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In the hospitals here in kabul including the professors from the Public University its still an ongoing situation both sides are selling gauge the Security Forces commander told me that we want to be very careful in this operation because we want to get white further casualties in this attack total truck joe biden have just one day of campaigning left before the president ial election both candidates have spent the last week fighting it out in battleground states some 19000000 voters have already come. Clean up operations have begun in the philippines after super typhoon go any hits the country at least 16 people died in the storm 3 others are missing theres extensive damage to homes and one province has reported run 90 percent of its infrastructure has been damaged going to he was one of this years strongest typhoons. Demonstrations are continuing on the streets in bangladeshs capital of dhaka tens of thousands of bangladeshis have been voicing their anger against french president emanuel recent controversial comments on islam some of them have called for the closure of the French Embassy. And thousands of indonesians are protesting outside the French Embassy in jakarta the protests come after the beheading of a french teacher who showed cartoons of the prophet mohammed in class defended the images and says that he will tackle what he calls radical islam. To children have been found alive in the rubble in turkey days after a powerful earthquake a 3 year old was rescued along with her mother and her siblings in izmir a total had been under the rubble for 65 hours earlier a 14 Year Old Girl was also found alive all right youre up to date with the headlines here in odds are that more news coming up right after inside story. Algerians have voted in a referendum theyre deciding whether to approve changes to the constitution it follows months of antigovernment protests and anger so is algeria need a new constitution and how will it affect the balance of power this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program. Last year algerias protest movement toppled longtime leader abdel aziz with a flick but protesters are still demanding change because they say many of the old political elite are still in charge new president and has promised to address their complaints on sunday his government held a nationwide referendum to approve changes to the constitution they include the introduction of president ial term limits giving more powers to parliament and allowing the military to be deployed abroad but many algerians say the changes dont go far enough will bring in our guest in a moment 1st this report from hamad of all. For nearly 2 years millions of other judeans have been demanding change they say they want to move the system of polish hailing a stronger popular representation and got on to use of social individual rights. President of the machine to boon promised to address those demands through amendments to the constitution. If approved then limits president s to serve only 2 terms in office and. Give the president the ability to appoint a Prime Minister from his own party if it wins a majority and crucially it will give parliament the power to remove the Prime Minister through a motion of no confidence. The government says the amendments respond to peoples fundamental aspirations by establishing a genuine democracy there are more changes planned on social and individual freedoms we dont recognise this system in power and this constitution if passed will plunge us into the abyss just as the previous ss of those in power plunged us into the abyss we do not recognize them but a form is designed to turn the page on a history of centralized powers and military intervention in our politics. I swear that whatever they do we will not stop until we achieve independence and i swear that we will continue to fight until this regime falls. The protest movement otherwise known as a dark force that is ignition of president of lies is beautifully plain april last year after months of masalas but government critics see his loyalists both civilian and military still around the country. Even after the president ial election that was organized in december in an attempt to bring a change. All 5 president ial candidates in that election were part of the form of government elections for the lowest turnout in algeria as history. The date to november 1st is symbolic for judeans its the 66th anniversary of the beginning of the war of independence from colonial from us but the mood of National Solidarity the judea witnessed on 45 years ago is largely absent today because of political diffusion. Of disease. Algeria has a long history of unrest that goes back more than 30 years in 1988 riots forced constitutional changes that led to the 1st multiparty system in 1902 a military coup preventing the islamic salvation front from winning elections sparked a civil war 7 years later i see it with a flick of became president and played a role in bringing an end to the war but his bid to stand for a 5th term last year sparked mass protests and led to his resignation adam is used to and took over in a controversial election promising to launch a new algeria protesters say the government hasnt done enough to meet their demands. All right lets bring in our guests in casablanca yes man has now in the north African Affairs specialist in beirut dalia hanum a resident scholar at the malcolm h. Kirk Carnegie Middle East Center and in paris im a Research Fellow at the school for the advanced studies in the social Sciences Welcome to each of you yes i mean let me start with you does this new constitution meet the demands of protesters who have been calling for political change. Well