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Drifting over water probably not affecting even the philippines the next few days we havent got much ingress of winter its sunshine for most of japan the Korean Peninsula and china so there is some increase in the cloud in the western side of china as for india well if youre in chennai or south wales or in sri lanka its going to be wet. But. A secret agent claimed by both israel and egypt will any case officer who receives. Double agent lol is assume the worst truth or lies fact or fiction most of the documents are faulty peoples ideas will still be under wraps al jazeera well tells the story of a man and many secrets accept might one day elicit the spy on aljazeera. When corona virus struck america care homes for the elderly became ground 0 they cut corners things dont get done and people die as a result faultlines reveals how a troubled industry imploded under the weight of the pandemic we put profit above patient care. But isnt that the american way. Tells us what kind of people we are. When covert hit americas nursing home. Or mine of the top stories here not just here the race to the white house is still too close to call but it seems it could be tilting the way of former Vice President joe biden after he won the states of wisconsin and arizona results from 5 states are still outstanding. In an address earlier on wednesday biden said he believes its clear his campaign has won enough states to clinch the White House Biden stopped short of claiming victory saying every vote must be counted. In all the trouble campaign is amounts to has filed a suit to hold vote counting in the states of pennsylvania and michigan and also requested a recount in wisconsin. Which won by conservative commentator rena shaw she joins us live from reston virginia by skype thanks very much for being with us so presumably these moves to to go to court by the by the campaign thats that was to be expected to tell us how you think thats going to play out. You know i think these these threats of taking it to the courts right now just are rather nonsensical we dont know because that lever actually hasnt formally been pulled given that states are still counting what the president really wants right now is for certain states to stop counting he wants pennsylvania and michigan to probably stop counting and in pennsylvania hes leading but he could fall behind an amish again he probably cant catch up there so then were looking at where he wants that counting to continue in arizona where hes behind and data where hes behind but this recount where he wants it most is wisconsin where hes actually lost and so thats kind of very important here because the Republican National chair woman is from the state of wisconsin and im sorry shes from michigan but a great many of the supporters the previous chairperson was from wisconsin and centers like ron johnson former congressman john duffy some this most fervent advocate and supporters are from wisconsin so i think its a really emotional blow this president tends to do things emotionally and so again i know that both sides have lawyers already but right now it just doesnt make any sense he thing in pennsylvania for example he wanted his lawyers to go in last night and stop the count right now were seeing videos in michigan and detroit where his supporters have gone to locations where ballots are being counted things stop the count again nonsensical so lets talk about the fact that with this president actually has done to get us to where we are today number one is clean the mail and voting encourages voter fraud in elections that secondly discouraged to his supporters from voting by mail thirdly hes ensured the 1000000 ballots couldnt be counted before wednesday morning and thats in certain states at least 3 states like pennsylvania where republican legislatures have done that and fourthly hes demanded to know the results on Election Night last night. It is just not possible in our system what is happening right now is to pickle of what has happened in so many years cast ballots do get counted after election day is over so tell me why is if if this is all kind of normal procedure in some ways that these votes can should continue like this and you think this is the wrong decision to go to court why why are the republicans not making any noises about saying that we should allow these votes be counted why are we hearing nothing from republicans about this. Well what they have seen in these past 4 years elected republicans like those i mentioned have been elected the senate into the house they have completely about at the altar of President Trump they have accepted that he was the person who made it out of a huge pack of the stablish meant elected officials who are running for the nomination in 2015 into 16 so when he emerged victorious what republicans really did was get in line behind him and what they did to people like myself a lifelong republican who was elected who was at the local level and elected to the Republican National convention when we did not accept this president during even his candidacy when he was a presumptive nominee for the republicans they taught us that we were not republicans and that we better fall in line and so that again something ive seen in these 4 years and we have brought totals right now that are really actually proving that that more republicans are falling in line behind this president and support him in greater numbers than they did in 2016 and now thats what we get down to the demographics of white women for example but what were really big fact we should not discount is that bidens popular vote lead an hour ago when i checked was with 3000000. Something 2. 