha ha ha the bright hairs colored fragment converter into an actual blue print that will start on january the 20th or 2021 was the that the land will be built on bedrock science will be constructed out of compassion apathy and concern i was spared no effort not on or any commitment to turn around this pandemic folks im a proud democrat. Was what i will govern as an american president. I work as hard for those who didnt vote for me as those who did let discriminator of their david as ation in america began to end here and now was. I are a few years old of democrats and republicans to cooperate with one another its not some Mysterious Force beyond our control its a decision a choice we made and if we can decide not to cooperate then we can decide to cooperate and i the way. That this is part of the mandate given to us from a barrack of people they want us to cooperate and their interest and thats the choice ill make and i call on Congress Democrats republicans alike to make that choice with me the american story is about a slow yet steadily widening the opportunities in america and make no mistake way too many dreams have been deferred to laws. We must take the promise of the country for everybody no matter the race their ethnicity their faith their identity or their disability for. A mare has always been shaped by Inflection Point by moments in time where weve made hard decisions about who we are and what we want to be. Later in 18th century coming to save the union after you are 93rd tour promising to beleaguered country a new did. And 960 pledges a new front tear and 12 years ago what barack obama made history told us yes we can. We stand out in affection for you we have an opportunity to defeat despair to build a nation of prosperity and purpose we can do it i know we can. Talk about the battle for the soul of america we must be sure the soul of america our nation the shape of the constant battle between our better angels and our darkest impulses and what the president say in this battle matters is try for our better angels to prevail tonight the whole world is watching america and i believe that our best america is a beacon for the close. Were not leaving were late not only by the example of our pilot but by the bar exam book. I have always been waiting many of you heard me say ive already believe we can define america in one word possibilities. Bad and america everyone should be given an opportunity to go as far as their dreams and god given ability will take the same i believe in the possibilities this this country were always looking ahead ahead on american stray or more just had to in america crazy jobs with dignity and respect that of america that cures diseases like cancer and all simon head north america and never leads anyone be high. Handed america has never cared izzat never get a. History. Its always been bad to bet against america were good people this is the United States of america has never been and. Never going to be weve been able not ever to do what weve done together for. The last stage of the campaign i began thinking about a hammer. That means a lot to me and my family particularly my to see son bo it captures the faith that sustains me what you believe sustains america and i hope. And i hope it can provide some comfort and solace the 230001000 americans whove lost a loved one to this terrible virus this year my heart goes out to each and every one of you. Hopefully this gives you solace as well it goes like this and he will raise you up on eagles wings bear you on the birth of a dog and make you just sign like the sun and hold you in the palm of his hand. And now together. Bark at my work that god and his to call the finest of dirt or well thought hard and steady here. With faith in america and each other with love of god through a thirst for justice let us be the nation that we know every candidate in a nation United Nations strength and i should hear it the United States of america ladies and gentlemen theres never never been i mean weve tried not been able to do so remember as my grandpa part grand property 7 i walked out of his home when i was a kid up in scranton said joe you keep the phrase and our grandmother when she was alive she yelled no joe we spread it. Back. To. My most prized president elect joe biden addressing the nation for the 1st time since his election when giving his victory speech from his hometown of wilmington delaware where you can see many thousands of his supporters have gathered to celebrate with him we had how he plans to keel america that this was the time to heal america he talks about how he was a proud. Democrats but that he would govern. He would govern as an american in not not just as a democrat we can go to our correspondent mike hanna who is in delaware for us and this was a crucial speech for joe biden over 70000000 people didnt vote for him do you think his speech was unifying. This was certainly an inspiring speech by the president elect joe biden reassuring many of the themes that he expressed during his Campaign Making any action call for unity in the wake of this period of deep deep depression saying that we must find our better angels for example also interesting enough reaching out to President Trump the campaign has been to hostile at times joe biden here saying lets give each other a chance to lower the temperature stop treating our opponents as our enemies very much a call for unity very much an attempt to bring this country together earlier we heard from his Vice President elect not to use a comma heiress and she says but putting the 1st female Vice President in this country safe trip you to the generations of women on the shoulders she said she climbed she said its a special celebration to women who are open lot but have seen the back bone of our society so striking very much a strong tone of unity a strong told him terms of looking to the future to pull on a new Alliance Start joe biden wants to be of all americans he reiterated. The fact that he wants to be the person. Is not for one or another as the fireworks here start going up behind the very much at night of celebration as you can see it will bring to this the city in which joe biden has spent 6 decades which he has called home for 6 decades but once again youve had from joe biden that call for unity a bubble and a commitment looking forward to 2 fighting that pandemic that is clearly so many lives and both common harrison and joe biden taking time out to remember all those americans who have died in this ongoing endemic all those. So sad but still the celebration of the months the delight of providing victory a very clear acknowledgment of the tossed it head the 1st child says joe biden is to set up a way to combat the ongoing and demick which has gripped this country apart but above all says joe biden it is time for better angels to prevail and he repeated that theme of his campaign. Must restore the soul of america. Michael lets talk a bit more about what coming out harris had to say a very powerful speech from her because shes making history by becoming the 1st female u. S. Vice president elect but also the 1st black person the 1st Asian American and she talked a bit about her immigrant back background her indian mother coming to the u. S. From india at the age of 19. As a candidate as a Vice President its very unprecedented what is it going to mean to the many minorities in america today. Yes it was a very strong speech from consular heiress and shes making very clear that shes breaking the ceiling here becoming as i said the 1st female Vice President of the United States im just sitting know that she paid tribute to the old woman who has come in the pause. Everybody here and all those little girls she said spoke about who are watching tonight they can see in the fact that she is now the Vice President that anything is possible she says so very much a monster stroke some would argue by joe biden to bring couple the harris onto his ticket as breaking the norm to take the ring half of a break from the hospital and its liberating in many ways

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