actually i. Actually remember that as the algerians are set to vote today in a constitutional referendum which can side with the any birth 3 a very important the start of algeria juarbe independence from france who 1542964 of areas with leaders b. C. Todays going to stick to sion as an important part of the strategy to move beyond algeria but britain and rest however many algerians as i heard you know as you know and i heard in that documentary that many algerians not of legal the participated in the in the heroic Street Scenes typical about many things 1st if its in skeptical about the article that because to do shit and the applicability of the constitution ive been to that the algerian a position in racine that during the campaign of the referendum in the in last month that they were they rejected the the converted to sion and they you know the of those who go to the polls and besides that because they see that because of the jewish and is the way to distract attention from the all the ruling elites continue with agree on so i think also important to know that todays referendum comes at a time when admitting that to born is puppetry lie in overseas in germany and may help there ever be that the new constitution there are present at centerpiece of abenaki to boot. Strategy to neutralize or actually contain that Heroic Movement when its pages you know that immigration last year like others eat very important when other see the b. B. C. Then the issue insurances that meet the book and they where with the with the people of these cabinets that because additional proposals were for. We reran on the foundation of modern. New argyria as you mentioned several times while syrias main yeah i think i think you have been unable to convince very me unable to convince the opposition the lawyers and also the algerian citizen that are still treated about this current new constitution are dalia let me ask you what are the main points then proposals that are at play in this constitutional referendum yes sure but because of that i want to Say Something of the change of the constitution or that amendment of the constitution where never actually one of the demands of the had never asked for that this is why this is a nonevent so. As a matter of fact the constitutional revision was adopted already on friday september 11th by the transfer of ministers and by the National Assembly and our house of parliament and the senate so what are the what does it contain the document contained 73. 00 recommendation divided into 6 main areas including strengthening the power of the separation of powers the president s prerogative the head of the government and parliament and the judiciary and the fight against corruption but mainly the president will not actually. Exercise supposedly exercise more than chill consecutive or separate mandates and the Prime Minister will be directly accountable to parliament but behind this choice it is very important to keep in mind that actually nothing really changes. The rejean is keeping is maintaining the consistent train station of power at the palace often more idea in the hands of the president who they choose. And who chose this we are talking here about the military assault the minatory in the remain the real locus of power and they do what they have always done in ink place a man at the president ial palace there with that hyper power and control of him this is the political domination of the military of the military story this is the political domination of the military over 3000000000 and in the nuts and 7 military relationships and algeria didnt really change since being the president of the country in 1962. Opposition leaders and activists have denounced this referendum as a ploy simply for the regime to hold on to power to buy more time what do you say well we have to understand the huge prize is now in our drea if we talk about the constitution the constitution will be passed and it will be added to and altria we have a constitution that is has that diane mansion giving all power to all that is built on super out please the president ial powers and. President ial power is over to power means of justice in the also in Real Partnership and thats the 1st time that is is now im sure that such a constitution with the army now live the absence of to pull out you know is getting back to its old cries is political crazy if some of what kind of balance between the military and president ial fast sad g. I. Can have and its not just the crimes is that has followed the young patients are all the reason issues of the current search we since actually the regime really has not really been able to decide what kind of project what kind of vision or kind of balance between the soup. And to reach every stage he wanted but now with the absence of people and we are even getting back to the crises that we can that has started in 1902 since the army has councils and unique ships additions that have been ruined by that time designing citations from cities that missed the crazies that its how hot her really. And yet today it is what kind of political life without real political participation can the regime untamed with the absence of to go in what kind of with illusionary dish timoci can he seal constitutionalist in if he can he can there is use to. Play with we doubt recasts 000000000 without doing casting institutions without having new institutions without launching a new transition so really what is the clearing currently in altering that is a no crime scene that is once again put to had. With the absence of to boot and there is no way that the all cheery and yet can get out is crazy and then with a new president if to pull in dont come back some yes man you heard. Both speak a little bit about