2 percent and it surpassed clintons popular vote lead of 2900000 and so that was again we look at 2016 and where Hillary Clintons vote lead was how she lost the house she lost the presidency even though she won over about 3000000 popular votes more than donald trump were seeing joe biden has had a real success so so although were still we dont have a definitive winner right this moment ill the last night caused a great deal of consternation in the minds of democrats its very important to see what has been accomplished and i think the democrats should see this for a win ill be it yes it was a close race but really what were seeing is a Republican Party that has see the really true. To their man so theyre not going to step out of line and criticize the absolutely unamerican speech she gave in the Early Morning hours today theyre not going to criticize the effort is taking by by saying im going to get my lawyers into this im going to take this all the way to Supreme Court theyre going to stand by and say nothing because thats what theyve done for 4 years so you know i mean actually also the presumed a lot of the thinking that he did better than expected so perhaps what what would you say that the kind of factor has been in terms of of people continuing to vote for trump in spite of the problems of the pandemic in spite of the problems of the economy whats the whats the magic ingredient you think for him. That is an incredible question and it is very much a 1000000 dollar question because ive been ive been doing a lot of soul searching these past 4 years to figure out do i believe this party i mean my entire career in this party but i was ostracized as the 1st ever delegate in the country to speak out against the now president and i couldnt quite figure out then what it was and i figured out that really what would really was that play was that republicans had made a decision that they were willing to accept an imperfect man somebody that has been married 3 times you know just doesnt act in a very christian manner and look its no secret that the majority the Republican Partys membership is christian and this is a party that is again looking less and less like current at the present day america the demographics are not really pointing to that but it seems to me in these 4 years and especially this year in the many conversations ive had this year with republican women in an effort to get them to understand and perhaps even accept voting for joe biden over and over ive heard one thing and its the justices its the judges its all about these judicial appointments for these Republican Voters because thats the legacy that they believe that any president can really and so yes its the economy in some ways of course its National Security as well that kind of stuff is typical bread and butter for any republican voter theyre looking for you know a real strong man on defense somebody that really the economy well would they really really want him more than anything was conservative justices ive heard it from women and ive heard it from men and so even having 3 justices appointed to the Supreme Court was enough they want more and that is why i think many of them pulled the lever for donald trump this time thats number one but secondly also i do believe the democrats narrative of saying that the liberals if you put them in the white house are going to give you socialism i think that really did scare Many Republican women female republican of the women voters excuse me a few miles especially is what i wanted to say in 2 to voting against biden and saying you know what id rather take trump rhenish i thank you very much for your thoughts on the subject thank you. Certainly thank you for the well has been watching the u. S. Elections but not everyone has been impressed officials from some countries usually criticized by the u. S. Including in africa have noted the uncertainty surrounding the vote. As a senior fellow in the Global Economy and Development Program and the Africa Growth initiative at the Brookings Institution he says the u. S. Has damaged its reputation its extremely shocking to have the. President and his lawyer as we are heard try to discredit this extremely Important Institution which is. Elections and voting so its quite disappointing coming from all and well established democracy search. The one here in the United States and this is a really. Should be quantitative emporiums of accountability at relievers so. Gripping in at been seen Democratic Development in term of the quality of democracy in terms of quality of institution whats your prediction and those labor are the following one the Personnel Accountability the. Point that bt vertical accountability or isnt that a point that bt and darwin that want that beach ethiopia has begun military operations in the north of the country because of an escalation in tension there the local government in the tigre a region has been accused of attacking federal troops but the whole forces have dismissed that accusing the Prime Minister of plotting conflict a 6 months later emergency has been declared by the federal government welcome wemyss in nairobi in neighboring kenya explains whats led to the tension. Ethiopia was due to hold nationwide elections in august but they were postponed the Central Government said because of covert 19 to grain Regional Government said that that meant Prime Minister ahmed and his government would no longer legitimate to gray and Regional Government went ahead and organize their own region of elections in september the Central Government didnt accept the results of that election so we already had a situation where these 2 or thirtys werent recognizing each other the central federal government and threatened to cut funding to the to gray region its also significant that the majority of ethiopias armed forces are stationed in the to gray region including most of its tanks and its heavy artillery its a growing Regional Government has said that part of the military known as the Northern Command has defected to its side to the Central Government refutes that certainly any split within ethiopias large military along with the grain aligned militias already on that side do pose a very high risk a very dangerous civil war and now the reason so much of the military being based in that part of the country is because of decades of conflict between ethiopia and neighboring eritrea and now that conflict was finally resolved 2 years ago when Prime Minister came to power he was even given a Nobel Peace Prize for ending it so now we have a situation where eritrea is allied with the Central Government in addis ababa a conflict between. And to great could see eritrea being drawn in on this about as side risks spreading the conflict around the region and destabilizing the whole of the horn of africa still to come one. Fan celebration. A success this time in the hands of a brain surgeon. If. Tensions are still running high in ivory coast after the president was declared the winner in saturdays election dozens of people are being killed before and after the poll with confrontations between police and protesters and idris reports. Days after the reelection of president Alassane Ouattara was he supporters take to the streets with a victory dance was the mood isnt the same among the opposition many oppose what tara continued in power saying his bid for thought was unconstitutional well i because as a limit of 2 president ial terms whatever has assisted a new constitution in 3 to 60 allowed him to run again the homes of key opposition figures have been surrounded by police after some announced a Transitional Council saying they would prepare for a new election the government called that and all front to constituted authority. On monday the opposition issued a statement setting up a transitional body in the face of such a serious situation it is important to say and then the security and ensure that there are no surprises the government said it deployed at least 35000 security personnel across the country for the vote at least 9 people were killed in fighting between political supporters and Security Forces on election day according to local authorities dozens were also reported killed in preproduction violence. The opposition has denounced the latest actions by Security Forces and say they will not give in to intimidation says that dichotomy not do these unjustified nighttime armed attacks by elements of our forces bear witness to a serious setback toward democracy and an unacceptable abuse of law and individual freedom. On tuesday night the convoys of 2 cabinet ministers were attacked and some people reportedly killed raising fears of more violence more than 3000 people have crossed into neighboring countries fearing the outbreak of postelection violence similar to that seen in 2010 and 20 luckily the United Nations office of the coordinator for humanitarian affairs says at least 2600 people and i would liberia and it expects more to follow in the coming days i may decrease allergies here. People in england have been enjoying their final hours of freedom before the country goes back into lockdown for 4 weeks its a move the Prime Minister had promised to avoid but as john howell reports the country is better prepared and this fresh hope about a vaccine. Not long ago you could get a haircut and a cocktail at blade clubbing in london so a concept that proved so popular the owners were about to open a branch in new york heres the new york wasnt in there wish we had a ticket to actually live to go in 1000 furthermore if it wasnt 20 everything just went up in the air the 1st lockdown destroyed a dream despite government help the 2nd may prove lethal full livelihoods im still shocked and still. It was its a show because its been so quiet since we were just trying to reach everybody and now for the last few days is just so many people used to see us and we hoping its only 4 weeks were going to be close and loving is no more than that so we can try. Everything we can to really is it something the government said wouldnt happen and repeat National Lockdown just last week the Prime Minister said it would be disastrous for the economy. But new modeling predicted soaring hospital admissions and many thousands more deaths he was persuaded otherwise we have to face the reality that in common with many other countries in this part of the world we are now facing a surge in that virus which this house must now tackle with the measures weve outlined they will expire as all of the members know on december the 2nd soho by night the optimism of summer long wrong the gloom of a winter lockdown setting in the mood one Business Owner told me is one of panic many people dont believe these restrictions will be lifted as promised in a months time raising the prospect. Lost revenue all the way up to christmas the hope is that lockdown will bring the virus reproduction rate down and lift pressure on the National Health Service Buying time to build better coping strategies in the Northern City of liverpool for instance a Pilot Program from friday will offer every person regular testing with new rapid turnaround tests a possible pathway back to normal life. And there is a glimmer of hope for the arrival of a new vaccine the n. H. S. Is putting local doctors on notice to prepare for Vaccine Distribution by christmas in the new year. Aljazeera london denmark will cull its entire herd of mink after a corona virus mutation found in the animals spread to humans from mr mehta frederickson announced that up to 17000000. 00 mink will be killed she said the colors necessary to rule out the virus in taishan posing any risk to the effectiveness of a future Vaccine Health authorities found the virus strains in the make show decreased sensitivity against antibodies kenyas president has extended the countrys nightly curfew to contain a surge in corona virus cases who can yet or announced the measures will last until the 1st week of january the rate of infections shot up to 16 percent in october 4 times what it wants a month earlier the Health Ministry had raised concerns that a revival of political meetings could have been among the causes of the viruses spread. Or of the greatest footballers in history Diego Maradona has had Successful Surgery on a blood clot in his brain 96 world cup winner is now recovering in hospital in argentina they would stokes reports. Diego maradona drawing a crowd like only he can even while lying in a hospital bed fans gathered outside a private clinic in born assad goes to cheer is named after hearing surgery term of a brain clot on his brain had been a success. It will be out over time and dont know if they did the surgery last approximately one hour and 20 minutes