the role of the military in algeria in their answers i want to ask you to expand a little bit on that because one of the proposed changes in the constitution in the referendum now relates to the army it would allow them for the 1st time to be deployed outside of National Territory on International Peacekeeping missions are there concerns about what the implications of this would be for the military and for society. Well i actually have because i think that that the man meant mensa is is 1st of all its vague and it was actually because of the threats you know you see like that the terrorism threat in the sahara what happens in libya in mali and central but its put a little bit down about the you know that the regional as its like how these how algeria is going to deploy its you know its army and what what what benefits can it can be given to algeria in order to be people who are disarmed so i think its its its its a big its a big big big debate and thats what what what happens in the constituent tuitions is that many articles are vague and they have to be redefined not to believe the deployment of. The army there should be like a kind of law that structures the deployment of the army we know we know whats happening in the region you know whats happening with the conflict that is happening in libya in mali et cetera and little bit of issues between you know that happening between you know. Morocco and and and and algeria knowing that that algeria is also in the police are you in its installer territory so one has to requestion that that the deployment and its among the reasons that you know the people in the here are are bit confused about all these all these articles and its also the fact that many who didnt want to take up there are the streets despite the pandemic because because due to be men a better balance of power in the hole to steer the gentry away from other retirees and isnt so you know people in their right to be see that need that to be the army is still that still have to follow or even if now theyre going to let them who has lost the july. In them at all overseas but we see that at the end of general of the the and in the act in of the Armed Forces General that agent john kerry how conformant whoi who has not been neutral in his position regarding the constitution why didnt you know and. Karajan the alter you to go to go to the polls i think that is that little bit you know questions and had to do Everything Else procedure that the going into the army overseas that that has to be really find and requests he by the International Community that he has since being elected has president suborn actually reached out to the head of a protest movement has there been any kind of dialogue. While unfortunately the answer is no and by putting in place this referendum i believe that he is aggravating something that has started on february 22nd 2019 that is the legitimacy crisis there is a profound crisis of trust and legitimacy in. Let us as your report said it 1st one should remember that the election of. One took place despite its rejection by a majority of algerians and that abstention weight was officially at 60 percent and these are officially numbers so one can imagine what where what was the real numbers then you have a president. Who wanted to all multiplied the declare ration of appeasement to the towards a hair of white and in practice it was or set in motion the repressive machine with dozens of arrests of journalists of activists of ordinary citizen of happiness and finally at this new constitution is not a new move but actually every aisle julian president who came to power tried to leave his grill by putting forward and your constitution but what is really important to keep in mind is the difference between what a good flick i did and i had the most. When bluefin it back into power in 1909 was popular back then and people voted for hemp in addition the increase in oil revenues back then led to arise in Living Standards and the Business Class subordination to the president and his entourage today this is really hard to reproduce because of the difficult Economic Conditions so our journey ends are no longer in fact too willing to accept a leadership model that produced not legitimacy but super. Through dependency and what is actually in fact if i may add a little point what is actually a grubby think this is just a mystery crisis based tied to constituents and the Economic Situation that was exacerbated by the coveted 1000. 00 crisis and its a poor management its also the Political Class inability to implement the systemic and genuine political changes for which algerians are calling and finally the departure of the president to germany and finally the departure of the president to germany and the total lack of transparency regarding his condition i mean jens had to learn from the saudis that their president was sick this is a taunt in this day for the people so the peoples idea and the shunned by the need are shipped in its Public Statement in the constituency and as we have seen with the blessed head out of your head i can believe as the constituent state that white actually showing this thing for popular demands and product it that is and portugal need for the redeem something about algeria and so were not to accept any more. Critics of the government have said that one of the reasons that authorities in algeria are reluctant to open up more political space there were at least in a more definitive manner is because theyre afraid that they will be held accountable for their actions during the countrys civil war do you think thats the case. Well of course that thats always the case that the military has always been afraid to be held accountable thats why this. That we need a president to be at countable for a Good Governance that again i believe that the real crises we are on react in algeria beyond the issue of constitution is really an end to the people that sense of a boon for the next monster and if we remember what happened in. 2019 when put fear cov was not to algeria as president anymore are what do we did we were its not as we sold that to get sound i had the then chief armenian staff i actually feel does that few of these. Has done this back to the head of the state and now we are in the same stew ition but we are having aggravating factors factors in terms of this crisis call of government talented and balance between you and me that military power is. Hardly impacted by the. Health and education and social and economic crisis that has been aggravated by the convened and that has not been able to manage without. The follow ups and that of your event if as i said the president each susan to take the place of that negative long so who anything any any any question because it will even really complicate things much more because if you remember where that the negative one came to paris he brought with him his own client tells his own plans and people who have been judged by algorithms have highly and competence of the new president is choose and he we also have to bring his own staff and it will take time and ill do you have now the looser regional us to those too. Titles not time and theres also a problem of constances between the top generals on the kind of 6 assert that we choose and thats also the main problem i see through shaleen and relationship with the all g. M. People and the fact that they have been largely booking the last president ial elections 2 days with him and then how can you visit to nice and you president to new president ial elections thatll be absolutely impulse people should have yes i mean we only have about 3 minutes left i want to ask you about the opposition and algeria because many have said that the opposition there has been weakened by not having effective leadership has the opposition actually been able to articulate a vision for the country. Well yes they have been very active with iraq with iraq and. Iraq they must return. By the simple reason that they rejected a during the campaign they were boycotting the people to go to the to to to to to the ball because because it read for them resemble whatever was in the constitution article doesnt go in line with the aspiration of the people of the iraq and you are talking about the language im talking about identity algerian and identity at the track so i think that the real taste for today and decide to go the line with what then yes they then i agree with our story just pours for the situation we need to read the voter today were talking about the opposition how many we go we go to vote up and he now we read for example and you know we are asking you is do you have like 63 can you use that canceled. The vote because the security reasons so one had to think the enthusiasm of the algerian people besides the opposition and the readiness and conviction to go to to to to dibble then also during the campaign there were some obstruction of these opposition although they did a deeper from the hair act to have to do to have their say this is very important that was not really reach. Xanga the way they were really imprisoning so i think that lets remember also that during the president ial election there was like a turnout of less than 40 percent of people who would go to the bottle and up and say now we have only the percent who went to the to the polls so i think i think everything is clear i think that there be a jury in leadership really need to review it its its its its a vision that the people have given the same because. That the algerians dont have the air that there is not good coverage of them not talking about algeria because everywhere that the old hearing has been effected for more than 100 years we talk about civilian war i dont think that it will be civilian war anymore because the algerian have suffered a lot because of the colonization and 100 years of the internal or civil war but all the need now is it is a Good Governance all we need now is is to find that like a good good will care for them so i think that and for that yes they will be our. People we vote and i but i dont think its going to be at the expectations of or at the expiration of the iraq people adding to that the report also. And yes i mean i guess im a im sorry im sorry to interrupt but wait we have run out of time so were going to have to leave the conversation there thanks to all our guests yes mean has now it that we have on him and will because and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website aljazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a. J. Inside story for me mama drama the whole team here bye for now. In a global pandemic. Family comes 1st. For every American Healthcare has never been more important. Because the new disease does not favor republicans over democrats bridge over poor or black over white. America decides how to care for a nation. Extensive coverage of the us elections. On aljazeera a journey of discovery. Which is the kochi of a letter to germany addressed by ground. 0. 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Good morning the president of the messy they call they said interview idea thank you for talking to aljazeera france has been struck twice in 2 weeks a double strike 1st of all at conference not the no in in a school and then in a church the missing world is following you and you yourself are closely following the muslim world what can you say to the muslim world today school police

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