managed to remove the chronic subdual hema thomas successfully diogo coped very well with the surgery and he was awake and very well. The doctor said the court was likely caused by an accident but that marathoner does not remember what happened it initially been admitted to hospital in la plata on monday with anemia and dehydration but as things turned more serious he was transferred firm urgency surgery marathoner is considered one of the greatest footballers of all time and almost single handedly led argentina to the 986 world cup he may not have played for 23 years but its clear how much he still means to the country and who are out of it boy its the peoples player the one that gave his life for the white and light blue shirt diego is the icon among arjun time Football Players the best of all times. Marathoner is currently the coach of Argentinian Club yeah he looked frail at the game on friday his last public appearance on what was also his 60th birthday he also left before half time which raise questions about his health there have been messages of support from around the football world napoli the italian club where he spent 7 years tweeted this picture with the hash tag strength diego and a message to from the real madrid coach the nadines the dan a fellow world cup winner. We all know the kind of person he is and the player he was i wish things go well for him but that is all we wish for him and his family. As the fans continue to chant his name outside hospital doctors say marathoner will remain inside resting in his room for at least 48 hours david stokes aljazeera. At least 3 people have been killed after a powerful storm caused flooding and landslides in Central America 2 gold miners died after being buried in mud south of the town of believe the correct word and nearby one dearest a 12 Year Old Girl was killed in another month slide storm etter made landfall as a category 4 hurricane before weakening to Tropical Storm floodwaters forced 20000 people in nicaragua into shelters or 60000 people in one city had no power the storm is moving towards cuba. Demonstrations have taken place across america as the final election result hangs in the balance gabriel is under is in new york and spoke to protest as their. This is one of multiple protests that are going to be happening this afternoon and evening here in new york city people are taking to the streets as these Election Results are still coming in and theres still certainly a lot of uncertainty nevertheless a lot of people are taking to the streets here in new york calling primarily among other things that every vote is counted thats a message that were hearing over and over again here i want to bring in someone to talk to us sherry wolf your local new York Resident tell me your sign says im ready to start protesting why because no matter who d wins in this election were in deep crisis in this country the fact that 67000000 people or so voted for an open White Supremacists the fact that the Democratic Party continues to put people up to run for office on a procapitalist anti worker racist sexist platform i dont hear i mean this is why were in this crisis how could you not even try outs somebody like trump and the reason is they are clueless the Democratic Party they are running people who want to do more of the same to go back to an intolerable status quo so so you are not happy with either of the 2 major parties it sounds like could i ask you you dont have to answer this but can i ask you who you voted for. Youre not you dont have to answer im not a democrat i have never voted for a democrat my entire life on a socialist and because my wife is black and i live in a neighborhood where shes terrified to walk down the street for the 1st time in my life i voted for a man who liked nothing about his politics so i agree with biden but i will tell you i do not agree with family and many of the people in this city and this country are loath to back up you can call it the vote that man. Well well leave you with a look at the white house now its nearing 6 pm local time and within the last hour joe biden has won michigan which is flipping another state the trump one in 2016 and that is taking the tally now to 264. 00 for biden in those crucial Electoral College votes on 214. 00 stay with us air aljazeera for continuing coverage of the u. S. Election as well for me half an hour. Later. We are going home to both lines when modern mankind origine. Many moons ago mankind migrated from the majestic. To begin the journey of the modern human across the world and as the dust settles everyone is welcome back home to. Our pride your destination really understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter what we do to the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. November on aljazeera. Who will be the next president of the United States join us for extended coverage of the u. S. Elections on november 3rd and for. All hail the doctor explores the complexities of our Global Response to the coronavirus pandemic could a proposed traffic scheme threaten one of the worlds most famous heritage sites will report from stonehenge up front returns with Emmy Award Winning journalist Richelle Carey shell cut through the headlights and be rigorous debate and former french president Nicolas Sarkozy will face trial on corruption charges well bring you the latest november. Onal jersey. Minus signs up on the boat and the full sim in the county can lead to the sound of the maids in the country its in. If you go to the lead to mechanic watch all you will see dad soon to tell you all collectively. My nigel ill be forced to produce 1st remember one cannot think of. My nigeria women are strong we need. My mind on aljazeera. This is aljazeera. Pill im fully back to boy it is 2300 hours g. M. T. 6 pm in the eastern United States and here joining us for aljazeera is extended coverage of the u. S. Elections. Im not here to that we want. But i am here to report the countess redish we believe will be the winner democratic contender joe biden flips to key states to take him as a step closer to

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